Golden Land Baptist Missions

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Spring 2013 Newletter

GLBM Pastors School: 2012 In Dec. of 2011 I met in the city of Yangon with 30 pastors. They were enthusiastic and immediately recognized our vision and passion for the people of Myanmar. With the help of a translator, each man stood in front of me to introduce himself, give his testimony, and his vision for the ministry. Because of the phrase by phrase translation, the process took quite a while. I told the men that I would look into their eyes as they spoke to me and know the reality of their heart and desires. I told them that they could also look into my eyes and see what God had done in me to reach out to old Burma for Christ. It was Bob DeWitt a wonderful meeting and at the end we prayed together and grasped hands, embracing GLBM Director each other and sealing our commitment to work together for souls. December 6—8, 2012: 107 local church pastors came to our first annual GLBM Pastors School. Pastor Thaung Lian and Missionary-Evangelist Aung Shwe were our main organizers and they did a phenomenal job. They made many phone calls; they traveled across the city of Yangon (old Rangoon – pop. 6.5 million) and to many villages and different provinces. Their commitment was undeniable. As the room filled with preachers, these men embraced each other and us. With much excitement, they sang the great hymns of the faith in their native Burmese. It was a time of fellowship, worship, teaching, and revival. Besides myself, speakers included my own Pastor, Richard Hack, two men from our home church, GLBM Representative Gary Pickering, Mark Bosje (the FBMI Thai Team Leader), and Veteran Pastor and Missionary Randy Shook. Each man brought something fresh and vital to these men who are either preparing to be pastors and church-planters or have been preaching the Gospel “underground” for years by faith. Most have been heavily Dr. Charles Keen, founder of persecuted. One man has had his fingers cut off for preachBearing Precious Seed and First Bible ing the Gospel. Most have been stoned, jailed, and beaten.

Pray for our • • • • •

Preachers Churches Orphans Schools New church plants • Needed properties

International gave $4,000 to finance this

An older preacher came to the microphone and said, “I Pastors School which paid for pastor’s don’t care if I ever get money from GLBM; I just don’t want transportation, meals, lodging where to be alone anymore.” Later, as we climbed into the bamneeded, and literature. I have told him boo hut where he is living with some of his converts in another village, he showed me a written record of 4,700 recently that next year’s Pastors School Burmese Buddhists he has won to Christ, knocking on could possibly be three times larger. doors, in village after village, one soul at a time, over the last twenty-eight years when it was illegal to do so. He Dr. Charles has done it without a salary, without a home, without any helpers, totally by faith. His name is Pai Lian Thang and he is my hero. He has planted many churches over the years. But now, he and his son will plant another church and build it with the help and encouragement of GLBM. Pastor Saw Peter has won thirty-some Buddhists to Christ and is holding church services in a bamboo hut where his family lives. It is not much bigger than most of our bathrooms. Pastor A Lin has won 32 Buddhists to Christ and baptized them into the fellowship of his “Faith Baptist Church.” We visited him in the small bamboo house where he preaches and lives with his newly-wed wife. Each night as they pull a blanket over top of them on their bamboo mat, they are surrounded by six widows and their many children. ...continued inside


2012 Mission Team

Steve & Katy Parrott

Randy Shook, Brendan Philbrick, Mark Bosje, Pastor Thaung Lian, Bob DeWitt, Gary Pickering, James Reedy, Pastor Richard Hack

©2013 Lighthouse Publications, Inc.

For Your Bob DeWitt GLBM Director

Dr. Charles Keen says, “Half the world has never heard a clear presentation the gospel.” 3.2 billion people are without the Word of God. 6,000 whole people groups in the world are without a single self-supporting, self-governing, and self propagating local church. These people form what the Bible calls “the uttermost parts of the earth.” The unreached people groups of the world receive only 0.2 0f 1% of American mission dollars. Many of these people groups are in Myanmar, or Old Burma.

eting e M t n e T l a Annu ! 3000+ saved


GLBM Churc

h Schools

Reaching New People Groups

Migrant children may attend a GLBM school for only $110.oo per year. Change a young life today.

Sugar cane workers Mru tribal people

Emmanuel Sinoy GLBM Thai Coordinator

Bliss Baptist Academy - Mae Sot, Thailand (on the Burmese border)

1000’s of Buddhists hearing gospel daily

n... e r d l i h c l o o Sch el! p s o g e h t r o hungry f Many GLBM Orphanage s Mae Sot, Thailand

Migrant Schools in Thailand

GLBM regularly has the opportunity to preach the gospel to 1000’s of Burmese migrant children, teens, and college students and to distribute scriptures and gospel tracts, seeing countless souls saved.

Thousands of Buddhist Monks

Aung Lan, Myanmar

Pastor Bill Duttry

slims u M d n a s k Mon Saved!

“Like Precious Faith”

Spec eciaalkers Speiaal p S e kers Join us in Yangon for our 2nd Annual Sp

Dr. Jon Jenkins

Pastors School 2013

“Ba Gyi B ob” with his “ family”

December 3rd - 5th

Pastor Joe Grimaldi

Expecting 300-500 National Preachers

Evg. Bob DeWitt

GLBM Bible Institute

Pastor Pai Lian Thang has written record of over 4,700 Burmese Buddhists he has won to Christ

“Yah Zeem” was a Muslim college math professor but recently found Christ as his Saviour. After being disowned by his family and hunted by the Islamic leaders, he found our conference. When Bro. Bob heard his testimony, he asked him to speak to our men. He “brought the house down” as our GLBM preachers, not only received him, but rallied around him. He is now studying in our Bible institute, preparing himself to reach his own people with the Gospel.

GLBM’s orphans come from the street. They are left behind by years of strife and poverty within Myanmar. Every GLBM pastor is taking care of many widows and orphans, and it is our privilege to raise and teach these children for Christ. Many are already going on to prepare themselves for ministry.

Together, with God’s help, we can make a difference in their lives.

! A R T X E TRA! X E ...GLBM Pa s t o r s School 2012 continued

Rea d Abo All ut I t!

Partner with GLBM

I asked Pastor A Lin, “What do you need here?” He didn’t say that they needed a house or a bigger one. He said, “We need rice!” He just needs food. Pastor Jonah has a wonderful church in the village of Shwe Pyi Thar, a one-hour drive northwest of Yangon. He has been stoned many times with his wife and young children. Even during churches services, the community has consistently gathered together to rain stones and rocks upon their simple dried-leaf roof. They prayed for more than two years for us to visit their church. And when we arrived in the village they were very excited. As we held a service together inside the house, the people gathered together outside. But as we walked out into the street, the village chief came directly to me and asked us to dinner at his house. We walked down the street, greeting the people in their own language. For many of them, we were the first foreigners they had ever seen and they were thrilled to meet us. I believe God will open that whole village to the Gospel. Praise the Lord! GLBM is quickly becoming a movement of God in Myanmar. In Kachin State, where the people remain at war with the Burmese Army, there are one hundred church groups waiting for us to come and help them organize into New Testament organisms. Please pray for GLBM. And, please consider giving GLBM a place in your missions outreach program.

Join Our Team

YES!I’ll Take Advantage of This

Support GLBM church-planting monthly. $25 $50 $100 $200 $_______ I/My church would like to learn more about the “miracle in Myanmar” by having Bro. Bob DeWitt in for a meeting. I/My church would like more information regarding this once in a lifetime mission trip opportunity to the “Golden Land”. All gifts to GLBM are tax deductible as a donation to: Lighthouse Baptist Church, Horseheads, NY

illion Almost a maiting to scripturesmwese hands! reach Bur



ur GLBM churches, and especially the new believers, desperately need Bibles and many of these Scriptures are sitting on shelves in America. We are grateful to Bearing Precious Seed and the regional Seedline ministries around America who printed and assembled ONE MILLION Burmese John & Romans plus thousands of New Testaments exclusively for GLBM. Lighthouse Publications has published a quarter-million gospel tracts in Burmese. But these publications must be sent to the mission field. We are in the process of shipping four ocean containers to Thailand, then to the Burmese border, where our GLBM pastors must take them into the country of Myanmar systematically and carefully. The process is difficult, expensive, and requires much faith. Each container costs over $4000. A storage facility on the Burmese border must be rented and maintained. GLBM national pastors must be provided with the funds to make the two-day trip to the Thai border where they must rent or hire a truck. Then they must pay security guards at a number of “check points” along the journey to encourage them to “look the other way.” Now, Bearing Precious Seed ministries is printing 31,000 whole, hard-cover Burmese Bibles and the GLBM tracts 1000’s of GLBs M pastors are crying printed in for them. We will for Buddhisdt distributed need to ship more containers. Yangon an




lmost every GLBM pastor is taking care of orphans. Some have a dozen, some thirty, some sixty. Pastor Htein Win Ei was our initial contact in Myanmar, back in 2008. He has been in jail four times for starting his ministry without government permission. Yet the same government and army that has persecuted him for his ministry has brought him children to take care of. He currently has fortyfive children plus his own family of five and the school staff. When we first became aware of this solid Baptist preacher and his ministry, the children were getting a spoonful of rice every other day and they had to decide who would eat and who would not. He needs $200 per month to buy rice alone. Gary Pickering asked him, “Preacher, how do you do it?” He has told us: “My wife will come to me and say, ‘We have no rice for the children.’ And I will go to my place of prayer, pace back and forth in this place while asking PYA THAKIN (Burmese for “Lord God”) to provide, and He has given us our needs in many unusual ways.”



LBM Missionary Emmanuel Sinoy has forty orphans at the Gospel Baptist Church in Mae Sot, Thailand, along the Burmese border. These are children that he has picked up off the street and along the river. They are wonderful young people ranging in age from six years old to nineteen. Many of the children who have been raised in the orphanage over the years have continued in our Bible Institute, preparing themselves to serve the Lord with the help of GLBM. Many of these orphans go to the GLBM’s Bliss Baptist Learning Center in Mae Sot that we were asked to take over last year. It is now run by the Gospel Baptist Church. There are currently a total of 160 students. Some of these children are from the community and they come from Buddhist and Muslim families. They hear the Word of God every day. Many children and their families have already been saved and have been added to the church. But the rented property is in an Islamic community and the Muslims who live there are beating down the gate and stoning the building. We are afraid for our children’s safety. We need $20,000 before Spring to build a new school building on our current orphanage property where these children can study safely.

Golden Land Baptist Missions is a ministry of Lighthouse Baptist Church, Horseheads, NY.

Give a Memorial Gift in the name of a friend or loved one. Memorials will be published in the following news letter. Name ____________________________________________ Memorials can be given towards GLBM schools, orphanages, churches, scripture projects and building projects.

Amount $_____________

209 Gardner Road, Horseheads, NY 14845 Phone: 607-739-9062 ext. 3#

Pastor Richard Hack - GLBM President Dr. Bob DeWitt - GLBM Founder/Director cell: 607-426-8034 Gary Pickering - GLBM Representative cell: 501-547-0238 Matthew Mayer - GLBM Financial Secretary

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