Market size
Market size Understanding the market size helps us to identify two categories, the addressable market and the available market. By outlining the difference between the two, we will know what the important countries are and learn to position our scheme and services. The addressable market This defines the core target market or focus countries/market and represents real opportunities for the GMP+ FC scheme. The available market This is the portion of the addressable market in which we find opportunities to grow in non-core activities of the country. We took the following into account:
"The potential market size for GMP+ certification depends on many aspects. First the size of the feed sector (production of feed ingredients and mixed feed, but also trade and logistics). Plus of course the size and dynamics of the livestock and aqua sector. Are the animal products consumed domestically or exported? What is the food safety awareness of the country of production and/or consumption? The degree of interest in feed safety certification depends on market demand, national legislation and of course also the mindset of the entrepreneurs. Based on all of these parameters, we made the best guess of the potential market."
Johan den Hartog Managing Director
GMP+ International – Certification Bodies Market Report 2020