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Scheme & Costumer Services

We are becoming a more inspiring partner by listening to our customers.

The Scheme & Customer Services team looks after GMP+ International’s certification scheme and supporting services. This includes our standards which are regularly updated based on new insights on feed safety management, as well as customer services like our GMP+ Helpdesk and Feed Support Products.

What have you done this year to develop our standards that look at sustainability?

‘ Our Feed Responsibility Assurance (GMP+ FRA) standards will help companies to look at their work processes and the environment. We looked into how we can act towards new developments that influence sustainability and responsibility. As we develop this module further we want to be an inspiring partner, and play a leading role in finding market opportunities and bringing partners together, so great ideas can be applied in practice.’

‘ Absolutely, and this meant we also took the time to find the right people. Our team is passionate about safe and responsible feed, and we now have two colleagues specialising in GMP+ FRA. This is an investment, and a great first step in laying the foundations for our future sustainability work. We want to make GMP+ FRA as important to our community as our GMP+ FSA standards, so we become a one-stop-shop for companies throughout the value chain who want to take safety and sustainability seriously.’

Alongside sustainability, what else have you been doing to help the GMP+ Community?

‘ This year we continued an improvement programme for customer services. We listened to our customers through interviews, customer journey sessions, Task Force discussions, and the GMP+ Helpdesk - and we heard that our customers appreciate and value our products, as well as helping us improve them based on their needs. One important request from our customers was to replace and update our Feed Support and GMP+ Monitoring databases. We have begun this process that ultimately will make our databases more user-friendly, accessible, and give participants more control over their data. In the meantime, we updated our support documents, and made some instruction videos for the databases so users can still make the most of them.’

‘ We also developed a tool to help Certification Bodies calculate how much time is needed to conduct an audit, and launched the feed legislation website to provide easy access and monthly updates on Dutch and EU legislation. We’re delighted that both of these are showing early positive signs.’

‘ We also wanted to give quicker and better answers through our GMP+ Helpdesk. We were able to improve our response times so now almost two-thirds of GMP+ Helpdesk queries are being answered in less than 24 hours. But we also invested in improving our team’s knowledge, so the quality of service has also improved. We’re happy to say that our customers have noticed, and they appreciate the support on offer.’

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