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April 2014

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One sector of boating that desperately needs change is the recreational harbors on the


Great Lakes. Our story on page 24 describes their decaying infrastructures. This is a The change from winter to spring is

sad tale of small recreational harbors that

a welcome occurrence most years,

dot the coastlines of the Great Lakes and

but this year it’s a very welcome one.

whose dredging needs and necessary

Ask anyone who lives in or around the

infrastructure repairs remain largely unmet.

Great Lakes and they’ll tell you that this year’s winter was one for the ages.

Washington, D.C. It’s time to change this, and we’re calling on Congress to set aside

obvious. The more disconcerting picture is

funds in the Water Resources Development

that taken by satellites orbiting the globe

Act for use at Great Lakes harbors. In

and showing that on Feb. 3, 2014, 80 percent

addition, we want the USFWS to use Wallop

of the Great Lakes were covered with ice.

Breaux Funds (The Sport Fishing and Boat

than 60 years, and this is one of the worst winters he’s ever experienced. But

Infrastructure Grant funds. We’ve already got too many of these large transient slips. Change is also called for in the way we use facial cleansers and other personal

just simpler times. In the case of our cover story on Pro-Line Boats, the change recalls one of the greatest writers of the 20th Century who had an all-consuming passion for fishing and had a definite connection to the Great Lakes—Ernest Hemingway. Born in Oak Park, Ill., a western suburb of Chicago, Hemingway spent his childhood learning how to fish on Lake Michigan, as well as during the summers he spent on Walloon Lake in Michigan. Many of his novels reflect his enduring love of fishing, while his life spent in Key West was full

care items. They’re showing up as plastic microparticles in the Great Lakes, and as Sherri Mason, Ph.D., our author and researcher notes, they can cause great harm to the marine ecosystem, to say

Hemingway Edition fishing boats. The design of these boats resembles his beloved fishing vessel Pilar and even bears a replica of his signature. Pro-Line debuted, the Pro-Line 23 Sport Hemingway Edition, at the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show. At the Oct. 31 unveiling, two of Hemingway’s grandchildren, Mina Hemingway and John Hemingway, were on hand to do the honors. 4 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60610. Magazine at 1032 N. LaSalle, Chicago, IL 60610

we too can be part of the solution to this

p 312.266.8400 or e

growing problem affecting our pristine

Great Lakes Boating Magazine is available online at

waters. See her article on page 28. and at any of the distribution

And when it comes to safe boating

centers and newsstands in areas surrounding the Great Lakes. Postmaster should forward all

practices, our article from BoatUS,

undelivered issues to Great Lakes Boating Magazine,

which begins on page 35, recommends

1032 N. LaSalle Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60610.

the 10 pieces of equipment that should be aboard every boat 20 feet or smaller.

changes and innovations in outboard

with the family to design the Pro-Line

2014 is a registered trademark (73519-331) of Chicago

For editorial inquiries, contact Great Lakes Boating

between the tip of Florida and Cuba.

and now Pro-Line Boats has collaborated


Boating Publications, Inc., its publisher, 1032 N. LaSalle

that if we are part of the problem, then

Finally, you can learn about the latest

and grandchildren his love of fishing,

GREAT LAKES BOATING® Magazine (ISSN 1937-7274)

nothing of the fish we eat. Mason says

of adventures sportfishing the waters

Hemingway passed on to his children

Advertising | Sales Inquiries Neil Dikmen p 312.266.8400 • f 312.266.8470 e

not add more transient slips via Boating

attention to the changes that are coming.

us of great people, memorable events, or

Art Direction Steve Jones

Restoration Act) to dredge these harbors,

enough about cold and snow, let’s turn our

Sometimes changes are made to remind

Contributing Writers Bob Brandenstein Sherri A. Mason, Ph.D.

harbors is a constrained budget from

one of cold, wind, and snow is to state the

me that he’s lived in Chicago for more

Managing Editor Karen Malonis Associate Editor Jerome A. Koncel

The major reason for these decaying

To describe the winter of 2013-2014 as

Our associate editor, Jerry Koncel, tells

Publisher & Editor in Chief F. Ned Dikmen

motors beginning on page 18. Each year, major outboard manufacturers try to make the lives of recreational boaters and fishermen a lot easier with lighter models,

All manuscripts should be accompanied by a selfaddressed stamped envelope. Great Lakes Boating Magazine is not responsible and will not be liable for non-solicited manuscripts, including photographs. Great Lakes Boating Magazine does not assume liability or ensure accuracy of the content contained in its articles, editorials, new product releases and advertising. Inquiries may be directed to the authors through the editorial office. Products, services and

more fuel-efficient engines, and innovative

advertisements appearing in Great Lakes Boating

technology. They’ve certainly done that

Magazine do not constitute an endorsement or

again this year, and joysticks that maneuver

guarantee of their safety by Great Lakes Boating

boats forward, backward, and diagonally,

Magazine. Material in the publication may not be

with one hand are a standout feature.

reproduced in any form without written consent of the

So enjoy the change from winter to spring,

staff. Past copies may be purchased by sending a

and most of all, enjoy your time on the water.

written request to the offices of Great Lakes Boating

Great Lakes Boating Magazine editorial and executive

Magazine. For reprints contact: FosteReprints, p 800.382.0808 or f 219.879.8366.


22 Features FEATURES



• HEMINGWAY EDITION................. 12 • OUTBOARD INNOVATIONS ............ 22 • DECAYING MARINAS .................... 24 • MICRO PARTICLES ....................... 28 • INVASIVE SPACIES........................ 32

SPOTLIGHTS Spotlight • U.S. POWER SQUADRON .............. 10 • GREENLINE ............................... 16 • TEN PIECES OF GEAR ................. 35

IN THE In theNEWS News

• GREAT LAKES ..............................36 36 • FISHING .................................... 40 • MARINAS.................................. 42 • NATIONAL ................................. 44 • SAILING .................................... 46

32 Departments DEPARTMENTS

• PUBLISHER’S NOTE...........................04 • EDITORIALS ........................................ 08 • NEW PRODUCTS ...............................48 • BOAT CARE AND FEEDING..................50 • EVENTS CALENDAR ..........................52 • MARINE MART..................................53 • ADVERTISER INDEX ..........................54

• READ •


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Sell your boat on our NEW redesigned Classified Section 6 GLB | Jan/Feb 14

PRO-LINE 23 SPORT Hemingway Edition .................... 23’0”


.................... 8’6”




.................... 20°


....................118 gals

Pro-Line’s 23 Sport Hemingway Edition is the first in a series of boats designed with the family of Ernest Hemingway, one of this country’s prominent writers of the 20th Century. Granddaughter Mina Hemingway recalls that Ernest Hemingway often took his sons fishing and often gave them this advice: “Never buy a boat because it’s big or fancy. Always get one that’s a good fishing vessel!” The Pro-Line 23 Sport Hemingway edition reflects his views of boating and fishing. It is built to be a reliable fishing craft that is trailerable, highly maneuverable, and comes with a Mercury Verado 300 hp outboard. The Hemingway package includes a custom Hemingway signature full-side wrap; custom T-Top with storage and two extra rod holders; flat black powdercoat bow rail, T-Top, seat frames, and side rails; aluminum helm seat with upgraded upholstery, leaning post, backrest, and rod holders; folding rear seat with upgraded upholstery; and AM/FM radio with four speakers and iPod control. Pro-Line says that its Hemingway edition package will be available on all Pro-Line models from 23 to 35 feet.

PRO-LINE BOATS 1653 Whichards Beach Road Washington, NC 27889 800-344-1281



For all the talk about a rebound in the boating industry, there lurks an imminent crisis that can put a real damper on boating’s recovery from the Recession of 2007-2009. We’re not talking about the need to att ract more young people into boating. We’re not pointing the fi nger at efforts to increase the number of minorities involved in boating. No, the crisis facing Great Lakes boating can be described in two words: decaying infrastructures. The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), which has responsibility for maintaining 139 Great Lakes harbors, points out that many of them need dredging, a significant number need infrastructure repairs, and some of them are even in imminent danger of failure. USACE reports that federal harbor infrastructure maintenance is no longer a federal budget priority, which has produced a continuing deterioration.

If this wasn’t bad enough, there are two other mitigating factors. The fi rst is recent low water levels that have accelerated deterioration in many harbor structures. The second is a serious lack of funding. The federal government no longer considers Great Lakes harbors a budget priority because of the lack of commercial use. USACE estimates that it would take $200 million a year to take care of these commercial ports and an additional $15 to $30 million to take care of the shallow draft/recreational harbors. The end result is that USACE is turning to state and local officials. Together they face the challenging task of developing a sound strategy to ensure the continued protection of critical coastal infrastructure. The Corps is implementing a two-tiered approach to address this need. The fi rst tier will focus on prioritizing limited funding to critical commercial harbor infrastructure using risk-based methodology. The second approach will be to initiate a dialogue with state and local officials to determine the best strategy for protecting vital harbor infrastructure that is no longer a budget priority.

If this approach sounds like it lacks substance, that’s correct. If the federal government doesn’t maintain these harbors, who do we turn to for help? State and local officials. State and municipal governments say they have neither the time, money, nor interest in assuming maintenance responsibility for these structures. The lack of answers to the decaying infrastructure problem prompts us to stand back, reflect, and ask who will help Great Lakes boaters and anglers, whose economic impact is more than $9 billion a year? No one! We’re orphans with no parents to give us guidance and protection. Who will stand up and shout out our needs and desires, our importance to the region’s economic growth and vitality, and now our risks of imminent danger? Boating needs a czar, someone who can stand up and represent us, and it’s neither the federal government, state or local governments, the National Marine Manufacturing Association (NMMA), RBFF, BoatUS, even the Great Lake Boating Federation. So where do we go? If we are to fi nd a solution to the serious challenges posed by limited funding and decaying harbor structure, we need to look no further than ourselves. Every single recreational boater and sportfishermen on the Great Lakes should become problem solvers. They should not only be telling their elected officials about the infrastructure problems, but they should also demand that action be taken now to resolve these lurking dangers. Recreational boating and sportsfishing are vital to the economic growth and vitality of the Great Lakes, but no one seems to believe this. Or, if they do believe this, they feel recreational boaters can be passed over because they have no one who can stand up and represent them. Don’t be bullied by other special interest groups. Be a problem solver by gett ing involved and let our elected officials know what needs to be done to resolve our pressing problems.


8 GLB | Mar/A pr 14


For many of us living along the Great Lakes, this past winter has been one long struggle. The record cold temperatures, record snow falls, piercing winds and few if any breaks from the winter doldrums have left most people in this region thankful for merely surviving this winter. If you’ve lived in or around the Great Lakes for any length of time, it’s safe to say that the winter of 2013-2014 will be one you won’t soon forget. Well, spring has arrived, and there are plenty of things to celebrate and be thankful for as we enter this time of the year. Here are just a few of them to recall as we prepare our boats for the upcoming boating season, Joysticks—If there’s ever been a technology that has been welcomed by every boater, from novice to experienced, it’s the joystick. If anyone would have told boaters 10 years ago that they would be able to maneuver a boat forward, backward, diagonally, and rotate it in a circle by simply putt ing one hand on the joystick, they would have laughed at them. But thanks to the research and development teams at companies such as Volvo Penta, Sea Star Solutions, Mercury Marine and others, this dream has become a reality, and it has made boating life, especially the docking of vessels in close quarters, easier than ever.

Wis., and a dedicated crew of employees remains true to its founder’s mission. Higher water levels—Last year at this time, one of the most pressing problems facing boaters, anglers, and marinas was low water levels. Television newscasts, newspaper headlines, and even this magazine wrote stories about the impact of low water levels on the Great Lakes. In fact, lakes Michigan and Huron, which are considered one hydrological entity, reached record low levels in February of 2013. Today, those concerns are a thing of the past. The tide has turned, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers, which tracks water levels, reports that the above normal precipitation of this past winter will lead to near normal water levels. In fact, one of its projections forecasts average water levels by May of this year. Green grass, budding flowers, and chirping birds are all signs that we’ve turned the corner and can now fully concentrate on warmer weather and the opportunity to take our vessels out on the water. Hooray for springtime!


The VOICE of 4.3 Million Boaters

United States Power Squadrons (USPS)—Th is year marks the 100th Anniversary of USPS, and it’s a good time to congratulate them and tell them how much we appreciate what they do for recreational boaters. Over the past 100 years, power squadrons throughout the United States have dedicated themselves to educating and informing boaters and prospective boaters with the knowledge and skills they need to be safe boaters. Congratulations to all USPS members and their respective squadrons! 75th Anniversary—Th is year Mercury Marine, one of the world’s leading engine manufacturers, celebrates 75 years of service to the boating community of the United States. Carl Kiekhaefer started Mercury Marine in 1939 in a converted barn in Cedarburg, Wis. He and a dedicated team of boating enthusiasts set out to create the best engine on the water. Today, the company is now owned by Brunswick Corp., its manufacturing facility is located in Fond du Lac, | 9

USPS Teaches Great Lakes Boaters

How to Get Ready For

The Boating Season


reat Lakes boaters sometimes think they get the short end of the stick because they only have few months every year to really enjoy their boats. Instead of this negative thought, these boaters should consider themselves the lucky ones, and here’s why.

Unlike year-round boaters, seasonal boaters have several

Boaters have many ways to improve their skills, and there is

months each year to get ready for the boating season. Instead of

never a better time to do this than the off-season. Subscribe to

missing out on perfectly good boating weather to make upgrades

boating publications and check out the adventure articles. Read

or improvements to their boats or learn some new skills, Great

the “How To” and maintenance articles. Take classes offered

Lakes boaters can take advantage of the time the foul weather

by the United States Power Squadrons (USPS) or the Coast

affords them to install new equipment, fix up old equipment, and

Guard Auxiliary. Join a boating club and take advantage of their

generally get everything ready for the next season.

advanced courses.

Now is the perfect time to get ready for the boating season. Make

If a busy schedule interferes with attending regular classes, don’t

a list of what needs to get done and make it happen. If it’s too

despair. The USPS and the BoatU.S. Foundation now offer an

cold to work on the boat now, write down what can be done once

interactive educational experience completely online. Boaters

it warms up. Boaters need to make a plan now that will lead to a

can access new seminars and courses on their PCs, laptops,

productive off-season so when the weather turns warmer they’re

iPads, or tablets. This allows individuals to learn new boating

not stressed out preparing to launch.

skills in the comfort of their own homes and at their own pace.

What about preparing yourself and your crew for that next boat

Two of the latest offerings from USPS are Partner in Command

outings? Preparation is the key to safe and enjoyable boating

and Boating on Rivers Locks and Lakes, each costing $40. The

adventures, and there are plenty of available resources to

first could be invaluable in the case of an emergency, the second

help boaters improve their knowledge and ability to safely and

while cruising the Great Lakes.

efficiently operate their boats. Boating is fun already, but having advanced skills can make it more fun!

Great Lakes boaters should take advantage of this off-season to get themselves and their boats ready for a better boating

Ask yourself: Do you feel comfortable docking a boat in adverse

experience. They need to brush up on their skills now and be

wind conditions? What’s your comfort level when crossing large

ready to hit the water right away when the season starts. They

bodies of water away from familiar landmarks or out of sight of

should also check out the course options at

land? Do you understand charts and navigational aids? All of the operating procedures of the latest VHF/DSC radios? All the bells

Bob Brandenstein is National Educational Officer of the United States

and whistles of the new GPS?

Power Squadrons. He lives in Pittsburgh and sails on Lake Erie.

10 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

PRO–LINE emingway Inspired

12 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

Anyone who has read the novels of Ernest Hemingway knows about

Hemingway’s fondness for boating and fishing were recalled at

his all consuming passion for fishing, and it’s a trait that he handed

the dedication of the Pro-Line Hemingway edition when two of his

down to his children and grandchildren. Born in Oak Park, Ill., a

grandchildren, John and Mina Hemingway, did the unveiling.

western suburb of Chicago, where his birthplace home still stands and is kept as a museum, Ernest Hemingway learned as a kid to boat and fish on Lake Michigan and Lake Walloon in Michigan, which is where he spent many a summer day growing up. While living in Key West, Fla., Hemingway wrote some of his greatest novels and fishing was an integral part of his daily life. He would do his writing in the morning, then call his friends and get on his fishing boat, and head out in the waters between the U.S. and Cuba for an afternoon of sportfishing.

John was born in Miami, the son of Gregory Hemingway. He has been fishing the Gulf Stream off Bimini since he was a little kid and he still does today. Mina was the only child of Patrick Hemingway, and grew up in Pangani, Tanzania, a fishing village where her father kept his boat and taught her how to catch fish. “I remember rising at 4:00 a.m. so that my father and I could be out on the waters early catching tuna and other fish,” Mina said. | 13

From left to right: Baja Marine LLC Ceo Johnny Walker, Mina Hemingway, and John Hemingway at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show

When her parents moved to the states and settled in Montana, Mina continued her love affair with the outdoors


and fishing by learning how to fly-fish. “This was the 1970s,

LOA: ................................................................................23’0”

and not very many women knew how to fly-fish,” Mina said.

Beam: .............................................................................8’0”

She added that her affection for fly-fishing prompted her to buy the Austin Angler in Austin, Texas in the 1980s, which

Draft (full load): .............................................................1’5”

she held onto for 15 years, and would travel around the

Deadrise: ........................................................................20 degrees

world fishing with friends and clients.

Fuel: ...............................................................................118 gals.

Mina is quite excited about the Pro-Line Hemingway Sport Boat saying that it represents the type of fishing boat her grandfather Ernest would use to go fishing—simple, high-quality, and reliable. She remembers that Ernest

said Johnny Walker, chief executive officer of Pro-Line’s parent company Baja Marine LLC.

Hemingway was quite close to his sons, frequently took

While the 23 Sport was the only Hemingway Edition

them out fishing, and often told them this adage: “Never

unveiled in 2013, the Hemingway edition package will

buy a boat because it’s big or fancy. Always get one that’s a

be available on all Pro-Line models from 23 to 35 feet. It

good fishing vessel!”

includes the following:

The Pro-Line 23 Sport Hemingway edition thus carries on

* Custom Hemingway signature full-side wrap

the Hemingway views of boating and fishing. It is built to be a reliable fishing craft inspired by pictures of Ernest Hemingway’s prized fishing boat, Pilar, and his signature is even affixed to the side of the Pro-Line boat. “The Hemingways are all avid anglers and are extremely knowledgeable about the aesthetic and practical aspects of fishing.”

14 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

* Custom angled rigid T-Top with storage and two extra rod holders * Flat black powdercoat bow rail, T-Top, seat frames, and side rails * Aluminum helm seat with upgraded upholstery, leaning post, backrest, and rod holders * Folding rear seat with upgraded upholstery * AM/FM radio with four speakers and iPod control Pro-Line Boats said the 23 Sport is trailerable, highly maneuverable, and comes with a Mercury Verado 300 hp outboard, which takes the boat to speeds of 53 mph. As an upgrade to the Hemingway Edition package, Verado Tilt Control is available.



The Greenline 40’s upper deck layout merges the exterior cockpit with the yacht’s salon area through fully opening cockpit doors and windows. Large panoramic windows flood the interior with natural light and offer superb views outside. The hardtop houses an array of integrated solar panels, shelters the side decks and extends over the aft cockpit for protection from sun and rain. The yacht’s transom door drops down to a completely flat position, thus extending the cockpit while the yacht is at rest, as well as offering superb access to the water. Side doors on both port and starboard allow easy boarding. Large storage compartments are found under the cockpit sole, and an ergonomic and fully equipped galley is located aft, conveniently serving everyone on board either using the exterior cockpit area or lounging in the interior salon. Further forward, is the helm with full vessel instrumentation and standard GPS, chart plotter and VHF. The helm door to starboard allows easy entrance from and access to the side deck. The yacht sleeps four in master and guest staterooms. The master comes with two scissor beds that can be configured into a double bed and features natural light from all-around deck windows. Storage consists of two large hanging lockers on either side. The guest stateroom has two individual bunks that convert into a double bed and a dedicated hanging locker. The nearly 8 ft.-long salon sofa can easily be converted to provide additional sleeping space. The large head compartment comes with a shower compartment. The Greenline 40 comes with the proprietary Superdisplacement® hull, whose hydrodynamic features offer superb operating efficiency. Greenline uses weight-optimized construction and resin vacuum infusion technology to reach exacting dimensional and weight standards. 16 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

The yacht employs a proprietary hybrid propulsion system. While

In its highest hp configuration, the Greenline 40 can reach

the yacht can be configured with conventional diesel engines, its

speeds of up to 20 knots. While in diesel mode, each electric

hybrid propulsion system consists of two electric motors coupled to

motor becomes a 7kW generator, charging their dedicated lithium

each of the yachts engines. Powered by two state-of-the-art lithium

polymer battery packs. It takes no more than three hours of running

polymer battery packs, the electric motors propel the yacht at

in diesel mode to top off the batteries.

speeds of up to 6 knots and an approximate range of up to 20 miles, doing so in complete silence, zero emissions and zero cost.

For more information please contact: GREENLINE NORTH AMERICA

With a simple flip of a switch at the helm, the yacht can be

411 S. Gay Street

operated by its Volvo D3 diesel engines, which come in 110, 170,

Knoxville, TN 37902

and 220 hp. The shift/throttle controls are the same for electric as


well as diesel mode.

EMAIL: | 17

Perhaps no aspect of boating has undergone more major changes in the past few years than outboard engines. It’s precisely for this reason that we bring boaters into the “World of Outboards.”

18 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

The following paragraphs highlight some of the major advancements

Other innovative design components include Boosted Low Speed

made by the major manufacturers of outboard engines, focusing

Torque (BLAST™), Dual-Stage Induction, Lean Burn Control, 3-Way

specifically on that of joystick technologies.

Cooling, and a 4-Front Corrosion Protection System. They deliver


outstanding performance, fuel efficiency, and reliability. In 2012, Honda Marine introduced an electronic shift and throttle

For outboard engines, the Honda Marine name is synonymous with

system for its popular V6 outboard engines. The system provides

technological innovation and leadership. Honda introduced its first

shift and throttle actuation within the current outboard cowling

four-stroke outboard motor in 1964, and since that time has become

envelope for ease of use and an integrated design. Tailored to

a leader in four-stroke engine technology.

exacting performance requirements, the shift and throttle system

Honda continually improves its marine engine line by incorporating technologies from its highly advanced automotive and racing heritage. For example, to maximize power output and durability, many Honda Marine outboards include exclusive technological features found in the company’s most popular automobile engines, including the Honda Accord, Pilot, CR-V, and Civic. Engineers work to ensure that every Honda outboard model sets the standard for fuel efficiency and ease of operation. The performance of Honda Marine’s four-stroke outboard engines is due to its exclusive technological features, such as the Variable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control (VTEC®) technology that has been integrated into the BF250, BF225, BF150, and BF90 marine engines, providing a unique blend of power, torque, and efficiency at any speed.

can be installed on new and previously purchased BF200, BF225, and BF250 outboard engines. Both single- and multi-engine applications can seamlessly accommodate the system without additional installation kits or components. A compact control processor includes one processor per engine for system integrity and tachometer inputs for multi-engine synchronization. The shift actuator is shift mounted in the upper rigging cover with a threeposition, high shift load capacity. As for protecting the air and water, Honda Marine makes sure all its current production models meet California Air Resources Board (CARB) 3-Star standards, ensuring their availability and regulatory compliance in all 50 states. In addition, all of Honda’s four-stroke outboards meet EPA’s current emissions standards. w w w. m a r i n e . h o n d a . c o m | 19

MERCURY MARINE Mercury Marine’s 75-year history has been one of technological innovation, the latest of which is

with the Pro XS. The Mercury 150 Pro XS even outran the standard 150 OptiMax by more than 2.5 mph while delivering ear-pinning holeshot and superior acceleration throughout the rpm band.

Joystick Piloting for outboards. The intuitive

The six-cylinder, 2.6 liter Verado, is the first supercharged,

design of the joystick lets even novice boaters

inter-cooled production four-stroke that is more than an outboard.

maneuver a boat in any direction. The boater

It’s a fully integrated propulsion system whose major structural

controls throttle, shifting, and steering with just

components were specifically designed and built for quick

one hand. The intuitive advancement in Joystick Piloting is the Skyhook Virtual Anchor, which uses a boat’s GPS antenna to pinpoint its position

acceleration with great torque and easy, low-cost operation and maintenance. w w w. m e r c u r y m a r i n e . c o m

and move the engines and drives independently to maintain the position and heading. Auto Heading and Waypoint Sequencing is an integrated autopilot


system that allows operators to make precise course corrections by simply tapping the joystick. Operators can monitor all these features through the redesigned VesselView information display that shows up-to-the-minute data for fuel level and range, oil temperature and pressure, water depths, and additional engine, boat, and environmental readings. VesselView is available in 4- and 7-inch screens and is compatible with any SmartCraft-ready outboard, sterndrive, diesel or Mercury Racing engine 40 hp and above. VesselView also has an ECO-Screen feature that recommends engine trim and RPM settings to increase fuel economy by up to 20 percent. And, this year, VesselView offers Smart Tow and Troll Control for tow sport and fishing enthusiasts. Mercury Marine introduced digital throttle and shift in the early 2000s and has recently added digital throttle and shift on large tiller handle-operated outboards from 135 to 225 hp and more recently on

Suzuki’s newest innovation for 2014 is the Suzuki Precision

outboards as low as 40 hp.

Maneuvering (SPM), fully integrated electronic throttle, shift, steering

Mercury’s Pro XS series of OptiMax direct-injection two-stroke

and DF300AP “Next Generation” four-stroke outboard motors.

outboards represents “big things in small packages.” With the fuel economy of a four-stroke and the power-to-weight ratio of a twostroke, Mercury brought direct-injection technology to outboards

20 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

and joystick control for new boats equipped with Suzuki DF250AP

SPM replaces conventional cable controls with electronic wiring connected to advanced shift and throttle actuators located under the

hood. Commands are transmitted from helm to engine in real time via the system’s computer-based control system.


SPM integrates Suzuki’s dedicated throttle and shift control

Volvo Penta introduced the first

system with electronic power steering and joystick control

sterndrive at the New York National Boat Show in

systems developed by SeaStar Solutions. The advanced

January 1959, and over the years, the company’s

nature of both companies’ systems has allowed Suzuki to

engineers have refined marine sterndrive

integrate throttle, shift, and steering control seamlessly into

technology with innovations like counter-rotating

its current digital control architecture.

Duoprops in 1982, followed by Joystick Docking in 2005,

When underway, an advanced electronic helm provides directional input via an onboard control module to electronically control steering using Smart Cylinders for each motor. Throttle and shift are

high performing, new generation gas engines like the V8-380 and V8-430 in 2012 and 2013, and 2013’s awardwinning Glass Cockpit.

controlled separately via the binnacle. At low speeds, the joystick

Today’s sterndrive vessels have cleaner, sleeker lines, along with

can be engaged, providing integrated throttle, shift and steering

better access to the swim platform. Sterndrives also make towing

control to maneuver the boat in practically any direction.

of water skiers and wakeboarders an easy task, not to mention

Using this new system, the skipper switches from steering wheel to joystick when maneuvering in close quarters, enjoying a marked

fishing astern. And the drive unit can be tilted upward for towing and storage out of the water.

improvement in handling when pulling into a crowded fuel dock,

In the last couple of years, Volvo Penta has introduced a new lineup

entering a tight slip, or driving onto a trailer. Anglers will appreciate

of gas engines for sterndrives. These new V8s are based on the

the precise control when positioning a boat over a structure or when

latest lightweight automotive engine blocks and feature Variable

dropping anchor to hold position over “the spot.”

Valve Timing (VVT) technology, which optimizes torque at low

SPM has been engineered with redundant sensors and back-up systems to assure reliable operation. The result is a consumer experience that allows for confident, seamless control, whether maneuvering in close quarters or running at speed in challenging offshore conditions. Operators will appreciate the smooth, precise

RPMs while maximizing performance at high RPMs. The result is faster acceleration, higher top speed, and smoother response in the mid-range. In short, these engines are more than 20 percent more fuel efficient than their predecessors, meet all U.S. EPA emission requirements, and yet still deliver top performance.

shifting and throttle controls, steering that can be customized to the

Volvo Penta’s latest innovation is the new Glass Cockpit, which

boat’s performance characteristics, and fingertip joystick control

won the 2013 IBEX & METS Innovation Award. It is a fully integrated

when pulling up to the dock or entering a tight slip.

control and monitoring system that gathers all operator information,

SPM is available on boats rigged with twin Suzuki DF250AP or DF300AP outboard motors and offers a significant improvement to the command and control available to its owners. It is now offered through select boat builders, and Suzuki expects to expand the new system to repower and aftermarket upgrades. w w w. s u z u k i m a r i n e . c o m

including navigation, engines, warnings, alarms and other data, and displays them on customizable multi-function flat-screen displays at the helm station. It makes operating a boat more like driving a modern car, and brings engine control and monitoring into the total boat-control dashboard. Volvo Penta’s new V8s with Electronic Vessel Controls (EVC), joystick steering, and the Glass Cockpit helm station fulfill its | 21

features a new electronic steering system,

mission of offering more fun on the water, while

throttle and shifting controls, electronic

drastically reducing emissions into the air.

key system, and a joystick controller. All

Perhaps the most revolutionary innovation from Volvo

the boat control devices are connected,

Penta is its joystick, which transforms operator stress

eliminating the need for bow thrusters.

and strain into easy intuitive movements. Just nudge the

Operators simply move the joystick in the

joystick, and the boat goes backward, forward, sideways,

direction they’d like the boat to go.

diagonally, and rotationally. The end result is that operators can easily maneuver their boats into the tightest

A light push or twist of the joystick delivers a

slips without a bow thruster.

slower-paced movement with minimal thrust. More pressure gets translated into greater thrust and

w w w.v o l v o p e n t a . c o m / u s

directional movement. With the Helm Master Electronic Key Switch, operators swipe their keyless fob, press


ignition and press start, to start or stop one or all of the outboards.

For 2014, Yamaha Marine Group introduces two new outboards and a fully integrated control system.

The Helm Master binnacle control features smart functionality. For example,

The F115 is now the lightest outboard in the 115 horsepower four-

in the case of a triple engine setup, boaters can

stroke class, and at 377 pounds, the new F115B is 24 pounds lighter than the previous generation (F115LA). The F115’s all-new powerhead provides increased bore and stroke. The outboard’s double-overhead cam (DOHC) four-cylinder design now has larger intake and exhaust valves for easier breathing, more power and better midrange torque. The new F175 outboard joins the V MAX SHO® 150 and F200 as engines based on Yamaha’s new 2.8-liter in-line four-cylinder platform, which won the IBEX® Innovation Award for 2013. The F175’s four-cylinder 16-valve dual overhead camshaft (DOHC) powerhead breathes easily and responds quickly, with a

operate the center engine by pressing the Center Engine button for situations like no-wake zones or trolling. Trim Assist allows automation of the engine trim for acceleration/ deceleration. Up to five trim positions can be set that correlate with specific engine speeds. Once the boat reaches those speeds, it will trim to preferred angles. Speed control allows boaters to instantly hold a desired speed then adjust RPMs up 15 percent or down 10 percent with the touch of a button. Helm Master is available on select new twin- and triple-engine

sophisticated valve train design. With electrical output of 50 amps,

models from participating boat manufacturers.

the F175 provides plenty of electrical power.

w w w.y a m a h a o u t b o a r d s . c o m

Yamaha’s Helm Master™ is a fully integrated boat control system for its outboard powered boats in twin- or triple-engine configuration. It

22 GLB | Mar/A pr 14


Upkeep and maintenance are essential to the

well being of harbors/marinas on the Great Lakes. A general overview of the region’s marinas and harbors reveals a troubling problem: Our marina infrastructures are decaying, crumbling, and no one is doing anything about it. BY THE NUMBERS When it comes to describing the problems currently facing Great Lakes harbors and marinas, it is virtually impossible to obtain an accurate assessment, but a look at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), which has responsibility for maintaining the safe operation of 139 harbors on the five Great Lakes, serves as a good barometer. USACE says 79 of these harbors are considered shallow draft recreational harbors and approximately 30 of them face serious problems. Of these 30 harbors, the biggest problem is dredging. Mike O’Bryan, the chief engineer in charge of the Great Lakes Districts for USACE, said there is a current backlog of harbors that need dredging. He adds that if current funding levels for USACE Great Lakes Districts remain in place, the backlog at Great Lakes harbors will rise to more than 23 million cubic yards by 2017.

24 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

While acknowledging that the Great Lakes Navigation System (GLNS) is a “national treasure,” USACE also believes that “significant investments are needed to effectively and efficiently operate the GLNS for the benefit of the Great Lakes region and the nation.” How much exactly? It is estimated that $200 million is needed to fully fund commercial projects, and another $15 million for dredging and infrastructure repairs of the shallow draft recreational harbors. It should be noted that recreational boating and sportfishing are major stakeholders on the Great Lakes. We estimate that there are more 4.2 million recreational boaters on the Great Lakes, with an annual economic impact on the area of more than $9 billion. Nicki Polan, executive director of the Michigan Boating Industries Association, believes these figures understate the true value of recreational boating and sportfishing. She estimates that the combined annual economic impact of recreational boating and sportfishing on her state alone is close to $14 billion a year.

Leland Harbor before dredging

No matter which figures one chooses to believe, it is safe to say that recreational boating and sportfishing on the Great Lakes are big businesses. For some towns, however, the fact that USACE has not dredged their harbors for years poses serious problems that threaten their livelihoods. When asked why USACE has not dredged all the harbors under its wings, O’Bryan cites a lack of funds. He said that for the last 10 years, Congress has not given USACE the funds needed to complete their responsibilities, so USACE has had to set priorities with constrained budgets. As we enter 2014, marinas and municipalities on the Great Lakes are struggling with decaying infrastructures. The worst-case scenario finds marinas and harbors where their docks are unusable because many of the passageways leading to the Great Lakes are impassable, and several of the breakwaters installed to protect the marinas from damaging waves and storms are crumbling. In short,

Leland Harbor after dredging

aging infrastructures, persistent low water levels, and constrained

Dzuba tells USACE the harbor is a beacon for tourists and a

budgets pose major problems for the Great Lakes harbors.

subsistence vehicle for the town’s other businesses, including

THE HARBORS The most pressing problem facing the small recreational harbors

restaurants and retail stores. USACE said the harbor needs annual maintenance dredging, but noted that it is just another “unbudgeted dredging project.”

along the coastlines of the Great Lakes is dredging. For a significant

There are two alternatives readily available to remedy the situation:

number of them, boating and tourism is their major industry. So,

the city could raise funds and have USACE do the dredging or it

when sand accumulation blocks off their passageways to the Great

could get its own dredging permit from USACE and the state and do

Lakes, they are suffering.

the work itself. Neither of these are feasible.

Leland, Mich., is a good example of such a harbor town.

“With only 2,000 residents, we can’t afford to buy it [the harbor] back

Russell Dzuba, the harbormaster, said Leland Township Harbor’s infrastructure is OK. Its breakwater is old, but functional. Its docks were recently renovated. Its most pressing problem is dredging to

because we’d lose any federal support, and we can’t create a special assessment taxing district to raise funds,” said Dzuba. As a result, Dzuba searches for other alternatives.

remove about 15,000 cu.yds. of sand that builds up at the harbor

Last year, for instance, he depended on emergency funds from

entrance over the winter. As part of its agreement with USACE,

the state to dredge the harbor. The previous year, he raided his

Leland Township Harbor cannot lease slips to pay for this, meaning

“war chest of savings,” for future maintenance projects, and even

that its 61 slips and 800 lineal feet of broadside mooring space can

begged for money from local businesses, the local Indian tribe, and

only be used for transient boaters.

even boaters. | 25

What are the consequences of not dredging? “If we’re not dredged

The first thing WRRDA does is increase funding for the Great

by the end of June, we’re facing a lost season,” Dzuba said. “Boaters

Lakes by treating the Great Lakes as an integrated navigation and

will pass us by and head to another harbor because they can’t get

recreation system instead of individual harbors. It recognizes that

into our sand-clogged harbor.” When the harbor was built in 1965,

the Great Lakes plays a vital role in the success of the region’s and

no one knew that it would cost close to $200,000 to dredge the

the nation’s economy, so money must be spent to maintain its safe

harbor in 2014, Dzuba said.

and efficient operation. The second thing WRRDA does is not only increase funds for 2014, but it also keeps the funding up through 2020. “We would only need


about $20 million a year for 10 years to fully dredge our harbors on

Port Washington Marina, Port Washington, Wis., suffers from another problem--a crumbling breakwater. Dennis Cherny,

the Great Lakes and $20 million to maintain our infrastructures,” said May. He adds that this bill would do the job.

harbormaster, said the breakwall is so bad that USACE put up a

While WRRDA holds many promises for the harbors, May worries

sign prohibiting individuals from walking on it. “It’s so bad that in

if the president will put this in his FY 2015 budget and if Congress

certain spots there are holes where water rushes right through the

will appropriate funds to implement it. May and others assert that

breakwall,” said Cherny.

this latter problem could be easily taken care of through the existing His efforts to have USACE repair the breakwater have met the same fate as Dzuba’s for

Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund (HMTF), started by President Reagan in 1984 as a tax on the cargo carried by ships using U.S. ports and harbors.

dredging. The Corps says

“Each year, HMTF brings in between $1.5 and $1.7 billion, but only

that the breakwater is in

spends about half that amount on the safe navigation of harbors,”

bad shape, probably

said May. What happens to the remainder? “It remains in HMTF, but

needs to be replaced,

this money is a ‘general fund,’ meaning that it can be used for any

but it does not have the

activity, such as balancing the federal budget,” said May.

funds to do this. Cherny said the marina can’t go on indefinitely without a usable breakwall, so he’s hired a consulting company noted for getting grant money to help out.


The recent WRRDA legislation addresses the HMTF issue by saying that 10 percent of its funds each year must be set aside for maintaining Great Lakes harbors and clearing the backlog of needed dredging projects. Moreover, the amount set aside will increase each year until 2020, when the amount coming in matches the amount going out, similar to the Highway Trust Fund, which uses fuel taxes solely for highway purposes.


Because so many small recreational harbors in Wisconsin and

If USACE does not dredge harbors; if breakwaters built on wood

Michigan face similar dredging and infrastructure problems, the

pilings before WWI are not replaced soon; if piers damaged

Great Lakes Small Harbors Coalition was formed in 2008. Its mission

by winter ice storms and summer rains are not repaired and/or

is to bring the harbor maintenance issues to Washington so as to

replaced, the consequences could be calamitous. Coastal towns

secure more funding for the dredging of small harbors.

such as Portage, Arcadia, Pentwater, and Onekama on the northern

Chuck May, a retiree, property owner, and fisherman on Portage

part of Michigan’s lower peninsula will close without dredging.

Lake, is the group’s president pro-tem. He cites his harbor (Portage)

Is there anything boaters and anglers can do to solve this problem?

as an example of what’s wrong.

Yes! Contact your elected representatives, your senators and

“USACE has deemed our harbor ‘Code Red,’ meaning it’s in imminent danger of failure,” said May. “We’re not the only marina in this position, so we have to do something about it.” May and his organization see the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA), passed by both the House and Senate in 2013, as a critical resource. At press time, conferees from both bodies were in conference to determine the final wording, but May believes it offers some hopeful signs for Great Lakes harbors.

26 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

tell them about the sorry state of dredging and infrastructure repairs on the Great Lakes and how this has to change. Urge them to enact legislation that won’t shortchange our region, so that we can report in the near future that recreational harbors are being dredged, crumbling breakwaters are being replaced, and hope is replacing despair.


pristine blue waters of our nation’s largest freshwater resource—the Great Lakes—are being threatened by a danger that is far smaller than a penny, but don’t

let its size fool you—the danger is far greater than most recreational boaters and sportsfishermen ever imagined. This is not conjecture, but rather scientific fact, and the facts reveal that microplastic particles are infiltrating the Great Lakes and its resident food web, just as they do within the world’s oceans.

By Sherri A. Mason, Ph.D.

Since the ‘discovery’ of an accumulation of plastics in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre in 1999 and recent events such as the 2011 Japanese


tsunami, marine debris has received increased attention and public

Despite the expectation that oceanic debris is likely

awareness. To date, however, research and even public media campaigns

transported through a freshwater system, very little

have focused on oceanic systems. Globally, the saltwater environs of our

research with regard to marine debris has focused on

oceans do dominate the earth’s surface, but that water cycles through

these freshwater systems, but that is starting to change.

freshwater systems as it makes its way from the sky to the sea, accumulating

Beginning in the summer of 2012, a team of scientists

trash along the way. A United Nations report suggests that 80 percent of

has been conducting a survey of plastic pollution within

oceanic debris comes from land, and it is perpetually postulated that litter

the world’s largest freshwater ecosystem, right here in

makes its way to the oceans by way of freshwater systems.

our own backyard—the Laurentian Great Lakes.

28 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

plastic acts to adsorb

toxic chemicals

ou t of its

s u rrou nding


As part of the open-water survey that was undertaken in July

per square mile, having even higher counts in Lake Ontario is

2012, a total of 21 samples were collected in three of the five

unsettling at best. To put these counts into perspective, aside

Great Lakes (Superior, Huron, and Erie). A rough estimate of the

from one published number taken in the North Atlantic Ocean,

surveyed samples revealed that the number of plastic particles

these counts within the Great Lakes are among the largest ever

per square mile increased from Lake Superior to Lake Huron to Lake Erie, following the flow of the water, with 90 percent of the total plastic found (in this expedition) being in Lake Erie. This finding was in-line with expectations because Lake Erie not only receives contributions from the people who live within its watershed, but also that which flows into it from the upper Photo by Jim Bodenstab

Great Lakes. With this in mind, one might

recorded anywhere in the world! Despite the magnitude of the plastic particle counts, the most surprising result of these research findings isn’t the presence or amount of plastic, but rather the size of the plastic. Nearly 80 percent of the plastic particles found are between a third and one millimeter in diameter: tiny.

PLASTIC DANGERS Although the minute size of the plastic may, at first, seem to diminish its importance, the opposite is true. These microplastics, as they are called, are so small they can be ingested by organisms at the very base of the food chain, that is, zooplankton. From there, research is now showing that they can and do migrate and bioaccumulate up the food chain. Preliminary investigations of Great Lakes fish are showing evidence of plastic

expect Lake Ontario’s

ingestion and accumulation.

counts to be even higher

A more detailed review of the microplastics shows that it isn’t the

than Lake Erie and preliminary data taken during the summer of 2013 does appear to support this expectation. Given that the two largest samples obtained in 2012 in Lake Erie had plastic particle counts on the order of one million plastic particles

plastic itself that is of greatest concern, it’s the fact that plastic acts to adsorb toxic chemicals out of its surrounding waters. The Great Lakes have a well-known history of being harbingers of toxic chemicals and although the concentrations of these persistent, bioaccumulative chemicals have been decreasing over the last 40-50 years (due to increased awareness and increased legislation), plastics have been shown to adsorb chemicals onto their surface in concentrations up to a million times greater than the surrounding water. | 29

DID YOU KNOW that cigarette f ilters are made of plastic ? Dispose of them as trash


Based on these research findings, it

Forego that cheap disposable Styrofoam™

appears that even minute concentrations

cooler in favor of a reusable one. Shake

of these toxic chemicals in the

the habit of using plastic bags. Did you

water can lead to substantial

know that cigarette filters are made of

concentrations on resident

plastic? Dispose of them as trash,

plastic particles. Furthermore

and do not flick them into the water

the microplastics, which are so

or out the car window and onto the

prominent in the Great Lakes,

ground. Look at the ingredients in

have a greater surface area for

your face washes and toothpastes for

adsorption of these chemicals.

‘polyethylene’ or ‘polypropylene’ as

Once consumed, these chemicals

these are the most common plastics for

desorb from the plastic surface and into

the manufacture of exfoliating microbeads

the ingesting organism, which can have a significant impact on its health (though not necessarily leading immediately to death).


that make their way through the wastewater treatment process and into our water. In short, be aware of all the plastic that you use in a day and think about ways to reduce it. The best way to keep plastics out of our lakes and waterways is by

What do these findings mean for Great Lakes boaters and

stopping the use of plastic at its source. Moreover, we can also help

fishermen? In simple terms, the plastic pollution of the Great Lakes

by picking up litter we see, whether it’s on the shore or in the water.

may be providing an additional means for chemicals to move into and bioaccumulate up the food web, which is not good news for the sports fishing industry. This fact has not been lost on the residents and government officials from the Great Lakes region.

Those plastic bottles that sit on the side of the road will get run-over and broken into fragments. These small particles will then find their way down the storm drain and into our lakes, breaking into smaller and smaller fragments along the way, but never disappearing. That

Recently the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, a bi-national

plastic bag caught in a tree will shred into the plastic films that are

coalition of mayors and other local officials that works actively with

found by the scientists netting plastics in the Great Lakes. And the

federal, state, and provincial governments to advance the protection

list goes on and on.

and restoration of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River, asked regulators and industry for their commitment to take action on removing microplastics from personal care products and cleaning up the microplastics already in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence. They have gotten a positive response from most responders. While this is an impressive first step, it is important to remember that the plastic found in our waters come from us. We are the problem, which means we are also the solution.

All of the plastic litter found on our streets, trees, and beaches; all of the things lost, dropped, or unintentionally left behind; all of these are the plastic sources that slowly but ever so constantly make their way into the majestic waters that so many of us call home. While the threat of plastic pollution is very real, it’s also very preventable. The first step is awareness, and the next step is action. Let’s all do our part to change the tides of Great Lakes plastic pollution.

Let’s take ownership of the Great Lakes and work collectively to protect them. Plastics won’t be in our waters if we stop them from getting there in the first place. Here are some concrete

Sherri A. Mason, Ph. D., is Associate Professor of Chemistry and

examples of what everyone can do to stop the spread of plastics

Environmental Sciences Program Coordinator at the State University

in the Great Lakes.

of New York-Fredonia.

30 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

Jessica J. MAJCHROWSKI, USACE, Chicago District

To the chagrin of many interested observers, the report did not advocate one solution for



solving the ANS problem. Instead, it offered eight alternatives that decision makers (i.e., the U.S. Congress) could ponder, including one that would cost more than $18

for Preventing


billion and take 25 years to complete.

in the

Background So why did USACE focus on the Chicago Area Waterways (CAWS),

Great Lakes

the Mississippi River, and Lake Michigan Basins? Because the network of rivers and canals in and near Chicago with five direct links between the two giant drainage basins are considered the likeliest route by which Asian carp and other ANS could reach the Great Lakes, i.e.,

–By Jerome A. Koncel


Lake Michigan. While USACE identified 13 ANS that

lthough nearly everybody believes that preventing threaten the Great Lakes by moving through these aquatic pathways, the Asian carp and other aquatic nuisance species public and our elected officials in Washington, (ANS) from entering the Great Lakes is not only a D.C. are mainly concerned with bighead and silver carp. The CAWS are connected to the Illinois laudable goal, but one that needs to be achieved as River, wherein a large population of Asian carp has soon as possible, there is far from consensus on been found. Moreover, scientists have detected Asian carp environmental DNA in dozens of water samples past the best way to make this happen. That’s why the barrier, although whether they came from live fish remains in there was a lot of excitement surrounding dispute. It is widely recognized that Asian carp are “an impending the release of Great Lakes Mississippi ecological disaster” for the Great Lakes. River Interbasin Study Report In explaining how it came up with this report, USACE said Congress told it to review existing technologies and propose alternatives to prevent ANS (GLMRIS), prepared by the U.S. from entering into the Great Lakes. As a result, USACE offered eight separate Army Corps of Engineers alternatives, some of which have been tried, others of which have been rejected by federal courts, and still others that are considered “pie in the sky” because of the amount (USACE) and delivered to of money needed to build them ($25 billion) and the length of time needed to complete them Congress on Jan. 6. (18 years). Of the eight alternatives, two would require hydrological separation, meaning they would place dams in the CAWS to seal off Lake Michigan from the carp-infested Mississippi River watershed. As might be expected, states that have large businesses that depend on CAWS, i.e., Illinois, Indiana, and local shipping interests, oppose such a proposal. On the other side are several Great Lakes environmental groups as well as several states. These groups originally asked USACE to adopt the physical separation alternative instead of the electric barrier operation that is currently in place. When USACE chose the former alternative, these two groups sued USACE in federal court to adopt the hydrological separation approach. They were unsuccessful.

32 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

Among the remaining six proposals are alternatives that range

separation of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal from Lake

from not doing anything to the current electric barrier system to

Michigan. This would require $18 billion to fund, but “is the only

using different mixtures of equipment and technology, including

effective option,” Polan said.

construction of additional electric fish barriers and a new type of navigational lock that would treat water to remove floating plants and fish as vessels move through the system.

“Time is of the essence for we find ourselves in an extremely dire situation with the livelihood of our fisheries, waters, economy, and way of life at risk,” said Jim Coburn MBIA Board Chairman. “The cost of inaction would be devastating to the ecosystem and would


change the economic and social dynamics of the Great Lakes.”

When it comes to the eight alternatives in the GLMRIS Report, the public and stakeholders offered differing viewpoints.

The Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources gave this comment: “We recognize the devastating impact the Asian carp’s presence could

Ned Dikmen, chairman of the Great Lakes Boating Federation

have on water quality, sportfishing, and the delicate ecosystem of

(GLBF) and publisher of this magazine, said that recreational

the Great Lakes, and maintain a ‘zero-tolerance’ policy towards

boaters and sportfishermen realize the dangers ANS pose to the

invasive species.

marine ecosystem, local fisheries, and even their personal wellbeing from Asian carp jumping out of the water and on to their boats. So, GLBF is very much in favor of preventing ANS from reaching the Great Lakes through aquatic pathways. “The devastation caused by ANS on Great Lakes boating and fishing can be significant,” Dikmen said. At the same time, Dikmen asserts that most of the alternatives proposed in the report could have negative impacts on the lives of recreational boaters and anglers. For nearly 100 hard-core boaters who seek each summer to complete the “Great American Loop” stretching from the St. Lawrence River through the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River and then down to New Orleans and back to the St. Lawrence as their dream legacy, Dikmen points out that the hydrological separation alternative will forever deny them this great accomplishment. For recreational boaters and sportfishermen on the Great Lakes, the need to prevent ANS, particularly the Asian carp, from invading the Great Lakes trumps any personal sacrifices they may have to make in pursuing their recreational activities. “If it’s determined the best way to rid the Great Lakes of ANS is through hydrological separation, boaters will adapt to the decision. They will not stop boating. They will not stop fishing. They will find new fishing spots, new places to launch their boats, and new places to store their vessels in the wintertime,” Dikmen said.

“We recognize further the importance of commercial shipping on the Great Lakes and Illinois waterways, a vital means of transporting agricultural products, minerals and raw materials through

Nicki Polan, executive director of the Michigan Boating Industries Association, urges the U.S. Congressional leaders who are receiving the GLMRIS Report to choose the hydrological

America’s Heartland. “Any solution must balance the need to keep invasive species out of Lake Michigan with flood protection and unimpeded shipping lanes. This is a monumental decision in which all levels of government and the public should participate, and it will be up to Congress to ultimately decide.” Tom Allegretti, president and CEO of the American Waterways Operators Association, which represents commercial cargo carriers that would

T. Lawrence, Great Lakes Fishery Commission

be most at risk if either of the two | 33

hydrological separation alternatives were chosen, said that construction of a physical barrier that would separate Lake Michigan from the Mississippi River basin “is not economically feasible nor totally effective at eliminating the spread of invasive species, including the Asian carp.” The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative said a greater sense of urgency is of the essence in reaching decisions on short-, mid-, and long-terms actions to stop Asian carp from reaching Lake Michigan through the CAWS. The group proposed that a forum and process for reaching these decisions is needed to make sure that timely action is taken. “The threat of Asian carp reaching Lake Michigan continues, and our concern has increased because of questions about the effectiveness of electric barriers used to stop the carp in the CAWS.”


The Cities Initiative believes that the information provided in GLMRIS and its own 2012 report entitled, “Restoring the Natural Divide,” point to physical separation as the most effective long-term solution for keeping Asian carp from reaching Lake Michigan


through the CAWS. It should be the focus of the dialogue for reaching consensus

Lake Michigan

on a solution, and resolving the key issues concerning transportation, water quality, and flood control.


Other organizations such as the International Joint Commission, the Great Lakes Water Carriers Association, and the Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Dan O’Keefe, Michigan Sea Grant

Committee had no comment on the report.

Overview Some people have criticized the GLMRIS report for describing a variety of alternative options to control ANS, instead of advocating one. Others point out that USACE has not acted fast enough to effectively deal with the problem (it’s been more than five years


since the call was made for such a plan). Still others ic



said the plan is inadequate because it does not have a n


timetable for reaching a decision on this matter. a



At present, GLMRIS is in the hands of Congress. The continued


How WILL recreational boaters and sportfishermen react ?

input on the subject from interested stakeholders illustrates the different and sometimes contradictory opinions expressed by the interested parties. This makes reaching agreement, or at least a consensus, on the best way to stop the spread of ANS into the Great Lakes seem almost impossible. Moreover, the two most critical criteria in this matter—time and money—have not been adequately dealt with in the study. Finally, the goal of each alternative is to prevent the spread of 13 ANS into the Great Lakes, but there’s no guarantee that any of them would prevent ANS from entering the Great Lakes. Two final notes: the needs and desires of recreational boaters and sportfishermen have not been adequately addressed in this report. The economic impact of the alternatives offered in the GLMRIS Report on recreational and commercial boating range from negligible to severe. The more important

question is how will recreational boaters and sportfishermen react to the alternative selected by their elected respresentatives? And last but not least, there’s still time for the public to offer their input on the GLMRIS Report via electronic submittal through the GLMRIS Web site (, mail and hand-delivery. Comments will be accepted through March 31, 2014. All mail and hand-delivered comments should be sent to: U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, CHICAGO DISTRICT. 231 S. LASALLE ST., SUITE 1500 ATTN: GLMRIS COMMENTS, DAVE WETHINGTON, CHICAGO, IL 60604 34 GLB | Mar/A pr 14


costly and require some care. The best choice is any life jacket that will always be worn. Compatible power source for electronics: When a boater’s cell phone runs out of juice during a nautical emergency, that’s a crisis. The same goes for a flashlight, handheld GPS unit, and VHF radio. Get devices that run on the same power source, such as AA batteries, and stow an extra sealed pack of batteries in the dry box. Manual bailer: Small, closed-deck boats rely on a single, submersible pump to keep the bilge dry. But if that pump fails, or seawater comes over the gunwales or stern, or there’s heavy rain, that’s a problem. Keeping a hand-operated bilge pump aboard is cheap insurance. Air Horn: The U.S. Coast Guard says small boats must have a “sound-producing device” for distress signaling, capable of a foursecond blast that’s audible one quarter-mile away. While a plastic whistle or an installed electric horn may meet the letter of the law, a



better choice is a handheld, gas-powered air horn that can be heard


at much greater distances.



But these journeys can still be done with the right 10 pieces of equipment. Here’s what Boat Owners Association of the United States (BoatUS) recommends should be aboard every boat 20 feet or smaller: Paddles: If the engine quits, paddles can be used for propulsion. Keep the outboard or sterndrive down for a rudder, and if there’s a buddy or spouse aboard, decent headway can be made. A T-handle paddle, the kind used for whitewater canoeing, provides a great grip. The aluminum shaft is light and strong, as is the high-impact plastic blade. Those materials don’t mind sitting out in the weather, either. Make sure they’re at least five feet long. Dry box: Small boats typically lack dry storage. Large, plastic marine dry boxes with lids with O-rings seal out moisture and an extra-deep model can hold the radio, smartphone, flashlight, GPS, and more, leaving them dry when they are needed. Anchors and line: Some small-boat manufacturers barely leave space for a launch hook. But what happens if the engine quits, or if a boater wants to anchor overnight in a quiet cove? Stowing two anchors with different line lengths provides options. A chain between line and anchor also helps. And don’t forget a few dock lines. Wearable life jacket: Luckily, life jacket design has evolved and Type III vest-style models are comfortable to wear all day. Plenty of smallboat owners wear inflatable jackets. They’re more buoyant, but more

Spare prop and fix-it tools: A submerged ledge or log can whop a prop and cripple a boat. Having a spare prop and the right wrench is common advice, but changing a mangled wheel while afloat is easier said than done. Dents in aluminum props can be put back into serviceable shape, at least enough to get home. Beefy, vice-gripstyle locking pliers and slip-joint pliers are essential for this repair. Have a charging source: Cell phones don’t run on AA batteries. That’s why a marine rated 12-volt receptacle with a weatherproof cap is needed. Mount it away from spray and rain, and don’t forget the charging cords for other electronics. Paper chart in plastic cover: Even a waterproof chart is hard to manage underway in an open boat. But by putting it in a clear, plastic holder, wind and water won’t matter. It will always be ready

when needed. Holders can be purchased or one can be made with clear plastic from a hardware store and duct tape. | 35

Great Lakes

REPORT SAYS LIMITED FOOD SUPPLY AFFECTS GREAT LAKES ECOSYSTEMS Significant declines in the food resources that feed lake

quagga mussels, have entered the lakes causing phosphorus levels

organisms are likely causing significant changes in the

to decline further over the last decade.

Great Lakes ecosystems, according to a new U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) study.

As a result of this drop in phosphorous, some lakes have been filtering out phytoplankton and the nutrients therein. Researchers

USGS scientists and research partners found that while water clarity

said these decreases in nutrients have the potential to affect the

has been increasing in a majority of the Great Lakes since 1998,

smallest organisms up to the top predators. In Lake Huron, for

phytoplankton (the microscopic water organisms that feed all other

example, plankton and fish appear to be controlled by declining

animals), native invertebrates, and prey fish have been declining.

nutrients or food.

These food web changes fundamentally affect the ecosystem’s resources and are likely caused by decreasing levels of lake nutrients and growing numbers of invasive species.

Because the Great Lakes provide valuable ecosystem services, the U.S. Congress passed the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) in 2010 to restore the Great Lakes and rid it of 43 Areas of Concern.

The study found that inputs of phosphorus—the nutrient that limits

Over the last four years, GLRI has invested more than $1 billion in

phytoplankton growth—have declined in the Great Lakes since 1972,

these efforts.

the year when the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement was signed.

In addition, growing numbers of invasive species, such as zebra and


conservancy began building underwater passages to reconnect Erie Marsh back to the lake and return fish to the wetlands. This should be finished this summer, said May. When the conservancy opened its first passageway, fish started using it on day one, May said. In phase two of the restoration project, the conservancy will begin reconditioning some of A five-year program is underway to restore Lake Erie’s largest coastal wetlands, according to a Jan. 6, article in Great Lakes Echo. The four-phase program would clean Erie Marsh, which contains 2,217 acres of wetland and is home to 65 species of fish and 300 species of migratory birds, according to the Nature Conservancy,

Jason Whalen

the dikes that have been in place since the 1940s, restoring 220

acres of wetlands on Erie Marsh. The restoration is supported by $2.6 million in funds from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

the organization that is undertaking the cleanup of the marsh, which

The final two phases of the project call for the construction of new

is located in southeast Michigan near the Ohio border.

dikes and the restoration of others to further reconnect the wetlands

Dikes built more than 50 years ago to control water flowing into the wetlands cut the marsh off from the lake, said Chris May, the conservancy’s program director in Michigan. Last June, the

36 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

to the lake and allow the conservancy to better control water. These projects are currently unfunded, but May is confident they will be funded as money becomes available.

CONGRESS PASSES SPENDING BILL THAT INCLUDES $300 MILLION FOR GLRI On Jan. 13, 2014, the U.S. Congress passed an Omnibus Spending

Readers interested in learning more about the GLRI’s success

Bill of more than $1 trillion that includes $300 million for the Great

stories should visit the Healthy Lakes Coalition’s website at:

Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI). The program received $285

million in fiscal year 2013.

According to the Healthy Lakes Coalition, the Great Lakes provide

GLRI supports efforts to clean up toxic pollution, restore fish and

drinking water to more than 30 million people. More than 1.5 million

wildlife habitat, fight invasive species, and reduce runoff from cities

U.S. jobs are directly connected to the Great Lakes, generating

and farms. Since the bill was passed in 2010, GLRI has produced

$62 billion in yearly wages. And, every $1 invested in Great Lakes

more than 100 success stories in the Great Lakes.

restoration projects generates at least $2 of economic benefit.


project. In rejecting the application from

In its rejection letter, DNR said that

in Superior, Wis., considered the first step

Elkhorn Industries, the DNR has ordered a

Elkhorn Industries may re-apply for a

in a process to ship tar sands oil across

comprehensive Environmental Assessment

building permit once the Environmental

Lake Superior, was dealt a setback when

of the entire dock project, something many

Assessment has been completed. The letter

the Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources

local residents had called for at a public

also stated that public comments against

(DNR) dismissed the application for

information hearing. In addition, it pointed

the proposal played a role in its decision

several reasons.

out that the company couldn’t legally apply

and added that the agency “will need

for a permit because it didn’t own all of the

significantly more information about the

waterfront property.

[company’s] plans and activities proposed

Local residents had opposed the rehabilitation in public meetings on the

for the site.”

Courtesy of Floral City Images/Da ve Grassley


On May 17 and 18, local law enforcement

non profit members-operated club with

officers from the Monroe County Sheriff’s

direct access to Lake Erie, has created

Dept. and the Monroe City Police Dept. will

an educational partnership with the local

present the full Boaters Safety Certification

public school system and will begin

program. Classes will rotate between

offering classes to the youth of the

the Monroe Boat Club and the adjacent

Monroe area beginning in mid-March.

Knabusch Learning Center.

The Program Series begins on

The final class will be a Fishing Derby that will

March 15-16 with a Water Safety/

take place June 7-8 at the Knabusch Learning

Lifesaving awareness class. It will be

Center/ Monroe Boat Club/DNR fishing pier.

held at one of the Monroe Public School

Following the fishing derby, all participants

properties with an indoor pool and

of the different classes are invited to the boat

taught by Mr. Kern of the Monroe Public

club for certificate presentations and a hot

School system.

dog cookout.

The next class will be April 12. It is an

All programs are “ala carte,” so that while

AED/CPR /First Aid awareness class

students are encouraged to attend the entire

that will be held at the Monroe Boat Club and

series, they are not required to do so.

taught by certified instructor J. Kranz. | 37

Great Lakes

GREAT LAKES MAYORS URGE ACTION ON MICROPLASTICS The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative has sent letters

results from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. These plastics pose a

to regulators and industry asking for their commitment to removing

number of threats to the Great Lakes, Mason noted.

microplastics from personal care products and cleaning up the microplastics already in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River.

The Cities Initiative has contacted the Federal EPA and Environment Canada to highlight the growing problem of microplastics in the Great

Microplastics are plastics debris smaller than 5 mm in diameter. They

Lakes and St. Lawrence River. It urged the federal agencies to clean

include industrial broken fragments, polystyrene, cosmetic plastic

up the microplastics currently present in the Great Lakes and to stop

residues, and residue from common consumer products such as

any future additions.

toothpaste, deodorants, hand cleaners, and facial exfoliants.

The Cities Initiative has also contacted leading producers of

In 2012, Sherri Mason Ph.D., a professor of chemistry at SUNY

microplastics, including J&J, Bath and Body Works, P&G, and

Fredonia, researched the plastic content of lakes Huron, Erie, and

L’Oreal, asking them to supply information explaining how they would

Superior and found microplastics in greater concentrations in Lake

clean up existing concentrations of microplastics in the Great Lakes

Erie than any other body of water on earth, exceeding even the

and when they would eventually phase them out.


Construction of a new, multilevel, 12,000

the new building that will include a

everything we want into a new building,”

restaurant and special event facilities.

said Elhart. The new building will also have

It hired Midwest Construction Group

expanded outdoor dining on the ground

of Zeeland, Mich., to construct the

level and a terrace dining area on the

new building.

second floor.

Jeff Ehlart, vice commodore of the

One holdover from the former club building

Macatawa Bay Yacht Club, said the

is a wooden bar crafted and donated by

new facility will be twice the size of the

Baker Furniture. Prior to demolition, the bar

former one with an expanded dining

was removed and is being refinished and

sq. ft. building to house the Macatawa

room, lounge, and kitchen facility on the

Bay Yacht Club started in October and is

first level and a bar and multifunction rooms

expected to be completed for the opening of

on the top level.

the 2014 boating season.

restored for installation in the new building. The 415-member club was only open once a month during fall and winter. Once the new

“We’ve been studying improvement and

building is completed, Elhart said the club

The yacht club demolished its former

expansion needs for the clubhouse for three

would be open weekends and for holiday

clubhouse, built in 1964, to make way for

decades and we decided it was time to put

occasions in the fall and winter.

MBIA APPLAUDS NEW SALES TAX LAW FOR BOATS SOLD IN MICHIGAN When Gov. Rick Snyder signed into law Public Acts 159 and 160,

VanStone, president of Coldwater Lake Marina in Coldwater, Mich.

which brings Sales Tax on the Difference (STOD) for automobiles,

“This should increase sales within our state, keeping that revenue

RVs and boats to Michigan, it was welcomed by the Michigan

inside the state of Michigan. It’s great to see our lawmakers doing

Boating Industries Association (MBIA). When it comes to watercraft

the right thing and making the tax more fair to consumers.”

sales, Michigan will no longer be at a competitive disadvantage with its neighboring states.

“The passage of ‘Sales Tax on the Difference’ legislation is a winwin for consumers and businesses across the state,” said MBIA

Currently, all of Michigan’s surrounding states have STOD, which

Board Chairman Jim Coburn, Coburn & Associates. “Consumers

allows consumers to only pay sales tax on the difference between

will benefit and Michigan’s business climate will benefit through

the trade-in value and the new purchase price. The new law exempts

improved boat sales and ancillary marine sales. It’s a logical way to

the full value of a trade-in from the sales and use taxes on all boats.

‘even the economic playing field with many other states and improve

“This will have a huge impact on our ability to compete on a level playing field with our competitors in Ohio and Indiana,” said Les 38 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

Michigan’s revenue.”



The Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) confirmed on

It should be noted that flathead catfish typically inhabit large river

Jan. 13 that the state had a new record flathead catfish.

systems, like the nearby St. Joseph River. Based on the size of this

Dale Blakley of Niles, Mich, landed the record catfish on Jan. 12 on Barron Lake in Cass County. The fish weighed 52 pounds and measured 46.02 inches. Blakley said he was fishing for crappies when he landed the record fish. Brian Gunderman, a DNR fisheries biologist at the state Plainwell Office, verified the record. The previous state record flathead catfish was caught by Rodney Akey of Niles on the St. Joseph River in Berrien County on May 22, 2012. That fish weighed 49.8 pounds and measured 45.7 inches. Prior to that, the record hadn’t been broken since 1943.

fish, it mysteriously found its way to Barron Lake several years ago, perhaps through illegal stocking, as there are no direct connections to a large river system. Anglers are reminded that transferring fish from one water body to another is prohibited because such transfers can disrupt the fish community in the receiving water through predation, competition with native species, or introduction of new disease-causing organisms. State records are recognized by weight only. To qualify for a state record, fish must exceed the current listed state record weight and a DNR fisheries biologist must verify it.

Doug Jensen, University of Minnesota Sea Grant Program


Calumet Harbor is a vibrant harbor with international and intra-lake shipping present, said Kevin Irons, Aquatic Nuisance Species Program Manager for IDNR. Thus, the detection of Eurasian ruffe DNA is not that surprising. “Certainly, eDNA can come from swimming fish, but

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) is asking

alternatively eDNA can be transported by birds, boat hulls,

anglers to be on the lookout for and report any findings of Eurasian

fishing nets, and other mechanisms…. [L]ake freighters from infested

ruffe in Illinois waters. This fish is an aquatic nuisance species that

regions could simply discharge water and enable detections,” said

has been in the Great Lakes since the mid-1960s, and may be moving

Kelly Baerwaldt, joint U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/USFWS eDNA

into Illinois waters.

Program Manager.

Within the last year, a survey of Calumet Harbor in Northeast Illinois

“The Illinois DNR urges anglers to report fish that may be ruffe, as

by the University of Notre Dame, Central Michigan University, and

they may be taken while fishing for yellow perch or other fish in the

The Nature Conservancy has found Eurasian ruffe DNA in water

Calumet Harbor area, or anywhere in waters surrounding Chicago,”

samples. The initial conclusion from the Calumet Harbor water

Irons said. “A clear cell phone picture of the fish from several angles

samples did not detect ruffe, but follow up analyses suggest that

can help in identification, or you may simply put fish in a zip lock/

ruffe environmental DNA (or eDNA) may be present in a small portion

plastic bag and freeze it. If found, please note specifically where the

of the samples.

fish was caught and include time and date information.”

40 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

SHEDD AQUARIUM DEBUTS ASIAN CARP DIGITAL CURRICULUM Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium has unveiled two new

Shedd’s three “High Stakes of the Great Lakes”

digital resources: an online curriculum called Asian

videos are designed to go beyond the classroom

Carp Exploration and a series of video vignettes

and help educate audiences about the Great

entitled “The High Stakes of the Great Lakes.”

Lakes and Asian carp issue. Each video presents an overview of Great Lakes issues through a

Designed for seventh through ninth grade level students, the Asian Carp Exploration curriculum

©Shedd Aquarium

shares information about Asian carp through problem-based learning, providing insight into how the waterways are connected and how they relate to native and non-native wildlife. The curriculum can be easily adapted to any classroom format. Thus, teachers and students can select from three different specialties— industry, ecology and technology/engineering. Each specialty area presents tailored content related to the selected area, encouraging students to analyze each situation and propose their own ideas and recommendations to address Asian carp in a YouTube video.

series of themes, e.g., the beauty and importance of the Great Lakes, the threat of Asian carp,

and exploring the range of creative options to prevent the spread of invasive species. The videos are on the aquarium’s learning YouTube channel and featured in the online curriculum. Perspectives from various sectors are highlighted in the videos featuring key Great Lakes stakeholders ranging from David Ullrich, the executive director of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative to Dirk Fucik of Dirk’s Fish and Seafood to Shedd Great Lakes researcher Dr. Solomon David.

WISCONSIN SETS CHINOOK STOCKING STRATEGY Wisconsin’s fisheries division has settled on a strategy for stocking Chinook salmon in the state’s Lake Michigan waters, and it seeks to maintain existing great fishing opportunities in spring and summer all along the coast, while tweaking the state’s original fall fishing proposal based on public input. Mike Staggs, Wisconsin’s fisheries director, said the updated stocking strategy reflects newer research showing that Chinook are highly migratory fish, and that where they are stocked doesn’t affect the main fishery in the spring and summer.

Chinook starting in 2013 to bring the number of predator fish back into line with the number of prey fish. Significantly increased natural reproduction of Chinook in Michigan streams and record low levels

Moreover, current research suggests that stocking plays a much

of alewives, a key fish food, had led to declines in fish condition

more important role in determining where fish are caught in

in recent years and university researchers projected the Chinook

Wisconsin in the fall, with the bulk of these fish returning on their

population would crash in coming years if no measures were taken.

spawning runs to streams where they were stocked, said Brad

That lake-wide stocking adjustment, public input, and the new

Eggold, DNR fisheries supervisor for southern Lake Michigan.

understanding of fish migration since DNR’s longstanding stocking

Wisconsin and other states and tribes that share fisheries

strategy was created spurred DNR to update its stocking strategy,

management on Lake Michigan agreed to adjust stocking levels of

Staggs said.

YELLOW PERCH MEETING SET FOR CHICAGO The Lake Michigan Committee of the Great Lakes

Registration is free for all participants

Fishery Commission is holding a multi-jurisdictional

until March 15, 2014. Late registration will

yellow perch summit on March 22 in Chicago, Ill.

be available for a fee of $20 for in-person

The goal of this summit is to foster a dialog with

attendees on the day of the meeting only.

key partners about ongoing management efforts.

Registration for the Yellow Perch Summit is

Anyone interested in yellow perch and the Lake

required for all participants. It can be done

Michigan fisheries is invited to participate in person

online at: or via

or via a webinar.

phone at 847-294-4134. | 41



use web-based programs, the Internet, and social media to communicate with boaters and market the marina.

Reefpoint Marina

Harbor Centre Marina

The new management firm will receive a base

The city of Sheboygan (Wis.) has hired a new operator to provide day-to-day management of its Harbor Centre Marina. On Dec. 17, the city council approved a five-year contract with the Siegel-Gallagher Management Co. (SGMC) out of Milwaukee to replace the former managment company.

salary of $60,000 beginning in 2014, and this will increase $5,000 each following year. Harbor Centre Marina is owned by the city of Sheboygan and has been operating for about 20 years. The marina has yet to turn a profit,

and the city aldermen hope that a change in management will bring in more revenues. The marina has 280 slips and has rented an average of about 180 slips each boating season. City aldermen cited this statistic in their discussions, noting that it leaves some room for improvement.

John Mathison, a spokesman for Siegel-Gallagher, said the company would be retaining present staff at the marina. He told the council that his company wouldn’t sell boats, but rather focus its efforts on providing superior customer service. He said the company would

This is the second Lake Michigan marina under SGMC management. Racine County hired SGMC to manage Reefpoint Marina in May 2013, and the transition was so successful the company was awarded a five-year contract at the end of the season.

CITY MARINA PROJECT MOVES FORWARD Plans for a city-owned marina

Elizabeth White, the NavTours

those 30 feet or longer. That is

laundry facilities would be open

in Plattsburgh (N.Y.) moved one

manager in Plattsburgh, said

based on a U.S. Army Corps of

to the public.

step closer to reality when the

her company is very familiar

Engineers (USACE) study that

city Planning Board approved

with the area having offered

shows owners of larger boats are

the NavTours proposal to

boat charters of Lake Champlain

more likely to visit for overnight

operate a marina at the eastern

for 15 years. She said the

or longer and spend more

end of Dock Street next to the

company intends to have the

money at local businesses.

Plattsburgh Boat Basin.

new marina open in time for

The city would continue to own

the 2014 boating season.

Before beginning construction, the project developers need to finalize a lease with the city, get a permit from the New York State Office of General

The overall project will include

Services for that portion of the

office space, a welcome center,

property that is in the lake, and

the property and lease it to

Scott Allen of AES Northeast,

cafe, ships store, restrooms with

receive approval from USACE

NavMarine, an entity formed by

a design engineering firm, said

showers, laundry room, 32 dock

and the State Department of

NavTours to operate the marina.

the marina will be designed to

slips, and 25 moorings. The cafe,

Environmental Conservation.

accommodate larger boats, i.e.,

store, restrooms, showers and


previously used it as a storage spot

plans to install a new boat storage facility on

for marina equipment.

the northeast corner of its existing property.

42 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

During the appeals process, nearby

The plan moved closer to construction

residents raised concerns that the property

when Grand Haven’s Planning Commission

would become a dumping ground for

approved the project and a Zoning Board

outdated marina equipment and materials.

of Appeals gave the go-ahead in December

Chris Lisowicz, the owner of the marina,

for a 7,200 sq. ft. building that will be 35 ft.

said he’s heard these concerns, and the

high. The area where the building is to be

new building won’t pose any problems for

built is currently empty, but the marina had

dune enthusiasts.

STUDY EXAMINES SAMPSON STATE PARK MARINA OPTIONS The New York state Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic

Most recently, a special marina committee—Save the Sampson

Preservation (OPRHP) has allocated funds for a study of options

Marina—under the leadership of William Koelbel, who runs a

for the Sampson State Park Marina. The OPRHP Finger Lakes

marina consulting firm in Geneva, N.Y., was formed and it has

Regional Office in Trumansburg, N.Y. is undertaking the study.

asked the state to look at three options:

Although the Sampson State Park Marina is the only “safe harbor”

• Rebuild the marina in its current configuration

on the east side of Seneca Lake between Geneva and Watkins Glen, N.Y., it has deteriorated over the years. As a result, it is now facing unsafe conditions at its docks, along with shallow water and underwater obstructions that have prompted a ban on sailboats and the closure of several slips.

• Reconstruct the marina with a different configuration • Decommission the marina and replace it with a boat launch ramp. To help the state, the Friends of Sampson Park is contributing

In recent years, the Friends of Sampson Park, a group of boaters

reconstruction alternatives, boater demographics, cost estimates,

interested in keeping the marina as a viable boating location, was

and economic impact data.

formed and presented a petition to OPRHP asking for money to reconstruct the marina. It fell on deaf ears.

The current study is expected to be completed this year.

ALPENA BOAT HARBOR REPORTS DROP IN BOAT TRAFFIC Alpena Boat Harbor, the city-owned marina in Alpena, Mich.,

Alpena Boat Harbor has 90 seasonal slips for rent and only 56

reported a slight drop

boaters docked at the harbor in 2013. High fuel prices reduced the

in both boat traffic and

number of transient boaters, while low water levels prompted the

revenues in 2013 from

owners of larger vessels to seek locations that could accommodate

2012, according to a

their craft. Gilmet said the water levels would not be a problem in

Jan. 14 article in the

2014 as the harbor was dredged in late 2013,

Alpena News.

Another major factor in the decline of renters at the harbor is the age

Don Gilmet, the city’s

of boat owners and the types of boats they own. Older boaters tend

harbormaster, said

to keep their boats at the harbor, while younger ones prefer to buy

the number of people who are transient boaters, rent docks at the marina, and purchase launch permits has steadily declined each year since 2010.

smaller boats that are easier to take from one location to another. Although the Michigan Waterways Commissions has allowed Alpena to drop rates and promote the facility over a wider area, it hasn’t

He cited high gasoline prices, the decline in salmon fishing, and

been enough to stimulate increased boating traffic, Gilmet said.

the reduced number of walleye in the adjacent waters as the major

He hoped more transient boaters would visit the harbor as word

factors for the dip in boating revenues.

spreads about the beauty of Thunder Bay Marine Sanctuary.

CHARLEVOIX LOOKS TO EXPAND MARINA The City of Charlevoix is looking to expand its marina to help

Spencer, Charlevoix City Planner said. But the city would first have to

accommodate larger boats and yachts. City leaders said the project

find a way to cover the initial costs, which are an estimated $400,000.

would cost the city hundreds of thousands of dollars, but believe it could help provide a long-term boost to the economy. The last couple of years have been very good for the marina, said Hal Evans, the Charlevoix Marina Harbormaster, but he has had to turn away some larger vessels because the marina can’t accommodate them. He added that each lost boat represents a lost opportunity for someone to spend about $250 a night in Charlevoix.

City leaders are not sure if they will pre-lease the slips or search for grant money, but either way they want the public’s opinion. “We’re looking forward to all public comments for or against,” Spencer

So to accommodate the growing demand, the city is proposing a

said. “Once

marina expansion plan. One of the docks on Round Lake would be

we know that

extended another 150 feet, existing slips reconstructed, and this

and have

would double the number of slips available for larger vessels.

firm numbers

“It’s estimated that the additional revenue that would result from the slips would pay for the expansion within three to five years,” Mike

on cost then city council will be able to make a decision.” | 43


REGULATIONS HAVE CHANGED IN SEVERAL STATES A number of new state and local boating laws, regulations and policy

Ohio passed the Boater Freedom Act in the summer of 2013, which

changes will take effect in 2014. The Sea Tow Foundation reminds

should help to decrease the number of stops and inspections that

boaters to review the laws affecting their home waters, as well as the

law enforcement officers can make of recreational boaters within the

waters of any other states where they may go boating.

state. Boats may only be stopped if there is reasonable suspicion

Here’s a list of some of the state boating law changes impacting boaters this year: New York’s mandatory education law goes into effect on May 1 and impacts any person born on or after May 1, 1996 who wishes to operate a mechanically propelled boat. Boat operators must be at least 10 years old, and anyone operating a boat under the

that the vessel, equipment or operator is violating boating laws or engaging in criminal activity. Pennsylvania boaters must now follow a new rule that prohibits anyone from riding on the bow deck or railings of a boat at high rates of speed. This is to prevent passengers, especially young children, from falling overboard and being injured or killed.

age of 18 must have his or her own boating safety certificate or be

The National Association of State Boating Law Administrators

accompanied by someone over the age of 18 who has a boating

(NASBLA),, offers boaters information about the

safety certificate. This law supersedes the law previously passed in

laws and policies for recreational boating safety within the 50 U.S.

Suffolk County.

states and territories.


The NSHOF’s five percent discount can be combined with US

Moorings have announced a partnership designed to call attention to

Sailing’s five percent discount, and with Sunsail or The Moorings

and promote cruising. With this partnership, NSHOF Founding

loyalty incentives for up to 15 percent off a charter cruise. The NSHOF said it is offering this discount incentive as a way of

Members, NSHOF Founding Member

saying thanks to those people who are active participants in growing

Yacht Club members, and NSHOF

and furthering the sport of sailing, and use cruising to enrich the lives

Community Sailing Organization

of their families and friends. Terms and conditions of the discount are

Supporters are now qualified to receive

available online at

a five percent NSHOF discount on Sunsail and The Moorings charters and cruises.

BOATING IN ITALY WITH SEA SENSE The course is designed

also will be plenty of time for

to give participants

exploring and touring during

the opportunity to

this course.

become competent and comfortable as both skipper and crew. Boat handling, docking European-style, navigating from island to island in international waters, and locking through the canal system are among the many skills to be learned. Sea Sense is offering an eight-

This hands-on powerboating

day powerboating class in

course will be taught aboard

Venice, Italy this season.

a fully equipped, comfortable, modern 47-foot canal boat.

44 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

All of this will take place

The live-aboard course is scheduled from June 14 to 21, 2014. It will depart from and return to the charming river town of Casale, Italy, which is northeast of Venice. The cost is $3,895 per person, which includes breakfast and lunches aboard, all cruising taxes, dockage, and fuel costs.

while cruising in an area that has //

enchanted emperors, sailors and


travelers for centuries. There

A WEEK ABOARD A 200 FOOT TALL SHIP in July and August 2014, teens between the ages of 13 and 18 will

spectacular night skies, marine phosphorescence, whales breaching,

have a unique opportunity to experience “an ocean of education and

and dolphins at play! Newport, Nantucket, Boston, Portsmouth and

adventure” aboard the newly built SSV Oliver Hazard Perry.

Greenport are among the historically rich ports the ship will visit.

With 15 professional crew plus a capacity for 30-34 students each

Latest rendering of SSV Oliver Hazard Perry, as she will look when

session, Rhode Island’s Official Sailing Education Vessel is open

she sails in 2014. (Image Credit Ezra Smith Design, LLC/Trixie

to students from any state or country during teen camp sessions.

Wadson) Available to download in high resolution by clicking the

It is a 200-foot Coast Guard inspected and approved steel-hulled,

photo above

technologically sophisticated 21st Century ship—the first oceangoing, full-rigged ship to be built in the U.S. in 110 years and the largest civilian sail training vessel in America.

Camp price for six days/nights is $1,600 (10% discount for enrolling before January 31, 2014), which includes all meals and a 1:4 ratio of staff to students. The first of SSV Oliver Hazard Perry’s seven one-

Students will take the helm of the 500-ton Tall Ship, learn to work as

week onboard coastal Sea Camp programs begins July 13 and the

a team with others as they hoist and brace the yards on the 130-

last finishes on Aug. 30.

foot tall rig, and apply acquired seamanship and navigation skills to guide the ship’s course on a voyage of discovery. In addition, they will witness the natural magic of the ocean and its inhabitants—think

Call 401-841-0080 or visit for more information and a reservation form.


starting on July 1,

of maneuvering. The main deck layout

Charters has

2014 from Footloose’s

combines wide side decks with walk-through

added Footloose

base in the British

access to the aft swim platforms, while a

474 Power

Virgin Islands.

large foredeck with louvered steps offers

Catamarans to

This yacht’s design

its fleet. These

incorporates a

four-cabin yachts feature an open plan with indoor and outdoor dining, spacious saloon, and a forward-facing navigation station among others. These catamarans are available for immediate booking for charters

additional lounging and seating areas. The 474’s interior is outfitted with air-

three-level deck plan

conditioning throughout, while windows

that is navigable,

along the sides of the coach roof fill the room

comfortable, and ideal

with natural light. Each of the four double

for group travel. The top level is an expansive

cabins has an en-suite bath.

flybridge with a centrally positioned helm

station for excellent visibility and ease

COAST GUARD FOUNDATION ANNOUNCES DOUGLAS MUNRO SCHOLARSHIP FUND The Coast Guard Foundation, a non-profit organization committed

Signalman First Class

to the education and welfare of Coast Guard members and their

Douglas Albert Munro was killed in action on Guadalcanal on Sept.

families, has established the Douglas Munro Scholarship Fund.

27, 1942 after helping a detachment of Marines escape from a point

Named for the only Coast Guard member to be awarded the Medal

where enemy opposition was far worse than anticipated. Munro was

of Honor, the new scholarship will help children of Coast Guard

in charge of a fleet of 10 boats that successfully landed the Marines.

members achieve their goals of a college education.

He got them ashore and headed back to his assigned position,

To establish the fund, the Coast Guard Foundation is offering a limited-edition challenge coin set that honors Munro and his service in the Coast Guard. The coin set will be offered to individuals who donate $100 or more to the scholarship fund. The American-made collectable coins are numbered and bear Munro’s likeness on the front, and an image of a statue erected in his honor and his Medal of

but immediately learned that the conditions on the island were much more dangerous than expected. Munro led the evacuation of Guadalcanal, bringing the boats under heavy enemy fire to rescue the Marines. In order to save the last men leaving, he moved the boat he was on to serve as cover, where he was fatally wounded.

Honor on the back. | 45


FIRST C&C REDLINE 41 C&C Yachts has announced that the first

built for an experienced British ocean racer

The new 41 is designed to be a fast, durable

production hull of the Mills-designed Redline

who plans to compete in the 2014 Newport

performer capable of taking on offshore

41 is under construction. The boat is being

Bermuda Race. The C&C 41 is the newest

events like Newport-Bermuda, Chicago-Mac,

member of Mark Mills’ family of race

Fastnet, and the Hobart race. The swept

winning 40-footers such as Blondie,

spreader, non-overlapping jib and choice of

Tokoloshe, Mariner’s Cove, Soozal,

conventional spinnaker or retractable sprit

and Downtime.

provide ease of handling with top-notch

It is anticipated that the C&C 41 will be a strong performer in ORR/ORCi and IRC. Mills Design is working closely with US Sailing to provide

performance. Aesthetics are enhanced with custom interior choices provided by C7C Yachts/USWatercraft.

an ORR certificate for the boat.


a limited number of handicap classes.

begun for the Third

Classes with strong contingents

Annual Bayview One

expected to enter include: Audi Melges 20, Beneteau 36.7, C&C 35

Design Regatta, which

Mark I Design, Cal 25, Catalina 27, Etchell, Express 27, J/70, J/120,

will be hosted by the

J/35, Laser, Lightning, Thistle, and Thomas 35, Melges 24, NA 40,

Bayview Yacht Club of

S27.9, Tartan Ten, and Ultimate 20.

Detroit, Mich. The event is scheduled

Daily awards will be provided for first, second, and third places for each class. Series prizes will be awarded for first through third places

to take place May 30 through June 1 and includes three race circles

for classes with 15 or fewer entered boats and first through fifth

for larger keelboats that will take place on Lake St. Clair, and a fourth

places for classes with more than 15 entered boats. A One Design

race that will be held on the Detroit River, featuring Ultimate 20s,

series overall winner for each race area (four total) will be selected by

Wayfarer and other dinghies.

the Organizing Authority (OA). The One Design entry determined by

The Bayview One Design Regatta will again host the International Moth Grand Prix. The exhibition races will take place in front of Bayview Yacht Club on the evenings of May 30 and May 31. The Regatta continues a familiar format of multiple races on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for two dozen or more one-design classes and

the OA to be the best performing boat will receive recognition on the Bayview One Design Regatta Perpetual Trophy. Registration ends May 23.

BVI SPRING REGATTA & SAILING FESTIVAL The BVI Spring Regatta & Sailing Festival takes place from

from the Moorings Club 37.2, 2-cabin cruiser, comfortable for a

March 31 to April 6, in the British Virgin Islands. Starting at Nanny

crew of six to the 50.5. At the top of the range is the Moorings 4800

Cay, the Sailing Festival commences with the Round Tortola Race,

catamaran, which can comfortably accommodate 10 people.

followed by a relaxed island race and a beach day at Nanny Cay.

Besides a wide range of bareboat charter opportunities, there are also

After the warm up, the BVI Spring Regatta

race charter options available at

provides three days of racing. Nanny Cay

the BVI Spring Regatta for groups

Marina is regatta central with all-day fun for

or individuals. From fleet racing in

the family and parties after sundown with

IC24s to big-boat racing in ocean-

live music and dancing on the beach. For sailors who want to race but don’t have a boat in the BVI, The Moorings has seven different types of charter yachts available, 46 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

going high performance yachts, there are options to suit any sailor or race team.



The Cruising Club of America (CCA)

In 2013, Dick was racing in his third Vendee Globe aboard the

has selected Jean-Pierre Dick (Nice,

IMOCA 60 Virbac-Paprec3. Going into the final stretch of the race

France) to receive the Rod Stephens

Dick was in the running for third place, but on January 21,,about

Trophy for Outstanding Seamanship

500 miles northwest of the Cape Verde Islands, the canting keel

for his completion of the Vendée Globe 2012-2013 after sailing

broke off the boat. In order to keep the boat upright, Dick filled the

without a keel for the last 2,650 miles of the solo non-stop around-

water ballast tanks, outran a 50-knot storm, and anchored in a cove

the-world race. The trophy is given “for an act of seamanship that

off the coast of Spain.

significantly contributes to the safety of a yacht or one or more individuals at sea.” The award will be presented on May 21, 2014 at the New York Yacht Club in Manhattan.

After 48 hours, he continued racing without the keel, and on February 4, 2013, after sailing 27,734 miles, Dick crossed the finish line in fourth place. His other major accomplishment during

Dick’s sailing accomplishments include four circumnavigations and

the race was covering the greatest distance in a 24-hour period,

five transatlantic crossings.

clocking 517.23 miles while racing on December 10 with an average

In the Vendee Globe 2008-2009 Dick had to retire to New Zealand

speed of 21.6 knots.

after his boat suffered rudder damage.


had a significant impact on the development

nominations and carry-over nominations

is now accepting online nominations for the

of the sport of sailing in the United States,

from last year, as determined by a selection

2014 Class of the National Sailing Hall of

they may be included.

committee appointed by the NSHOF,

Fame. After the nominating period concludes on April 1, Inductees for 2014 will be determined this summer.

Nominees must be 45 years of age or older. Posthumous nominations may be made five years postmortem or in the year the

Nominating categories include Sailing,

deceased would have reached 45 years of

Technical/Design and Contributors.

age, whichever is sooner.

Each candidate should be a U.S. Citizen;

This year, up to six people will be chosen

however if someone of international birth has

from a combination of publicly-submitted

comprised of representatives from NSHOF, U.S. Sailing, the sailing media, the sailing industry, community sailing, a maritime museum and NSHOF founding member clubs. This year’s Induction Ceremony will be held on Sept. 28 at the Bayview and Detroit yacht clubs in Detroit, Mich.

2013 MARITIME HERO RECOGNIZED In the second annual campaign to recognize individuals who make

“The Old Pulteney Maritime Heroes Award was created to recognize

significant contributions to the sailing community, Old Pulteney

and honor a true hero who uses their love of sailing to advance their

Single Malt Scotch Whisky and US Sailing announced Rorke Miller of

community and the lives of others,” said Pat Graney, President of

Traverse City, Mich., as the winner of the 2013 Old Pulteney Maritime

International Beverage USA. “Rorke Miller has done exactly this with

Heroes Award. Miller was nominated by a member of his sailing

his SAIL Champion and RED8 Boatworks programs.”

community for his involvement in the SAIL Champion program. One of three finalists, he won the top honor after receiving the most online votes. SAIL Champion aims to help at-risk youth through the therapeutic activity of sailing. As director of the program and co-founder of RED8 Boatworks, Miller creates a positive environment where young

Amy Larkin, Marketing Director of US Sailing added, “Young adults are the future of the sport, and garnering interest and gaining skills at a young age helps to keep the heart of sailing beating.” To learn about nominating an unsung sailor in 2014, visit

adults can seek guidance and training for a better future. He has helped young adults achieve higher education scholarships and paved the road to making better life choices. | 47


SWIVEL COMBO LOCKS The E-LOCK®/Swivel Combo by DuraSafe combines two keyed-alike locks to provide protection of bracket-mounted electronics that utilize a RAM® mount. When marine electronics are mounted to a RAM® mount system, locks are needed for both the electronics unit and the mount. The E-Lock/Swivel Combos are available in three different sizes depending on the RAM Mount System. Small fits B Size RAM: 1-inch diameter ball, Medium fits C size RAM: 1.5-inch diameter ball, and Large fits D & E size: 2.25- and 3.37-inch diameter balls. From $42.95 // 262-544-5615 //

WATERPROOF BATTERY PACK The Trent PowerPak Ultra allows users to keep their USB-based devices powered while in the most extreme environments. Featuring a rugged exterior and IP67 rating, the PowerPak Ultra can survive most drops and can be temporarily submerged in water for up to 30 minutes without damage. It features 14,000 mAh of power, meaning it is powerful enough to store 700 percent of the average smartphone’s battery life. The powerful battery pack features two USB ports able to simultaneously charge any combination of smartphones, tablets, or other USB-based device. The unit is available in black or orange. $69.95 //;

TROLLING-MOTOR TRANSDUCER The SpotlightScanTM Sonar trolling-motor transducer provides picture-like images of key fishing areas on compatible HDS Gen2* or HDS Gen2 Touch* fishfinder/ chartplotter displays. SpotlightScan Sonar clearly pinpoints structure and fish targets ahead and around a boat. The SpotlightScan transducer is installed by attaching it to any bow-mounted, cable-steer, foot-control trolling motor**. Twin scanning beams provide quick refresh rates, and beam indicators are visible on the HDS Gen2 display to guide adjustments on rotation or scanning speeds for the best possible underwater image. $499 // 800-628-4487 //

* HDS Gen2 (non Touch) models require the SonarHub™ module for compatibility with the SpotlightScan Sonar transducer. 48 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

** SpotlightScan Sonar installation requires connectivity to a bow-mounted, cable-steer, foot-control trolling motor. Not for use with hand-steer or electric-steer electric trolling motors.

ULTRA BRIGHT LANTERN The Mr. Beams UltraBright Lantern is one of the brightest available, providing 260 lumens of light, and it also serves as a USB charging station. Powered by four D-cell batteries, the lantern is capable of fully charging a smartphone three times while providing 15 hours of light. To conserve battery power, the lantern has a built-in shut off feature after 60 minutes of use. Prior to turning off, the lantern will blink so users are never caught in the dark unawares. It’s available in white or forest green.

$39.99 // 877-298-9082 //

GPS SPEEDOMETER The Faria GPS Speedometer is a drop-in replacement for a current speedometer and can be made to match an existing instrument dash in a standard 4-inch dashboard hole. GPS information is gathered from an internal GPS antenna. The unit uses a 48-channel GPS receiver to produce the most accurate GPS information available. Course Over Ground (COG) and actual heading (compass heading over ground) are displayed on an optional digital LCD. An analog pointer that is driven by a digital stepper motor for increased accuracy and minimized pointer bounce during vessel operation shows speed data.

$229 // 860-848-9271 //

THERMAL IMAGING/DAYLIGHT COLOR CAMERA The NightRunner® Dual Payload Thermal Imaging/Daylight Color Camera from the Iris Corp. provides both high-resolution thermal imaging and full pan/tilt/zoom daylight color imaging in a sleek, waterproof housing. It provides sailors and fishermen with the ability to “see” not only in the dark, but also through fog, smoke, and dust. When thermal imaging isn’t required, the daylight camera module has a powerful digital zoom feature for use under a wide range of conditions and navigating situations. The camera can be installed in either a standard or hanging orientation.

$4,500 // 954-533-9381 // | 49


SCALE REMOVER FOR POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS PSR™ from TRAC Ecological Products safely removes scale, silicate, calcium, sludge, and other mineral deposits from onboard potable water systems. Made from food grade-rated materials, non-toxic and biodegradable PSR is safe for users, equipment, and the environment. It will not harm the properties of most surfaces including plastic, metal, rubber, fiberglass, vinyl, wood, or paint. (However, care should be taken when PSR™ is used with zinc-based metals such as zinc anodes, tin, or galvanized materials.) One gallon of PSR treats approximately 30 to 40 gallons of potable water. Available in 1-, 5-, 55-, and 250-gallon containers. From $51 // 954-987-2722 //

FIBERGLASS REPAIR SOLUTION MagicEzy has developed a range of all-in-one industrial strength repair solutions that fix, bond, and color various types of fiberglass damage in one application without the need for pre-repair sanding. MagicEzy products include 9 Second Chip Fix and Hairline Fix, which come in 11 popular boat colors and can also be used on wood, ceramics, plastic, metal, glass, and masonry. These products are available in 12.9 ml/0.45 fl. oz. tubes with a built-in leveling device to help achieve pinpoint accuracy and a smooth, level finish. About $17 each // 702-879-7929 //

WATER STRAINER Forespar’s Marelon T-150 Strainer provides a compact installation alternative for raw water filtration. The strained includes a mounting bracket that only requires two 1/4 -inch fasteners to attach it to a bulkhead or stringer, and its C clamp shape allows the strainer to be snapped into place and rotated as needed. A clear polycarbonate screw-on filter bucket offers easy viewing of the stainless steel filter basket without removal. The T-150 fits 11/2 -inch female NPSM (Parallel Threads) ports to which a straight or 90˚ hose barb tailpipe can be attached. Adaptors are also available for 3/4 to 11/4 -inch fittings. $149.50 // 800-266-8820 //

50 GLB | Mar/A pr 14

WHERE BOATERS GO FOR NEWS BENEFITS TO VENDORS Become a preferred vendor and make your business available to Great Lakes boaters. is a community-based meeting place for boaters and vendors of marine products and services. BENEFITS TO BOATERS • Offers vigorous economic and political support to boaters on the Great Lakes and on the inland waterways from the Mississippi to the Atlantic Coast • Advances boaters’ rights, needs and interests on the federal, state and local levels in the face of harsh regulations • Forges partnerships with boating businesses to provide member discounts at the best providers of boating products and services



Bonita Springs Boat Show Naples/Fort Myers Greyhound Track. Bonita Springs


Yellow Perch Summit

Fort Myers Spring Boat Show Lee Civic Center North Fort Myers

MARCH 13-15

Devos Place Grand Rapids



Steelheaders Fishing & Outdoor Show Birch Run Expo Center Birch Run

Dania Marine Flea Market Mardi Gras Casino Hallandale

Cottage & Lakefront Living Show

UIC Forum Chicago

MARCH 7-10

MARCH 28-30


Midwest Fly Fishing Expo

Boat & Outdoor Show Grand Traverse County Civic Center Traverse City


St. Charles Boat Show St. Charles Convention Center St. Charles

MARCH 14-16

Macomb Community College Sports & Expo Center Warren

Emerald Coast Boat Show

Emerald Coast Convention Center Fort Walton Beach

MARCH 13-16

The Great Upstate Boat Show

Spring Boating Expo

Adirondack Sports Complex Queensbury

MARCH 20-23

Palm Beach International Boat Show


Suburban Collection Showplace Novi


Flagler Dr./Intracoastal Waterway West Palm Beach

MARCH 14-16

Dow Diamond, 825 E. Main St. Midland

Central Wisconsin RV & Camping Show

Patriot Center Wausau

Jacksonville Metro Park & Marina Jacksonville

MARCH 20-23

Devos Place Grand Rapids

APRIL 11-13

Southeast U.S. Boat Show

APRIL 25-27

Suncoast Boat Show of Downtown Sarasota Marina Jack’s Sarasota

Dow Diamond Boat Show

Ultimate Sport Show


MARCH 14-16

Wisconsin Sport Show

Eau Claire Indoor Sports Center Eau Claire

MARCH 27-29

Lansing Boat Show Lansing Center Lansing


Cottage Life Show International Centre Toronto

52 GLB | Mar/A pr 14


PRODUCTS & SERVICES FREE ADS GOT A BOAT TO SELL? Complimentary 25-word classified boat advertisements and PHOTO in the May/June 2014 issue. (NO STRINGS ATTACHED!)

Email your text-only advertisement to:

Advertiser Index Free classified boat advertisement offer limited to one per reader. All classified ads are subject to publisher’s approval. Space is limited. Free ads will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Advertisements for the May/June 2014 issue must be received by Apr. 7, 2014.

Allstate Insurance ............................. IFC Carver Boats...................................... BC Chicago Harbors/Westrec ................. 7 Cruzin ................................................ 2 Essex Credit ...................................... 3 Honda Marine .................................... 1 National Ocean Policy Coalition ........ 31


Powerboat Headquarters .................. 23 Progressive ....................................... 11 Reef Point Marina Marina.............................. 5

SUBSCRIPTION RATES US Customers 1 yr $21.50 (6 issues) 2 yr $40.00 (12 issues)

SAMS................................................. 56 SkipperBud’s ......................... 55, IBC ............................ 27

CANADA (USD) 1 yr $27.50 (6 issues) 2 yr $46.00 (12 issues)


Visit Sheboygan................................. 39 Waukegan Harbor.............................. 15 or CALL: 312.266.8400 | 53



Contact Ed at ebaker101@comcast.

1984 41’ President Double Cabin Trawler: Twin diesels, 9kw generator, autopilot, synchronizer, air & heat, GPS plotter. Sleeps 6, washer/dryer, flat panel tv/dvd, vacuflush heads, 2 refridgerators, ice maker. Dock steps, spare props. Interior upgraded, beautifully maintained. Bob at

net or Call: 630-253-8737. $4500.

586-566-1550 or 810-335-7711. $65K.

1978 RANGER 22 IOR Mini Ton: Major refit 2008/09, new North sails, Tohatsu 6 hp, 125%, roller furler, gennaker,, compass, speedo. Also 155%, 100%, spinnaker, trailer.

(see photo below)

1987 49’ Grand Banks Motor Yacht: Perfect live aboard and cruiser, 3 staterooms, two 3208TA CATS, two generators, water maker, ice maker, refrigerator/freezer. Much more, new survey. Located Charleston, SC,

POWERBOAT 1989 280 Baja Sport: Good entry level performance boat. Twin 454s, trailer included. Located Southeast Michigan. Call Chuck at 419-356-4522.

Call Ken at 828-479-4939, $285,000. (see photo below)


Asking $17,900 obo. (see photo below)

MISCELLANEOUS LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL A MARINA? 1979 34’ John Allmand Sport Fisher: Bluewater boat on heavy-duty trailer for storage. Insured $25,000. Dennis at 773-901-6721. Sell $12,500. (see photo below)

Contact: Eddy A. Dingman Lic: Marina real estate/business broker

847-987-6626 National Marina Properties Group Financing available to qualified buyers. AMI MEMBER (association of Marina industries)

Visit: Slip for Sale: 60’ slip at the beautiful Duncan Bay Boat Club in Cheboygan, MI at an incredible price of $19,900. Slip has a center finger-pier (allows 4-way tie of the boat) and a dock box. Call Ray at 586-243-1713.

Sell your boat on our NEW redesigned Classified Section





54 GLB | Mar/A pr 14















































































79,900.00 139,995.00 85,997.00
















































































169,000.00 449,900.00





























138,000.00 134,995.00
























































































415,000.00 479,900.00






























































































69,900.00 | 55


For complete specs & photos of these boats visit:

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