Hard Testimony [Manuscript]

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HARD TESTIMONY Copyright Š 2019 by H.E. GM. Patrick Aurelius Maximilian Pereira

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations em- bodied in critical articles or reviews.

For information contact : http://www.instragram.com/TheGrandmaestro http://www.facebook.com/TennoPatrick






It all started in an ancient Imperial city called “Hansestadt Luebeck”, a city that had obtained the international trade authority status in

mideval times, as how New York City has done so in our modern times. They used to call it the “Hanseatic League”, simply translated as the “Trade League”. If you’d walk into the city of Luebeck, in Germany, you’d see a small island surrounded by water, with roads levelled like the nature of a pyramid; the highest point being exactly in the middle of “downtown”, and it’s full of Churches. 4


The density of Churches for a city with a relatively small population, in comparisment to other cities with the same amount of churches, is that which one would notice first. Nothing worth of my attention is happening in those Churches right now, however that what was special about this city in comparisment to the Dutch cities I was familiar with is that “Spirituality” seemed to be a part of the city. The amount of temples, spiritual groups, spiritual activities, spiritual shops… To live in Luebeck was to be continually bombared with: Spiritual, Spiritual, Spiritual! There I stood as a Dutch Top 10 Hit recording artist, born and raised in the Netherlands under the “Atheist- regime”.

“Oh my God, look at all this spiritual stuff!” I was in my early twenties and watched at my Golden Record in my German residence. I thought I was quite some successful young man! But believe it or not, I was not the only one who believed this... Whoever I talked to, and whatever I requested, whatever vision I had, the population, from the top until the very bottom cooperated. I would stand in some ultra-random German village and youth would stop, turn around

and ask me if I was “Patrick

Jumpen from YouTube”. 5


That is a radical life experience for a young adult, to be in “the middle of no-where far away from home” and have random people start a conversation with you… Before my time in Luebeck, I was a citizen of the City of Amsterdam, where my management (J. Flamman, J. Porter) helped me to get rid of this “slave-mentality” that I received from the traditional Dutch education system. Instead of the traditional “ Get a job, blend in and be as normal as possible, just don’t make trouble!” I received a worldview where Guru’s, networking, conferences and the attitude to continually persue knowledge without being forced to do so where central. I liked this idea that you could define the course of your own life by becoming conscious of the level of intelligence of the actions you perform today. I just didn’t want to do it in the entertainment industry, as the “groupies” scared me. I was introduced to a type of female that created in me this feeling that if one would touch that, one is touching something that is “repulsive”. A reality where females see a normal man as a bridge, a temporal step-up, until they have found the “elite” type of male that made them feel special by you as an “elite” choosing them. My views on success where radically changed after attaining that what any young man would dream about having. 6


I did not ever want to become that “temporal step-up” type of man that entertains a female until she found her famous, rich and/or powerful man. Thus I was forced to still persue a life of excellent performance, as returning to the “traditional” commoner worldview life formula was no option, as that would automatically mean that females would start to look down upon me again and treat me without any respect. I was a witness of what extremes a female can develop into, to desire and command respect from one type of male (beta), and at the same time to be the honorless slave of another type of male (alpha). I had ambitions to become a successful man in life, but to become successful I had to find a way to redesign that which what success really is… Fame, money and power causes all female wolves to notice you. I certainly did not like this type of female, thus all my motivation to obtain more fame, money and power diminished. Back in those days, my mind was reigned by thoughts that convinced me that I had to become “powerful” in a industry that is distasteful to “groupies”. Young, successful and disillusioned, living in a foreign city that screamed: Spiritual, Spiritual, Spiritual! 7


No matter where I went, the youth and young adults embraced me and taught me German. I loved the German language, it was so raw. It was the most un-sensual language ever to my ears. As if the language was created only for military use, whatever is being said in German it always sounds unconsiderative and if any attempt of linguistic romance is performed in the German language it sounds anything but romantic, rather of a territorial nature. One young lady even attempted to translate German into English, so that I could understand what that young man was trying to ask me. I noticed her eagerness to help me, and she was extremely beautiful… I made no efforts to talk to her, I simply asked around in the massive social network I have what her name is and to deliver me her phone number. The look in the eyes of the people I requested this of… They looked at me as if they thought that I lost my marbles… “Why would you possibly be interested in the phone number of a commoner female? ”



That was the moment I really started to fully comprohend that I was a really welcome Dutch visitor to the German city of Luebeck. Sure, I accomplished a lot in the Netherlands, however in Germany I had not ever been before, let alone accomplish something that would create such a emotional reaction out of a common citizen… People got me the number of the most beautiful female I have seen in town, and asked me what possibly a man like me would want from her… In this testimony you will get the hard truth, as if I create a “poltically correct” testimony, then you will have doubt in it’s authenticity, and think I might be writing some type of autobiography that makes me look like the holiest of saints, to create more legitimacy to my Ascended Master title inside of your mind. I called this female and she asked: “How did you get my phone number?!?!” “Oh my God you found it so quickly!” In her world I was just a stranger that she talked to without introducing herself, suddenly having that stranger on the phone a hour later… I said I wanted to see her, and needed someone to help me learn the German language. After meeting her I realized that this female was as ghetto as she was beautiful, it was bad… 9


She was neglected by her parents, her father was a drunk, and her mother a ruthless and careless hateful bird. She had no aim, nor a vision in life. Nothing. She was alive! And breathing… But that was about it… I was moved by this… How could such a beautiful woman have such a poor life quality and mentality… This caused me to change into a care-taker overnight. It was so painful to watch, I just wanted her to be O.K. Her condition triggered inside of me the “father-caretaker” nature orientation in life, instead of the “expansive-competitive” nature orientation in life. I was no longer thinking of my success, but of her success, and her feelings, and her needs, and to create in her this mentality that she could define the course of her own life by becoming conscious of the level of intelligence of the action that she performed today. I would wake up at 11 AM and leave my apartment to find her sitting at my door. I asked her why she didn’t just ring the door! She said she didn’t want to wake me early… I stood there thinking “what in the world is wrong with this woman”. Even though she was of this type of beauty, no one seemed to ever have “cared” for her. 10


This was the seed that was planted in me that ended up in causing me to want to become a counsellor, equal to the degree what the Japanese would call a “Sensei”, which is known in the western world as an “Ascended Master”. I didn’t mind “being there for her” at all! Instead of creating the next formula of success, I started dealing with her problems and her needs, and succeeded so far that this woman started cleaning my apartment and writing me love letters. All of a sudden, my view of being “succesful” started to be linked in the capacity to bring another human being into a position of having a satisfactionary life experience. I needed no awards, recknognition, new contracts to create better music video’s; I just wanted to see her happy, and I was happy. Let all of humanity hate me and look down upon me, if she was happy, I was happy! I took the measurements to become educated in various fields of counselling, and I went to discover the world of the temples, spiritual groups, spiritual activities and spiritual shops… So that I could get people like her out of the “slavementality” mindset, and become “liked” by the individuals I succeeded at doing so, and create emotional bonds, which where in my perspective way more fulfilling then whatever award or “traditionally accepted” accomplishment. 11


My first stop was a Buddhist temple. I had no idea what this was, it was just so prominently visible. I sat there and a lady said that we where going to start this meeting with the “chanting” to the universe. These people where serious! They where saying words in Sanskrit to a copper Buddha statue! I asked her, aren’t we praying to this copper Buddha statue? She denied and said no we are not. I asked; then why are we all facing this statue while saying these words? She did not like my questioning at all! So the meeting continued with breathing exersizes and exersizes that appeared like a form of yoga. I was unskilled at all of it, and just tried to not appear stupid. But this attempt to not appear stupid, caused all attention to be focused upon me, to the irritation of everyone in the meeting! Then the lady started the “text reading”. She was trying to teach everyone in the room about respect, tolerance, and patience. Yet everyone in that room wanted me to leave immediately! In the hallway I stood and said:



“Look, I don’t mind you kickin g me out, I have no idea what you people are doing here and I frankly cannot bring up the concentration to sit there for an hour and imitate you people when I have no idea what is being done, but didn’t you just give a lecture about compassion and tolerance, acceptance and respect?” The man ordered to escort me out of the building looked at me troubled and said just go! That was my first introduction to what I later understood to be “Religious Hypocracy”. So I went from temple to temple, workshop to workshop, meeting to meeting, because I wanted to become “spiritual”. Whatever type of spirituality I walked into, it was all the same non-sense: A bunch of talentless commoners that tried to be something they are not, by reading a text and doing a practice, that made them believe, that they one day will become like that which they desired to become: a master. All these “spiritual/religious” people had one common interests: the own success… I simply wanted to know if there was a magic trick that could turn a “ghetto”-female into a “successful” –female. I wanted to know what was the secret portal that would make it easier for me to attain my target of helping another human being to rise above that “slave-mentality”.



I did not need religion or spirituality to obtain success in life, which was to my standards back at those, simply to continually obtain that which I desired. I already learned how to do that without “religion” or “spirituality”. But all these people tried to achieve “success of the self”, wheter it was to increase their own wealth, health, or just for the sake of feeling a greater sense of self-worth, whatever it was that they seeked in these temples and institution was revolved around themselves. After I while I realized, if I ever want to find the “magic trick”, I cannot follow or regard the opions of such primitive and selfish individuals… My social standing, something that people deny that excists, the aura of aristocracy that was around me, caused me to quickly build a life where I had many excesses of time. All I wanted was a spiritual friend who told me about all the magic tricks… I sought… And I found none! Even those who appeared successful by the standards of society, they did not bother trying to become my teacher, as they where more interested in obtaining my admiration rather then sharing with me information that would lead me to become “spiritual”.



I was way too arrogant to admire some scribe-type of commoner! This is how I ended up reading every religious text of whatever nature, whatever is out there, just to know whatever is out there written about spiritual things, as if I would study them all, then I would certainly find out if there is some hidden magic formula that only a spiritual master would know of. I skipped the teachers as I judged them to be too primitive, far to selfish! I had no other choice, I loved this woman, and I wanted to secure her future‌ I wanted to become the type of man that she could rely on, who would never disappoint her, and I already knew the nature of life, that her needs would change every seasons, so would her desires, thus I had to study so hard to already find the solutions to problems that she would be confronted with in a decade, which where unknown to her now, to gain her trust that no matter what comes out of my mouth that it is right, to create order in chaos, and bring comfort where there is doubt. I was well aware that she was beautiful, and that if I would have brought her to a point of self-realisation that she would no longer desire to be with me, other then out of gratitude. I knew I had to become far superior above any common man to keep her interested in all the seasons of her life.



Competition never intimidated me, as I always anticipated upon creating a reality where I am one step ahead of my rivals. So I never found “the magic trick”, but what I did find in all these texts where lectures that revolved around integrity, values, traditions, life lessons and morals. The concept seemed to revolve around self-diciplination and take upon oneself this sense of superior integrity and morality. And that when one attains this elite standard, that the “Almighty God-head” or the “Universal Mind” would be happy, and “give me good things” instead of “bad things”. I was more then willing to try this out. I had a jar with coins, and I gave it to a poor stranger on the streets. I remember what the a female friend said who was witness of me doing this; “YOU ARE CRAZY”. I tried to explain her that this money is worthless to me, and that I’m trying to get “The Universal Mind” to notice me. This female left my life and never returned, haha! I quickly understood that to her that money had a whole other value than it had to me… After reading all these religious and spiritual texts, I started to see my own position of priviledge, that I always had access to money, and that I took it for granted. It caused me to notice what is known as “the homeless”. 16


Suddenly I saw homeless people sleeping at night in the bank-office public hallway, at the ATM’s. I truly started to wonder what these people where doing there, and if they where of such age, why they could not just manage to organise their life so that they could get a home to sleep in like all other human beings… The more I thought of it, the more I was moved to interact with these people. I would go to the supermarket and buy pie, and give it to them at night. One day I saw a homeless man standing in front of the supermarket, and he was asking people for help as he had “nothing to eat”. What a poor man! So I bought him some items from the supermarket, it’s not that expensive… This man started to appear cheerful and started to say: “You are such a good man”. This was very confronting to me… I replied to him that I am certainly not a good man! He took a blue booklet out of his pocket and said that it was a Holy Bible in the polish language. That was even more confronting to me. I left and wondered, why does a person who live by the extreme standards of the Holy Bible live in such extreme poverty? 17


This man called me a good man, and this caused me to think of all the “bad” things I have ever done… Because I started to do “good” things, I started to see the contrast between “good” and “bad things”, and that most of my “good” things, where nothing but selfish things, only performed in a lesser degree of selfishness, whereby it appears “good”. Like having a girlfriend, and try to not treat her carelessly, and be more “caring”, to not be so be oriented on taking from her only, and trading whatever I take with my attention and emotionalapproval, but a ctually invest time and energy in her so that it’s good for her, and not just for me. “helping” people with problems became something normal to me, and one day a African man said to me that he cannot sleep in the homeless shelter today, if he can sleep in my apartment for the night. It was my 3rd year in Luebeck, Germany, and I have never taken in anyone in my apartment other then my female partner. But I thought, why not? So I offered him my sofa, but I had no spare blankets. This man took my blankets from me in my sleep! And it didn’t stop there, suddenly he was laying in my bed in the lower corner! I was not pleased with that at all!



But I had concideration for his difficult condition, so I did not discipline him into respecting my wishes in my own home, and he left. I was in the park and he saw me, and walked up to me in panic, he said someone wanted to kill him! I laughed at him and said, don’t worry man! I’ve got your back! By now you can imagine me being that type of man that has “everything covered”, so I told him; don’t worry he won’t do a thing around me, people don’t behave like that around me… I continued walking in the park and he followed me around nervously, and suddenly a tall atlethic skinhead with a metal bikelock type of chain around his neck ran our direction and he grabbed the African man and started beating this man so severly that the African man was laying on the floor, and the beatings did not stop there. I was waiting when the beating would end, and after a while it just didn’t seem to end! While this man was being smashed I stood there thinking… I just said to that man “I got your back”… But the man that was beating him was of a higher weight class, and furiously aggressive… I knew that was going to be a complete Kamikaza! But I realized if I did not commit that act of kamikaze that I would be just like any random religious hypocrite! 19


You know I cannot live as if I am like “them”, so I embraced death and ticked that man on the shoulders and said: “HEY! YOU DEFEATED HIM OK ISN’T THAT ENOUGH?” This man looks at me, and the African moment found the opportunity to flee, and this man punches me straight into my chest at the region of my heart! I stood there in awe thinking, isn’t this supposed to hurt? I started to laugh a bit as I experienced nothing! I just looked at him in amazement that he just committed a direct assault upon my most vital organ for my attempt to prevent a man from becoming injured so badly that the trauma causes death. After a couple of seconds he stepped forward again to do another attack, and so I suddenly became his direct target. I pulled out my Samurai sword out of it’s holder, and he stepped back. I was dressed in temple-clothing, like kung-fu warriors do, similar as how tai-chi practitioners do. And seriously nobody cared that I was fully armed, as my “social standing” caused people to never question me or my motivation, which is a common thing for celebrities to experience. The man started to become more aggressive and took off the iron chain from his neck and said: “Oh you want to fight?” 20


I circled around him in defence until co-incidentally the police arrived. The police arrested the man, and confiscated my samurai sword. They said not a word to me, they took testimonies of the witnesses and bothered not to communicate with me. I sat down and thought: “I just faced death to save the life of a complete stranger of such low social standing, and I end up here alone and even my sword is being taken from me!” What kind of world is this! I went back to my apartment disappointed and watched in the mirror and an audible voice said: “I gave you all that you wanted, fame, women, whatever you wanted you have it, are you happy? I never bothered you with rules or regulations, I simply gave you what you believe you wanted, but are you satisfied?” I thought: I’m not un-satisfied but also not overly-satisfied! A long story short, God Almighty appeared in my life by surprise and confronted me with that I am not capable of really understanding what I want in three decades. And that I am continually trying to obtain that which I believe that I want now, but that which I want changes every season…



He asked me if I was willing to simply listen to him and do what he believes that is good for me and would make me “satisfied” in "the long run”. I said: “Fine! Show me what you’ve got and can do!” So I was commanded to return to the Netherlands and testify to my own people what I have leanred over all these years, and testify that the God-being, the “Universal Mind” is the God that the people refer to in the Holy Bible as how He revealed to me personally after leading me into a serious amount of events to test if me I am “worthy” or “un-worthy”, without me being aware of this process. I did so for many years, until I became Grandmaster of the Church of the Netherlands. Then He ordered me to return to Germany and repeat this process there and so I became Grandmaestro of the Imperial Church of Germany. Then he commanded me to write all that He showed me personally, and all the intelligence he allowed me to “lend” into a book designed to function as an educational book (The Perfect Ruler: Academic Edition & Pocket Edition), to pass on the wisdom was gained over all these years by having a one on one personal relationship with God Almighty the Creator of the Universe. That’s when I became an Ascended Master. This testimony is the authority behind the following statements: 22


God Almighty is not your equal, he is not obligated to do anything for you. You have no rights before God, as all you do is evil, but because selfishness is no longer identified as evil, you declare youself “good”, as you created your own inner standard of good and evil, which is relative, but appears to God Almighty as pure evil. God will not give you a new car, mansion, relationship and whatever most people seek when they enter a religious building, as this is what you believe that will make you happy. God does not care about what will make you happy now, but what will make you happy in the long run, and materialism will not make you happy in the long run. Only a slave wants freedom, but when freedom is attained; a whole new set of things will be desired, that where not desired when one was in the “slave-condition”. Thus you are all “conditioned” to desire these Green United States Dollar-ration cards to get the latest designer shoes, and expensive cars, to get admiration from this “groupy-type” of female, and a sense of acceptation within what you believe to be your “group”, before your peers. If God would give you these things you would end up like me, realizing that there is no real fulfilment found in these things. To get God to care for you, not for your superficial desires, but for you, and your family, in the long run, you must have been



found worthy enough, to create inside of His consciousness a desire to want to “preserve” you. If you attain such levels of morality and integrity that God will be moved to intervene in your life directly to preserve you over the seasons and into enternity in the afterlife, by revealing unto you that He created a construct, that he let his earthly created humanoid descendant Jesus Christ with divine dna, die on a cross to shove your sins into his shoes, so that he does not have to reckogn with you for your sins, He will directly start a process of “self-diciplination” to develop you into a human being that is known as a “master”, one that does not like to commit immoral things, and has not a “selfish-exclusive” worldview. A master knows how to obtain material items, but is not moved exclusively by the desire to obtain them. God will first help you fix the inside, and then He will help you fix the outside, and then he will help you fix the surroundings, and so you will have a personal relationship with the divine. Don’t go to God with your careless wishlist of superficial things! Don’t go to God with your “attitude”. Don’t tell God how to be God. Simply ask him in Prayer to make a Worthy Human out of you, and you w ill find the path, as He will lead you into it. Do not forget that you will be subjected to inconvenient integrity tests before he will ever bother to reveal Himself to you. 24

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