JobPrep March 2012

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Global Information Technology




March 2012

The Voice of Career Insight

In this issue

Your Resume vs. Oblivion

The IT Career Top Dos and Don’ts P.1-P.3

Many job seekers have long

Your Resume vs. Oblivion P.1/P.3

suspected their online employ-

Three ways to computer faster at your computer P.3

ment applications disappear into Upcoming Seminars and Courses P.4 a black hole, never to be seen again. Their fears may not be far off the mark, as more com-

The IT Career: Top Do’s and Don'ts

panies rely on technology to

What must I do to grow my career in Information Tech-

Put in quality sweat - learn, practice, and invest in

winnow out less-qualified candi-

nology (IT)? Many are always asking questions on how to

substance and not flashy gimmicks. Be strong in the


approach career development and prospects in the IT

fundamentals. The great IT pro isn't satisfied with just

field? An IT career can be full of challenges and excite-

doing. Excel in what you do. Aim high. Measure your-

ers are overwhelmed by the


self with high quality global standards. And keep on

volume of résumés pouring in,

But there is no magic key. It all depends on the effective-

learning - Lifelong learning is critical. Anything else is

thanks to the weak job market

ness of your career growth methods. Quality of effort is

dinosaur land. Strike the right balance between doing

and new tools that let applicants

often the difference between frustration and achievement.

and the ability to keep on doing. You have to make that

apply for a job with as little as

Here are top "dos and don'ts" tips that should ensure your

balance so you'll be sure to bring the best value to your

one mouse click. The profes-

effort is high quality, while keeping you on the right track.



Note that none of these guidelines can stand-alone. To

Recruiters and hiring manag-



LinkedIn recently introduced an "apply now" button on its job postings that sends the data in a

2. Don't lose Focus

make meaning they all play together. 1.




job seeker's profile directly to a


potential employer.

knowledge to make things happen -




What is your WHY? Empowerment

Many are always asking questions on how to approach career development and prospects in the IT field?

for what? Are you just following the crowd? Be wise. What is your passion? What do you value? Have a laser-like focus on WHY. "A dream

While job boards and net-

to create opportunity. Knowledge

working websites help compa-

options include: training, certifica-

nies broadcast openings to a

tion, books, work experience and the

wide audience, potentially in-

Internet. What's your attitude towards learning? Is

self. You know your stuff but are heading in the right

creasing the chance the perfect

knowledge acquisition an investment or a cost to you?

direction? Where are you? What is your interest? What

candidate will reply, the result-

Career opportunities exist in many fields including: tech-

is your purpose? Where are you going? How will you

ing flood of applications tends to

nical support, programming, web development, database

get there? Understand the difference between the

include a lot of duds. Most re-

and networking.

journey and the destination. How realistic are your

without a plan is a nightmare". Planning helps you with (WHY and HOW) focusing and organizing your-

cruiters report that at least 50%

Understand what empowerment means. It's about learn-

expectations? Fulfillment is a function of expectations.

of job hunters don't possess the

ing how to fish, instead of always depending on others. It's

It is your duty to find your mission. As you invest in

basic qualifications for the jobs

about resourcefulness -knowing how to dig deep and

knowledge and skills, are you de-








Continued on page 2.

Three ways to become faster at your computer If you use your computer clumsily, you can end up wasting valuable time, mucking up your workflow. With a little focus and concentration, you can cut down on

The IT Career: Top Do’s and Don'ts Continued...

the time you waste on menial tasks and become more productive. Money



simple adjustments that can help with purpose? In which area (s) do

Creativity also means being wise

nize that your IT career isn't just

1. Learn to type. If you hunt

you want to make an impact? Get

to opportunities available to you.

about money or acquiring certificates.

and peck, your eyes may need to

your priorities right. Focus on things

Have an open mind. No two career

Growth comes by solving problems

drift away from the screen to

that matter. Avoid distractions and let

strategies are the same. No strait-

and creating opportunities. How is

check your finger placement.

the main issue be the main issue.

jacket formula exists for career suc-

what you know and can do benefiting

cess. "Use open doors to unlock

others? Value means others must

you work faster and smarter:

Even if you've got everything

3. Do develop your Creative

memorized, you may slow your-


closed doors." For example, if the


self down by overusing your

Focus on creativity and not consump-

door to your career choice in data-

Money is not your mission. Money


tion. Life, or opportunity, isn't




"touch type" like they taught you


in school will up your words per

Having the right skills and



2. Use the mouse only as a







creativity needs more than attracts

simply gives you options for

To serve and contribute effectively in your IT career, build networks by cooperating and collaborating with others. What is your value if you can't learn from or work with other people?

achieving your purpose. Get rid of unrealistic expectations. IT creates wealth, but it





sy device that requires you to

everyone, but are they all

break your work flow. Tab, es-

making a difference? To stand out

cape and directional keys are

and stay ahead in IT, you need to go

base management appears closed,

easier to access and more pre-



why not start by exploring open doors


Observe your environment, seize the

in technical support or networking.

To serve and contribute effectively in

initiative and take bold steps. Learn

Such experience may eventually help

your IT career, build networks by

to see beyond the obvious.

you unlock doors to such career

cooperating and collaborating with

paths that may be otherwise inacces-

others. What is your value if you can't


learn from or work with other people?

larger hard drive, more memory



last resort. The mouse is a clum-

3. Upgrade your hardware. A




scheme. "We eat to live, We don't live to eat". Get deep and add value. Your value not just

knowledge is your power. 5.





and a newer operating system

Get deep and drop the status quo

will all increase the speed of your

approach. Creativity is not about the

rig. Those who upgrade almost

usual routine or copycat stuff. "Do

never regret their investments

not go where the path may lead; go


underestimated. How will you spread

because they appreciate their

instead where there is no path and

Technology is about service and

your message or understand the

newfound speed.

leave a trail" - Ralph Waldo Emer-

contribution. Invest not just for pass-

needs of others?

son. What, where is the need? Think

ing exams but to contribute and to be

Don't burn bridges you may need

outside the box and see how your

of benefit to others. Drop the "its-all-

tomorrow but instead plant the right

skills can provide an answer to the

about-the-pay" mindset and recog-

seeds. Network - listen to, learn from


4. Don't neglect Service and

The value of networking can't be

and understand the local and global

Your Resume vs. Oblivion Continued ... they are pursuing. To cut through the clutter, many large and midsize companies have turned to applicanttracking systems to search résumés for the right skills and experience. The systems, which can law-abiding, and tolerant?

get your hands dirty in the your area of

environment. Network with colleagues, Opportunity isn't always attractive or

interest, say in the programming field?

family, friends, mentors, employers, emobvious, but it's always knocking. For

A strong WHY will carry you through

example, what would you do if the pay

challenges. Believe in yourself, Have a

isn't attractive, but it's an opportunity to


ployees, clients, etc. To enhance networking, work on your nonsense



technical and people skills (life skills) like communications, leadership, presentation,

Post— 9/11 GI Bill—A New Bill for a new Century

Global Information Technology is honored to serve our Nation's Veterans for


foolproof. Ed Struzik, an International Business Machines Corp. expert

tion of large companies using them in the "high 90%" range,

these life skills helps you position and yourself

dollars, are efficient, but not

on the systems, puts the propor-

teamwork, etc. Effective development of


cost from $5,000 to millions of

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Can you trusted? We know you're an figure out the exact amount of education benefits you've earned. Most Post MCDBA, but is that database safe in your 9/11 GI Bill students at Global Information Technology enjoy 100% tuition coverage. considerate? Are you courageous? "Be a thermostat not a thermometer". You are the Java expert; you have the Oracle solutions. Big deal! Are you a positive influence? Or are you the "Emperor that can do no wrong?" What message do you send out? In your actions, are you fair, honest, responsible, friendly, supportive,

Marcial’s Say: Apple releases iTunes Match

Résumé overload isn't just a big-company problem. Job seekers often are surprised when they don't hear back from small businesses. These businesses rarely hire enough people to make

training for veterans' spouses and children. Ethics is another issue that affects value.

hands? Trust breeds opportunity. Are you

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provider with the Department of Veterans Affairs. vations of other people to work, grow and

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and says it would "be very rare



system cost-effective, but even a one-time posting on a welltrafficked job board like can garner hundreds of responses.

Upcoming I.T. Workshops at Global I.T. 03/14/2012 @ 4pm A Career in Ethical Hacking In a society so dependent on computers, breaking through anybody’s system is obviously considered anti-social. What can organizations do when in spite of having the best security policy in place, a break-in still occurs! If you want to stop hackers from invading your network, first you’ve got to invade their minds.

Upcoming Courses

03/20/2012 @ 4pm Get Your Resume Critiqued by a Professional Recruiter Learn what companies review on a resume to find the perfect candidate. Expert tips and advice from a recruiter.

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