Using Microphone Polar Patterns Effectively
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Using Microphone Polar Patterns Effectively Sound Workshop
Buy PDF Published in SOS March 2007
Technique : Miking Techniques
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Knowing your cardioid from your omni can help you to achieve better recordings. If you're confused about what it all means, our guide to mic polarity should be a step in the right direction.
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Paul White
Every music technology textbook includes a description of the different microphone pickup patterns, but what most users really want to know is what benefits the different patterns have to offer, and in what situation you might choose them. In this article I'll be concentrating on 'single microphone' applications rather than stereo, which we'll look at in a future article.
Basics It is worth remembering that although the printed polar patterns are in two dimensions (as below), the actual pattern is threedimensional. For example, an omnidirectional microphone pattern drawn on paper looks like a circle, but in reality it is a sphere. Despite the mics on sale with multiple switchable pickup patterns, there are only two fundamental patterns: the omni and the figureofeight. All the other patterns in use today, including the popular cardioid, are created by combining these two in differing proportions.
Omnipattern microphones have a relatively even, spherical response, which makes them very useful for natural sounding recordings. They're ideal for recording instruments such as strings or acoustic guitar — provided that the instruments are being played in a pleasantsounding room!
Omni mics are often referred to as 'pressure microphones', because they essentially measure sound pressure at a point in space. A diaphragm is fixed across the mouth of a sealed cavity, so in effect the mic behaves like a very small barometer capable of following audio frequency pressure changes — but it has no means of detecting the direction of the sound waves, hence it has an omnidirectional polar pattern. Because this arrangement only senses pressure, it doesn't matter what direction the sound approaches from. All that matters is the change in pressure at that point in space, so it is more or less equally sensitive to sounds from all directions — hold this thought, as I'll come back to it in a moment. To prevent the microphone behaving too much like a meteorological barometer and responding to changes in the weather, the cavity is engineered with a very small air leak or vent built into it, so that very lowfrequency pressure changes due to weather (or altitude) don't force the diaphragm in or out permanently. At audio frequencies, however, the cavity can be considered to be sealed. The mechanical simplicity of this 'pressure operated' design means that offaxis sound is still picked up reasonably accurately (in terms of frequency response), but the physical size of any microphone's diaphragm will always result in some highfrequency loss as you move offaxis — and the larger the diaphragm, the more pronounced this highfrequency loss will be. If you imagine a sound approaching a diaphragm at, say, 45 degrees offaxis, the sound will reach one side of the diaphragm slightly sooner than it reaches the other. This results in some phase cancellation at high frequencies and hence a degree of highend loss. That's why precision measurement microphones tend to have very smalldiameter capsules. This creates another problem, as the smaller amount of sound energy captured by a small This diagram shows the three diaphragm requires more amplification, which in turn leads to a higher level of electrical basic polar patterns found in noise. That's why this sort of microphone is unsuitable for most music applications. Another advantage inherent in the design of pressureoperated microphones is a well extended frequency response at the bottom end — typically an octave more than a similar sized cardioid microphone. They are also less susceptible to picking up noise and rumbles from mechanical vibrations than cardioid mics.
microphones. All other patterns are variations on these themes. The blue circle is an omni pattern, the red circles show a figure of eight pattern, and the green line shows the cardioid.
A figureofeight microphone uses a diaphragm open to the air on both sides, so, rather than responding directly to pressure, it responds to the difference (or gradient) in pressure between the front and the rear of the diaphragm — hence the generic term 'pressure gradient' microphone (sometimes also referred to as a 'velocity' microphone, because it detects the velocity of sound waves). This arrangement of the diaphragm makes the microphone very sensitive to sounds approaching from either the front or rear axis, while sounds approaching from the side cause no diaphragm movement at all, as the pressure each side of the diaphragm always remains equal. The practical outcome is a microphone that is essentially 'deaf' 90 degrees offaxis but is equally sensitive to both front and rear. Sound picked up by the rear of the diaphragm also produces an inverted electrical signal compared with the same sound picked up by the front of the diaphragm (this is pretty logical if you think about it, as the two scenarios result in the diaphragm being pushed in opposite directions). The frequency response of onaxis sounds is reasonably consistent within the limitations set by diaphragm size. In other words, the smaller the diaphragm, the greater the accuracy when picking up offaxis sounds. One critical aspect of the design of a pressure gradient microphone is that the output level falls with decreasing frequency. This is because the pressure difference across the diaphragm gets smaller as the wavelength of the sound wave increases. To overcome this problem, the diaphragm's suspension is usually arranged to respond more easily to lowfrequency sounds than to highfrequency sounds, which results in a more even frequency response. A side effect of this is that the microphone becomes much more sensitive to mechanical vibrations.
Proximity Effect Another important factor to be aware of is that all pressuregradient microphones exhibit, to different degrees, a 'proximity effect' — a lowfrequency boost that occurs when the microphone is used very close to the sound source (hence the other common term, 'bass tipup'). The effect is due to the physics of the way the mic works, and is quite a complicated topic, but in practical terms, for recording, it can be both a strength and a weakness — it depends on what you're trying to achieve. If you were to combine pressureoperated and pressuregradient capsules in a single mic, or arrange a single capsule to have the properties of both, the result would be a cardioid shape. Onaxis, at the front, the omni and figureofeight polar patterns produced by the two fundamental mic elements add together to make the combination very sensitive. At the sides, the figureofeight element has nothing to add, leaving just the omni's pickup. Consequently, the sides of the cardioid are less sensitive than the front. At the rear, the figureofeight