"THE WORD FOR YOU IN THIS SEASON IS ARISE. YOU HAVE BEEN SITTING TOO LONG, GET UP!" "What you say can set somebody free or seed into their deliverance. Jesus is touching, speaking, and bringing to life what the devil meant for evil."
late for Jesus. If we have faith, Jesus can resurrect areas of our lives that we have written off as dead, gone, over, or impossible. As the funeral processes through town, Jesus happens to be walking by and knows that the widow is all alone. When Jesus says, “Don’t weep!”, he isn’t trying to stop her from grieving. This is her signal that a last-minute miracle is about to take place. Her tears of sorrow are about to be tears of joy. Jesus is about to do the unthinkable and no one has seen it coming. God will bless you just like that, too. The Scripture records: “And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise. And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother.” Your miracle is ALIVE and it shall speak! Get ready for your touch and declaration. Jesus is still speaking. The word is out. Many around you shall stand still in amazement as they see what God shall do in your life. The word for you in this season is ARISE. You have been sitting too long, Get up! There is power in words. The POWER of ONE word can change your whole life. Your words have a great impact when you speak with the authority of God’s Written Word. When we consider the force behind the words we
speak, we must be disciplined to speak words that convey respect, gentleness, and humility. Do you think before you speak? Many people don't. Every word that Jesus spoke was loaded and had a purpose. Today, pause before speaking; consider what to say and how to say it, as well as the effect it will have on the listener. What you say can set somebody free or seed into their deliverance. Jesus is touching, speaking, and bringing to life what the devil meant for evil. Look again. It’s ALIVE. In this season of last-minute miracles, ARISE! Jesus spoke this one loaded word and everything changed. ARISE! "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee." Isaiah 60:1. So, then, hear the four commands in this Scripture: ARISE into action, SHINE and send out rays of light to dark places. The light has come and you can see, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. The glory is the presence of the Lord. The word “glory” means “radiant beauty” – “Kabod” in the Hebrew tongue. The glory was so important that the Israelites did not move until the glory moved. God has some last-minute miracles with your name on them. You can get a last-minute pardon
Kingdom Privilege | 20 | January 2023