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Zero-defects day, a date for the company to carry out
A Japanese mechanical engineer knew by the creation of Poka Yokes and scheme Zero Quality Control, also a leader of the manufacture of Toyota production System.
Shigeo Shingo was born in Saga, Japan. He got a degree as Mechanical Engineer at the Superior Technical School, where he discovered Frederick Taylor’s work. A pioneer of the movement name Scientific Organization of Work, then he started working at Taipei Railway Factory. He was interested in improving the job of his coworkers.
In 1943, he moved to the Amano production plant, in Yokohama, under the Ammunition department, where he was head of the production department and increased production up to 100%.
At the end of the Second World War, he worked at the Japanese Management Association, where he was a consultant and administration improvement assessor and manager of production in factories and industries. In the middle of ’50s, Shingo advised and used his concepts in more than 300 companies, Toyota was one of them, there he developed the Toyota Production System, reducing production time.
Shigeo Shingo studied and used statistical control of quality and formalize the zero control of quality, where he uses the Poka-Yoke, which detects any production defect and examines the causes.
Due to his contributions, in 1988, he established the Shingo Awards to operations excellence, this award decorates the best operation innovations in industrial and production area. Also, he received a Yellow Ribbon medal for this contribution of flow operations in the navy construction industry.