Life to go. Abril-Junio 2016

Page 1

Año 4 Número 18

Sand, love and peace

! e s a ple

Don’t forget this,

Sandra Echeverría English a bette builds r future

The power of Mexican success App Store

Play Store

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Photo: Alfredo Anzures

Nos seguimos renovando

We keep reinventing ourselves

Estamos en constante cambio para ti, por lo que en este segundo trimestre del año te presentamos la nueva imagen de Life to go. Tiene un diseño más fresco, cuenta con contenido de tu interés para practicar lo que vas aprendiendo en tus cursos de inglés. También nos complace anunciar el lanzamiento de la versión digital (app) que podrás descargar y consultar con contenido extra. En Harmon Hall sabemos que el 75% de las ofertas laborales exigen inglés, por lo que constantemente actualizamos nuestros programas de estudio para brindarte las herramientas que te ayudarán a desempeñarte mejor profesionalmente. En esta edición, te decimos los pasos que debes seguir en una entrevista de trabajo. Además de otros temas interesantes que encontrarás en esta edición. ¡Esperamos que la disfrutes!

We are under constant renovation for you and for that reason this second quarter of the year we are proud to present you the new image of Life to go which has a fresher design and includes contents of your interest so you can practice what you have been learning in your English classes. In addition we are glad to announce the launching of the digital version (app) that you can download and check out with additional contents. Harmon Hall knows that 75% of job offers demand English, so we’re constantly updating our curricula to provide you with the tools that will help you better develop professionally. In this edition, we share with you the steps you must follow during a job interview. That is only one of the topics you’ll find in this edition. We hope you enjoy them all!

Eduardo Soto Magaldi Harmon Hall

Eduardo Soto Magaldi Harmon Hall




4 coffee talks Fun facts

6 must go

Recommendation of events

7 must read & listen Books and music

8 must watch

The most expected movies

Coordinación Valeria Loya Atención a cliente 01800-HABLA YA (01800 42252 92) DF y Área Metropolitana 5211 2020 Editora Responsable Dilma Claudia Piccoli Díaz

10 must wear women

Dazzle with your beauty

12 must wear men

Director General Elías González Rogel Style and freshness in your look Dirección Editorial Verónica Aguirre Ávila 14 must have Editor Apps and gadgets that you can't miss Elizabeth L. Monroy Hernández Asistencia Editorial 16 Elisa Arredondo Rivera personal finances Editor Gráfico Why is the dollar rising? Albelia Gamboa y Vázquez 18 Redacción happiness Verónica Pérez Guzmán Be positive Alejandro Ramírez Enríquez Traducción 20 Araceli Paola Salinas Gómez traveller Ventas de Publicidad Sand, love and peace Gerardo Hernández Peralta 24 lifestyle Perla De la Rosa Youthful Speed and Luxury

28 cover

El contenido de los artículos aquí publicados refleja única y exclusivamente la opinión de los autores y no la de los The power of Mexican success editores o Harmon Hall. Life to go es una publicación trimestral editada de manera independiente para Harmon Hall Holding 34 S.A. de C.V. Reserva Exclusiva de Título del Instituto Nacional career del Derecho de Autor, número 04-2015-08171 1255700-102. Don’t forget this, please! Certificado de Licitud de Título y Contenido de la Secretaría de Gobernación (Comisión Calificadora de Publicaciones y 36 Revistas Ilustradas) No. 16588. Los editores y Harmon Hall no success story se hacen responsables del contenido de los anuncios y ofertas Sandra Echeverría: de los anunciantes, ni de las ideas, imágenes, materiales, diseño English builds a better future de las piezas presentadas por los colaboradores en esta y otras ediciones. Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra, 38 sin la autorización previa –por escrito– del autor. Preprensa digital news harmon hall e impresión: Infagón, S.A .de C.V. Calle de la Alcaicería número Survey and opening 8. Zona Norte Central de Abastos. Delegación Iztapalapa, México, CDMX, CP 09040. Teléfonos: (0155) 5640 9266 y 5640 9584. www. 40 Tiraje: 23,800 ejemplares. Editora responsable: who are you? Dilma Claudia Piccoli Díaz.

Cover photo: courtesy of Videocine


Marcela Ruiz de Chávez: Dishonest people annoy me

Printed in Mexico Año 4 No 18, Abril-Junio 2016

coffee talks By Alhex Ramírez

air Love is in the the year when everything

Foto: Fotolia

ason of Spring is the se desires, as cereven our carnal flowers again… uction crease their prod in es cl cy al on tain horm of sunlight e larger amount th to e du dy bo in the the case of e of year. That’s tim is th e iv ce re we sing the charge of increa in e ar ch hi (w pheromones substances e and oxytocin, in m pa do e) iv , sexual dr n and wellbeing ing of satisfactio el fe a r ge ig tr that hips. rsonal relations improving our pe


The most famous doll is turning 57


Barbie, whose real name is Barbara Millicent Roberts, will be 60 in three years but still looks as spectacular as on March 9, 1959, the day she was born. The most popular girl in every toy store has also become famous in the social networks. To prove this, Facebook has now 500 groups talking about her. Although the number of fans of this plastic blonde girl is huge, just a few know that her partner, Ken, is two years younger than her as this handsome man saw the light in 1961.

Foto: Fotolia

In the clouds Who hasn’t stared at the clouds at least once? Well, although they seem to be quiet, they tell us more than we think since their height, coloring and movement can let us know the type of cloud they are and if they are bringing a heavy storm or a simple drizzle with them. But, why, if they are all made of water, are some clouds darker than others? This is due to the fact that the concentration of liquid is higher in some clouds than in others, causing the sunlight to go through them with more difficulty, for example, a cumulonimbus may have up to half a million tons of water and be 9.7 km above ground.

A fun fact is that these prehistoric creatures, opposed to what many people think, are not related to reptiles but birds instead.

An ignited idea

A great little on



When we think of dinosaurs, on e of the first thin we come up with gs is their huge size , which makes us consider that in those times ever ything was gian but the truth is th t, at it wasn’t alway s that way. Som species of dinosa e urs were small; th ey had the size of a chicken to be exact, such as th e Compsognath who ate insects us, and other small animals.

Did you know that what really ignites a match is the oxygen in the air rather than the friction between its head and the rough surface of the box? Well, this is true. The only thing that the friction does is remove the coating on the head of the match, made of phosphorous. Once the head is in contact with oxygen it goes on fire just like that. In fact, few people know that this substance is highly inflammable. Just as this element has a yellow flame when burning, sulfur will produce a blue flame and lithium will produce a pink one.


must go http://louderthanw

By Elisa Arredondo

es Guns Ne’ricaRn boansd that split up 20 years ago is

Vive Latino 2016

Next April 23rd and 24th, the 17th Ibero-American Festival of Musical Culture Vive Latino will take place. As usual, the event will be full of great artists such as Enrique Bunbury, Café Tacvba, Natalia Lafourcade, Chetes, among others who will be there to sing along with the audience their famous songs. Have you got your tickets?

m The legendary A is 2016. At the th s n fa ir e th se a age to ple r coming back on st ate, however, afte d e n o ly n o d e n e N’ Roses op beginning, Guns to open another d e d ci e d d n a b e for more th oro the public asked e performing at F th and 20th they will b l 19 one. So next Apri y. Sol in Mexico Cit ber of fairs, m u n a e b l il re w f the year the o . r e rt a u q d n houldn’t miss eco s s e u o th y t g a n ri th u s D concert festivals and


Feria Nacional de San Marcos (San Marcos National Fair)

As it’s been happening for many years, Aguascalientes is delighted to welcome national and international tourists to San Marcos National Fair 2016, which will be held during the months of April and May. You can enjoy sports, cultural and artistic events, palenques, exhibitions, bullfights, among other activities in the fair. It’s worth mentioning that this is one of the best-known and most crowded events in Mexico, and this year the State of Mexico will be the special guest.

Feria de las Culturas Amigas (Friendly Cultures Fair)

Mexico City’s downtown square is the official home to this fair, where exhibitors from different parts of the world get together to offer their products, food and tourist information. This event will take place in mid-May; free entrance.

must read & listen Have you ever noticed the different kinds of music and books that there are in the world? These are a few summer recommendations to read and listen. Book recommendation

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle Arthur Conan Doyle is the creator of one of the most famous detectives of all times, Sherlock Holmes. In this book, you’ll find twelve amazing and intriguing stories that will reveal your detective side. Once again Holmes, always in company of his best friend, Dr. Watson, takes London again as the main stage of the most amazing cases to solve, which he will figure out in a very peculiar way thanks to his well-known skills.

By Elisa Arredondo

Top 5 Best Sellers

(The New York Times)

1. NYPD Red 4, by James Patterson and Marshall Karp. 2. Blue, by Danielle Steel. 3. My name is Lucy Barton, by Elizabeth Strout. 4. All the light we cannot see, by Anthony Doerr. 5. The girl on the train , by Paula Hawkins.

om/rachaelg/the-ban http://www.playbuzz.c


In The 3. . 5 2 , le e d A o, ll e H Rihanna, Anti. 2. , k or W 1. c i s u 4. Sorry, Justin . M ss e n d a Top 5 M e h T d d, Beauty Behin n e k e e yface. (Billboard) W rr e lu h B T , s, t h ot ig il P N e n O y ed Out, Twent ss re St . 5 . e os rp Pu r , Biebe Music recommendation

The Beatles is one of the most famous and bestknown British rock bands. Their talent is clearly reflected in each of their songs, which are legends and continue being part of both new generations and those of the 60’s. Classics like All You Need Is Love, Can’t Buy Me Love, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, and many others are easy to remember and sing.


must watch By Elisa Arredondo

Captain America: Civil War

le Book The Jung y’s animated classic,

isne Inspired by D st expected o m ’s y n a p m one of the co ook, hits the B le g n Ju e h T o live actions, li is a boy wh g w o M r. a e y theaters this d is adopted n a le g n ju e gets lost in th life is in dan is H . s e lv o w f d by a family o e most feare th , n a h K re e l ger when Sh no other goa s a h , le g n ju w tiger in the im. This is ho h h it w d n e ible in life but to on an incred s rk a b m e li little Mowg gheera mpany of Ba o c in re tu n e adv the bear. But o lo a B d n a r the panthe as easy as he e b l il w g in e will not everyth on his way h e s u a c e b k the would thin cles like Kaa ta s b o e m o s encounter g Louie. python or Kin

Steve Rogers is now in charge of leading the new team of The Avengers, who continue to gather strength to protect humanity. Nevertheless, everything changes when the government decides that an authority must oversee and lead the team. Due to this, a strong fracture takes place between The Avengers, who then split in two factions (Cap’s Team and Iron Man’s Team). Will this be the end of the superheroes’ friendship?

X-Men: Apocalypse

Apocalypse is one of the Marvel's oldest mutants. He’s g been asleep and after wakin up, he notices that the Earth is not what he wants, so he recruits a team lead by Magneto, who will be in charge of terminating humanity to create a new world order. On the other hand, Professor X and Mystique will take care of recruiting mutants to fight this new evil that is threaten ing humanity.

Oldie Recommendation The Kid Written, directed and starred by master Charles Chaplin, this film tells the story of a young woman who abandons her child, product of an unwanted pregnancy, inside a car of a well-off family, where she leaves a note asking to take care of him. Nevertheless, these plans change when some thieves steal the car and leave the kid in a poor neighborhood. It’s there where a tramp takes him and soon adopts him and grows fond of him. In an attempt to find him, Edna comes across the tramp, who shows her son the note he has kept through all these years.


20th Century Fox. & Photo: Courtesy Disney

In the middle of keeps on. Followin the year the cinema g, we will recomm end some movies you can’t miss.

Finding Dory

In this new adventure, Alice will travel in time through a mirror, in an attempt to save the Mad Hatter. During her journey, she will meet old friends and new characters, like Zanik Hightopp, the Mad Hatter’s father, and Time, a creature that is half-human and half-clock. Will Alice accomplish her mission and rescue her old and dearest friend?

Series House of Lies Marty Kaan, a successful and aggressive man, owns a consultancy firm, and uses whatever means necessary to obtain information that his clients request. In addition, he has an assistant called Jeannie, who uses her charm to obtain what she and her boss want.

True detective A detective-style series that tells many stories of this genre. The first season was starred by Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson, while the second season enjoyed the performance of celebrities like Colin Farrell and Rachel McAdams.

New Girl The world of Nick, Winston and Schmidt (Coach comes later), will be altered by the peculiar personality of a new tenant, Jess, who in turn has a best friend called Cece. The six of them will live a series of fun adventures that will make you cry with laughter.

Photo: Fotolia

Alice Through the Looking Glass

a new adventure, Nemo will embark on because she’s but now without Dory vely and forgetful the one who’s lost! Lo in search of her Dory starts a journey however, Nemo roots and her family; of her when she and Marlin lose track lifornia. During enters the coast of Ca all clownfishes their search, these sm Dory’s past as will learn more about peculiar family, they get to know her tions like how she who will answer ques le, why she can’t learned to speak wha ion and why she keep a lot of informat left her home.


must wear women By Verónica Guzmán

Looking well anywhere and any time is one of the biggest wishes of women, and there’s no better opportunity to show our sexiest side than on vacations, since the sun, sand and the sea can bring the best out of us. Prepare yourself to experience the best days of your life wearing your best clothes and looking fresh.


Accessories are the stars in your outfit because they help you define and add a touch to your look helping you look trendy, it’s particularly recommended to wear them if you’re having a night out.

Light up your look

Lipstick, shadows, and nail polish It’s important to know what kind of tones are the most appropriate for every occasion. This is why we recommend that you wear neutral and light tones if you are going to the beach or any other warm place.


Before you choose the color and texture of your eye shadows, pay special attention if they come in a cream or bar and if they’re water resistant to avoid ending up smudging your eyes.

Go wild and sexy

One of the benefits of going on vacations to very hot places is that you can wear sport bras, which are a must of the season and will help you show your slender body, and all the better, wear one under your swimsuit top.

Photo: Courtesy H&M, Lancôme, Face Stockholm, Tommy Hilfiger, Bath&Body Works, Herschel Supply, Más de 50

A classic

The great variety of skirt styles and versatility make them one of the essential garments in your wardrobe. Skirts add sensuality and elegance wherever you go, and no doubt they’re ideal at the beach.

The ideal kit It’s delicious to sunbathe on vacations, but staying for too long under the sun radiations can be dangerous. That’s why it’s important you protect your skin from UV rays and all the better if you do so with this kit that contains sunscreen, suntan lotion and a moisturizer.

al Look casunt a g le and e Give yourself a break from tight blouses cy, and go for fan to loose models make a better impression.

Style above all Slim your waist, highlight your curves and your skin tone with this trikini that will make you look sexy and feminine.

Complement your outfit

You can carry everything you need without ignoring style, because you’ll look happy, elegant and very chic.


must wear men By Verónica Guzmán

The best element

This is one of the best lightweight garments to protect yourself from the cold mornings and nights, without interfering with your beach outfit.


Have fun’t need

ts don Men’s close ear g. Dare to w to be borin ghts that highli a swimsuit ne by and skin to re u g fi r u ide. yo most fun s r u o y g in show

Look fresh Leave your mark

Your footwear is a very important part of your outfit. It is an extension of your personality and a true statement of style. Why not look incredible with these beige shammy shoes?

A pair of pants in neutral colors is ideal to stay fresh at the beach. It will never be old-fashioned as you can combine it very easily and wear it for multiple occasions, looking like a perfect gentleman.

Photo: Courtesy Hang Ten, Casio, Brantano, Original Penguin, H&M, Lacoste.

If you’re one of those men who loves style and appearance and is also concerned about looking trendy at all times, check out these basics that are essential for the greatest fashion icon in the sports world, David Beckham, as well as the must for this season that you can wear on your vacation.

A basic

The T-shirt is an essential key item; every man should have at least one in his closet as it’s ideal to save the day and make you look casual, fresh and youthful.


Set a trend Although some of us have left aside our watches due to mobile technology, this accessory still is a hit of the season; the trend is to wear large-sized watches to add a touch to our look.



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must have

By Verónica Guzmán

APPS Travel to paradise If you love living life to the full and travelling to get to know the wonders of the world, TripAdvisor is ideal for you. With this app you can book the best trip of your life since you can find the best hotel prices as well as opinions and recommendations of the best restaurants and attractions in each place made by its more than 350 million visitors.

Tune in to new music Spotify is one of the best music players. It has a catalog of 20 million songs from the main record companies like Universal Music, Sony Music, Warner Music and EMI. It has a free limited version and a Premium version. You can also share your songs with other users that have this platform or with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or by email.

The revolution of TV It is believed that Periscope is the future of TV because the new way of interacting in the social networks is broadcasting live to all your friends and followers all over the world in order to know what’s going on instantly and travel there virtually.


The thinnest line between your iPad and your imagination

This new, thin and light iPad Pro takes you to a new dimension. It increases your creativity and productivity with the help of Apple Pencil, an accessory that allows you to expand to multi-touch technology. You will have great response speed, pressure sensors to use various degrees of intensity and shadow in your strokes without running out of battery. With only 15 seconds of charge you will be able to work on your masterpiece for 30 minutes.

ets of your p from love for pets. It e r a c e k a T erged app that em a GPS to r care. It has locator is an

Pet bette ive your pet g u o y u can find lp e h aims to out where yo b a n o ti a rm nters, with info r adoption ce o s n o ti provide you a ci o ass app. /7 hospitals, users of this r e pet shops, 24 th o y b d re tips share advice and ca

This incredible suitcase is very close to perfection since it is manufactured with resistant materials to go through airport control without suffering damage. It also has a USB port battery for you to charge your electronic devices. It has a GPS screen that connects with your smartphone so you can see its location in real time.

The perfect suitcase does exist

chnology users te r fo s se ri rp su nicest the been one of the e av h s k out which are p ec ap h d C . an er si ea es Gadgets our liv oubt they make ets these days. g ad g lately since no d d an s p ap g most outstandin

Relive your best moments Ricoh Theta is one of the most popular cameras in the entire world. Thanks to its incredible technology to take 360Âş pictures and videos. It makes you relive the experiences of your travel by getting spherical images that provide an unrivalled view of the world. It is a simple and compact camera, easy to take everywhere.

Technology that connects you with fitness The new Moto 360 sport has a heart rate sensor and a music player so you can connect your earphones via bluetooth. It is water resistant and works with other workout apps. It doesn’t depend on a smartphone to work, since you can synch it with your data in the cloud through Wi-Fi, helping you stay tuned.


personal finances Staff

Why is the dollar rising?


ou may have seen that, since last year, the price of the dollar has been constantly increasing and the cost of some products has gone up, too. Besides, we hear everywhere that life has become more expensive due to the devaluation, low oil prices, etc. Some of the terms people use may be somewhat difficult to understand. Let’s find out what the devaluation of the peso means. It refers to the loss of value of a currency (the Mexican peso in this case), that is to say, when a larger amount of local currency is required to buy one single dollar.


Reasons for the devaluation

The latest devaluations have been the result of various factors: Oil has fallen to its lowest price in the past four years, standing at around 30 dollars.

A drop in the Mexican oil price (because the world oil supply has increased: nowadays, thanks to the new technologies, it’s easier to extract oil).

There has been a large rise in oil production in countries like the US, Russia, Libya, Nigeria, South Sudan, Yemen, and Iraq.

Nevertheless, there are other historical causes such as excessive government indebtedness as well as inordinate public spending, not drawing on a proper economic policy and having little trust in the economy and therefore in the peso.

Who are the most affected?

Although it obviously is a red flag for our country’s economy, we

shouldn’t panic because we can take precautionary measures and learn who are most affected by this increase in the price of the dollar: Consumers who like to be up-to-date with the products priced in dollars, such as electronic devices. People that import food and raw materials, technology, machinery, equipment and supplies . People thinking of going on a shopping trip (from the plane ticket to the products they wish to buy). People in the tourism industry since domestic and international tourism to and within Mexico has fallen 15% in the last five months. Companies that have debt in dollars. People that purchased a life or education insurance policy in dollars.

All imported products, technology, clothes, footwear, cars, etc., will be more expensive because their referential price is in dollars and consequently their value in pesos will be higher. In addition, the services that use imported supplies will see their prices increase. For example, last year cable TV companies raised their monthly fees because their contents and equipment are priced in dollars. As you can see, the rise in prices of several products is unquestionable, but we recommend that you not buy imported products for the time being and start a savings plan, if you don’t have one yet.



Special investigation

Youngsters from Mexico, Argentina and Brazil lead a list of 24 countries in terms of their happiness rates

Be positive 18

exican youngsters turned out to be the happiest on the list with 93%, while Argentineans recorded 87%, and Brazilians 84%. According to a study by the media company Viacom, happiness for the young in Latin America is mainly linked to strong family relationships, optimism, prosperity and development in the region. For youths, happiness is also related to success. The study was discussed in a panel, pointing out how surprising it is that happiness is related to the family. This represents a rupture with previous generations as the family was not a factor to be happy but instead a difficult issue to deal with for the young. In contrast, nowadays success has to do with their family unit in their pursuit of happiness. On the other hand, the study focused on the so-called millennials, it was conducted with around 15 thousand youths from 24 countries in the five continents to try to find out their interests, values and concerns. Despite their high levels of happiness recorded, millennials are not unaware of world events. The world economic crisis, for example, has been mentioned as the main event that has impacted their lives. Another aspect that has had an effect on this generation is terrorism. But the millennials' perspective tends to be positive in general terms: 91% of Mexican millennials agreed that Mexico has the potential of changing the world in order to improve it. Millennials, characterized by their great activity in the social networks and their capability of interaction on a global scale, do not consider that technology defines them but instead it makes their life easier since technology gives support to many of their relationships and plays a significant role in maintaining happiness. Finally, the study also ascertains that Brazilian youths feel capable of accessing other cultures through the Internet and can contribute to new ways of thinking. 76% of them agree that Internet access changes the way they see the world, while 73 and 62% of Mexican and Argentinean youths, respectively, agree with this assertion.



Sand, love and peace By Alhex Ramírez

Cancún, Mazatlán, Puerto Escondido, Los Cabos and Acapulco are only some of the favourite beaches for both national and foreign visitors to spend the summer holidays. Many times the occupancy at these beaches reaches almost 100%, so you may not enjoy to the full what these spectacular spots have to offer. Although these beaches mentioned above are simply magnificent, if what you are looking for is a little corner far from everything, where you can enjoy some peace and quiet, then what you need is going to Mexico’s virgin beaches because, apart from brimming with beauty in every inch, they are the perfect place to find yourself.


Foto: Fotolia

The summer is around the corner and so are the holidays. I t is important to choose the perfect place that combines beauty, quietness and a unique environment like Mexico’s virgin beaches.



By Alhex Ramírez


This quiet place, located a few hours from Chetumal, in the state of Quintana Roo, is far from all the rush and diversions of the big shopping malls. Mahahual is a place where you can be in touch with nature given the beauty of the sea in front of you and also due to its proximity to the jungle, which gives the region a unique touch. This little corner of paradise is perfect for scuba diving as its crystal clear and warm waters will enable you to observe the great biodiversity in the region, such as seahorses, turtles and manatees.

Isla Navidad

This island, located near Colima’s shore, is a place with a spectacular view far from the noise and relentless rush of the big cities, you will find resorts and entertainment (such as the Grand Bay Hotel, which hosts one of Mexico’s most important golf courses) as well as places where you can go surfing, water-skiing or sailing. Another delightful feature this site offers is its cuisine with outstanding dishes like devilled shrimp or chargrilled fish, which you can taste after having visited one of the exclusive spas in the area.


Forty minutes away from the impressive ruins of Tajín, in the heart of Veracruz, you will find this small town that shelters one of the favourite beaches for many, because of both its proximity to Mexico’s capital city and the peace you can breathe when you get there. Let yourself fall in love with the warmth of its people and the beauty of its beaches. Most of the hotels are located a few steps from the beach, so you will virtually have a spectacular view to the sea, filling you with peace.



Foto: Fotolia

Chiapas ha s found a p lace intern tionally du ae to its natu ra l beauties. Its beaches offer the b est sunsets the country in : warm ton es of the su melt with th n e warm sw ell of the P cific. It is lo acated in th e municipa of Tonalá, s li ty o to get th ere you’ll h to cross ma ave gnificent m angroves th are full of at life and be a u ty. Madresa is one of th l e favourite destination of many of s those who go campin although it g also has ca bins if you prefer not to be out in the open.


Coachella This festival, which started in 1999, has gained an important position among the most important festivals of indie and alternative rock. In this year’s edition, April 15th to 17th and 22nd to 24th in California, we will see the famous 90s band Guns N’ Roses, LCD Soundsystem, Ellie Goulding, Calvin Harris, Disclosure and Sia, among many others, who will make the audience rock with their incomparable songs.


Besides its beauty, this site is characterized by its eternal positive energy that you will perceive from the moment you get there. A classic of what’s good, lovely and cheap, Mazunte is located in Oaxaca and it’s a place full of quietness for those who are seeking to forget about the world for a while. One of the advantages of this place is the fact that it is very close from more exotic beaches such as the very famous Zipolite (which is a nude beach). The food is very cheap and delicious; you can give it a try for about 20 pesos.


lifestyle Staff

Youthful Speed and Luxury Engine

The four-cylinder gasoline engine of the new MINI John Cooper Works Cabrio transversely mounted at the front of the car. The car has a capacity 25 percent higher than the previous model, its power is 10 percent higher and the torque is 23 per cent higher as well.


The chassis setting and the elements of increased body rigidity in an open-top model guarantee a very dynamic behavior and great maneuverability for real sports driving.


The new Mini John Cooper Works Cabrio is one of the greatest novelties that will take both highways and city streets.


The power which also makes you feel you’re driving a race car, even with the top down, comes from a 2,000 cc engine that is based on the latest engine generation with MINI Twin Power Turbo technology with a power that exceeds 15kW/20 hp from the previous model. The difference in power in the sports car bearing the logo John Cooper Works is 29 kW/ 39 hp.


ascinating features and extroverted image. Engine, chassis and aerodynamics all developed making use of the experience gained in race tracks. Design traits that reflect the distinctive style of John Cooper Works with a clear differentiation from the new MINI Convertible. The second state-of-the-art John Cooper Works model combines its engine and chassis, conceived to be used in race tracks, with its own design features and equipment as well as numerous enhancements that distinguish the new MINI Cabrio. In this way, the racing car concept of a four-seat convertible and extraordinary sport features becomes even more fascinating, making it still unique in the small cars segment. Driving the new edition of the MINI Cooper (combined fuel consumption of

6.5 lts./100 km; combined CO2 emissions: 152 g/km) is one of the most exclusive ways to enjoy being behind the wheel. The engine of 170 kW/231 hp excites for its spontaneous power delivery and its sound stirs emotions. The elongated silhouette and the strongly modeled surfaces of the opentop four-seater are supplemented with design elements especially developed for the John Cooper Works model in order to optimize the cooling air intake and to improve its aerodynamic qualities. Compared to its predecessor model, the new MINI John Cooper Works Cabrio also has a greater acceleration capacity, the driver’s compartment is more spacious and more selective, since its rollover bars that automatically activate when needed are fully integrated behind the rear seats, among other features.



Soft top



It includes standard features, for instance, air conditioning, MINI Boost radio with an aux-in and a USB port, together with LED headlights, MINI Driving Modes, and the Park Distance Control function to maneuver distance when parking.

The soft top is particularly quiet and opens or closes in only 18 seconds at the press of a button.

Specs Cylinder capacity: 1,998 cc.

Torque: 320 Nm to 1,250-4,800 rpm.

Acceleration: (0-100 km/h): 6.6 seconds (with automatic gearbox: 6.5 seconds).

Maximum speed: 242 km/h (240 km/h).

Average consumption: 6.5 (5.9 liters)/100 kilometers.

CO2 emission value: 152 g/km (138 g/km).

Exhaust emission standard: UE6.


It has sports brakes developed in collaboration with specialist manufacturer Brembo. The dynamic properties, the aesthetic expression and the fascination that the car arouses when driving it contribute to the glow of the sportiest open-top variant model due to its sports authenticity. Among the optional equipment offered exclusively for this John Cooper Works model it is worth mentioning, for example, the Rebel Green bodywork variant, the John Cooper Works 18inch light alloy wheels, and the John Cooper Works stripes on the top. Moreover, the optional MINI Head-Up-Display which can be installed in the new MINI John Cooper Works Cabrio displays additional content that enhances the pleasure of maneuvering such an outstanding sports car. The current generation of engines with MINI TwinPower Turbo technology stands out for including considerable improvements related to power delivery, smoothness of its operation and level of efficiency. Therefore, the new engines provided the ideal base to develop the engine of the John Cooper Works models, designed for maximum performance, inspired by motor racing.


By Elizabeth Monroy

The power of


n an ever more globalized world, the command of a second language is necessary. Today English is the ultimate international language, which has opened doors abroad, especially in English-speaking countries, to various Mexican celebrities in diverse professional areas. Get to know some Mexicans that have stood out for their work abroad:

1.- Salma Hayek was born on September 2nd,

1968 in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz. Nevertheless, she spent her first school years at the Academy of the Sacred Heart in Grand Coteau, Louisiana, in the USA. Later she came back to Mexico to study International Relations although at a very early age she dreamed of becoming an actress. Her first motion picture was El callej贸n de los milagros, and the most recalled or outstanding film due to her nomination to the Oscar in 2003 as Best Actress for her leading role is the film Frida.


s s e c c u s n a c i x e M 2.- Alejandro González Iñárritu, Alfonso Cuarón and Guillermo del Toro. These three

filmmakers have put Mexico on the map in the last decade as they have proved to be the promise of the seventh art. “El Negro” Iñárritu was born on August 15th, 1963 in Mexico City. In 2000, together with scriptwriter Guillermo Arriaga, he earned international reputation with the film Amores Perros. He nowadays is the first Mexican to win the award for Best Film, given by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and was the second Mexican filmmaker to obtain an Oscar for Best Director and the Directors Guild of America Award (DGA). Alfonso Cuarón was born on November 28th, 1961 in Mexico City and ventured into the world of cinema at 12 with the camera he received as a gift. He studied Philosophy at UNAM and cinema at

the Centro Universitario de Estudios Cinematográficos (CUEC), of the same university. He gained international recognition with US productions A Little Princess and Y tu mamá también (And Your Mother Too). In Hollywood he directed some TV programs before signing with Warner Brothers to direct Addicted to Love, starring Meg Ryan and Matthew Broderick. Guillermo del Toro was born on October 9th, 1964 in Guadalajara, Jalisco. He was co-founder of the Film Festival of Guadalajara and created the production company Tequila Gang. After suffering the wave of violence Mexico lived in the 1990s he decided to move abroad and at 21 he produced his first motion picture Doña Herlinda y su hijo. Some of his prominent films are El laberinto del fauno (Pan’s Labyrinth) and The Hobbit.

Having a good command of the English language has allowed these renowned Mexicans to go beyond borders and exhibit their work in different parts of the world.



By Elizabeth Monroy

3.- Gael García Bernal and Diego Luna Alexander,

best known as Los Charolastras due to their participation in the film Y tu mamá también. Gael García was born on November 30th, 1978 in Guadalajara, Jalisco, but since childhood he resided in Mexico City where he launched his career in acting in the 1980s. After starring the short film De Tripas Corazón (1996) and studying interpreting in London, Gael came back to Mexico to succeed worldwide with the film directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu, Amores Perros (2000). Diego Luna was born on December 29th, 1979 in Mexico City, he started his career as a film actor when he was 11 years old in the short film El último fin de año. Then he took part in the soap opera El abuelo y yo next to Gael García Bernal. Both own Producciones Canana, which along with Golden Phoenix Productions produces TV documentaries about the unresolved murders of over 300 women in border city of Ciudad Juárez.

4.- Karla Souza was born on

December 11th, 1985 in Mexico City, although she has lived in different places abroad because she has been preparing hard to be successful in the world of acting. As a child she spent six years in Aspen, Colorado; then she returned to Querétaro, and next she went abroad to settle in France at 14, then she moved to London to study at the Central School of Speech and Drama.

5.- Eduardo Verástegui was

born on May 21st, 1974 in the city of Xicoténcatl, Tamaulipas. This handsome guy was part of a musical band but has stood


out more in the world of modeling for famous brands like Calvin Klein. He has excelled at acting in well-known series such as C.S.I. and the gone Charmed, next to Shannen Doherty, Holly Marie Combs and Alyssa Milano.

6.- Paulina Rubio was born on June 17th, 1971

in Mexico City. The famous Golden Girl took singing, jazz and vocalization classes in Los Angeles and took courses on Art History and Painting in Europe, which encouraged her to broaden her career in the US.

7.- Mario Molina was born on March 19th, 1943 in

Mexico City. The winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1995 knew in his early years that his calling was science and, as the family tradition dictated, he was sent to study at a school in Switzerland when he was 11 years old, under the conviction that learning different languages such as English is important for a chemist. Later on he studied a postgraduate course in physical chemistry at the University of California in Berkeley.

8.- Javier “Chicharito” Hernández was

born on June 1st, 1988 in Guadalajara, Jalisco. This soccer talent made his own debut in a first division league for Club Deportivo Guadalajara and on April 8th, 2010 he signed a five-year contract with England’s Manchester United, which he joined on July 1st same year. Besides, he is big news since he was transferred abroad as the most expensive Mexican player that history has ever seen.“El Chicharito” asserted that language is not an obstacle for him and shared his joy with his fans in English. 9.- Rafael Márquez was born on February 13th, 1979 in Zamora, Michoacán. This Mexican soccer player came from the reserve of Atlas de Guadalajara. After playing successfully for the F.C. Barcelona, he had various offers from European teams, such as Juventus, Fiorentina and Genoa, all Italian. But in the end he signed a contract with US New York Red Bulls club for three million dollars per season. Despite not having a fluent pronunciation, he understands English perfectly and together with his exceptional career he has opened himself doors abroad.

Mario Molina knew that learning different languages, such as English, was very important for a chemist. 31


By Elizabeth Monroy

10.- José Hernández was born in French Camp, California in 1962 under very peculiar circumstances, since their parents came from La Piedad, Michoacán and were immigrants who worked nine months on the field in the US and the three remaining months in Mexico, but he and one of his brothers were destined to be born in Mexico’s northern neighbor. Due to the constant coming and going between these countries, he learned English at 12. In an exclusive interview, he tells us that being born in California and having his papers in order, he decided to study Electrical Engineering at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, and later he did a postgraduate course at the University of California, in Santa Barbara. Since he was little, he wanted to be an astronaut and told us that the recipe for being accepted at NASA and succeeding was passed down to him by his father (Don Pablo). He shared that five-step recipe with us:


D.P. (Don Pablo) step 1 - Define what you want to be in life. J.H. An astronaut. D.P. step 2 - Define how far you are from accomplishing that goal. J.H. Far because I’m the son of a farmer. D.P. Good for you to admit it! D.P. step 3 - Draw a map of where you are and where you want to go. D.P. You’ll be tempted to skip steps, stages, but don’t because you may get there but won’t be prepared. So you need to prepare yourself. Careful! D.P. step 4 - Get good qualifications because without education there’s nothing. You need to educate yourself. D.P. step 5 - Every effort you make on the land, on the crop of cucumbers and tomatoes is the same you need to put in here (he points at the books) and when you finish your studies and devote to your profession you’ll want to put in such efforts on your work. You must deliver more than what you’re asked to. Always do more than what you’re asked to. D.P. If you mix all that, you will get the recipe to succeed in life and I can guarantee you that you will. J.H. When I give talks to youths I give them that recipe but add a sixth ingredient that is perseverance and I tell them that we limit ourselves and pose our own obstacles. I’m here to tell you that NASA turned me down 11 times, it was'n until the 12th time that I got in. This is perseverance; it means keeping on preparing, learning from failure and preparing before trying again. I didn’t come this far on my own but as a result of a lot of help, too. As you can see family was very important in the educative process. Although parents may not have the resources, they can give something even more valuable and it is feeling that their children are capable of doing whatever they want to do, empowering them. I also had many teachers that supported me. It’s a triad: the youths and their commitment to believe in themselves, the parents who have to support them and the education system, say, the teachers.

Other celebrities Ana de la Reguera (Actress) Diego Boneta (Singer) Eduardo Nájera (Basketball player) Eiza González (Model) Fernando Valenzuela (Baseball player)


By Elizabeth Monroy

! e s a e l p

Don’t forget this,

If what you really want is to be hired, you must be a step ahead of recruiters and have confidence in yourself.


any of the questions on the net are about the key factors that influence hiring an employer. According to OCCMundial (a leading company in the online job offers market), the interview is one of the most important ones. Therefore, we’ll give you some advice in five practical steps that you must follow to increase your chances of getting the job you want:


1.- Get information about the company that will interview you and the sector it belongs to: what it does, which are its main competitors, what are the challenges in that industry, mergers or recent agreements, among others. You are more likely to be of their interest if you show you know and are interested in them and that you offer value to the company. 2.- Be on time. If possible, arrive 15 minutes before so that you can relax. Keep an appropriate posture, pay attention to your tone of voice and be natural. Remember that body language says lots about you; don’t have an aggressive look or speak with your arms closed, and always maintain your sight on the interviewer. Avoid defensive attitudes when being asked difficult questions.

3.- Listen to every question carefully. Remember that no one will be scoring you on how fast you are to answer. You can take some seconds to think what your answer will be and structure it well. Don’t speak too much or speak just because. Let your interlocutor speak; don’t interrupt them. That is, avoid taking the control of the interview. 4.- Have your achievements very clear in your mind; it’s time to talk about them. Prepare them and write them before your interview. Use concrete examples of your professional experience. Prepare your answers. Put yourself in the interviewer’s shoes and make a list of questions that you would ask a candidate for a job offer and think of what the best answer would be for each of them going over those related to your professional competencies for the accomplishment of objectives, or the resolution of conflicts, to those concerning your personality and life project.

5.- Stay positive and honest all the time. Don’t speak badly of the companies you have worked for before or your previous bosses. Focus on the challenges you encountered, how you worked out problems and what you learned from them. One of the main mistakes in an interview is to talk about professional successes that weren’t yours. If you were a member of a team, though not its head, explain what your contribution was.


success story By Elizabeth Monroy

Sandra EcheverrĂ­a Photo: courtesy of Videocine

English builds a better future



exican actress Sandra Echeverría stars the film Busco novio para mi mujer. She plays Dana, Paco’s wife (Arath de la Torre); both are a young couple facing various problems in their marriage. He doesn’t know how to deal with her pessimism and bad temper, but doesn’t dare to tell her he wants to break up, so he hires Tiger Cordera, a professional seducer in order for his wife to fall in love with him and take the decision of leaving her husband. On the occasion of the movie premiere, taking place first in our country on February 12th and a week later in the US, Sandra Echeverría told us in an exclusive interview that she loved the story and her character because they reflect the problems that couples are living now and have always gone through. She told that the feature film does not intend to compete with what Eugenio Derbez’s No se aceptan devoluciones did, which by the way is still the topUS-grossing Spanish-language feature film at US box offices. “But we are very proud of what our movie –which cost 30 million pesos– has gained so far because it has taken off towards other markets,” she adds.

Sandra is best known for her participation in various soap operas for Telemundo; however, she says she enjoys making movies better “because they’re short projects where you can devote your attention to work out each scene very carefully in good time and in advance.” In 2004 she started to work in several dubbing and acting projects in the US such as the film Savages, in which she shared credits with Salma Hayek and John Travolta, as well as the series The Bridge; she holds that “having a good command of English nowadays opens the doors to the world because it’s essential to have better opportunities in life, at work, to travel, and to communicate anywhere in the world.” She also points out that according to her experience “learning English guarantees a better future. Thanks to my speaking English I have had the opportunity to work in the US film industry and strive to keep the doors open in Hollywood.” Among her new projects is dubbing a US animated film: “The title in English hasn’t been defined yet but the film talks about how pets live when their owners leave home. I play a little female Pomeranian that is crazy in love with another dog and as she’s also an actress, she’s very dramatic. It’s the first time I‘ll dub in English because I’ve always done so in Spanish. Jaime Camil will dub another character for the same movie. Later I’ll probably make a series with Telemundo next year.” Sandra is a great example that perseverance, talent and a good command of English are the perfect ingredients to have a successful story abroad.


news harmon hall Improve your life

We’d like to present you a brief survey for you to know why it is important for your classmates and teachers to study English. Find out how they would celebrate Children’s Day if they were still underage and what are their plans for the summer vacation. What about you? Do you have any plans?

Roberto Zúñiga

(Regional Manager) 40 years old

Paulina Almazán

Why did you study English? I started to study it when I was very little because I’ve always liked comic books. What professional advantages have you had because of speaking English? Too many, mainly joining Harmon Hall 18 years ago and getting the position I have now. From the four abilities, which one is the easiest for you? Writing Why would you advise people to study English? Because a world of possibilities opens for you and it gives you many competitive advantages. If you were a kid, how would you like to celebrate Children’s Day? I’d like to celebrate with many kids with low resources that don’t have the possibility to celebrate that day. What are your plans for the summer? I usually spend those days working because we have summer courses, but I’m fine with that because the environment we create is a lot of fun.


Why are you studying English? The main reason is because I need to pass the levels required by the university to get my degree.

Eloy Rojas

(Student) 22 years old

? I’m Why are you studying English wth gro al studying English for person eer or How necessary is it in your car sional fes job? I have three different pro sin cui e chef fields: I am an international y important and here the language is ver ple always because during the events peo the cooking speak in English and most of second terms are also in English. My ent and it degree is Tourism Managem universal is indispensable to speak this ce teacher, and language. Finally, I am a dan most of the it’s helped me a lot because students are foreigners. English do What percentage or level of 50% e? you think you hav language, From the four abilities of the ? you for t which one is the easies Speaking

you like to If you were a kid, how would like to travel celebrate Children’s Day? I’d and visit many places. summer? The What are your plans for the m me, but fro lot a dance school demands . I’d like to travel to Europe


How necessary is it in your career or job? It’s very necessary because I’m studying Commercial Relations and I need it to be in touch with other international companies. What percentage or level of English do you think you have? 80% From the four abilities of the language, which one is the easiest for you? Reading If you were a kid, how would you like to celebrate Children’s Day? I’d like to do fun activities like going to an interactive museum or a fair or riding a bike. What are your plans for the summer? I don't usually go out in the summer break, so I think I’ll take a rest.

Opening Harmon Hall was founded in 1966 with the aim to foster the culture of the English language in our country. 50 years later, it has become the leading English language teaching and certification institution and is recognized by the Secretaría de Educación Pública as a cultural institution.. Nowadays, it has more than 100 schools all over Mexico, with presence in over 50 cities. We are glad to present you the new school, located on Sur 308, Col. Centro Atlixco, Puebla, C.P. 74200. These days, Atlixco is a modern city with more than one hundred thousand inhabitants; this city has been able to harmonize its urban development with the magnificent legacy of colonial architecture. Classified as a Magic Town, Atlixco is today one of the main tourist attractions in Puebla.


who are you?

Marcela Ruiz de Chávez: Dishonest people annoy me She is Human Resources Director of Harmon Hall.

t? What is your main defec ed to I’m too direct; I’m not us changing things. What is your dominant character trait? Super open and very transparent.

iter? Who is your favorite wr . tés Clarissa Pinkola Es u like What country would yo to live in? le Probably in Spain. Peop ’re there are very open, they ’re ey always partying, th ited. extroverted and very un st What quality do you mo n? appreciate in a ma Honesty. inter? Who is your favorite pa Vincent Van Gogh.


Who’s your hero? Robin Hood. What quality do you mo st appreciate in a woman? Authenticity. What gift of the natural world would you like to have ? Flying. Who do you admire? Sor Juana Inés de la Cr uz because in her times sh e was very smart and had very clear ideas. What is your favorite ho bby? I like gardening; I have an urban garden at home. A historical person you admire? Agustín de Iturbide beca use he believed in Mexico a lot as well as in the capability this country has to be a firstclass nation.

Who is your heroine? From the book Little Women (by Louisa May Alcott) I admire Jo because I feel tha t to be a heroine you have to live your life in a different way and according to what your are every single day. How would you like to die? In the middle of the forest watching a sunset because we belong to mother natur e and I’d like to go back to he r. Why to study English? Because it gives people the possibility to have access to a better job, to project themselves in other countries , it’s a tool that we need today; Mexicans are very capable of growing a lot and if it hadn’t been for English, the y wouldn’t have gotten the job or even the partner they ha ve now. Studying English mean s growing personally and professionally.

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