GLBM Summer 2013 Newsletter

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Summer 2013 Newsletter

Bob DeWitt

It is “rainy season” in Myanmar and Thailand and the GLBM ministry of missionary Emmanuel Sinoy and the Gospel Executive Director Baptist Church in Mae Sot has been overwhelmed recently by flooding. Torrential rains have put the GLBM “Bliss Baptist Academy” and Orphanage under knee-deep water. Because of the flooding they have lost their electric power and water supply, not to mention the fact that snakes and leaches have come out of their holes. The children have been evacuated to the church that remains dry for the moment. But as space is so limited, the children are sleeping on the floor in rows and simple daily tasks like brushing teeth and bathing are difficult. Weather officials are predicting more heavy rain and more flooding. Our school and orphanage facilities were new in July and were built to sustain flooding. The basic structures remain sound. But there has been much loss. Right now we are filling bags with sand and doing what we can to head-off the next storm. But help is badly needed to replace school books, furniture, clothing, and food. We are estimating of a loss of at least $10,000. Please pray for our people, especially the children, many who are sick because of the flooding. If you would like to help in any way, please call our office or send your help to GLBM.

In Pursuit of Financial Support


e believe that GLBM presents one of the most genuine and fresh opportunities in world evangelism today. Because the people of Myanmar have been isolated and oppressed for over fifty years, they are hungry for the truth of the Gospel and it is “harvest time” in old Burma. And yet, this is not the end of the story! God has shown us that Myanmar is the “hub of the wheel” or the geographical and philosophical center of the Buddhist world. Myanmar is physically bordered by five countries and surrounded by twelve. We want to train an army of preachers to plant churches, not only in Myanmar but, throughout all of Southeast Asia. Our goal is to plant 700 churches in Myanmar, or 50 new congregations in each of their 14 States & Divisions, then to train missionaries to be sent out “the spokes of the wheel” to the surrounding countries and people-groups. To do this we must partner with ministries like Bearing Precious Seed, Seedline, First Bible International, BEAMS, and local churches from the U.S. and Canada. It costs much to empower the Burmese pastors and churches. It is very expensive to print and send Burmese Scriptures and discipleship materials. Most children in Myanmar have no access to education and the hundreds of orphans God has committed to our care depend on us for everything. We must travel to churches all across our own land to present these needs to church congregations who care about souls and wish to take advantage of a golden opportunity to obey God’s command to evangelize the world before Jesus returns. Will you help us? GLBM Executive Director, Dr. Bob DeWitt is constantly on the road, preaching and presenting the work of Golden Land Baptist Missions. You can schedule him or Assistant Director, Dr. Joe Miller or GLBM Representative Gary Pickering by calling the GLBM office.

GLBM Pastors School: 2013 Our 1st annual GLBM Pastors School in the city of Yangon, Myanmar was a great success with 107 preachers attending. The men received much information and inspiration by speakers from America and Thailand. This year, in the 2nd Annual Pastors School, we are expecting over 400 pastors and preacher boys. Like last year, Dr. Charles Keen and First Bible International will help to sponsor the conference. Men will come from every corner of Myanmar, from the city of Yangon, from remote villages, and through remaining war zones. This year our men will receive Bibles, a copy of the newly translated 250-page Bob DeWitt “ABCs of Christian Growth” by Dr. Robert Sargent, a Burmese translation of Dr. Dennis CorExecutive Director le’s Soul-winning notebook, and a GLBM guide to Bible doctrine, policies and standards for service, as well as an application for acceptance as GLBM church-planter. Speakers scheduled this year include Dr. Jon Jenkins, Dr. Joe Grimaldi, Pastor Bill Duttry, Pastor Tom Fry, and GLBM’s Dr. Bob DeWitt and Dr. Joe Miller. Please pray as preparations are made for this landmark event to reach souls for Christ.

Lighthouse Publications joins GLBM and goes to the Burmese Border

Burmese Border Trip: Mae Sot, Thailand Aug. 19 - Sept. 2 DeWitt / Miller Pray for • Souls

One of the biggest needs and desires that GLBM pastors and churches have in Myanmar is for the published Word, gospel tracts, and discipleship literature. When we visit these congregations there is usually one Bible in the crowd. Perhaps, but not always, the pastor has a Bible but must share it with all his people. GLBM has been in the process of shipping Burmese Scriptures in ocean containers for the past year. But it takes time, patience, and much money. Scripture containers currently cost approximately $4600 “I have dreamed and waited for the each. They leave the U.S. aboard huge cargo ships and, opportunity to have an international because we cannot ship directly to Myanmar, each sails to Bangkok, Thailand. The contents is inspected and a presence where I could publish and value accessed by Thai officials. We pray and wait to see facilitate the scripture to hundreds of if there will be a customs fee. Then, for yet another fee, pastors who are planting churches in the the container is trucked 650 kilometers to the Burmese ‘hub’ of the Buddhist world. Bob DeWitt & border where, up until this summer, Scriptures have been GLBM is that open door, having established stored at the Gospel Baptist Church in Mae Sot. But with services in four languages, children’s church, and a beachhead there already” the Golden Land Baptist Bible Institute, space is always limited. Then the most difficult part of the journey beDr. gins when pastors and men from our churches inside Myanmar come to the border, sometimes traveling several days, and carefully carry the boxes of Scriptures across the river in small boats or canoes to trucks waiting on the other side. It is a difficult two to three day journey back to the city of Yangon (old Rangoon) where the Scriptures are again stored in a dry place and the work of distribution is begun.

• Establishment of Scripture Depot • Strengthening of Pastors

Joe Miller

GLBM has rented houses for storage in both Mae Sot and Yangon and is in the process of establishing “Scripture Depots” on each end of this “Scripture Trail.” It is in these places that God’s Word for the Burmese will be constantly received and distributed.

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Ryobi’s “Cadillac” 2-color Offset Press

©2013 Lighthouse Publications, Inc.

For Your Bob DeWitt GLBM Director

Dr. Charles Keen says, “Half the world has never heard a clear presentation the gospel.” 3.2 billion people are without the Word of God. 6,000 whole people groups in the world are without a single self-supporting, self-governing, and self propagating local church. These people form what the Bible calls “the uttermost parts of the earth.” The unreached people groups of the world receive only 0.2 of 1% of American mission dollars. Many of these people groups are in Myanmar, or Old Burma.

eting e M t n e T l a Annu ! 3000+ saved


GLBM Churc

h Schools

Reaching New People Groups

Migrant children may attend a GLBM school for only $110.00 per year. Change a young life today.

Sugar cane workers Mru tribal people

Emmanuel Sinoy GLBM Thai Coordinator

Bliss Baptist Academy - Mae Sot, Thailand (on the Burmese border)

1000’s of Buddhists hearing gospel daily

n... e r d l i h c l o o Sch el! p s o g e h t r o hungry f Many GLBM Orphanage s Mae Sot, Thailand

Migrant Schools in Thailand

GLBM regularly has the opportunity to preach the gospel to 1000’s of Burmese migrant children, teens, and college students and to distribute scriptures and gospel tracts, seeing countless souls saved.

Thousands of Buddhist Monks

Aung Lan, Myanmar

Pastor Bill Duttry

slims u M d n a s k Mon Saved!

“Like Precious Faith”

Spec eciaalkers Speiaal p S e kers Join us in Yangon for our 2nd Annual Sp

Dr. Jon Jenkins

“Ba Gyi B ob” with his “ family”

Pastors School 2013 December 3rd - 5th

Pastor Joe Grimaldi

Expecting 300-500 National Preachers

Evg. Bob DeWitt

Dr. Joe Miller

GLBM Bible Institute

Pastor Pai Lian Thang has written record of over 4,700 Burmese Buddhists he has won to Christ

“Yah Zeem” was a Muslim college math professor but recently found Christ as his Saviour. After being disowned by his family and hunted by the Islamic leaders, he found our conference. When Bro. Bob heard his testimony, he asked him to speak to our men. He “brought the house down” as our GLBM preachers, not only received him, but rallied around him. He is now studying in our Bible institute, preparing himself to reach his own people with the Gospel.

GLBM’s orphans come from the street. They are left behind by years of strife and poverty within Myanmar. Every GLBM pastor is taking care of many widows and orphans, and it is our privilege to raise and teach these children for Christ. Many are already going on to prepare themselves for ministry.

Together, with God’s help, we can make a difference in their lives.

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