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“There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.” Dear Pastors, Churches, and Friends of GLBM:

JUNE 2015 Newsletter

Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am excited to write to you once again and to tell you that God is working in the Golden Land and souls are being saved. We are indebted every day to those who pray for us and our people and give sacrificially to partner with us in this great work.

Pastor Richard Hack President Dr. Bob DeWitt Founder Executive Director Matthew Mayer Financial Secretary Representatives Lou DiFilippantonio ♦ Jim Reedy Missionaries Timothy and Athanasia Davis

TiffanyMcDonald Peter and Ruth Judson Emmanuel and Aivie Sinoy Roy and Aiza De La Cruz Some of our National Preachers Saya Htein Win Ei Saya Thaung Lian Saya Mang Sar Saya A Lin Saya Tin Maung Lay Saya Necremia

I am thrilled to tell you that after two years of planning and working to send the Judson family back to Myanmar, they have landed safely and are now in a new rental house in the city of Malawmyine, the fourth largest Burmese city, where Peter and his family will start a new church. Already, many “Myanmars” are showing an interest in this new work and in the gospel plan of salvation. Please continue to pray for the Judsons. Their greatest need is transportation and we can purchase them a good used car or van for the ministry for $8,000 U.S. dollars. We are praying that God will help to meet this immediate need quickly. Our home church has already given $2,500 toward this purchase. You may help also? Brother Roy De La Cruz is still in the United States with me but will be returning to Mae Sot, Thailand shortly to plant his first church among the Burmese people there. Roy has been promised monthly support from several good churches recently and we have confidence that he and his wife, Aiza, will do a good work upon his return. He and I are currently in meetings in West Virginia. Please pray for them. A new dormitory building is being built for the children at the Aunglan Baptist Church and Academy where Pastor Htein Win Ei is continuing to build a very effective ministry in the center of Myanmar. Pastor Htein was my first Burmese contact and we have seen much progress, especially among the preacher boys associated with that ministry. Please do not forget to pray for them! Thaung Lian is building a Bible college building in South Dagon, Yangon City at the Bethel Baptist Church. This man of God has paid a great personal price to build his church and is training men whom we believe will reach many souls in Myanmar. Pastor A Lin is doing a gerat work in the Shwe Pyi Thar township, north of Yangon City but he is having problems with the property he is renting, a place where he lives and holds church services. His landlord does not want him to have so many people on that property and in that simple structure. A Lin and his wife are taking care of their own family plus many orphans and widows there and they are winning many souls in that community. They really need another property but to do that we will need to help them more. As I have been taught through the years and by my own experience, “money equals souls.” We desperately need more supporting churches to help us help them. Please pray! Our most immediate need is at the Gospel Baptist Church, orphanage, school, and Bible Institute. This ministry, led by Missionary Emmanuel Sinoy, serves as a launching-area for much of our work inside Myanmar. Here, at GLBM’s Bliss Baptist Academy, we are providing a free education to hundreds of Burmese children from Buddhist and Muslim families who would otherwise have no schooling. Souls are being saved regularly, many families are receiving discipleship training, and becoming faithful church members and soul-winners. But we are out of room and a new property has been found. As I stated in my last newsletter, Mae Sot property values have skyrocketed to millions of U.S. dollars but we have found a property for $120,000. This property will house all the ministries and will save much of God’s money by consolidating three locations at one place. Instead of having three rentals, we will pay a lesser single mortgage each month. We have already given $35,000 as a down-payment and need another $25,000. The property owner is going to allow us to move in and occupy the facility and finance the remaining $60,000 for us. But the $25,000 is due quickly. Please pray that God will provide this need and if you can help in any way, please let me know. I shall return to Thailand and Myanmar on July 6 and I would very much like to have that $25,000 by then so that I can help our ministries re-locate and get adapted to their new facility.

Saya Lal Ram Hgak

If you would like to help with any of these projects, you may contact us by phone or email, or simply give online on Facebook or on the website.

Saya James

Again, thank you for your faithfulness in partnering with us for souls in the Golden Land.

Saya Bawi Ling

Your servant for Christ’s sake,

BaGyi Bob

This room will become the new Church Auditorium

A ministry of Lighthouse Baptist Church, 209 Gardner Rd. Horseheads NY 14845 Office: 607—739—9062 ♦ On the web: ♦

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