Golden Land Baptist Missions - October 2017

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October 2017 “There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.” - Proverbs 20:15


an extension of GLBM, has been birthed as Dr. Wilson Babu Billa and his family have joined the GLBM Team. Dr. Wilson is the founder and Pastor of the Biblical Baptist Church in Andhra Pradesh from which he has a Bible institute and is training preachers and planting churches. He has started twenty-seven churches and is working with lepers and orphans in remote villages. Dr. Wilson has a passion to reach souls for Christ, and all his children are eager to serve the Lord as GLBM’s first medical team. He and “BaGyi Bob” have been on the road non-stop for three months, visiting churches to raise his personal and ministry support. Christians in India are experiencing terrible persecution these days, but Dr. Wilson and his people are pressing on! Please pray for them! Oct 19-Nov 18

COMING TRIP TO MYANMAR Four American young people will follow “BaGyi” Bob DeWitt on his 2nd trip to Myanmar this year. On October 19 in the final weeks of the Burmese rainy season, a small team will leave JFK International Airport in New York City and fly to Beijing, China, and then to Yangon (Old Rangoon) Myanmar. Sixteen year-old Morgan Woods of W.V. is going to Old Burma for her second visit this year. Going for the first time, and their first missions trip ever, is Andrew Minnick of W.V., Hope Kimber and Benjamin Williams, both from N.Y. Please pray for these young people! Pray for safety and, like the prophet Jeremiah, pray that what they see with their eyes also affects their hearts. On this month-long trip the team will visit many GLBM ministries, they will preach, teach, and give testimonies in GLBM churches, schools, orphanages, and a leper hospital. In the first week of November, they will hold evangelistic meetings with a new church in northwestern Myanmar, along the Manipur, India border. Also “BaGyi Bob” will purchase thousands of Burmese Judson Bibles to be distributed to those who have none. The team will also help build a house in Aunglan for our orphan boys who are sleeping on the ground in a chicken coop. Follow our trip on FB: Go to “BaGyi Bob”

“God gave us the vision to train an army of preachers to go, not only across Myanmar but, out the ‘Spokes of the Wheel’ to the surrounding people groups!” ...BaGyi Bob

Indian preacher and missionary, K.P. Yohannan, in his book Revolution In World Missions, wrote of three great waves of Christian evangelistic endeavor: The First Wave broke “over the New Testament world in the first century as the apostles obeyed the Great Commission.” The Second Wave began with British missionaries to India led by William Carey, a movement that became the catalyst of the 1806 Haystack Prayer Meeting in Williamstown, Massachusetts, and the subsequent American Foreign Missions Movement, spearheaded by Adoniram Judson and his associates. The Third Wave has now broken on the shores of unreached tribes and people groups with national pastors evangelizing their own for Christ. You can help through GLBM. “...How shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?” ...Paul the Apostle

GLBM pastor/church-planter Thaung Lian heads the Cornerstone Baptist College in Yangon, training Myanmar young people to serve the Lord through the planting of New Testament churches and the disciple-making of former idol and spirit worshipers. His needs are many, but his ministry is among the strongest in Old Burma. “Steven” Pa Hngak is starting a brand new church in Shwe Pyi Thar township, but, because of a new township ordinance against “home churches,” needs land on which to build. Pastor A Lin is reaching people and training many orphans in Mingaladon township but needs property to build a church because of a landlord who believes that Jesus Christ is a heathen god. Joel Myint Aung is building a congregation in Ayeyarwady Division, but their building is so weak that it sways with the winds of every storm. By faith, Htein Win Ei is ministering to more young people than he has capacity or resources to care for. The young boys in his school sleep every night on the ground inside a converted chicken coop. Peter Judson is seeing souls saved every week, and his church is growing in a place where they said it could not be done. But he desperately needs property on which to build. Peter Van Siang Lian is on the Manipur, India border and is literally erecting a church building by faith, one brick at a time. These are just some of the men in Myanmar who are making “WAVES” for Jesus, preaching in bamboo huts from homemade pulpits, baptizing in homemade tanks with water they need to drink and bathe with. YOU can help them make waves for Jesus.

Prayer Requests and Needs  Properties for the following ministries: - Peter Judson, Malawmyine, Mon State - “Steven” Lal Ram Hngak, Shwe Pyi Thar - A Lin, church and orphans, Mingaladon  $4000 to build house for orphan boys at Aunglan Baptist Church ANSWERED!!  Permanent channel for sending funds  Larger GLBM offices and Monthly Support  More financial partners in ministry: With more financial support, we can train more preachers and start more churches.  Final support for Tim Davis family  Missions Trip and Team—Oct 19-Nov 18  Peace among the peoples of Myanmar

Tim & Annie Davis GLBM Missionaries On Deputation: at 70% HELP THEM GO! New Kentucky State Rep Jared Hatcher Clays Mill Baptist Church Lexington, Kentucky Pastor Jeff Fugate We want to help your Church reach the World, ...starting in your Jerusalem and all the way to our Uttermost!

Bob DeWitt

A Ministry of Lighthouse Baptist Church, 209 Gardner Rd, Horseheads NY 14845 ♦ Office: 607-739-9062 BaGyi Bob’s Cell: 607-426-8034 ♦ On the web: ♦

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