Glbm winter newsletter2013 14 email

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GLBM l e n n PersAo Growing Family

Miss Tiffany McDonald


Winter 2013/2014 Newsletter

GLBM Pastors’ Conference 2013 Bob DeWitt

Executive Director

iffany McDonald has been on deputation for the past six months and is eager to return to the GLBM ministry of Gospel Baptist Church and missionary Emmanuel Sinoy. There we have a strong church with services in English, Burmese, and Thai. There is the large orphanage, the GLBM Bliss Baptist Academy with almost 200 students, and the Bible Institute training missionary/church-planters. Tiffany has a Bachelor’s Degree in English Education with a proficiency in ESL, or teaching English as a second language. The ministry there is desperate for Tiffany’s help. We hope you will allow her to present her burden and calling in your church and support her quickly.

Timothy and Anastasia Davis


imothy Davis is a Bible college graduate who has studied the life of Adoniram Judson and the mission field of Burma since he was eleven years old. The passion that God has given him for the Burmese people has possessed him for years. Recently he traveled with Brother DeWitt to Myanmar and on the way home he said, “I believe it’s time for us to go, and I want to go through GLBM.” Tim and “Annie” share the GLBM vision to plant 700 churches in Myanmar’s fourteen states and divisions, and then to train and send missionaries from those churches to the surrounding nations. Please allow this wonderful couple to share their calling in your church soon. Contact them through GLBM.

Peter and Ruth Judson


he Judsons came to America as refugees from Myanmar just over five years ago. They worked with a fundamental Baptist church in Des Moines, Iowa, and led many people there to Christ. Now, as American citizens, they have recently moved to Horseheads, New York, to begin the process to return to their homeland with an overwhelming burden to plant churches and reach their own people for Christ. Brother Judson has been trained in the Scriptures and in ministry. His family is a testimony of his love for Christ and his discipline in the Christian life. Because of changes in the Burmese government, Peter and Ruth can now become permanent residents of Myanmar while still retaining their U.S. citizenship. They have an unparalleled opportunity to do work for Christ in the Golden Land. Please help us send them home for a great spiritual harvest. Contact the Judsons through GLBM.

Evangelist Lou DiFilippantonio


fter thirty years of preaching across America with his unmistakable South Philly-Italiano spirit, Lou DiFilippantonio traveled with Brother DeWitt to Thailand and Myanmar. Having been together in a Maryland missions conference, Brother Lou was captivated by the GLBM vision. After seeing the images of Buddhists and Muslims hungry for the truth of God’s Word, preachers who by faith have taken the message of Christ’s gospel to their own people (often enduring great persecution), photos of Burmese orphans whose parents have been killed or sold into slavery, DeWitt and DiFilippantonio spent hours praying in a hotel room for God’s will and power. Just a few days after the conference, Brother Lou called and said, “I’m in!” But seeing these things first hand while there in December, God confirmed his burden for the souls of the Golden Land. We hope that you will call upon our new Fedora-adorned GLBM Representative, Evangelist Lou DiFilippantonio, otherwise known as “The Hat,” to share this cutting edge global missions opportunity in your church.

Teacher’s College Student Body Saved


n December 3rd, the large assembly room at Yangon’s YMCA filled with preachers from all over the city and the far provinces of Myanmar. Besides the Burmese preachers, people came from a variety of Myanmar tribes, each speaking a different “mother tongue.” People groups included the Tiddim, Hakha, Falam, Palatwa, Asho, Sgaw Kayin, Pwo Kayin, Naga, Kuki, Maru, Lahu, Lisu, Rakhine, Kayah, Palaung, Kachin, Mon, Mro, and Shan. Those chairs that had been set up were filled immediately, and several rows of people sat in the back on the floor. More chairs were brought, but soon there was standing room only - and that quickly disappeared. The hall exploded with song as the people Bob DeWitt lifted their voices in Burmese to praise the Saviour. The Bethany Baptist Church adult choir, led by PasExecutive Director tor Thaung Lian, filled the platform and sang in perfect harmony. The Aung Lan Baptist Church school choir, led by Pastor Htein Win Ei, had traveled hundreds of miles by bus. Many of them had never left their own village or had seen the city of Yangon (old Rangoon). With excitement and expectation, the young people and their teachers consumed the platform and - to everyone’s amazement - sang in English – songs like “To the Work” “Rescue the Perishing” “Joy to the World” and “Showers of Blessings.”


any preparations were made for this year’s Pastors Conference in Yangon, mostly by Pastor Thaung Ngaih Lian. He had the job of contacting all the pastors. It’s not an easy task. Many of the preachers must be visited because they have no phone and do not get regular mail or e-mail in their small, native villages. But they came! Transportation, lodging, and food all had to be arranged. But without the help of Dr. Charles Keen, the conference may not have occurred. GLBM is indebted to Dr. Keen and the ministry of First Bible International for financing this conference.


LBM is also grateful for the help of Dr. Joe Miller and Lighthouse Publications, Dr. Dennis Corle (Revival Fires), Bearing Precious Seed and Seedline Ministries (Milford, Ohio), FBMI missionaries Bob Bowen and Charles Vest, the BEAMS Bible-publishing ministry, and all the churches and individuals across America connected with those ministries. Each pastor and preacher boy was given a full-color GLBM Handbook; the 250-page, 26-week GLBM Discipleship Manual; a supply of Bob DeWitt’s full color gospel tract based on the testimony of a converted Buddhist monk, a supply of Burmese John and Romans; whole Burmese Bibles; and a Burmese translation of Dr. Dennis Corle’s (Soul Winning Notebook). Most of the men who attended were expected. But among this year’s crowd was two brothers (nicknamed “Reggie” and “Rodney”), the seventh grandsons of Adoniram Judson’s very first Burmese convert who trusted Christ in 1816. They spoke good English, and they added much to the conference singing special music and translating from Burmese to English for the American preachers.


MARCH 8-12

Mon. Evening & Tues. Morning Meetings for Pastors Main speaker, Charles Keen, will teach on how to energize your missions program and have revival in your church through worldwide evangelization.

ain speakers for this year’s conference were from both Myanmar and America. There was Thaung Ngaih Lian from South Dagon (Yangon Division), Htein Win Ei from Aung Lan (Magwe Division), Lal Ram Hgak from Mae Sot, Free lodging for the Thailand (Pastor Steven), and Ba Htoo from Thayet (Magwe Division). From America was GLBM’s Executive Director and first 25 registering Founder, Dr. Bob DeWitt; GLBM Representative, Evangelist Lou DiFilippantonio; and GLBM Missionary, Timothy Davis. There was a spirit of revival in each meeting. Four times the preachers filled the altar, praying together for God’s power pastors to reach Myanmar for Christ. The conference theme was “Like Precious Faith” taken from the first chapter of 1st Peter. But as in many American conferences, this year’s meeting took on a theme beyond what was planned: God orchestrated every message to revolve around meekness, humility, and the power of God. Each person who attended this conference was refreshed by the presence of the Lord, encouraged to be an army for God, and is looking forward with great expectation to next year’s meeting.

Dr. Charles Keen

150 students filled the room at a Burmese teacher’s college. Brother DeWitt spoke to them, taking a Scripture text from Romans 12:6,7…“Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching,…” He gave illustrations of those who have learned to teach by being taught, not only reading, writing, and arithmetic, but the hard things of life and things that are priceless and eternal. The Spirit of God filled the room. Every student in the room besides one received Christ as their personal Saviour. The one who did not turn to Christ was a former young Buddhist monk. But at the end of the service, he came to Brother DeWitt and said, “I must get a copy of your Bible and study it!” Brother DeWitt handed him a copy of the Burmese Judson Bible, and the young man received it gladly.

©2013 Lighthouse Publications, Inc.

t s e v r a H s d ’ l t I O “ n i e Tim rma.t” BuBob DeWit

Unreached Peoples

Your Church Can Reach the Uttermost Through GLBM!! Pray for Bro. DeWitt’s February 10th trip inside the ‘Golden Triangle’ to a new people group.

Michael and Joshua

GLBM Bibleuates ad Institute Gr

On March 2nd, GLBM’s Bible Institute in Mae Sot, Thailand (on the Burmese border), will graduate its first set of preacher boys. Two of our young men have already gone to a remote village and started a church. Michael and Joshua have teamed up to win dozens of former Burmese Buddhists and Muslims to the Lord and are holding services in the home of the small community leader. All of the children in this Burmese village attend the services and many of their parents are making professions of faith. The two young preachers were out of room from the beginning. They have looked for a place to rent, but there is none. The only possibility seems to be a piece of ground that they can rent for $1,000 U.S. per year or buy for $60,000. They can build a church structure on that property for about $2500. Brother DeWitt and Dr. Joe Miller have visited this place, preached in their church, and walked the property where they would like to build. Would you ask the Lord how you can help this new work?

Schedule Bob DeWitt or one of our representatives to introduce GLBM to your church this year.

Remote Burmese Village

Their first exposure to the gospel

1st Edition Judson Bible

Shipping & Distributing

Newly Converted Burmese Family

• Two villages saved on last trip • New churches planted • This girl’s family saved!

A church is being planted in her village.

Burmese Scriptures Zan Win Zan Win


Wheelchair Soul Winner

While we were in Thailand along the Burmese border, we received a phone call from a man who became crippled years ago when he stepped on a landmine outside his Karen village. Brother DeWitt initially met him while preaching in the Mae La Refugee Camp in 2011. But this brother, who is wheelchair-bound, has become a wonderful soul winner and has started his own church. His legs are useless, but friends have rigged bicycle peddles to his wheelchair, high enough that he can use his hands to move about quickly. He travels for sometimes ten miles down rough roads to communities where he is winning people to Christ. While we were in the area, he called to ask Brother DeWitt if he would baptize some of his converts into the church he has established. What a wonderful blessing, not only to see the work of this dear brother, but to baptize his converts who with rapturous joy took their stand for Christ after turning from Buddhism and Islam!

During our recent missions trip in December, we visited Pastor Zan Win, his church, school, and orphanage. To get there we traveled by car far from the city of Yangon. We finally reached a field where this man of God was waiting next to the road. As we got out of the car, some of his orphan-children took us by the hand and led us down a footpath, through the high brush, across two wide and muddy creeks on narrow footbridges, to a compound where they live, study, and worship. Evangelist Lou DiFilippantonio is deathly afraid of snakes, but he didn’t see one. But he did see a lizard and a huge spider that together were big enough to seemingly carry him off into the brush for a quick Italian snack. But it quickly became worth the risk when we arrived to hear the children sing, we held a preaching service in their main building, and all of us were struck, once again, by the respect and serving demeanor of the children in this place. They basically come from parents who have been killed during the Burmese wars among the Kachin, Kuki, and Naga people groups. One of Za n Win’s This wonderful ministry has no sponsor but has been raised up orphans totally by faith. You can help them through GLBM.

For contact information please visit or call 607-739-9062, Ext. 3.

Together, with God’s help, we can reach the “Golden Land” for Christ.

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