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Calls Disseminated
One of the functions of the International Relations office is to disseminate calls and internationalization engagements from different international agencies, Universities abroad and others.
Figure 1. Categories of Calls Disseminated.
For 2021, a total 102 calls were disseminated. Calls are classified in 15 different categories.. The graph shows that 16.7%, which is the highest percentage, were international contests and competitions. Followed by webinars and lectures being 13.7%. Information sessions with 11. 8 %. The 8.8% were International Course. International event, Internship/ Assistantship/ Fellowship and International Conference were 7.8% each. Scholarships/ Grants has 6.9% and 5.9 % for the Virtual Fair. Both Training-Workshop and International Forum have 2.9%. Followed by Virtual Mobility, Exchange Program and Funding each having 2% of the calls disseminated.
Figure 2. Media Used for Dissemination
IRO disseminated calls using social media, electronic mails and physical postings. With the this, 83.3% of the calls are shared using social media via BSU-IRO Facebook Page, FB account and chat groups while 15.7% are distributed via email and the remaining 1% is for posting on campus bulletin boards.