GLBM Newsletter - October 2015

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“There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.” Dear Pastors, Churches, and Friends of GLBM:

Pastor Richard Hack President Dr. Bob DeWitt Founder Executive Director Matthew Mayer Financial Secretary Representatives Lou DiFilippantonio ♦ Jim Reedy Missionaries Timothy and Athanasia Davis

TiffanyMcDonald Peter and Ruth Judson Emmanuel and Aivie Sinoy Roy and Aiza De La Cruz Some of our National Preachers Saya Htein Win Ei Saya Thaung Lian Saya Mang Sar Saya A Lin Saya Joel Myint Aung Saya Necremia Saya Lal Ram Hgak Saya James Saya Bawi Ling

October 2015 Newsletter

Greetings in the precious name of our dear Saviour and King! I praise the Lord for His blessings and mercy. How can I say “Thank you” for the things that He has done for me! I am overwhelmed with His love for me and the love he has put in me for the people of the Golden Land, particularly the “Myanmars” - that is, the many people-groups of old Burma. I must confess, however, that there are days that I feel the load more than the passion for their souls. And there is sometimes discouragement or disappointment. But the Lord is faithful and always brings me back to that which He has written on my heart and I find that I cannot live without Him or them. I would like to tell you that, because of your prayers and your giving, many of our preachers in Myanmar, the real missionaries, are doing well. I pray that one day we will be able to help them all. Here are just a few of our preachers and their families who are receiving our help: Thaung Ngaih Lian is reaching more souls than ever through the ministry of his own church and through the men he has trained. Whatever financial support that Thaung receives, he unselfishly shares with all his men. Despite this season’s flooding, he is now building a Bible college classroom building to train even more preachers, some who are former Buddhist monks, who will also need help in planting new churches.

Htein Win Ei is also gathering building materials to build a new dormitory for the children and students in his care. His ministry is anointed of the Lord and you need only hear his students sing the old hymns of the faith, reading from an English hymnal, to sense the Holy Ghost’s power. A Lin is reaching more and more people everyday but we are praying that his landlord will renew the lease on their rental property, the place where this preacher and his family live, have church services, house widows and many orphans, and grow their own vegetables. Many of our men have lost their locations when the Buddhist community will no longer tolerate the preaching of the Word of God. Please pray for Pastor A Lin, a very humble yet powerful servant of the Lord. Emmanuel Sinoy and Saya Lal Ram Hgak (otherwise known as Pastor Steven), working in Mae Sot, Thailand along the Myanmar border, have relocated their ministry to the new property that houses the Gospel Baptist Church, the orphanage, the GLBM-supported “Bliss Baptist Academy,” and the Bible Institute. What was located on several rental properties is now consolidated into one with a single payment. This ministry really serves as a launching-base for GLBM into Myanmar and we have invested approximately $27,000 to help them acquire this facility but another $35,000 is desperately needed quickly. Thousands of souls have been saved in this place and you can have a big part of this ministry as it continues. Peter Judson and his family arrived in Myanmar several months ago and have already started a growing church where people are regularly turning to faith in Christ. Through the giving of God’s people in our home church we sent the funds to purchase a vehicle to help them transport the many who want to come to their church services. This brand new work will be one of our strongest ministries but it is located in one of the staunchest Buddhist regions inside Myanmar. Please continue to pray for God’s leading, financial provisions, and safety for our people. MY WIFE, CAROLYN, ALMOST DIED on May 13th. I was supposed to go to Myanmar in July but was forced to cancel my trip so that I could take care of her. Surgery in March resulted in a very serious MRSA infection. Doctors were concerned that she might lose her foot and she was placed in the hospital to give her a very strong antibiotic. As she was being prepared for intravenous treatment, Carolyn witnessed to a young man who was very confused about spiritual things. She explained why she was not afraid to die. He was amazed at her faith but rejected it for himself and somewhat mocked. Minutes after starting the medication Carolyn went into anaphylactic shock and quickly became unresponsive. As doctors and nurses worked feverishly to bring her back, in one of her lucid moments, she turned her head and saw the same young man standing nearby. With tear-filled eyes, he mouthed the words, “I’m praying for you!” The following day in ICU, while Carolyn still fought for her life, nurses said that he came and said, “She told me that she was ready to die! How could she know that?” Carolyn is still trying to win him to the Lord. Carolyn has never been to the Golden Land with me. She has always wanted to go and our people over there have always asked for her to come. But her osteoporosis has made travel difficult. As she is now becoming stronger, we are hoping that she can go with me in January. But she owns and operates a New York State-licensed child daycare and has done so for the past 19 years. It’s really a ministry in and of itself: parents have come to Christ and it has supplied many financial needs to make our GLBM ministry possible. In order for her to go on this trip, she will not only need her expenses but she will have to replace herself in the daycare and replace our income that she receives through it. People constantly ask me if she goes with me to Myanmar. But they do not understand the financial need. Please pray that God will supply and send my wife with me in January. I am continuing to travel to churches and am always looking for more meetings and conferences where I can present our burden, vision, and our people’s need. And at times I feel like a Samaritan beggar. But I do not beg for myself or my own. I beg for my people and for the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ—because people need the Lord and continue to drop into Hell everyday. In the past month I have been in Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, and to churches here in New York State. We cannot do this without you folks. Thank you for loving the Lord and being faithful to us.

...BaGyi Bob

A ministry of Lighthouse Baptist Church, 209 Gardner Rd. Horseheads NY 14845 Office: 607—739—9062 ♦ On the web: ♦

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