JobPrep - January 2012

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Global Information Technology




January 2012

The Voice of Career Insight

In this issue

Tips to improve your LinkedIn Profile

State of the Michigan Workforce P.1 Tips to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile P.1

Tip 1: Claim a customized

2012 IT Jobs Outlook P.3

URL (e.g.,

What Kills Productivity P.4

in/YOURNAME) and insert this link into your email signature to drive your existing and newly forming network to view your profile.

Michigan Gov. Snyder unveils new initiative to remake workforce! Gov. Rick Snyder wants to tie retraining programs to

companies' needs, erase barriers keeping welfare recipients from work and encourage more Michigan residents to

Tip 2: Edit public profile settings during a job search to show headline, summary, specialties, current and past positions, and education to those outside your connections. Employers will be searching your name online, and you want them to find a content-rich page.

earn math and science degrees under an initiative aimed at making workers more competitive in the global marketplace.

such as privacy (including your activity feed broadcasts), email digest preferences, and group displays.

Delta College, the fifth in a series of policy addresses this year that have covered education, local government, health and infrastructure.


content: do not write anything that you do not want the world to know.

Michigan. Snyder said that the current imbalance

work in Michigan, is saddled with debt and is ultimately forced to leave the state." The Michigan Education Association has estimated

education programs in Michigan leave the state. The

main empty because Michigan workers don't have the education or skills

must drastically realign its education, job training and economic development systems. Only then will

governor wants more people to get

The governor wants more people to get trained in computer programming, math, health care and engineering

the state be able to drastically lower an unemployment rate that has hovered in double digits

"The solution is to reinvent the way in which we prepare our children for successful, fulfilling careers; reshape the manner in which Michiganders look for work; and redesign

Tip 5: Be judicious about

graduates in areas where workers aren't needed in

that 5,000 of the 7,500 annual graduates of college

Noting that Michigan has "thousands of jobs" that re-

for more than two years. Tip 4: Fill out profile to 100%

areas that are in demand and stop "overproducing"

"creates a population of young talent that cannot find

He unveiled his talent development plan Thursday at

to fill them, Snyder said the state Tip 3: Manage other settings,

centrate state money for post-secondary education in

the way in which employers obtain the skills they need," Snyder noted in his speech. "The simple truth is that tomorrow's opportunities cannot be realized with yesterday's skills." On education, the Republican governor wants to con-

trained in computer


ming, math, health care and engineering -- all areas where the state isn't producing enough graduates to fill the need, according to the Center.

To help retain talent, the governor wants to change the unemployment system so that struggling businesses can reduce their employees' hours and supplement their pay with partial unemployment benefits. The change would let employers hold onto highly skilled workers who otherwise might leave the state to work elsewhere and enable workers keep their jobs and fringe benefits. The governor also wants lawmakers


Continued on page 4.

What kills productivity? There are only a few broad reasons why your productivity could be suffering. I’ll talk about all the

2012 I.T. Jobs Outlook

specific instances in a moment, but let’s start with a high-level look:

By: John Rossheim, Monster Senior Contributor

1.) You have too much on your plate. Whether you don’t want to say no, you don’t know how or you can’t, you end up having too much to do.

When the ball drops in Times

Select Industries Will Bring on IT

2.) The spirit is willing, but the

Square to launch 2012, information

flesh is weak. Your body has

technology professionals will take a

In 2010 and 2011, government

needs. You need to give it the

deep breath and ponder whether the

spending -- especially Recovery Act

proper food, exercise and time

new year’s wave of disruptive tech-

projects -- drove much IT hiring. In

Harvey Bass, CEO of IT recruiter

off to stay optimally healthy.

nology will lift their careers or leave

2012, government mandates -- in the

Stascom Technologies in Sparta,

3.) The flesh is willing, but the

them high and dry.

form of regulatory requirements -- will

New Jersey, says the range of indus-

spur significant technology hiring.

tries that will hire IT talent aggres-

spirit is weak. Your attitude is greatly affected by external factors such as your relationships, your finances and the kind of work you’re doing. 4.) There's always tomorrow.

As in recent years, the IT job market,



Reed, executive director of staffing firm Robert Half Technology in Menlo Park, California.


areas of strong demand for top technology talent, is decidedly mixed. From a college campus, nothing-but-blue-


Small companies are looking for peo-





broader, including the life

ple who have the skills to do more

sciences, telecom, transpor-

than one thing … they want to hire an


IT person who can program, do sys-




tems administration and deal with

Procrastination is caused by


obstacles and friction. These tips

skies perspective: “Our 2011

will help you make sure you stop

fall job fair was the second-largest

procrastinating altogether.

ever, with 240 companies, all hiring,”



In 2012, skills in key computer

5.) Stuff keeps coming up. Inter-

says Jim Turnquist, director of career

healthcare, especially for electronic

technologies, especially in software,

ruptions from email and phone

services at Michigan Technological



will be in much demand. “At IT firms,

calls, distractions from your per-

University in Houghton, Michigan.

Janulaitis, CEO of MIS consulting

virtualization, business intelligence

But workers at some major IT firms

firm Janco Associates in Park City,

and mobile app developers are really

overload can easily kill your

are suffering. In November 2011,

Utah. “If a CIO can show a quick

strong,” Reed says. “App developers


Adobe Systems announced plans to

payback on technology, then there’s

are really hot right now, then .Net,

6.) Doing the wrong things. Clari-

cut 750 positions, citing a reduced

some hiring -- but none for mainte-

Java, PHP, Silverlight and Share-

ty is power. And once you’re

2012 revenue forecast.

nance or training.”


sonal life, as well as meeting


Pros in 2012

massive amounts of data,” says


Employers Will Be Look-

“We’re finding the only industry there’s





ing for These Hot Tech Skills

clear about what you want, you

Enough about layoffs. Where will

John Reed sees a broader trend in

Bass adds to the list of in-demand

need the right strategy and plan

information technology professionals

IT spending on compliance. “The

technology jobs: sales application

of action.

find those areas of strength? Let’s

healthcare and financial services

engineers, CRM specialists, security

These are all productivity killers,

start by looking at the industries and

industries are very strong, being

experts, backup and recovery techni-

and they can all be averted or

technologies that will lead the way.

heavily regulated and dealing with

cians, field application support spe-

avoided. (continued on p. 4)

cialists and service technicians.

What kills productivity? (continued) 1.) Not getting enough sleep. There is no magic number when it comes to sleep. Your body’s need for sleep is a function of your age and your genes. Researchers have agreed that most people need Social





broader influence in the new year.

Turnquist. “A lot of that is the auto

blurrier decision than it was five


years ago,” Erdle says.

night to be fully rested.

“People are needed to integrate

With US-based business harboring

social media into the enterprise IT

increasing concerns over communi-

ecosystem, to link a company’s so-

cations problems with outsourcers in

The unemployment rate for male

cial media presence to its Web pres-

Asia, offshoring may be somewhat

computer and math professionals

ence,” says Terry Erdle, executive

less of a concern to American IT

between the ages of 25 and 54 de-

vice president for skills certification at

workers in 2012. In addition, “costs

clined from 5.1 percent in 2009 to 4.3

industry trade group CompTIA in

are rising overseas, so offshoring is a

percent in 2010.




Professionals 2.) Not getting enough exercise.

Continue to Fare Better?

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” - John F Kennedy. It is common knowledge that

Downers Grove, Illinois. Substantial technology hiring will

exercise is good for your physi-

Michigan Gov. Snyder unveils new initiative to remake workforce! (continued from p. 1)

cal and mental health. If you still

also occur where enterprise concerns are irrelevant. “Small companies are looking for people who have the skills to do more than one thing,” Turnquist says. “They want to hire an IT person who can program, do systems administration and deal with custom-

need motivation to get moving, approve self-employment assistance

and job seekers a place to find each

that would give benefits to unem-

other and allow workers to assess

ployed workers who are setting up

their skills and connect with mentors

their own businesses rather than

and internships.

here are scientifically proven health benefits of exercise.

If you’re not exercising, keep it requiring them to pursue job opportu-

Snyder said he plans to eliminate

nities in order to qualify. The budding

the barriers that make it difficult for

entrepreneurs would receive training

welfare recipients to find meaningful

at regional Small Business Technol-

work, including lack of skills, illitera-

ogy Development Centers.

cy, scarce access to child care and

simple to start with. Do you live in a building with multiple

ers.” Demand for IT talent will show significant geographic variations in 2012. “The strongest markets for technology hiring are San Antonio; San Francisco; Silicon Valley; Seattle;

from 7 to 8 hours of sleep per





Greensboro [North Carolina]; and St. Louis,” Erdle says. Regional trends are less clear, with one possible exception. “The Mid-

floors? Run up and down the stairs for 15-30 minutes. Go for a walk. Of course, there is To help students and workers find



He's always the gym. Having a disci-

out information about careers, edu-

requiring that the current Jobs,

cational and training opportunities

Education and Training program for

and job openings, Snyder Thursday

welfare recipients be redesigned to

launched the Pure Michigan Talent

help families find ongoing and sus-

Connect website. As it's developed

tainable work and increase the

further over the next six months, the

recipients' work participation rates.

site is intended to give employers

west is picking up again,” says plined gym partner will help you get and stay motivated.

Marcial’s Say: Apple releases iTunes Match

Upcoming I.T. Workshops at Global I.T. 01/12/2012 @ 4pm LinkedIn: Create and Effectively Manage a LinkedIn Site LinkedIn is a social collaboration tool focused on helping business professionals, consultants, freelancers, job seekers, and others develop a network of connections. Learn how to design, modify, and effectively manage a LinkedIn site in an instructor led computer lab. 02/02/2012 @ 4pm Get Your Resume Critiqued by a Professional Recruiter Learn what companies review on a resume to find the perfect candidate. Expert tips and advice from a Recruiter.

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Global I.T. JobPrep - Issue 01 January 2012

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