Porsche Club of America-Arizona Region-Going Places-Sept 2023

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Volume 53 Issue 9


Gregg & Alison Bull gpeditor@az.pca.org


Rick Althouse

Danielle Badler

Dan Bouet

Catolina Brown

Ken Bryant

Alison Scott Bull

Gregg Bull

Jim Bultema

Dieter & Susan Guenter

Bruce Herrington

Kim Kemper

Scott McILvain

Mark Manente

Kenneth Mitchell

Moe Scharhon

David K. Whitlock

Rook Younger

COVER Annabelle at


Going Places is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region and is published electronically monthly.

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Borrego Springs
courtesy of Dieter & Susan G
a Race Track
Concours d’Elegance
Written contributions and photographs are welcomed and can be emailed to the editor. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region, its officers or members. Permission is granted to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and to Going Places. PORSCHE®, the Porsche Crest®, CARRERA®, and TARGA® are trademarks of Porsche AG. The editor shall reserve the right to edit and publish only those articles felt to be in the best interest of the members of the Porsche Club of America. THE DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES AND ADVERTISEMENTS SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION IS THE 15TH OF THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MONTH OF PUBLICATION. Commercial advertising rates can be found in the back of this publication. Catolina Brown 24.............A Heartfelt Message from Jan Nyquist 34.............AZPCA Drive - Winslow/Meteor Crater 37.............AZPCA Drive - Prescott/Palace 41.............Book Reviews for Porschephiles 50.............Story - An Open Letter to... 54 ............TechTime 56.............Stuttgart Market Letter
9.............Important AZPCA
10.............It’s almost time
12.............Drive your Porsche on
23.............Meet a Member -


| 4 | NEWS & EVENTS 5.. ............ 2023/2024 Calendar of Events 12 HPDE Driver your Porsche on a Track 14 ............. HPDE Volunteers Needed 15 ............. 2023/2024 HP Drivers Education Schedule 16 2023 Autocross Schedule 17 ............. Rise & Shine - Cars n’ Coffee 18..............10th Annual PnP at Anthem 19..............Future Monthly Membership Meeting 21..............AZPCA 45th Concours d’Elegance 27..............Driving Tour/Wine tasting - Cottonwood 28..............Future Monthly Membership Meeting 29..............Save the Dates - Future Driving Tour 30..............Future Driving Tour - Mt. Lemmon 31..............Future Driving Tour - Fall colors/Flagstaff 32..............AZPCA 2023 Holiday Party 33 ............. AZPCA Ultimate Porsche Showcase 48..............PCA-Southern AZ Viking cruise 52..............Treffen at Sea 57 ............. PCA - Digital Membership Cards IN EVERY ISSUE 4 Arizona Region Board 6 ............. President’s Note 7 ............. From the Editors 38 ............ Awards & Accolades 40............. Social Media 42 ............. New Members 43 Happy PCA Members’ Anniversaries 44 Executive Appointees 45 Zone 8 Staff and Websites 47 Goodie Store 47 ............. Sponsorship Program SPONSORS INDEX 26..............APEX Realty Services 46..............AZ Euros 22 ............. Barbara, Alpio: Redwood General Tires 6 ............ Bayntree Wealth Advisors 40..............Brasile, Chuck & Denise; Real Estate 5 ............. Hamra Fine Jewelry & Timepieces 55 ............. McIlvain Motors BC,40 Porsche Chandler IFC,46.. Porsche North Scottsdale 39 Protective Film Solutions 44 Trackside Motorsports 49 ............. Tech Plus Automotive CLASSIFIEDS https://az.pca.org/classifieds/ PRESIDENT Mark Manente president@az.pca.org VICE PRESIDENT Dan Bouet vicepresident@az.pca.org
Gregg Bull secretary@az.pca.org
Marty Ercoline treasurer@az.pca.org PAST PRESIDENT Mark Baker pastpresident@az.pca.org DIRECTORS AT LARGE Andy Cole AndyCole@az.pca.org Frank Grimmelmann FrankGrimmelmann@az.pca.org Kenneth Mitchell kenmitchell@az.pca.org
Younger RookYounger@az.pca.org

Editor’s Note: The dates, times and details of AZPCA events are subject to change. CLICK HERE AZ.PCA.ORG to check the website for the entire calendar of events.

GOING PLACES 9.2023 | 5 | Sept 2023 6 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting 10 Sun Porsches n’ Pancakes - Anthem 18 Mon Board of Directors Meeting 23-24 Sat-Sun Charity Driving Tour/Wine Tasting 30 Sat Driving Tour, Mt. Lemmon Oct 2023 4 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting 7 Sat AutoX - AMP Skidpad 14 Sat HPDE - AMP 15 Sun Driving Tour - Wickenburg 16 Mon Board of Directors Meeting 20-21 Sat-Sun Flight 45 - Porsche Chandler 29-31 Sun-Tue Driving Tour - Fall Colours Nov 2023 1 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting 4-5 Sat-Sun HPDE-INDE 6 Sat Ulimate Porsche Showcase 11 Sat AutoX - AMP Skidpad 12 Sun Lunch Drive to Fountain Hills 19 Sun FI Party at Alpio’s 20 Mon Board of Directors Meeting Dec 2023 2 Sat HPDE - Podium Club 6 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting 9 Sat AutoX - AMP Skidpad 14-15 Thu-Fri Prescott Holiday Lights 17 Sun Holiday Party-Grayhawk Golf Club 18 Mon Board of Directors Meeting Jan 2024 6 Sat HPDE - AMP 11 Sat AutoX - AMP Skidpad Feb 2024 10 Sat HPDE - AMP Mar 2024 9-10 Sat -Sun HPDE - INDE Apr 2024 13-14 Sat -Sun HPDE - Podium Club

The dog days of summer are still around, but hopefully winding down. And the club's calendar will be filling with more driving tours, track day events and member get togethers.

Rook and Debbie Y. organized a great overnight tour to Winslow and La Posada. It was great to meet Rich and Mary, who were on the wait list and fortunate to attend when there was a timely cancellation.

The Fall Colors tour is at capacity with many on the waitlist, if you're registered and your plans change don't forget to cancel.

There are 24 cars signed up already for the driving tour to Mount Lemmon organized by Mark B. Also check the calendar for upcoming October AX and HPDE on the schedule.

And our annual Phoenix Flight 45- Concours d'Elegance on October 20-21st. Porsche Chandler is this year's host.

Make it a great month, Mark M

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''And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good."

From the EDITORS Gregg and Ali Bull

“Ka Lā Hiki Ola” is the Hawaiian phrase meaning “the dawn of day.”

It encourages us to look forward to each new day with purpose and joy.

The month of August was filled with both joy and sorrow for a number of AZPCA members. We enjoyed great food at the Persian Room for our Membership Meeting and The Porsches n’ Pancakes was held at Soul Café and the food and service was very good. The driving tour for August was to Winslow Arizona and included a visit to Meteor Crater, Dieter and Susan Guenter have written a great article and it can be found on Page 34.

The month was also filled with destruction and despair for the entire island of Maui, Hawaii and the residents of Lahaina in particular. One of our Members, Jan Nyquist, received word that his son and his family had lost all their worldly possessions in the wildfire but thankfully they survived their ordeal. Jan has penned a very heartfelt letter which we have included on page 24 of this month’s Going Places, it includes a Go Fund Me link should you wish to help out Jan’s family during this very stressful time.

We would like to include a few websites should you wish to help out other Maui residents during these very sad times.

Hawaiian Management Agency


Maui Strong




E hele me ka pu’olo – (Always Take an Offering with You. Make Every Person, Place or Condition Better Than You Left It Always. Wherever You Go, Always Take Something with You.) …This Is the Sacred Hawaiian Way, the Way of Abundant Flow Honoring Ke Akua (God) and His Creation Which is Nature.)

Mahalo Ke Akua (Thanks be to God)

Going Places submittal Deadline:

The Deadline for submitting material is the 15th of each month. Submissions received after that date will appear at a later date. Thanks for your understanding

The views, opinions or suggested links provided by the editors do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of AZPCA or PCA and have not been indorsed as such.

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Even though November feels like it’s a long time off, we need to give the membership notice, so we are preparing the ballot now for Going Places!






Mark Baker at: pastpresident@az.pca.org or

L Larry Grimes at: lgrimes689@gmail.com


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AZPCA Volunteers Needed


PCA AZ Region Event Cancelation Policies & Event Organizer Responsibilities

Event Cancellation Policy

Most of our events have attendance limits, and they fill up quickly. Also, we often have waiting lists for those wishing to attend but do not have a secured attendance spot. Increasingly, attendees sign up and simply do not show up for the event without canceling in advance. This behavior impacts the event registrar/organizer, the event facility, and those on the waiting list wanting to attend but cannot. This behavior demonstrates a lack of common courtesy, requiring it to be addressed proactively. On the first occurrence a warning will be issued, and on the second occurrence privileges to attend future events may be impacted. Also, any registration fees for paid events will be forfeited without recourse since the club is charged regardless. The cancelation policy requires cancelation of your registration on MSR for paid or unpaid events a minimum of 7 days prior to the event date, unless there are serious and extenuating emergency circumstances as assessed by the event registrar/organizer. Most importantly, please be courteous to your fellow members so that everyone has an opportuni ty to enjoy events.

Event Organizer Responsibilities

Event organizers are required to send out a reminder approximately 9 days in advance of any event reminding registrants of the event and summarizing their responsibilities by including the following language:

Thank you for your RSVP. Please note that whether or not there is a registration fee for this event, the restaurant is expecting a certain number of attendees we provide to them in advance and incur cost accordingly. If you need to cancel please do so at least one week prior to the event date (being a no-show without notice is rude to other members who wish to attend, the restaurant and to the event organizer). Additionally, if there is a fee or prepayment associated with the event, it will be forfeited if cancelled less than 7 days before the event. Thank you!”

Additionally, event organizers are requested to send out a reminder two or three days prior to the event simply as a courtesy to remind those attending.

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It’s almost time to VOTE

Here’s what you need to know! This year we are using an on-line voting app, “Election Runner”.

On September 20th, the candidates, along with their bios and pictures and the ballot will be posted on our AZPCA website and an e-Blast email with the candidates, bios and pictures will be sent to the membership.

Voting will officially open on October 22nd and end on October 30th

The “Election Runner’ app will send all active AZPCA members an email from: noreply@electionrunner.com and subject: “Your Invitation to Vote in the Election: 2024 AZPCA Board of Directors Ballot”

There will be a “Click here to Vote” button at the bottom of your email message. When you click on the button, it will take you directly to the ballot to vote.

IMPORTANT: If you have an Affiliate/Co-Member, who will also be voting, they will need to vote on the same ballot at the same time as the Primary Member.

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Once you complete your ballot, click on the “Submit Ballot” button.

The app will display a ballot receipt to confirm your ballot was successfully submitted.

Your other option to vote is to print the ballot off from our website using the link on the Home page: 2024 AZPCA BOD Election Ballot or print it from the October issue of Going Places.

Complete the paper ballot and send it USPS mail to: Gregg Bull, AZPCA Secretary, 12167 E Laurel Lane, Scottsdale, AZ 85259, Ballots must be received no later than Monday, October 30, 2023.

If you have any questions about voting using the on-line app, please feel free to contact: Angela Manente at amanente42@gmail.com

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It’s almost time to VOTE

Drive your Porsche on a Racetrack with AZPCA!

Expand your car control skills and explore the capabilities of your Porsche on a racetrack in a safe, controlled environment with no speed limits! AZPCA’s HPDE & TT program (that’s short for High Performance Driver Education and Time Trials) is all about experiencing your Porsche on a road circuit. AZPCA provides personal driving instructors for new participants to guide them through the day. Our instructors will navigate you along the road circuit, teach you the fundamentals of driving at track speeds, but also keep you in a comfort zone so you have a good time. There are flaggers on track, just like at a real racing event. The club also arranges an ambulance and tow truck on site for emergencies.

For the HPDE events, four groups of approximately 10-25 drivers are formed based on experience level- Beginner, Intermediate, Experienced, Advanced. Grouping allows everyone attending to have a good time. Beginners don’t have to stress about having little/no experience- chances are, there are several other drivers in the same group just starting out.

Based on instructor evaluation, you are advanced to the next group up when appropriate. Sometimes this is after one day, or sometimes it takes a several events. Higher run groups typically means more speed but with a better, practiced skill set to control the speed safely. This keeps track days exciting for you as you advance your skill set.

While this is definitely NOT racing, there is a natural tendency to evaluate yourself to other drivers in your group, but HPDE is not structured to award “fast” times. To satisfy the competitive nature in you, we offer an optional “Time Trials” sessions where those specific TT sessions are timed and you compete against others in your class. Lap times are broadcast live so you can see in real time how you stack up against your competitors. Time trials are structured so that you get three clean laps, meaning, you will be by yourself on track without dealing with other cars in your way.

How is a typical HPDE day structured?

A track day starts around 6:30 -7:00 am. You’ll check-in and get your car safety inspected on-site first. A drivers meeting kicks off around 7:45 am, with the first car on track around 8:30 am. A forty minute lunch break splits the day and the event is usually over around 4:00 pm. You can expect five 20-minute sessions (100 mins total) of track time each day, although some events are structured with four 25-minute sessions. Time trial sessions are optional to add-in during your registration, and that consists of two additional timed sessions (one morning, one afternoon) consisting of three hot laps.

The beginner group will also have classroom discussion after their sessions to discuss car-control and vehicle dynamics and what they experienced.

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The club either provides lunch or there is an option to purchase one on site. Since there is down time in-between your driving sessions and classroom discussion, there is lots of opportunity for comradery with other club members and opportunity to socialize and check out other cars attending.

What do you need to bring?

Your vehicle (preferably a Porsche) in good maintenance. (Some club members bring their other cars btw – we won’t shame you if you do that)

We provide a required checklist of things to inspect on your car before coming to a track day. If you aren’t mechanically inclined (or don’t care to do this yourself), you can take the checklist to a mechanic of your choice to do the inspection for you. We have a few places we can recommend if you don’t have a preferred mechanic. Main points of interest are good tires, brakes, brake fluid, no leaking fluids, no abnormal driving characteristics of the vehicle. We conduct a final brief safety inspection on your vehicle the morning of the event.

Helmets are typically available to rent when you register for the event– you can try the sport before you commit to purchasing a helmet.

There are additional items you can bring to make the day more comfortable or exciting – chairs, cameras, etc. There are lots of online video you can watch telling you to bring this or that. While that can be somewhat helpful down the road, keeping it basic is usually best. If you forget something, chances are there is someone there that will let you borrow/have theirs.

Lastly and most important: don’t forget to bring a desire to have a good time and willingness to learn!

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HPDE Volunteers Needed:

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H PDE sc he du le

2023 / 2024 Season

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Arizona Motorsports Park

Saturday & Sunday, November 4-5, 2023

Inde Motorsports Ranch 

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Podium Club at Attesa 

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Arizona Motorsports Park

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Arizona Motorsports Park (CCW)

Saturday, March 9-10, 2024

Inde Motorsports Ranch 

Saturday & Sunday, April 13-14, 2024

Podium Club at Attesa 

GOING PLACES 9.2023 | 15 |
 Time Trials also available at this HPDE event HPDE Event Registrations: azpca.motorsportreg.com Arizona Motorsports Park – 15402 W. Camelback Rd, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 Inde Motorsports Ranch – 9301 W. Airport Rd, Willcox, AZ 85643 Podium Club at Attesa – 6870 S Bianco Rd, Casa Grande, AZ 85193


The tentative autocross dates for the 2023-2024 AZPCA Region Autocross Season from October to April are on Saturday at AMP as follows:

• October 7, 2023, Saturday - AZ Motorsport Park Skidpad

• November 11, 2023, Saturday - AZ Motorsport Park Skidpad

About Autocross events:

Join us for our AZPCA autocross at Arizona Motorsports Park Skidpad. Location address is 15402 W. Camelback Rd, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340. Non-Porsches are welcome to participate. Multi lap format. Contact Kim Kemper for more information. $60 for the event - there is no on site registration. If you wish to have someone, who is not an entrant, over 18 years old and who is an immediate household member, as a passenger for a taste of autox please pre-register and pay the $15 fee. Drivers can invite guests only during pre-registration who must complete all waivers, but cannot be a passenger and no lunch is provided. The club will be serving a lunch to all pre-registered drivers and taste of autocross participants. Gates open at 7:00 am. First car out at 8:30 am. Rental helmets can be reserved during the online registration process. Sorry but no go-karts, Polaris type, formula or other exoskeleton vehicles permitted. AMP has a strict sound limit of 92 db and your vehicle must pass sound tech held immediately before the event (around 8:00) or have a valid AMP sound sticker and no changes to the car impacting sound have been made since. A link to the Porsche waiver will be sent to you via email, information on the AMP paper waiver will be provided in your event receipt and is available on site.

• December 9, 2023, Saturday - AZ Motorsport Park Skidpad Click

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If you have any questions regarding any of the autocross events, please contact the Autocross Co-chairs, Kim K. or Rick A. at autocross@az.pca.org
HERE for the MotorsportReg link

This Month’s Cars n’ Coffee

Alpio’s At Troon

Every 2nd Saturday please join Alpio for Car’s, Coffee and Donut Holes

10452 E Jomax Rd, Scottsdale, 85262

NEXT event: Sat, Sept 9th from7am-10am

Cars & Construction

Join Alpio and like-minded car enthusiasts for an entertaining evening. Food will be available for purchase Special parking will be available

When? Thursday, Sept 21

Where? Raven Gastropub

8900 E Pinnacle Peak Rd

What time? 4:30 to 7:00

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For more details regarding this event CLICK HERE

Future Events - Porsches n’ Pancakes

10th Annual Porsche & Pancakes at Anthem Country Club

SUNDAY, September 10 @ 8:30 am – 11:00 am

On the heels of the nine past years’ very successful events, we will again return to the elegant Ironwood Grill at the Anthem Country Club for another signature event with indoor open and outdoor seating available.

Please save the date for this special event, and plan to join us on Sunday, September 10th. Since we will likely exceed 60 Porsches and over 100 enthusiasts, secure your spot now. Forget the red zones in front of the main entrance, this is a Porsche event, and we’ll have the cars lined up around the circular drive and let them overflow into the parking lot once again. Check-In opens at 8:30 AM, with food served at 9:00 AM! There will be no onsite registration and you must pay online in advance.

To entice those of you who missed this event last year or those that drive further, we thought you’d like to see what you missed, all for an all-inclusive $38/person (all-in, Fully Inclusive including tip):

Healthy, Sweet, Savory Buffet

Fresh Sliced Fruit Display

Crème Brule French Toast_ Asparagus, Mushroom and Gruyere Strudel


Prepared to order with Peppers, Onions, Mushrooms, Spinach, Tomatoes, Ham, Bacon, Sausage, Cheddar, Salsa and Swiss and Feta Cheeses!


Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, Tea, Grapefruit & Orange Juices

Maria and I are excited by the prospect of welcoming you to experience the best of the Anthem Country Club, please join us and reserve now! — Frank Grimmelmann

For more details and to Register for this event CLICK HERE

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Future Events - Monthly Membership Meeting

AZPCA Monthly Membership Meeting

September 6, 2023 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Fall Dinner at Alpio’s Peakview Garage, Italian Night

Come join us for our meeting at Alpio’s Peakview Garage for a Fall Dinner Italian Style. Enjoy a fine meal catered by the Sharko’s, a family-owned business since 1976.

ENTREES Homemade Baked Lasagna layers of lasagna noodles, cooked sausage, ground beef, ricotta cheese, parmesan cheese, shredded mozzarella and rich red sauce

Creamy Tuscan Chicken Boneless breast of chicken in a brandied cream sauce with roasted garlic, mushrooms, artichokes and sun dried tomatoes

SIDES Caesar Salad Chopped romaine, seasoned croutons, parmesan cheese, caesar dressing Grilled Vegetable Medley Grilled Asparagus, Zucchini, Yellow Squash, Red Bell Pepper, Red Onion and Warm Garlic Breadsticks

DESSERT Tiramisu Italian custard cake

BEVERAGES Bottled Water Assorted Canned Soda Diet & Regular

Jim and Carole Bultema, Organizers

Cost: $40 per person

Alpio’s Peakview Garage

4150 East Peak View Road

Cave Creek, AZ

Event Schedule:

5:30 – 6:15 p.m. Social hour

6:15 – 7:00 p.m. Dinner

7:00 – 7:30 p.m. Meeting & meet a member

Registration is required for this event.

Registration is limited to 75

Click the REGISTER button below to sign up and pay. The closing date to register is August 31, 2023 at midnight.

For more details and to Register for this event CLICK HERE

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Interesting Facts behind the Cover Photo

Thismonth’s photo was taken by Dieter and Susan Guenter at the Galleta Meadows Sculptures in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (Borrego Springs) during a Porsche Parade drive. The photo in question was shot through one of the sculptures legs giving us this epic photo. The sculptures were commissioned by the owner of the Galleta Meadows Estates, Dennis Avery, who enlisted artist Ricardo Breceda to begin creating these amazing sculptures. To date over 130 unique creations have appeared, some defy belief due to their massive scale. For more information regarding the sculptures please explore these interesting websites.

Josh’s very enlightening website has loads of great photos of the structures; https://californiathroughmylens.com/anza-borrego-sculptures/

Another very informative website details all the exciting things to see in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park.


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The Board of Directors and leadership team of the AZPCA cordially invite you to participate in our 45th annual Concours d’Elegance, known as Phoenix Flight 45. This event will be held on October 20-21, 2023, at Porsche Chandler. Festivities commence on Friday, Oct. 20, evening at the Marriott Phoenix Chandler hotel located in Chandler, AZ. Early morning Saturday, Oct. 21st we will commence with the Concours d’Elegance car show at Porsche Chandler for judging and a display of an aweinspiring array of Porsches. After judging is completed on Saturday morning, we will reconvene inside the dealership for lunch and presentation of awards. The Marriott Phoenix Chandler hotel has reserved rooms at a discounted rate of $159 + tax for our out-of-town guests for Friday and Saturday nights.

If you are interested in volunteering a few hours the day of the car show, please contact Abby at social.az.pca@gmail.com. Keep an eye on the AZPCA Events Calendar for full details.

For more details and to Register for this event CLICK HERE

GOING PLACES 9.2023 | 21 | AZPCA 45th annual - Concours d’Elegance
| 22 | https://www.redwoodgeneraltire.com/

Meet a Member - Catolina Brown

Meet this month’s featured member, Catolina Brown

1. When did you join PCA?

I officially joined in Feb 2023 but had a Macan back in 2019.

2. What Porsche(s) do you have? 2018 718 Cayman in Guards Red.

3. Where are you from?

I was born in Italy to UK parents and moved to the US when I was 6 years old.

4. Family?

I do not have children of my own but I am very close with my immediate family. I also have two crazy Boston Terriers.

5. Work background or trade?

I have been a High School Guidance Councellor for 20 years.

6. What makes your car special?

It’s mine and it’s fun to drive

7. Next upgrade?

My dream is a Targa, but realistically I will trade up for a 991.2 or a 992.

8. Have you personalized your car?

Only the license plate (CATS718)

9. Favorite memory with a car? Driving to Ontario Porsche in California to pick it up with my father.

10. Why did you buy your Porsche?

My current car was bought because I had the question of “Get a 718 now or save for a year and get the 911” The advice I got was...”Always get the Porsche you can have now and then trade up”.

11. High school nickname? Cat

12. Top 3 cars you would own?

1. Porsche Targa

2. Porsche 718 Spyder

3. Porsche 997.2 Turbo S (or newer)

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Dear Frank,

Thank you very, very much for taking time to return my phone call today. That’s very kind of you! Thanks for listening to the situation on Maui, being the worst ever natural catastrophe in the USA!

A couple of days ago, my son Mattias Nyquist sent me this new GoFundMe site, which was recently created. This GoFundMe account was created by Michael Murphy, who is college- and class-mate of my son Mattias during four years at Colby College, Waterville, Maine. Michael is today working as a Medical Doctor and Surgeon at a hospital in Boston, MA.

As you know I am kindly asking you to present this fund-raising request at AZ.PCA Board Meeting on Monday, if possible and appropriate. It is a fundraising for my son Mattias Nyquist and his family, wife Noelle Nyquist and their two sons Kaimana Nyquist 6 years and Keahi Nyquist 3 years. I remember when years ago we discussed at the Porsche Club Board meetings how the club could help and support various organisations. My request is different since it is more pointed towards a small group of people (my little family on Maui) in need.

The day started in a normal way. Mattias and Noelle left for their jobs. Mattias took the car because he was dropping off the boys at the Grandparents (Noelle’s parents), who will take care of the boys during the day. Once they had arrived at their jobs it was obvious that that fire was racing down the mountainside towards Lahaina very rapidly supported with wind speeds of 80-90 miles/hour. Noelle and Mattias rushed home and now I will let you read my son’s description of events below.

When my son finally was able to call me from a Cell-Phone active area, he opened the conversation with by saying: “Don’t cry Dad, we are all alive and not injured, we have each other, which is the only thing we have. There were lifethreatening passages through fire and smoke when we were fleeing out of Lahaina on fire”.

I was AZ.PCA Club Secretary through 2017, so some members should know who I am.

I am reaching out to the Club for help, so my little family on Maui can have their lives restored.

I have tried GoFundMe a few times and it functions very well and safely.

In case you are not familiar with GoFundMe, it has been in successful operation for many years.

The GodFundMe Giving Guarantee states:

• We Guarantee you a full refund in the rare case something isn’t right.

• Protection for an entire year. Donations of any amount are covered for one full year after you donate.

• Every fundraiser is covered. Whether you donate to a fundraiser for a person or a nonprofit, you’re protected.

• Worldwide coverage. Your donation is protected, wherever you donate from.

You’re covered by our money-back donor protection guarantee.

- You are making the world a better place for someone every time you give.

- We believe it is our responsibility to protect your kindness - by protecting your donation.

- Donate with peace of mind.

I sincerely hope, that you don’t find my message today too intruding and offensive, when asking you for some help! If you can help just a little, I know, that my son and his family will be very grateful and it will mean so much to them, so they can begin to restore their lives.

| 24 | A Heartfelt request from AZPCA Member Jan Nyquist

One of my son Mattias’ college friends, Michael Murphy has created this GoFundMe web site. Michael works today as a surgeon at a hospital in Boston, MA.

If you go to GoFundMe.com and click on Search and then type The Nyquist Family you will be able to see the site in details for donations or click on the link below https://www.gofundme.com/f/aloha-for-the-nyquist-family



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Kaimana, Noelle and Mattias holding Keahi
`A`ohe lokomaika`i i nele i ke pâna`i – (No kind deed has ever lacked its reward.)
Gregg & Ali


AZPCA Region publishes several emails each month to notify the members of the upcoming social and driving events and other pertinent Region business and activity information. These emails are known as eNews email blasts and will be identified by the PCA Banner as you see above.

It has come to the Region’s attention that several hundred members are not receiving the AZPCA Region’s eNews email blasts. This may be because the PCA National Office may not have your correct email address or there may be a technical problem with your email address. Or the member at one time elected to opt out of receiving the emails and would like to begin receiving them.

AZPCA Region would like to help the members in resolving this issue of you not receiving the eNews emails. If you are not receiving any of the emails that are labeled with the above banner, and prefer to receive them, please email the Region’s Communications Chair, Kenny Mitchell at kenmitchell@az.pca.org

| 26 | AZPCA Regional eNEWS
MULTIFAMILY / RESIDENTIAL • Property Management • Turnover Services • Leasing / Screening • Consulting Dan Bouet, Designated Broker dan@apexrealtysvc.com (480) 702-1011 www.apexrealtysvc.com

Upcoming AZPCA Drives

AZ Region Porsche Club Invites You to A Driving Tour/Wine Tasting Event in Old Town Cottonwood

This is a Charity Fundraiser for St. Vincent de Paul

$50 per person donation on motorsportreg.com (MSR)

We will take a scenic and curvy drive over Mingus Mountain, through Jerome, and down the hill to Cottonwood

The Tavern Hotel Sip & Stay Wine Package Cottonwood

September 23,24, 2023

Prices per couple below include:

Welcome Cocktails

Wine Tasting at Three Local Tasting Rooms

$50 Gift Card for Dinner at one of the local restaurants

Continental Breakfast at Crema Craft Kitchen

Here’s how to sign up: Go on MSR and make your donation. Here is the MSR link: https://www.motorsportreg.com/events/ charity-driving-tour-wine-tasting-in-cottonwood-tavern-hotel-pca-arizona-945200

Lastly, select your room choice and book directly with the hotel by calling: 928-639-1669

King Junior Suite - $363.77

King Deluxe Room - $341.11

Queen Deluxe Room (two beds) - $341.11

Things to Do in the area:

Old Town Cottonwood shops and Wine Tasting Rooms

Dead Horse Ranch State Park

Verde Canyon Railroad

Blazin’M Ranch

Old Town Center for the Arts

Several Golf Courses

Nearby Jerome and all its attractions

GOING PLACES 9.2023 | 27 |

Future Events - Monthly Membership Meeting

AZPCA Monthly Membership Meeting

October 4, 2023 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

The Porch - Arcadia - for Octoberfest

Come join us for our monthly meeting at The Porch in Arcadia, a retro-inspired “hangout” for our yearly Octoberfest celebration.

Jim and Carole Bultema, Organizers


Octoberfest with Bratwurst and Sauerkraut with rolls, Mustards, and Pickles

With Mini Bavarian Soft Pretzel Bites with Beer Cheese and Mustard

German Potato Salad

Black Forrest Dessert

Drink ticket included

Soft Drinks and Iced Tea

Cost: $40 per person

The Porch Arcadia

4017 E. Indian School Road

Phoenix, AZ 85018

Event Schedule:

5:30 – 6:15 p.m.

Social hour

*Please note they will not allow entry until 5:30

6:15 – 7:00 p.m.

7:00 – 7:30 p.m.


Meeting and meet a member

Registration is required for this event.

Click the REGISTER button below to sign up and pay.

The closing date to register is October 1, 2023 at midnight

Registration is limited to 100

For more details and to Register for this event

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GOING PLACES 9.2023 | 29 | Save the Dates - AZPCA Drives SAVE THE DATES...Registration to follow shortly
Driving Tour - Wickenburg
Tour/Lunch - Fountain Hills For more details regarding this event CLICK HERE For more details regarding this event CLICK HERE
October 15th,
November 12th, Driving

Future AZPCA Drive : Mt. Lemmon

Three Region Driving Tour to Mt Lemmon & Buffet Lunch at the Tanque Verde Ranch

Hello All:

Jeanne and I are planning a 3 Region Driving Tour to Mt Lemmon in Tucson on Saturday, Sept 30. The following will be the details for each of the 3 Regions:

AZ Mountain Region:

Drive to Tucson on Friday, stay overnight. Meet at the McDonalds at the corner of Tanque Verde and E. Catalina Hwy at 9:15am on Saturday, Sept 30. The Drivers’ meeNng will commence at 9:30am and we will start the drive up Mt Lemmon at 9:45am. We will all stop at the parking lot across the street from the Iron Door restaurant at the top of the mountain for photos and a rest stop break. We will then begin our descent from Mt Lemmon. We will proceed to the Tanque Verde Ranch restaurant for a group buffet lunch. The buffet lunch is $35 per person (tax and gratuity included) which we will collect on the AZ Region MSR site when you register for the event. Registra3on is required for this event

AZ Region:

Meet at the Chevron Gas StaNon on the southeast corner of Goldfield and US60 in Apache JuncNon at 7:00am on Saturday, Sept 30. The drivers’ meeNng will start at 7:00am and departure will be at 7:15am We will be taking the back way to Tucson on SR 79. We will have a rest stop break in Florence at the McDonalds. We should arrive at the McDonalds in Tucson at the corner of Tanque Verde and E Catalina Hwy at approximately 9:15am. The drivers’ meeNng will commence at 9:30am, and we will start the drive up Mt Lemmon at 9:45am. We will all stop at the parking lot across the street from the Iron Door restaurant at the top of the mountain for photos and a rest stop break. We will then begin our descent from Mt Lemmon. We will proceed to the Tanque Verde Ranch restaurant for a group buffet lunch. The buffet lunch is $35 per person (tax and gratuity included) which we will collect on the AZ Region MSR site when you register for the event. Registra3on is required for this event.

Southern Arizona Region (SAR):

Meet at the McDonalds at the corner of Tanque Verde and E. Catalina Hwy at 9:15am on Saturday, Sept 30. The drivers’ meeNng will commence at 9:30am, and we will start the drive up Mt Lemmon at 9:45am. We will all stop at the parking lot across the street from the Iron Door restaurant at the top of the mountain for photos and a rest stop break. We will then begin our descent from Mt Lemmon. We will proceed to the Tanque Verde Ranch restaurant for a group buffet lunch. The buffet lunch is $35 per person (tax and gratuity included) which we will collect on the AZ Region MSR site when you register for the event. Registra3on is required for this event.

The MSR registra3on link is now live: h^ps://azpca.motorsportreg.com/events/three-driving-tour-to-mt-lemmontanque-verde-ranch-resturant-pca-arizona-155288

Driving direc3ons will be distributed at the Drivers’ mee3ngs.


For more details and to REGISTER for this event CLICK HERE

| 30 |

Future AZPCA Drive : Fall Colors Tour

Fall Colors Tour to Flagstaff

October 29-31, 2023

Note that this is a 3-day Sunday-Tuesday event.

After last year’s overnighter to Flagstaff, the consensus was that our stay at Little America was too short! So this year we are adding a day, with options on the second day planned to satisfy anyone’s interest in the historic and scenic sights in and around Flagstaff.

The fall colors in late October should be out in all their glory, through Oak Creek Canyon and around Northern Arizona Our drive on Sunday follows the Red Rock Scenic Byway to Sedona, where we will have lunch together and then take the beautiful drive through Oak Creek Canyon, where the leaves should be putting on their show!

On arrival in Flagstaff we will check into the Little America Hotel, Flagstaff’s only AAA approved Four Diamond hotel. “Set in 500 acres of Ponderosa pine forest, Little America Flagstaff combines inviting hospitality with the natural beauty of Northern Arizona.” A special group rate has been arranged, which you can take advantage of when you register for the event. Everyone will be on their own for the rest of the day, to explore the Flagstaff area or just hang out at the hotel. Chances are just about guaranteed that there will be an impromptu happy hour gathering sometime before dinner (on your own).

On Monday morning various destinations await, where you can join others to explore attractions in Flagstaff and Northern Arizona. We will organize groups to head out together to destinations including:

• Riordan Mansion (if you didn’t join the tour last year, this is a must-do!)

• Lowell Observatory

• Museum of Northern Arizona

• Flagstaff Area National Monuments: Walnut Canyon, Sunset Crater, Wupatki

• Meteor Crater (if you missed this on the overnighter to La Posada in August)

After a day of sightseeing, we’ll gather for a casual dinner at Grimaldi's Pizzeria, a very short drive from Little America. Or if you wish, you can dine at the Silver Pine restaurant at the hotel, or go elsewhere.

On Tuesday after breakfast we will take the scenic drive to the Snowbowl. The fall colors should be dazzling as we head up toward Arizona’s tallest peak Your return home is on your own.

GOING PLACES 9.2023 | 31 |
For more details and to REGISTER for this event CLICK HERE

Future AZPCA Events - Holiday Party 2023

The 2023 AZPCA Holiday Party is quickly approaching…..

Keep your calendars clear because the festive season will soon be upon us…. You may laugh but Elf Angela is busily preparing for the Holiday party already.

Date: Sunday, December 17, 2023

Location: The Fairway House at Grayhawk Golf Club

Keep an eye on this space as Registration will open on October 1, 2023

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GOING PLACES 9.2023 | 33 | Upcoming AZPCA Social Events SAVE THE DATE... It’s going to be FUN! For more details and to REGISTER for this event CLICK HERE

AZPCA Drive - Winslow & Meteor Crater

Trip to La Posada and Meteor Crater Sunday 6 August through Monday 7 August

It was a hot Sunday morning when we met at the TARGET in Fountain Hills. Meeting time was advertised for 09:30 but as always, some people (including myself) were already there one hour earlier. I used the excuse to grab a cup of coffee at Target. Our fearless team leaders Rook and Debbie also arrived early and were ready to make sure the waivers were signed by everyone. Even if it was early the temperatures had already reached a high level and standing out in the heat was not much fun, so we moved into the shade of the commercial buildings. Rook announced the departure time as being around 10:00 but he was still in the extended route briefing mode, so we started a bit later. We had 23 cars and left in 2 groups; we unfortunately had a few cancellations. We drove up the Beeline Highway to Payson with a 15-minute pit stop at the Mazatzal Casino, where the Casino greeter probably realized that this group was just there for a pit stop and not gambling. The drive on Beeline Hwy with those long swooping turns is always fun and the highway was not that busy so it was an enjoyable drive to the first stop “Lunch at Pinewood Tavern”, a nice place to stop for lunch, they had not designated any sitting for the group but that was not a problem because there was enough available seating either inside or outside on the porch. We sat next to a local couple “summer heat evaders” and they were wondering whether we were a motorcycle club, not sure how they would think that because none of us had helmet hair or leathers. Once we told them who we were they seemed to be more relaxed. We also had at our table another couple of summer heat evaders, who are club members, David, and his wife, who joined us for lunch and the drive up to Winslow. They had a cool story about their black 944, original owners and I think only 38K miles on the car. The car is normally parked in Sedona at their summer residence, so they had a chance to get some miles on it joining our tour in Pine. One spot in the parking lot was renamed Skittles parking because we had some colorful Porsches parked right next to each other.

About 13:30 we left the Tavern and started the last part of the trip to Winslow. Shortly before arriving in Winslow our radio station played the Eagles song “Take it Easy” (Standing on the corner in Winslow Arizona) and you could hear some loud and very questionable singing in our car. We also did “stand” at the corner, but the next day. The last stretch after Pine to Winslow is an easy drive, some of the road had suffered through the winter and had some rough spots. The very last straight stretch was great, and I can see how someone could get into trouble speeding with that endless road ahead of you. We all took it easy because we could not get to the hotel too early for check in. We made it to Winslow about 14:30 Luckly our room was ready but some of the other members had to wait a bit until their rooms were available.

About the hotel from the hotel site: Fred Harvey, who “civilized the west” by introducing linen, silverware, China, crystal, and impeccable service to railroad travel. (He was so legendary that MGM made a movie called The Harvey Girls starring Judy Garland.) Harvey developed and ran all the hotels and restaurants of the Santa Fe Railway, eventually controlling a hospitality empire that spanned the continent. In the 1920s, Harvey decided to build a major hotel in the center of northern Arizona. “La Posada” the Resting Place was to be the finest in the Southwest. More about La Posada at https://laposada.org/the-history-of-la-posada

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STORY BY Dieter and Susan Guenter

All the rooms have movie star names, and every room is a bit different. Wonderful place to stay overnight and great place for a nice dinner in the Turquoise Room. The beauty of the place was also that the hotel had a super large foyer/hallway with tables and chairs which we all decided to be the perfect hang out place once we checked in. This was one of the great highlights, grabbing a chair and reorganizing the hallway into a large Porsche circle. Here we spent a fun time after check in all the way to dinner time Some made their own dinner plans, others dined in the Turquoise Room. I think everybody had a great time mingling with Porsche friends and having the drink of your choice - the bar was close byso were the rooms - no driving required.

Next morning after a leisurely breakfast and for some of us shopping in the giftshop we made our way out to the “famous” corner in Winslow around 10:00. Some people had left earlier but we still had 14 cars for the rest of the Monday schedule, which was great. Car staging was a challenge in downtown Winslow but we managed to get a great shot with Gregg and Ali’s “Beetle” and the statue with some of us, I am sure, were humming the Eagles song.

Standin' on the Corner Park is a public park in Winslow, Arizona, opened in 1999, commemorating the song "Take It Easy" which was written by Jackson Browne and Glenn Frey and most famously recorded by the Eagles. The song includes the verse "Well, I'm a-standin' on a corner in Winslow, Arizona and such a fine sight to see. It's a girl, my Lord, in a flatbed Ford slowin' down to take a look at me." The park contains bronze statue by Ron Adamson entitled "Easy" (which resembles Browne, however, represents "the troubadour") who is standing on a corner with a guitar by his side.

GOING PLACES 9.2023 | 35 |
AZPCA Drive - Winslow & Meteor Crater

AZPCA Drive - Winslow & Meteor Crater

Next destination was Meteor Crater and their visitor center where tickets were purchased. They have movies and tours highlighting the power of nature. About 50,000 years ago the crater was formed and the immense power of the impact and explosion are still visible, the crater is threequarters of a mile wide and 750 feet deep.

After the tours people dispersed in different directions, some went to Flagstaff some took I-17 or any other routes back home. I decided to go back the way we came AZ-87, a nice uneventful drive with a few showers just enough to get the car dirty.

Thanks to everyone for a fun Sunday-Monday.

| 36 |

OnWednesday, July 12th, approximately 25 Porsche owners drove to higher ground to beat some of the heat of the Valley.

We drove to a gain of approximately 4,000 feet of elevation to Prescott where the temperature was nearly 20 degrees cooler.

After leaving Tramonto Marketplace in North Phoenix, our two groups of Porsches headed northwest through Wickenburg then back northeast through Yarnell before arriving in Prescott in time for lunch at the historic The Palace.

The Palace is the oldest frontier saloon in Arizona and one of the top ten historic bars in the United States per USA Today.

In the late 1870’s, the saloon was the watering hole of the likes of Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday. Our lunch parking in Prescott was in front of the recently revealed mural honoring the Granite Mountain Hotshots of which 19 of the 20 members lost their lives ten years earlier fighting the Yarnell Hill Fire. The Hotshots were based in Prescott, It was a touching opportunity for the PCA Arizona Region to pay its respect to the firefighters that lost their lives battling the deadliest wildfire in Arizona history.

GOING PLACES 9.2023 | 37 |
AZPCA Drive - Prescott/Palace STORY BY
Jim Oster

Monthly Awards & Accolades

Each month the Editors and Contributors of Going Places would like to recognize certain members for special contributions to this amazing Club we are all part of.

The Writers Award, this award is for an individual that submits or presents the best article.

Writers Award – August 2023: Dieter and Susan Guenter

The winner will receive a $30 credit on their MotorsportReg account to be used for upcoming AZPCA events.

The Volunteer Award, this award goes to the member who goes above and beyond the call of duty, this person demonstrates what the Clubs values are all about, Passion, a Positive attitude and a willingness to help.

Volunteer of the Month – August 2023: Abby Ercoline

The winner will receive a $30 credit on their MotorsportReg account to be used for upcoming AZPCA events.

**Even if you don’t win this month a big heart felt THANK-YOU to all the wonderful contributors that help make this award-winning Newsletter/Magazine the success that it is, CHEERS.

*NEW - Aman-Steele Award returns/Legacy Award introduced *

Aman-Steele Award

A reinstatement of the historical Annual Aman Award for outstanding achievement, represen7ng the AZPCA Member (or Members, awarded jointly) in good standing who is acknowledged as the enthusiast (or enthusiasts) of the year for the current calendar year. The award is designated as the Aman-Steele Award to recognize the life7me contribu7on of Jack Aman and Ken Steele to the Club. The award is presented at the AZPCA annual dinner to the enthusiast of the year demonstra7ng an excep7onal level of contribu7on to the Club. Candidates are to be nominated by any club member including a descrip7on of the nominees unique and significant contribu7ons to the club in the current year and voted upon by the Board of Directors at their November Board Mee7ng in an execu7ve session following the main board mee7ng to maintain the decision in confidence un7l the presenta7on of the award at the December Annual Holiday Party

Legacy Award

The Annual Legacy Award established in 2023 recognizes an AZPCA Member or members working as a team who historically and consistently over a decade or more has or have contributed significantly to excep7onally suppor7ng the club and its membership at a significant level. The award may recognize this contribu7on from a current ac7ve member or posthumously for a member’s contribu7on. This award is nominated and voted upon by the Board of Directors who may at their discre7on seek guidance form the general membership, especially those who have historically been involved with the club and were able to personally observe those who have made a significant consistent contribu7on that is above and beyond usual expecta7ons. The Board of Directors will consider nomina7ons and make the final decision in an execu7ve session following the main board mee7ng to maintain the decision in confidence un7l the presenta7on of the award at the December Holiday Party Mee7ng.

| 38 |
| 40 | S o c i a l M e d i a f o r A Z P C A 5 W a y s t o E ngage ! B y Ja n Mackulak , Socia l Medi a Chair , mailto:socialmedia@az.pca.org FACEBOOK at f b . c o m / a z p c a T W I T T E R a t t w i t t e r . c o m / a z p c a I N S T A G R A M a t i n s t a g r a m . c o m / a z p c a P I N T E R E S T a t p i n t e r e s t . c o m / a z p c a Y O U T U B E a t b i t l y / a z p c a © 2018 Por che Car Nor h Ame ca nc Po sche recommends sea be t usage and obse vance of aac aws at a me Por sche Chandler Sale s , S er vice, Par t s & Acce ssorie s Porsche Chandler a luxur y experience encompassing Sales, Ser vice, Par ts & Accessories in the hear t of the East Valley OOering complimentar y Porsche ser vice loaners and door-to-door Sales & Ser vice vehicle del ver y Showcasing the nest selection of New, Cer t ed Pre-Owned and Classic Porsche models C Conveniently located Nor th of the Santan 202 Freeway on Gilber t Road Please visit us online at Por scheChandler com


FORMULA 1 Drive to Survive, The Unofficial Companion by Stuart Codling, published 23 May 2023 by Motorbooks, Beverly, MA

This book was written to provide backup reference material for enthusiasts of the Netflix series Drive to Survive. Not being a Netflix subscriber, this reviewer cannot evaluate the book’s value as a supplement to the show. I can evaluate it as a supplement to any Formula 1 enthusiast’s body of knowledge, and for that I give it the proverbial 5 Stars ! It is a very interesting and readable book in its own right; provides beau coup information of interest to any Formula 1 enthusiast. The specific references to Neflix scenes and ‘actors’, are somewhat distracting to non-subscribers but may well be invaluable to those who follow the show.

The focus is on the most recent years of the “World Championship” race series, but the first Grand Prix, held in 1906, is described as being won by a Renault (now in F1 as “Alpine”) with a13 liter 4 cyl engine, red-lined at 1200rpm.

Divided into seven topical chapters that deal with the people, the cars, the technology, the circuits, the governing body and the business. The chapters may not be broad (the chapter covering engines does not mention Porsche TAG units) but they provide a depth of information that this reviewer has not found elsewhere.

FORMULA 1 Drive to Survive does not give race reports – instead it gives ‘the rest of the story’, the behind the scenes background that the race report books rarely even allude to. There is a fascinating chapter on the Venues, and one on the evolution of the rules, much more comprehensive than the treatment given these topics in any of the plethora of books reporting on the races themselves. There is extensive treatment of team owners, managers and FIA officials. The chapter on cars and the one dealing with drivers provide extensive detail on their topics. The chapter on the governing rules points out that 158 pages of Technical Regulations and 177 pages of Sporting Regulations (as of 2022), are insufficient to prevent multiple mid-season updates.

Each chapter has ‘sidebars’ about an individual facet or function of race operation; some even have a sidebar within a sidebar, describing a specific example of the topic discussed. To this reviewer’s knowledge, there is no other Formula 1 book that devotes so much space to ‘Team Manager’, ‘Race Engineer’, ‘Number One Mechanic’, etc. Combining a description of the function with a discussion of the work of a living, breathing example, gives one unique insight into the life and times of F1. In fact, each of the roughly 25 page Chapters seems to consist of dozen or so roughly two page sub-chapters which stand alone within the context of the Chapter heading. The brief, bite-size articles are captivating because of the specific and often personal details given, not because of any continuity of flow to the story. Overall, a unique insight is given into life in ‘the circus’. There even is an article on the driver’s gloves being a part of the telemetry package of the modern F1 car. Much more than just background for the Netflix show, it is an essential companion for any F1 enthusiast.

FORMULA 1 Drive to Survive is softbound with an artsy photographic cover and 192, 8 x 10 inch pages containing 150 images. The pictures are large and prominent; the general text is small and this reviewer finds the font used for the captions particularly difficult to read. There is a two page, three column index with one misleading reference to “Porsche Team”. Despite the graphic deficiencies, it is so informative no F1 fan should be without this book. Get it for $34.99 at your favorite bookseller or at QuartoKnows.com.

GOING PLACES 9.2023 | 41 |



Jamison Ashton

Goodyear, Arizona 1969 912

Steven Berry

Phoenix, Arizona 1999 Boxster

Yuri Ellis

Scottsdale, Arizona 2008 911 Turbo

Stephen Forbes Park City, Utah 2018 911 GT3

Gary Gerden

Scottsdale, Arizona

2017 Cayenne S E-Hybrid

Shawn and Larissa Jones

Fountain Hills, Arizona

2014 911 Carrera S Cabriolet

Flemming and Karen Kristensen

Phoenix, Arizona

Steve and Jodi Lawrence

Scottsdale, Arizona 2023 Macan

Mark Leberer

Chandler, Arizona 2018 911 Carrera GTS

Justin Livesay

Scottsdale, Arizona

1975 911S Targa

Daniel Maynard

Scottsdale, Arizona

2016 Cayman GT4

Sumi Prakash and Marappa Gownder Nalle

Scottsdale, Arizona

2017 Cayenne S

Eric Risberg

Scottsdale, Arizona 2000 Boxster

Ivan and Audrey Robinson Safford, Arizona 2000 Boxster

Christopher Stickland

Chandler, Arizona 2023 Taycan 4S Cross Turismo


Carrie Deakin

Surprise, Arizona

Transfer from Yosemite

2019 718 Cayman Coupe

Marvin Mendelsohn

Scottsdale, Arizona

Transfer From Golden Gate 2005 911 Carrera Coupe Silver

David and Tracy Nonweiler

Scottsdale, Arizona

Transfer from Cimarron

2017 911 Turbo S

Gary and Logan Vlk

Scottsdale, Arizona

Transfer from Chicago

2019 911 Carrera T Coupe

Gregory Webb

Scottsdale, Arizona

Transfer from Milwaukee

2012 Cayenne SUV Black

| 42 |
Moe Scharhon Membership Chair
Current Membership: 2502


These members are observing their PCA Membership Anniversary this month!!

50 Years

William Richardson

46 Years

Burkhard Franke

44 Years

Christopher and Ann Pascale

38 Years

Abe and Judith Sears

George and Rita


34 Years

Michael and Kaitlyn


Lindsay Miller and Marilyn Teplitz

32 Years

Steven and Lynn


27 Years

James and Nancy Mackay

Stephen Sapareto

William Kirkham

26 Years

David Cooper

Susan Kemper

25 Years

Bruce and Terry Martz

David Stocker

24 Years

Stephen and Lynn


Gary and Karen Ward

22 Years

James and Laura


21 Years

Alba and Jessica Brice

Eric and Kathleen


20 Years

William Newton

Robert Tate

18 Years

Frederic and Helen


17 Years

Charles Burnside

Christian and Suzanne


16 Years

Andrew Smith

Charles and Johanna


15 Years

Devin Dahn and Deidre Bo

Donald Johnson and Kyra Lee

Darrin Mack

George Slessman

14 Years

David Coppock

Thomas and Helen


13 Years

Lyle and Joanne


John and Rose


Timothy and Dianne Manning

William Painter

12 Years

Michael Marinshaw

Jan and Monyette


11 Years

Rick Mukherjee

John Schauerman

Lawrence and Larry


Michael O’Brien

Mike and Mary Beth Wiskirchen

9 Years

Hal and Ellie Hong

Laurent Mollard and Patricia Duchene

Alan Smith

8 Years

Ray and Christine


Todd Prynn

Richard Sanderson

7 Years

Cory Berg

Douglas James

James Keane and Terry


William and Constance


Steven and Susann


6 Years

Jeff and Amanda


Jeffrey Berube

Gerry and Amy Dale

Doris Gilles

Ed Gonzalez

Sam Kim

Paul and Lisa


Anton Nilsen

Alan Paxhia

Evan and Sabrina


Roger and Brenda Uhlich

5 Years

Remo and Debbie


Richard Baca

George Brandon

Dan Pellegrini

Mark Rhode

4 Years

James Azzinaro III

Shane Chilton

DeWitt Gibson

Jerrie Groman

James Harris

Durrell Hillis

Paul and Judi Zalle

3 Years

Ralph Gilles

Robert Johnson

George Kief

Mark Miller

Monique Millon

Brian Ongstad

William Ribadeneira

Harry and Dolores


Jonathan and Herman


Frederick Stroupe

Thomnas Suter

Chuck Taylor

Dave Tornell

Louis Verloop

2 Years

David Bernard

Donald Dauwalder

Patrick Doolittle

David Flinn

Marilyn Fornell

Grace Frohock

Michael Gann

JR Garcia

Na Tosha Gatson

Myron Hammes

David Harsay

Stephen Khan

Kirk Kokoska

Maryann Kolb

Louis Maro

Dave Modderman

Karen Modesto

Kenneth Nessler

Stan and Sue Olds


Kevin Ransil

Kari Redman

Hriday Sibal

Mark and Susan


Stacey Stafford

Kenneth Stevens

Eric Trappen

Dennis Wierzba

1 Years

Jamie Bauschka

Shawn Benso

Mark Briehl

Christopher Buhrmann

Leslie Carol

Kevin Chapman

James and Renee


Ryan Cox

Michael and Kimberly


Jonathan Fongyee

Samuel Haines

Thomas Hitchcock

Holden Hoebing

Brian Kelm

Carlos Martinezsoto and Francisco Martinez

Derek Mcghee

Kathleen Micalizio

Bridgette Nevins

Samuel and Barbara Ruddy

James Seeley

Chetan Shah

William Slessman

Jason Stratton

John Toth

Andrew Will

Elizabeth Williams

Deanna Young

10 Years

Robert Mary Ellen


Sonja Hagel

Chris and Leah Henley

Robin Humes

Archie Packard

John Pasquali

Ruchir and Rachel

GOING PLACES 9.2023 | 43 |



Rick Althouse

Kim Kemper autocross@az.pca.org


Andy Cole concours@az.pca.org


John Dowling CDI@az.pca.org


Dan Bouet drivereducation@az.pca.org


Rook Younger drivingtours@az.pca.org


Jim Bultema drivingtours@az.pca.org


Dave Fisher dfish5666@aol.com


Rook Younger drivingtours@az.pca.org


Bill Stubbs


Betsy Andrade betsy7890@earthlink.net


Loretta Aman jlaman914@cox.net


Moe Scharhon membership@az.pca.org


Jim and Carole Bultema monthlymeetings@az.pca.org


Andy Jorgensen monthlymeetings@az.pca.org


Betsy Andrade betsy7890@earthlink.net


Gregg & Ali Bull gpeditor@az.pca.org


Angela Manente gpeditor@az.pca.org


Larry Grimes panorama@az.pca.org


Dennis Rood dmrood1@comcast.net


Frank Grimmelmann fgrimmelmann@ mindspring.com


David Derr safety@az.pca.org


Ealing Jahn


Abby Ercoline socialchair@az.pca.org

ASSISTANT SOCIAL COMMITTEE CHAIR Open Position socialchair@az.pca.org


Jan Mackulak socialmedia@az.pca.org

SPONSORSHIP & ADVERTISING Andy Jorgensen sponsorship@az.pca.org


Scott Mcilvain CDI@az.pca.org


Mike Ferring webmaster@az.pca.org

WEBMASTER ASSISTANT Gregg Bookspan webmaster@az.pca.org

| 44 |


Lori DeCristo California Inland Region zonerep@zone8.org


Linda Cobarrubias treasurer@zone8.org


Russell Shon de.tt@zone8.org


Scott Mann cdi@zone8.org


Skip Carter


Tom Brown webmaster@zone8.org


Tom Brown rules@zone8.org


Monica Asbury secretary@zone8.org


Dick Douglass

SOCIAL MEDIA & Communications Chair

Vinita Khilnani Arizona az.pca.org

AZ Mountain azm.pca.org

Cal. Central ccc.pca.org

Cal. Inland cai.pca.org

Golden Empire gem.pca.org

Grand Prix GrandPrixRegion.com Las Vegas lvrpca.com

Los Angeles pcalosangeles.org

Orange Coast pcaocr.com

Riverside riversidepca.org

San Diego pcasdr.org

San Gabriel Valley sgb.pca.org

Santa Barbara pcasb.org

So. Arizona pcasar.org

Vineyard pcavineyardregion.com

GOING PLACES 9.2023 | 45 |


Thesponsorship programs were designed to allow our current and new advertisers and sponsors a simple way to choose a program that will include; digital on-line published newsletter and internet exposure opportunities all for one simple investment.

The sponsorship program has five tiers:

Bronze - $250 includes one small website banner on the Membership and Going Places digital magazine page of our website, and one eighth-page (3.5”x 2”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.

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Sponsorship Requests and Tier Details

Sponsorships and Advertising Manager, Andy Jorgensen

E-mail: sponsorship@az.pca.org

Gregg & Ali Bull Going Places Editors

E-mail: gpeditor@az.pca.org

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Shop Your AZPCA Online Goodie Store The ONLY officially authorized site for AZPCA logo’d items! Order AZPCA apparel, gift items and name badges . Just type the az.pca.org/store website in your browser. (Receipts will come from Betsy Andrade LLC) For more information or for special requests, please contact Betsy Andrade, your AZPCA Merchandise Chair – betsy7890@earthlink.net

Upcoming National Events

Join the Porsche Club of America Southern Arizona Region in a New Year’s cruise on the new Viking Mississippi riverboat.

Viking New Orleans and Southern Charms

The Lower Mississippi overflows with charm, history and hospitality. Explore historic estates, and visit notable Civil War sites. Sample the bustling French flavored port cities of New Orleans and Baton Rouge. Sway to the tempos of Dixieland jazz, gospel and blues. Savor gourmet Cajun and Creole cuisine, as well as traditional Southern fare. Join us, and see why local Cajuns say, “Laissez les bons temps rouler” (Let the good times roll). More info is available at: New Orleans & Southern Charms 2023 (vikingrivercruises.com)

Embark New Orleans 30 December 2023

Disembark New Orleans 6 January 2024 Optional Post Extension Tour in New Orleans 6 – 8 January 2024

Prices range from about $4,800 to $12,000 per person depending on cabin. Airfare included from Tucson and airport transfers. Other airports are available. The Viking Cruise will fill up fast so if you are interested act now. Limited time $25 Deposit. When you contact Ed he will provide the Viking Representative contact information and new Viking guests should receive a $100pp credit when they book.

Contact Ed Koharik Email: boardmember4@pcasar.org


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GOING PLACES 9.2023 | 49 | Welcome to our newest Sponsor - Tech Plus For more Information or to schedule a service CLICK HERE

Open Letter to “Drive to Survive”

Open Letter to “Drive to Survive”

Hi. You don’t know me. But I’ve reviewed each of the past four seasons of your series. At this writing, Formula 1 is taking its annual summer break. Which makes it a perfect time to weigh in, on your plans for “Drive to Survive,” season five.

Let me start by commending you for, almost single-handedly, putting Formula 1 on the American sports map. That’s no small feat – like soccer, Formula 1 has been the next big thing in this country for, like, decades.

I remember the era when I had to wait months for the latest issue of Road & Track to arrive, so I could actually read real coverage, from the likes of Henry N. Manney III and then Rob Walker. There was literally no other way to follow the sport – newspapers avoided coverage like the plague. Only one race was actually broadcast, Monaco, on ABC’s Wide World of Sports. Then came the arrival of live telecasts. Replaced by the live feed from Sky in the UK, along with Formula 1 Grand Prix Sunday Please pinch me, it’s hard to believe.

And now, and now, this year we’ll have three races in the US. I meet people who are not motorheads, and they start ruminating about whether Perez will keep his seat at Red Bull. I’m shocked. And very happy. And I owe it all to you, and Netflix.

But, this season, you have a problem. The total dominance of Max Verstappen and Red Bull. Which, in all likelihood, will continue through the season’s second half.

Don’t just take it from me. Autoweek recently ran a story titled “5 Biggest Disappointments of 2023 Formula 1 Season, So Far.” And, number one, is “Not a single close battle up front.”

What to do? Here’s my plea. Let’s move beyond the drama of the drivers. Yes, it’s a shame that AlphaTauri summarily dropped Nyck de Vries. And Daniel Ricciardo must be over the moon about getting back in an F1 seat. But, hey, there’s a lot more to the sport than the carousel rides the drivers are on. Which makes this year the year to dive in, to expand fan knowledge … and appreciation.

Here's how. Start with the cars themselves. After all, I can’t think of a sport where the equipment is as important to winning. So, just how do you drive them, what do the teams do? How do you … win?

No, wait, how do you even start the cars? I’ve read that you first need to heat the oil, because of the tolerances. True? If so, how? When? How hot?

And then, how do you actually drive one of these machines, at speed? How do you work the hand clutch? How do you leave the pits? How do you do a standing start? What are your braking points? And, oh by the way, what do all those buttons on the steering wheel, that we see from in-car cameras, actually do?

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How about the performance envelope of the cars? How do they compare to Indycars? Sports prototypes?

For what it’s worth, the Internet is full of videos purporting to demonstrate the performance differences between, say, a five-year-old F1 car and a Grand Prix motorcycle. I just saw a video of a 2012 Red Bull, ex-Vettel, drag race a 1,914 hp Remac Nevera. The Red Bull lost. By a lot. But that video lives in the nutcase world of on-line reality … not Netflix!

And, while we’re at it, just what are the team honchos doing, hunched over their monitors on the pit wall? And the mechanics. Who are they? What are their backgrounds? How much do they make? What do they do, between tire changes? Back at the factory? Why do they do this seemingly thankless job, in the first place?

What would happen if you put every driver in the same car? Who would win? And would that tell us who’s fastest?

Statistics. Weight. Power. Power to weight. Cornering forces. Gs. Compare against Indycar, Sports Prototypes, F2, F3. Fighter planes. And the rulebook. I have a feeling it’s as thick as an old-time telephone directory. Remember them? Well, against what are they building these machines? And, how about this? An interview with the genius behind the Red Bull design, Adrian Newey?

In other words, you all have done a fantastic job of putting F1 into the American consciousness. Now, this year, how about taking the sport to the next level? Go behind, really behind, the scenes. Educate us. You may not remember this, but there once was a successful discount clothing store in New York. Syms. Their advertising tag line was “An educated consumer is our best customer.”

Oh, and please keep the “we have to push” histrionics to a minimum. Thank you!

Whois Danielle Badler? A New York native, Danielle Badler embarked on a writing and communications consulting career in early 2007, following more than 30 years in corporate communications, the last ten years as the chief global communications officer for three Fortune 500 companies, General Instrument Corporation, Unisys Corporation and Western Union.

Danielle now calls Denver home.

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As the proverbial “where the rubber meets the road” suggests, the area which the tires contact the road is a critical factor in how your Porsche handles. An alignment controls how the wheels are set in relation to the chassis and the proper settings are vital for the optimal handling of your car. Various adjustments are available that can improve street or track performance, however improved track performance often comes with cost of decreased tire life for daily driving.

Every Porsche leaves the factory aligned to a set of specifications which provides the best balance of street performance and tire life. However, as a car ages, the suspension tends to settle as bushings, springs and ball joints begin to wear out. This normal wear and tear and even a decreased tire diameter towards the end of a tire’s life can cause unwanted changes in alignment. Generally, the most common reason for alignment issues are bent, broken or worn suspension components, often caused by running over something so forcefully that an alignment adjuster moves.

A vehicle with an alignment that is out of specification can handle poorly, pull in one direction or have issues when turning the steering wheel. Poor alignment may dramatically reduce tire life. If your Porsche pulls to one side on a flat road (watch out for road crown), there is unusual tire wear, the steering wheel is harder to turn in one direction, or you run over something while driving, it is a good idea to have the alignment checked. It is always a good idea to have the alignment regularly checked, and particularly when you have a set of tires installed.

The three major aspects of an alignment are castor, camber and toe. All three of these work in unison to optimize handling and performance.


Castor is the measurement of the angle of the steering pivot on the front wheels. Castor is responsible for bringing the front wheels straight when moving. Have you noticed when your car is parked and the wheel is turned at full lock and the top of the tire leans? That is castor.


Camber is the measurement of the angle of the top of the tire in relation to the bottom of the tire. When you view your Porsche from the front or rear and see the top of the tires leaning towards the inside, that is negative camber, which is very noticeable on most Porsche racecars. Negative camber lets the tire ‘stand straight up’ while cornering hard. Generally, the maximum amount of negative camber is about 1.5 degrees depending on model, but this will also result in your street tires wearing out first on the inside edge.


Toe is the amount of angle that the tires are pointed away from (toe out) or towards (toe in) the centerline of the car as viewed from above. Most 911 models have an over steer tendency due to the rear wheel drive and weight distribution, which can be improved with toe-in adjustments that enhance high-speed stability.

Most alignment shops or Porsche repair facilities will have the factory recommended alignment specs readily available. However, track or race car alignment varies by not only model, but by driver preference and skill level. To get the

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TechTime with Scott M

most performance out of a tire in a corner the alignment will need to be aggressive, sacrificing tire wear. Most track and race cars will run more than the factory specs for camber to counteract the tire going over vertical while in a hard corner. I have seen people in the past run as much negative camber as they can allow and hurt the performance of the car and wear out the tires prematurely for a street car. It is always a smart idea to have someone qualified help tune your cars suspension for how you use the car.

Please email me at scott@mcilvainmotors. com. with any questions or if you would like to see a topic addressed in a future tech article.

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Stuttgart Market Letter

July’s Porsche market remained steady from its cool-down in June as we saw similar results, with 71% of the 529 cars offered throughout July selling for a total dollar volume of $29,105,785. Nineties Turbos led the month with 3 out of our top 5 sales, led by the $800,964 achieved by a 1994 911 Turbo S 3.6 Package car, followed by a 1997 911 Turbo S that sold for $560,000, both on Bring a Trailer.

The 964 Turbo market saw one other example offered, a 1993 Turbo 3.6, selling for $335,965. 993 Turbos were abundant, as we saw six examples across the auction with a sell-through rate of 67%. Aside from the Turbo S mentioned above, another notable example was a 1997 Turbo WLS 2 that sold for a strong $237,993. The WLS 2 package included larger turbochargers, an additional oil cooler, an optimized twin-pipe sports exhaust system, and an upgraded Motronic engine control unit. The price was a new high for a 993 Turbo equipped.

Brand-new 992 Turbo S Cabriolets also had a strong month, with prices inching up again after a drop of about $30,000 year over year. Three examples sold north of $280,000, a price point we haven’t seen since June of 2022, with only one example selling for $227,000. The lower priced car had 764 miles on the odometer while the others were still delivery mileage examples with less than 100 miles.

But it wasn’t just Turbos making moves this month, as we had several notable G Body 911 sales. The high sale of the G Body group belonged to a 1975 911S Coupe with a clean, backdated look and a highly modified 3.8L engine. The color combination had Singer written all over it with the price paid of $277,500, a bargain compared to the reimagined 911s by Singer. We also saw a price of $145,000 for a very nicely restored 1974 911 Coupe finished in Grand Prix White over Midnight leatherette showing 62,000 miles.

356s had a strong July as well, at least those that sold, as we saw another decrease in the sell-through rate, this time dropping from 64% to 56%. Leading the group was a 1962 356B Super 90 Coupe, finished in Ivory over Red that sold for just shy of a twelvemonth high at $160,000. Other 356s in the $100k club included a 1964 356SC Cabriolet at $139,000, a 1964 356SC Coupe at $135,000, a 1956 356A 1600 Coupe at $126,500, and another 1964 356SC Coupe at $100,000.

992 GT3s continued their slide as not a single example sold for over $300,000 this month, the closest being a 2023 911 GT3 Touring 6-Speed finished in Shark Blue with 1,588 miles selling for $299,000. PDK-equipped models are falling the fastest, with a Shark Blue car with 1,862 miles selling for $231,000. Interesting that a wing and a transmission choice can cause a $60,000 price decrease, but that’s the market.

While I fully expected the 992 GT market to keep sliding, the most surprising slide of the month for me had to be the 996 Turbo market. Only 33% of the 996 Turbos on offer sold for the month, with no single example selling for over $70,000. These have been on a run for the last several months, so it will be interesting to see if July was just an off month or if the 996 Turbo market is taking a turn.

There will be lots to watch in the Porsche market as the summer ends, with many exciting cars coming up for sale in both Monterey and online. Bring a Trailer will offer some historic race cars from the WOB Porsche 75th Anniversary Race Car Collection and the Gruppe P Collection Part II, and of course, Monterey will have their usual docket full of significant Porsches as well. I expect our highest dollar volume this year, but we’ll have to wait and see.

- David K. Whitlock is a writer for The Stuttgart Market Letter, a daily market update for Porschephiles, by Porschephiles, delivered free to your inbox. To sign up, go to: www.stuttgartmarketletter.com

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David K. Whitlock is a writer for The Stuttgart Market Letter, a daily market update for Porschephiles, by Porschefiles, delivered to your inbox. www.stuttgartmarketletter.com

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