GOING PLACES 9.2022 | 1 |

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GOING PLACES 9.2022 | 3 | Volume 52 Issue 9 EDITOR Angela gpeditor@az.pca.orgManente ASSISTANT EDITOR Lisa gpeditor@az.pca.orgWong CONTRIBUTORS Danielle Badler Mark Baker Dan Bouet Ken GreggBryanand Ali Bull Jim RookBrianMoeKennethJanJerryKimBruceFrankBultemaGrimmelmannHerringtonKemperKingMackulakMitchellScharhonWongYounger Going Places is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region and is published electronically monthly. Written contributions and photographs are welcomed and can be emailed to the editor. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily rep resent the official position of the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region, its officers or members. Permission is granted to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and to Going Places. PORSCHE®, the Porsche Crest®, CARRERA®, and TARGA® are trademarks of Porsche AG. The editor shall reserve the right to edit and publish only those articles felt to be in the best interest of the members of the Porsche Club of America. THE DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES AND ADVERTISEMENTS SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION IS THE 15TH OF THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MONTH OF PUBLICATION. Commercial advertising rates can be found in the back of this publication. ON THE COVER Alpine Tour 2022 Photo by Unknown IN THIS ISSUE AZ.PCA.ORG FEATURES 8..............Autocross Season Recap 12..............Meet A Member - Brian and Lisa Wong 20 Rolling, Rolling, Rolling Red Rock 22 9th Annual AZPCA Night Out at the Ballpark 25 Comedians in Porsches 26 Book Reviews for Porschephiles

| 4 | NEWS & EVENTS 5.. 2022 Calendar of Events 7 September Member Meeting 9 2022/2023 Autocross Season 10 2022/2023 HP Drivers Education Season 11 Get Involved 14 ............. Calling All AZPCA Members 16............. Porsches & Pancakes - Anthem Country Club 18 Save The Dates! 15 New Members’ Day 19 Fall Colors Overnight Tour 21 Arizona Region 44th Annual Concours d’Elegance 23 ............. Holiday “Fill the Frunk” Food Drive 24 ............. AZPCA Holiday Party 29 PCA Parade 2023 - Palm Springs, CA IN EVERY ISSUE 4 Arizona Region Board 6 President’s Corner 13 From the Editor 24............. Social Media 27 Members’ Anniversaries 28 Goodie Store 30 ............. Executive Appointees 31 ............. Zone 8 Staff and Websites 32 Sponsorship Program SPONSORS 24..............Brasile,INDEXChuck & Denise; Real Estate 5 ............. Hoover, Don; Peoples Mortgage Company 30 Jorgensen, Andy; Renaissance Financial 6 McILvain Motors IFC,31 Porsche Chandler IBC,13.......Porsche North Scottsdale 17 Protective Film Solutions CLASSIFIEDS https://az.pca.org/classifieds/ PRESIDENT Mark president@az.pca.orgBaker VICE PRESIDENT Mark Manente vicepresident@az.pca.org SECRETARY Jen secretary@az.pca.orgBartling TREASURER Andrew Grossman treasurer@az.pca.org PAST PRESIDENT Steve Sapareto pastpresident@az.pca.org DIRECTORS AT LARGE Jim JimBultemaBultema@az.pca.org Andy AndyColeCole@az.pca.org Richard RookYounger@az.pca.orgRookRichardWyatt@az.pca.orgWyattYounger BOARD OF DIRECTORS Attention AZPCA Members! Please let our sponsors know you are a member of the Arizona Porsche club and that you appreciatesupport.their

GOING PLACES 9.2022 | 5 | CALENDAR2022OF EVENTS SEPTEMBER 2022 7 We Monthly Membership Meeting 10-11 Sa- Cottonwood Driving Tour/Wine Tasting Su Weekend 15 Th Going Places Deadline (Oct. 2022) 17 Sa New Members’ Day - Culinary Dropout 19 Mo Board of Directors Meeting 25 Su Porsche & Pancakes at Anthem Country Club OCTOBER 2022 5 We Monthly Membership Meeting 6-7 Th-Fr Fall Colors Tour - Flagstaff 8 Sa Driver Ed - Arizona Motorsport Park 15 Sa Autocross - AZ Motorsport Park Skidpad 15 Sa Going Places Deadline (Nov.. 2022) 17 Mo Board of Directors Meeting 28-29 Fr- Flight 44 PhoenixSa Annual Concours d’Elegance NOVEMBER 2022 2 We Monthly Membership Meeting 5-6 Sa- Drivers Education at Indy Su 11-12 Fr-Sa Autocross at AMP 15 Tu Going Places Deadline (Dec. 2022) 19 Sa Holiday “Fill the Frunk” Food Drive 21 Mo Board of Directors Meeting Editor’s Note: The date, times and details of AZPCA events may be changed or added at anytime. CLICK HERE AZ.PCA.ORG to check the website for the entire calendar of club event information. UnmatchedCustomerService Call for full program details and to check rates and eligibility. Subject to underwriting. 06/05/20 DON OriginationHOOVERSupport Manager/ Loan Officer 602.770.0388 dhoover.loans.peoplesmortgage.comdhoover@peoplesmortgage.com Call today! LO Licensing: AZ LO-0912721 CA-DOC207797 CO-100509307 WA-MLO-207797 NMLS-207797 Company Licensing: AZ BK-0904164 CA-FLL603L266/RMLA4130661, Licensed by the Department of Business Oversight Under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act www.peoplesmortgage.com/privacy-policy CO, Regulated by the Division of Real Estate WA-CL-6274 NMLS-6274 REDUCE your monthly mortgage payments with a new, lower interest rate CONSOLIDATE credit cards, loans, and other debts to a lower interest rate FINANCE home renovations, a wedding, or a vacation by using the equity in your home are lookingyoutobuyor refinance a home? According to Freddie Mac, mortgage interest rates are the lowest they’ve been in nearly 4 years! Whether you’re thinking of purchasing your dream home, pulling cash out for home improvements, or simply refinancing to potentially lower your monthly expenses, It’s a great time to explore your home financing options! InterestCompetitivePricingRatesAreLow

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Hello All: Ihope you all are enjoying our monsoon rain, almost every day. Hopefully no one has had any damage because of the storms and flooding.
As mentioned in my last letter in Going Places the elections will be held soon There will be vacancies for President, Vice President, Secretary, and 2 Directors at Large. It is common that no one wants to fill the vacancies and we have to hunt for people to step up and volunteer. So, if you want to help out and meet lots of great people, please consider volunteering for one of the available club positions. Signs for the balloting will start soon, and we will conduct the voting online again this year. If you have an interest in one of the available positions, please reach out to me at president@az.pca.org.
The following are some upcoming events: • September 7 – Monthly Meeting at Alpio’s Toy Barn • September 10 – Driving Tour to Cottonwood for an overnight Wine tasting Charity Event • September 17 – New Members Day at Culinary Dropout in Tempe • September 25 – Porsche n Pancakes at the Anthem Country Club • October 6,7 – Fall Colors, Overnight Driving Tour to Flagstaff • October 8 – Drivers Ed at AMP • October 15 – Auto X I hope to see you all at an upcoming event. Drive Safely, Mark
I just checked and we have 63 attendees for the next Monthly Meeting on September 7th, at Alpio’s Toy Barn. It should be fun so sign up soon. You can sign up in the calendar section on our website. Registration for Flight 44 is now active. It will be held at the grass area of McCormick Ranch (near Scottsdale Rd. and McCormick Pkwy). The dates are Friday Oct 28, and Saturday Oct 29. Check the club website for registration options.

GOING PLACES 9.2022 | 7 | MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS Wednesday, September 7, 2022 Monthly Meeting at: ALPIO’S Toy Barn* Please join us at Alpio’s Toy Barn for another entertaining Membership Meeting, where chatting with your Porsche friends is the order of the day. Alpio, who has hosted us in the past, has offered his Toy Barn, where he has an outstanding display of fourteen collector cars from Porsches to Ferraris. A remarkable backdrop to enjoy a catered meal from Five Star Mexican Taco Grill including: • Make your own Chicken - Shredded Beef Tacos or Taco Salad • Cheese Enchiladas, Refried Beans and Rice • Chips, Salsa and Guacamole • For dessert, delicious Churros • BYOB and drinks Proceeds from the event will be donated to Saint Vincent de Paul of Arizona on behalf of Alpio and our club . Jim and Carole Bultema, Organizers *New AddressAlpio’sLocation“ToyBarn”availableupon registering. Cost: $30 per person Event Schedule: 5:30 – 6:15 p.m. Social hour – viewing of collection 6:15 – 7:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 – 7:30 p.m. Meeting Registration is required for this event. The closing date to register is September 4, Sunday at midnight. Registration is limited to 70. https://az.pca.org/event/sept-monthly-membership-meeting/

By the time this article is published, Event Number 9.5 will have just occurred. Event Number 9.5 was just some good old fashion “Bench Racing” (exchanging less than truthful facts) where each attending driver had the opportunity to tell their side of the facts that they could have, maybe should have, and/or would have, been faster than their fellow drivers and friends, “IF” (excuses).
There were seven drivers that attended all nine events. The 100 percenters are Kim K., Eric S., Eric T., Dave M., Rick A., Brian M., and Ken M. These 100 percenters drove, or were supposed to drive, a total 61 laps each throughout the entire season. That was an average of 6.7 laps per event. Some drivers elected to not take some runs.
What do Autocrossers’ do in the off season??
Six of the seven 100 percent drivers ran in the Group “P” Category. The following times are the best lap times, combined from all nine season events for each driver. The driver with the quickest best season combined total time on course was Kim, in his 2016 Porsche GT3 RS, with 422.579 seconds followed by Eric S., in his 2006 Porsche Carrera 2S, at 428.008 seconds; then Eric T., in his 2014 Porsche Carrera S, at 448.409 seconds; Dave, in his 2014 Porsche Cayman S, at 473.565 seconds; Brian, in his 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS, at 461.021 seconds; and Rick, in his 1994 Porsche 968, at 499.586 seconds. There was only one AZPCA Region member driver in Group “X” that qualified as a 100 percenter. Ken’s total was 423.862 seconds. Please note, the difference in these times amongst the seven drivers do not represent the driving ability of any driver against the other drivers because of the disparate performance and types of the Porsche and non-Porsche cars. Comparing these times is strictly for good ol’ bragging rights among friends.
The first event of the 2022-2023 AZ PCA Region Autocross Season is Saturday, October 15, 2022, at Arizona Motorsports Park (AMP), in Litchfield Park. The registration for this event is well underway and will close on Friday, October 14, 2022, at 12 Noon, Arizona Standard Time (AST), unless the maximum capacity is reached before the closing date. If the maximum capacity is reached prior to the closing date, you will be put on the “waiting list”. Do not allow this to happen, it is best to sign
Bench Racing!! The AZPCA Region Auto crossing is on summer hiatus and the Autocross Co-Chairs and support crews are taking a well-deserved break from a very successful 2021-2022 Autocross Season. So, let’s recap this past season with some statistics and facts. Weather-wise, it was AZPCA Region Perfect except, a couple of the early morning hours during the winter months, were a bit chilly but, warmed up after the sun came up. We were fortunate that there were no rain events throughout the season. Our Region is very lucky to have autocross near perfect weather to hold events throughout the winter nine monthly events from September to April with April holding two events. There were 345 entries for the season with an event average of 38.3 drivers. Thirteen of our Region members tried for their first time. Four PCA members from other Regions joined in on the fun. One attending member was the Zone 8 Autocross Chair and another was a Past PCA National Autocross Committee Chair.
A total of 317 Cones were sacrificed for the nine events and 151 drivers were penalized, some drivers at more than one event. The average number of cones sacrificed, for each event, was 35.2 cones by an average of 16.7 drivers. One driver had cone kill(s) in eight of the nine events with a season total of sixteen and he was our top “Cone Killer” for the season. He was cone-free for only the first event. The Cone Killer will likely be ‘recognized” at a future event for that dubious achievement, stay tuned. The first event was the event with the least amount of “cone kills” with seven. Event seven, the March event, was the worst of all the events for “cone kills” with twenty-two. One driver racked up six “cone kills” in one event and two drivers had five “cone kills” in one event. Dave M. was one of the 100 percent drivers and he only hit one cone the entire season. Dave almost made it through the entire seasoncone free unfortunately, that one cone kill happened during Event 8. Was that a lot of cone carnage, I don’t know but, there had to be some waxing-on and waxing-off between events throughout the season to get all those cone marks off the cars.
The Autocross Co-Chairs elected to hold this event to keep the “driving spirit” in high-gear during the summer break. A number of drivers attended the event and it appeared that each driver had a very long list of All“IFs”.thedrivers had different “IFs” however, there was one fact that all the drivers agreed on, they all had a lot of fun “Bench Racing” and enjoyed the true aspect of the autocrossing sport, the “Social Aspect”, and of course the food and beverages.

GOING PLACES 9.2022 | 9 | AUTOCROSS AUTOCROSS2022/2023SEASON Saturday, October 15, 2022 - Arizona Motorsport Park Skidpad Saturday, November 11, 2022 - Arizona Motorsport Park Track Saturday, November 12, 2022 - Arizona Motorsport Park Skidpad Saturday, December 10, 2022 - Arizona Motorsport Park Skidpad REGISTER ONLINE HERE on MotorsportReg.com If you have any questions regarding any of the autocross events, please contact the Autocross Co-chairs, Kim K. or Rick A. at autocross@az.pca.org photo by Ken Bryant

| 10 | H PDDE E sc he du u le 2022 / 2023 Season Saturday, October 8, 2022 Arizona Motorsports Park Saturday & Sunday, November 5-6, 2022 Inde Motorsports Ranch Saturday, December 3, 2022 Podium Club at Attesa Saturday, February 11, 2023 Arizona Motorsports Park (CCW) Saturday & Sunday, March 25-26, 2023 Inde Motorsports Ranch HPDE Event Registrations: azpca.motorsportreg.com Arizona Motorsports Park – 15402 W. Camelback Rd, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 Inde Motorsports Ranch – 9301 W. Airport Rd, Willcox, AZ 85643 Podium Club at Attesa – 6870 S Bianco Rd, Casa Grande, AZ 85193 DRIVER’S EDUCATION

Meet fellow club members and enthusiasts. See what driving a Porsche on a local track is all about.
G in vo lved
Grid Marshal – Radio communication with the Chief of Course and Corner Workers to release vehicles onto the track from Pre-Grid, and direct the flow of cars on and off the track. Approx. 2-7 hr commitment (part day to full day).
Photographer – Capture photos of the event from great vantage points on the track or paddock for publication in Going Places. Approx. 2 hr commitment.
GOING PLACES 9.2022 | 11 |
Setup / Breakdown – Assist with unloading/loading and set up of equipment such as tables, chairs, canopy, PA system, etc. Approx. 1 hr commitment, early AM or late afternoon.
Registration – Check in drivers and their guests at the track gate entrance. Approx. 2 hr early AM commitment. Safety Tech – Using our safety checklist, inspect vehicles and helmets to ensure compliance. Approx. 2 hr early AM commitment
Writer – Write an editorial on the event, perhaps with an interview or two from drivers for publication in Going Places. Approx. 2 hr commitment.
Lunch Pickup/Prep/Cleanup – Pickup lunch from a nearby location and/or lunch prep and cleanup.
HPDE Track Locations:
Pre-Grid – While cars are staged waiting to enter the track, check driver wristbands and confirm other safety guidelines are being met prior to releasing vehicles. Approx. 2-7 hr commitment (part to full day).
Arizona Motorsports Park – 15402 W. Camelback Rd, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340
Interested in Volunteering? It’s super easy - here’s how to get involved: Register Online – Go to azpca.motorsportreg.com, find the event, select “Volunteer” during the registration process and choose your desired role from above. Email – drivereducation@az.pca.org to register or for more information. Your help is greatly appreciated! We need volunteers to keep these programs healthy and ongoing! We hope to see you out there!
Corner Worker/Flagger – COMPENSATED ROLE - $100 cash or a future track day credit ($175 value). Observe cars on track and provide flagging communication to drivers. Radio in to Chief of Course regarding any incidents, issues, and need to flag drivers. 8 hr full day commitment
Driving Instructor – Experienced drivers who are interested in becoming a PCA Instructor.
Volunteer some time to help out the program. No prior experience necessary. Get involved by volunteering for one of our HPDE program roles below:
Inde Motorsports Ranch – 9301 W. Airport Rd, Willcox, AZ 85643 Podium Club at Attesa – 6870 S Bianco Rd, Casa Grande, AZ 85193

3. Where are you from? I was born and raised in Idaho. Lisa was born in Idaho and raised in Wyoming until she moved back to Idaho in 1987. We spend alot of time between Arizona and Idaho.
4. Family? We met in the summer of 1997, and married in February 1999. We’ve been married for 23 years. We have three children. Jacqueline (27) who lives in Idaho with our three grandchildrenAeva (8), Maddoux (3), and Briggs (1). Our son, Joaquin (25) lives in Maricopa with our grandpup, Lexi. And, our youngest, Sierra, is in the Navy currently stationed in San Diego, California, with our grandcat, Penelope.
6. What makes your car special? This car marks the era of us achieving ‘empty-nester’ status, and agreeing to live life now not waiting for retirement.
2. What Porsche(s) do you have? We have a 2022 Cayman GTS 4.0.
7. Next upgrade? We think we should get settled in one state before we add anynore cars.
8. Have you personalized your car? Yes. We reached consensus on personalized plates - STLTTO.
1. When did you join PCA? March 14, 2022, just one month after we purchased our first Porsche.
10. Why did you buy your Porsche? Lisa’s dream has been to own one.
9. Favorite memory with a car? One of our first dates in my ‘84 Corvette. It began our loving debate between muscle cars, Corvettes and Porsches.
Meet this month’s featured members, Brian and Lisa Wong. Lisa volunteered and is currently training with Angela Manente to resume as our Editor for Going Places.
11. High school nickname? None.
12. Top 3 cars you would own? Lisa would love to add a 911 Turbo S. I’ve had corvettes and still have a ‘68 red GTO.
5. Work background or trade? Brian farms a threegeneration family farm, Wong Farms, with his brother, in Parma, Idaho, growing primarily onions along with wheat and beans. Lisa has been in the financial services industry for over 25 years. She’s been with Wells Fargo for 23 years, and her newest role is what brought us to Arizona where she oversees the quality routines for Commercial Banking.

As I write my editorial, Lisa Wong, Editor-in-Training, is busy working on wrapping up this issue of Going Places. Kudos to Lisa! She has taken full charge and has needed very little assistance from me, I’m feeling confident that she will be ready to officially take over with the November issue and I will stick around as the Assistant Editor. So, what else is happening…lots of drives, DE, Autocross, and social events. Check out the club calendar at AZ.PCA.org and to sign up. Don’t miss the New Members’ Day on September 17. I will be looking to meet new members and catch up with not so new members too! This month’s winner of the Writer’s Award is Gregg Bull for “Rolling, Rolling, Rolling, Red Rock”. He will receive $30. credit on MotorsportReg, which will be good for one year towards any AZPCA event. In case this happens to be my last editorial after 6 plus years as Editor, I want to thank you all for all the articles written and pictures taken to share in our Going Places newsletter because without your support there would be no Seenewsletter!yousoon at one of our many club events.
GOING PLACES 9.2022 | 13 |


Culinary Dropout
Attention all club members! Join the fun at New Members’ Day to welcome and celebrate our new club members. This event is an opportunity for our members to meet the 2022 Board of Directors, the chairpersons, and other club members for a lunch-and-learn. The program includes introduction of the 2022 Board of Directors and presentations from the club chairpersons about their areas of responsibility and club activities, as well as how to use the AZPCA website and sign up for exciting member events. After lunch there will be an opportunity to discuss individual topics one-on-one with board members and chairpersons.
GOING PLACES 9.2022 | 15 | New Members’Day SeptemberSaturday, 17, 2022 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
The event will cost $10 per attendee, with the majority of the costs subsidized by the club. All new members attending the event who have joined the club since our last New Members’ Day (9/18/21) event will be provided a $10 credit to MotorsportReg.com valid until the end of 2023. To receive the credit, your attendance must be verified at event check-in. The event registration will open soon. This popular event is sure to sell out early, so keep an eye on the calendar for the registration link and don’t hesitate to register!
Based on the success of our 2021 New Members’ Day, we are once again holding the 2022 event at The Showcase Room at Culinary Dropout in Tempe. Located in the heart of The Yard at Farmer Arts District in Tempe. The Showcase Room features an inviting industrial atmosphere with original vaulted wood ceilings, a private bar and patio area. An assortment of menu items at food stations will be provided along with non-alcoholic beverages. A cash bar will also be available during the event.
https://az.pca.org/event/new-members-day-2022/ Registration will be limited to 150 and close on September 9th at midnight.
The Showcase Room at The Yard In Tempe
149 S Farmer Avenue Tempe, Arizona 85251

are excited by the prospect of welcoming you to experience the best of the Anthem Country Club, please join us and reserve now! Questions? Contact Frank Grimmelmann at fgrimmelmann@mindspring.com Registration will be available soon
8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
2708 W Anthem Club Dr, Anthem, AZ 85086 On the heels of the eight past years’ very successful events, we will again return to the elegant Ironwood Grille at the Anthem Country Club for another signature event! [with both indoor,open and outdoor seating available]
Please save the date for this special event, and plan to join us on Sunday, September 25th. Since we will likely exceed 55 Porsches and over 100 enthusiasts, secure your spot now. Forget the red zones in front of the main entrance, this is a Porsche event, and we’ll have the cars lined up around the circular drive and let them overflow into the parking lot once again. Check-In opens at 8:30 AM, with food served at 9:00 AM! There will be no onsite registration and you must pay online in advance. To entice those of you who missed this event last year or those that drive further, we thought you’d like to see what you missed, all for an all-inclusive $35/person (all-in, Fully Inclusive): I https://az.pca.org/event/porsches-and-pancakes-at-anthem-country-at:club/
9th ANNUAL Porsches and Pancakes at Anthem Country Club - Sunday - September 25, 2022
Ironwood GrilleAt the Anthem Country Club
Healthy, Sweet, Savory Buffet Fresh Sliced Fruit Display Crème Brulee French Toast Asparagus, Mushroom and Gruyere Strudel EGG STATION Prepared to order with Peppers, Onions, Mushrooms, Spinach, Tomatoes, Ham, Bacon, Sausage, Cheddar, Salsa and Swiss and Feta Cheeses Beverages Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, Tea, Grapefruit & Orange Juices Maria and

| 18 | REGION ANNOUNCEMENTS SAVE THE UPCOMINGDATES!DRIVES AND OVERNIGHT TRIPS September 10-11: Overnighter to Jerome-Cottonwood/Sip & Stay package at Tavern Inn. October 6-7: Fall colors drive through Sedona-Oak Creek Canyon to Flagstaff; Overnight @ Little America Hotel in Flagstaff; various options on Friday, including lunch at Snow DETAILSBowl TO FOLLOW... CHECK OUR AZPCA WEBSITE CALENDAR

GOING PLACES 9.2022 | 19 | REGION ANNOUNCEMENTS Fall Colors Overnighter to Flagstaff
Early October is prime time for viewing the fall colors in Northern Arizona. This overnight trip follows the Red Rock Scenic Byway to Sedona, then twists up Oak Creek Canyon, where the leaves should be putting on their Whenshow! we arrive in Flagstaff we will have a buffet lunch at Grand Canyon Brewery Pub, then take a tour of the historic Riordan Mansion, one of the finest examples of American Arts and Crafts-style architecture open to the public today. After the tour we’ll take the short drive to the Little America Hotel, where we will check in and enjoy social time with our fellow club members at Flagstaff’s only AAA approved Four Diamond hotel. “Set in 500 acres of Ponderosa pine forest, Little America Flagstaff combines inviting hospitality with the natural beauty of Northern AArizona.”special group rate has been arranged, which you can take advantage of when you register for thisOnevent.Friday morning after breakfast we will take the scenic drive to the Snowbowl. The fall colors should be dazzling as we head up toward Arizona’s tallest peak. Options on the mountain include lunch at the Agassiz Restaurant, where you can “kick back, relax and take in the mountain views at 9,500 ft.,” and you may want to ride the Arizona Gondola to view the dramatic scenery of Northern Arizona from a bird’s eye view peaking at 11,500 feet. See more details on the AZPCA website: https://az.pca.org/event/fall-colors-overnighter/
Note that this is a weekday trip, Thursday-Friday, Oct. 6-7.
October 6-7, 2022

Once we exited the Interstate the driving became more engaging, as we passed little towns and villages the scenery remained beautiful and once we got closer to Red Rock low and behold the mountains became Red.
Next AZPCA drive is to Mormon Lake Lodge, watch out Coconino County here we come… Cheers, Gregg & Ali
On the road again….and off we went back onto the I-17N for a little more highway fun, as the owners of a “vintage” Porsche we must admit Interstate Highways make for a rather entertaining drive, one tends to use the entire rev band just to keep up with some of these newer beasts….LOL.
The Red Rock State Park provided a perfect location for all the Porsche’s to regroup and for all the members to sit down together and be entertained to a beautifully presented Picnic lunch expertly prepared by Connie and her team. A huge shout out to everyone who helped organize this latest event, another highly successful outing.
Ali captured a great picture of the Tequila Sunrise Team proudly showing off their colors.
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The only thing missing from our incredible days outing was lunch…..and that was about to change.
The views, as per the norm on any AZPCA drive, were absolutely spectacular, I had the good fortune of having an amazing partner who has a vivid way of describing the topography and it makes for a great aural and visual experience. That being said about the “aural” experience, some may question our taste in music that we were happily playing on our CD our “vintage Porsche” has a “vintage” CD player.
The curvy roads made for perfect driving photo ops which my wife Alison and Robin (Dee was driving the Lava car) took full advantage of as you can see by the pictures below.
Okay you might need to watch the Blues Brothers movie to get the reference to the title but our recent drive to Red Rock State Park had all the adventures one could ask for. We all met up at Tramonto Marketplace just south of Anthem for the start of our Driving Tour. We had a decent turn out and a few new members showed up for their very first drive which was great.
The drive was broken up into 2 groups as usual which made for a nice controlled drive and we didn’t misplace anyone.
The start of the drive saw us merging onto the I-17N which made for a rather entertaining game of follow the leader, our lead driver was excellent in maintaining a tidy Porsche Parade for the lion’s share of the drive, top marks. Our first sojourn was at Love’s Travel Stop which allowed all the Porsches to regroup for a quick chat and a pit stop.
As we started to park our cars ready for the drive one of the owners made a comment relating to the color combinations of 2 of the cars and by adding a third color we had the makings of something rather interesting. Hence the stage was now set for the Tequila Sunrise Team to get together, and we remained in this order until the end.
Rolling, GREGG & ALI
Rolling, Rolling Red Rock STORY and PHOTOS BY

The Board of Directors and leadership team of AZPCA cordially invite you to participate in our 44th annual Concours d’Elegance, known as Phoenix Flight 44, on October 28th and 29th, 2022 at The McCormick Scottsdale Millennium Hotels. Festivities commence on Friday evening at 5:30pm, October 28th at The McCormick Scottsdale, located at 7421 N Scottsdale Rd. by McCormick Ranch.
44th Annual Concours d’Elegance
On early Saturday morning, October 29th we will commence with the Concours d’Elegance car show at the hotel’s front lawn for judging and display of an awe inspiring array of Porsches. After judging is completed on Saturday morning, we will reconvene inside the hotel for lunch and presentation of awards.
Phoenix Flight 44 Arizona Region | Porsche Club of America (pca.org) Book a Room link Coming Soon!
The McCormick Scottsdale Millennium Hotels has reserved rooms at a $2XX + tax discounted rate for our out-of-town guests for Friday and Saturday nights. Keep an eye on the AZPCA events calendar for upcoming Concours details and links to sign up!
Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region

| 22 | 9TH Annual AZPCA Night Out at the Ballpark
STORY AND PHOTOS BY JAN MACKULAK, SOCIAL MEDIA CHAIR and Porsche attire, and especially great since we all scored free Gallen No. 23 T-shirts (note these shirts make excellent car cleaning attire for Phoenix Flight Prep!). The game itself was fun, many home runs, but in the end, we lost by one run. All in all, everyone had a good time, as we had our annual fill of ballpark beer, popcorn, and peanuts. Rook has some ideas for next year's event, that will be a twist on this one. You’ll just have to stay tuned and sign up early next Spring so you don’t miss out!
Go Dbacks! Thanks everyone for coming out!!
t had been a few years since we all attended a Diamondbacks game. So, it was no surprise that this year we sold every seat in our 50-person block for AZPCA’s annual event. A record attendance for the 9th Annual Dbacks game against the Colorado Rockies on Saturday, August 6th! Many firsts happened at this game besides the record attendance; e-tickets were issued versus paper tickets at will-call, pre-purchased parking passes via the Park Whiz app made parking a whiz (pun intended), a clear bag policy for all purses is now in effect, group tours no longer happen before gated entry for the public (they do still happen but at noon), and our beloved Four Peaks Brewing Company bar/restaurant was closed for a private event! Did this stop our group from meeting up for beers beforehand? Of course not! We all trickled into the BMW Lounge (used to be the Audi Lounge) on the Club Reserve Level, where our seats were located, and we quickly got a cold one and reunited with many AZPCA and Southern Arizona Region members too. It was soooooo good to see everyone again, in Dbacks


| 24 | REGION ANNOUNCEMENTS SAVE THEAZPCADATE! ANNUAL HOLIDAY PARTY Saturday, December 17, 2022 More details to follow... S o c i a l M e d i a f o r A Z P C A 6 W a y s t o E ngage ! B y Ja n Mackulak , Socia l Medi a Chair mailto:socialmedia@az.pca.org, FACEBOOK at f b . c o m / a z p c a T W I T T E R a t t w i t t e r . c o m / a z p c a I N S T A G R A M a t i n s t a g r a m . c o m / a z p c a P I N T E R E S T a t p i n t e r e s t . c o m / a z p c a PP E R I S C O P E a t p e r i s c o p e . t v / a z p c a Y O U T U B E a t b i t . l y / a z p c a

Whenever I’m between mini-series on Apple TV+, or HBO Max, or Netflix, or Hulu or … I tune in episodes of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. I find Comedians … not only fun, but very enlightening. It’s the nuggets I come away with, the deep dives into what’s funny, all wrapped into bite-size 15 to 20-minute segments. And the cars in which Jerry Seinfeld picks up his guests, of Wecourse.allknow about Jerry’s love of Porsches. The difference, the difference between Seinfeld and you or me, is that he’s in a position to back up his impulses with the best of the best. Like the very last 356 made, which he drove on an episode with … I don’t remember … and it doesn’t matter. The car, however, does matter. As I recall, Jerry said the company had completed its production run. But the Dutch police asked for a batch for its own use. And the factory complied. And Jerry’s 356 was the last of this last group. You can tell it’s one of the Dutch police cars by the blue light on a pedestal that’s attached to the windshield. That’s about as close as I’ve ever heard him come to extolling the virtues of the brand. I’ve never heard a monologue, or even a joke, about his love affair with all things Porsche. Until now. I’ve stumbled across a document, somehow, from somewhere, deep in the spam file of my AOL account, showing a little mold around the edges. It looks like material for … could it be? Could it be real? A Seinfeld monologue on … Porsche! I’m sharing the document here, word for word, because, well, how can I not? We’re the audience! Here goes. You can supply your own rim shots. Have you ever noticed that deviated stitching on a Porsche car seat does not deviate from its intended role, which is to keep the seat surface in its intended place? What are they afraid of? That the seat will divert the car into oncoming Andtraffic?how about a “sport exhaust?” It’s a “loud exhaust,” as best as I can tell. And I guess the whole exhaust discussion becomes “mute,” if you’re buying a Taycan.
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Paint-to-sample. As in whatever color you’re prepared to pay a lot of money for. Turbo. When most cars were naturally aspirated, the word Turbo really meant something. Especially in the early years, when the word “lag” was informally attached to it. Actually, those cars should have been called “widow-makers.” But that’s another story. Now, nearly every ICE car from Porsche is turbocharged. I get that. But why do they still plant the word Turbo on just the highest performing versions of the marque? Why not, instead, call them “fastest?” Then there’s the Turbo S; anybody know what the S is for?
I have enough trouble enticing my dog to hop in. And she’s 40 lbs. My next jump seats will come in a cabriolet. At least my dog will have a fighting chance to leap in. Jump, Lily, jump! Good girl! Targa. Don’t get me wrong. I think a Targa roof is a clever design. But I have a flash for you. The word Targa means “plaque” or “shield” in Italian. The word was first used in an automotive context when Count Florio gave a “Targa” to the winner of his eponymous race in Sicily. Why don’t they just call it a removable hard top? Or, in later cars, a retractable hard top? It is what it is, right?
Sonic boom fast? Suck your eyeballs out fast? Stand back with envy fast? See if you can catch me fast? Faster than a speeding bullet fast? Here’s the kicker. The last line of the script reads “yada, yada, yada.” No joke. Or is it? I’ll leave that up to you.
What about a front-end lifter? You know, the mechanism that raises the front, so it won’t scrape over speed bumps and driveway entrances. It sounds like the car comes with a refugee from Muscle Beach in Venice, CA, who’s doing reps by performing dead lifts on the front end of your baby. Why is it that Porsche charges extra for floor mats? And PASM? And PASM+? Have you ever met an owner who ordered their car with no options? Ever? It’s like a putter without a grip. A 10-speed bicycle without a gear changer. And those jump seats. Are they used in order to jump up? Jump down? Just where do you actually jump? How? Have you ever seen an adult human jump into one? Ever? And fit?

1950s Motorsport in colour is softbound with 160, 9x9 inch, profusely illustrated pages There is a very comprehensive index listing every car (two 356s and a 550), driver, and page. Available for $40.00 from your favorite bookseller or from Quartoknows.com
The drivers names will be unfamiliar to all but us old pfarts, as will be some of the car models and even some makes. Unlike in modern times, all of these race cars (except the single seaters) were models designed to be suitable for road use and many of them were driven on the road. (See Page 19 and also note various pictures of cars with their road registration number painted on the bodywork, British style).
Captions are comprehensive but in a very skinny font, somewhat difficult to read with the tired old eyes which might be most interested in this presentation of a by-gone era.
1950s Motorsport in colour
There are 14 Chapters. Each one begins with a brief commentary on the track and the specific event, followed by a collection of captioned pictures. Events dates range from 1954 to 1959 and all are from England or Ireland. They include five 'meetings' at Goodwood and two Tourist Trophys at Dundrod, Ireland.
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1950s Motorsport in colour, shows a time when motor racing, even Formula 1, was more of a gentleman's sport than a business, a time when people raced for fun, not for championships which, at the time, provided only trophies to the winner, not significant Amoney.window into a lost era of motorsport; an era when 'run what you brung' (drive the car to-from the track) applied to National events, not just to Track Days. It is not a book to read from cover to cover, but anytime you want to escape from the modern world, pick it up and study a chapter's worth of pictures of how motor racing used to be. For those who lived through it, this book brings back great memories of a “golden age of motor racing”
Though most of the book deals with then 1950s vintage cars, there are cars as old as 1913 photographed 'at speed'. True to its title “Motorsport”, photographs of motorcycle sidecar racing are included.
For those not so lucky, it provides a glimpse of pleasantly relaxed, sporting, era in automotive history.
Motor racing was an entirely different world in those days. As shown in these pictures, narrow roads were raced on, not tracks, and extreme (by modern standards) steering angles were clearly in evidence. The bias-ply tired cars are shown 'drifting' at slipangles unknown for cars with modern suspensions and tires.
Drivers at work were visible in the cockpits – spectators could see their arms at work on the wheel and sometimes even the shifter. The cars were different too; it sometimes looked like driver's were sitting on the cars more than in them.
1950s Motorsport in colour, by Martyn Wainwright, published by Veloce Publishing. This is a photo album more than a book in the conventional sense. Though each chapter title names a race event, its all about the pictures, not the race results. These pictures provide time-travel, back to a period in motorsport when small crowds and social policies, allowed close access to the track-side.
The pictures show very scenic race courses with no K-Rail, no Armco, just grass up to the edge of the pavement. Most of the races in the mid-50s truly were on public roads, closed for the event. Even the dedicated courses had no curbs, no barriers, just grass verges. It may be a shock to modern sensibilities but the photos in this book show championship teams at famous race courses, working on their cars in unpaved paddocks and 'garage space' with gravel floors. These scenes will stimulate memories for the old timers; probably awe and disbelief in the youngest generations. That was an entirely different era, an era when, as this writer recalls, Roger Penske brought his gorgeous, brand new RSK to the Watkins Glen 6-Hour, on a tired looking, single axle open trailer pulled by a definitely down in the rear Station Wagon.

Charles ChristianBurnsideandSuzanne
Shane PaulDurrellForrestJerrieDeWittChiltonGibsonGromanHaagHillisandJudiZalle
Timothy and Dianne Manning William Painter 11 Years
6 Years (continued)
Christopher and Ann Pascale 37 Years
Sam Kim Paul and Lisa Marander Anton Nilsen Alan Paxhia Evan and Sabrina Pridham Roger and Brenda Uhlich 4 Years
Andrew Smith Charles and Johanna Snyder 14 Years
Jeff and Amanda Allerding
Abe and Judith Sears
Stephen and Lynn Dudley Gary and Karen Ward 22 Years Al and Olive Mascha
George Brandon Sonja Hagel Chris and Leah Henley Robin Humes Dan MarkPellegriniRhode 3 Years
James Richard and Laura Scheckla 20 Years Eric and Kathleen Poole Years
Michael and Kaitlyn Hoke
JamesSaparetoand Nancy Mackay Years
Frederic and Helen Leigh 16 Years
Burkhard Franke 43 Years
George and Rita Sprenkle 33 Years
James Keane and Terry O’Prey William and Constance Pribil Steven Susann Reitan 5 Years
Michael Marinshaw Jan and Monyette Nyquist 10 Years
a PCA membership
Alan Smith 7 Years Ray and Christine Menard Todd RichardPrynnSanderson 6 Years Cory AndrewBergand Crystal Cruse
John and Rose Hilderbrandt
Remo and Debbie Antoniolli
David and Joanne Capstick
William Kirkham and Stephen
Robert Mary Ellen Gawlik Brad
James Kimberly Anton David ThomasCoppockandHelen Locascio 12 Years
Douglas James
Gerry and Amy Dale Ed StephenGonzalezandTamara Kos Hanig
Brian and William Richardson Years
Congratulations to these who are observing anniversary
Steven and Lynn Kaufer 26 Years
49 Years
Bruce and Terry Martz David Stocker Years
William Newton Robert Tate 17 Years
Devin Dahn and Deidre Bo Donald Johnson and Kyra Lee Darrin Mack 13 Years
John Schauerman 9 Years
Robert Johnson Robert Magno Mark JonathanWilliamChristopherBrianMoniqueMillerMillonOngstadReavisRibadeneiraandHerman
Guthrie 15 Years
Lindsay Miller and Marilyn Teplitz 31 Years
Wiskirchen 8 HalYearsand Ellie Hong Laurent Mollard and Patricia Duchene
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David Cooper Susan Kemper Years
2 Years

| 28 | 2 Years (continued) Harry and Dolores Season Frederick Stroupe Thomnas Suter Chuck Taylor Dave Tornell Louis ReggieVerloopZamora 1 Year Donald Dauwalder David StanKennethDaveKarenLouisKirkBrandonStephenDavidMyronJasonJRMichaelGraceMarilynFlinnFornellFrohockGannGarciaGilbertHammesHarsayKhanKohliKokoskaMaroModestoModdermanNesslerOldsandSue Olds Archie Packard Stacey Stafford Kari Redman 1 Year (continued) Erin RuchirSmithPatel and Rachel Patel Eric MarkHridaySalstrandSibalSlocum and Susan Slocum Kenneth Stevens Eric DennisTrappenWierzba HAPPY PCA ANNIVERSARY ! Congratulations to these members who are observing a PCA membership anniversary in SEPTEMBER.

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Andy Jorgensen, Financial Advisor 208 970 1741 | Andrue.Jorgensen@rfconline.com 2730 E. Camelback Rd, Suite 250 Phoenix, AZ 85016 RENAISSANCEFINANCIAL Investments • Planning • www.renaissancefinancial.comInsurance Registered Representatives and Investment Advisor Representatives of Securian Financial Services, Inc. Securities and investm ent advisory services offered through Securian Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Renaissance Financial is independently owned and operated. 42156 47 DOFU 01/2022
| 30 | AUTOCROSS Rick Althouse Kim
EalingSAFETYASSISTANTsafety@az.pca.orgDavidSAFETYmindspring.comfgrimmelmann@FrankCO-CHAIRPANCAKESPORSCHESdmrood1@comcast.netDennisCHAIRPANCAKESPORSCHESpanorama@az.pca.orgMikePANORAMAgpeditor@az.pca.orgLisaNEWSLETTERASSISTANTgpeditor@az.pca.AngelaEDITORNEWSLETTERManenteorgEDITORWongLIAISONLabowitch&CORood&GrimmelmannCHAIRDerrCHAIRJahn webmaster@az.pca.orgKevinASSISTANTWEBMASTERwebmaster@az.pca.orgMarlaWEBMASTERCDI@az.pca.orgScottTECHNICALsponsorship@az.pca.orgAndyADVERTISINGSPONSORSHIPsocialmedia@az.pca.orgJanSOCIALsocialchair@az.pca.orgMarlaCHAIRCOMMITTEESOCIALASSISTANTsocialchair@az.pca.orgCynthiaCHAIRCOMMITTEESOCIALHaagMcDermottMEDIAMackulak&JorgensenCHAIRMcilvainMcDermottGilchrist

GOING PLACES 9.2022 | 31 | cdi@zone8.orgScottINSTRUCTORCHIEFde.tt@zone8.orgRussellTIMEautocrossBillAUTOCROSStreasurer@zone8.orgLindaTREASURERzonerep@zone8.orgCaliforniaLoriREPRESENTATIVEDeCristoInlandRegionCobarrubiasThorp@zone8.orgTRIAL&DEShonDRIVINGMann CLUB RACE ADVISOR Skip RULESwebmaster@zone8.orgTomWEBMASTERCarterBrownCOORDINATORTomBrownrules@zone8.orgSECRETARYMonicaAsburysecretary@zone8.orgPCAJUNIORSCOORDINATORDickDouglassSOCIALMEDIA&COMMUNICATIONSCHAIRVinitaKhilnani www.pcalosangeles.orgLOSwww.lvrpca.comLASwww.GrandPrixRegion.comGRANDgem.pca.orgGOLDENwww.pca.org/caiCAL.ccc.pca.orgCAL.azm.pca.orgAZaz.pca.orARIZONAgMOUNTAINCENTRALINLANDEMPIREPRIXVEGASANGELES ORANGE saz.pca.orgSO.www.pcasb.orgSANTAsgb.pca.orgVALLEYSANwww.pcasdr.netSANwww.riversidepca.orgRIVERSIDEwww.pcaocr.comCOASTDIEGOGABRIELBARBARAARIZONA ZONE 8 STAFF © 2018 P h C N h A P h d b t g d b f t a t t Por sche Chandler Sale s , S er vice, Par t s & Acce ssorie s Porsche Chandler a luxur y experience encompassing Sales Ser vice Par ts & Accessories in the hear t of the East Valley OOering complimentar y Porsche ser vice loaners and door to door Sales & Ser vice vehicle deliver y Showcasing the nest selection of New Cer ti ed Pre Owned and Classic Porsche models C Conveniently located Nor th of the Santan 202 Freeway on Gi ber t Road Please visit us online at Por scheChandler.com

Silver - $600 Includes one medium-sized website banner on the Mem bership and Going Places digital magazine page of our website, and one quarter-page (3.5” x 4.75”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places
SponsorshipContacts: Requests and Tier Details Sponsorships and Advertising Manager, Andy Jorgensen E-mail: sponsorship@az.pca.org Angela Manente – Going Places Editor E-mail: gpeditor@az.pca.org
by Jerry King
AZPCA reserves the right to refuse to print any ad it deems inappropri ate. Sponsorships must be prepaid. Staff reserves the right to change rates upon notice at any time.
Bronze - $250 includes one small website banner on the Membership and Going Places digital magazine page of our website, and one eigth-page (3.5”x 2”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.
The sponsorship program has five tiers:
Titanium - $2500 Includes one large vertical ad on the front page of our website rotating with other sponsors and one full-page (8” x 10”)color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.
It is the responsibility for each sponsor to develop and design their unique promotional ads. Sponsors must submit their own artwork elec tronically for ads in gif, pdf, jpeg or swf (for website ads) formats. New sponsorships will run yearly, and investment will be pro-rated for any sponsornewwho commits mid-year. The acceptance and display of ad vertising in this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser or product by the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region.
Platinum - $10,000. Includes one large vertical ad on the front page of our website, an embedded video, one full-color or grayscale, full-page (8” x 10”) ad inside the front cover in the Going Places publication.
Includes one medium-sized website ad on the main page of our website rotating with other sponsors, and one half-page (8” x 5”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.
The sponsorship programs were designed to allow our current and new advertisers and sponsors a simple way to choose a program that will include; digital on-line published newsletter and internet exposure opportunities all for one simple investment.
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