4 Film Production & Direction

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Code: GLOSBCU1003

Credit Value: 40

Level: 6

Module Overview Production and direction represent core elements in the creation of moving images. These sectors provide an extensive range of opportunities and roles for new entrants into the profession. Key to working in the film industry is an understanding of the collaborative nature of motion picture production. This module provides students with the opportunity to investigate and experience the discipline of this collaborative process at a management level by analysing a wide range of data to assess the most suitable approach to producing individual artefacts in preparation for delivery. The module will provide students with a contextual grounding by looking at a variety of practitioners and styles. Theoretical knowledge will combine with practice-based learning in the creation of students own moving image work. The module builds on pre-production, production, post-production and production management skills. It will enable learners develop advanced technical abilities in camera, lighting, editing and set management. Students will be presented with a wide range of opportunities for the development of creativity both within the production process and in topic or subject content. Learning will be employment centred; students will gain an understanding of the jobs available to new entrants in short films, local independent features and international studio co-productions. INDICATIVE CONTENT: Aesthetics: The director’s style, transcontinental aesthetics, camera angles, continuity, cutting, close-ups, composition, director themes, space and time. Production Management Techniques: Narrative moving image research and production, departmental budget accounting, script development, shot lists, narrative structure, scheduling, production documentation preparation, pre-production meetings, production fund raising, contracts and personal releases, location scouting and permissions, equipment management and hire, time management on set. Professional Lighting Techniques: Lighting concepts, the lighting department, lighting controls, lighting instruments, measuring light, lighting practice, location lighting, set lighting, specialised lighting (automobile, exterior nights, large interiors), in camera lighting tools, lighting health and safety. Camera Techniques: Compositional strategies, cameras, lenses, lens choice and perspective, camera grip and movement, camera controls and functions, camera codecs, camera support, camera safety. Art Direction: Moods, set versus location, exploiting a location, set dressing, props , wardrobes, hair / make-up, health and safety. Casting & Directing Techniques: Previsualisation, rehearsals, directing actors, casting documents, the casting session, directing on set, script breakdown, improvisation, blocking, shooting ratios, tweaking, managing performance, working with collaborators, mise-en-scene, off the set, audience testing. On-set Protocol: Call time, punctuality, on-set communication, running the set, slating, director commands, removing and storing items off set, avoiding problems, health and safety on set and on location. Key Departmental Responsibilities: The director’s voice, director’s team versus producer’s team, crew responsibilities, crew management , managing the cast, staff welfare. (PLEASE SEE LEARNING SCHEDULE FOR DETAILS) 24.06.2016 Module code GLOSBCU1003 - Double – Level 6

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