Folder Carnaval Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

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Carnival – Rio de Janeiro – Brazil



Rio de Janeiro Brasil


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Bem-vindo à Cidade Maravilhosa. Welcome to the Wonderful City.

A Cidade Maravilhosa possui atrativos que conferem à cidade fama internacional. Quem nunca ouviu falar do Carnaval carioca e dos desfiles das Escolas de Samba, a mais impressionante festa popular do mundo, do Pão de Açúcar e da estátua do Cristo Redentor, das belas praias de Ipanema e Copacabana, que inspiraram músicos do mundo inteiro, ou ainda do Parque Nacional da Tijuca - maior reserva natural em região urbana do País. No Rio há tudo isso. E muito mais. Quem visita o Rio descobre logo que a agenda está sempre cheia – motivo de orgulho da população local. O Rio de Janeiro é a cidade que mais realiza congressos internacionais do Brasil, contabilizando 39 congressos internacionais realizados em 2005, de acordo com o ranking internacional do International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA). O Rio de Janeiro será a sede dos Jogos Olimpicos de 2016 e receberá a final da Copa do Mundo FIFA 2014. Rio de Janeiro has attractions that confer upon the city its international fame. There is not anyone who has never heard about Rio Carnival and the samba school parade, the most spectacular popular feast in the world, about the Sugar Loaf and the Christ the Redeemer statue, about the beautiful beaches of Ipanema and Copacabana, which inspire musicians of the whole planet, or even about the National Park of Tijuca – the largest natural urban forest in Brazil. In Rio, you can find all this. And much more. Anyone who visits Rio soon finds out that the city’s calendar is always full of events – this makes the local population very proud. Rio de Janeiro is the city that hosts more international congresses in Brazil, having accounted 39 of these events in 2005 as ranked by the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA). Rio de Janeiro will host the 2016 Olympic Games and will be the city where it will be held the Final Match of FIFA Football World Cup in Brazil in 2014.

o maior espetáculo da terra.

The Greatest Show on Earth.

O Carnaval do Rio de Janeiro se tornou mundialmente famoso com o desfile das Escolas de Samba no Sambódromo. Um show imperdível que tem feito do Rio de Janeiro a capital do Carnaval do mundo. As Escolas de Samba desfilam magníficas e deslumbrantes durante 3 noites de pura magia e encanto. O Carnaval do Rio de Janeiro é uma manifestação contagiante de sonho e fantasia. Nenhuma festa brasileira tem o poder de sintetizar seu povo, sua alegria e sua história como o Carnaval. A palavra de ordem é uma só: diversão. Rio Carnival has become worldwide famous for the samba school parade at the Sambadrome. It is a show no one can miss and which has turned Rio de Janeiro into the carnival capital of the world. The samba schools parade dazzlingly and magnificently for 3 nights of pure magic and enchantment. Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is a contagious manifestation reigned by dream and fantasy. No other feast in Brazil compares with Carnival as a representation of the Brazilian people, their joy of living and their history. The only commandment is: have fun.

700 metros de pura energia e muita vibração. A 700-meter run-way of pure energy and a lot of vibration.

Todo o encanto e magia acontecem nos 700 metros da Passarela do Samba. Prepare-se para três noites de festa e glamour, com os 12 desfiles das Escolas de Samba do Grupo Especial do Rio de Janeiro. No domingo e na segunda, as Escolas disputam o título de campeã do Carnaval. No sábado seguinte, o desfile das Escolas Campeãs reunirá as seis primeiras colocadas, tendo como desfecho da noite o apoteótico desfile da agremiação vencedora do Carnaval. All the magic and enchantment take place along the 700 meters of the samba run-way. Prepare yourself for three nights of feast and glamour, enjoying 12 parades of the Prime Group of Samba Schools of Rio de Janeiro. On Sunday and Monday during Carnival, the samba schools compete for the championship. On the subsequent Saturday, the six winning samba schools participate in a final parade, which is spectacularly closed by the champion of champions of Carnival.

Espaços Únicos e exclusivos com muito luxo, privacidade e conforto. Unique and exclusive spaces, where people can enjoy luxury, privacy and convenience.

VIP boxes located at the most central point alongside the samba run-way:

Camarotes localizados no ponto mais central da avenida:

The boxes have: 1) A spacious lounge adequately cooled by air-conditioning on the first floor, from where one can see a whole samba school parading on the avenue – a unique chance of enjoying the colors, harmony, splendor, grandness and beauty of a parade from a perfect height. 2) Front boxes (“frisas”) nearing the parade and which allow the occupants to see all the details, the enthusiasm, the rhythm of the paraders, the beauty and creativity of each costume, the grandness of the floats, everything can be viewed very closely.

Os camarotes contam com: 1) um lounge amplo e totalmente refrigerado no primeiro andar permitindo uma visão de toda a Escola na avenida - um privilégio único de conferir as cores, harmonia, suntuosidade, grandiosidade e beleza de um desfile visto de uma altura perfeita. 2) frisas de frente para o desfile, permitindo um olhar em todos os detalhes, empolgação, ritmo dos foliões, beleza e criatividade de cada fantasia, grandiosidade dos carros alegóricos: tudo de muito perto.

Os camarotes mais animados e confortáveis da avenida:

The most lively and comfortable VIP boxes at the Sambadrome:

Espaços vibrantes de muita animação: 3 dias de encantos e muita alegria. A certeza de estar no lugar mais exclusivo e privativo com todo conforto e segurança. Muita animação e energia presentes nos desfiles e dentro dos camarotes com shows particulares entre os desfiles das Escolas.

Vibrant and animated VIP boxes: 3 days with plenty of fun and enchantment. You will certainly be in the most privy and exclusive place, full of conveniences and totally safe. Liveliness and energy emanate from the parade and from within the VIP boxes, with private shows performed during the intervals between parades of different samba schools.

Pure relationship and marketing activities:

Puro relacionamento e marketing:

Meet the most important CEOs, COOs, CIOs and CFOs of Brazilian companies and of foreign companies’ branches established in Brazil: it is the gathering place of representatives of the greatest contributors to the Brazilian GDP. We also give companies the chance of boosting their marketing activities: for this purpose Global Marketing e Eventos puts them and their trademarks into the spotlight, focusing on B2C or B2B with assured visibility and investment return.

Junte-se aos maiores CEO’s, COO’s, CIO’s e CFO’s de empresas Brasileiras e filiais de empresas estrangeiras implantadas no Brasil: onde o PIB do Brasil se encontra. Reservamos, ainda, ações para o marketing das empresas: a Global Marketing e Eventos coloca em forte evidência sua marca e empresa com grande apelo para o B2C ou B2B de visibilidade e retorno garantido.

Surely a great business

Comprovadamente um grande negócio.

Plan your relationship strategy and gather your customers and business partners to watch this spectacular show and share with them a nice and unforgettable time, at the same time as you will be conducting a differentiated and striking action.

Crie sua ação de relacionamento, reúna seus clientes e parceiros de negócios para assistir a esse grande espetáculo em uma ação diferenciada e marcante, na qual serão compartilhados momentos agradáveis e inesquecíveis. Um camarote sob medida para assistir ao maior espetáculo da terra nas melhores condições. A tailored VIP box for watching the greatest show on earth very comfortably.

Um espaço que vai muito além de um camarote! An area that is much A space that goes beyond any other VIP box ever conceived!

Definitivamente e comprovadamente um grande negócio! It is definitely and surely a great business!

classe, sofisticação e experi ência de um serviço impecável.

The class, sophistication and experience of an impeccable service. Acompanhe tudo o que iremos oferecer a você e seus convidados. See all the items that we will offer to you and to your guests.

SERVIÇOS incluídos

• Bufê frio permanente;


• Permanent service of cold buffet;

• Localização privilegiada, do lado ímpar da Passarela do Samba; • Privileged location, on the uneven side of the samba run-way;

• Traslado em categoria luxo; • Transfer made by de luxe vehicles;

• Terminal de desembarque exclusivo na Passarela do Samba;

• Estação de salmão defumado/sushis; • Smoked salmon /sushi station;

• Jantar com três opções de menu a cada noite; • Three options of menu for dinner every night;

• Cozinha show com estação de massas e risoto; • Kitchen show with pasta and risotto station;

• Sobremesas.

• Exclusive arrival terminal at the Sambadrome;

• Desserts;

• Exclusive toilettes within the Section;

• Breakfast.

• Exclusive medical service with ITU ambulance;

• Recepcionistas bilíngues;

BAR – Open bar: Bar • Água mineral;

• Bilingual receptionists;

• Mineral water;

• Specialized security service provided by Gran Rio;

• Soft drinks;

• VIP boxes with central air conditioning/split;

• Beer and draft beer;

• Banheiros exclusivos no setor;

• Posto de atendimento médico exclusivo com UTI móvel;

• Seguranças especializados da GRAN RIO; • Camarotes com ar-condicionado central/split; • Entretenimento com show de passistas, ritmistas e destaques, nos intervalos das escolas; • Entertainment by samba dancers, samba percussion players and fancy costume runway during the intervals between parades of different samba schools;

• Equipe de fotógrafos profissionais, inclusive com material fotográfico em CD/DVD; • Staff of professional photographers, with supply of images on CD/DVD;


• Catering de categoria internacional • International class catering

BUFÊ Buffet

• Coquetel com canapés frios e salgadinhos quentes volantes; • Cocktails with cold canapés and hot finger food served by waiters;

• Café da manhã;

• Refrigerante; • Cerveja e chopp; • Vinho; • Wine;

• Champanhe francês (servido nos camarotes); • French champagne (served at the VIP boxes);

• Whisky escocês premium – 8/12 anos;

• Scotch whisky premium – 8/12 years;

• Drink variados. • Assorted drinks.

• Energéticos • Energy drinks;

• Vodka; • Vodka;

A sua marca no evento de maior visibilidade do brasil

Your trademark in the most seen show in Brazil

MARKETING • Colocação das logomarcas recortadas em vinil por computador (ou fornecidas); • DRYWALL com as logomarcas para fotos com celebridades e convidados; • Brindes para os convidados fornecidos pelas empresas (opcional); • Painel de LEDS com imagens publicitárias (opcional); • Envio de mensagens publicitárias via “bluetooth” para os convidados (opcional); • Assessoria de imprensa.

MARKETING • Affixing of logos cut in vinyl by computer (or supplied); • DRYWALL with logos as background for taking photos of celebrities and guests; • Gifts for the guests supplied by the companies (optional); • LED panels with advertising images (optional); • Ad messages sent by Bluetooth to the guests (optional); • Press consultancy.

Definitivamente, a melhor localização da Avenida.

Definitely, it’s the best place on the samba run-way.

Localização mais privilegiada e central da Marquês de Sapucaí. Acomode-se no grande camarote do primeiro andar ou desça para o lounge especialmente montado no local das frisas: dois ambientes interligados, com muito conforto e exclusividade. The most central and privileged place on the Marquês de Sapucaí Avenue. Make yourself comfortable at the large VIP box on the first-floor or go downstairs to the lounge that was specially mounted at the front boxes (“frisas”) area: two very comfortable and exclusive intertwined spaces.

Espaços devidamente planejados para seu maior conforto. Spaces planned to make you more comfortable. Camarote privativo no primeiro andar e lounge (frisas) de frente para os desfiles Private VIP box on the first floor and lounge (“frisas”) facing the parades.

Faça seus colabora dores felizes e motivados. Make your personnel happier and motivated.

Ao escolher sua cota você poderá optar por uma ação de endomarketing no desfile do Grupo de Acesso A. Colaboradores privilegiados desfrutando de todo o conforto e segurança no melhor camarote da Avenida! Um dia com serviços inclusos diferenciados ao “endomarketing” como recurso estratégico para melhoria da produtividade. Serviços inclusos diferenciados: O que difere em relação aos serviços inclusos para este dia são: o transporte, o bar e o “catering”: Transporte: de responsabilidade dos convidados; “Catering” : bufê de massas; Bar: • Água mineral; • Refrigerante; • Cerveja. When you choose your portion of space, you will have the opportunity to put into action an internal marketing initiative during the parade of the Aspiring Samba School A-Group. Your privileged personnel will be comfortable and safe at the best box on the Avenue! They will spend one day enjoying special services – a reward that distinguishes from commonplace internal marketing actions, being thus a strategic tool for increasing productivity. Differentiated services: What distinguishes the services provided on this specific date, when the Aspiring Samba School Group parades, is: transportation, bar and catering: Transportation: guests’ responsibility; Catering: pasta buffet; Bar: • Mineral water; • Soft drink; • Beer.

depoimento de um dos Espaços em uma palavra: Sucesso.

From one of the spaces, a statement in one word: success

located for VIP box), which is (the Por tuguese term guests From the “camarote” the Sambadrome – the at ces pla t bes the at Section 7 – one of acy and see all of its spotlight ch the parade with priv The Chamber on the rkling wines could comfortably wat service with wines, spa ong other et am l: buff d niva ude Car 0 incl 201 es renowned venienc nge in the ring Con . Lou bea ails lian es det sa, razi box Dos ch-B VIP The Fren men from ntries, François d drinks made by bar Mumm; ves from the two cou orte and tati t . ass olu esen ow) and Abs repr (bel , lx lon and n Vau businessme , and Aléxis de s, such as Cachaça Leb t Geours and his wife beverage trademark ing and storing their Ambassador Yves Sain ple dressing, undress changing room for peo a ba dancers), samba (sam tas” by “passis n m of samba yth es; shows per formed t rh tha tum in cos s ing the intervals betwee se dur ing es Rio dur ers sin nde Bu er per form icos da Gra of the guests; sion players and oth to France by Acadêm use d rce cus ve pai me per lusi ute Com exc trib of for er the r spa mb Afte the Cha ba schools; in the 2009 Carnival, y parades of different sam tials of the Frenchsamba school’s parade rship with the compan d among the differen Brazil (CCFB), in partne luxe vans were also liste 2010: de of l niva Car the between France and in idea practice an innovative Brazilian Lounge. Incentivo BR, put into be the first networking onal Carnival and nge. With the aim to nge, tion theme was Traditi lou the e, rom the French-Brazilian Lou bad panels – The decora ucaí Sam ous car toonist Lan LED Sap fam de the ês by rqu wn Ma dra ok the latas” of Tok&St purposed VIP box at lounge was full of “mu for the companies’ the lx, commercial director As n Vau de acé is Alm Aléx lery by of gal ed d by art els which was conceiv and council member and art works supplie drywall, on the LED pan rior design retail stores) in relief not only on the the three-day (a Brazilian chain of inte logos, they were put ere the guests could businessmen during wh n m, zilia roo Bra in and ma ch the ce and CCFB, received Fren tionships between the installed at the entran tion of promotional hened the business rela os, but also by distribu iness. Thanks to gathering, and strengt watch institutional vide first step for doing bus the is hip ons ng lati “Re givi ed two countries. te world”, said Vaulx material and gifts. promoted a differentiat valued in the corpora networking, the VIP box it, the human factor is More than boosting Brazilian Lounge’s chential. Fren pot ’s the ject en pro Wh . rly the ion to ived emphasis s amounting to nea internal marketing act the venture, they rece lted from investment sponsorship shares in mbers to CCFB The lounge, which resu Schools par tners bought their tner companies and me the Aspiring Samba of par 23 ade by an, par de Altr the ma éal, for lion L’Or ets R$ 2.5 mil t, Tramp Oil, yees a chance to additional free tick iété Genérale, Renaul more than 200 emplo (GDF-Suez, Technip, Soc bling them to offer to , CIVP (Provence Wine ena nt. According CEG me F, up, CEL Gro iron se, env inen te Flum ies, in a safe od Ricard, High End, ht of fun and amenit RCI, Sonangol, UTE Nor was wor thy. nig Pern a , nce nd lon erie spe Leb a exp haç the , guests) Sauer, Cac Council), Amsterdam ships can ticipants (sponsors and ted by the CEOs of tion par visi rela the was to B) and e CCF don very be ng the ses can Datelli, Castel, includi cht, Michelin, Valea, no doubt that busines said Mauricio is bre ”, ion ere Ode xat “Th tel, rela bra Em and , st ar, Vale h as ironment of fea Eletrobras, Eletronucle companies above, suc be reinforced in an env of some of the French cutives, EADS, as well as those ault, among other exe CEO of GDF-Suez. r, Ren Bäh and ez F-Su GD le, urs, and Jorge Viana: L’Oréal, Société Genéra sador Yves Saint Geo Brazil. Mauricio Bähr, Ambas rs. between France and zil, Bra ship for tion or rela sad the customers and supplie bas ed am hen the gathering strengt ies, such as the French ium; Belg and re y mo Ital Authorities and celebrit ke of ma ors nning to his wife; the ambassad nt of itive results, CCFB is pla Yves Saint Geours and Secretary of Developme In view of so much pos for 2011. From now on, Panama; Julio Bueno, TV show French-Brazilian Lounge rld the in Wo s ent One the Consul General of of em er rov duc imp most visited one on the , pro the Kan Sai into Yee box ; VIP eiro sa, the Jan Dos ing that – François the State of Rio de the goal consists in turn ly managed to prove ain directorate members J’s cert e B-R hav CCF “We and . ra; na; nue Ave nt of Gouvêa Viei broadcast in Chi Marquês de Sapucaí e time”, said the preside eira; Antonio Alberto sam Oliv the de at ara fun is e Bich Aléx ne hav eiro, and president; Claudi it is possible to work and uricio Bähr; Márcia Rib Ma on; Sim rick of Pat r; view Patrick Sabatie ch has a privileged CCFB, François Dossa. dized the lounge, whi de Vaulx – also aggran y. -wa run the samba

Quem Somos.

Who we are.

A Global Marketing e Eventos é uma empresa voltada para a publicidade e a divulgação e captação de projetos em todo o Brasil e no exterior. Oferece para as empresas uma excelente oportunidade de divulgação para sua marca. A Global Marketing e Eventos coloca seu evento, festa, feira, esporte e diversas outras atividades em evidência. Global Marketing e Eventos is a company which specializes in advertising as well as in publicity and coordination of projects throughout Brazil and abroad. It gives companies an excellent opportunity to promote their trademarks. Global Marketing e Eventos puts your event, party, fair, sport and many other activities into the spotlight.

Te vejo lá. SEE You THERE.

Reservas / Reservations: Informações adicionais / More information: (21) 3553-6628

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