GLBM Newsletter, April 2016

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“There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.” Dear friends and co-laborers:

April 2016 Newsletter

It seems that my wife and I have been sick all winter, but we are now ready to go. And we need your prayers because this year will bring many wonderful opportunities to reach people for Christ. Pastor Richard Hack President Dr. Bob DeWitt Founder Executive Director Matthew Mayer Financial Secretary Representatives Lou DiFilippantonio Jim Reedy Missionaries Timothy and Athanasia Davis TiffanyMcDonald Peter and Ruth Judson

My wife, Carolyn, is hoping to accompany me back to the Golden Land in October . This will be her first trip, and our preachers and churches there are very anxious to meet her. This is a big step of faith for us financially because it is not only double the expenses but we must also pay the salaries of those who will replace her in our home daycare while she is away with me. Please pray that God will provide. Also pray that God will give her physical strength and health to make and enjoy the trip.

Carolyn and our new grand-daughter

This trip will have a dual purpose in that it will also serve as a time to organize and prepare for the first ever GLBM Tent Crusade in the southern city of Mawlawmyine, just a few months later, in January of 2017: YOU MAY JOIN US ON THIS TRIP! Peter Judson and his family r etur ned to their homeland in July of last year. In just nine months a church has been established, hundreds of souls have been saved, a Bible Institute has been initiated and preacher boys are training for the ministry. Now, with a new openness in Myanmar, we are planning an evangelistic crusade under a large gospel tent. We believe that people will fill the tent every day to hear the Gospel message. To our knowledge, this is the first time ever in the city of Mawlawmyine, and perhaps in the whole country, that this has been done. The doors are truly opening in the Golden Land to reach our beloved Burmese people for Christ. We need you to pray and we need financial partners. Pastor Thaung Lian is now in the States and is tr aveling with me to chur ches, telling his story and raising much needed support for his ministry in the city of Yangon (old Rangoon). We are currently booking meetings in North Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, and across the Northeast from now through the month of June.

Emmanuel and Aivie Sinoy Associated National Preachers Saya Htein Win Ei Saya Thaung Lian

Thaung Lian is one of my personal heroes. Starting his church by faith in 2003, Pastor Thaung has faithfully won souls to Christ, baptizing many new believers, distributing Scriptures, training young preachers, caring for orphans, and reaching out to new people groups in the remote areas of Myanmar. In the early years he and his people endured much persecution, meeting in a rented garage and often being stoned, beaten, and jailed. As God gave more liberty, Thaung was able to construct his first church and he and his wife, along with their four children, have lived in a small single room in the basement of that building.

Now, as Pastor Thaung and his people continue to serve the Saviour, they desperately need more space and are now engaged in building their second building. An additional $20,000 is needed to complete this three-story structure that will house the Bible colSaya A Lin lege, many orphans, and, finally, a place for Thaung’s family to live. If God should so lead you to give to this worthy project, I do not believe that you could find a better Saya Joel Myint Aung investment in the work and kingdom of God. Saya Mang Sar

Saya Necremia Saya Lal Ram Hngak Saya James Saya Bawi Ling Saya Way Thang Saya Tin Maung Lay

GLBM Missionary Emmanuel Sinoy and the Gospel Baptist Chur ch ar e labor ing much and praying for a miracle along the Myanmar border in Mae Sot, Thailand. They need $35,000 to complete the financing of their new property that houses their church, school, and orphanage. This is a huge IMMEDIATE NEED among a people who are serious about serving God. Many of the national pastor/church-planters listed on the left need monthly financial support. The basic GLBM program is to assist these men and their ministries at $200 per month while encouraging them to become self-supporting as quickly as possible. But we need many financial partners. You can make a huge impact for Christ’s sake while fulfilling His Great Commission in your own personal life through partnering with GLBM. For those of you who do partner with GLBM, we want you to know how thankful we are. Your faithful prayers and giving enables everything we do, and your reward for souls saved will be great. God bless you all! Your servant to reach souls in Myanmar,

“BaGyi Bob” A ministry of Lighthouse Baptist Church, 209 Gardner Rd. Horseheads NY 14845 Office: 607—739—9062 ♦ On the web: ♦

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