Porsche Club of America - Arizona Region - Going Places - May 2023

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Volume 53 Issue 5


Gregg & Alison Bull gpeditor@az.pca.org


Rick Althouse

Danielle Badler

Dan Bouet

Ken Bryant

Gregg Bull

Jim Bultema

Frank & Marie Grimmelmann

Bruce Herrington

Andre Keels

Kim Kemper

Jan Mackulak

Mark Manente

Kenneth Mitchell

Dennis Rood

Moe Scharhon

David K. Whitlock

Rook Younger

Going Places is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region and is published electronically monthly.

Written contributions and photographs are welcomed and can be emailed to the editor. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region, its officers or members. Permission is granted to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and to Going Places. PORSCHE®, the Porsche Crest®, CARRERA®, and TARGA® are trademarks of Porsche AG. The editor shall reserve the right to edit and publish only those articles felt to be in the best interest of the members of the Porsche Club of America. THE DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES AND ADVERTISEMENTS SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION IS THE 15TH OF THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MONTH OF PUBLICATION. Commercial advertising rates can be found in the back of this publication.

GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 3 |
Keels 16.............2023 PCA Parade-Palm Springs 19............ PCA
Coupe Auction 28.............Book Reviews for Porschephiles 39.............Story - See the U.S.A. 41 ............AZPCA - Autocross Events 7 & 8 49............ AZPCA at INDE 53.............Article - INDE, In a word, spectacular 57 ............Worldly, Weathered & Wise 59 ............Stuttgart Market Letter 60.............Viva Las Vegas - Driving Tour 64 ........... Charity Event, Casino Night at Alpio’s 66............ Charity Update - Mesa Community College
Photo courtesy of
IN THIS ISSUE AZ.PCA.ORG FEATURES 15.............Meet A Member-Andre


| 4 | NEWS & EVENTS 5.. ............ 2023 Calendar of Events 8 Upcoming Porsches & Pancakes 9...............Upcoming Monthly Membership Meeting 10 ............. Future Porsches & Pancakes 11..............Future Monthly Membership Meeting 12 ............. 2023/2024 HP Drivers Education Schedule 13 ............. 2022/2023 Autocross Schedule 16 PCA Porsche Parade 2023 - Palm Springs 17..............Driving Tour/Wine tasting - Cottonwood 18..............AZPCA 2023 Holiday Party 19..............PCA Classic Couple Auction 20..............Night out at the Ballpark 21..............Cinco de Mayo Returns 22..............10th Anual PnP at Anthem 23..............3 Lakes Driving Tour - NEW Date 24..............Driving Tour - Prescott 25..............Auto-X-Extra - Arizona Mountain Region 27 ............. Volunteers Needed 3..............PCA-Southern AZ Viking cruise IN EVERY ISSUE 4 Arizona Region Board 6 ............. President’s Note 7 ............. From the Editors 15 ............ Meet a Member 28 ............ Awards & Accolades 30............. Social Media 32 New Members 33 Happy PCA Members’ Anniversaries 35 Executive Appointees 36 Zone 8 Staff and Websites 37 ............. Goodie Store 37 ............. Sponsorship Program SPONSORS INDEX 26..............AZ Euros 14 ............. Barbara, Alpio: Redwood General Tires 30..............Brasile, Chuck & Denise; Real Estate 6 ............. Cole, Andy: DAC Auto Detailing Solutions 5 ............. Hamra Fine Jewelry & Timepieces 35 ............. McIlvain Motors BC,30 Porsche Chandler IFC,36.. Porsche North Scottsdale 29 Protective Film Solutions 34 Trackside Motorsports CLASSIFIEDS https://az.pca.org/classifieds/ PRESIDENT Mark Manente president@az.pca.org VICE PRESIDENT Dan Bouet vicepresident@az.pca.org SECRETARY Gregg Bull secretary@az.pca.org TREASURER Marty Ercoline treasurer@az.pca.org PAST PRESIDENT Mark Baker pastpresident@az.pca.org DIRECTORS AT LARGE Andy Cole AndyCole@az.pca.org Frank Grimmelmann FrankGrimmelmann@az.pca.org Kenneth Mitchell kenmitchell@az.pca.org Rook Younger RookYounger@az.pca.org


Editor’s Note: The dates, times and details of AZPCA events are subject to change.

CLICK HERE AZ.PCA.ORG to check the website for the entire calendar of events.

Attention AZPCA Members!

Please let our sponsors know you are a member of the Arizona Porsche club and that you appreciate their support.

GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 5 | May 2023 3 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting 4-7 Thu-Sun SAR Region-Cinco de Mayo, 60 years of 911 15 Mon Board of Directors Meeting 19 Fri Last day to register for Porsche Parade 19 Fri Last day to cancel for Porsche Parade 24 Wed 3 Lakes Driving Tour (New Date) June 2023 3 Sat Porsche n’ Pancakes - Schmooze 7 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting 9-11 Fri-Sun Ken Steele Alpine Tour 18-24 Sun-Sat Porsche Parade-Palm Springs 26 Mon Board of Directors Meeting July 2023 8 Sat Porsche n’ Pancakes - Black Mountain 12 Wed Drive to Prescott and The Palace 17 Mon Board of Directors Meeting 29 Sat 10th Annual Night at the Diamondbacks Aug 2023 2 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting 12 Sat Porsche n’ Pancakes - Soul Cafe 21 Mon Board of Directors Meeting
2023 10 Sun Porsche n’ Pancakes - Anthem 23-24 Sat-Sun Driving Tour/Wine Tasting
2023 4 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting
2023 1 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting
2023 6 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting 17 Sun Holiday Party-Grayhawk Golf Club

“Make new friends but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold.” Quote by Joseph Parry.

Heregoes the broken record!

Your Arizona Region is breaking records each month adding new members. In the last two months the club grew by 71 new members. Welcome and come on out to a Porsches and Pancakes, Monthly Meeting, or sign up for an upcoming Driving Tour.

Our region continues to grow, which puts pressure on all our events. If you are inclined, please volunteer to help out on driving tours, track days, social events, etc.

As I mentioned last month, “no shows” at events are an issue. You may have noticed a new note on MSR confirmations by Rook Younger. I am including it below:

“Thank you for your RSVP. Please note that, although there is no registration fee for this event, the restaurant is expecting the number of attendees we provide to them in advance. If you need to cancel, please do so at least one week prior to the event date (being a no-show without notice is rude to the restaurant and to the event organizer). Thank you!”

Summer heat is around the corner and club events are also heating up. Check the calendar on the website or Going Places newsletter and come on out and make new friends. The Annual Ken Steele Alpine Tour is filling up fast.

Each month I am highlighting the club’s volunteers that make our club one of the most active clubs in Zone 8. This month our Track Day Chairs: Kim Kemper, our AX chair, Rick Althouse, AX Co-chair; for HPDE, Dan Bouet the club’s current VP and HPDE Chair and John Dowling, Chief Driving Instructor. If you have attended track day, you have experienced the hard work, they and the many dedicated volunteers work to provide a fun, safe venue to experience your Porsches’ capabilities. Angela and I stopped by the recent Podium Club HPDE. What a way to end the year. If you have never driven your Porsche on a track, sign up next season. I may have to forego a few Saturdays of pickle ball next season and volunteer at a track day or two.

‘It’s not just the cars, it’s the people.’

Make it a great month. MM

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From the EDITORS Gregg and Ali Bull

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas Baby…..well not exactly. What an amazing few weeks we’ve had here at AZPCA, where should we start? Well as the opening line states, let’s start in Vegas! Frank & Maria Grimmelmann along with Jan & Jerry Mackulak put together an absolutely amazing trip to Vegas. Please read pages 60 through 63 for all the fabulous details as well as some very enlightening photos (I’m looking at you Disco Richie).

The Auto-X team had a full house and both of their events were sold out and very successful. The INDE and Podium events were incredible by all accounts, well done to the HPDE group! We had a few special social events during the month of April; Mark Baker and Jeanne Snyder along with and our marvelous host Alpio Barbara put together probably the best Charity Casino night the club has been involved in for many a year, with over $16k raised for The Society of St. Vincent De Paul charity. We would like to offer our sincere thanks to everyone that attended, in addition to all our gracious volunteers. Thank you for making this event such a wonderful evening, and for the funds raised and donated. We are making a difference!

Included in this issue, we have a great article written by Bob Tomlin chronicling his fantastic adventures on multiple continents. Bob and his wife Nancy are truly inspirational in their lust for life and Porsches! Our annual new member meeting was held in April at We-Ko-Pa and it was a huge success as the club enjoyed a new location, new format, new members and great food. The selection at We-Ko-Pa is always fantastic. A big ‘Thank you’ to Mark and Angela as well as all the volunteers that took time out of their busy weekend to make it happen, fantastic job. Without our volunteers we cannot make such great events happen!

Jim and Carole Bultema have won the informal title of the “Pied Pipers of Weekend Drives’, as we had almost 100 members come out on our April 23rd drive to Roosevelt Lake. A truly impressive amount of our members came together to enjoy Arizona, a great lunch location and each other’s company.

The Porsche n’ Pancakes at ‘The Original 5 Diner’ finished off the month of April in style. We had a good turnout and Dennis Rood did a great job of organizing everything as usual. Consider signing up and participating in these casual morning breakfasts as it is a great opportunity to get out, spend time with others and make lasting friendships as well as enjoying visiting unique restaurants in our unique city. Remember to check our website as well as your email so that you can sign up and enjoy our club events and make those lasting connections.

We are all looking forward to the fun activities we have planned for May including our membership meeting at Aunt Chilada’s in Phoenix, Cinco de Mayo hosted by the Southern Arizona Region and Rook Younger’s 3 Lakes Drive (actually 4 but who’s counting).

If you like cars, culture and camaraderie then AZPCA is THE place to be.

Going Places submittal Deadline:

The Deadline for submitting material is the 15th of each month. Submissions received after that date will appear at a later date. Thanks for your understanding

GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 7 |

Upcoming - Porsches n’ Pancakes

- June 3rd

Saturday, June 3, 2023

8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Schmooze Cafe

4222 N Marshall Way

Scottsdale, AZ

Quiche w/salad, muffins, $30/participant

Limited to 45 people!


Registration is required to attend all Porsche n’ Pancakes events!

Check the AZPCA website calendar for the Registration Links: https://az.pca.org/social-events/

**PLEASE cancel online or email the organizer if you cannot attend the event. NOT cancelling is a huge discourtesy as it costs the restaurant money for the extra staff they have brought in and to those on the waiting list who cannot attend the event.

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FOR REGISTRATION please click on the link BELOW

Upcoming - Monthly Membership Meeting

AZPCA Monthly Membership Meeting

May 3, 2023 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Aunt Chilada’s

Come join us for our next meeting at one of the most requested venues we have, the historic Aunt Chilada’s! Expect great Mexican food and plenty of time for socializing and meeting new friends. Hope to see you there.

Jim and Carole Bultema, Organizers

Aunt Chilada’s

7330 N. Dreamy Draw Drive

Phoenix, AZ 85020


Southwest Caesar Salad

Spinach con Queso Dip

Roasted Poblano Pasta Alfredo with Grilled Chicken Machaca Enchiladas

Mexican Street Corn, Refried Beans and Rice

Coffee, iced tea and warm, house made flour and corn chips with Salsa de Olivo.

Cash bar

Cost: $30 per person

Event Schedule:

5:30 – 6:15 p.m.

6:15 – 7:00 p.m.

7:00 – 7:30p.m.

Social hour

Registration is required for this event. Click the REGISTER LINK below to sign up and pay The closing date to register is April 30 at midnight.

Registration is limited to 99


GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 9 |

Future Events - Porsches n’ Pancakes

SAVE THE DATES... But Register Today

Black Mountain Coffee Shop in the Carefree Spanish Garden

Saturday, July 8th, 8-10:30AM

Maximum 45 participants (order off the menu)

Well Known for their Delicious Breakfasts for the past 46 years and located in CAREFREE’s historic Spanish Village, join us in the courtyard for this exceptional Porsche & Pancakes Event!

Enjoy Locally Roasted Coffee & Freshly Brewed Tea, Homemade Cinnamon Rolls, Homemade Biscuits and Gravy, and a Full Breakfast Menu that you’ll be able to order from directly.

Select Gluten Free Menu Items and Much More!

Menu—ORDER OFF THE FULL MENU w/ Individual Checks


Soul Café North Scottsdale maximum 45 order August 12th, 0730-0930

Maximum 45 (order off the menu)

Soul offers eclectic dishes influenced by the flavors and cultures of Arizona. Chef Sheila and her staff are committed to giving you the true taste of modern American Southwest cuisine by using only the best ingredients and preparing everything fresh in their kitchen. View their menu at https://www.soulscottsdale.com/menu/breakfast-lunch then join us for this annual AZPCA Porsche & Pancakes event and experience the flavor of the southwest for yourself.

Event from 0730 to 0930 AM in the outdoor seating area on the south side of your building

Menu—ORDER OFF THE FULL MENU w/ Individual Checks


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Future Events - Monthly Membership Meeting

AZPCA Monthly Membership Meeting

June 7, 2023, @ 5:15 pm – 7:30 pm

Porsche Chandler

Please join us for our meeting with our gracious host, Porsche Chandler. Sign up early, as this is by far one of the most popular meetings all year. Enjoy great food, great cars, and especially new friends. Meet the managers from the dealership, who will answer any questions you might have.

Jim and Carole Bultema, Organizers

Porsche Chandler

1010 S. Gilbert Road

Chandler, AZ 85286

Enjoy a catered meal

Cost: FREE, courtesy of Porsche Chandler

Event Schedule: 5:15 – 6:15 pm Tour the showroom and lot & social time

6:15 – 6:45 pm. Dinner

6:45 – 7:30 pm Meeting and meet a member

Registration is required for this event. Click the REGISTER LINK below to sign up and pay. The closing date to register is June 1 at midnight.

Registration is limited to 125 participants.


GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 11 |

H PDE sc he du le

2023 / 2024 Season

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Arizona Motorsports Park

Saturday & Sunday, November 4-5, 2023

Inde Motorsports Ranch 

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Podium Club at Attesa 

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Arizona Motorsports Park

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Arizona Motorsports Park (CCW)

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Podium Club at Attesa 

Saturday & Sunday, April 13-14, 2024

Inde Motorsports Ranch 

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 Time Trials also available at this HPDE event HPDE Event Registrations: azpca.motorsportreg.com Arizona Motorsports Park – 15402 W. Camelback Rd, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 Inde Motorsports Ranch – 9301 W. Airport Rd, Willcox, AZ 85643 Podium Club at Attesa – 6870 S Bianco Rd, Casa Grande, AZ 85193

April are on Saturday at AMP as follows:

• October 7, 2023, Saturday - AZ Motorsport Park Skidpad

• November 11, 2023, Saturday - AZ Motorsport Park Skidpad

• December 9, 2023, Saturday - AZ Motorsport Park Skidpad

If you have any questions regarding any of the autocross events, please contact the Autocross Co-chairs, Kim K. or Rick A. at autocross@az.pca.org

GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 13 |
photo by Ken Bryant The tentative autocross dates for the 2023-2024 AZPCA Region Autocross Season from November to


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Meet this month’s featured member, Andre Keels.

1. When did you join PCA?

I joined PCA in December 2022.

2. What Porsche(s) do you have?

I have a 2008 Cayman Base.

3. Where are you from?

I’m from Columbus, OH.

4. Family?

I have my Mom Kim, my Dad Rocky and my sister Jazz.

5. Work background or trade?

My background is in IT.

I am currently working in Tech Sales.

6. What makes your car special?

The car is special to me because it’s my first real sports car and my first Porsche, I love the styling of the early generation Caymans and knew it was the one.

7. Next upgrade?

Next upgrade is a new set of wheels and tires plus a new exhaust.

8. Have you personalized your car?

I haven’t done much personalization yet but I’ve put in Apple Carplay and upgraded speakers.

9. Favorite memory with a car?

My favorite memory with the car would be showing up to my first Porsche Club event where we got to tour a private car collection with other Porsche owners

10. Why did you buy your Porsche?

Porsche has always been an iconic brand in my family, my father was the first to own one but ever since I was a kid I remember hearing “There is no substitute”

11. High school nickname?

No high school nickname of note but close friends will called me “Dre”.

12. Top 3 cars you would own?

Porsche 959

1975 Porsche 911 Turbo and sorry to all but a Ferrari 458 Italia

GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 15 |

Upcoming National Events

Don’t Just Attend Porsche Parade...

...Be a Part of It!

The objective of a PCA Rally is to follow a course from point to point, usually on public roads, to the precise detail specified in the rulesit can be competitive or for fun. Competitive Time Speed Distance (TSD) Rallies dictate a certain time schedule for the checkpoints along the way. Points are deducted by arriving at the checkpoint either early or late. Gimmick Rallies, also competitive rallies, may include a Gimmick (Poker Rally, regional interest). Part of the challenge with a Gimmick Rally is to discover the intended route, which may require other skills such as solving a puzzle.

PCA Parade

TSD Rallies use the Richta app for scoring and no expensive rally equipment is necessary ... all you need is a mobile phone. New to Rallying? Parade is a great time to give it a try!

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June 18-24, 2023 La Quinta Resort & Club Palm Springs, California www.porscheparade.org

Upcoming AZPCA Drives

AZ Region Porsche Club Invites You to A Driving Tour/Wine Tasting Event in Old Town Cottonwood

This is a Charity Fundraiser for St. Vincent de Paul

$50 per person donation on motorsportreg.com (MSR)

We will take a scenic and curvy drive over Mingus Mountain, through Jerome, and down the hill to Cottonwood

The Tavern Hotel Sip & Stay Wine Package Cottonwood

September 23,24, 2023

Prices per couple below include:

Welcome Cocktails

Wine Tasting at Three Local Tasting Rooms

$50 Gift Card for Dinner at one of the local restaurants

Continental Breakfast at Crema Craft Kitchen

Here’s how to sign up: Go on MSR and make your donation. Here is the MSR link: https://www.motorsportreg.com/events/ charity-driving-tour-wine-tasting-in-cottonwood-tavern-hotel-pca-arizona-945200

Lastly, select your room choice and book directly with the hotel by calling: 928-639-1669

King Junior Suite - $363.77

King Deluxe Room - $341.11

Queen Deluxe Room (two beds) - $341.11

Things to Do in the area:

Old Town Cottonwood shops and Wine Tasting Rooms

Dead Horse Ranch State Park

Verde Canyon Railroad

Blazin’M Ranch

Old Town Center for the Arts

Several Golf Courses

Nearby Jerome and all its attractions

Don’t hesitate, You must reserve by May 1, 2023. Only 30 rooms are being held for our group.

GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 17 |

Future AZPCA Events - Holiday Party 2023

2023 AZPCA Holiday Party

Keep your calendars clear because Christmas will soon be upon us..... Just kidding but our Elf Angela is busily preparing for the Holiday Party.

Date: Sunday, December 17, 2023

Location: Grayhawk Golf Club at the Fairway House

Registration will open October 1, 2023

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GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 19 | Porsche Experience Center in Atlanta +1 313 312 0780 broadarrowauctions.com PCA’s Classic Club Coupe Heads to Auction June 10 No. 001/001 Classic Series Sonderwunsch (special request) – Factory One-Off
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After a 3-year absence, the Porsche Club of America –Southern Arizona Region invites you to attend the return of our annual Zone 8 Cinco de Mayo Concours d’Elegance.

The event will include 4 days of Porsche fun in beautiful Tucson, AZ.

Thursday, May 4 – Golf Tournament

Thu, May 4 – PCA-SAR Cinco de Mayo Golf Tournament


Friday, May 5 – Welcome Party

Saturday, May 6 – Concours d’Elegance and Awards Banquet - including trophies and door prizes!

Sunday, May 7 – Fun Tour

Fri, May 5 – PCA-SAR Cinco de Mayo Concours Welcome Party


Special Room Rates will be available at our host hotel –Sheraton Tucson Hotel and Suites

Sat, May 6 - PCA-SAR Zone 8 Cinco de Mayo Concours at the Tucson Country Club

Registration Information is coming soon to our website –www.pcasar.org


Sun, May 7 – PCA-SAR Cinco de Mayo Tour


Note: Free Event T-Shirt if you register before April 15.

GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 21 | Save the Date - Cinco Returns!
Special Room Rates will be available at our host hotel –Sheraton Tucson Hotel and Suites

Upcoming AZPCA Events

10th Annual Porsche & Pancakes at Anthem Country Club

SUNDAY, September 10 @ 8:30 am – 11:00 am

On the heels of the nine past years’ very successful events, we will again return to the elegant Ironwood Grill at the Anthem Country Club for another signature event [with indoor [open and outdoor seating available]!

Please save the date for this special event, and plan to join us on Sunday, September 10th. Since we will likely exceed 60 Porsches and over 100 enthusiasts, secure your spot now. Forget the red zones in front of the main entrance, this is a Porsche event, and we’ll have the cars lined up around the circular drive and let them overflow into the parking lot once again. Check-In opens at 8:30 AM, with food served at 9:00 AM! There will be no onsite registration and you must pay online in advance.

To entice those of you who missed this event last year or those that drive further, we thought you’d like to see what you missed, all for an all-inclusive $38/person (all-in, Fully Inclusive including tip):

Healthy, Sweet, Savory Buffet

Fresh Sliced Fruit Display

Crème Brule French Toast_ Asparagus, Mushroom and Gruyere Strudel


Prepared to order with Peppers, Onions, Mushrooms, Spinach, Tomatoes, Ham, Bacon, Sausage, Cheddar, Salsa and Swiss and Feta Cheeses!


Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, Tea, Grapefruit & Orange Juices

Maria and I are excited by the prospect of welcoming you to experience the best of the Anthem Country Club, please join us and reserve now! — Frank Grimmelmann


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Upcoming AZPCA Drives

3 Lakes Driving Tour

Wednesday, May 24

This mid-week drive will commence in Chandler and will run through East Mesa and Apache Junction toward Canyon Lake. After a brief stop at Tortilla Flat we will re-trace the route along the lake back to Mesa then on to the scenic and winding route following Usery Pass and Bush Highway to Saguaro Lake. After a stop at lake #2 we will make our way onto the Beeline Highway toward Fountains Hills. From Fountain Lake, setting of the famous fountain, we’ll continue on to Rio Verde and North Scottsdale to our final destination, Bartlett Lake, where a great Italian buffet lunch awaits us at The Cove restaurant.

So if you’re keeping track, yeah, that’s four lakes. But there are lakes, then there are lakes! The big ones are formed by dams erected on the Salt and Verde Rivers in the ’20s and ’30s, for water storage and hydroelectric power production. Fountain Lake is an “attraction” that surrounds the iconic fountain from which the Fountain HIlls community got its name when development began in the early ’70s.

The cost for the lunch buffet is $32 per person. Those who were on the drive last time we went to The Cove will tell you it was delicious!

Register on MotorsportReg at:


Organizer: Rook Younger drivingtours@az.pca.org

GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 23 |
Starting point, our gracious hosts at Porsche Chandler

Drive to Prescott & The Palace

Wednesday, July 12

Join your PCA friends for a mid-week drive to cool Prescott, with lunch at the historic Palace Restaurant & Saloon on Whiskey Row

For this drive we will make a change from our usual Prescott route. After the fun and scenic climb up Yarnell Hill from Wickenburg, we will proceed through beautiful Peeples Valley, then turn off at Kirkland Junction and follow Iron Springs Road through Skull Valley. The winding route entering Prescott from the northwest is a road in Central Arizona you will want to return to in your Porsche!

Lunch is planned in downtown Prescott on the famous Whiskey Row, at The Palace Restaurant & Saloon. Opened in the 1870s, The Palace is the oldest frontier saloon in the state of Arizona. You will pay your own tab at the restaurant.

After lunch you may want to stroll around the Courthouse Square, or visit one of the many historic sites, museums, galleries, and shops in the Prescott area. Register early, as this drive is likely to sell out. Check

| 24 | Upcoming AZPCA Drives
AZPCA website
and to
up on MotorsportReg https://az.pca.org/event/drive -to-prescott-and-the-palace/
the event page on the
link to sign

Let’s Autocross!

Sunday, June 4th

Please Join the Arizona Mountain Region on Sunday, June 4th for the Region’s Very First Autocross Event!

Space is limited so register right away!

This is a great opportunity to experience the fun of autocrossing your Porsche. Instructors will be available for first-time drivers! Loaner helmets will also be available if you don’t have your own.

AutoX (Autocross) is a very exciting form of motorsport held at typical street speeds. It emphasizes precise car control in a fun, low-cost, friendly and safe competition. Learn and rapidly refine advanced driving skills and techniques in the non-threatening environment of a course marked by soft traffic cones in a large parking lot.

Enjoy your Porsche’s capabilities like nowhere else and drive it the way it was designed. AutoX is easy on your car and all Porsches can participate. Car control skills you gain allow you to explore the limits of your car which makes you a safer driver on the street.

The participation fee is $60. More details and registration can be found at msreg.com/azm-autox-2023

The location is the Findlay Toyota Center main parking lot at 3201 Main St, Prescott Valley, AZ. Plan to arrive no later than 8 am for safety inspection and drivers meeting. First car on track at 9 am. The event is open to all PCA members, and you may drive a non-Porsche if you prefer. Lunch will be provided. Bring a lawn chair and plenty of water. Any questions? Contact Phil Mullen at mull968@live.com or Bob Frith at bob911az@gmail.com

GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 25 | Auto-X-Extra


TheAZPCA Region distributes newsworthy information of the Region activities to the members, co-members, and the Test Drive Members through a medium titled “eNews”. The eNews is distributed in the form of an email blast and should arrive in your email inbox.

Unless a member elects to opt out of the distribution of the eNews, every aforementioned member should be receiving the email blast, if their email address is current and on-file with the Porsche Club of America (PCA) National Office. Unfortunately, some of the aforementioned members are not receiving the eNews Email Blasts and AZPCA Region would like to ensure that you receive this information of the Region activities.

If you are not receiving the eNews Email Blasts, please forward an email to the Region’s Communications Chair and Director-at-Large, Kenny Mitchell, at kenmitchell@az.pca.org, and request to be placed on the eNews distribution list.

If you are a primary member in another PCA Region and are not receiving the email blasts and would like to be informed of the AZPCA Region activities, please forward an email to the above email address and request to be added to the distribution list.

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Volunteers Needed:

Meet fellow club members and enthusiasts.

See what driving a Porsche on a local track is all about.

Volunteer some time to help out the program. No prior experience necessary.

Get involved by volunteering for one of our HPDE program roles below:

Registration – Check in drivers and their guests at the track gate entrance. Approx. 2 hr early AM commitment.

Safety Tech – Using our safety checklist, inspect vehicles and helmets to ensure compliance. Approx. 2 hr early AM commitment

Pre-Grid – While cars are staged waiting to enter the track, check driver wristbands and confirm other safety guidelines are being met prior to releasing vehicles. Approx. 2-7 hr commitment (part to full day).

Grid Marshal – Radio communication with the Chief of Course and Corner Workers to release vehicles onto the track from Pre-Grid, and direct the flow of cars on and off the track. Approx. 2-7 hr commitment (part day to full day).

Corner Worker – Observe cars on track and provide flagging communication to drivers. Radio in to Chief of Course regarding any incidents, issues, and need to flag drivers. 4-7 hr commitment (half to full day).

Photographer – Capture photos of the event from great vantage points on the track or paddock for publication in Going Places. Approx. 2 hr commitment.

Writer – Write an editorial on the event, perhaps with an interview or two from drivers for publication in Going Places. Approx. 2 hr commitment.

Setup / Breakdown – Assist with unloading/loading and set up of equipment such as tables, chairs, canopy, PA system, etc. Approx. 1 hr commitment, early AM or late afternoon.

Driving Instructor – Experienced drivers who are interested in becoming a PCA Instructor.

HPDE Track Locations:

Arizona Motorsports Park – 15402 W. Camelback Rd, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340

Bondurant School of Racing – 20000 S. Maricopa Rd, Gate #3, Chandler, AZ 85226

Inde Motorsports Ranch – 9301 W. Airport Rd, Willcox, AZ 85643

Interested in Volunteering? It’s super easy - here’s how to get involved:

 Register Online – Go to MotorsportReg.com, find the event, select “Volunteer” during the registration process and choose your desired role from above.

 Email – drivereducation@az.pca.org to register or for more information.

Your help is greatly appreciated! We need volunteers to keep these programs healthy and ongoing! We hope to see you out there!

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Monthly Awards & Accolades

Each month the Editors and Contributors of Going Places would like to recognize certain members for special contributions to this amazing Club we are all part of.

The Writers Award, this award is for an individual that submits or presents the best article.

Writer/Presenter Award – April 2023: Alpio Barbara

The winner will receive a $30 credit on their MotorsportReg account to be used for upcoming AZPCA events.

The Volunteer Award, this award goes to the member who goes above and beyond the call of duty, this person demonstrates what the Clubs values are all about, Passion, a Positive attitude and a willingness to help.

Volunteer of the Month – April 2023: Mark and Jeanne Baker

The winner will receive a $30 credit on their MotorsportReg account to be used for upcoming AZPCA events.

**Even if you don’t win this month a big heart felt THANK-YOU to all the wonderful contributors that help make this award-winning Newsletter/Magazine the success that it is, CHEERS.

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Photo courtesy of Christoph von Gellhorn
| 30 | S o c i a l M e d i a f o r A Z P C A 5 W a y s t o E ngage ! B y Ja n Mackulak , Socia l Medi a Chair , mailto:socialmedia@az.pca.org FACEBOOK at f b . c o m / a z p c a T W I T T E R a t t w i t t e r . c o m / a z p c a I N S T A G R A M a t i n s t a g r a m . c o m / a z p c a P I N T E R E S T a t p i n t e r e s t . c o m / a z p c a Y O U T U B E a t b i t l y / a z p c a © 2018 Porsche Cars Nor h Amer ca nc Po sche recommends seat be usage and obse vance o raac aws a a mes Por sche Chandler Sale s , S er vice, Par t s & Acce ssorie s Porsche Chandler a uxur y experience encompassing Sales Ser vice Par ts & Accessories n the hear t of the East Valley OOering complimentar y Porsche ser vice loaners and door-to-door Sa es & Ser vice vehicle deliver y Showcasing the nest selection of New, Cer ti ed, Pre-Owned and Classic Porsche models C Conveniently located Nor th of the Santan 202 Freeway on Gilber t Road Please visit us online at Por scheChandler.com



Lamborghini built a plethora of models with involvement by an ever-changing cadre of designers and managers. Much of the book is about ‘office intrigues’, though both the gestation process and the design considerations of each model are well covered. There is a standardized table of ‘specifications’ given for each model, (lacking however, a listing of years and quantity of production), along with a ‘portrait’ of a representative example. And just as the Lamborghini automobile is alleged to have been built to spite Enzo Ferrari, this book has commentary supporting the contention that the Bizzarini car was built to spite Ferruccio Lamborghini.

With a very readable type font, double-spaced text, extensive use of graphic banners, and many pictures, this is an ideal coffee table book, eminently suitable for catching the interest of the casual reader. There are thirteen chapters, each dealing with an era of multiple models. There are multiple stand-alone sections dealing with individual people, or unique versions produced by Lamborghini.

This book is not so much a chronological narration of the ups and downs of Automobili Lamborghini (though that is its basic structure), as it is a collection of ‘sidebars’ dealing with relevant people and the various models of Lamborghini cars. There are also many excerpts quoted from contemporary motoring publications such as Road & Track, Classic & Sports Car, The Motor, etc.). It tells a story of a company with transient ownership (parties as diverse as Chrysler Corp and a consortium of Indonesian businessmen), seemingly always focused on creative excellence as distinct from business success. Overall, this book provides an eminently detailed narration of the story of a never quite successful business, even though Lambo has been Audi owned for the bulk of its life.

To this reviewer, steeped in VW-Porsche lore, LAMBORGHINI 60 YEARS is truly eye opening. Lambo seems to have had a startlingly large cast of unfamiliar characters and a plethora of models with barely recognizable, and often unpronounceable names. Production numbers seem shockingly small, mostly in the low hundreds, but Lamborginis were never intended to be for the mass market, they were built for “discerning customers...serious enthusiast who would appreciate the car and know how to use it”.

Very readable in both presentation and content, this book presents a story to captivate anyone with even a casual interest in what LA is/was all about. It book is more about the company in its multiple iterations and the people and their efforts, than about the cars that were produced.

In addition to the oft overlooked fact that Lamborghini has been a division of the Audi subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group for some 25 years, Porschephiles should be motivated to read this book because the index lists eight citations for Porsche, and four for Ferdinand Piëch..

Overall, LAMBORGHINI 60 YEARS a very readable presentation of information, interesting to anyone who likes high performance cars. There are lots of photos, some double page, showing both car portraits, and closeups of interesting details. Hardbound with a photographic cover, 240, 9-1/2 x 12 inch heavyweight pages and 240 photos, some multi-page. There is a twopage, three column index and different photos on the frontispiece and rearpiece. Both a fascinating read and a elegant display. By the time you read this, it should be available for $60.00 from your favorite bookseller or QuartoKnows.com.

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Manhal Aboudi

Phoenix, Arizona 2011 Boxster

Amin Alishahi

Phoenix, Arizona

2022 Taycan GTS

Sam Anhouse

Tempe, Arizona 1999 Boxster

Nishel Badiani

Scottsdale, Arizona 2010 911 Carrera

Jonathan Bakke

Phoenix, Arizona

2022 718 Cayman GTS 4.0

Michael Berner

Scottsdale, Arizona 2023 Taycan GTS

Jason Bucki

Phoenix, Arizona

2022 718 Cayman GT4

Halston Burke

Scottsdale, Arizona 2008 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet

Thomas and Laurie Chilton

Scottsdale, Arizona 2008 911 Carrera

Randy Copleman

Scttsdale, Arizona

2015 911 Carrera S Cabriolet

Derald and Brandi Datcher

Goodyear, Arizona

2012 911 Carrera GTS

Stanley and Karen Farrell

Scottsdale, Arizona 2012 911 Turbo

Kevin Flynn

El Mirage, Arizona 1983 928S

Timothy Karaniuk

Laveen, Arizona 2007 911 Carrera S Cabriolet

Thomas Kearn

Scottsdale, Arizona 2016 Macan Turbo

Jeffry Korte

Scottsdale, Arizona 2016 911 Carrera

Jeff Leas

Scottsdale, Arizona 1967 912

Kate Longley

Scottsdale, Arizona 2021 Macan

Chrissy Meyers

Phoenix, Arizona 2007 911 Turbo

Gary Owen

Scottsdale, Arizona 2021 718 Cayman

Robert and Michael Press

Scottsdale, Arizona 2017 911 Carrera

Jason Roth

Scottsdale, Arizona 2023 911 Targa 4 GTS

Michael Rotier

Scottsdale, Arizona 2019 911 Turbo S

Steve Shain and Carol Hawk

Fountain Hills, Arizona 2022 911 Carrera GTS

Jeremy Smith Chandler, Arizona 2015 Cayman

Sharon Urias

Scottsdale, Arizona 2022 718 Cayman

Jon and Josh Vesely

Scottsdale, Arizona 1998 911 Carrera S

Bret Voelkel

Cave Creek, Arizona 2021 911 Turbo S

Chris Von Vegesack

Scottsdale, Arizona

2018 911 GT3

Jeremy Winkelman

Scottsdale, Arizona 2021 718 Cayman GTS 4.0

Gregory and Ana Wright

Cave Creek, Arizona 2022 Macan GTS

Brian Zetting

Scottsdale, Arizona 2013 Cayenne Diesel

Daniel Zollo

Fountain Hills, Arizona 2013 911 Carrera S


Troy and Cindy Browning Fountain Hills, Arizona

Transfer From: Sierra Nevada (SNV)

1995 911 Carrera Cabriolet

James and Sandra Devenport Scottsdale, Arizona

Transfer From: Yosemite (YOS)

1996 911 Turbo Coupe Black

Lawrence and Patty Kosinski

Scottsdale, Arizona

Transfer From: Chicago (CHO)

2010 911 Turbo Cabriolet White

Tom and Patty Schmidt

Scottsdale, Arizona

Transfer From: Chicago (CHO)

2018 911 GT3

2023 Panamera 4 E-Hybrid Executive

Current Membership: 2442

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Moe Scharhon Membership Chair


These members are observing their PCA Membership Anniversary this month!!

52 Years

Susan Quast

Richard and Judy Roe

44 Years

Mark and Kelly Shevitz

34 Years

Michael and Scott Clark

31 Years

David Mixon

30 Years

Frank and Kimberly Beck

Robert and Nancy Hukill

29 Years

William Berendes and Karen Meier

Joseph and Susan


John and Sindi Westberg

26 Years

Robert Boushell

Robert Davis

David and Kris Reid

25 Years

Steve and Christine


23 Years

Kenneth Boren

David and Justin Pye

21 Years

Mathias Arrfelt

Don Lange

20 Years

Brian and Kristy Miller

19 Years

Gary Allard

Michael and Lisa Bukata

17 Years

Edward and Joan Alschuler

Armand and Lisa Doche

Phil and Susie Mitchell

James and Sharon Schear

David and Kathryn Schneider

16 Years

Charles Evarkiou and Lois


Bennett Hirsch and Kevie


15 Years

Bob and Mary Farmer

Douglas Smith

William and Merle Snearly

14 Years

Len and Wendy Smith

14 Years

Susan Tannehill and Robert

W. Mulica

Henry Yee and Michael Noth

13 Years

Christopher and Scott Roberts

Bernard and Susan Hay

12 Years

Bryce and Mary Brown

Keith and Rimma Cattani

Jim Youldassis

11 Years

Brian and Rhonda Bakke

Robert and Heather


Philip Robles

10 Years

Mark Blocker

Kevin and Judi Gilchrist

Timothy and Lee Jordan

Don and Lori Van Horne

James and Sandra Weder

9 Years

James and Ann Goulka

8 Years

James Elasky

Gary Jones

Dennis and Susan Lusk

Joe and Pamela Pruess

Knox Ramsey

Larry and Diego Teixidor

Todd and Linda Zweig

7 Years

David and Debra Anderes

Dennis and Shelby Cutter

Bob and Leslie Fechter

Bert and Nancy Jean Howell

Robert and Nancy Schneider

Neal Simpfenderfer

Joe and Robin Sims

6 Years

Brett Barrett

Timothy Caggiano

Andy and Christine Cole

Randall and Deborah


5 Years

Jason Armistead

Charles and N. Eva


Francis Cole

Ed Eichenlaub

Lawrence and Debbie Ho

Jade and Kristi Norstrom

Curt Porter

Joe Rainey

Rick Simmons

4 Years

Frank Casanova

Reese Conner

Henry Harris

Mark Hubbard

Clinton Mugge

Merci Sejba

Nick Varela

3 Years

Stewart Adkins

Linda Gill

Douglas and Erika Hazen

Mia Kirkwood

Doug Kvassay

James McGinnis

Fred Stierle

2 Years

Kevin and Wendy Asher

Kathy Blair

Scott Blue

Dean Cantrill

Peter Celestina

Paul Dirkmaat

Dennis and Bairong Guan

Carter Hayek

Richard and Amy Landry

Thomas Markowski

Chris and Kimberly Micheau

Michael Rowland

Roxane Rudick

Jeff Sorum

Marv and Susan Spatz

Donald Stogdell

Gerd Wuestemann

1 Years

Mario Andrade

William and Susan Beech

Nicholas Boren

Elmira Cajic

Lee Cole

Jonathan Davis

Kendall Dunn

Steven and Cheryl Esposito

Gregory Even

Catherine Govindankutty

Cynthia Haag

A.J. Killian

Charles Kline

Lawrence Kosinski

Anthony Leyva

Lois Mcginnis

Chuck and Andrea O’Connor

James Bernard and Kay Robinson

Cesar and Maria Rosaortega

Lia Rowland

Michael Schofield

Adam Spencer

Martin Walcher

GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 33 |


AZPCA Region publishes several emails each month to notify the members of the upcoming social and driving events and other pertinent Region business and activity information. These emails are known as eNews email blasts and will be identified by the PCA Banner as you see above.

It has come to the Region’s attention that several hundred members are not receiving the AZPCA Region’s eNews email blasts. This may be because the PCA National Office may not have your correct email address or there may be a technical problem with your email address. Or the member at one time elected to opt out of receiving the emails and would like to begin receiving them.

AZPCA Region would like to help the members in resolving this issue of you not receiving the eNews emails. If you are not receiving any of the emails that are labeled with the above banner, and prefer to receive them, please email the Region’s Communications Chair, Kenny Mitchell at kenmitchell@az.pca.org

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Rick Althouse

Kim Kemper autocross@az.pca.org


Andy Cole concours@az.pca.org


John Dowling CDI@az.pca.org


Dan Bouet drivereducation@az.pca.org


Rook Younger drivingtours@az.pca.org


Jim Bultema drivingtours@az.pca.org


Dave Fisher dfish5666@aol.com


Rook Younger drivingtours@az.pca.org



Bill Stubbs


Betsy Andrade betsy7890@earthlink.net


Loretta Aman jlaman914@cox.net


Moe Scharhon membership@az.pca.org


Jim and Carole Bultema monthlymeetings@az.pca.org


Andy Jorgensen monthlymeetings@az.pca.org


Betsy Andrade betsy7890@earthlink.net


Gregg & Ali Bull gpeditor@az.pca.org


Angela Manente gpeditor@az.pca.org


Larry Grimes panorama@az.pca.org


Dennis Rood dmrood1@comcast.net


Frank Grimmelmann fgrimmelmann@ mindspring.com


David Derr safety@az.pca.org


Ealing Jahn


Abby Ercoline socialchair@az.pca.org

ASSISTANT SOCIAL COMMITTEE CHAIR Open Position socialchair@az.pca.org


Jan Mackulak socialmedia@az.pca.org


Andy Jorgensen sponsorship@az.pca.org

TECHNICAL CHAIR Scott Mcilvain CDI@az.pca.org


Chuck Carpenter webmaster@az.pca.org


Rob Moser webmaster@az.pca.org

GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 35 |


Lori DeCristo California Inland Region zonerep@zone8.org


Linda Cobarrubias treasurer@zone8.org

TIME TRIAL & DE Russell Shon de.tt@zone8.org


Scott Mann cdi@zone8.org


Skip Carter


Tom Brown webmaster@zone8.org


Tom Brown rules@zone8.org


Monica Asbury secretary@zone8.org


Dick Douglass

SOCIAL MEDIA & Communications Chair

Vinita Khilnani Arizona az.pca.org

AZ Mountain azm.pca.org

Cal. Central ccc.pca.org


Cal. Inland cai.pca.org

Golden Empire gem.pca.org

Grand Prix GrandPrixRegion.com

Las Vegas lvrpca.com

Los Angeles pcalosangeles.org

Orange Coast pcaocr.com

Riverside riversidepca.org

San Diego pcasdr.org

San Gabriel Valley sgb.pca.org

Santa Barbara pcasb.org

So. Arizona pcasar.org

Vineyard pcavineyardregion.com


Thesponsorship programs were designed to allow our current and new advertisers and sponsors a simple way to choose a program that will include; digital on-line published newsletter and internet exposure opportunities all for one simple investment.

The sponsorship program has five tiers:

Bronze - $250 includes one small website banner on the Membership and Going Places digital magazine page of our website, and one eighth-page (3.5”x 2”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.

Silver - $600 Includes one medium-sized website banner on the Membership and Going Places digital magazine page of our website, and one quarter-page (3.5” x 4.75”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.

Gold - $1200 Includes one medium-sized website ad on the main page of our website rotating with other sponsors, and one halfpage (8” x 5”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.

Titanium - $2500 Includes one large vertical ad on the front page of our website rotating with other sponsors and one full-page (8” x 10”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.

Platinum - $10,000. Includes one large vertical ad on the front page of our website, an embedded video, one full-color or grayscale, full-page (8” x 10”) ad inside the front cover in the Going Places publication.

It is the responsibility for each sponsor to develop and design their unique promotional ads. Sponsors must submit their own artwork electronically for ads in gif, pdf, jpeg or swf (for website ads) formats. New sponsorships will run yearly, and investment will be pro-rated for any new sponsor who commits mid-year. The acceptance and display of advertising in this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser or product by the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region. AZPCA reserves the right to refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Sponsorships must be prepaid. Staff reserves the right to change rates upon notice at any time.

Contacts: Sponsorship Requests and Tier Details

Sponsorships and Advertising Manager, Andy Jorgensen

E-mail: sponsorship@az.pca.org

Gregg & Ali Bull Going Places Editors

E-mail: gpeditor@az.pca.org

GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 37 |
Shop Your AZPCA Online Goodie Store The ONLY officially authorized site for AZPCA logo’d items! Order AZPCA apparel, gift items and name badges . Just type the az.pca.org/store website in your browser. (Receipts will come from Betsy Andrade LLC) For more information or for special requests, please contact Betsy Andrade, your AZPCA Merchandise Chair – betsy7890@earthlink.net

Upcoming National Events

Join the Porsche Club of America Southern Arizona Region in a New Year’s cruise on the new Viking Mississippi riverboat.

Viking New Orleans and Southern Charms

The Lower Mississippi overflows with charm, history and hospitality. Explore historic estates, and visit notable Civil War sites. Sample the bustling French flavored port cities of New Orleans and Baton Rouge. Sway to the tempos of Dixieland jazz, gospel and blues. Savor gourmet Cajun and Creole cuisine, as well as traditional Southern fare. Join us, and see why local Cajuns say, “Laissez les bons temps rouler” (Let the good times roll). More info is available at: New Orleans & Southern Charms 2023 (vikingrivercruises.com)

Embark New Orleans 30 December 2023

Disembark New Orleans 6 January 2024 Optional Post Extension Tour in New Orleans 6 – 8 January 2024

Prices range from about $4,800 to $12,000 per person depending on cabin. Airfare included from Tucson and airport transfers. Other airports are available. The Viking Cruise will fill up fast so if you are interested act now. Limited time $25 Deposit. When you contact Ed he will provide the Viking Representative contact information and new Viking guests should receive a $100pp credit when they book.

Contact Ed Koharik Email: boardmember4@pcasar.org


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Welcome to full-bloom spring.

See the U.S.A.

And, of course, welcome to planning season for summer vacations. And, for many of us, welcome to summer vacations that can mean only one thing … road trip!

Now that we have that settled, the question is, how? Where? Do you tow a rolling motel room behind your torque-laden vehicle? Or, do you load what you really need in the boot and behind the seats, and go searching for curvy roads?

I know where I fall out. I prefer the ability to seek out sports car roads, to wind out the motor and … well … go, go, go. Why? Well … think about it … when was the last time you were passed by an SUV pulling a trailer? Or passed by an RV? Never mind going uphill. Never mind going around corners. How about ever?

Truth be told, a few years ago I actually gave the concept of a trailer/camper/caravan type of thing that you tow a lot of thought. Wanderlust had really creeped up on me. I started researching brands and, as you might expect, landed on Airstream. They had just come out with a new version of the iconic silver sleeping tube, called the Basecamp. And it intrigued me – lightweight, using advanced materials for best-in-class space utilization and efficiency. And, best of all, you could tow it with a medium-size SUV, or so they said.

I even started subscribing to Airstream’s on-line newsletter, called “The Rivet,” I’m not kidding. I read about happy couples, roaming far and wide, setting up for the night beside lakes and rivers, oceans and streams. Virtually wherever their hearts desired, and a campground complied. And these couples were loaded with fun toys for their days in place – off-road bicycles, kayaks, hiking boots and so forth.

It sounded like a wonderful way to … do I permanently put myself in age jail for the following expression? I guess so. Those of us of a certain age have it ingrained in our psyche. You know who you are, and I know you can sing it, too. “See the U.S.A. in Your Chevrolet.” It was etched in my brain during commercial breaks while watching Bonanza. Turns out, it actually dates back to 1950 which, I’m proud to say, is actually before my time. But I digress.

The spirit did move me. Until I woke up one day, gave myself one of those “wow, I could have had a V8” smacks in the head, and realized I do not own a medium-size SUV. And I have no plans to purchase one. And I hate the idea of being one of those right-lane crawlers, inching up on the side of the road, tucked in with the semis, trying to overcome long up-hill inclines. No, the lack of spirit, and zest, and cornering, and braking … the lack of emotion

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behind the wheel … would drive me crazy. Sorry for the pun.

And then, and then, last month, I received an e-mail. The headline read “Meet the Airstream Studio F.A. Porsche Concept Travel Trailer.”

Here’s the lead paragraph, verbatim. “Airstream recently got together with a legendary design firm to play a game of What if? The result of that collaboration is the Airstream Studio F.A. Porsche Concept Travel Trailer, an ultralight, garageable travel trailer concept that addresses the changing world of RV adventure.”

Now, I’ve been following the antics of Porsche Design for years. They’ve penned yachts. Speedboats. High-rise buildings where your Porsche can rise up in the car elevator to your apartment. But never anything like this.

To quote Roland Heiler, Managing Director of Studio F.A. Porsche and Chief Design Officer of the Porsche Lifestyle Group, “For me, Airstream has always been an iconic brand that has thrived by evolving its products while remaining true to its design DNA – an approach very similar to the philosophy of Studio F.A. Porsche.”

I’m trying to resolve this. Let’s not forget the overlay that Porsche always refers to itself as a “sports car maker.” Always. Which I’ve always interpreted as a tip of its hat to its legacy, and the enthusiasm of us, their core audience, the buyers and keepers of their sports cars. And they’ve been able to extend that core passion to large SUVs, medium size SUVs, and all sorts of product extensions that, in some way, claim to carry over the Porsche DNA.

I can’t fault them for maximizing their image through line extensions. But this? What’s next? A Kenworth is an iconic semi-tractor. A Vespa is an iconic scooter. A Goodyear Blimp is an iconic dirigible. And it actually looks a lot like an Airstream.

I don’t know, I don’t know. For us enthusiasts, I guess it comes back to the same aphorism. If these, uh, design and product excursions enable Porsche to keep making sports cars, fine, that’s a good thing. Just don’t count me in.

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AZPCA AUTOCROSS Season Events #7/8

Am Ersten Mai - May Day



The AZPCA Region 2022-2023 Autocross Season Event #7 was held on Saturday, March 18, 2023, at the Arizona Motorsports Park (AMP), in Litchfield Park. Unlike the previous event there was no “Fork-in-the-Road” element. The course design for this event was another fantastic course design that wasn’t your basic course of a few slalom and gate elements.

This event had two circular type elements that resembled “Traffic Roundabouts” or “Traffic Circles. One Roundabout was a miniroundabout (Great Britain) style, and the other roundabout was a Turbo roundabout (American) Style, although, both roundabouts were without any diagonal arterials. Leading up to the roundabouts were the usual slaloms and gates elements. The drivers drove three individually timed laps consecutively in each session.

The weather was very pleasant for the event and forty-two drivers had a great day autocrossing and socializing with other AZPCA Region members. Robert T. provided donuts and coffee for the members to start off the day with some nourishments. The drivers were also treated to a BBQ lunch but, this time BBQ Chicken Sandwiches were served for a change instead of the “pulled pork” sandwiches.

There were two AZPCA Region members that attended their first autocross event. It appeared they were having a great time with their Porsche cars. Alex D. has been a member since 2021 and was driving his 2008 Porsche Carrera. Alex’s best laptime was 62.345 seconds which he drove on his second lap in the afternoon session. Alex was having a lot of fun and he was overheard saying, “I think I can improve some more”.

Damon H. was the other first-time autocross driver, and he recently joined the Club last December. Damon was driving his 2017 Porsche Carrera and his best laptime was 61.034 seconds which he achieved on his 3rd and last lap in the morning session. Damon was not holding back for his first event. Damon introduced himself to one of the “little round orange objects” on his second lap in the afternoon session and subsequently he was added to a very long and distinguished list of “Guy Cone Killers”.

There were rumors about a secret bet going on between a couple of the drivers and this event was a rematch from a previous event. This writer is not sure if this was factual or just pure race bunk. It is believed that the standing results of the rematch were not any different than the previous event and with the same time differential between the two drivers.

There were sixteen Porsche Drivers in Group “P” that consisted of 911 Types and Caymans with eight each. The top three Type 911 drivers were Jonathan B., Ealing J., and Cameron S. Cameron S. was driving his grandfather’s (AZPCA Region member Joel S; and is the son of AZPCA Region member, Dave S) 2020 Porsche Carrera. Cameron has been turning up the wick lately and is getting faster and faster at every event.

Leading the way was Jonathan driving his 2017 Porsche Carrera “S” and his best laptime was 50.979 seconds which he drove on his second lap in the morning session and his time earned him with being the “Top Time of Day” driver for the event. Following Jonathan was Ealing, driving his 2012 Porsche “S” and his best laptime was 52.060 that he drove on his second lap in the afternoon session.

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Right behind Ealing was Cameron. Cameron drove a 52.429 second lap on his last lap in the afternoon session. We expect Cameron to be on top very soon.

Both Jonathan and Ealing elected to drive their Porsche cars for this event, and it is unknown if they will continue to drive in Group “P” for future events or return to Group “X”.

For the Cayman contingent, Martin R. led the way again in his family 2007 Porsche Cayman “S” with a 52.208 second run he achieved on his first lap in the afternoon session. Martin’s best time was also the third best time of all the Group “P” cars with 14 hundredths of a second behind Ealing.

The second-best Cayman competitor was Kenny M., driving his 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS, with a 53.221 second run he achieved on his second lap in the morning session. Right behind Kenny’s time was Eric T., in his 2014 Cayman S, with his best laptime of 54.425 seconds from his third lap run in the morning session.

Please note there were only two different types of Porsche models mentioned in the Group “P” count. Yes, Rick A., the AZPCA Autocross Co-Chair was at the event administering his usual event duties and his 968 was also on-site for the event. However, Rick had an opportunity to co-drive with Dave M., in Dave’s 2014 Porsche Cayman “S”.

Rick’s best laptime was 57.172 seconds which he drove on his second lap in the afternoon session. Rick’s times were getting better as he was getting familiar with the difference of driving a Cayman as opposed to his 968.

The top driver for Group “X” was Cameron’s dad, Dave S. Dave led the way with his best run of 53.537 seconds which he drove on his third lap run in the morning session. AZPCA region member, Robert T., drove his other German made car to his best laptime of 56.973 seconds which he drove on his last lap in the afternoon session.

There were eleven drivers that were murderous on the little “orange” plastic pointy traffic delineators for this event. Twenty-two cones met their demise by the eleven drivers. Although, this was a high count but, not the ultimate highest. So far, the January event with twenty-nine “Kills”, has the highest count of cone kills for a single event.

For this event, the “Top Guy Cone Killer” goes to Dave Y., driving his 2022 Porsche Cayman GTS. Dave mashed two cones on each of his three-afternoon lap runs and he picked up a cone on his last lap from the morning session for a total of seven kills. This achievement earned Dave the most cone kill honors for a driver in a single event.

Dave accumulated his “kills” on four separate runs. However, Garry J. still holds the top honor, with five kills, for the most “kills” on a single lap run.

There were two runner ups for the “Top Guy Cone Killer”. Kenny M. picked up a cone on three separate laps for a total of three along with Ealing J. Ealing J. earned a cone kill on each of his morning session runs for a total of three.

In previous Going Places Autocross Event articles, it was mentioned that there will be recognition for the drivers who were not successful in keeping the pointy end pointed in the appropriate direction relative to the course direction of travel. Also, it was mentioned that the title of this recognition would be given later in the season and just before the summer break.

That time has come and with only one event left to report for the said season and there are three candidates that have achieved this prestigious and honorable recognition. This recognition is titled the “Snidely Whiplash Back Assward” Award. To receive this recognition, you would have to perform a graceful and stylish spinout while driving on course. A spin is also known as “a Snidely”.

It is unknown if the three Snidely candidates, with one Snidely each, remember who they are. We will reveal these candidates either in the next Going Places issue or the following issue when we wrap up the 2022-2023 Season.

This event almost had a new Snidely candidate added to the list but, the driver failed in spinning completely out. However, when this driver entered the slalom just before the start/finish, she wig-wagged the rearend around a couple of slalom elements, like the 911 drivers use to do in their vintage 911s of yesteryear, but, by the time she arrived at the third slalom element she was able to collect it up and finished without earning a Snidely, although, it was close and very stylish. That would be called a “Partial Snidely” because she had the front of the car pointed almost in a 90-degree angle relative to the centerline of travel for the course.

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As of this writing, the 2022-2023 AZPCA Region Autocross Season has come to an end and will commence in the fall. The next event is scheduled for Saturday, October 7, 2023. The event will be posted on the Motorsport Registration (MSR) system prior to the end of the summer.

When the event is posted on the MSR, I would not hesitate/procrastinate in registering for this event immediately. There is no doubt after several months of no autocross events the members will be anxious to register, and the maximum event capacity will probably be reached within a couple of days. Don’t be the one that ends up on the waitlist.

While you are waiting for the 2023-2024 AZPCA Region autocross events to be posted on the MSR, don’t forget about the other fun-packed Region activities during the summer break. These activities are a great way to meet other Region members having with their Porsche cars.

You can preview the Region’s activity calendar on the website at az.pca.prg and in each issue of the National Award-Winning Going Places Newsletter.

The 2022-2023 AZ PCA Region Autocross Event number 8 was held on Saturday, April 8th. The results and the event details have been published in this edition of the Going Places newsletter.

Don’t forget “am ersten Mai” on May 1st. Am ersten Mai is the German “May Day” and a National Holiday whereas they raise the “May Pole” and celebrate like Germans do. Also, the Germans celebrate International Workers (Labor) day on “May Day”. In addition to this custom and National Holiday observance, the Germans also reflect on the end of winter and the arrival of warmer weather.

Of course, there has to be food and beverage as part of this observance, so they have picnics, if the weather is good, and relax with the family. The writer is not sure if the German men give their favorite sweetie any German sweets for this holiday or not. I’m sure some do.

Hope everyone has a great AZPCA Region Summer!

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It’s the PEOPLE that make the CARS

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Say Hello to Alex and his wife Ryan This is Damon getting ready to set a blistering laptime Ella M enjoying Speed n’ Sun



GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 45 | AZPCA A-X #8, March 18, 2023 HEAT 1 HEAT 2 DRIVER CAR RUN 1 RUN 2 RUN 3 RUN 4 RUN 5 RUN 6 TJ T 1993 Chevrolet S10 56.911+1 55.431 54.231 54.392 53.81 DNF Ian C 2022 Tesla Model 3 69.235 67.219 67.822 65.522 64.486 64.208 Dane T 1999 Mazda Miata 61.207 59.972 58.905 57.849 56.349+1 DNF Chuck N 1997 Panoz Roadster 59.445+1 59.404 59.528 57.286 58.102 58.307 Myers H 2023 Toyota GR 86 61.092 62.675+2 60.998 60.752 61.497 60.328+1 Ealing J 2012 Porsche 911S 54.905+1 52.245+1 51.915+1 53.024 52.06 52.085 Damon H 2017 Porsche 911 Carrera DNF 62.874 61.034 61.089 63.926+1 62.202 Scott W 2000 Mazda Miata DNF 62.058 61.063 57.638 57.894+1 56.284 Dave M 2014 Porsche Cayman S 60.832 59.295 59.823 59.129+1 58.993 58.373 Martin R 2007 Porsche Cayman S 52.782 52.544 52.503 52.208 52.718 52.244+2 Travis M 2006 Chevrolet Corvette 54.921 53.902 DNF 56.472 54.894 53.883+1 Andrew T 2013 Subaru BRZ 62.199 59.875 60.814 58.726+2 59.343 59.484 James H 2018 Ford Mustang GT 350 DNF DNF DNF 85.19 53.803+1 53.918 David E 1990 Chevrolet Corvette 60.042 59.552 59.565 59.942 74.599+1 61.521 Steve E 2016 Chevrolet Corvette 53.455 53.321 52.799 53.309+4 53.465+1 71.932+1 Alex D 2008 Porsche 911 Carrera 64.819 64.181 62.707 62.577 62.345 63.829 Kevin R 1991 Mazda Miata 55.249 55.212+1 55.311 54.845 53.995+1 54.212 Jennifer R 2007 Porsche Cayman S 58.75 55.203 55.194 55.135 54.335+1 54.946 Marc C 2014 Porsche Cayman S DNF 59.57 59.429 58.611 57.574 57.931+1 Eric T 2014 Porsche Cayman S 55.513 55.603 54.425 54.712 55.462+1 55.706 Ramsey F 2007 Honda S2000 62.308 DNF DNF 60.59 60.537 59.664 Rick A 2014 Porsche Cayman S DNF 59.872 57.289 58.318 57.172 57.26 Marshall M 2007 Pontiac Solstice 61.316 62.036 61.07 58.698+1 59.892 59.516+1 Clint G 2017 BMW M2 DNF DNF 64.028 59.877 60.165 60.602 Bruce B 2012 BMW 328i 58.183+1 58.886 58.342+1 58.861 58.348+1 59.461 Kenny M 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS DNF 53.221 53.145+1 53.592+1 53.013+1 53.278 Joel S 2002 Ford Mustang GT DNF 55.779 56.095 55.29 56.196 56.019 Gary J 2008 Porsche 911 C4S 110.902+1 63.8 62.256 61.812 60.241 59.272 Jason S 2003 Chevrolet Corvette (R) 58.207 56.786 56.572 59.442 56.321 56.791 Mike T 2017 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport 58.417+1 58.989 57.438+1 57.494+1 57.459 57.358 Eric S 2006 Porsche 997 Outlaw 54.118 53.08 53.703 53.65 53.701+1 54.648 Dave S 2002 Ford Mustang GT 53.612+2 DNF 53.537 53.151+2 53.087+2 DNF Marc T 2002 BMW M3 58.769+1 57.02 57.842+1 56.537 56.069 56.319+2 Jonathan B 2017 Porsche 911 S 51.364 50.979 51.568 51.04 51.083 51.029 Cameron S 2020 Porsche 911 Carrera 53.157 52.773 52.807 52.442 53.165 52.429 Louis T 2004 BMW 330i 60.807 58.929 58.816 59.65 58.761 58.358 Rob M 2022 Tesla Model 3 55.564 55.353 56.353+1 56.011 55.676 55.8 Beza B 2013 Audi A7 80.953+1 73.473 71.877 75.753 72.268 72.708 Andy J 2014 Audi R8 58.475 57.813 58.292 58.017+3 58.13 57.759+1 Dave Y 2022 Porsche Cayman GTS 55.628 DNF 54.565+1 55.487+2 54.881+2 56.245+2 Robert T 2004 BMW 330i 58.037 57.930+1 57.651+1 57.567 57.792 56.973 Kim K 2016 Porsche GT3 RS 54.418 52.867 52.512 54.788 54.208 53.61

AZPCA A-X #8, March 18, 2023



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CAR GROUP PORSCHE Jonathan B 2017 Porsche 911 S 50.979 Ealing J 2012 Porsche 911S 52.06 Martin R 2007 Porsche Cayman S 52.208 Cameron S 2020 Porsche 911 Carrera 52.429 Kim K 2016 Porsche GT3 RS 52.512 Eric S 2006 Porsche 997 Outlaw 53.08 Kenny M 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS 53.221 Eric T 2014 Porsche Cayman S 54.425 Jennifer R 2007 Porsche Cayman S 54.946 Dave Y 2022 Porsche Cayman GTS 55.628 Rick A 2014 Porsche Cayman S 57.172 Marc C 2014 Porsche Cayman S 57.574 Dave M 2014 Porsche Cayman S 58.373 Gary J 2008 Porsche 911 C4S 59.272 Damon H 2017 Porsche 911 Carrera 61.034 Alex D 2008 Porsche 911 Carrera 62.345 DRIVER CAR GROUP X Steve E 2016 Chevrolet Corvette 52.799 Dave S 2002 Ford Mustang GT 53.537 TJ T 1993 Chevrolet S10 53.81 Travis M 2006 Chevrolet Corvette 53.902 James H 2018 Ford Mustang GT 350 53.918 Kevin R 1991 Mazda Miata 54.212 Joel S 2002 Ford Mustang GT 55.29 Rob M 2022 Tesla Model 3 55.353 Marc T 2002 BMW M3 56.069 Scott W 2000 Mazda Miata 56.284 Jason S 2003 Chevrolet Corvette (R) 56.321 Robert T 2004 BMW 330i 56.973 Chuck N 1997 Panoz Roadster 57.286 Mike T 2017 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport 57.358 Andy J 2014 Audi R8 57.813 Dane T 1999 Mazda Miata 57.849 Louis T 2004 BMW 330i 58.358 Bruce B 2012 BMW 328i 58.861 Andrew T 2013 Subaru BRZ 59.343 David E 1990 Chevrolet Corvette 59.552 Ramsey F 2007 Honda S2000 59.664 Clint G 2017 BMW M2 59.877 Marshall M 2007 Pontiac Solstice 59.892 Myers H 2023 Toyota GR 86 60.752 Ian C 2022 Tesla Model 3 64.208 Beza B 2013 Audi A7 71.877



For a full range of amazing Hi-Res Images please click on the link on the next page

GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 47 | AZPCA A-X, April 8, 2023 HEAT 1 HEAT 2 DRIVER CAR RUN 1 RUN 2 RUN 3 RUN 4 RUN 5 RUN 6 RUN 7 Pete P 2020 Porsche Macan GTS 53.069 53.315 52.123 51.681 50.318 DNF 51.435 Frank T 2016 VW GTI 55.639+1 54.188 55.026 53.241 51.466 51.937 51.712 Bruce B 2012 BMW 328i 48.768+1 DNF 50.756 49.778 DNS DNS DNS Kenny M 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS 45.215 45.467 44.447 44.342 44.719 43.709+1 44.705+1 Jay A 2002 Mazda Miata 56.004 54.798 54.58 53.614 53.781 54.130+1 54.011 Gary J 2008 Porsche 911 C4S 51.316 49.902 49.831 50.092 69.043+1 49.963 49.683 Dennis R 2014 Porsche Boxster 60.253 59.634 DNF 59.288 58.419 56.342 57.313 Jason S 2003 Chevrolet Corvette (R) 48.373 47.901 47.657 48.041 46.817 47.893 47.424 Mike T 2017 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport 49.001 48.733 48.265 49.535 48.841 49.442 49.133 Eric S 2006 Porsche 997 Outlaw 45.947 44.797 45.338 44.348 45.386+3 44.273 DNF Greg K 1969 Chevrolet Corvette 48.436 48.815 48.547 47.895 50.465+2 48.905 49.058 Brad K 2004 Porsche Boxster S 51.806 52.72 52.445 52.434 53.2 53.918 54.46 Corey S 2001 Mazda Miata 46.635+1 46.612+1 46.45 DNF DNF 47.680+1 46.885 David G 2016 BMW M4 60.123 54.48 DNF DNF 52.97 51.798 DNF Brad L 2016 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 43.520+1 43.645 44.971+1 44.112 43.337 42.917 43.529 Rob M 2007 Pontiac Solstice 47.297 47.279 47.621+1 47.41 52.519 53.483 DNF Jared R 2020 Audi A3 55.004 DNF DNF DNF 53.948 DNF DNF Andy J 2014 Audi R8 49.086 48.192+1 48.154 48.097 48.641 47.911+2 48.349+2 Jim E 2019 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 46.569 45.511 45.319 45.377 47.330+1 46.012 46.314 Clint G 2017 BMW M2 49.253+1 49.477 50.122 49.066 48.023 46.861 47.314 Rick A 1994 Porsche 968 51.744 51.545 52.535 51.766 50.974 51.569 51.873 Dennis R 2016 Chevrolet Corvette 45.594 DNF 46.618 46.594 45.347 44.425+2 44.688+1 Jonathan B 2017 Porsche 911 S 42.868 42.395 43.197 43.425 42.593 42.501 42.717 Chance N 2002 Subaru WRX 54.082 55.535 54.633 55.075 52.76 53.343 53.684 Myers H 2023 Toyota GR 86 51.062 50.4 65.274+1 50.658 51.310+3 50.107 49.906+1 Ealing J 2019 Porsche Cayman S 45.551 44.787 44.623 45.023 44.814 44.804+1 44.566 Damon H 2017 Porsche 911 Carrera 52.327 52.001 51.653 51.839 49.301 50.357+1 50.936 Ella M 1990 Porsche 944 S2 Cabriolet 65.094 63.788 DNF 58.951+1 64.232+2 65.657 61.979 Dave M 2014 Porsche Cayman S 49.926 48.776 49.605 49.422 48.396 DNF 50.071 Martin R 2007 Porsche Cayman S 45.108 43.669 44.195 45.309 43.947 43.478+1 44.092 Lynn A 2016 Scion FRS 56.589 54.849 54.434+1 53.014 53.402 51.68 DNF Andrew T 2013 Subaru BRZ 48.612 48.465 49.353 49.081 50.306+1 51.445+1 48.627 James H 2018 Ford Mustang GT 350 46.156+1 DNF 45.815 46.302 DNF 45.773 46.138 David E 1990 Chevrolet Corvette 49.918 50.115 49.919 49.811+1 50.056 49.364+2 49.358+3 Steve E 2016 Chevrolet Corvette 43.539 44.445+1 44.085 44.265 43.977 44.385 44.944 Steve A 2016 Scion FRS 56.699 46.974 46.008+2 52.031+1 DNF 46.427 47.463+1 Dane T 1999 Mazda Miata 49.886 47.868 48.391 48.118 47.508 47.549 47.146 Jennifer R 2007 Porsche Cayman S 46.412+1 DNF 45.122 45.883 45.083 45.562 46.784+1 Kimberly N 2002 Subaru WRX 57.325 56.982 57.023 56.361 55.717+2 DNF DNF Eric T 2014 Porsche Cayman S 45.718 45.374+1 44.958 45.621 44.831 44.617+1 45.9 James E 2009 Porsche Cayman S 48.743 47.806 47.243 46.103 46.136+1 45.923 45.711 Kim K 2022 Porsche Cayman GT4 46.484 45.304 45.446 45.333 45.515 45.302 46.615

AZPCA A-X, April 8, 2023




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CAR GROUP PORSCHE Jonathan B 2017 Porsche 911 S 42.395 Martin R 2007 Porsche Cayman S 43.669 Eric S 2006 Porsche 997 Outlaw 44.273 Kenny M 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS 44.342 Ealing J 2019 Porsche Cayman S 44.566 Eric T 2014 Porsche Cayman S 44.831 Jennifer R 2007 Porsche Cayman S 45.083 Kim K 2022 Porsche Cayman GT4 45.302 James E 2009 Porsche Cayman S 45.711 Dave M 2014 Porsche Cayman S 48.396 Damon H 2017 Porsche 911 Carrera 49.301 Gary J 2008 Porsche 911 C4S 49.683 Pete P 2020 Porsche Macan GTS 50.318 Rick A 1994 Porsche 968 50.974 Brad K 2004 Porsche Boxster S 51.806 Dennis R 2014 Porsche Boxster 56.342 Ella M 1990 Porsche 944 S2 Cabriolet 61.979 DRIVER CAR GROUP X Brad L 2016 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 42.917 Steve E 2016 Chevrolet Corvette 43.539 Jim E 2019 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 45.319 Dennis R 2016 Chevrolet Corvette 45.347 James H 2018 Ford Mustang GT 350 45.773 Steve A 2016 Scion FRS 46.427 Corey S 2001 Mazda Miata 46.45 Jason S 2003 Chevrolet Corvette (R) 46.817 Clint G 2017 BMW M2 46.861 Dane T 1999 Mazda Miata 47.146 Rob M 2007 Pontiac Solstice 47.279 Greg K 1969 Chevrolet Corvette 47.895 Andy J 2014 Audi R8 48.097 Mike T 2017 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport 48.265 Andrew T 2013 Subaru BRZ 48.465 Bruce B 2012 BMW 328i 49.778 David E 1990 Chevrolet Corvette 49.918 Myers H 2023 Toyota GR 86 50.107 Frank T 2016 VW GTI 51.466 Lynn A 2016 Scion FRS 51.68 David G 2016 BMW M4 51.798 Chance N 2002 Subaru WRX 52.76 Jay A 2002 Mazda Miata 53.614 Jared R 2020 Audi A3 53.948 Kimberly N 2002 Subaru WRX 56.361


Return to INDE

OnMarch 25 and 26, 2023, the Arizona Region held its second time trials sessions at Inde Motorsports Ranch near Willcox, Arizona.

This event was well subscribed to with 15 entries in the time trial sessions that ran on both Saturday and Sunday. As is typical of two-day events, some folks tend to leave a bit early on Sunday afternoon, so our fourth session was more lightly attended. But I think I can say with confidence that everyone who joined the time trial sessions found them to be fun and worthwhile. Having now run three of these events, our process for doing them is becoming pretty well defined, which should breed some familiarity and comfort among the participants.

The weather was quite compliant over the weekend though it tends to be windier in the afternoons at Inde, given its wide open location in the hills around Willcox. The wind might have had a small impact on navigating the circuit, but it was mitigated by running the track clockwise on Saturday and counterclockwise on Sunday. This also meant that newcomers had to essentially learn two tracks over the weekend. To keep things interesting, the corners are not only reversed, but some are added and some are deleted from the other-direction running.

As with other two-day events, the drivers were able to take advantage of their better time between two sessions each day resulting in two chances (Saturday and Sunday) to be crowned king (or queen) of the mountain in their respective classes. For the purpose of classifying cars, we divide the Porsches between Cayman/GT4 and 911/GT3 groups. Of course, not all Porsches are strictly in those categories, such as 944’s, 914’s and 928’s, but if we divide the entire group too finely, we could have single-car classes which kind of defeats the purpose of having bragging rights. (Although when I was racing a sports racer as a mid-pack racer, being the only driver in my class was a great way to get a trophy for winning the class so there are some benefits to single-car classes) All non-Porsches were classed together in one class.

Irrespective of class designation, all participants could easily see how they stacked up against each other. Also, part of the fun of keeping track of lap times is to try to set a personal best time. This happened twice during the weekend to the driver of a Toyota GR Supra and he was a very happy participant as a result. It also happened to the driver of a Mercedes AMG GT S. We want to congratulate the winners of the events, whose identities and times are shown in the tables below.

We again want to thank the many people from the Club who volunteered their time and the folks at Inde Motorsports Ranch for their excellent work and cooperation in staging this successful weekend.

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For a full range of amazing Hi-Res Images please click on the link below

| 50 | PosName#Year/Make/ModelClassBest TimeLeaderPosName#Year/Make/ModelClassBest TimeLeader 1 J. Betancourt 692016 Mercedes AMG GT SNon-Porsche 1:38.154 1 J. Betancourt 692016 Mercedes AMG GT SNon-Porsche 1:49.613 2 D. Bouet 972015 Porsche Cayman SCayman/GT4 1:40.611 0:02.457 2 D. Bouet 972015 Porsche Cayman SCayman/GT4 1:51.701 0:02.088 3 E. Oviatt 2301999 Porsche Carrera911/GT3 1:42.248 0:04.094 3 T. Day 952021 Toyota GR SupraNon-Porsche 1:52.541 0:02.928 4 P. Hale 102014 Porsche 981Cayman/GT4 1:42.521 0:04.367 4 J. Hall II 6612022 Porsche Cayman GT4Cayman/GT4 1:53.552 0:03.939 5 C. Lesadd 461988 Porsche 928Cayman/GT4 1:43.593 0:05.439 5 C. Lesadd 461988 Porsche 928Cayman/GT4 1:54.849 0:05.236 6 T. Day 952021 Toyota GR SupraNon-Porsche 1:43.991 0:05.837 6 J. Perry 2242022 BMW Z4 m40iNon-Porsche 1:56.216 0:06.603 7 J. Dowling 112012 Porsche 911 S911/GT3 1:44.693 0:06.539 7 D. Volder 9701987 Porsche 911911/GT3 1:59.138 0:09.525 8 J. Hall II 6612022 Porsche Cayman GT4Cayman/GT4 1:45.271 0:07.117 8 J. Dowling 112012 Porsche 911 S911/GT3 1:59.794 0:10.181 9 D.Volder 9701987 Porsche 911911/GT3 1:45.836 0:07.682 9 C. Finlay 902013 BMW M3 CoupeNon-Porsche 2:01.644 0:12.031 10 M. Hollander 2692019 Mazda MiataNon-Porsche 1:47.791 0:09.637 10 B. Bounds 1672016 Porsche 911 Turbo S911/GT3 2:03.290 0:13.677 11 J. Cooper 4811995 Honda Civic Non-Porsche 1:47.925 0:09.771 11 D. Clinkinbeard 2552005 Lotus Elise Non-Porsche 2:09.240 0:19.627 12 C. Finlay 902013 BMW M3 CoupeNon-Porsche 1:50.436 0:12.282 12 G. Perez-Vargas 1202011 Porsche 911 GTS911/GT3 2:33.721 0:44.108 13 D.Clinkinbeard 2552005 Lotus Elise Non-Porsche 1:52.293 0:14.139 14 B. Bounds 1672016 Porsche 911 Turbo S911/GT3 1:55.295 0:17.141 15 G. Perez-Vargas 1202011 Porsche 911 GTS911/GT3 1:56.978 0:18.824 PosName#Year/Make/ModelClassBest TimeLeader 1 D. Bouet 972015 Porsche Cayman SCayman/GT4 1:51.701 2 J. Hall II 6612022 Porsche Cayman GT4Cayman/GT4 1:53.552 0:01.851 PosName#Year/Make/ModelClassBest TimeLeader 3 C. Lesadd 461988 Porsche 928Cayman/GT4 1:54.849 0:03.148 1 D. Bouet 972015 Porsche Cayman SCayman/GT4 1:40.611 4 D. Volder 9701987 Porsche 911911/GT3 1:59.138 0:07.437 2 E. Oviatt 2301999 Porsche Carrera911/GT3 1:42.248 0:01.637 5 J. Dowling 112012 Porsche 911 S911/GT3 1:59.794 0:08.093 3 P. Hale 102014 Porsche 981Cayman/GT4 1:42.521 0:01.910 6 B. Bounds 1672016 Porsche 911 Turbo S911/GT3 2:03.290 0:11.589 4 C. Lesadd 461988 Porsche 928Cayman/GT4 1:43.593 0:02.982 7 G. Perez-Vargas 1202011 Porsche 911 GTS911/GT3 2:33.721 0:42.020 5 J. Dowling 112012 Porsche 911 S911/GT3 1:44.693 0:04.082 6 J. Hall II 6612022 Porsche Cayman GT4Cayman/GT4 1:45.271 0:04.660 7 D.Volder 9701987 Porsche 911911/GT3 1:45.836 0:05.225 PosName#Year/Make/ModelClassBest TimeLeader 8 B. Bounds 1672016 Porsche 911 Turbo S911/GT3 1:55.295 0:14.684 1 J. Betancourt 692016 Mercedes AMG GT SNon-Porsche 1:49.613 9 G. Perez-Vargas 1202011 Porsche 911 GTS911/GT3 1:56.978 0:16.367 2 T. Day 952021 Toyota GR SupraNon-Porsche 1:52.541 0:02.928 J. Perry 2242022 BMW Z4 m40iNon-Porsche 1:56.216 0:06.603 3 C. Finlay 902013 BMW M3 CoupeNon-Porsche 2:01.644 0:12.031 PosName#Year/Make/ModelClassBest TimeLeader 4 D. Clinkinbeard 2552005 Lotus Elise Non-Porsche 2:09.240 0:19.627 1 J. Betancourt 692016 Mercedes AMG GT SNon-Porsche 1:38.154 2 T. Day 952021 Toyota GR SupraNon-Porsche 1:43.991 0:05.837 3 M. Hollander 2692019 Mazda MiataNon-Porsche 1:47.791 0:09.637 4 J. Cooper 4811995 Honda Civic Non-Porsche 1:47.925 0:09.771 5 C. Finlay 902013 BMW M3 CoupeNon-Porsche 1:50.436 0:12.282 6 D.Clinkinbeard 2552005 Lotus Elise Non-Porsche 1:52.293 0:14.139 BEST OF THE DAY - NON-PORSCHE TIME TRIALS INDE MOTORSPORTS RANCH, 3/25 - 3/26/23 Day 1 Day 2 Configuration 1 - 2.55 Miles, 18 Turns Configuration 2 CCW - 2.7 Miles, 18 Turns BEST OF THE DAY BEST OF THE DAY BEST OF THE DAY - PORSCHE BEST OF THE DAY - PORSCHE BEST OF THE DAY - NON-PORSCHE AZPCA HPDE - RESULTS PROVIDED
BOUET https://azpcaphotos.smugmug.com/Driver-Education-1/Inde-HPDE-March-2526-2023/
GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 51 | It’s the PEOPLE that make the CARS For even more amazing Hi-Res Images please click on the link below https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21AFg06s5Gb74Rz3g&id=4C0821841 84C5BB5%21719060&cid=4C082184184C5BB5

It’s the PEOPLE that make the CARS

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INDE March 24-26

In a word, INDE is spectacular. Maybe this weekend was extraordinarily beautiful, sky-wise, and the wildflowers-WOW- but to drive in and take in its grandeur and scope (over 1700 acres!) is something every single PCA member needs to do. 'Participated in AMP? Graduate to INDE.

Set in a small valley surrounded with hills and mountains south of Wilcox, AZ, INDE is a 2.75 mile year-round track designed for adrenaline fun. It's a "technical" track, full of elevation changes, off camber multi-sized radius corners, and speed straightaways that provide an intense thrill to those driving their beloved Porsche. It's MADE for Porsches! What better place to challenge your car and grow your driving skills, in a remarkably appointed facility, replete with ameni ties for everyone.

C.J. Dorland, the owner, was on the grounds the morning of the 24 th Starting in 2009, he and his father developed the premises namely with The Track, capable of over 40 unique configurations. There's far more a shop where members and staff can maintain vehicles, a 5 acre drift and skid pad, 60 private member garages, 12 casitas for overnighters, a game room, a museum, a grill, even a private chef Members can utilize 1-on-1 coaches for all kinds of training. The grounds display a myriad of fullsize warplanes to stroll by and read about during track downtime.

In addition, there are 20+ staff all very friendly and accommodating. The first person I met was Ben, the Shop Manager. 'Started out as the landscaper, moved indoors, though he was very much out and about, frequently checking in with us. There's Carlos, who's now the landscaper/groundskeeper, whom I met as he was talking to a THRIVING rose garden Then Heather, one of the hospitality staff who was carrying out a huge armload of sheets from the casitas. She doubled as the order taker at lunch. In fact, on Saturday, half the staff was manning the kitchen. Heather said it's "all hands on deck" while serving a group as large as ours. Then there's Richard "Parts are Parts" Whalen, the Warcraft Assembler. He allowed me a peek in the museum, a very interesting collection of art, models, a Canadian Northrup Freedom Fighter and a de Havilland Vampire. What struck me was how large these aircraft are, ESPECIALLY the aircraft carrier plane he was working on outside. HUGE. One cannot comprehend the size from mere pictures.

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INDE - In a word...Spectacular STORY

Dan and Kellie Bouet, our prima hosts, started the weekend with registration and tech check-in on a blustery Friday afternoon. The majority of participants checked in as expected, with Saturday morning welcoming the last of the 79 cars, a nice turnout. AZ Region has utilized the track for several years, and the Club is starting to offer this event twice a year, due to our Club's love for this track. This weekend's configuration included the superfun, superfast straightaway. We ran the track one direction on Saturday and the opposite direction on Sunday, "to even things out," per Dan, whose

ride, btw, pushes 126 mph, pedal to the floor. As the song goes, "this-is-why-we-do-it!" Also included were individual time-trials, making those drivers with a little competitive streak in them most happy. Time trials are useful for setting up "the grid," lining up fastest to not-asfast within each Driver Ed skill level, ensuring the safest release of drivers.

The cool thing, shoot, ONE of the many cool things about this event was the little groupings of people that came together around a car after a run. The driver gets out, obviously awash with adrenaline (this is why we do it!) and starts talking up his experience. It's a joy thing fer shur.

Other groups included the ground crews women who took care of family matters, like dogs and kids. They seemed quite comfy, basking in the sun, relaxing. This is a time to develop friends. There's instructors with

their students. There're groups of people who discuss what they've done to their cars, what works, what needs work…even I got some advice on my

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car, and I was merely a spectator! There is no shortage of sage wisdom on this worthy ground.

I spoke with a few people throughout the day. Hector Olmo, brand new to driving on any track let alone this one, came off it with a HUGE smile. His instructor, Jon Betancourt in the passenger seat, began the education to push Hector's and his car's limits. His first lesson began with numerous laps, first going slow and getting a feel for the asphalt, then ending with some untapped speed and newfound awareness of camber, maybe a little g-force. Jon, through headset connection, told him what to aim for, like a tree on the horizon or a particular road marker After the run, I saw the two of them discussing how the car reactions as it's put through the various elevations and inside/outside curves. "Scary," Hector said, but "really REALLY fun."

Speaking about camber, I myself got a lesson on that and also toe from Oliver a participant from Munich. He was very animated and a great teacher, using his feet to explain what happens in a turn and how best to position tires for optimum road stability (therefore speed). Also from Jim, who drove 635 miles to get here, and his co-driver, I heard how this track's stickiness compares to other tracks in the Region, and how Jim could have gotten "2 more seconds if he'd had the right tires." I'm learning all kinds of things!

I MUST try this someday. I love being in the thick of it, people watching and volunteering at registration, but to actually be on the track…

As I sit here and type at the registration paddock, I hear the different skill level groups gun it in the background while and see various tools being used, drivers cleaning off bugs checking their tires. Betsy Andrade is nearby selling AZPCA merch and giving away free stuff. I bought a hat to contain my blown-out hair from

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camped out in their motorhomes, others are staying in the track casitas. Most folks trailered their cars in. Others like Jim, who has tracked his red 914-6 for 20 years, is fine with a tow dolly. That thing has 200 hp! Others…yours truly, tent camped. 'Word of advice…don't. Spring for a casita.

Lunch was imminent. Everyone started wandering toward the Grill down by the track. Awesome food. Reasonably priced. The burger was supergood and well appointed. Addictive seasoned fries. A perfect midday break.

Then guess what. The following all happened so quickly I don't know how it all materialized, but one second I was loaning this laptop to an instructor, Chris, so he could show his student video proof of "skill perceptions that need work" from their morning session. Pictures are worth a thousand words. Next thing I know Dan was talking about beta-testing a "Track Experience" for people who want to see what it's like. Hmmmm….that would be me. Chris told me to go get my car. "We'll do this compliments of my membership," he winked at me as he took the driver's seat. 5 minutes later we're entering the track. Holy Toledo, here we go..?!! There we went, and how. 3 laps. WOW. I guarantee you my car has never seen a track, nor done turns like that, nor done straights like that, nor downshifted like that, nor braked like that.

I was floored. Big ol' smile, my cheeks were pushing out the foam in the helmet. Chris. Chris Lesadd. An INDE member, PCA instructor, "one of the craziest I could have gone with, second to me," Dan said after the fact. But oh he had skills. I didn't know my car was capable of all that, for one thing. And for him to jump in and KNOW all its idiosyncrasies from the get-go was nothing short of genius. He put it through ALL its paces, and I just sat there, plastered in the seat, daring myself not to grab something to hang onto, and soaked it in. Pretty darn fun, I gotta say. What a fabulous, exhilarating experience. Later I asked him how fast we were going. "Barely 75," he cracks. "I didn't push it. I was Driving Miss Daisy, after all." Tsk, tsk. Surely we broke 100! Well, no matter. When's the next track event??!!

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Iwelcome this opportunity to introduce myself to the newer members of our club. My wife Nancy and I joined AZPCA over 11 years ago, although my involvement with Porsche began much earlier.

I was born in Windsor England in 1931. I received a technical education, served in the Royal Naval Air Service during the Korean War, and emigrated to Vancouver British Columbia Canada in 1957. In 1960 I then moved to California USA, and I became a proud US citizen in 1965. During my career, we have lived in several states and returned to the UK for two five-year periods.

I was attracted to Porsche after having been impressed by their performance in racing. My first Porsche was in 1963, a 356B coupe. I then owned a Porsche 912, followed by two Carrera 911Ts. I enjoyed them all.

On arriving in California, I became a member of SCCA (Sports Car Club of America) San Francisco region. The region, which had 3,000 active members, was responsible for staging a very wide range of race events both professional and amateur at Laguna Seca Monterey, Sonoma Raceway and other circuits in Northern California. These included the original Trans Am and Can Am series. I volunteered and worked for 9 years in all phases of these race events. I served on the region’s Board of Directors and was twice elected as Regional Executive.

Toward the end of 1969, I was invited to join the national staff of SCCA as Director of Club racing and moved to their headquarters in Denver, Colorado. In the course of my duties, I was required to coordinate with Porsche and other manufacturers regarding rules and specifications of their cars competing in our races. This included factory visits to Porsche, Stuttgart. On one of which Nancy joined me, as we were on our honeymoon. Following a factory tour and lunch with Competition Director Baron Von Hanstein, we were taken to the Development Facility at Weissach. To our surprise, they rolled out one of the previous year Le Mans 917K racecars and treated each of us to several laps of the test track with I believe factory driver Willi Kaussen. What a honeymoon!!!!

A couple of years later, I was hired by John Bishop of IMSA to serve as their General Manager. They have now been absorbed by NASCAR. While at IMSA, Nancy and I worked the 24 hours of Daytona.

The rest of my career was in Sales Engineering Management in the USA and the UK, the last several years of which I formed my own Manufacturing Representative company, in Roswell GA. During those years, I was supplied with company cars – therefore no Porsches.

In 1999, I retired, and we moved to our current home in Scottsdale, where we have lived for 24 years. At that time, I was heavily involved in my second passion – motorcycles. I owned a series of BMW GS and RT motorcycles and competed in long distance rallying.

GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 57 | Worldly, Weathered and Wise - Bob Tomlin

On my 81st birthday I decided, much to Nancy’s relief that it would be safer to hang up my helmet. At which point she said – ‘Now what?’. I said back to PORSCHES, where upon I bought a 2003 Porsche 996 Carrera 4S and we joined PCA and the local Arizona region. We have since owned a 2009 Cayenne GTS, a 2011 997.2 Carrera, and our current love, a 2013 Panamera 4S. Nancy calls her ‘Heidi’. At this stage in our life, she is the ideal Porsche for us.

Belonging to AZPCA, volunteering, and serving on the Board of Directors and VP in 2017 has enabled us to make a lot of wonderful friends. We look forward to meeting new members as the opportunity arises and hearing your Porsche experiences.

Bob and Porsche 917 at Weissach

Wow – what a ride!!!

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Stuttgart Market Letter

TheMarch Porsche market came in like a lion with four auction houses competing for top honors during the 2023 Amelia Island Car Week selling a total of 49 cars for a dollar volume of $14,594,160 (excluding fees) at a strong 83% sell-through rate. Newcomer, Broad Arrow Auctions, locked out the podium producing all three of the top sales over the long weekend (also the top three for the month) with a 1987 959 Komfort standing on the top step at a sales price of $1,550,000 followed by a 2005 Carrera GT at $1,375,000 and a 1994 911 Turbo S Slant Nose X85 at $1,100,000. While February was the month of the 964 Turbo, March was back to the ‘80s with an influx of 3.3-liter Turbos. Of the 13 cars on offer, 10 found new homes with an average sales price of $185,853. Factory M505 Slant Nose examples brought strong dollar figures with a 1988 Coupe selling for $260,000.

993 Turbos looked strong as well with all cars selling above $200,000 and a 71% sell-through rate. If it didn’t cross $200k, it didn’t sell. Of note was a rare 1996 993 Turbo X50 car which sold for $238,000. A pair of 993 Turbo S’ on the other hand went 0 for 2 with both ‘97 examples failing to sell at $652,993 and $559,000, both well above the moving average and in line with recent prices.

Sellers of 1-2-year-old cars appear to have adjusted their expectations (and reserves) as we saw a sell-through rate of 79% compared to last month’s sell-through rate of 54%. Average GT3 pricing was at $260,000 but was propped up by a PTS (Paint To Sample) GT3 Touring 6-Speed which sold for $340,000. Take that outlier out of the picture and GT3 bids averaged $240k, which is a bit down from the previous month. The highlight of the category for me was a 2022 718 Spyder 000 Package car which sold for $181,000. As the 718 phases out I expect these to remain strong, if not gain over the next five years.

The ‘60s 911s had a tough time selling this month with a sell-through rate of 55%. Leading the sales was a stunning 1969 911 T/R that sold at Gooding & Co. for $420,000. One of three cars built for that year, this example had period Sebring and Daytona history and will be an instant invite to Rennsport Reunion 7 in September. Two notable no sales were an original 1968 911 ‘Sports Purpose’ bid to $320,000 and a 1967 911S Soft-Window Targa bid to $373,000. 912s remained strong with an average price of $52,000 and a top sale of $71,000.

On the water-cooled front, 996 pricing continues to be impressive as they come into their own and buyers begin to look past the “runny-egg” headlights. Leading the charge was a 2004 996 GT3 RS that sold for a record $330,000 (excluding fees). Not originally sold in the US, a handful of GT3 RS’ have found their way to our shores via Show and Display laws with this example fully upgraded to drive legally on our soil. 996 Turbos also remain strong with two ultra-low mileage cars selling for $131,000 and $155,000.

Other notable Porsches offered this month were a 1987 Kremer-Porsche 962 C which was an absolute steal at $820,000 and a 1968 907 K that continued the trend of classic Porsche race cars failing to sell this year with a high bid of $4,000,000. We also saw new five-year auction records for a 914-6 at $148,400, a 981 Boxster Spyder at $120,000, a 911SC at $105,000, and a Cayenne Transsyberia at $70,500.

There were no signs of lambs as March remained lion-like throughout the month with a 76% sell-through rate and total sales of $43,102,480. Up from 73% and $33,527,283 the previous month, Amelia Island definitely helped the cause. We’ll see if April brings showers to the market next month but if I had to guess, spring will keep on going up and up.

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David K. Whitlock is a writer for The Stuttgart Market Letter, a daily market update for Porschephiles, by Porschefiles, delivered to your inbox. www.stuttgartmarketletter.com

Viva Las Vegas - Baby


a Phoenix Police Patrol doing at the embarkation point for our long planned resurrection of the earlier Las Vegas Fun Runs of a decade or more ago, interrupting our drivers’ meeting? Well, being optimistic Jane Scharhon, Audre Stubbs and I went over to investigate, assuming it must be our escort for the run, like in the Copper State 1000. Later, Denny and Cindy Kahler wandered over to assist, along with several others. Instead of a much-anticipated police escort, we ventured upon a group of jovial community police, advising us that everyone other than those driving Porsche’s were welcome to leave, I Wonder how Phoenix PD knew we were departing from Tramonto and just happened to show up, must have pretty good intel or a CI?? This set everyone laughing, setting the tone for the multiple events over 3 days, which other than a few misting showers proved uneventful. Well that is except for finding ourselves in what appeared to the outside world to be an unsanctioned autocross, those in the caravan nimbly dodged an incredible number of potholes, while succeeding in creating the right line through the unexpected course. We ended up after last minute cancellations and emergencies having 23 cars/46 people on the drive, after having Bob and Ann Bandera join us enroute in Wickenburg along with David Tomato and DeLynn, and the Griffin’s catch up with us in Las Vegas [we of course had waivers signed in advance by them]. A big thanks to Mark and Angela Manente [Group 2 Lead Car], and Moe and Jane Scharhon and Gregg and Ali Bull [Sweep Cars] for their contributions to the drive.

After a brief fast-food lunch in Kingman, we regrouped and proceeded on to the Las Vegas Strip without incident. Dinner at Bootlegger’s Bistro Italian Bistro seemed to have met every expectation, with excellent offerings, a live piano player providing the entertainment and a taste of old Las Vegas packaged in a modern venue. Our President, Mark and First Lady Angela Manente were seen with Matthew and Lana Griffin breaking bread (err, eating Italian delights), and Bill and Audre Stubbs seemed to also be having a good time and good company. Our table of 12 somehow grew to 19 thanks to multiple incremental additions of those who wandered to the bar before dinner. Among those at the table, Robert and Linda Noland, David Tomato, DelLynn Conley, Leroy and Jill Wilkerson, Dieter and Susan Guenter, Mark Lindabury, the Kahler’s, the Scharhon’s, and of course Gregg and Ali Bull all indulged in the festivities. Finally, my deal with Bootlegger management, if they added the last two to our party, they wouldn’t see me again that evening, imagine that they jumped at that opportunity seizing the moment. A great family owned enterprise built on a long, illustrious history.

With the night just started, Jan and Jerry Mackulak had been off celebrating Jere’s birthday at a special and expensive romantic dinner that has been a tradition in their family. Unbeknownst to the Mackulak’s, we were also celebrating Maria Grimmelmann’s birthday of the week before with the trip to Las Vegas which had been noted by a piano recital at the Bootlegger and a chorus of the traditional melody. A group of us caught up with Jan and Jerry at the Bellagio’s Mayfair Supper Club for late night libations, after a somewhat raucous Uber ride to the strip from the restaurant! It was at the Mayfair [and reportedly earlier in front of the Bootlegger] that Dieter Guenter was seen kicking up his heels in style, essentially putting the energizer bunny to shame. Ahh, to see the other side of all of us.

With most sleeping in late the next day, we rendezvoused at Gaudin Porsche of Las Vegas the next afternoon to get the history of the dealership and a virtual tour of their new Center of Excellence which is exceptional in concept and the model for most of the modern designs we see for dealerships around the country. A family-owned business with a long history, Paul Jarrett, Gaudin’s general manager shared the history with us, followed by group photos. Paul, ably assisted by Julie Cane who arranges all of their events [and was also celebrating her birthday that day, think there must have been something in the water with all these birthdays ]. With Paul and Julie as exceptional hosts rolling out the red carpet, we also joined the Las Vegas and Intermountain Porsche Club of America Regions, doubling our number of participants for an exceptional regional event. This lent itself to new friendships and promises to reconnect at the Porsche Parade in Palm Springs in June. When he heard there were going to be photos at Gaudin, Dennis and Nancy Rood who had been visiting with friends in the area finally joined us for the festivities. Likewise, Leroy Wilkerson’s wife’s Acid Green Porsche had gotten dirty apparently prompting an anxiety attack, resolved by Gaudin when they graciously washed his vehicle with TLC, reading it for the festivities to follow [rained on of course on the road back to Phoenix the next day due to early departure]

The private reception at the “Pub D&G” proved to be about a mile and a half from Gaudin Porsche. Pub D&G is the private setting for Gaudin Porsche owner’s extensive private collection of automobiles. Rooms of exceptional and rare cars displayed in an incredible setting, a highlight of which is the extensive original English Pub bar transported piece by piece from Northern England! Dennis Rood had asked me for the Address of the ‘Pub’ in advance since he couldn’t find it on the internet, and necessarily I had to tell him that it was not distributed ahead of time and would only be shared with those at the dealership

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just prior to the drive. Needless to say, a very special place and a rare opportunity to see what is behind hidden walls, great experience. What a wonderful way to see Las Vegas, you had to be there to appreciate the warmth, sincerity and magnitude of the events hosted graciously by Gaudin!

Early the next morning some who looked at the weather forecast decided to stay in bed and/or return to Phoenix early. The adage in Las Vegas, those who elected to join the Las Vegas PCA drive through Lake Meade State Park and the Valley of Fire National Park ended up betting and winning the bet. While the forecast was for 100% rain, other than some very minor drizzle on the way to the meetup, while partially overcast there was zero rain and an exceptional memorable drive. We also found NV law enforcement to be equally friendly to those in phoenix, as we wound through the park at a somewhat brisk pace (but legal of course), a cruiser going the other way flashed his overhead lights in a vote of solidarity urging our caravan of elegant cars on, the best way to be recognized by law enforcement in any state. Of course, Jere hadn’t celebrated enough yet so he was reported as having another special birthday lunch at another very special spot arranged by Jan, which Mark Manente and a number of others attended in Jere’s honor and besides the food was good. Watch those birthday celebrations Jere, too many of them will age you.

Our special thanks to Reid Smith, LV Region PCA’s President, and his team who was a terrific partner in the planning and execution of this incredible driving experience. The rocks are as red as Sedona’s, the vistas incredible and the contrasting countryside mesmerizing. Also, hats off to Craig Shanklin, Southern Utah Intermountain Representative for leading 10 cars from Utah to join the party. With the beauty of the St. George Region and noted Porsche roads, we look forward to regional events with them in the future.

Finally, it was time for the drive home, and hats off to Bill Stubbs who volunteered to be the sweep car in his exemptional 911, nice and clean to keep the heat off the cars up front. We had a small but lively group return together, stopping at Luchia’s Restaurant and Gifts in Wikieup [another family-owned gem well worth visiting]. Amber at Luchia’s shared that a number of the cars that had returned the day before had stopped by for a welcomed break and some exceptional pies. One person in particular stood out in her memory, namely Jill Wilkerson. Apparently, one of her nails sports Acid Green Nail Polish that matches her car. My wife Maria is right, your nails are definitely noticed by women, live and learn guys. Individually, we had a number of other adventures, shows, dinners and memorable experiences during our 3 day visit to Las Vegas, too many to share and as we know what’s said in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas, PERIOD!

Of course, the adventure isn’t over yet since Jan is tallying the submittals for the Scavenger Hunt selfies, and he/she with the most shots (meant photos) wins. The winer will be announced at the April Member Meeting at Arrivederci, and of course the prize delivered so don’t miss it. My thanks again to Jan who collaborated with me throughout as co-conspirator, being the muse and inspiration necessary to reinstate the LV Fun Run event that she and Jere hosted for many years in the far-far past [line from Srhrek]. Glad her inspiration and Gaudin’s generosity made it happen for a very unique adventure. Thank you Jan.

End of story, we thank everyone who joined us on this trip, the people make the club and that is what in the end led to an exceptional experience. Now time to catch up and get back to work!

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Thanks to our Organizers (L-R)Jerry, Jan, Frank and Maria

Vegas as you’ve never seen it before.....

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The after effects of Bootleggers.... The Bellagio welcomes you Bootleggers - Day 1 The Bellagio - A room with a view Driving Tour - Valley of Fire D&G Pub and Car Collection
GOING PLACES 5.2023 | 63 | For a full range of amazing Hi-Res Images please click on the link below https://azpcaphotos.smugmug.com/Driving-Tours/Las-Vegas-Fun-Run March-19-2023/ Vegas as you’ve never seen it before.....
Scavenger Hunt Winners - Debbie & Daniel G Scavenger Hunt Runner-ups - Brennen & Hiromi B

AZPCA Casino Charity Night

Casino Night Fundraiser for St. Vincent de Paul “A Winning Bet”

On April 1, 2023, over 100 people “rolled the dice” at a fun-filled evening, and we all “hit the jackpot” while supporting St. Vincent de Paul.

A delicious dinner buffet, games of chance, a split the pot raffle, and a silent auction were enjoyed by the generosity of our donors and all 100+ guests who purchased tickets and silent auction items.

Again, this year, Alpio Barbara’s commitment to philanthropy allowed our guests to enjoy his event space and his generous silent auction donations added significantly to our final donation total of $16,281.44.

Thanks to Alpio and the comradery and support of our guests, the AZ Region of the PCA, and our fabulous volunteers, this year’s Casino Night truly “upped the ante.”

(L-R) Alpio, Dr. Scott Meyers, Dr. Betzy Leyva, Jeanne, Mark and Dr. Ken Snyder

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For more Hi-Res Images please click on the link below https://azpcaphotos.smugmug.com/Charity-Events/Casino-Night-Charity-Event-Apr-1-2023/

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AZPCA Charity Update - Mesa Community College
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Articles inside

AZPCA Casino Charity Night

pages 64-65, 67, 70

Viva Las Vegas - Baby

pages 60-61

Stuttgart Market Letter

page 59

It’s the PEOPLE that make the CARS

pages 52-58


pages 49-51


page 43

AZPCA AUTOCROSS Season Events #7/8

pages 41-42

See the U.S.A.

pages 39-40

Upcoming National Events

pages 38-39


page 37


page 34


page 31

Monthly Awards & Accolades

pages 28-30

Volunteers Needed:

page 27


page 26

Let’s Autocross!

page 25

Drive to Prescott & The Palace

page 24

Upcoming AZPCA Drives

page 23

Upcoming AZPCA Events

page 22

Future AZPCA Events - Holiday Party 2023

pages 18-21

...Be a Part of It!

page 16

Future Events - Monthly Membership Meeting

page 11

Future Events - Porsches n’ Pancakes SAVE THE DATES... But Register Today

page 10

From the EDITORS Gregg and Ali Bull

page 7


pages 5-6
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