GLBM Newsletter - June 2019

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An Historic Trip: My Assistant, Jim Reedy, and I were in Myanmar May 5 through June 7. During our month’s stay we saw twelve adults and many young people turn to Christ for biblical salvation. Also, I preached the building dedication services of two separate churches and laid the cornerstone of another in very historic meetings among God’s people. We visited many of our GLBM preachers, churches, their schools and orphans, and did our best to encourage and bless them in many real ways. Also, a great door has been opened to me by the Lord with the Mon Tribe people of southern Myanmar. And, it was my great privilege to participate in the marriage of a wonderful young couple from two influential families. In Yangon Division, outside the large city, we visited with several of our churches and preachers, sometimes traveling for hours through much traffic and over very rough roads:

31 year-old woman who is dying GOT SAVED

Peter Judson leading a young couple to

Fathers of the Bride and Groom

Laying the Cornerstone for the new Mercy Baptist, Sagaing Division

Mon Wedding

Pastor A Lin, with his church and twenty orphans, is doing a wonderful job in their newly acquired property where they have a church building and living quarters for all. During this first year while occupying the new property, many souls have been won to Christ and families have been added to their congregation. Pastor Joel Myint Aung is in the village of Okkan, and has made so much progress, with just a couple hundred dollars each month, that we were actually shocked. He and his people have truly made the most of what they have by firming-up their foundation and redesigning the existing space in their building. What was a very simple one-room house, built on high stilts that shook under the load of weight and swayed back and forth in a good wind, is now a two-story church and residence that is very sturdy. Villagers are being saved, and families are being added to the church membership. Pastor Steven has started a new church in Shwe Pyi Thar Township, a growing community where apartment cities and large businesses are popping up everywhere. Steven is a faithful and relentless soul winner, witnessing to everyone he meets. He recently Pastor Steven with a new had a health scare and needed to have heart testing done at a local clinic. His apbeliever pointment was early on a Saturday evening. But, rather than laying on his bamboo on the mat all day, he got up early and was on the streets by 7:00 a.m., working his way to property where they the clinic on foot, in 118 degree weather, for testing at 6:00 p.m. Praise the Lord! want to build This humble servant of God is okay and will serve the Lord in Myanmar for many Grace Baptist years to come. WE NEED $12,000 TO PURHCASE A PROPERTY WHERE STEVEN CAN Church BUILD A CHURCH IN A COMMUNITY WHERE SOULS HAVE ALREADY BEEN SAVED. Pastor Thaung Lian has also made much progress in Dagon Saikkan: His four story concrete building that houses the Orphanage, Cornerstone Baptist College, and staff apartments is complete. This coming year they will have more college students from more provinces and people groups. Also, while in Yangon Division, I visited and interviewed two new preachers who are interested in working with GLBM. Sagaing Division: Pastor Dal Mang has a very successful church ministry in the city of Kalay. His people have a new vision for misPeter Van Siang Lian and family sions and are planting a new church in an unreached area of the province. They have purchased property and have begun to erect the church building by faith. During our trip, I laid the cornerstone during a wonderful on-site service with a large group of his members and new believers from the community. Everyone praised the Lord! Also near Kalay, Pastor Than Zaw is pure Burmese, converted from Buddhism. He and his father have endured extreme Building Dedication, Myanmar Baptist persecution, and are doing wonderful work in their villages. He Church & School Kanan, Sagaaing Division has sent a young man to our Bible college in Yangon this year. And he seeks to expand his ministry. Pastor Peter Van Siang Lian has made extraordinary progress in the village of Kanan. With just $5,000 from GLBM, and the help of his father who owns a market, Peter has built a brick church, two new dormitories for his 110 students and orphans, a concrete water tank, and a small apartment for he and his family. He sent two new students to our Bible college. And they are reaching out to another village twelve miles away, winning many to Christ and planting a mission from their church. They need $1500 TO PURCHASE A LOT ON WHICH TO BUILD WITHIN THAT VILLAGE. A ministry of Lighthouse Baptist Church, 209 Gardner Rd. Horseheads NY 14845 Office: 607—739—9062 ♦ BaGyi Bob’s Cell: 607-426-8034 ♦ On the web: ♦

Magwe Division: Pastor Htein Win Ei has more students and orphans now than ever. With war between the Burmese and Kachin people, he is caring for children from villages that are no longer safe. Among his many needs is an adjacent lot on which to build another simple dormitory, a home for he and his family, and daily rice for the children. They use more than 100 pounds of rice each day. If we could purchase a field on which to grow rice, Htein has the workers to cultivate it. A Class at Aung Lan Christian Academy Pastor Htein Win Ei

Malawmyine Baptist Church Property, Mon State GLBM Missionaries—Judson and Davis families Mon State: By faith, Pastor Peter Judson and his family have moved from their rental facility where they lived and held church services. They have erected a very temporary structure that basically keeps them dry and off the ground. They have Temporary Shelter for Malawmyine Baptist also built a temporary shelter for church services. They raise chickens and hogs. Pastor Peter Judson They eat whatever they can afford and, many times, what they can find—fish, snakes, bugs, etc. But they are leading many to Christ. THE JUDSONS NEED ANOTHER $18,000 TO BUILD A CHURCH ON THEIR OWN PROPERTY. Please pray! The Davis family have joined them there in the city of Malawmyine and are making a huge difference. Tim and Annie Davis are quickly learning the Burmese language. Even with their limited vocabulary, they have already won many to Christ. Malawmyine is the fourth largest city in Myanmar and home to several different people groups.

Pastor Dal Mang’s Christian Youth Academy, Kalay

Brother Reedy with Boys in Kalay

BaGyi Bob singing with Burmese Young People

November Missions Trip and Evangelistic Crusade: A team of twenty or more people, sent by Pastor Tony Shirley and the New Manna Baptist Church of Marion, North Carolina will join us as we use a 1,200-seat tent in the city of Kalay to hold an unprecedented evangelistic crusade. Myanmar Pastors Dal Mang and Thaung Lian believe thousands will Bible College students this semester from come to hear the Gospel. It is our plan to arrive there two weeks early in order to prepare and go into the streets, house to house, inviting people to come. There, we will have the Than Zaw and 2nd Peter freedom to distribute crusade fliers and gospel literature across the city, erect billboards, hang banners, and even broadcast on radio and TV. Preaching meetings will be held each night, and food will be given to those who come. We believe that a great harvest of souls is both possible and probable in this place, but I need to raise much money in the next several months. I am going to be calling our friends across America to see who wants to have a part of the harvest. Please ask the Lord what your church can do to help!

Presently Supported GLBM Ministries Inside Myanmar ______ Ministries GLBM Has Helped

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