2 minute read

Quality price is the consequence of doing things wrong


Since ancient times, humans have been concerned about finding products, services, and locations that fulfill or surpass their expectations in different environments, where its satisfaction and wellbeing, including its safety, became an important matter.The need for excellence and continuous improvement has remained throughout the years, adopting the term quality; recognized as a critical point when deciding, independently from involved people.


Quality has constantly developed and over time, there have been new contributions, methodologies, and ideologies represented as we know them today. From the work of important people acknowledged as quality founders, for its research and creation of this concept, which can apply in organizations and processes of any kind, as the collection of actions, measures to continuous improvement.

WHAT ARE THE 14 DEMING PRINCIPLES? 1. Produces perseverance in improving products and services.

2. Adopting a new philosophy of cooperation used in employees, clients, and suppliers.

3. Stop relying on a massive inspection to achieve quality.

4. Stop purchasing based on prices.

5. Constantly improving production systems, services, and activity activities.

6. Establish a constant training and education.

7. Adopts and establishes leadership.

8. Eliminates worry and built trust operating with efficiency.

9. Breaks barriers between departments and creates a cooperating system based on the same goals.

10. Eliminate slogans, appeals and goals generating frustration and adversity among collaborators.

11. Eliminate fees and individual targets management unless these have a quantum methodology.

12. Tears down barriers and elements holding people to feel proud in their jobs.

13. Establishes an internal education program and self-improvement.

14. Takes actions to perform a full transformation, complying with the last 13 points.

Physician, statistician, professor and American consultant, creator of the concept “total quality”.

Deming, a physician and mathematician professor of Colorado’s University, and Ph.D. in Physics at Yale’s University. The biggest contribution to the quality, he did is the 14 Deming principles, the 7th mortal disease of management and continuous improvement spiral better known as the PDVA Deming Cycle (Planning, doing, verifying and acting), document added to SL Annex of ISO, linked to the High-Level Structure (HLS), used in 2015 version of ISO 9001 and 1400, as well as coming ISO standards for the management system.

In the mid of 50s, Deming worked with the Japanese Association of Scientist and Engineers (JUSE), then was established, The Deming Award, one of the most important and international awards. Deming is known as the founder of the third industrial revolution because he created 14 principles that transformed the American industry.

“A product or service made with quality helps people or holds a sustainable market”.

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