GEC 2014 - Adam Usher

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• Keynote Presentation

Meaning Making

Social Responsibility Global Justice

Civic Engagement


Global Citizenship

Critical Curiosity

Personal Responsibility interconnect

Intercultural Communication

Learning Relationships

Self Awareness

Global Citizenship Scale Strategic Awareness


Glocal Characterisitcs: Students and Teachers Globally!competent!students! investigate!the!world! Students!investigate!the!world! beyond!their!immediate! environment!

Globally!competent!students! recognize!perspectives! Students!recognize!their!own! and!others’!perspectives!

Globally!competent!students! communicate!ideas! Students!communicate!their! ideas!effectively!with!diverse! audiences!

Globally!competent!students! take!action! Students!translate!their!ideas! and!findings!into!appropriate! actions!to!improve!conditions!

! Globally Competent Student Characteristics (Boix-Mansilla and Jackson, 2011, p.12) Globally!competent!teachers! investigate!the!world! Teachers!investigate!their! practice!as!a!discrete! discipline!beyond!their! immediate!environment! (curriculum!/ !systemic! imperatives)!!


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Globally!competent!teachers! recognize!perspectives! Teachers!recognize!their!own! practice!and!pedagogical! theory!and!the!perspectives!of! others’!practice!and! understanding!

Globally!competent!teachers! communicate!ideas! Teachers!communicate!their! ideas!and!practices!with! diverse!audiences!

Globally!competent!teachers! take!action! Teachers!translate!their!ideas,! practices!and!findings!into! appropriate!actions!to! improve!the!teaching!and! learning!of!their!students!and,! importantly,!other!teachers!

Globally Competent Teacher Characteristics (Usher, Sandvad 2014)

Critical Curiosity

Getting beyond the slogan. Testing veracity

Strategic Awareness

Navigating the intractable

Learning Relationships

Dialogue beyond the ‘what’ and beyond the ‘here’

Growth Orientation

Engaging in the world around me will make me better at making sense of it


Re-imagination of identity and perspective


Ownership of your own meaning and actions

Meaning Making

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

Link between theory and practice-based instruction for Innovation

Critical Curiosity Meaning Making

Critical Curiosity Strategic Awareness Learning Relationships Creativity Growth Orientation

Aggregated Teacher ELLI Data


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Aggregated Student ELLI Data

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ELLI Data: Strategic Awareness

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ELLI Data: Critical Curiosity

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Disconnect between policy and the classroom – teachers’ professional development • OECD TALIS shows teacher development is often not suited to teachers’ needs. One-off courses are often provided even though teachers believe (and the evidence shows) that longer term individual and collaborative research opportunities have the greatest impact.


• While 90% of teachers in TALIS 2008 countries would like to participate in research opportunities, only around one third do so.

“From what I have seen in Western countries, teachers’ place of work is the classroom - with students coming and going. In Shanghai, teachers’ main place of work is their office. The emphasis is on their professional learning and research.” !

Ms Xu Hong, School Principal, Shanghai Experimental School

Research groups in Shanghai: how they work ! • Research groups produce research papers published in academic journals. • Exemplary teachers present research group findings in open lessons at the District level. • Research and lesson groups are integrated into school structures; in professional learning, promotion as well as administrative structures (for example, timetabling, physical

Implications for Future Action: •

The phase of raising awareness of the need has reached its end and the phase that seeks to identify and address the gap between goals and practice through a scholarly learning approach to teacher professional learning needs to begin.


Critical to this phase is the need to understand teachers’ affective learning capacity as being central to creating a positive identity as a global learner and meta-competence as a globally literate teacher and for these to be supported systemically.


Equally important is making explicit these competences and the positive potential impact on teacher effectiveness and student achievement.


The necessary approach reframes teachers as learners and coinvestigators

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