The Spirit Identified as Jezebel Sermon by Enlightened GrandMaester, Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira

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The Spirit identified as “Jezebel� __________ Eye of Providence


Given by Enlightened Grand Maester, Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira

1 March 2017 Valkenswaard, the Netherlands.

This sermon is a tool to assist you in identifying if you are dealing with a woman who has a spirit of jezebel attached to her soul through her spirit, and thus being used by an evil power, which is invisible to the human eyes. Accusing someone of being suppressed or possessed by a demonic entity is not a small accusation, and wrong accusations can have great consequences for the accuser and can cause great emotional damage at the accused one, therefore spiritual understanding is necessary before judging if a woman is being used by the spirit that is most known through the story of Jezebel (1 Kings 16:31) from the Word of God. Summarized: the spirit of Jezebel is an (invisible) spirit that is attached to a woman, which sends that woman on a mission. (Her pre-Jezebel-spirit-possessed-life bad deeds and pride caused God to give her over, making her subject to being used by this evil spirit for a purpose for a season) Her mission is to undermine the main masculine Godly authority inside of the church or publicly when there is evangelism and damage their God-inspired assignments (Godly Agenda) in any possible 2

way, and to shatter, deceive, confuse and-or hinder the following that is appointed by God to that particular masculine Godly Authority in any possible way. When a woman is suppressed or possessed by a Jezebel-spirit, one must identify that the woman is not herself, She is like a volcano that erupts strategically when that demonic spirit behind her plans to frustrate men of God and those involved in their ministries and lives. The rest of the time she operates invisible, as any other woman. Simply being a disobedient and rebellious woman is not enough to be classified as a woman possessed or suppressed by a Jezebel-spirit, only when she manifest at appointed times, repetitively, becoming an opposing and or destructive force. The demonic world will send agents to hinder, frustrate, persecute and inflict damage to the ministry or life of the man of God at appointed times. The Jezebel Spirit is one way they do it. Appointed times like Trials, tests, and tribulations: James 1:2-3 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you 3

know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 1 Peter 4:12 Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. Romans 12:12 Be patient in tribulation. Job 1:6-12 One day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them. The LORD said to Satan, "Where have you come from?" Satan answered the LORD, "From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it." Then the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil." "Does Job fear God for nothing?" Satan replied. "Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. But now stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face."


The LORD said to Satan, "Very well, then, everything he has is in your power, but on the man himself do not lay a finger." Then Satan went out from the presence of the LORD. When the woman that is possessed by the spirit of Jezebel shows up in the life of the man of God, it is ALWAYS with permission of God and inside of the will of God. Whatever damage she succeeds doing, is by permission of God. The purpose of this sermon, is not to eliminate the woman who is possessed or oppressed by the spirit of Jezebel, as in terms of problem-solution, but to identify her assignment so that you can predict her moves so that it doesn’t fall upon you by surprise, as she is playing out an agenda that she isn’t aware of herself as she is “given over” to it (cursed).

Once you know what controls her, you can predict her moves, by knowing her agenda. The spirit of Jezebel does the most damage when you cannot see it operating


inside of the woman who is used, that is interacting with you. As you might think she has empathy, or other human traits, which in turn will make you underestimate the capacity she has to destroy your marriage, your life, your ministry, etc. How to identify if your life and/or ministry is under the attacked of the spirit of jezebel: The first thing the woman with the spirit of Jezebel does is undermine your authority as a man of God. She might put the focus on her equality to you, with as target to increase her own influence: “Man and woman are equal, so listen to my ways! I don’t have to listen to yours just because you are a man!” She’ll use her gender as a method to undermine your authority. She will also use the strategy of intimidation, if you do not listen to me, it will be required of you by God! And if both strategies have failed, she will continue in finding your faults, to as why, you are not an authority for her to respect and submit to inside the ministry, property, marriage, etc., that is appointed to you by God.


The modern woman who is possessed by the spirit of Jezebel will use her words in a conversation with you, with no other agenda towards establishing a moral overweight in a discussion.

“You have done this wrong, here are your faults, that’s why you have no right to act like you are the authority, you submit to my ways, advice or leadership, as I am better capable, morally and spiritually more right then you. I have the right to your position, submit to me!” Once you fail to identify her agenda, and fall for her trap of her attempting to make you give up your role as a masculine leader and follow her, then you are ruled


by the Jezebel Spirit through the woman who now controls you. The target of that demonic spirit, is to undermine the working of the Holy Spirit through you, which sets out a course, which is your duty to follow, not to compromise because some woman tells you to do so, no matter what deceptive argumentation she uses. The quicker you identify when a woman has the jezebel spirit attached to her soul the better, this is all about damage control. The woman with the jezebel spirit is after your credibility: “Are you really a man of God?� When you talk with a woman who is possessed by a Jezebel spirit, the conversation will revolve around her crushing the foundation of your authority, bringing you doubt, and/or attempting to overtake the leadership of any interaction between you and her. The target of a woman who is possessed by the spirit of Jezebel is to make a man submit to what she believes to be the supremacy of her womanhood, the subordination of man to woman. The reason why this is so, is because the demonic world wants the Godly order 8

to be perverted. When men do what God wants and Women do not want to do what God makes men do, then there comes conflict. And this conflict does not only undermine the purpose of men, but also the plan of God. The woman who puts her will above that of man and God. If you correct a woman with a Jezebel spirit, she will say something like: “If you really love me, you allow me to do anything I please� And when you as a man draw a line and show masculinity, then she will quickly accuse you for being prideful, or you being on a high hill. She will do things and say things that will offend your masculine pride, and justify her evil deeds if you respond to her offenses with anger. The woman who is possessed with the Jezebel spirit seeks a target, manipulates to gain control, and makes her target submit:

SHE DOES NOT FOLLOW. A woman who has the jezebel spirit does not make requests, she commands or pressures you. She targets your guilt, but does not ever do anything wrong herself, never she 9

sees her own fault, as that goes against her target, which is to overcome you towards her agenda, plan or vision, you to follow her opinion. She will leave when she sees no opening to make you submit to her, but if you offend her pride, she will not be able to leave without an attempt to re-institute her pride-honor. The last thing a Jezebel- possessed woman wants is a man to break her pride. A woman who is not possessed by a Jezebel Spirit has no problem being led by a man, she is gladly led by a quality Godly man where she can feel safe and protected, and can live her life in peace, she isn’t campaigning for domination. Once you identify the woman possessed by Jezebel, you continue with the step by step strategic plan to overcome her: 1: She lives by intimidating men, if you show signs that you are intimidated, you already lost. 2: Always maintain an aggressive nature, never allow yourself to flee (unless God tells you to) or go into passivity, always maintain the upper hand. Do not fall into her trap of triggering you into emotionalism, she is trained to trigger your buttons. 10

3: Pray for discernment why a Jezebel Spirit is allowed to attack your life or ministry, repent of sins, that might have opened the door for a demonic attack to be opened upon you, and if your relationship with God is right, then this attack is allowed to test, tempt, or try you. One day it’s over, don’t allow her to destroy your emotions and do not regard her, always remember her assignment. 4: Get rid of her as quick as possible, excommunicate her from your life and ministry as much as possible! Avoid her as the plague. don’t try to convert her ways as she is on a mission to convert yours, don’t think you can change her, don’t think you will be her hero, in her eyes it is observed as weakness, and so she will get herself tangled into your life, family and ministry and suck your emotions dry and mess with your ministry and family until you are overcome. If you allow her in your near then:

She will manipulate everyone and rile everyone up against you, she will


make visible to you all your hidden enemies. You have been warned.

International School of Biblical Prophecy Video Education/Coaching center for God´s servants Publications and books written by Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira.


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