Liquidity Addiction, Eroding Fundamentals, and The Search for Organic Drivers of Growth…

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Liquidity Addiction, Eroding Fundamentals, and The Search for Organic Drivers of Growth… July 2023 Nicholas Bohnsack (212) 906-0132 1

What We’re Watching…

1. Inflation and the Volatility of Inflation Expectations

2. Level-Setting Valuations

3. Identify Organic Drivers of Growth to Pull Capital into the Economy and Drive Expansion

Please See Appendix for Important Disclosures 2

Headline Inflation Has Peaked, Globally

Please See Appendix for Important Disclosures 3

…After Attempts to “Pause,” Rates Headed Higher

Please See Appendix for Important Disclosures 4

Market Has Become Disconnected From Rates

See Appendix for Important Disclosures 5

Liquidity is Being Drained from the System… Quickly

Please See Appendix for Important Disclosures 6

Corporate Margins Under Acute Pressure

Please See Appendix for Important Disclosures 7

Margin Pressure Hinting at Employment Weakness

Please See Appendix for Important Disclosures 8

Monetary Policy Acts with a Lag

for Important Disclosures 9
Please See Appendix

Inflation is Kryptonite for Multiples…

See Appendix for Important Disclosures 10

What if Earnings are Lower or Inflation is Higher?

Please See Appendix for Important Disclosures 11

Where is the Thematic Momentum?

1. Artificial Intelligence

2. Cash Flow Aristocrats

3. De-Globalization

4. Recession Protection

Please See Appendix for Important Disclosures 12

AI: Strong Enough to Stave Off Recession?

Please See Appendix for Important Disclosures 13


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