The Glasshouse Education and Children's Programs are proudly supported by
DEAR EDUCATOR, Welcome to another exciting year ahead at the Glasshouse. In 2011, the Glasshouse is pleased to bring you an exciting and diverse range of creative education programs for you and your students. We invite you to step into the Glasshouse to brighten your imagination and colour your students world. In 2011, students will meet a Gruffalo, discover dance, explore the interiors of the body through this diverse range of experiences of offer. From visual arts to dance, performing arts to history, the Glasshouse offers a unique learning opportunity from many areas of the curriculum. Thanks to Country Energy, our children’s programs partner, the Glasshouse is able to provide accessible and affordable programs throughout the year. Country Energy’s partnership has allowed us to offer subsidised attendance at theatre performances and teachers’ professional development workshops. Country Energy’s support also allows to us continue offering many of our other workshops and exhibitions free of charge to students. We hope you enjoy a successful 2011 and look forward to seeing you and your students at the Glasshouse.
Skye Frost Public Programs & Audience Development Officer
The Governor: Lachlan Macquarie, 1810-1821 Exhibition: 4 February – 3 April For students: Tours, 1 – 11 March For teachers: Professional Development Workshop Discovering the Governor, 25 February
The Garden of Forking Paths Exhibition: 4 February – 3 April For students: Curator’s Talk, 25 March
The Guffulo For students: Performance, 15 March
Operation Art Exhibition: 31 March – 29 May For students: Creative Workshops, 4 – 7 April For teachers: Professional Development Workshop Visual Arts Activities, 8 April
For teachers: Professional Development Workshop Creating Scenes for Small Performances, 21 June
My Grandma Lived in Gooligulch For students: Performance, 24 June
Rainbow’s End For students: Performance, 8 – 9 July
Discovering Dance For students: Introduction to classical dance workshop, 12 August
Reading the Body Exhibition: 11 August – 8 October For students: Body Movement & Dance Workshops, 23 – 26 August
The Happiest Show on Earth For students: Performance, 2 September
Theatre Bites – HSC Drama Showcase For students: Performance, 3 September
Aquasculpture For students: Fish-making Workshops, 19 – 23 September
ARTEXPRESS Exhibition: 13 October – 11 December For students: Full-day Visual Arts Workshop, 14 October For teachers: Professional Development Workshop Exhibitions, 17 October
ON EXHIBITION The Governor: Lachlan Macquarie, 1810-1821 A touring exhibition from the State Library of NSW
4 February – 3 April
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Discovering The Governor Friday 25 February
EXHIBITION The Garden of Forking Paths An exhibition of Historic & Contemporary Artists’ Computer Games A d/lux/MediaArts, NSW touring Exhibition
4 February – 3 April
PERFORMANCE Presented by Christine Dunstan Productions and Tall Stories
The Gruffalo Tuesday 15 March
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Visual Arts for the Classroom Friday 8 April
from Ope rat ion
31 March – 29 May
Student wor k
A touring exhibition from the Department of Education and Training NSW
Operation Art 010 rt 2
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PRIMARY & SECONDARY - FOR STUDENTS : ON EXHIBITION The Governor: Lachlan Macquarie, 1810-1821 A touring exhibition from the State Library of NSW
4 February – 3 April
The Governor: Lachlan Macquarie 1810 to 1821 celebrates the 200th anniversary of Lachlan Macquarie’s governorship. Lachlan Macquarie was sworn in as fifth Governor of New South Wales on 1 January 1810. His vision was to transform the colony from a penal outpost to a prosperous British settlement. Drawn from the State Library of NSW’s internationally renowned Macquarie collection, this exhibition explores his personality, family life and relationships with prominent people of the era. On display are personal letters, journals, maps, paintings and objects, that tell the story of his contribution to colonial Australia. FOR STUDENTS - GUIDED TOURS 1 March – 11 March
Lachlan Macquarie was an energetic and enthusiastic leader who encouraged exploration, revolutionised colonial architecture, revived commerce, and promoted education and social welfare. Students will step back in time to explore the unique history of this remarkable man as they explore the challenges Macquarie faced in his ambition to transform the penal colony of New South Wales. It explores his personality, family life and relationships with prominent people of the era. Dates: Tuesday 1 March – Friday 11 March 2011 Time: By request Cost: FREE with booking request Venue: Glasshouse Regional Gallery Duration: approx 60 minutes Suitable for: Years 3 – 12 Key Learning Areas: Australian History, English, Local History, Explorers Bookings: Complete booking request and fax to (02) 6581 8107 RESOURCES Teachers notes and resources accompany this exhibition and are available at
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Discovering The Governor Friday 25 February Paul Brunton, Senior Curator, Mitchell Library, State Library NSW will share little-known insights about the state’s fifth and longest serving colonial governor who turned a penal colony into a free society. Teachers will learn about exploration and expansion in the colony during the Macquarie era, which included a series of landmark tours by Macquarie and the establishment of many new settlements, including Port Macquarie. This is a wonderful opportunity to explore the exhibition, ask questions and link into our local heritage.
Governor Lachlan Macqua r
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Date: Friday 25 February Time: 4.30pm – 6.30pm Cost: $10 Venue: Glasshouse Regional Gallery Duration: 2 hours approx Suitable for: Educators Bookings: Complete booking request and fax to (02) 6581 8107
The Garden of Forking Paths An exhibition of Historic & Contemporary Artists’ Computer Games A d/lux/MediaArts, NSW touring Exhibition
4 February – 3 April The Garden of Forking Paths exhibition draws together notable historic and contemporary computer games created by artists that push the bounds of the genre and break the orthodox set of rules. The presented pieces span the last three decades - from Jaron Lanier's 1983 Commodore64 game Moondust through to Tale-of-Tales 2009 release The Path - a period which has seen incredible advances in technology and the birth of the information age. All of the pieces in the show can be played by visitors and will raise many questions about the individual artists perspective on play, narrative, technology and interaction.
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Friday 25 March Students studying visual arts in high school are encouraged to come along and listen to curator Neil Jenkins discuss the exhibition and an overview of the development of digital art in Australia. Date: Friday 25 March Time: 1.30pm Cost: FREE with booking request Venue: Glasshouse Regional Gallery Duration: 60 minutes Suitable for: Years 10 – 12 Visual Arts Key Learning Areas: Visual Arts, Video Games, Digital Media Bookings: Complete booking request and fax to (02) 6581 8107 RESOURCES Teachers notes and resources accompany this exhibition and are available at
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The Gruffalo is a magical magical musica musiccaall mo monster onster of a shhow,, addapptedd from onee off th the he w worlrld's wor ld's high ighestt selling children’s picturee books bbookks by b Lon London’s ndoon’ss award-winning Tall Storiess The Thea heatre a e Company. Coompanny. Whether their favourite food iss roasted oassted fox, foox, owl ow wl ice icce cream, scrambbledd snakke or Gruf uffallo crumb cruumbble, le, st stu tude uddents entts eat upp this delectable tale aboout u the adv adventures venttures of a clever little mouse in a forest full u of predators. datoors
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The magical agical musical musical adaptation addapptattionn off the thhhee aaward-winning awaard-winnning picture book ook by by Ju Jul ulia ia Doonnald ldsson on anndd AAxxel Sch chef effller, er, published byy Macmillan Macmilllan Children’s M Childrren’ss BBooks ooookks
Join Mouse on an adventurous joourney throughh the thhe deep, ddeeep, dark dark wood in this big scary monster ooff a show. Mouse can can scare sca s re hun hungry ngrry animals away with tall stories off the t terrifying Gruffalo, alo, but but what what happens happppens when she comes face to face withh tthe very creature she he imagined? imaaginned? Songgs, laugghs and scaryy fun for childddren r agged 3 and upp, andd their their adults… addultts… Let your imagination run wild! Date: Tuesday 15 March Times: 11.30am & 1.30pm Cost: $6 students – 1 FOC teachers ticket for every ver 20 students Venue: Glasshouse Theatre Dura Du rati tion on:: 50 50 mi minu nute tess Suitable for: Years K – 3 Key Learning Areas: English, Drama Book Bo okin ings gs:: Com Compl plet etee bo book okin ingg re requ ques estt an and d fa faxx to (02 (02)) 6581 6 810 8107 RESOURCES Teachers notes and resources accompany this product ction and are availilabl ble att www.gllassh .o /
Operation Art A touring exhibition from the Department of Education and Training NSW
31 March – 29 May Operation Art provides opportunities for students to demonstrate their achievements in visual arts through a major exhibition which receives widespread publicity and recognition. The works submitted are designed to contribute to a visual environment that helps relieve anxiety for children during hospitalisation.
Student work from O pera tion Art 201 0
Contemporary research shows that an optimistic outlook reflected in artworks contributes to the healing process and recovery of patients. All schools in NSW are invited to participate in Operation Art, an initiative of Westmead Children’s Hospital in collaboration with the New South Wales Department of Education and Training. FOR STUDENTS : WORKSHOPS
Bookings: More information will be sent to schools closer to the event. Bookings will be made through the NSW DET Arts Unit.
Ope rat ion
Student wor k
Date: 4 – 7 April Times: Monday 4 April – Early Stage 1 Tuesday 5 April – Stage 1 Wednesday 6 April – Stage 2 Thursday 7 April – Stage 3 Venue: Glasshouse Regional Gallery Duration: 9.00am – 2.30pm Suitable for: Years K – 6 Key Learning Areas: Visual Arts
4 – 7 April Students and teachers will spend a whole who day making, creating and learning. Covering various art forms, workshops run from fr 9:00 am – 2.30pm. All you need to bring is a paint shirt to protect your clothing - all other and materials are supplied. ther equipment e
010 rt 2
Visual Arts for the Classroom Friday 8 April
Student work from O pera tion
Art 201 0
K-6 teachers are invited to participate in this full day program of visual arts activities. Teachers will examine the current teaching strategies and student learning resources while encouraging teachers to extend their practical art making skills by exploring a variety of materials and tools in both 2D and 3D works. It is a very hands-on, practical day with specialist visual arts teachers and artists working together to inspire participating teachers and assist them to teach visual arts more confidently. This is a NSWIT accredited course (151SID016) Date: Friday 8 April Times: 9am – 3pm Venue: Country Energy Artlab Duration: Full day Suitable for: K – 6 Teachers Bookings: More information will be sent to schools closer to the event. Bookings will be made through the NSW DET Arts Unit.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Creating Scenes for Small Performances Thursday 21 June
PERFORMANCE Garry Ginivan Attractions and Gooligulch Productions present
My Grandma Lived in Gooligulch By Graeme Base Adapted by Graeme Base and Garry Ginivan Produced by Karen Keegan
Friday 24 June
PERFORMANCE Riverside Productions presents
Rainbow’s End By Jane Harrison 8 & 9 July
Creating Scenes for Small Performances Thursday 21 June Teachers are invited to come along and participate in this hands-on workshop with Kelvin Roberts from the University of Newcastle. During this workshop, teachers will discover affordable and creative ways to maximise the impact of props and scenery on stage for small performances. Teachers will explore materials and construction methods to enable the best use of creative spaces in performances. Date: Thursday 21 June Times: 4.30pm – 6.30pm Cost: $10 Venue: Glasshouse Theatre Duration: 2 hours includes resources and refreshments Suitable for: Creative and Performing Arts Teachers Bookings: Complete booking request and fax to (02) 6581 8107
PRIMARY - FOR STUDENTS - PERFORMANCE Garry Ginivan Attractions and Gooligulch Productions present
My Grandma Lived in Gooligulch By Graeme Base Adapted by Graeme Base and Garry Ginivan Produced by Karen Keegan
Friday 24 June From Graeme Base, creator of best-selling picture books Animalia (now a major animated TV series on PBS), The Eleventh Hour and the award-winning Uno’s Garden, here is a rollicking musical tale of city kid Kate who has to spend the summer holidays with her eccentric Grandma in outback Gooligulch. Kate is sure it will be the worst holiday of her life but when she finds the animals in Gooligulch can talk, her eyes are opened to a whole new world. Full of imagination, charm and humour, with puppets, original music and a highly talented cast, this engaging Australian musical has universal appeal.
"A magical theatrical experience" The Age
Date: Friday 24 June Times: 9.30am & 11.30am Cost: $6 students – 1 FOC Teachers’ ticket for every 20 students Venue: Glasshouse Theatre Duration: 60 minutes Suitable for: Years K – 6 Key Learning Areas: English, Drama, Music Bookings: Complete booking request and fax to (02) 6581 8107 RESOURCES Teachers notes and resources accompany this production and are available at ONLINE PREVIEW ALSO AVAILABLE
FOR STUDENTS : PERFORMANCE SECONDARY Riverside Productions presents
Rainbow’s End By Jane Harrison
8 & 9 July Three generations of Koorie women, Nan Dear, her feisty daughter Gladys and clever teenage Dolly live on the outskirts of a country town in a shack on the river banks. For Nan, even life on ‘the Flats’ represents progress of a kind, but Gladys has bigger ambitions for a real house and a real job for Dolly in the town. When Gladys takes on buying the Encyclopaedia Britannica to improve Dolly’s chances, their lives take an unexpected turn. Set against the Queen’s visit in the 1950’s with music from the period, this tender, funny play is a story of hope and belonging. Most of all it is a celebration of the triumph of human spirit as the three feisty women fight for an equal chance and acceptance in a conservative white, post-colonial community. Date: Friday 8 July, Saturday 9 July Times: 8pm Individual Cost: $25.50 student, $46 adult A Reserve SPECIAL OFFER FOR SCHOOLS ONLY. Group of 10 Students - $20 per student + 1 FOC Teacher Ticket Venue: Glasshouse Theatre Duration: 95 minutes (no interval) Suitable for: Years 11 & 12 Key Learning Areas: History, Drama, English, Religion 581 81 8 8107 07 Bookings: Complete booking request and fax to (02) 6581 RESOURCES elonging longing category categor Rainbow’s End is now on the HSC syllabus for NSW in the Belonging
PRIMARY & SECONDARY - FOR STUDENTS : PERFORMANCE Discovering Dance presented by The Australian Ballet
Friday 12 August Featuring The Dancers Company, the regional touring arm of The Australian Ballet, this hour-long program is an informative and entertaining introduction to classical dance and is particularly engaging for children. A collaboration between The Australian Ballet and The Australian Ballet School, The Dancers Company has toured regional Australia since 1980. The dancers’ training will be demonstrated in a shortened class, followed by fully staged excerpts from The Dancers Company’s repertoire. Date: Friday 12 August Times: 11am to 12 noon Cost: School Groups (17 years and under) $7 per student for groups of 10 (one free ticket for supervisor teacher/adults for each group of 10 students) Duration: 60 minutes (no interval) Suitable for: Age 5 to adult Bookings: or call 1300 369 741 Key Learning Areas: Dance, Drama, Music Corea in rehe arsal. Pho to J eff Bus by for A The allet an B rali ust
PRIMARY & SECONDARY - FOR STUDENTS : ON EXHIBITION Reading The Body A d/lux/MediaArts, NSW touring Exhibition
11 August – 8 October A single screen/double video installation that juxtaposes a filmed dancer with a poem – Reading the Body. The installation offers a rich cinematic and spatial rendering of the body and the text of the poem. Inspired by the whimsical nature of the text, curious animations of bones and organs partner the dancer, revealing the body for scrutiny. Reading the Body explores the collaborative narrative possibilities between text and movement. How does poetry influence the reading of the language of movement and in turn, the body. Both text and moving image are screened simultaneously, from two different angles, onto a suspended perspex screen. The angle and placement of the viewer in relation to the screen, determines whether text or film is observed. Ideally the audience moves to encounter both the poem and the dance. FOR STUDENTS: WORKSHOPS 23 August - 26 August Join us a special look at the artwork Reading the Body with choreographer Sue Healy. Students will explore this exhibition and participate in a workshop that incorporates body movement and dance. Date: Tuesday 23 August – Friday 26 August Times: 10am & 1pm Cost: Free with booking request. Venue: Glasshouse Regional Gallery & Ross Family Studio Duration: 60 minutes Suitable for: Years 3 – 6 (30 students max) Key Learning Areas: Visual Arts, Digital Media, English, Drama, Dance Bookings: Complete booking request and fax to (02) 6581 8107 RESOURCES vaillablee at www w.gla assh sh ho ous ussee.or Teachers Notes and resources accompany this exhibition and are available
PRIMARY - FOR STUDENTS : PERFORMANCE The Happiest Show On Earth Friday 2 September Inspired by the Medicine Shows of the early 1900s, this new production for K – 6 students, explores the theme of children’s happiness in a story emblazoned with foot-stomping music and dazzling vaudevillian theatrics involving magic, illusion and comedy. Doctor Terrence Jupiter Smith shares his secret of happiness, whilst entertaining us with the Fabulous Flea Circus, the Sensational Sharp-Shooting Carrots, the Hilarious Happ-o-meter, the Amazing Machine, the Cuddly Koala Man and a Lighter-than-Air Levitation Act that goes embarrassingly wrong. Doctor Smith’s sister, Dorothy Venus Smith and a ventriloquist doll named Danny, save the day. Using the bluff and bluster of outrageously tacky salesmanship, orchestrated by a raft of smoke and mirror tricks, three intrepid performers of the medicine show tradition entice their young audience into buying into their bizarre claims regarding their little blue bottle of magic. Full of comedy, spectacle, circus, magic and music, the show provides an entertaining "take" on the world of the "hard sell" using the traditions of ye old-time medicine show. A perfect show for the four-year-old who wants everything. Date: Friday 2 September Times: 9.30am & 11.30am Cost: $6 students – 1 FOC Teachers ticket for every 20 students Venue: Glasshouse Theatre Duration: 50 minutes Suitable for: Years K – 6 Key Learning Areas: English, Drama, Education Bookings: Complete booking request and fax to (02) 6581 8107 RESOURCES Teachers notes and resources accompany this production and are available at ONLINE PREVIEW ALSO AVAILABLE
SECONDARY - FOR STUDENTS : PERFORMANCE Theatre Bites : HSC Drama Showcase Saturday 3 September An offshoot from the ‘Playrites’ Theatre Festival run by Port Macquarie-Hastings Council in 2005, Theatre Bites is an exciting showcase of some of the most outstanding HSC drama performances from schools in our region. It is a chance to see youth theatre at its best! A show that is full of fast, short bites of theatrical genius!
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In association with the Education @ the Glasshouse, Theatre Bites is presented by the Mid North Coast Drama Collegiate which is a voluntary group of drama teachers (government and non-government schools) who have organised this program for the past five years in order to showcase local students’ work. Date: Saturday 3 September Times: TBC Cost: $10 Venue: Ross Family Studio Duration: 120 minutes (20 minute interval) Suitable for: Years 9 - 11 Key Learning Areas: Drama Bookings: More information will be posted closer to the event To enquire about student participation for HSC Students, please call CJ Grootenboer on 0425 252 898.
In the lead up to the 2011 AquaSculpture outdoor sculpture exhibition, primary schools are invited to participate and contribute to this creative festival in fish-making workshops with local artists. AquaSculpture is a biennial public event with a competitive outdoor exhibition of sculptures on Port Macquarie’s Town Green, an indoor show of small sculptures, and community sculpture workshops, which coincide with the Confluence exhibition at the Glasshouse Regional Gallery from 14 – 23 October 2011.
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Aquasculpture Workshops 19 – 23 September
Schools are also invited to submit works for the sculpture exhibition. For more information visit Date: Monday 19 September – Friday 23 September Times: 10am & 1pm Cost: FREE Venue: Country Energy ArtLab Duration: 90 minutes Suitable for: Years 3 – 6 (30 students max) Key Learning Areas: Creative Arts, Sculpture Bookings: Complete booking request and fax to (02) 6581 8107
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ARTEXPRESS represents the high standards and diversity achieved by Year 12 Visual Arts students in New South Wales schools.
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ARTEXPRESS is an annual exhibition of artworks created by students from government and non-government schools for the Higher School Certificate Examination in Visual Arts. The works demonstrate exceptional quality across a broad range of subject matter, approaches, styles and media including painting, photomedia, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, documented forms, textiles and fibre, ceramics, time-based works, and collections of works.
FOR STUDENTS : WORKSHOPS Friday 14 October The Glasshouse in association with ARTEXPRESS and the NSW Department of Education and Trainings Arts Unit, will be running a full day workshop for students in Years 11 who are continuing to progress with Visual Arts in the HSC. Working with visual artist Wendy Stokes, the students will have the opportunity to develop drawing skills through in an intensive full day workshop. All materials supplied. Oscar Clos e , G ran vill e S out hH
Date: Friday 14 October Times: 9am – 3.30pm Cost: TBC Venue: Country Energy ArtLab Duration: Full day Suitable for: Yr 11 & Yr 10 Visual Arts Students. Limited spaces available. Bookings: More information will be sent to all schools as the event approaches
TEACHERS : PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Exhibitions & Exhibiting Monday 17 October
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Participants at the Visual Arts Teachers’ Day will explore the idea of exhibition and the role that exhibitions play in art making practice. The perspective of artists, gallery personnel, teachers and students accepted into ARTEXPRESS will be presented along with discussions of the ARTEXPRESS exhibition, classroom program development and the Higher School Certificate examination.
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The program is designed to provide insight and make connections with Stages 5 and 6 art making and historical and critical studies. The Teachers’ Day is registered with the NSW Institute of Teachers. Date: Monday 17 October Times: 9.00am – 3.30pm Cost: TBC Venue: Glasshouse Arts Conference & Entertainment Centre Duration: Full day Suitable for: Visual Arts Teachers – Secondary Bookings: More information will be sent to all schools as the event approaches
HOW TO BOOK A booking request is required for both serviced and non-serviced tours Complete the Booking Request Form Fax to (02) 6581 8107 or drop into the Glasshouse Box Office located on the corner of Clarence and Hay Street, Port Macquarie A booking confirmation and/or tax invoice will be sent Please be aware that workshops and performances do book out. We do try to cater for schools travelling from long distances and ask that schools located within close proximity be flexible with their booking times.
EDUCATION ENQUIRIES For all enquires about the Education @ the Glasshouse program, the Country Energy Bus Subsidy or to arrange a general class visit, please contact Skye Frost directly on (02) 6581 8701 or
BUS DROP OFF POINTS There are three bus drop off points located within a block from the Glasshouse. t $MBSFODF 4USFFU 0VUTJEF UIF (MBTTIPVTF
MORE INFORMATION For more information on planning your visit and to download educational resources, please visit
COUNTRY ENERGY BUS SUBSIDY Thanks to the generous support of Country Energy, students will be able to participate in Education @ the Glasshouse programs even more. Bus subsidies are available for isolated schools, schools who live outside of the 2444 region and schools who are identified as a high priority schools with the Department of Education. Schools can apply for a bus subsidy by downloading the application form available on the Glasshouse Education Website. Limited subsides available.
KEEP IN TOUCH Keep in touch with the latest Education news and events through the Glasshouse Education E-News. Receive the latest updates and information about special programs when you sign up to our Education E-News as well as invitations to special events. To join the list please email
PLEASE NOTE: Dates, time and programs in this booklet may be subject to change.
PHONE (02) 6581 8888 FAX (02) 6581 8107 EMAIL