"Expect unexpected interruptions to take place."
LASTMINUTE MIRACLE By Pastor Renee Smith God specializes and God will restore your hope."
God is a MIRACLE worker. No matter who you are, where you come from, or what you are facing, God is a miracle worker. A FIG TREE destroyed, a Centurion’s servant healed, the blind and dumb demoniac cured, Peter’s mother-in-law healed, A
SEA STORM STILLED ON COMMAND, a woman’s issue of blood healed, Jesus feeding 5,000 “in a desert place,” to name just a few – each of these is a miracle, and so many more are available to you. God specializes and God will restore your hope. When you are facing a bad situation that gets worse, you’re a candidate for a last-minute miracle. Luke 7:11-17 is a beautiful picture of a lastminute miracle, here we have a woman who is a widow and has now lost her only son and means of support. Her case looks bad, but God has the final say. Have you passed the point of believing again? Does your future look so dark that you can’t imagine it any other way? Are you caught up in a moment of despair? Has the enemy shown you that nothing is left for you, so you have let go and given up? Last-minute miracles happen when you least expect them. Expect unexpected interruptions to take place. Jesus has compassion for this widow not just because she grieves the loss of her son, but also because his
Kingdom Privilege | 18 | January 2023