Porsche Club of America-Arizona Region-Going Places October 2022

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Volume 52 Issue 10


Lisa Wong gpeditor@az.pca.org


Angela Manente gpeditor@az.pca.org


Danielle Badler

Mark Baker

Dan Bouet

Ken Bryan Gregg and Ali Bull

Jim Bultema

Andy Cole

Frank Grimmelmann

Darryl Deppe

Kim Kemper

Jerry King Kenneth Mitchell

Moe Scharhon

Chuck Snyder

Rook Younger


Going Places is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region and is published electronically monthly.

Written contributions and photographs are welcomed and can be emailed to the editor. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily rep resent the official position of the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region, its officers or members. Permission is granted to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and to Going Places. PORSCHE®, the Porsche Crest®, CARRERA®, and TARGA® are trademarks of Porsche AG. The editor shall reserve the right to edit and publish only those articles felt to be in the best interest of the members of the Porsche Club of America. THE DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES AND ADVERTISEMENTS SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION IS THE 15TH OF THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MONTH OF PUBLICATION. Commercial advertising rates can be found in the back of this publication.

Photo by John Schnobrich Unsplash.com
GOING PLACES 10.2022 | 3 |
IN THIS ISSUE AZ.PCA.ORG FEATURES 14..............Autocross: Let’s get Started 18..............Meet A Member - Chuck and Johanna Snyder 20 AZPCA Charity: Mesa Community College 27.............. Cottonwood Tour 29..............Making a Beeline to Mormon Lake College 32 The Times they are A-Changing 35 Dr. Strangelove, Sort of 36..............The 1974 Porsche 914 Project


PRESIDENT Mark Baker president@az.pca.org


5.. 2022 Calendar of Events

7...............Meet 2023 Board of Director Candidates 11 Monthly Membership Meetings 15 2022/2023 Autocross Season 16 2022/2023 HP Drivers Education Season 17

Get Involved


Mark Manente vicepresident@az.pca.org

21..............AZPCA Judging School 22............. Upcoming Porsches & Pancakes 24 Horses and Horsepower 25 Holiday “Fill the Frunk” Food Drive 26 AZPCA Holiday Party 28

Fall Colors Overnight Tour 30


Jen Bartling secretary@az.pca.org

Arizona Region 44th Annual Concours d’Elegance 40 PCA Parade 2023 - Palm Springs, CA



Andrew Grossman treasurer@az.pca.org


Steve Sapareto pastpresident@az.pca.org


Jim Bultema


Andy Cole


Richard Wyatt


Rook Younger



Arizona Region Board 6 President’s Corner 19 From the Editor 31............. Social Media 33..............New Members 38 Members’ Anniversaries 39

Goodie Store 41

Executive Appointees 42 Zone 8 Staff and Websites 43 Sponsorship Program


31..............Brasile, Chuck & Denise; Real Estate 5 Hoover, Don; Peoples Mortgage Company 41 Jorgensen, Andy; Renaissance Financial 6 McILvain Motors IBC,19 Porsche Chandler IFC,42.......Porsche North Scottsdale 23 Protective Film Solutions

CLASSIFIEDS https://az.pca.org/classifieds/

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Attention AZPCA Members! Please let our sponsors know you are a member of the Arizona Porsche club and that you appreciate their support.



5 We Monthly Membership Meeting

Th-Fr Fall Colors Tour -


Ed - Arizona Motorsport Park

Sa Autocross - AZ Motorsport Park Skidpad

Sa AZPCA Judges School

Sa Going Places Deadline (Nov.. 2022)

17 Mo Board of Directors Meeting


2 We Monthly Membership Meeting

5 Sa Porsches & Pancakes at Eggstasy

5 Sa Horses and Horsepower

5-6 Sa- Drivers Education at Indy Su

11-12 Fr-Sa Autocross at AMP

15 Tu Going Places Deadline (Dec. 2022)

44 PhoenixSa Annual Concours d’Elegance


19 Sa Holiday “Fill the Frunk” Food Drive

21 Mo Board of Directors Meeting


3 Sa AZPCA Track Day at the Podium Club

7 We Monthly Membership Meeting

10 Sa Autocross at AMP

15 Th Going Places Deadline (JAN 2023)

17 Sa Holiday Party 19 Mo Board of Directors Meeting

GOING PLACES 10.2022 | 5 | 2022
Flagstaff 8
Editor’s Note: The date, times and details of AZPCA events may be changed or added at anytime. CLICK HERE AZ.PCA.ORG to check the website for the entire calendar of club event information. Unmatched Customer Service Call for full program details and to check rates and eligibility. Subject to underwriting. 06/05/20 DON HOOVER Origination Support Manager/ Loan Officer 602.770.0388 dhoover@peoplesmortgage.com dhoover.loans.peoplesmortgage.com Call today! LO Licensing: AZ LO-0912721 CA-DOC207797 CO-100509307 WA-MLO-207797 NMLS-207797 Company Licensing: AZ BK-0904164 CA-FLL603L266/RMLA4130661, Licensed by the Department of Business Oversight Under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act www.peoplesmortgage.com/privacy-policy CO, Regulated by the Division of Real Estate WA-CL-6274 NMLS-6274 REDUCE your monthly mortgage payments with a new, lower interest rate CONSOLIDATE credit cards, loans, and other debts to a lower interest rate FINANCE home renovations, a wedding, or a vacation by using the equity in your home are you looking to buy or refinance a home? According to Freddie Mac, mortgage interest rates are the lowest they’ve been in nearly 4 years! Whether you’re thinking of purchasing your dream home, pulling cash out for home improvements, or simply refinancing to potentially lower your monthly expenses, It’s a great time to explore your home financing options! Competitive PricingInterest Rates Are Low


Hello All:

As the temperature is slowly moving downward, there were lots of Porsche cabriolets with their tops down arriving at the Anthem G&CC for the PnP on Sunday Sept 25th. The weather was gorgeous and 120 members and guests attended bringing about 60 Porsches with them. The ambiance was wonderful, the food was great, and of course socializing with the members and guests was fantastic. Thanks Frank and Maria.

The election ballots will be posted on line for voting in the next couple of days. The following are the candidates:

• President: Andy Cole and Mark Manente

• Vice President: Jim Bultema and Dan Bouet

• Secretary: Gregg Bull

• Directors at Large: Frank Grimmelmann and Ken Mitchell

Please take the time to vote on line. I will send out an email once the ballot forms are posted (this should be in the next couple of days).

Flight 44 will be held at the grass area of McCormick Ranch (near Scottsdale Rd. and McCormick Pkwy). The dates are Friday Oct 28, and Saturday Oct 29. We are in need of judges and volunteers. Please contact me at president@az.pca.org if you would like to help.

The following are some upcoming events:

• Oct 5 – Monthly Meeting at Pera Club in Scottsdale

• Oct 6,7 – Driving Tour – Fall Colors Overnighter to Flagstaff

• Oct 8 – DE at AMP

• Oct 15 – Auto X at AMP

• Oct 15 – AZPCA Judging School

• Oct 28,29 – Flight 44 Concours Event

• Nov 2 – Monthly Meeting at La Cucina in Scottsdale

• Nov 5,6 – DE at INDE in Wilcox

I hope to see you all at an upcoming event.

Drive Safely, Mark

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Election ballots will be available online


Ihave been a PCA member since 2017 with the Redwood Region PCA club in Sonoma/Marin counties in Northern California and recently transferred my PCA membership when my wife, Christine and I relocated to AZ from CA in February 2021. I have held a few PCA leadership positions including news editor, Concours Head Judge and was elected to VP Redwood Region before relocating to Arizona. Originally from Leeds in Northern England, I moved to the States in 2004. I recently left corporate life in technology and started my own high end detailing business as this aligns with my passion in life to make cars look as good as they can! In 2019, I achieved a life-long dream when I replaced my award-winning 987 Boxster with a 911 Carrera convertible. I have spent the last 2 years making this car my own with Martini livery, Porsche Sports Exhaust, and some carbon fiber interior upgrades. As with many other PCA members, one of the biggest benefits of being involved with a club is the great like-minded people you meet and the lifelong friends that you make. I feel with my previous PCA club experience I have much to offer the AZ PCA and would very much welcome the opportunity to serve as the club President.


Iam running for President of the best Porsche club region in America. My wife, Angela and I have been active AZPCA members since 2009. We have been Porsche enthusiasts since mid 1980"s when we purchased our first Porsche, a 1982 Rosewood Metallic 911 SC. We immediately joined the Nord Stern Region in Minnesota. Angela volunteered to publish the newsletter. Some things never change. I assisted Angela cutting and pasting copy (or that's how I remember it!) in helping to publish the Nord Stern Newsletter. I participated in weekend DE's and time trials at Brainerd International and Angela signed up for a few Autocross events. My previous club Board experience was from: 1994 to 2002, where I served on the BOD, then as VP and President of a 320-to-340-member private golf club. In that capacity the Board oversaw a $1.5 million dollar course renovation without a member assessment. In 2018, I joined the AZPCA Board as Director at Large and Sponsorship Chair. As sponsorship Chair working with Kevin Gilchrist the club’s Webmaster, we revised banner ad sizes, increased banner ad rotation on the various links and regular e-blasts. I volunteered to organize and lead the annual Alpine Tour weekend in 2019 to the present. When our region was selected to host PCA's Treffen event, Rook Y. asked if Angela and I would serve on the planning committee since we attended 4 National Treffen events. We were assigned to lead the Fountain Hills Driving Tour for Treffen participants. For the past 20 months, I have served as the club’s Vice President and Insurance Chair, my responsibilities include: updating and maintaining the club's events planning calendar and securing Certificates of Insurance from PCA national for our Region’s driving tours and track events. Many opportunities exist to help: organize, lead a driving tour, help with a social activity, or volunteer at a track day event. It has been my good fortune and an honor to serve the last 4 years with the most professional, passionate board and committee chair members all with the goal to provide outstanding Porsche driving experiences and social activities for our members. I am asking for your vote to continue providing our membership with the best experiences possible. As the phrase goes, “It's not just the cars, it's the people...”


Election ballots will be available online



Since joining AZ PCA in 2015, I have attended numerous club events such as membership meetings, social events, driving tours, autocross, and HPDE. After attending many HPDE (track) events, I began regularly volunteering as an instructor. In 2019, I was recruited and began serving as the HPDE Event Organizer / Driver Education Chairperson. My goal is to enhance the club membership and Porsche ownership experience. Since taking over the HPDE program, it has been very successful and grown in various ways. I am very proud of the team that has made this possible and I plan to lead the program for the foreseeable future. My wife has supported me along the way by assisting with event preparation and volunteering in various capacities at all HPDE events. Our newborn daughter (now 2) was not left out and has attended all events! Driven by my passion for this hobby and a desire to elevate the experience at AZPCA events, I have dedicated many hours soliciting feedback, engaged with volunteers and participants on a personal level, and responded to countless emails. The results of the changes made have delivered a higher level of enjoyment from both participants and volunteers. During my tenure as DE chairperson, some of the things I accomplished are: added new tracks and multi-day events, implemented alternative instruction programs during the pandemic, held a PCA National Instructor Training Clinic, streamlined processes, revamped online registration, managed, transported, and maintained club equipment, recruited for other chairperson positions and helped fill those roles with qualified persons, and created volunteer programs to keep the HPDE events running smoothly. I have consistently attended the monthly Board of Director meetings since taking on this role and actively engage with the BOD. My career is centered on my family’s multifamily real estate. I handle many aspects of the day-to-day management and decision making. My role also involves me with training and mentoring others to be successful in their jobs. These characteristics and responsibilities have been fundamentally important in my ability to head a successful role at AZ PCA. My job is flexible, which affords me time to dedicate volunteering and doing what I love at AZ PCA. My goal is to apply my experience and dedication toward club activities into a successful and productive role as Vice President. I would be honored to represent the club and help direct it in a manner that is most beneficial to all members. With the position of Vice President, I aim to expand my efforts in enhancing the ownership experience through the various activities offered by the AZ PCA.


Ihave a passion for our club. That is why I have been on the Board of Directors for the past two years as your Director at Large, and I want your vote to be your next Vice President. My passion extends well beyond the BOD. I am also, along with my wife, Carole, the chair for our monthly membership meetings, where for the past two years, we have arranged all our get- togethers and checked you each in to some great dinners. I contribute to our newsletter with articles and photos, and I am proud to say I have made the cover twice. I am also Rook Younger's assistant driving tour chair and led two drives this past year. I also take part in AutoCross and High-Performance Defensive Driving. If there's an event in the Arizona Region of the Porsche Club of America, you can bet you will see me. It's called passion, and that's why I want to be your next Vice President and represent you. Thank you.



Election ballots will be available online

Iam an Aerospace Engineer and have been in the aerospace industry for over 35 years. I have had the opportunity to work on some fascinating projects over my career most notably the Space Shuttle Program, Space Station, Mars Phoenix Lander, OSRIS REX and the Hubble Telescope to name a few. My attention to detail has always served me well in my career and I believe it is a core skill to fulfill the role of Secretary for the club. I have been happily married for over 30 years to my beautiful wife Alison and we have a daughter who is currently studying to become an Aerospace Engineer. We moved from Canada to Arizona in July of 2019 and have loved every minute of it. I have been passionate about cars my entire life. We purchased our 1995 Porsche 993 Cabriolet in May of 2021 and quickly joined AZPCA. During the past 16 months we have thoroughly enjoyed participating in AZPCA events and we have met many wonderful members, many of whom have become close friends. I believe stepping into the position of Club Secretary would benefit both the club and myself in so much as I can get more involved in club activities all the while developing greater connectivity with the administration and membership. I look forward to the opportunity to serve the club in the near future. I look forward to the opportunity to serve the club in the near future.

Please take the time to vote online


Election ballots will be available online


As a member of Arizona PCA since 2002, I have actively engaged in both driving and social events consistently over the years. Previously serving on the AZ PCA Board as a Director at Large in 2012 and 2013, after completing my terms I elected to step aside to provide others with the opportunity to contribute, while continuing as an active member participating in many social and driving events. Currently, I serve our Club by helping to arrange the summer Porsche & Pancakes event. Previously, I served as the Chairman of Phoenix Flight 27 supported by a phenomenal planning team. Our collaborative efforts resulted in the first Phoenix Flight event in Carefree with Porsches surrounding the entire Sundial circle with 125 Concours participants, 12 cars in the Children’s Rallye, 225 at the Awards Banquet/Charity Benefit and approximately 42 autocross participants at West Word, while providing $42,000 in funds to support the kids at the West Valley Child Crisis Center. I have been fortunate to own four Porsche’s over the years and presently own two that remain active in the Club. Also, having been in senior management positions and serving on of both nonprofit and for-profit organization’s boards of directors for many years, I fully support and understand the significant responsibility as a Board Member that accompanies supporting the greatest car club in the nation and further elevating the Porsche marque among enthusiasts. I’d like to contribute more to the Club while continuing to support the Porsche and Pancakes event planning. The People make the club and with your support I look forward to continuing to raise the bar and the experience that we can all enjoy together.

Ijoined the PCA with the Sacramento Valley Region in June, 1986, and my wife and I transferred into the Arizona Region in the Fall of 2020, after we moved from Plumas Lake, California. I love this region, and I would like to be part of the decision making in keeping it one of the best in PCA. I have held various committee and chairperson positions with the Sacramento Valley Region (SVR), including serving as Autocross Chair. I have also chaired several Driving Tours and monthly Dinner Meetings and have held various appointed assignments for the annual multi-activity Zone event, (C.R.A.B. = Concours, Rally, Autocross, Bratwurst) that was hosted by SVR. Additionally, I was a dual member with the Diablo, Golden Gate, Loma Prieta, Shasta, Yosemite, and Redwood Regions so my wife and I could meet other PCA members and join in on the activities driving our Porsche cars. After relocating to Arizona, I have been very active in the Region’s Autocross program as a driver, event/course setup volunteer, and writing the autocross event newsletter articles. My wife and I are active members, attending driving tours, dinners and events. I would like to be your Director-at-Large and I ask for you to please vote for me. Thank you



Oktoberfest at PERA Club

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

5:30 - 7:30 PM

Registration is required and limited to the first 120 members

Come join us at PERA’s new multi-million dollar facility overlooking Papago Park for a full evening celebrating Oktoberfest and the foods that make this event special. A cash bar will be available. This surely will be a night to remember!

Event Schedule:

• 5:30 - 6:15 PM - Social Hour

• 6:15 - 7:00 PM - Dinner

• 7:00 - 7:30 PM - Meeting

Cost is $30.00 per person. Registration is required for this event. Closing date to register is September 27, 2022, by midnight. Click the LINK below to sign up and pay through MotorSportReg: https://www.motorsportreg.com/events/membershipmeeting-at-pera-club-pca-arizona-388955

This event is organized by Jim and Carole Bultema

GOING PLACES 10.2022 | 11 |

AZPCA Monthly Membership Meeting

November 2, 2022, @ 5:30 pm 7:30 pm

La Cucina Bistro and Wine Bar

Come join us for our meeting at La Cucina, where homemade rustic cooking with Italian flair will be served to us exclusively. Yes, that’s right. The owner is closing the restaurant to the public so we can fill all 55 seats. I would register early for this one. Our president loves this restaurant!

La Cucina Bistro and Wine Bar

Scottsdale, AZ

The exact address appears when you register (It’s near N. Frank Lloyd Wright Bl and E. Raintree)


FOUR main courses to choose from, along with a salad and dessert. Cash bar

Cost: $30 per person

Event Schedule:

5:30 6:15 p m Social hour

6:15 7:00 p.m. Dinner

7:00 7:30 p.m. Meeting

Registration is required for this event. Registration information will be on the AZPCA calendar.

The closing date to register is October 30th at midnight

Registration limited to 55




December 7, 2022 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Organized by: Jim and Carole Bultema

Always one of the highlights of the year, our club is returning to Porsche North Scottsdale for a night of socializing, dinner, and Porsches! Included in your fun evening is a buffet dinner and a special welcome from the Porsche North Scottsdale manager, informing us what has been trending in the world of Porsche.

COST: No charge, compliments of Porsche North Scottsdale

Location: Porsche North Scottsdale 18000 N. Scottsdale Road Phoenix, AZ 85054

Schedule: • 5:30 - 6:15 PM Social Hour - check out the new Porsches!!

• 6:15 - 7:00 PM Dinner • 7:00 - 7:30 PM Meeting

The registration closing date for this meeting is November 22, Tuesday at midnight, and registration is limited to 125.

Registration is required for this event. Click the LINK to sign up:

GOING PLACES 10.2022 | 13 |
ANNOUNCING details for our AZPCA Monthly Member Meeting At PORSCHE

AUTOCROSS: Let’s get started!!

The first of Oktober is the beginning of the autumnal equinox which means the days grow shorter and AZ PCA Region Autocross Perfect cooler weather will be gracing us for several months. This also means that you should not need your AZ PCA Region complimentary Autocross cooling towel until possibly April next year.

Oktober is also the month of many Bavarian festivities such as d’Wiesn (Oktoberfest) but, in AZ PCA Region land, it also signifies the beginning of the AZ PCA Region 2022-2023 Autocross Season. The first event is on Saturday, Oktober 15, 2022, which will be held at Arizona Motorsport Park (AMP) in Litchfield Park.

As of this writing, the registration is well underway, and the entries are filling up fast and could very well reach the maximum limit before the registration deadline date. The deadline to register is Oktober 14, 2022, at 12 Noon AST (Arizona Standard Time).

If the entry list has reached the maximum limit go ahead and sign-up but, you will be placed on the waitlist. It is very possible that you could be moved from the waitlist to the entry list and that will occur if an entrant has cancelled, then you will be moved from the waitlist, on a first placed and first off basis.

In November, the Autocross Chairs have scheduled two events, one event will be on a portion of the AMP Road Racing Course on Veterans Day, Friday, November 11, 2022. The course design and the event operation will be in accordance with all mandatory PCA autocross safety rules. More details about this event will follow in the next newsletter article, prior to the event.

On Saturday, November 12, 2022, is a regular season scheduled autocross event on the autocross skid pad. Each event will require separate registration entries.

There is no doubt that the 2022-2023 AZ PCA Region Autocross Season will be more fun-packed than the previous season. There have been several drivers that have volunteered to design courses. With the additional course designers stepping up to design a course this will give the drivers a variety of a different flavor of course designs throughout the season. This will make it more challenging for all the drivers and this will take some of the logistical workload off the Autocross Chairs.

The December event registration will be posted on the Motorsportreg. com (MSR) system in the very near future and the four remaining season events well before the end of this calendar year.

All event registrations must be made with your MSR Account prior to each individual event deadline date. There will be no on-site registration. As part of the registration process, you must complete the Speedwaiver portion for your registration to be considered “complete” and this must be completed prior to the event deadline.

The Monday prior to the event day, you will receive a couple of emails from the Event Chairs. The first email will have a link for you to click on to print out a paper waiver for the AMP Facility. You must sign the waiver and bring it with you and place the signed waiver in the wire

The tentative autocross dates for the 2022-2023 AZPCA Region Autocross Season from December to April 2023 are on Saturday at AMP as follows:

• October 15, 2022

• November 11, 2022

• November 12, 2022

• December 10, 2022

• January 21, 2023

• February 18, 2023

• March 18, 2023

• April 22, 2023

basket at the Timing Table, as you arrive on-site, prior to any activity.

If you are having any complications with the Speedwaiver and/or in printing the AMP Waiver, or the Link is not visible in the email, please contact the Autocross Chairs at autocross@az.pca.org for assistance.

If any portion of the registration and the speedwaiver is not properly completed prior to the day of the event you may not be allowed to attend the event and an entrant on the waitlist may be given the available entry.

Please make sure that you properly complete the registration and speedwaiver portions. If you complete both processes you will receive an automated MSR and Speedwaiver confirmations. If you do not receive the MSR and Speedwaiver confirmations, you will need to revisit your MSR Account and determine what portion was incomplete.

If you do not want to drive your Porsche car on an autocross course but, want to be involved with the event operation, you can sign up as a volunteer. There is no cost for being a volunteer but, you do have to sign up by logging onto your MSR account and select the volunteer option. Also, you will be required to complete the Speedwaiver Release of Liability for the event.

In addition, there is an opportunity for entrants to sign up a spouse or friend to ride along with them. This will give them an up-close view of the action on course. This option is called a “Taste of Autocross” and there is a small fee of $15.00 for this and they will receive a Region provided lunch as the drivers do with their entry. You, as the driver, will have to sign them up with your MSR account and select the” Taste of Autocross” option during registration. A fantastic way to hook another driver into the fun of autocross!

The Autocross Chairs are or should be well rested from their summer break and are ready to answer any question you may have regarding the AZ PCA Region Autocross program. You can direct your questions to autocross@az.pca.org and they will respond back to you quickly as possible.

We hope to see you in Oktober at the first season event!
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or Rick

photo by Ken Bryant
GOING PLACES 10.2022 | 15 |
SEASON 2022-2023 Autocross events are scheduled on Saturday: • October 15, 2022 - Arizona Motorsport Park Skidpad • November 11, 2022 - Arizona Motorsport Park Track • November 12, 2022 - Arizona Motorsport Park Skidpad • December 10, 2022 - Arizona Motorsport Park Skidpad • January 21, 2023 - Arizona Motorsport Park • February 18, 2023 - Arizona Motorsport Park • March 18, 2023 - Arizona Motorsport Park • April 22, 2023 - Arizona Motorsport Park REGISTER ONLINE HERE on MotorsportReg.com If you have any questions regarding any of the autocross events, please contact the Autocross Co-chairs,
A. at autocross@az.pca.org

H PDDE E sc he du u le

2022 / 2023 Season

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Arizona Motorsports Park

Saturday & Sunday, November 5-6, 2022

Inde Motorsports Ranch

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Podium Club at Attesa

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Arizona Motorsports Park (CCW)

Saturday & Sunday, March 25-26, 2023

Inde Motorsports Ranch

HPDE Event Registrations: azpca.motorsportreg.com

Arizona Motorsports Park – 15402 W. Camelback Rd, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340

Inde Motorsports Ranch – 9301 W. Airport Rd, Willcox, AZ 85643

Podium Club at Attesa – 6870 S Bianco Rd, Casa Grande, AZ 85193

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G et in vo lved

Meet fellow club members and enthusiasts. See what driving a Porsche on a local track is all about. Volunteer some time to help out the program. No prior experience necessary.

Get involved by volunteering for one of our HPDE program roles below:

Corner Worker/Flagger – COMPENSATED ROLE - $100 cash or a future track day credit ($175 value). Observe cars on track and provide flagging communication to drivers. Radio in to Chief of Course regarding any incidents, issues, and need to flag drivers. 8 hr full day commitment

Driving Instructor – Experienced drivers who are interested in becoming a PCA Instructor.

Grid Marshal – Radio communication with the Chief of Course and Corner Workers to release vehicles onto the track from Pre-Grid, and direct the flow of cars on and off the track. Approx. 2-7 hr commitment (part day to full day).

Lunch Pickup/Prep/Cleanup – Pickup lunch from a nearby location and/or lunch prep and cleanup.

Photographer – Capture photos of the event from great vantage points on the track or paddock for publication in Going Places. Approx. 2 hr commitment.

Pre-Grid – While cars are staged waiting to enter the track, check driver wristbands and confirm other safety guidelines are being met prior to releasing vehicles. Approx. 2-7 hr commitment (part to full day).

Registration – Check in drivers and their guests at the track gate entrance. Approx. 2 hr early AM commitment.

Safety Tech – Using our safety checklist, inspect vehicles and helmets to ensure compliance. Approx. 2 hr early AM commitment

Setup / Breakdown – Assist with unloading/loading and set up of equipment such as tables, chairs, canopy, PA system, etc. Approx. 1 hr commitment, early AM or late afternoon.

Writer – Write an editorial on the event, perhaps with an interview or two from drivers for publication in Going Places. Approx. 2 hr commitment.

HPDE Track Locations:

Arizona Motorsports Park – 15402 W. Camelback Rd, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340

Inde Motorsports Ranch – 9301 W. Airport Rd, Willcox, AZ 85643

Podium Club at Attesa – 6870 S Bianco Rd, Casa Grande, AZ 85193

Interested in Volunteering? It’s super easy - here’s how to get involved:

Register Online – Go to azpca.motorsportreg.com, find the event, select “Volunteer” during the registration process and choose your desired role from above.

Email – drivereducation@az.pca.org to register or for more information.

Your help is greatly appreciated! We need volunteers to keep these programs healthy and ongoing! We hope to see you out there!

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Meet this month’s featured members, Chuck Snyder, and his wife, Johanna.

1. When did you join PCA? I joined PCA Pacific Northwest Region along with my wife, Johanna, in 2008, when we bought our Boxster. Last year, we joined the Arizona Region when we moved to Sun Lakes.

2. What Porsche(s) do you have? We have a life-size, midnight blue 2005 Boxster that was purchased in 2008, as a certified used car in Bellingham. I have scale models of a 356, a 550 Spyder, and two Boxsters.

3. Where are you from? We both grew up in the small farm town of Sterling, in northeastern Colorado, lived in Idaho during law school, then spent over 40 years in Bellingham, Washington. We retired here in 2019 in search of sun and warmth!

4. Family? Johanna, me and our 19 year old cat, Osiris.

5. Work background or trade? I was a lawyer and judge in Washington State. I served on the Superior Court bench in Whatcom County from 1989 until I retired in 2019. I also taught at the Washington StateJudicial College and was President Judge of the Superior Court Judges Association.

6. What makes your car special? Our Boxster is very special because it was a present to myself after winning a frustrating re-election campaign! When I hesitated to spend the money, Johanna insisted that I buy it, and who argues with that?

7. Next upgrade? Probably a new top. Someday a repaint of the front end.

8. Have you personalized your car? I have added a more modern Bluetooth enabled “infotainment” system to replace the aging Porsche unit. Other than that, it’s just as it came from the factory.

9. Favorite memory with a car? My favorite memory with a car would be driving a 1935 Rolls Royce, with a friend and colleague who was its owner and restorer, from Spokane to Calgary and back for the Rolls Royce Owner’s Club event. You don’t know how much attention that gets you! Coming a close second would be autocrossing through the streets of Bellingham in an SCCA event that my local car club put on. My favorite non-automotive memory is rafting the Colorado through the Grand Canyon twice.

10. Why did you buy your Porsche? I had wanted a Porsche for decades. When a friend suggested this car and Johanna insisted, well, I just had to. I had sold my Miata a few months before and was having serious sports car withdrawal.

11. High school nickname? The Kid.

12. Top 3 cars you would own? Now there’s a question worthy of a magazine article. My top three changes over time, but as of today they would be a 1967 911S in Irish green, a Duesenberg SJ dual cowl phaeton with body by Murphy, and a 1964 904 GTS L

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From the EDITOR

Lisa Wong

My very first AZPCA Newsletter editoral!!

I am feeling a great deal of accomplishment with this month’s Issue. Since May, Angela Manente has taken me under her wing helping me prepare to become the AZPCA Newsletter Editor. We’d routinely meet at the Queen Creek Library so she could train, provide insight, and share her best practices with me. I admire the way she is able to keep all the moving parts in check, and I am grateful for her patience, leadership, and ability to teach.

To learn a little bit more about me, you can grab September’s Issue as I was featured in last month’s Meet a Member series.

Be sure to check out the club calendar at AZ.PCA.org for many exciting events. The club calendar provides key dates, registration closing dates and cost for upcoming events.

This month’s winner of the Writer’s Award is Chuck Snyder for “Dr. Strangelove, Sort of”. He will receive $30. credit on MotorsportReg, which will be good for one year towards any AZPCA event.

I very much look forward to meeting many more of you!!

GOING PLACES 10.2022 | 19 |
© 2018 Porsche Cars Nor h Amer ca nc Po sche recommends seat be usage and obse vance o raac aws a a mes Por sche Chandler Sale s , S er vice, Par t s & Acce ssorie s Porsche Chandler a uxur y experience encompassing Sales Ser vice Par ts & Accessories n the hear t of the East Valley OOering complimentar y Porsche ser vice loaners and door to door Sa es & Ser vice vehicle deliver y Showcasing the nest selection of New, Cer ti ed, Pre Owned and Classic Porsche models C Conveniently located Nor th of the Santan 202 Freeway on Gilber t Road Please visit us online at Por scheChandler com
| 20 | Thank YOU, AZPCA Members!

AZPCA 2022 Judging School


AM – 12 NOON



E. Shea Blvd., Suite 149 Scottsdale, Arizona

Please join our Chief Concours Judge, Andy Cole and various other club judges, to learn how to judge, what to look for and how the scoring works at a PCA Concours event.

We will be reviewing the PCA Zone 8 Concours rules and how these apply to providing a fair and equal approach to judging a Concours entered vehicle. We will also be providing ‘hands on’ review of various vehicles to put into practice what will be shared. There will also be the opportunity to learn how to address and resolve any issue that may be identified during the session and to ask any related question on vehicle preparation.

Please note that by attending and successfully completing the judging school, you will be eligible to judge at upcoming/future Concours events as part of a Judging team.

Refreshments will be provided

Please send the Chief Concours Judge a note at concours@az.pca. org to register your attendance.

15, 2022 9:00
Adam’s Polishes


Porsches and Pancakes Events 10th ANNUAL Porsches and Pancakes Saturday, October 22, 2022 11th ANNUAL Porsches and Pancakes Saturday, November 5, 2022 Location: Ajo Al’s Mexican Cafe 7458 W. Bell Road Glendale, Arizona Location: Eggstasy 6990 E. Shea Blvd. Scottsdale, Arizona Please check the AZPCA Website Calendar for details and registration

Bentley Polo Championships (Horses & Horsepower)

**There are a very limited number of spots available**

LOCATION: Westworld on Saturday November 5th 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

REQUEST: if you sign up, please show up

Those (and a guest) showing their cars (up to 10 cars max) will receive complimentary VIP tickets for the Molina Fine Jewelers Drivers & Players VIP Lounge Tent at the event (I believe there is a nominal parking charge for entering the event paid to the city in past years for entering the Westworld venue but that’s it). The tickets are valued at a minimum of $195 each for your information but are free to those registered in advance and participating.

AZPCA has shown cars for most of the 8 years prior, with anywhere from 8 to 12 cars participating. This is not a competition, just a major Scottsdale established institution now in its 11th year.

Other Marque’s already committed to the show include Ferrari’s, Lambos, a few McClaren, and likely some Corvettes and other brands, so good to have the Porsche Marque visible. Bottom line, this is a very big event with many other clubs participating.

Contact Frank Grimmelmann for info or to participate: fgrimmelmann@mindspring.com


2022 AZPCA Holiday Party

Registration closes on December 12th, and is required for this event

December 17th, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Location: Grayhawk Golf Club at the Fairway House

Don your festive holiday attire, join the fun, and enjoy an elegant plated dinner and merriment with fellow club members in the Fairway House at the Grayhawk Golf Club in Scottsdale as we celebrate the holiday season. We will also say farewell to our retiring 2022-2023 Board of Directors officers and welcome to our newly elected 2023-2024 officers.


• 5:00 PM - Check-in and Happy Hour

• 6:00 PM - Plated dinner will be served

• 7:00 PM - Introduction of 2022 Board of Directors

• 8:00 PM - Social Hour

• 9:00 PM - Close

Please check our AZPCA Calendar for registration information coming soon at: https://az.pca.org/event/2022-azpca-holiday-party/

Drop in attendees will not be admitted. No refunds will be issued after December 12.

Event Organizer: Cynthia Haag, Social Chair - social@az.pca.org


We just ran the Cottonwood Wine Tasting/Driving Tour on Saturday, September 10th. We had great weather, the hotel was really nice, and everyone had fun at the wine tasting held at 3 different wine venues in Old Town Cottonwood. Everyone seemed to have a great time and we are going to run the event annually.

Thanks to everyone who attended and contributed to this charity event. We raised $2,500 to be donated to St. Vincent de Paul of AZ!!

***Next year it will be held on Saturday, September 23,24***

For details about our upcoming drives and overnight trips be sure to check out our AZPCA Website Calendar.

GOING PLACES 10.2022 | 27 |

Fall Colors Overnighter to Flagstaff

October 6-7, 2022

Note that this is a weekday trip, Thursday-Friday, Oct. 6-7.

Early October is prime time for viewing the fall colors in Northern Arizona. This overnight trip follows the Red Rock Scenic Byway to Sedona, then twists up Oak Creek Canyon, where the leaves should be putting on their show!

When we arrive in Flagstaff we will have a buffet lunch at Grand Canyon Brewery Pub, then take a tour of the historic Riordan Mansion, one of the finest examples of American Arts and Crafts-style architecture open to the public today.

After the tour we’ll take the short drive to the Little America Hotel, where we will check in and enjoy social time with our fellow club members at Flagstaff’s only AAA approved Four Diamond hotel. “Set in 500 acres of Ponderosa pine forest, Little America Flagstaff combines inviting hospitality with the natural beauty of Northern Arizona.”

A special group rate has been arranged, which you can take advantage of when you register for this event.

On Friday morning after breakfast we will take the scenic drive to the Snowbowl. The fall colors should be dazzling as we head up toward Arizona’s tallest peak. Options on the mountain include lunch at the Agassiz Restaurant, where you can “kick back, relax and take in the mountain views at 9,500 ft.,” and you may want to ride the Arizona Gondola to view the dramatic scenery of Northern Arizona from a bird’s eye view peaking at 11,500 feet.

See more details on the AZPCA website: https://az.pca.org/event/fall-colors-overnighter/


Making a Beeline to Mormon Lake

Weather wise, our latest drive had a sunny beginning, a skyblue middle and a very wet ending…at least for some.

Our meeting place was the Target parking lot in Fountain Hills, this proved to be a great place to all meet up and have a chat before heading for the Beeline highway to start our day’s journey.

For this week’s drive we had around 30 cars and quite a few new members, it really is great to see everyone coming out. For those not familiar with the Beeline it can be a hair raising experience when the pick-up truck drivers are out.

The scenery, for the passengers that is, is breathtaking and the elevation changes and curves keep the drivers more than occupied to say the least, the only distraction being the aforementioned truckers out to test our resolve.

Once we arrived at the Lodge it became apparent that they had received a huge amount of rain in the last few days. Our first clue was the state of the ATV’s parked out front….you dirty mudders was uttered once or twice.

The upstairs room that The Steakhouse had set up for our group was a perfect blend of the Old Western frontier meets an old fashioned Tavern, it just worked. The food was very tasty and filling, the Burger was an adventure in its self just taking the first bite. We all enjoyed a nice meal and had a nice chat about the drive and scenery, I’d say it was a hit.

The only real slowdown was driving through Payson and the Casino parking lot that we stopped at briefly so everyone could reconvene. After passing through Pine and thankfully avoiding the local police force, the remainder of the drive up to Mormon Lake lodge took us along some breathtaking roads and past many a packed National Park.

The road leading to the Mormon Lake Lodge and the Steakhouse where we were booked for lunch was actually the best paved road we were on the entire trip, I gather a Phoenix politician has a place up that road somewhere… lol.

A small number of us decided to extend our driving pleasures by heading out to Winslow and this is where the “very wet” portion of the weekend comes into play, Mother Nature added a little twist to the drive but it was still a great way to finish off an epic AZPCA drive….oh and staying overnight at the truly amazing Railroad Hotel La Posada and enjoying dinner at the Turquoise Room definitely made up for inclement weather.

“Who told you that you should use the brakes, you should simply drive” - Ferdinand Porsche

For details about our upcoming drives and overnight trips be sure to check out our AZPCA Website Calendar.

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44th Annual Concours d’Elegance


The Board of Directors and leadership team of AZPCA cordially invite you to participate in our 44th annual Concours d’Elegance, known as Phoenix Flight 44, on October 28th and 29th, 2022 at The McCormick Scottsdale Millennium Hotels.

Festivities commence on Friday evening at 5:30pm, October 28th at The McCormick Scottsdale, located at 7421 N Scottsdale Rd. by McCormick Ranch.

On early Saturday morning, October 29th we will commence with the Concours d’Elegance car show at the hotel’s front lawn for judging and display of an awe inspiring array of Porsches. After judging is completed on Saturday morning, we will reconvene inside the hotel for lunch and presentation of awards.

The McCormick Scottsdale Millennium Hotels has reserved rooms at a $2XX + tax discounted rate for our out-of-town guests for Friday and Saturday nights.

Keep an eye on the AZPCA events calendar for upcoming Concours details and links to sign up! Phoenix Flight 44 Arizona Region | Porsche Club of America (pca.org)

Book a Room link Coming Soon!

Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region
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GOING PLACES 10.2022 | 31 | S o c i a l M e d i a f o r A Z P C A 6 W a y s t o E ngage ! B y Ja n Mackulak , Socia l Medi a Chair mailto:socialmedia@az.pca.org, FACEBOOK at f b . c o m / a z p c a T W I T T E R a t t w i t t e r . c o m / a z p c a I N S T A G R A M a t i n s t a g r a m . c o m / a z p c a P I N T E R E S T a t p i n t e r e s t . c o m / a z p c a P E R I S C O P E a t p e r i s c o p e . t v / a z p c a Y O U T U B E a t b i t . l y / a z p c a


Ithought about calling this column “Long May You Run,” or “A Thousand Miles from Nowhere,” or “Somewhere Down the Crazy River.” Because we’re moving on, folks. With a hope and a prayer. Electrons are leading us into the future.

it’s the only vehicle in the world that has facial recognition, at least for now. Zap your friends with that one, folks!

Don’t miss the interior. Sleek, current, but not overdone. The central console floats out from between the seats like a shrunken surfboard. And, on the steering wheel is a button labeled “Boost.” What does it do? Deliver an instant 50 hp, for about 10 seconds, over the stock 429 hp. I’d call it “Press to Pass,” or maybe “Boom.” You’re cruising along, you just press the button and … whoa … the thing bucks forward.

I had another electric shock from the event that I want to mention as well; the revelation that automotive journalism is self-charging, too. Oh, I kinda knew what’s going on – I watch YouTube car reviews too. But what I wasn’t ready for was the fact that, at least in this crowd, as a written word afficionado, I was in a shrinking minority.

The problem, I thought, was just that – how do you jolt yourself upright, when you turn the key or press the button, and all you hear is the whirring of electric motors? In a vehicle that weighs at least 1,000 lbs. more than a version with an ICE would? With concomitant engineering incorporated, in order to begin to approximate the handling prowess of the ICE version? And you’re paying a major premium for all this tech? And you’re still not sure you’ll be able to get enough of a charge, in enough time, to be able to get back home after a long-day’s journey into night?

Well… I’m announcing, here and now, I’m bending my view. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not there yet. I’m not going shopping for an EV any time soon. But I have finally seen and driven what I would accept as a way forward, for me at least, one fine day.

What happened was, I recently participated in the annual ride-drive event of the Rocky Mt. Automotive Press Assn (RMAP.) It wasn’t my first time, but it’s been a few years, due to, yes of course, Covid.

And I got to sample a bunch of new offerings from some of the major OEMs. No, not Porsche. They weren’t there. In fact, they’ve never been there. But Genesis was, as was Hyundai, and Kia, and Nissan, and Toyota, and Honda, and Lexus, and Acura, and Jeep. Thank you, all.

For the record, let it be recorded, I actually drove two vehicles equipped with manual transmissions, the new Nissan Z and the new Acura Integra.

But the show-stoppers were the newest EVs. And the one that shook my pre-conceived notions the most was the Genesis GS60. The what? Yes. Just introduced in the U.S., this past spring and, as of this writing, only available in seven or eight states. It’s sleek, it’s agile, and it’s got some of the coolest tech I’ve ever seen.

Like facial recognition. You stare at the B-pillar and the car recognizes you. Then there’s fingerprint recognition to start. Put the two together, and you literally don’t need a key. And, according to the factory rep,

Here’s what happened. The organizers found that they had too few cars for every scribe to drive one to the staging area. So I for one hopped into the Z-car passenger seat for the drive… and watched my companion fasten his Go-Pro to the windshield and begin a commentary on the vehicle, as we drove.

When my chauffeur found out that I write about Porsches, he turned the camera on me and asked what I thought of our ride. And there I was, on video, praising Nissan for keeping the faith. And the car wasn’t bad, either, especially at its price point.

But what struck me at the event was that this type of journalism – what should we call it, electro video? -- was the preferred way for most attendees to communicate with their audiences. Us keyboard pounders were, and are, a shrinking minority.

Is this good? For us? For news? For an informed public? I don’t know. Although I do remember a TV journalist who was asked how they can possibly cover a complex story in a two-minute stand-up TV news segment. Her response? That’s the challenge, and that’s what makes the challenge rewarding.

I’m not sure I agree. But I’m not sure it matters. To cite Weather Report, I sing the body electric.

I’ve tried to grapple with the concept, the idea of EVs humming all over the landscape, and enthusiasts, people like you and me, actually jumping on the bandwagon, embracing performance electrons.
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New Members


Jaime Aguilera

Scottsdale, Arizona

2013 911 Turbo S

Ros De Giaxa Salvi Scottsdale, Arizona

2015 911 Targa 4S

David Delaurier Fountain Hills, Arizona

1987 911 Carrera

Michael Faust Phoenix, Arizona

2017 Macan S

Douglas and Elizabeth Forster Anthem, Arizona

2004 911 Carrera 4S

Jonathan and Enid Heilman Phoenix, Arizona

2019 718 Cayman

Jane and Stephen Herthel Phoenix, Arizona

2022 911 Carrera S

Russell and Robin Hickman Gilbert, Arizona

2015 911 Carrera

Albert and Judson Hoffman Scottsdale, Arizona

2014 Boxster S

Michael Hyatt Gilbert, Arizona

2012 Panamera 4

Burt Kohler

Paradise Valley, Arizona

2022 Macan GTS


Linnis Rich Phoenix, Arizona

2012 911 Carrera

Barbara Roza Wickenburg, Arizona

2015 Cayman S

Kenneth Williams Litchfield Park, Arizona

2013 911 Carrera

Robert Zakar Scottsdale, Arizona

2021 718 Boxster S

2022 Cayenne Turbo AUGUST Brandon Amienyi Glendale, Arizona

2012 Panamera

David Brock Litchfield Park, Arizona

2022 911 Turbo S

Cecil Evans Phoenix, Arizona

2014 911 Turbo S Coupe

Alexander Fis Menache Tempe, Arizona

1978 911 SC Targa

Todd Grone Gilbert, Arizona

2022 911 Targa 4 GTS

Martin Liddell Gilbert, Arizona 2004 911 Carrera

Marla McDermott and Charles Kline Tempe, Arizona 2002 Boxster

Wladimir Sarmiento Scottsdale, Arizona

2010 Cayman

Amit and Rhea Sharma Scottsdale, Arizona 2022 Cayenne Coupe

Eugene Shifrin Scottsdale, Arizona

2004 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet

Marc and Mary Kay Yeley Scottsdale, Arizona

2018 911 Turbo


John Albrechtsen Phoenix, Arizona

2017 911 Carrera S

Deane Antoniou Glendale, Arizona 2003 Boxster S

Michael Ballmann Cave Creek, Arizona

2017 718 Boxster S

Ray Beauregard, Jr. Phoenix, Arizona

2020 718 Cayman GT4

William Brewer Glendale, Arizona 1973 911T

Danielle Greffe Tempe, Arizona 2022 911 Carrera 4S



JULY (Continued)

Andrew Griggs Scottsdale, Arizona

2014 911 Turbo S

Brooke Lane Gilbert, Arizona

2006 Cayman S

Justin and Laura Maloof Phoenix, Arizona

2003 Boxster Cabriolet

Leonard and Ruth Massey Sun Lakes, Arizona

2012 911 Carrera

David and Janis Mathis Phoenix, Arizona

2018 718 Cayman GTS

Chad and Patrick Meyer Scottsdale, Arizona

2018 Panamera 4 Executive 2010 Panamera 4S

VInce Palumbo Mesa, Arizona

2005 911 Carrera S

Roy Patel

Scottsdale, Arizona

2018 911 Carrera 4

Daniel Richards Scottsdale, Arizona

2016 Cayman GT4

Brad Serack

Phoenix, Arizona

2022 911 Carrera


Chuck and Ava Stanford Scottsdale, Arizona

2016 Boxster Spyder

Michael Stoor Phoenix, Arizona

2018 911 Carrera

Andy Yu Chandler, Arizona

2007 911 GT3

Transferred In


Christopher and Kristin Cova Cave Creek, Arizona

Transfer from: Potomac 2015 Boxster GTS 2013 Cayenne GTS

James C and Jocelyn Grisdale Glendale, Arizona Transfer from: Rocky Mountain 2007 911 Turbo


Eric and Tamara Kessel Chandler, Arizona

Transfer from: Northeast 1989 944 S2

2009 Cayman S

John and Mary Moore Scottsdale, Arizona

Transfer from: Potomac

2014 911 Carrera S Cabriolet


Rudolph Odom

Scottsdale, Arizona

Transfer from: Golden State

2011 Panamera 4 2014 Cayenne Diesel

Susan Quast Scottsdale, Arizona

Transfer from: Great Plains 1971 911E

William Schuessler Red Lodge, Montana

Transfer from: Absaroka 2012 911 Carrera Cabriolet

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Total Members: 2,301

Dr. Strangelove, Sort of

Many of those reading this may be familiar with one of my favorite movies, “Dr. Strangelove, or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb.” It is a black comedy by Stanley Kubrick with such famous lines as “Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the War Room!” and “Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in ‘Vegas with all that stuff.”

it out completely and looked for the Dreaded Metal Shavings. Never found any. I had a magnetic drain plug and checked it for filings – Nada!! I kept the revs over 2000. I sent some of my used oil off to Blackstone for analysis after every change. The reports were invariably chipper, no undue metal or other chemicals in the oil. I had over 60,000 miles and no problems, which many pundits said I was home free. No reason to fear, right? The message from the Universe seemed clear - stop worrying and learn to love your IMS bearing.

So, I blithely, blissfully went along, driving my car, only worrying once in a while when I’d read of some other poor soul’s IMS tragedy. I drove the car here from northwest Washington State, solo, when we moved to Arizona. I drove it on a club tour to Payson, Mormon Lake and Flagstaff without care. After all, I had done everything right, hadn’t I?

This is an affliction peculiar to owners of 1997 – 2008 Boxsters, 996 Carreras and pre-2009 Caymans (or is that Caymen?). Anyway, if you have had or still have one of these cars you know about the dreaded Doomsday Device that is the IMS bearing. When it is triggered, it’s the end of your engine, full stop (literally). And your stereo won’t be playing “We’ll Meet Again, Don’t Know Where, Don’t Know When.”

Now there are many opinions about what causes these under-engineered devices to fail. Some experts say the seal that holds the grease into the factory bearing deteriorates, allowing motor oil to wash out the grease causing the bearing to fail. Some say it is a weakness in the design of the bearing cage causing it to break. Others believe that the bearing is just not robust enough and can’t handle the loads it is subjected to over time. There is one school of thought that says all IMS bearings will fail eventually. Of course, that could probably be said of any part in the car, if you know what I mean. One knows these things because of the innumerable words written on the subject and the various claims made by those who manufacture replacement bearings. Suffice it to say, they may all be right. The problem is that no one knows when or why any specific IMS bearing will fail.

Case in point – my 2005 Boxster. It is worth remembering that there was a very large class action lawsuit over IMS failures and some thousands of owners got their cars repaired or got compensation for engine failures. I checked on this when I found out about the lawsuit. My car was deemed to fall outside the class of cars included, which was determined by engine number and known failure rates at the time of the suit. I verified this with one of the attorneys who was working on the lawsuit. She told me that cars not included had a failure rate of less than 1%. Keep in mind what Mark Twain said about statistics when you contemplate that, “Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.”

With all of this as a prelude, consider: last fall, with just over 60,000 miles on the car, the Doomsday Device went off. I thought I had been a good boy. I changed my oil with top flight synthetic, 5W40, by Castrol or Liqui Moly at least every 5000 miles, usually closer to 2500 miles in most instances. I religiously cut open my oil filter cartridge, spread

I’m sure you can guess the rest. One morning while returning from the swimming pool at a leisurely 35 MPH the car began to miss, the Check Engine light came on, then it began to flash, then all hell broke loose. All in about 300 yards of driving. I was done for! The light now meant Change Engine. Pistons became intimately acquainted with valves. Timing chains ran off with wild abandon to who knows where. Cylinder walls didn’t fare too well, either. The only solution was to spring for a complete rebuild, which is an expensive proposition and involves a few stories of its own, most full of frustration, but best left to another day when sufficient Knob Creek is present to dull the pain.

And now I’m back on the road again, with a guaranteed (!?!) IMS replacement bearing made with rollers rather than balls, lubricated by the fine synthetic oil, and many thousands of simoleons poorer. What will I do differently? I guess I’ll change the oil every 5000 miles, cut open my oil filter, send a sample to Blackstone, cut a potato and rub it on the sump then bury it under a full moon (worked for warts, why not this?), and anything else I can think of. I’m open to ideas.

So, my fellow Porsche friends, don’t despair. I bring a message of hope. Stop worrying and learn to love your IMS!

But start saving up!!

Well, there is a pretty good Porsche analog to that movie title. Something like “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Learned to Love The IMS Bearing.”
GOING PLACES 10.2022 | 35 |

The 1974 Porsche 914 Project takes 180 Turn

My last installment wrapped-up with the rear wheels finally being back on the ground and the bridge jack on mu four-post lift supporting the back of the car from the engine mount pods moved out of the wat. I had just spent four unglamorous days in that “coal mine” stripping the lower engine compartment ahead of the engine mount pods to bare metal. In the days that followed since, all the areas that had already been repainted behind the engine mount pods were cocooned in large garbage bags and o.7 mil plastic drop cloths, so I could proceed with applying self-etching primer and painting this last remaining section red.

Once the red enamel had been allowed to cure, the “payoff” fun period began; installing all those brand-new parts that I had purchased months earlier. Restoring and installing the original parts I’m reusing by vapor-honing and painting made all the hours of drudgery spent under the car in the prior months felt worth the effort. I had visualized what the car would have looked lie as it rolled off the Karmann assembly line, and now that vision was becoming an extremely satisfying reality. Access to great color photographs on the internet from Facebook groups like 914World and websites like “Bring a Trailer” enhanced the Porsche workshop manuals and made it so easy to verify how the assembly was done originally and replicate it.

Even with “professional” help, it’s kind of comical to see how many things were assembled incorrectly in my first restoration 30 years ago. Proof; I was fumbling along without

the aid of a digital camera to document disassembly, the set of factory manuals I now own, and access to the internet to research and ask questions. I found things like the heat flap control boxes mounted on the engine compartment bulkhead from a prior owner like every other Porsche I’d seen. The boxes were swapped left and right, so they would point the right way and then left me wondering why new heater cables didn’t reach, so I added extensions to them! Now I know they belong on the engine, and it will all be put back together correctly with all new parts. I’ve learned a lot about the logic of Porsche engineers over the years and now it’s become almost like a religion. Simple things like the nuts on motor or transaxle mounts are always installed so that they’re visible and have a dot of paint where the joined surfaces meet once they’re torqued, so it’s obvious if they’re coming loose. Missing, too, this time is that can of leftover hardware bits that I couldn't figure out where they went! The real joy is having the proper tools now; there’s no more approximating axle nut torque with a breaker bar, length of pipe, and body weight or using a carpenter’s claw hammer where a brass hammer, dead-blow hammer, or ball pen hammer is the proper tool!

During the reassembly phase, I configured my shop, so I could vapor hone and paint the restored parts within a few feet of the 914 without dealing with dust and over spray. I went into detail about vapor honing in last month’s article, but didn’t go into my free, temporary over spray paint booth. I usually find a large cardboard appliance box, about washing machine size, but in this case, the huge box the new vapor honing cabinet came in worked perfectly. I have an air filtration system (fan) by RIDGID tools designed for use while doing dusty drywall construction, that has a built-in filter. I cut a 12-inch diameter hole in the back of the cardboard box, then wedged an additional 14- inch square furnace filter between the box and the RIDGID fan was supported

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by milk crates. All the over spray was sucked out of the back of the box and trapped in the furnace filter. I also suspended a 10-foot length of metal electrical wiring conduit with a chain from my garage door rails and dropped another chain down the center of the cardboard box to suspend heavy parts for painting. It’s pretty remarkable how much over spray gets trapped by the furnace filter and when it starts looking full, I just swap it out for a new one. Once I'm done, I’ll just knock the over spray dust out of the cardboard box and cut it down for recycling.

The 1974 Porsche 914 Project (continued)

Assembly with all the new parts was down to the last step: the CV-joints and rear sway bar that I was burned by when not closing inspecting the new CV-joints and assuming they were correct six months ago.

Those expensive Porsche Classic C-joints I was so excited about finding after being listed as NLA for decades were not made for the original axles! This is the thing that I find so frustrating about using the Porsche Classic PET (Porsche Elektronischer Teilekatalog) on the Porsche website. If a part design has been superseded, there’s no explanation or part number change to the last two digits! In this case, Porsche Classics produces a new, complete rear axle assembly (CVjoint to CV-joint) but, instead of 33 splines n the axle shaft like the original, there’s only 25. Where the problem arises is that the individual CV-joints listed in the PET are for the replacement axle with 25 splines, yet, they don’t sell the new 25-spline axle shaft by itself. Even more disappointing is Pelican Parts. The vendor I purchased them from was oblivious as to such

a basic incompatibility and have a 30-day return policy. Luckily, I called my Dodge Cobra loving eBay Porsche parts guru Rich Bontempi at High Performance House in California. Not only did Rich educate me on the replacement CV-joint situation but also happened to have a 4-inch made in “West Germany" NOS 33-spline CV-joints in stock! I'm not going to whine about how much money I have wrapped up in my CV-joints but rather focus on the positive, they have zero hours on them and life will be just

that much more carefree!

So now it's time to stop and take an "after" photo to compare to the "before" photo as proof that the second winter of the Covid-19 pandemic was put to good use. Now as spring begins, the rear of the 914 is all ready for an engine and will be turned-around on the 4-post lift to perform the same level of restoration on the front suspension and wheel wells. Removing the gas tank and welding in mounts for the new (used) factory front sway bar will also be part of the task list. The engine builder, Jack Morris in Spokane, has no good news to report concerning the wait list for Walt Watson's machine work on the heads or the arrival of the new Carrillo connecting rods so no need to rush on my end. Wait, it's spring and my wife's starting to bring vegetable plant starts home for the garden! Is wishing I had a few more weeks of winter selfish? No, it would be crazy because spring is time for driving vintage Porsches and it’s car show season again too!


GOING PLACES 10.2022 | 37 |


64 Years

Louis Kinney

53 Years

Robin Boone

52 Years

Steve Knappenberger

46 Years

Dean Jacobson

32 Years

Jon and Debbie Conrad

31 Years

Richard and Deborah Gray

29 Years

Nicholas Bartoni

26 Years

Kevin and Toni Evans

25 Years

Alan and Terry Roche

21 Years

Adrian VanCraeynest and Karen Kindraka

21 Years

Jim and Janet Bowen

Ray Colombo

Jackie Johnson

Michael and William D. Squires

20 Years

Walter Gallagher and Helen Dowling

James Hoban

William and Susan Repko

18 Years

Brian and Orfelinda Kelly

Kevin Mixon

Sam Lin and David You

17 Years

Mark and Debra Dreher

Maricel Gritzmacher

Stephen Provost

16 Years

Richard Avellone

Ronald Felson

Chad Brockman and Claudia Sletten Glen and Jerry Van Winkle

15 Years

Jan Lahtonen Donald and Joanne McDowell

14 Years

Ken Carlson

Robert and Elizabeth Wilder

13 Years

Bryan and Carol Cook

Derek Ferguson David and Rosa Robinson

12 Years

Steve and Marcia Guerrant

11 Years

Jerry Bevins and Judy Espinosa Dwight and Patty Mohr

Shane and Karen Mustoe Reynaldo and Barbara Ramos David and Mun Cho Wang

10 Years

Paul and Karen Dykstra Keith and Jodi Peckham

Luigi and Susan Talarico Fred and Jan Harper-Tervet

9 Years

Jeffrey and Mathias Baucum

Steven Groman

Bill Hagan

Tim Macy

Frank and Lisa Milstead Joe and Sharon Piorun

8 Years

Craig Archer

Susan Bates

John and Sandy Green Ismael and Noe Quintana Nikaido Freda and Eldon Sterling Rick Wallace and Stefanie Brice Chuck and Denise Trayer

7 Years

Dan and Kellie Bouet Aaron Cardwell Ray Dimuzio II

Tom Haenfler

Keith and Christina Konkoli

Mark and Jennifer Lee Manke Robert Leibenguth Bruce and Joanne Matthews

6 Years

Ross and Jan Brunson

Matthew and Lana Griffin

Peter and Lisa Heckmann

Michael Holdsworth

Greg Joelson and Cassandra Holmes

James McCormick

Narayanan and Sumana Mandala

Ryan Nichols and Alma Fuentes Rod and Deanna Pappas

Paul Perkins and Vickery L. Randall Angus Wilfong and Ada Bosworth

5 Years

Steve Anthony Andolino Ralph Concha Todd Jankowski

David Keyes David and Matthew Leblanc Olivier Loire

JP Millon

Patrick and Ann Moeschler

Alan and Linda Rhodes David Schotz

John and Tracy Stull Ryan Tamietti

4 Years

Larry Darr

Fernando Del Vigna Dennis Kelley Shaun Ongstad Greg and Elena Wayne

CONGRATULATIONS!!! These members are observing their PCA Membership Anniversary this month!!
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3 Years

Jeff Gritzmacher Mark Howell Keisuke Iida Christina Ovando Evan Tillery

2 Years

Ivory Bates Mike Bauschka

Angela Bird

Ronald Blair Ann French Richard Gramlich Heather Harrenstein Gene Knowles

Robert Mignanelli Mark and Jennifer Schachterle

Tim Siegel Ed Watts

1 Year Robert Atlas

Robert Davis David Dennett Chris Durham Michael Ferrin Maricel Gritzmacher Gary Heckler Drew Holgate


1 Year (continued)

Damon Jacobson

Doug and MaryAnn Jenkins Brian Johnson

Kellene and Steve Kloetsch

Deborah Lahtonen

Dana Letendre and Mariia Tensina

Miguel Lopez

Jonathan Martinez Derek Moore

Peter Moran Matthew Neal Bret and Beth Parke Tolek Petz

Paul and Gayle Rosenkoetter

Trey Smith Natalie Violi Mark Whaley Dave Young Anthony Zarcone

GOING PLACES 10.2022 | 39 |
! CONGRATULATIONS!!! These members are observing their PCA Membership Anniversary this month!!
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Rick Althouse

Kim Kemper autocross@az.pca.org


JUDGE Andy Cole concours@az.pca.org


John Dowling CDI@az.pca.org


Dan Bouet drivereducation@az.pca.org

DRIVING TOUR CHAIR Rook Younger drivingtours@az.pca.org


Jim Bultema drivingtours@az.pca.org


Dave Fisher dfish5666@aol.com

EVENT REGISTRAR Rook Younger drivingtours@az.pca.org

EVENT REGISTRAR ASSISTANT Richard Wyatt d88wyatt@aol.com

GOODIE STORE Betsy Andrade betsy7890@earthlink.net

HISTORIAN Loretta Aman jlaman914@cox.net

MEMBERSHIP Moe Scharhon membership@az.pca.org


Jim and Carole Bultema monthlymeetings@az.pca.org

ASSISTANT MEMEBERSHIP MEETING CHAIR Andy Jorgensen monthlymeetings@az.pca.org

NAME BADGES Betsy Andrade betsy7890@earthlink.net

NEWSLETTER EDITOR Lisa Wong gpeditor@az.pca.org

ASSISTANT NEWSLETTER EDITOR Angela Manente gpeditor@az.pca.org

PANORAMA LIAISON Larry Grimes panorama@az.pca.org

PORSCHES & PANCAKES CO CHAIR Dennis Rood dmrood1@comcast.net

PORSCHES & PANCAKES CO-CHAIR Frank Grimmelmann fgrimmelmann@ mindspring.com

SAFETY CHAIR David Derr safety@az.pca.org


SOCIAL COMMITTEE CHAIR Cynthia Haag socialchair@az.pca.org

ASSISTANT SOCIAL COMMITTEE CHAIR Marla McDermott socialchair@az.pca.org

SOCIAL MEDIA Jan Mackulak socialmedia@az.pca.org

SPONSORSHIP & ADVERTISING Andy Jorgensen sponsorship@az.pca.org

TECHNICAL CHAIR Scott Mcilvain CDI@az.pca.org

WEBMASTER Marla McDermott webmaster@az.pca.org

WEBMASTER ASSISTANT Kevin Gilchrist webmaster@az.pca.org

GOING PLACES 10.2022 | 41 |
Andy Jorgensen, Financial Advisor 208 970 1741 | Andrue.Jorgensen@rfconline.com 2730 E. Camelback Rd, Suite 250 Phoenix, AZ 85016 RENAISSANCE FINANCIAL Investments • Planning • Insurance www.renaissancefinancial.com Registered Representatives and Investment Advisor Representatives of Securian Financial Services, Inc. Securities and investm ent advisory services offered through Securian Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Renaissance Financial is independently owned and operated. 42156 47 DOFU 01/2022


Lori DeCristo

California Inland Region zonerep@zone8.org


Linda Cobarrubias treasurer@zone8.org


Bill Thorp autocross@zone8.org


Russell Shon de.tt@zone8.org


Scott Mann cdi@zone8.org


Skip Carter


Tom Brown webmaster@zone8.org


Tom Brown rules@zone8.org

SECRETARY Monica Asbury secretary@zone8.org


Dick Douglass


ARIZONA az.pca.org

AZ MOUNTAIN azm.pca.org

CAL. CENTRAL ccc.pca.org

CAL. INLAND www.pca.org/cai

GOLDEN EMPIRE gem.pca.org

GRAND PRIX www.GrandPrixRegion.com

LAS VEGAS www.lvrpca.com

LOS ANGELES www.pcalosangeles.org

ORANGE COAST www.pcaocr.com

RIVERSIDE www.riversidepca.org

SAN DIEGO www.pcasdr.net


SANTA BARBARA www.pcasb.org

SO. ARIZONA saz.pca.org

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The sponsorship programs were designed to allow our current and new advertisers and sponsors a simple way to choose a program that will include; digital on-line published newsletter and internet exposure opportunities all for one simple investment.

The sponsorship program has five tiers:

Bronze - $250 includes one small website banner on the Membership and Going Places digital magazine page of our website, and one eigth-page (3.5”x 2”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.

Silver - $600 Includes one medium-sized website banner on the Mem bership and Going Places digital magazine page of our website, and one quarter-page (3.5” x 4.75”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.

Gold - $1200 Includes one medium-sized website ad on the main page of our website rotating with other sponsors, and one half-page (8” x 5”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.

Titanium - $2500 Includes one large vertical ad on the front page of our website rotating with other sponsors and one full-page (8” x 10”)color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.

Platinum - $10,000. Includes one large vertical ad on the front page of our website, an embedded video, one full-color or grayscale, full-page (8” x 10”) ad inside the front cover in the Going Places publication.

It is the responsibility for each sponsor to develop and design their unique promotional ads. Sponsors must submit their own artwork elec tronically for ads in gif, pdf, jpeg or swf (for website ads) formats. New sponsorships will run yearly, and investment will be pro-rated for any new sponsor who commits mid-year. The acceptance and display of ad vertising in this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser or product by the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region. AZPCA reserves the right to refuse to print any ad it deems inappropri ate. Sponsorships must be prepaid. Staff reserves the right to change rates upon notice at any time.

Contacts: Sponsorship Requests and Tier Details Sponsorships and Advertising Manager, Andy Jorgensen E-mail: sponsorship@az.pca.org

Angela Manente – Going Places Editor E-mail: gpeditor@az.pca.org

GOING PLACES 10.2022 | 43 |
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Porsche Club of America-Arizona Region-Going Places October 2022 by Porsche Club of America - Arizona Region - Going Places - Issuu