January 2022 Brangus Journal

Page 47

HELPFUL HINTS When submitting alternate parents, it is important to provide the registration number of the animal in question along with the alternate parent(s) registration number(s). There are many animals in the Brangus database with the same name and PHNs. Providing the registration number is the only way to guarantee we are comparing the correct progeny and parent(s).


What should I do if an embryo excludes to one or both parents?

Submit the following list of alternates to the association: a list of all calves born that same week, other mating’s bred to the qualified sire, other embryos implanted that day, natural service cleanups, and/or other embryos you have ever had in your tank as it could be a wrong pull from your tank.


What should I do if the AI sire excludes and the natural service sire excludes?


Submit the following list of alternates to the association: all AI sires ever used (even if you think you do not have semen on a bull anymore) along with all other natural service sires that are alive and kicking at your property (whether they should have been at this location or not).


What should I do if an AI sire of record is excluded?


Submit the following list of alternates to the association: an AI sire list whether you used that semen this season or not, along with the potential natural service sires list.


What should I do if I do not know who else to try for excluded parentage?


Please submit an active sire or dam list. We can try all those who were alive during that time with DNA on file. 47

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