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“There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.”

GLBM E-Letter—June 2014

Pastor Richard Hack President Dr. Bob DeWitt, Founder Executive Director Dr. Peter Banfe Assistant Director Promotion Matthew Mayer Financial Secretary

Representatives Lou DiFilippantonio ♦ Gary Pickering ♦ Jim Reedy

Please help our students and orphans!

We are very grateful for the many friends and co-laborers who support GLBM, our vision and people, to plant churches and win the Golden Land to Christ. Without those who give, many times sacrificially, we would not be able to support our preachers, our schools, and orphans. They must have our help! New Province, Villages, and People Groups Reached In the last few months many things have happened and there is much to be grateful for. In February and March it was my great joy to return to Myanmar and Thailand. After landing in Bangkok and then Mae Sot, Thailand (on the Myanmar border), I spent a few days with our school and the orphans. They gave me a tremendous birthday party that I will never forget. I then went north, through northern Thailand and across the Mekong River, to the city of Tachileik, the Queen city of the Golden Triangle. This is the place where Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos come together just south of the Chinese border. It is well-known for the opium and heroine trade. I was warned many times that this is one of the most dangerous cities in Myanmar and that I should never walk the streets alone. We were forced to spend several days in Tachileik to obtain our traveling papers, permission to go farther north into the heart of the region. Finally my companions and I traveled from Tachileik to the city of Kyaing Tung in northeastern Shan State, Myanmar. Here I was able to meet and minister with peoples of the Lahu, Lahsu, and Akha tribes. The next day we traveled high into the mountains bordering China to a village where a church is being planted. We preached the gospel, saw many trust Christ, and left a pastor and his wife in place with a supply of Scriptures. It was my joy to see a Burmese Army Colonel trust Christ as his Saviour. Another Village Reached Many of you will remember the Burmese boy, Kawng Htet Kyaw (pronounced Kong Tee Choe), whom I have taken as my own son. When I returned to Mae Sot I was determined to visit and preach in the village where he and several others from the orphanage had come from. So I took them with me and God gave us a great harvest of souls. I was able to preach in three different locations and Kaung Htet Kyaw played the guitar for the singing. I believe that we will be able to establish a good church there. Please pray that we will have the resources to send one of our preacher boys to establish that work. First Bible Institute Graduation On March 2nd five young men graduated from the GLBM Bible Institute in Mae Sot, a ministry of the Gospel Baptist Church and led by Pastor Emmanuel Sinoy. These are the first graduates and two of them have already planted churches. I was the Commencement Speaker and it was my great privilege to challenge all the students to live for Jesus Christ and serve Him. Please pray for this Bible Institute. This year we have more students and desperately need more dormitory and classroom space. We need more funds for food and curriculum. Right now, we need at least another $1,000 per month just for this single ministry. If we are to reach Myanmar and the Golden Land for Christ, we must train and send forth workers into His harvest. You can have a vital part in training an army of preachers who reach their own people with the life changing message of the Gospel. Will you help! Contact GLBM’s main office or donate online at our website. I returned to America just in time for our home church’s annual missions conference. We called it a Missions Revival and it truly was. Our church rolled out the “Red Carpet” to visiting pastors and paid their overnight lodging so that they could learn about GLBM. The main speaker was Dr. Charles Keen, longtime pastor of First Baptist Church, Milford Ohio. Dr. Keen is also co-founder of the Bearing Precious Seed ministry and founder of First Bible International. Dr. Keen has recently joined the GLBM Advisory Board. This is a group of men who serve as references for our work and stand ready to give counsel and advice whenever needed. Other Advisory Board members include: Dr. Dennis Higgins of Hainesport NJ, Dr. Joe Grimaldi of Kenmore OH, Pastor Tim Fellure of Milton,

A ministry of Lighthouse Baptist Church, 209 Gardner Rd. Horseheads NY 14845 Office: 607—739—9062 ♦ On the web: ♦

GLBM E-Letter—June 2014

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GLBM and Lighthouse Baptist Church Sends Out a Burmese Missionary Family In September of last year, I helped to move Peter David Judson and his wife and children to Horseheads, New York from Des Moines, Iowa. Those are their American names. They are actually (in Burmese) Jo Jo Aung and Say Say. They are Burmese refugees and have been in America for five years. Thinking that they could never return to their homeland, they came to America, hoping that God would open a door here to serve Him. Brother Judson called me and said, “God will not allow me to stay in America. I must return to Myanmar and plant a church to reach my people.” A new openness and a new law in Myanmar now makes it possible for them Ruth, Peter to return. Brother Judson is actually not BurJoshua, Sarah, Charity mese but from the Pa-O tribe, a minority in Myanmar. He was the first person in his people group to become a born-again Christian. His mother was the second and, to their knowledge, that is all there is to this day. The Judson family have joined the GLBM home church in Horseheads, New York and will be sent out to establish a church in Malawmyine, Mon State, Myanmar – the third largest city in Myanmar and the third city of Adoniram Judson where his first wife, “Nancy” (Ann Hasseltine Judson) is buried. The city has no Bible preaching, soul-winning church at this time. It lies midway between our two Bibledistribution points and will facilitate the transporting of Scriptures significantly. Brother Judson is a separated, spirit-filled soul-winner and is fully trained in Bible and ministry. He is very anxious to return and preach the gospel in Myanmar. I have been taking the whole family to different churches where he has presented his testimony and burden and asked for support. Each church has fallen in love with Peter and his family. They don’t need near the finances that American missionaries do. And at present he has about 70%. He needs another $300 per month and I will soon return to Myanmar with them, leaving them in place to do the work of God. Will you pray for the Judsons and consider helping them through GLBM?

Dr. Peter and Sherrie Banfe

Introducing Dr. Peter Banfe, Dean of the School of Business, Crown College of the Bible Dr. Peter Banfe has joined the Staff of GLBM as Assistant Director in charge of Promotion and Resources. After hearing about our work for some time, he and I had a chance to sit down together face to face. He and his son, a missionary to England, went to a remote mountain cabin, praying and fasting for three days. Upon returning home, he immediately called me to say that God definitely wanted him to work with GLBM. His heart was captivated. He began learning the Burmese language. And he immediately began doing research to find out how to promote GLBM, as a mission agency, and to raise the funds to train and send our preachers inside Myanmar. Already he has singlehandedly transformed our website— and brought it to a point where people can quickly see what we are doing, to become involved in our many different projects. I encourage you to take a look at that website. Dr. Banfe brings a wealth of experience from the business world and has actually lived and worked in Asia. He knows how to raise funds and how to involve people in getting things done for God. He will be joining me on my next trip to Thailand and Myanmar. He will also be traveling for GLBM during the months of December and January, going to churches, presenting the work of GLBM. Please pray for him and his family as he does double duty in working alongside us while still maintaining his work at Crown College.

I am always seeking churches who are mission-minded, who would allow me or one of our representatives to come and present the great opportunity of reaching souls in the Golden Land. The hearts of your congregation will be blessed as they see the souls, the work that God is doing, and hear of the “fruit that may abound to [their] account” (Phil. 4:17). You can become involved in winning souls, changing lives, training preachers, teaching and providing for orphans right now through our website. You can see a steady stream of photos and read the regular reports of the miracles of God’s work through your gifts on our website or on my Facebook (“Evangelist Bob DeWitt”). As my Burmese family would say, “Pya Thakin kaunggyi pe ba si!” or, God bless you much! Yours for souls in the Golden Land,

Dr. Bob DeWitt A ministry of Lighthouse Baptist Church, 209 Gardner Rd. Horseheads NY 14845 Office: 607—739—9062 ♦ On the web: ♦

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