GLBM Newsletter May 2015

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“There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.” Dear Pastors, Churches, and Friends of GLBM:

Pastor Richard Hack President Dr. Bob DeWitt Founder Executive Director Matthew Mayer Financial Secretary Representatives Lou DiFilippantonio ♦ Jim Reedy Missionaries Timothy and Athanasia Davis

TiffanyMcDonald Peter and Ruth Judson Emmanuel and Aivie Sinoy Roy and Aiza De La Cruz Some of our National Preachers Saya Htein Win Ei Saya Thaung Lian Saya Mang Sar Saya A Lin Saya Tin Maung Lay Saya Necremia Saya Lal Ram Hgak Saya James Saya Bawi Ling

May 2015 Newsletter

We are busy at work for souls and for the glory of the Lord Jesus, both here in America and in the Golden Land. We are very grateful for your partnership in this ministry and depend on it. In the last several months we have traveled far at great expense and we have been in many new churches. Some have caught the vision and have decided to join with us. We are in constant search for people who are soul-conscious and “Great Commission-minded.” Please remember to pray for GLBM and our beloved Burmese people. Peter Judson and I traveled to the State of Georgia in March and had many wonderful meetings there. Peter and his family now have valid U.S. Passports in-hand and will soon leave the United States to return to Myanmar. We are convinced that they will build a strong church and reach many souls for Christ. Please continue to pray for them! GLBM Missionary Roy De La Cruz, who himself is the fruit of American missions in the Philippines, came to the U.S. on April 7th and has been traveling to churches with me, presenting his burden to reach the Burmese migrants in Thailand. Roy and his wife, Aiza, are strong Christians with a great record of faithfulness. Please pray that he can raise adequate monthly support for his family and ministry. This year’s “Missions Revival” at the Lighthouse Baptist Church was April 11-15 and was attended by nearly thirty pastors and evangelists from many different States. Lighthouse families paid for their lodging and these men and their wives enjoyed Spirit-filled preaching and music, great food and fellowship, a wonderful atmosphere of comradery, and a renewal of the vision to reach the world for Christ starting in our Jerusalem and extending all the way to the Uttermost. This meeting is growing every year and many of the preachers will bring some of their church folks in 2016. I was the keynote speaker for the Lighthouse Bible Baptist Church Missions Conference in Webster, New York, April 19-22. Roy De La Cruz was also one of the conference missionaries. This good church, led by Pastor Joe Gugino, has become very involved with the ministries of GLBM and we are grateful to them. April 29 through May 3 Roy and I preached at the First Baptist Church, Kenmore (Akron), Ohio and their annual missions conference. Last year, when I preached at this church, I found many Burmese refugees and immigrants in the area. This year Pastor Joe Grimaldi went with us to the north side of town where we met some pure Burmese Buddhist people on the street and they immediately invited us to eat lunch with them at their apartment. Several other families came to meet us and, while we were eating, a Burmese Buddhist monk, named Myint Htein, entered the room. I greeted him warmly and, after talking for awhile, I invited him to come with the others to hear me preach. He arrived for the Sunday night service with another Burmese man who would translate my message to him. The people of First Baptist Church were very excited, not only at the presence of Burmese people in their service but, that a Buddhist monk in his saffron robe was in attendance to hear the preaching of the Gospel. As the monk and his interpreter sat in the back of the church sanctuary I went back and forth between my preaching outline and addressing the monk personally. I said, “Myint Htein,” you and I have something in common: we both believe in a Saviour! You and your people believe in a coming Saviour because Gautama (the Buddha) said he would come.” The monk nodded affirmation with a smile. I said, “We believe the Saviour has already come and wants us all to be saved!” I then held up my Bible and began to quote dozens of Scriptures. I said, “Thama Kyanza (Burmese for Holy Bible) says, ‘All have sinned…’” “Thama Kyanza says, ‘For by grace are ye saved through faith...not of works…’” “Thama Kyanza says, ‘Neither is there salvation in any other…’” As I was quoting the Scriptures, the monk’s interpreter stopped translating, turned to Roy De La Cruz, and said, “I want to get saved!” There on the back pew, sitting next to his monk teacher, this man turned from the worship of idols and spirits, and from every other hope he had for his soul and eternity, to the Saviour of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ. I will return to our ministries and people in Myanmar and Thailand in July for one month. Our ministries in Mae Sot, Thailand is purchasing property for their church, school, orphanage, and Bible institute. This is desperately needed as we are out of room and currently renting several facilities to house everything. Because of construction of the Eur-asian highway going directly through the city, most properties are selling for millions of dollars. But the owner of this property is asking $120,000. He has contracted with us that if we can pay half—$60,000—he will allow us to occupy the property and he will finance the balance with monthly payments that are less than our current accumulated rentals. We have already paid more than $20,000 and need another $30,000 as soon as possible. We are trusting God for this need and ask you to pray with us about it. There are so many needs. Here are just a few: 1) I want to build a church building ($4,000) in a village where we have led many to Christ. 2) Our national pastors all need help desperately to build their works and reach lost souls. You can fully support one of these men and their ministry for $200 per month. 3) We desperately need to print more of my Gospel tract for Buddhist. Our pastors say that they have led many to Christ, using this as a tool. But supplies of both our English and Burmese versions are totally exhausted. $600 will print 10,000 copies in color. Thank you for serving the Lord and helping us to reach Burmese souls! We sure love you in the Lord. May the Lord continue to bless you all! Your servant for souls in the Uttermost,

BaGyi Bob

A ministry of Lighthouse Baptist Church, 209 Gardner Rd. Horseheads NY 14845 Office: 607—739—9062 ♦ On the web: ♦

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