The International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) Commercial Marketing Committee has launched a new Process Verified Program (PVP) called Brangus® Vigor. This plan will identify Brangus cattle that have met the requirements outlined and provide potential buyers more confidence in the cattle they purchase. The Brangus Vigor program is designed for feeder calves that will be going into growyards, stocker operations, or feedyards. It is to benefit Brangus producers who sell feeder calves and their Brangus bull customers who market those Brangus sired calves, as well. “The Brangus Vigor program is designed to identify true Brangus genetics to have a separation from all other commodity cattle carrying Bos indicus-influence,” explains chairman of the Commercial Marketing Committee, Craig Green. “The goal is to have feeder cattle age- and source-verified and carry a strong vaccination protocol with known Brangus influence. This will take time to be industry recognized, but it is a tool for customers purchasing Brangus, Red Brangus, and Ultra bulls to use when marketing their steers.” Green continues, “Breeder participation and assistance should be paramount and available to bull customers.” The IBBA will be working with IMI Global to provide the verification for the process verified program. Requirements of the program include age- and source-verification, an 840 EID tag, genetic merit verification, a health/vaccination protocol, and BQA certification. A cattle owner will enroll in the IMI verification program, fill out the necessary paperwork, and provide all of the necessary documentation. IMI will conduct an off-site records review and a phone audit to determine if compliance is met. Once the producer is verified, he or she will receive a shipping certificate and be allowed to market those calves identified in the Brangus Vigor program. The cost of the program will be $5 per head, which will include the EID and Brangus Vigor ear tags. The ear tags will be ordered by IMI and shipped to your ranch, at an additional fee. SOURCE- AND AGE-VERIFIED: cattle must have been born and raised on your operation. Calving records must be kept showing the first and last calf born for each season. The ranch must keep head count showing cow numbers that support the number of head to enroll. 840 MATCHED SET EID: EID tags and the coordinating Brangus Vigor tag must be applied before the calves leave the ranch of origin. GENETIC MERIT: calves must be sired by Brangus, Red 16
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Brangus, or Ultra bulls. The registration numbers of bulls or the name of the breeder and the number of bulls purchased for the past three years are required. HEALTH PROTOCOL: two rounds of 5-way respiratory modified live vaccine, two rounds of 7, 8 or 9-way clostridial. The premise ID, dates of vaccinations, brand of vaccine and location of injection, as well as vaccine receipts showing the adequate quantity of vaccine for the number of calves enrolled is required. Calves must be weaned for a minimum of 45 days prior to marketing to a feedyard. Producers unable to satisfy the health protocol parameters can enroll calves in Brangus Vigor and market them to a growyard willing to satisfy the remaining health requirements. BQA CERTIFICATE: the producer must be Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certified. BQA is a nationally coordinated, state implemented program that provides systematic information to U.S. beef producers on how common sense husbandry techniques can be coupled with accepted scientific knowledge to raise cattle under optimum management and environmental conditions. Courses for BQA certification can be taken online and the enrollment is free. The Brangus breed has steadily been increasing marbling and rib eye size. Data collected from ultrasound on Brangus yearlings showed a muscling bonus of 18% above the standard for ribeye size. The intramuscular fat (IMF) has also risen significantly in the past seven years. This has resulted in Brangus cattle that routinely exceed the new industry average of 85% Choice or better. It’s time Brangus were recognized for their ability to perform in the feedlot and for the carcass quality that Brangus breeders have been diligent about improving. The Brangus Vigor ear tag will help to identify a calf with those superior genetics backed by the best health and management practices. The IBBA Commercial Marketing Committee has a goal of enrolling 5,000 Brangus-sired calves in the Brangus Vigor program by January 2022. To add profit to your feeder calves or your customer’s calves, please share this information and let’s work together to get this bonus incentive recognized throughout the industry. Cody Glenn, PVP Subcommittee chair summarizes, “Brangus Vigor will provide a third-party process verified program to Brangus producers that will add value to their cattle and enable feeder calf buyers to purchase those calves with confidence.”