BOOK ROSE LANE AQ UATI C S C E N T E R opens June 3 with a special celebration and extended hours. See page 7 for info.
R O S E L A N E O N LY ! Happy Hour! $1 off admission fee 3:30 - 5 p.m. Tues. - Thur.
Public Recreation Swim Admission
We hope you and your family will enjoy the FUN, fitness and skill development offered through our wide variety of aquatic programs and opportunities. Featured are two aquatic centers offering recreation swim, swim and dive lessons, adult water aerobics classes, private swim lessons, Junior Lifeguard Training and party rentals. Rose Lane Aquatics Center and Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center boast fun-filled slides, lap pools, play structures and more! What a FUN way to cool off this summer! • NO FACILITY ENTRY WITHOUT PAID ADMISSION. • NO FOOD/DRINKS/GUM/COOLERS OR GLASS ALLOWED IN AQUATICS FACILITIES. • ONLY FACTORY SEALED BOTTLED WATER IS ALLOWED. • Please do not bring a sick child, or child who has been sick in the last two weeks, to any Glendale aquatics facility. This compromises the safety and health for all patrons. • Refunds WILL NOT be given due to unforeseeable circumstances; such as lightning, low visibility due to wind, rain or mechanical issues. • Para recibir esta información en español, puede solicitarla por teléfono o por Internet: 623-930-2820 o parksandrecreation.cfm Here is the key for our new class/activity listings:
Class Name 1 2 3 4 5 6
Class Code Time $ Res. /$ Non Res. # of Classes & Days
(Age) Class Description Instructor: Name Location: Facility - Room (or Room #)
Ages 2 & under FREE R /FREE NR
Ages 18-54 $5 R /$6 NR
Ages 3-17 Ages 55+ $2.50 R /$3.50 NR $3 R /$5 NR Proof of Glendale Residence required.
Foothills Aquatics Center 5600 W. Union Hills Dr. • 623-930-4600 (north side of Union Hills Dr., 1/2 mile east of 59th Ave.) June 3 - Aug. 5 Mon. - Thur.: 1 - 5 p.m., Fri.: 1 - 7 p.m. Sat.: 12 - 5 p.m., Sun.: 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Rose Lane Aquatics Center 5003 W. Marlette Ave. • 623-930-7905 (east side of 51st Ave., 3/4 mile south of Glendale Ave.) June 3* - Aug. 5 Tues. - Fri.: 1 - 5 p.m., Sat. - Sun.: 1 - 6 p.m. Closed Mondays *For Special Event hours on Sat., June 3, please call or visit the website.
FREE Splash Pad at Heroes Park 83rd Ave & Berridge Ln. • 623-930-2691 (east of 83rd Ave., north of Bethany Home Rd.) May 27 - Aug. 13 Open everyday 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Aug. 19 - Sept. 4 Open weekends only 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Photo Credit
*Charts are used for multiple class offerings.
Cole Truitt
Zabric Kline
Contact Us
623-930-4600 | 623-930-2820 Aquatics Program Coord.: 623-930-2838
Table of Contents Swim Lessons Swim Lesson Descriptions Private Lessons Schedule FRAC Swim Lessons Schedule Rose Lane Swim Lessons Schedule
3 4 5 6 7
Synchronized Swimming 8 Pool-Side Patio/Private Rentals 9 Junior Lifeguard/Swim & Dive Teams 10 Deep water Aerobics 11 Play Safe @ The Pool 12
For special accommodations, call 623-930-2838. Hearing impaired, call TDD at 1-800-367-8939.
To register, call 623-930-2820 or 623-930-4600 or visit M Y PA R KSA N D R E C .G LE N DA LE A Z .C O M
Summer swim lessons are offered for all ages and levels. Lessons meet for eight 30-minute classes, Monday - Thursday at Foothills and Tuesday - Friday at Rose Lane. NO lessons the week of July 3 - 7.
Registration Information When signing up, please specify the lesson or activity code. Glendale residents must provide approved proof of residency (such as a water bill) to receive resident rates. Please bring your receipt to the first day of lessons.
Register When? May 15 - 17 RESIDENTS ONLY Registration begins Monday, May 15 at 8 a.m. Bring your water bill as proof of residency!
Register How? Online Registration Available anytime once registration begins. Avoid the lines, register when it's convenient for you and save some gas! It's the easiest, fastest way to register! Non-residents will be able to register online beginning May 18 at 8 a.m. Payments must be made by VISA, MasterCard or American Express for online registrations. Online registration will remain open all summer. Phone Registration 623-930-2820 Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. –OR–
Please have class codes ready. These are the ONLY phone numbers in the city that will accept phone registration. Payment must be made by VISA, Master Card or American Express for a phone registration. Receipt will be e-mailed upon completion of registration process. Walk-In Registration Parks & Recreation Office Glendale Adult Center 5970 W. Brown St. Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. –OR– Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center 5600 W. Union Hills Dr. Monday - Friday 5:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Saturday 7 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. –OR– Rose Lane Aquatics Center 5003 W. Marlette Ave. starting June 3 Tuesday - Sunday 1 - 5 p.m. Payment may be made with cash, VISA, Master Card or American Express. Checks accepted ONLY at FRAC. Note: First day of registration starts at 8 a.m. for all forms of registration for both Resident and Non-Resident.
Swim Lesson Prices $26 R /$49 NR
Be sure to read our cancellation/ TRANSFER and REFUND policies below before registering!
Cancellation/Transfer Policy • All class cancellation and transfer requests must be submitted at least 7 calendar days in advance of the class start date. NO EXCEPTIONS. • All class registrations are subject to a $5 cancellation fee per swim lesson per participant. • Refunds will not be given for classes that are missed. • Cancellation requests due to medical reasons that are not submitted 7 days in advance must provide documentation in order to receive a pro-rated refund.
Refund Policy Minus the $5 processing fee. • If a refund is less than $25, a credit will be applied to the registrant's household account and can be used for future classes or programs with Glendale Parks and Recreation. • Refunds $25 and over will be processed either by credit card or check depending on original payment method.
Beginning May 18 RESIDENT & NON-RESIDENT Non-resident registration begins Thursday, May 18 at 8 a.m.
623-930-4600 Monday - Friday 5:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Saturday 7 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
All our instructors are R E D C R O S S C E R TI F I E D, receiving at least 35 hours of training.
SWIM LESSON DESCRIPTIONS Parent/Child* (6 months - 4 years) MUST be accompanied by an adult. Water acclimation class for young children with little or no water experience. Only 1 child per adult. (Minimum six participants.)
Pre-School A* (3-5) For children with little or no formal swimming experience who submerge reluctantly or not at all and require support when away from the wall. Participants must be able to hang on the wall by themselves. Adult does not participate in this level. (Minimum four participants.) Objectives: • Water safety • Knowledge and practices, aquatic adjustment and swimming readiness skills, fun, enjoyment in the water and participant socialization.
Pre-School B (3-5) For children with some lesson experience and/or are very comfortable in the water. They submerge readily and demonstrate swimming readiness skills (i.e. kicking, bobbing, back float,) with some support. (Minimum four participants.)
Stage 1 - Intro to Water Skills (4-5) Must have at least 1 session of swim lesson experience to enroll in Stage 1. Must be able to enter and exit the water safely, move along the wall five yards, bob five times and float on back for 2 seconds…all with assistance. (Minimum five participants.)
Stage 2 – Fundamental Aquatic Skills (4+) Must have at least 2 sessions of swim lesson experience to enroll in this class. Must be able to do the following unassisted: enter water, move along wall 5 yards, bob 5 times and exit water. Must be able to glide on front, roll onto back and float for 3 seconds, then recover to a vertical position with little or no support. (Minimum six participants.)
Stage 3 – Stroke Development (5+) Must be able to step from side into chest deep water, roll onto back and float 5 seconds then recover to a vertical position, push off wall and swim a combined stroke (arms and legs) for 5 body lengths, roll onto back and float for 15 seconds, roll over and continue swimming on front. (Minimum six participants.)
Stage 4 – Stroke Improvement (6+) Must be able to jump into chest deep water, swim front crawl for 15 yards using rhythmic breathing, maintain position by treading or floating for 30 seconds, then elementary backstroke for 15 yards. (Minimum six participants.)
Stage 5 – Stroke Refinement (8+) Must be able to do a feet first entry into chest deep water, surface and swim front crawl 25 yards, change direction and position and swim elementary backstroke 25 yards, swim breaststroke 15 yards, change direction and position and swim back crawl 25 yards. (Minimum six participants.)
Introduction To Diving (6+) Must be able to swim 25 yards, unassisted, to take class. For beginners interested in learning the proper fundamentals of diving (approach, hurdle, positions, and entry). (Minimum six participants.)
Introduction To Strokes (6-8) For aspiring (or previous) swim team members or participants interested in learning and improving the four competitive strokes –– backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and freestyle (crawl stroke). Must be able to swim 25 yards, unassisted, to take class.(Minimum six participants.)
Advanced Strokes (8+) For aspiring (or previous) swim team members or participants interested in learning and improving the four competitive strokes – backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and freestyle (crawl stroke). (Minimum six participants.) Refer to Table of Contents for Class Key. Group Lesson Schedules on pages 6-7.
Swim Lesson Class Notice Classes will be canceled the Friday prior to the start of class if minimum enrollment is not met. • The pool manager reserves the right to add, change, combine and omit classes as needed. • The pool manager reserves the right to place children in the appropriate stage. • Parents who register their children in the wrong stage will not be permitted to change classes if space is not available. • In the event lessons are canceled due to weather or other uncontrollable circumstance, classes cannot be made up or refunded. • Class schedules are subject to change. • Parents MUST remain in the designated parent observation area during lessons, unless registered for a Parent/Child class (This class requires parent participation in the water). • * Swim diapers are mandatory for children 3 years and younger. Diapers are available from the Pool Cashier for $1.50 each at all sites. • Foothills has limited viewing areas for lessons. Seating for lesson viewing is available in the snack bar concession area and the bleachers on the south side of the pool area.
Private lessons will continue for adults only (15+) AU G . 8 M AY, 2 0 1 8. Please contact the Foothills front desk for more information at 623-930-4600.
Private swim lessons are sold in packages of two 30-minute classes and are available at both aquatic centers. No lessons the week of July 3 - 7. To register, visit & click on register online/browse activities
Time & Scheduling Two 30-minute lessons
Refunds/Cancellations $35 R /$42 NR
(5+) Private lessons are 30 minutes in length and are scheduled with an experienced, certified swimming instructor. Lessons must be purchased in a package of two 30-minute lessons. Call 623-930-2820 for more details or if you are interested in signing up for private lessons. Private lesson openings will be automatically closed 7 days prior to the lesson beginning date for staffing purposes.
How To Register
2. Be sure that you can attend the lesson time, dates and location that you choose. Note the code of the time and location that you desire. 3. All fees must be paid at the time of registration. When you register, you will be asked a series of questions about the participant’s swimming experience. This information will be passed along to the instructor prior to the lesson. 4. Show up to your lesson location 5 minutes before the scheduled time. 5. If you have questions, call the Main Office at 623-930-2820.
See the refund/cancellation policy on page 3. Due to the large interest in private lessons and the limited availability, lessons cannot be rescheduled once booked. We are unable to reschedule missed classes. Please ensure that you are able to attend all lessons before registering. Private Dive Lessons 1 2 3 4 5 6
6:30 - 7 p.m. M/W & TU/TH
Available ONLY at Foothills. Visit to sign up. Space is extremely limited and will fill up fast! ROSE LANE AQUATICS CENTER
M/W Classes
5:10 5:40 p.m.
5:50 6:20 p.m.
6:30 7 p.m.
June 5&7
June 12 & 14
June 19 & 21
June 26 & 28
July 10 & 12
July 17 & 19
July 24 & 26
July 31 & Aug. 2
TU / TH Classes
5:25 5:55 p.m.
W/F Classes
5:25 5:55 p.m.
TU / TH Classes
5:10 5:40 p.m.
5:50 6:20 p.m.
6:30 7 p.m.
June 6&8
June 7&9
June 6&8
June 13 & 15
June 14 & 16
June 13 & 15
June 20 & 22
June 21 & 23
June 20 & 22
June 27 & 29
June 28 & 30
June 27 & 29
July 11 & 13
July 12 & 14
July 11 & 13
July 18 & 20
July 19 & 21
July 18 & 20
July 25 & 27
July 26 & 28
July 25 & 27
Aug. 1&3
Aug. 2&4
Aug. 1&3
1. Private lesson registration takes place according to the registration schedule on page 3. Register online, via phone or in person.
For lap swim hours and rates, call 6 2 3 - 9 3 0 - 4 6 0 0 or online at G LE N DA LE A Z .C O M / FO OT H I LL S C E N T E R / FO OT H I LL SAQ UATI C S .C F M .
NO LESSONS THE WEEK OF JULY 3 - 7. 5600 W. Union Hills Dr. • 623-930-4600 • *For complete course descriptions, see page 4. Pool Manager reserves the right to adjust lesson schedules. Time
Session 1 M-TH: June 5 - 15
Session 2 M-TH: June 19 - 29
Session 3 M-TH: July 10 - 20
Session 4 M-TH: July 24 - Aug. 3
8:20 8:50 a.m.
Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2
543112-11 543113-11 543121-11 543122-11
Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2
543112-21 543113-21 543121-21 543122-21
Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2
543112-31 543113-31 543121-31 543122-31
Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2
543112-41 543113-41 543121-41 543122-41
9 - 9:30 a.m.
Parent/Child Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2
543111-12 543112-12 543113-12 543121-12 543122-12
Parent/Child Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2
543111-22 543112-22 543113-22 543121-22 543122-22
Parent/Child Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2
543111-32 543112-32 543113-32 543121-32 543122-32
Parent/Child Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2
543111-42 543112-42 543113-42 543121-42 543122-42
9:35 10:05 a.m.
Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Intro Stroke
543122-13 543123-13 543124-13 543125-13 543131-13
Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Adv Stroke
543122-23 543123-23 543124-23 543125-23 543132-23
Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Intro Stroke
543122-33 543123-33 543124-33 543125-33 543131-33
Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Adv Stroke
543122-43 543123-43 543124-43 543125-43 543132-43
10:15 10:45 a.m.
Preschool A Stage 1 Stage 3 Stage 5 Adv Stroke
543112-14 543121-14 543123-14 543125-14 543132-14
Preschool A Stage 1 Stage 3 Stage 5 Intro Stroke
543112-24 543121-24 543123-24 543125-24 543131-24
Preschool A Stage 1 Stage 3 Stage 5 Adv Stroke
543112-34 543121-34 543123-34 543125-34 543132-34
Preschool A Stage 1 Stage 3 Stage 5 Intro Stroke
543112-44 543121-44 543123-44 543125-44 543131-44
10:55 11:25 a.m.
Parent/Child Preschool B Stage 3 Stage 4 Intro Dive
543111-15 543113-15 543123-15 543124-15 543141-15
Parent/Child Preschool B Stage 3 Stage 4 Intro Dive
543111-25 543113-25 543123-25 543124-25 543141-25
Parent/Child Preschool B Stage 3 Stage 4 Intro Dive
543111-35 543113-35 543123-35 543124-35 543141-35
Parent/Child Preschool B Stage 3 Stage 4 Intro Dive
543111-45 543113-45 543123-45 543124-45 543141-45
11:30 a.m. 12 p.m.
Parent/Child Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2
543111-16 543112-16 543113-16 543121-16 543122-16
Parent/Child Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2
543111-26 543112-26 543113-26 543121-26 543122-26
Parent/Child Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2
543111-36 543112-36 543113-36 543121-36 543122-36
Parent/Child Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2
543111-46 543112-46 543113-46 543121-46 543122-46
12:10 12:40 p.m.
Parent/Child Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2 LG-R
543111-17 543112-17 543113-17 543121-17 543122-17 543163-17
Parent/Child Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2 Guardstart
543111-27 543112-27 543113-27 543121-27 543122-27 543164-27
Parent/Child Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2
543111-37 543112-37 543113-37 543121-37 543122-37
Parent/Child Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2
543111-47 543112-47 543113-47 543121-47 543122-47
Fall Adult Swim Classes at Foothills Aquatics Center Class Code
Class Code
Swimming Basics
Aug. 14 - 30
11 11:45 a.m.
Swimming Basics
Sept. 11 - 27
11 11:45 a.m.
Swimming Basics
Aug. 15 - 31
11 11:45 a.m.
Swimming Basics
Sept. 12 - 28
11 11:45 a.m.
(15+) For adult beginners in shallow water. Max 6 participants per session. Registration begins July 17. 6 Classes per session.
L A P S W I M M I N G is offered at Rose Lane for ages 13+ for $3/day. See dates and times below.
SWIM LESSONS SCHEDULE NO LESSONS THE WEEK OF JULY 3 - 7. 5003 W. Marlette Ave. • 623-930-7905 (During summer season, phone is staffed each day except Mon.) *For complete course descriptions, see page 4. Pool Manager reserves the right to adjust lesson schedules. Time
Session 1 TU-F: June 6 - 16
Session 2 TU-F: June 20 - 30
Session 3 TU-F: July 11 - 21
Session 4 TU-F: July 25 - Aug. 4
Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2
573112-11 573113-11 573121-11 573122-11
Parent/Child Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1
573111-21 573112-21 573113-21 573121-21
Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2
573112-31 573113-31 573121-31 573122-31
Parent/Child Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1
573111-41 573112-41 573113-41 573121-41
10:15 10:45 a.m.
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
573121-12 573122-12 573123-12 573124-12
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
573121-22 573122-22 573123-22 573124-22
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
573121-32 573122-32 573123-32 573124-32
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
573121-42 573122-42 573123-42 573124-42
10:55 11:25 a.m.
Parent/Child Preschool A Stage 3 Intro Dive
573111-13 573112-13 573123-13 573141-13
Parent/Child Preschool B Stage 3 Intro Dive
573111-23 573113-23 573123-23 573141-23
Parent/Child Preschool B Stage 3 Intro Dive
573111-33 573113-33 573123-33 573141-33
Preschool A Preschool B Stage 3 Intro Dive
573112-43 573113-43 573123-43 573141-43
11:30 a.m. 12 p.m.
Preschool B Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
573113-14 573122-14 573123-14 573124-14
Preschool A Preschool B Stage 2 Stage 3
573112-24 573113-24 573122-24 573123-24
Preschool B Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 5
573113-34 573122-34 573123-34 573125-34
Preschool B Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
573113-44 573122-44 573123-44 573124-44
12:10 12:40 p.m.
Preschool A Stage 1 Stage 2 Intro Stroke
573112-15 573121-15 573122-15 573131-15
Preschool B Stage 1 Stage 2 Adv Stroke
573113-25 573121-25 573122-25 573132-25
Preschool A Preschool B Stage 1 Intro Stroke
573112-35 573113-35 573121-35 573131-35
Preschool A Stage 1 Stage 2 Adv Stroke
573112-45 573121-45 573122-45 573132-45
5:25 5:55 p.m.
Parent/Child Preschool A Stage 1
573111-16 573112-16 573121-16
Parent/Child Stage 1 Stage 2
573111-26 573121-26 573122-26
Parent/Child Preschool A Stage 1
573111-36 573112-36 573121-36
Parent/Child Stage 1 Stage 2
573111-46 573121-46 573122-46
Adult Lap Swimming ROSE LANE ONLY
June 6 - 30 , July 11 - Aug. 4 9:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. $3/day
(13+) All individuals must be capable of swimming 25 yards continuously to qualify for lap swimming.
ara recibir esta información en español, puede solicitarla por teléfono o P por Internet: 623-930-2820 o
9:35 10:05 a.m.
Thank You
Swim Lesson
Scholarship Swim Lessons at Rose Lane Aquatics Center The amazing organization listed have donated funds to be used towards Youth Learn-to-Swim Programs (Pre-School A, B, Stage 1 & 2) LIMITED AVAILABILITY!
Scholarships may ONLY be used at Rose Lane Aquatics Center located on 51st Avenue north of Bethany Home Road Open to Glendale Resident children only. Limited two (2) scholarships per child (ages 3-9). Call 623-930-2820, option #1 for details & registration.Registration for Scholarship swim lessons begin May 22 at Glendale Adult Center and June 3 at Rose Lane Aquatics Center.
June Session 1 2 3 4 5 6
543192-01 9:45 - 11:15 a.m. $40 R /$50 NR M/W
JUL-AUG 4-22 17 - 2
July Session 1 2 3 4 5 6
543192-02 9:45 - 11:15 a.m., M/W $40 R /$50 NR
Looking for a sport that combines physical fitness, art, swimming, dancing and gymnastics? Then try the City of Glendale "Introduction to Synchronized Swimming" program at the Foothills Aquatic Center! This introductory class will help participants, ages 7-17, learn drills and figures essential to the sport of synchronized swimming. Must be able to swim 25 yards unassisted. For more information, call 623-930-2820. Space is limited!
To reserve your date, book online at M Y PA R KSA N D R E C .G LE N DA LE A Z .C O M click on register online /browse activities. May 15 for Glendale residents and May 18 for non-residents.
POOL-SIDE PATIO/PRIVATE RENTALS Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center For your next party, schedule a semi-private, pool-side patio rental at the Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center (5600 W. Union Hills Dr., Glendale, AZ, 85308). Enjoy floating around the lazy river, the thrill of two giant slides, spraying water in the play pool, perfecting your dives or just leisurely swimming. For a patio party, the aquatics center will be open for swimming to the general public; your semi-private space is limited to the fenced-in patio area.
2-Hour Prime Time Party 1 2 3 4 5 6
543200 $200 R /$250 NR
Fri. - Sun.
2-Hour Non-Prime Time Party 1 2 3 4 5 6
543201 $150 R /$200 NR
Mon. - Thur.
For more information on Corporate/ Large Event Pricing, please call 623-930-2838.
Party Details • Parties available in pre-assigned 2-hour slots. (You may reserve more than one slot for a longer party.) Availability: • June 3 - Aug. 5 Mon. - Thur.: 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Fri.: 2 - 4 p.m. or 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Sat.: 12:15 - 2:15 p.m. or 2:45 - 4:45 p.m. Sunday: 12-2 p.m. • Cancellations require a minimum 7-day notice or the full fee is forfeited Cancellations completed with a 7-day or more advance notice, are subject to a $25 processing fee.
For your next party, schedule a private, full facility pool-side rental at the Rose Lane Aquatics Center (5003 W. Marlette Ave., Glendale, AZ, 85301). Enjoy the thrill of giant slides, spraying water in the play pool, perfecting your dives or just leisurely swimming.
Rose Lane Aquatics Center Rentals Available Make your next party or corporate event SPLASH! The Rose Lane Aquatics Center is a beautiful water wonderland located in the heart of Glendale! Make this desert oasis the site for your memorable summer celebration! Private, full facility pool rental prices start at $1,000. For private, full facility pool rentals call 623-930-2838.
Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center Rentals Available Book your next party or corporate event at Foothills! The Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center has multiple options for renting rooms for your next party, meeting or event; accommodations for small parties to large receptions are available. Private, full facility pool rentals for large groups are available at Foothills. Prices start at $1,000. For room rentals at Foothills, call 623-930-4611. For private, full facility pool rentals call 623-930-2838.
Party Patio Package Includes: • Exclusive access to your own party patio space for 2 hours. • Guaranteed entrance to public, recreation swim for up to 30 people. (Indoor facility usage not included.) • Extra Recreation Swim admissions can be purchased at the regular resident and non-resident rates as long as the pool has not reached capacity. • Permission to bring in your own food and drinks for your party (No alcohol, open flame, or glass in the party area.) • Tables and chairs provided. • Payment must be made in full to ensure guaranteed reservation. • Refrigerate the cake during your party, for an extra $5 fee. Maximum size is 21" x 21".
Rose Lane Aquatics Center
To register, visit M Y PA R KSA N D R E C .G LE N DA LE A Z .C O M
(11-15) If you are interested in becoming a lifeguard in the future, these classes will expose you to a variety of guarding skills. Experiences may include assisting with swim lessons, lifeguard surveillance, special events, customer service skills, safety rules/regulations; and aquatic facility maintenance. Pool volunteer opportunities exist for Guard Start only after the class ends but are not mandatory. NOTE: Participants may only register for one level or class per summer. Once a class is completed the participant may register for the next level the following summer. Please choose level based on child's age.
JUN 5-15
Lifeguard Readiness (LG-R) 1 2 3 4 5 6
543163-17 $40 R /$50 NR
12:10 - 12:40 p.m. M-TH
(11-13) Requirements: Ability to swim at least a 100 freestyle, a 100 breaststroke and 100 of either stroke. (Minimum 6 per class).
Guard Start (GS) 1 2 3 4 5 6
543164-27 11:30 a.m. - $60 R /$80 NR 12:30 p.m. M-TH
(13-15) Requirements: Ability to swim at least a 100 freestyle, a 100 breaststroke and 100 of either stroke. (Minimum 6 per class)
2017 is the 51st Year of Operation for Glendale Aquatics! • Rose Lane was one of the first pools built in Glendale, being completed and dedicated in 1966 by then Mayor Max Klass. • Rose Lane was rebuilt for its 40th Anniversary and was turned into a full waterpark in 2006. To find 2017 recreation swim dates and times, look at page 2. • Since opening, Rose Lane has continually offered summer swim lessons to the community for all ages. Check out full swim lesson information for Rose Lane on page 7. • Rose Lane swim lessons are offered in group or one-on-one formats to fit the needs and budgets of the community.
BY SWIM NEPTUNE *Swim & Dive Program is not run by the City of Glendale. It is run privately by Swim Neptune, using this facility.
Practice Schedule
10 | SPLASHBOOK 2017
Dates: Mon., Tues., and Thur. - June 5 - July 13 Times: Swim 8 & Under: 8 - 8:40 a.m. 9+: 8:40 - 9:30 a.m. Diver 7+: 8 - 9:30 a.m.
Cost: $105 first swimmer/diver $10 discount for siblings Location: Swim meets at Moon Valley Country Club included in fee Dive meets and US Dive membership extra costs More Information: 480-695-0667 Summer Team Website: Location: Foothills Aquatic Center
• Rose Lane is not only a great place to visit, it is also a great place to work! If you are over the age of 15 and want to work at Rose Lane, talk to the Rose Lane manager or call 623-9302838 for details on how to get lifeguard certified. • Join us to celebrate the opening of swim season, and a special dedication for the late former Councilmember Phil Lieberman on Saturday, June 3. Ceremony will be held at 9 a.m. and the pool facility will open early at 10 a.m. More info: parksandrecreation.cfm. • Have a large family? Check out the private, full facility rentals on page 9. Call 623-930-2838 for full details on rental availability and pricing.
Registration for all summer WAT E R A E R O B I C S begins May 15 for Glendale residents and May 18 for everyone.
Foothills Recreation & Aquatics Center • 5600 W. Union Hills Dr. NO CLASSES THE WEEK OF JULY 3 - 8.
Session 1: June 5 - July 1
• Class 1 has a maximum of 20 spots available.
Session 2: July 10 - Aug. 5 (15+) Deep Water Aerobics for adults. Each session has 5 classes. CLASS RATES Class
Class 1*
included for Foothills members*
included for Foothills members*
Class 2
Class 5
• *Class 1 is for Foothills members. All memberships are accepted, including day pass. Classes 2-5 require enrollment. • No refunds or credits will be issued. • Classes that have less than eight participants enrolled may be canceled due to low participation. • All classes are in deep water. Participants must be comfortable in deep water with or without the use of an aqua-belt.
• Class 1 is for Foothills members. There will be a "first-come, firstserved" system (you must "scan in" THEN sign in at the front desk no more than 60 minutes prior to the start of class to get your stamp. You MUST scan in.)
CLASS 1: 7 - 8 a.m.
CLASS 1: 7 - 8 a.m.
CLASS 1: 7:15 - 8:15 a.m.
Deep Water Aerobics Dive Well & Lane 6
Deep Water Aerobics Dive Well & Lane 6
Deep Water Aerobics Dive Well & Lane 6
CLASS 2: 9:45 - 10:45 a.m.
CLASS 2: 9:45 - 10:45 a.m.
CLASS 5: 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
Deep Water Aerobics Dive Well
Deep Water Aerobics Dive Well
Deep Water Aerobics Dive Well
CLASS 3: 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
CLASS 3: 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Deep Water Aerobics Dive Well
Deep Water Aerobics Dive Well
CLASS 4: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
CLASS 4: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
CLASS 4: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Deep Water Aerobics Dive Well
Deep Water Aerobics Dive Well
Deep Water Aerobics Dive Well
Class 3 Class 4
• Classes 2, 3, 4 and 5 have a maximum of 16 spots.
• Schedule is subject to change due to rentals, special events, staffing, etc. All changes will be communicated through the email list. Join our email list to be informed of new classes, changes, cancellations, and much more! Email aquaticinfo@glendaleaz. com to be added!
HAVE FUN, PLAY SAFE @ THE POOL We want you to have the best summer ever! While fun is also a top priority for us, your safety is our #1 priority, so please keep these rules in mind as you enjoy your fun in the sun at our aquatics facilities. This is not a comprehensive list of pool facility rules; for a complete list, see posted signs at pools or visit
Be courteous to others! Take your turn.
Listen to lifeguards/ staff, and follow all posted signs
No outside food or beverages
Slide Height: >48” @ FRAC >42” @ Rose Lane Weight: Slide <300 lb. Diving Board <250 lb.
Wait 14 days before heading to a public pool
No running, pushing, dunking, wrestling or diving in shallow water
STAY WITH ADULT Under 9? with parent at facility Under 7? within parent’s arm’s length at all times
Before and after swimming
US Coast Guard flotation devices only - no inflatable devices allowed
SWIMSUITS ONLY No jeans, athletic apparel, etc.
Managers reserve the right to make additional rules if needed for the safety of guests. Please refer to the City of Glendale Code of Conduct for further clarification. All events at City of Glendale facilities are public, and participants may be photographed by the media and/or City staff for future print and/or online publication.