Acknowledgements The authors and Global Canada would like to thank the McConnell Foundation for their support of this study, providing valuable encouragement and input, without imposing any conclusions or recommendations. The authors are extremely grateful for the time the Survey Participants so graciously provided during the interview process. The report is only as strong as the impressive list of Canadians who participated. The authors appreciate the support and work of Drew Cameron, Meriko Kubota, and Nathalie Hamel in the making of this report. Moreover, the authors thank Allyson Hewitt and the MaRS Discovery District team for their support and collaboration. The conclusions and recommendations of the report are the responsibility of the authors alone, not of any participant or of Global Canada. Although Survey Participants are extensively quoted, the authors decided how to incorporate their thoughts into the different chapters and sections. The views of this report are those of the authors only.
About the Authors Brian Gallant, former Premier of New Brunswick, led the research and preparation of this report as Chief Sustainability Officer of Global Canada. BrianGallant, is presently CEO of the Canadian Centre for the of the Brian former Premier of New Brunswick, ledPurpose the research Corporation. and preparation of this report as Chief Sustainability Officer of Global Canada. Brian is presently CEO, Canadian Centre for the Purpose the Corporation. Robert Greenhill, former President of of Bombardier’s International Group, President of Canada’s International Development Agency, and Managing Director of the World Economic Forum, is the Executive Chair of Global Canada.
Robert Greenhill, former President of Bombardier’s International Group, President of Canada’s International Development Agency, and Managing Director of the World Economic Forum, is the Executive Chair of Global Canada.