GO Latinos Magazine Enero | January 2017

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A teacher with a true vocation Un maestro con una verdadera vocación SCAN ME



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6 | Enero 2017 | Go! Latinos



Volumen 3 | Issue 28

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Aprendiendo a no tener miedo a los policías

08 Dr. Larry Feldman, Un maestro con una verdadera vocación 16 El mal aliento puede ser abrumador 20 24 Deering Estate: Una reserva ambiental, arqueológica... Productos que prometen reducción de peso milagrosa 26


Learning Not to Be Afraid of Police Officers

Dr. Larry Feldman, A teacher with a true vocation

Bad Breath can be overwhelming

On the Cover Gloria Floyd Elementary students Kevin Reyes, Amiyah Warren, Arawn Calderin, Kayleen Beltran, Ambra Lugo, Ms. Mayte Dovale, Principal, Ana Arias, Teacher and Officer Potts

Foto | Photo: Ervin Palacios

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Deering Estate: A Natural, Archeological, and Historical Preserve

Beware of Products Promising Miracle Weight Loss

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Kindergarten Cop Aprendiendo a no tener miedo a los policías


uantas veces hemos escuchado o incluso dicho a nuestros niños frases como; “si te portas mal le digo al policía”, “mira ahí está la policía así que quédate quieto”, “a los niños desobedientes se los lleva la policía”. A lo largo de los años hemos aprendido a ver a estas personas con mucho temor y recelo. Frente a esta realidad, Ana Arias maestra desde hace 20 años y quien actualmente trabaja en la Escuela Gloria Floyd Elementary en el sur de Miami, decidió cambiar esta errónea concepción en la cabeza de los niños. Fue así como en el 2013 se acercó al Departamento de Policía Escolar para trabajar conjuntamente en un programa que enseñara a los menores a ver a los policías como amigos. Es entonces que nace el programa conocido como “Kindergarten Cop”, cuya misión es desarrollar una relación positiva entre la aplicación de la ley y los estudiantes de la primera infancia, forjando un vínculo construido sobre la confianza, los valores y la toma de decisiones. “Nuestros niños cada día están oyendo en la televisión o por sus padres lo que está pasando con el terrorismo o la violencia en las escuelas. Queremos educarlos en materia de seguridad y quien mejor que un policía se los enseñe”, comentó Arias. 8 | Enero 2017 | Go! Latinos

Por Rosibel Mena | Fotos Ervin Palacios

Este programa como su nombre lo dice está dirigido a los niños de edades entre 5 a 6 años que se encuentran cursando kindergarten, con el propósito de instruirlos desde temprana edad a mantener un ojo vigilante de lo que pase en la escuela, alentar a otros estudiantes a ser buenos ciudadanos, buenos vecinos, y estar orgullosos de su centro educativo. Asimismo, promover un ambiente de aprendizaje seguro y productivo al participar en el programa. Entre los tópicos promovidos están la denuncia de crímenes, la seguridad personal, la prevención de la intimidación, la prevención de drogas, de la violencia escolar, del ciber acoso, del sexting, del alcohol, la seguridad del arma, la violencia escolar, la resolución de conflictos y sobre las pandillas y el vandalismo. Kindergarten Cop es impartido durante todo el año ya que su impulsora lo ha hecho parte del currículo de Estudios Sociales enfocado en valores de respecto, responsabilidad, buenos ciudadanos, vecinos, trabajadores y en la toma de decisiones correctas que los beneficien. “Queremos que los niños estén informados de todo lo relacionado con seguridad y luego de que tomen conciencia de que al ser parte de una comunidad en este caso estudiantil, y más delante de la sociedad, pueden ayudar a evitar los problemas si tan sólo se acercan a las au-

toridades correspondientes y denuncian lo que está pasando”, explicó la educadora, quien además ha unido esfuerzos con programas como Youth Crime Watch y Amigos for Kids entre otros para complementar la enseñanza con diversas actividades en la comunidad como tomar las huellas dactilares de los estudiantes, hacer proyectos de mejora en la comunidad, honrar a los veteranos, recolección de juguetes y comida, entre otros. Arias reconoce que en la actualidad los niños han aprendido mucho y hay un mayor compañerismo y conciencia de lo que está pasando en sus alrededores. El objetivo a futuro es que más escuelas se unan a esta iniciativa, por el momento solo Gloria Floyd y Kendale Lakes trabajan con el programa. Ambos centros educativos, a principios del año escolar 2016-2017 recibieron un importante reconocimiento por parte de la señora Lubby Navarro, miembro de la Junta Escolar de Miami Dade en el distrito 7. “El programa del distrito de Kindergarten Cop es un programa preventivo increíble que está haciendo un impacto positivo en las vidas de nuestros niños pequeños en nuestras escuelas, enseñándoles los valores necesarios para crecer como ciudadanos responsables en nuestra comunidad, dijo la señora Navarro.


Kindergarten Cop Learning Not to Be Afraid of Police Officers


ow many times have we heard or told our kids phrases like “If you behave badly, I will tell the police,” “Look, there are the police, so stay put,” “Disobedient children are taken by the police.” Over the years, we have learned to see the police with a lot of fear and suspicion. Facing this reality, Ana Arias, who has been teaching for the past 20 years and who currently works at Gloria Floyd Elementary School in South Miami, decided to change this misconception in the minds of children. In 2013, she approached the School Police Department to work together on a program that would teach the children to see the police officers as friends. This is how the program known as “Kindergarten Cop” was born. Its mission is to develop a positive relationship between law enforcement and early childhood students, forging a bond built on trust, values and decision-making. “Our children are hearing on television or from their parents every day what is happening with terrorism or violence in schools. We want to educate them in security matters and who better than police officers to teach them,” Arias said. This program, as its name says, is aimed at children between the ages of five and six who are in kindergarten for instructing them from an early age to keep a watchful eye on what happens at school, encourage other students to be good citizens, good neighbors, and be proud of their

By Rosibel Mena | Translated by Roxana Vega

school. Also, promote a safe and productive learning environment by participating in the program. Topics promoted include reporting of crimes, personal safety, bullying and drug prevention, school violence, cyber bullying, sexting, alcohol, gun safety, school violence, conflict resolution and gangs and vandalism. Kindergarten Cop is taught throughout the school year, and Ms. Arias has made it part of the social studies curriculum focused on values of respect, responsibility, and in being good citizens, neighbors, workers, and in making the right decisions that benefit them. “We want children to be informed of everything relating to safety and that they become aware of what it is being part of a community, in this case part of the school community and later of the society in which they can help avoid problems by coming close to the corresponding authorities and denouncing what is happening,” said the educator. She has also joined efforts with programs such as Youth Crime Watch and Amigos for Kids to complement teaching with various activities in the community such as taking students’ fingerprints, doing community improvement projects, honoring veterans, collecting toys and food, just to name a few. Ms. Arias acknowledges that children have learned a lot, and there is greater camaraderie and awareness of what is happening in their surroundings. The goal is that in the future

more schools join the initiative. Currently only Gloria Floyd and Kendale Lakes Elementary Schools are participating. Furthermore, at the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year, both schools received an important recognition from Ms. Lubby Navarro, a member of The School Board of Miami-Dade County re-

presenting District 7. “The District’s Kindergarten Cop Program is an amazing preventative program that’s making a positive impact in the lives of our young children in our schools by teaching them the values necessary to grow up as responsible citizens in our community,” Ms. Navarro said.

Go! Latinos | January 2017 | 9

10 | Enero 2017 | Go! Latinos

On The Scene | PINECREST |The District 9 Town Hall & Awards Ceremony

12 | Enero 2017 | Go! Latinos

Photos by Ervin Palacios

The District 9 Town Hall & Awards Ceremony On December 12th 2016, the Miami-Dade County School Board Chair Dr. Lawrence S. Feldman held the District 9 Town Hall & Awards Ceremony at Miami Palmetto Senior High School. The event honored 102 students from District 9 schools for Academic Excellence.

PINECREST | On The Scene

El 12 de Diciembre del 2016, Dr. Larry Feldman, Miembro de la Junta Escolar del Distrito 9 realizó “The Town Hall & Awards Ceremony” en Miami Palmetto Senior High School. El evento honró a 102 estudiantes del Distrito 9 por su Excelencia Académica.

Go! Latinos | January 2017 | 13

Dr. Maximiliano Velasco Dr. Maximiliano Velasco is a Board Certified Anesthesiologist and Board Certified in Pain Management. He is dedicated to helping his patients find relief from chronic pain. At our clinic, we offer a multidisciplinary, multispecialty approach that allows each patient access to a variety of pain treatment options and approaches including conservative management such as physical therapy, home stretching exercise programs, and interventional procedures, including but not limited to intra-articular joint injections, trigger point, trigger point injections, epidural injections, facet blocks, radiofrequency ablation, spinal cord stimulators and intrathecal pump placement.Through many years of practice and experience, Dr. Velasco has acquired the knowledge and skill set necessary to effectively diagnose, treat and relief patients suffering from painful conditions from cancer related pain and non-cancer pathologies, ranging from central and peripheral neuropathy, myofascial pain, arthritis and spine related conditions such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis and arthritis of the spine.

14 | Enero 2017 | Go! Latinos

Go! Latinos | January 2017 | 15


Dr. Larry Feldman

“ 16 | Enero 2017 | Go! Latinos


Un maestro con una verdadera vocación Por Rosibel Mena

rabajar con y para los niños es lo que más disfruto. Disfruto de la emoción de aprender y traer oportunidades emocionantes a nuestras escuelas y estudiantes”, este es el sentir del Dr Larry Feldman, miembro de la Junta Escolar del Condado de Miami Dade desde hace 8 años en el Distrito 9 y su actual presidente. Feldman, cuyo pasatiempo favorito es escalar rocas, ha trabajado como maestro, asistente de dirección, director y director de región, recibido un sinnúmeros de reconocimientos como el South Dade Community Leadership Award, el José Marti Community Service Award entre otros. Con su vasta experiencia este jovial y servicial educador nos cuenta porque aún continua dentro del Sistema Escolar. 1. ¿Qué te motiva a convertirte en miembro del consejo? Me estaba jubilando en 2008, pero quería ver a mi primera clase graduarse de octavo grado. Le ofrecí a la Junta Escolar y al Superintendente, en ese momento, mis servicios continuos por $ 1.00. En ese momento, me llamaron el "Dollar Principal". Ellos rechazaron la oferta. Me entristeció cuando mi oferta fue rechazada porque en ese momento el Sistema estaba pasando por una devastadora crisis económica y tenía agotada sus reservas. Sabía entonces que aunque no podía seguir sirviendo a los niños y la comunidad de mi vecindario, podría hacer una diferencia en la vida de muchos más niños, maestros y comunidades como un miembro de la Junta. 2. ¿Qué ventaja tiene su distrito? El Distrito 9 tiene las comunidades más multiculturales y económicamente diversas de Miami. He llegado a conocer y ser parte de Cutler Bay, Florida City, Homestead, Naranja, Palmetto Bay, Perrine, Pinecrest y Richmond Heights, ya que he trabajado con escuelas vecinales para aumentar el rendimiento académico y ampliar las oportunidades para todos los estudiantes. 3. ¿Qué proyectos has hecho en tu distrito? Durante los últimos ocho años, me honra haber desempeñado un papel en la apertura de nuevas escuelas como MAST Homestead y The Center for International Education: A Cambridge Associate School. También orgulloso de trabajar para abrir en Richmond Heights y Goulds, nuevas escuelas como BioTech

Richmond Heights y Arthur y Polly Mays Conservatory of the Arts. Otro proyecto ha sido el programa del FBI en Miami Palmetto Senior High, que ofrece cursos AP Capstone para el aprendizaje de alto nivel y currículo desafiante. Ahora con 43 años de experiencia en las escuelas a través del distrito, puedo ver las oportunidades de mejorar la educación y seguridad para nuestros estudiantes. Es por eso que he logrado promoveer satisfactoriamente los siguientes programas como: • Prohibición del uso de transmisión de datos (mensajes de texto o uso del celular) mientras se manejan vehículos propiedad de la junta escolar. • Fortalecer las políticas y prácticas actuales relacionadas con lesiones en la cabeza o el cerebro durante eventos o clases de educación física. • Asegurar que cada escuela intermedia y secundaria cuente con un oficial de policía de la junta escolar para mejorar la seguridad de los estudiantes. • Expandir una campaña de concientización de ciudadania digital, para educar a todos los estudiantes, padres y guardianes de sus derechos, responsabilidades y los recursos disponibles como ciudadanos digitales que son. • Implementar la promesa de Sandy Hook “See Something, Say Something” (Si ve algo, diga algo) del programa de prevención de violencia con armas. También el programa “Start with Hello”, que es un programa que le enseña a los niños, adolescentes y adultos jóvenes a como ser más socialmente inclusivos y conectados entre si. Todo el entrenamiento es pagado por Sandy Hook Promise. 4. ¿Qué planes a futuro desea implementar en su distrito? Como Presidente de la Junta Escolar, sigo decidido, apasionado y comprometido a continuar con el énfasis en los estudiantes como mi enfoque central y aquellos que sirven a nuestros estudiantes, maestros, administradores, personal y padres. Esta Junta Escolar está convencida de que nosotros, junto con nuestro Superintendente y nuestros empleados, debemos y demostraremos que más allá de todo, los niños pueden aprender ... más importante aún, todos los niños aprenderán y prosperarán en niveles más altos de éxito, autoestima, confianza, empatía, dedicación y amor.


Dr. Larry Feldman

Photo Courtesy: Dr. Feldman’s office


A teacher with a true vocation

orking with and for children is what I enjoy the most. I enjoy the excitement of learning and bringing exciting opportunities to our schools and students”; that’s how Dr. Larry Feldman, Chairperson of The School Board of MiamiDade County, thinks. Dr. Feldman has been representing District 9 for the past eight years. Dr. Feldman, whose favorite hobby is rock climbing, has worked as a teacher, assistant director, director and regional director and received awards from the South Dade Community Leadership Award and Jose Marti Community Service Award among others. With his vast experience, this cheerful and helpful educator tells us why he is still serving the students of Miami Dade County. 1.What motivated you to become a board member? I was retiring in 2008, but I wanted to see my first class of 8th graders ‘graduate’ from the neighborhood elementary school turned K-8. At that time, I offered the School Board and Superintendent my continued services for $1. They called me the “Dollar Principal.” They rejected the offer. I was saddened when my offer was rejected despite a devastating economic crisis and depleted school district reserves. I knew then that although I could not continue to serve the children and community of my own neighborhood, I could make a difference in the lives of many more children, teachers and communities. 2.What advantage does your district have? District 9 has the most multi-culturally and economically diverse communities throughout Miami. I have come to know and be a part of the Cutler Bay, Florida City, Homestead, Naranja, Palmetto Bay, Perrine, Pinecrest, and Richmond Heights communities as I have worked with neighborhood schools to increase academic achievement and broaden opportunities for all students. 3. What projects have you done in your district? During the past eight years, I am honored to have played a role in new schools opening in the deep south like MAST @ Homestead and The Center for Interna-

By Rosibel Mena | Translated by Roxana Vega

tional Education: A Cambridge Associate School; proud of working to open new schools in Richmond Heights and Goulds like BioTech@Richmond Heights and Arthur and Polly Mays Conservatory of the Arts. Another point of pride for me is the FBI program at Miami Palmetto Senior High, offering AP Capstone courses for high-level learning and challenging curriculum. With now 43 years of experience in schools throughout the district, I see opportunities to improve education and security for our students. I have successfully sponsored agenda items that: • Prohibited the use of data transmission devices (texting or cell phone use) while operating schoolboard-owned vehicles. • Strengthened current policies and practices related to head and brain injuries sustained during athletic events and physical education classes. • Ensured each middle and high school is staffed with a School Board Police Officer to enhance student safety. • Expanded a powerful Digital Citizenship Awareness Campaign to educate all students, parents, and guardians of their rights, responsibilities, and available resources as digital citizens. • Implemented the Sandy Hook Promise “See Something, Say Something” gun-violence prevention programs and trainings and “Start with Hello” program which teaches children, teens and young adults how to be more socially inclusive and connected to one another. All training is paid for by Sandy Hook Promise. 4. What plans do you want to implement in your district? As School Board Chair, I remain determined, passionate, and committed to continuing an emphasis on students as its central focus and those that serve our students, teachers, administrators, staff and parents. This School Board is convinced that we along with our superintendent and employees must and will prove that beyond all, children can learn … more importantly, all children shall learn and thrive at higher levels of success, self-esteem, confidence, empathy, dedication, and love.

18 | Enero 2017 | Go! Latinos



El mal aliento puede ser abrumador Por Rosibel Mena


Karent Sierra

D.D.S & Portavoz de Colgate

uién no ha estado en la incómoda posición de hablar con alguien que tiene mal aliento? Incluso llega a retener la respiración o retroceder unos cuantos pasos para no ser presas de ese mal olor. Pero, aunque usted no lo crea la mayoría de las personas con este mal, conocido como halitosis, no tienen ni la menor idea que lo padecen y es que, según los especialistas, el olfato de estas personas se ha desensibilizado al pestilente olor que sale de sus propias bocas. La halitosis, que se manifiesta en diferentes grados y tiene distintos orígenes, se conoce como el conjunto de olores desagradables que salen por la boca y es un problema que afecta al 50% de las personas. En la mayoría de los casos, el mal olor proviene de la propia cavidad oral, especialmente la placa bacterial de la lengua. Aunque también surge de enfermedades periodontal, caries e incluso el fumar. Un porcentaje también es debido a problemas del tracto respiratorio o inconvenientes con la digestión. La dentista y portavoz de Colgate, Karent Sierra, reconoció que los dientes, la garganta y lengua son un idóneo terreno para que las bacterias hagan de las suyas. Alimentos como la cebolla o el ajo dejan rastro de su presencia sobre todo cuando la persona no se cepilla adecuadamente ni usa el hilo dental con frecuencia.

“Yo recomiendo a mis pacientes mantener una buena higiene bucal, no solo en los dientes con el cepillado, también no olvidar de cepillarse la lengua, usar el hilo dental y también el enjuague bucal como Colgate Total Daily Repair, el cual ayuda a matar los gérmenes del mal aliento y al mismo tiempo a reparar el daño diario de los dientes, para mantener así una sonrisa fresca y sana”, comentó Sierra. No obstante, una vez que la persona se haya dado cuenta de que padece un problema, en lugar de esconderse o tratar de no abrir su boca para que lo descubran, la especialista aconseja tres pasos que pueden ayudarle; hacer gárgaras con antisépticos orales, masticar chicles sin azúcar que aumenta la salivación y ayuda a “limpiar” la boca, y evitar largos periodos de ayuno. De igual modo deberá visitar a su odontólogo dos veces al año y mantener su boca limpia de acuerdo a las recomendaciones dadas por la experta. Recuerde, si usted no quiere encabezar el porcentaje de quienes sufren halitosis, y pasar por el incómodo rato de que cuando comience a hablar los demás arruguen la cara con disimulo o concluyan rápidamente la conversación, la dentista propone además de todo lo anterior beber mucha agua para evitar el aumento de las bacterias que provoca el mal aliento, evitar comer la carne roja y hacer enjuagues bucales.

Existen muchos mitos respecto al cuidado del mal aliento.

Estas son tres cosas que puedes haber oído sobre el mal aliento que no son verdad: Mito N.º 1: El enjuague bucal hará que desaparezca el mal aliento. El enjuague bucal solo elimina el mal aliento de manera temporal. Si utilizas un enjuague bucal, busca uno que sea antiséptico (mate los gérmenes que causan el mal aliento) y que reduzca la placa, con un sello de la Asociación de Odontólogos de Estados Unidos (ADA). Cuando decidas qué productos dentales colocar en tu carrito de compras, siempre resulta una buena idea buscar los que son aceptados por la ADA. Además, pide recomendaciones a tu dentista. Mito N.º 2: Mientras laves tus dientes, no deberías tener mal aliento. La verdad es que la mayoría de las personas

solo cepillan sus dientes durante 30 a 45 segundos, lo que no es suficiente. Para limpiar todas las superficies de los dientes de manera eficiente, debes cepillarlos durante al menos 2 minutos, como mínimo dos veces al día. Recuerda cepillar también tu lengua, las bacterias aman quedarse allí. También es importante utilizar el hilo dental porque solo cepillarse no eliminará la placa dañina y las partículas de los alimentos que se pegan entre los dientes y las encías. Mito N.º 3: Si respiras en tu mano sabrás que tienes mal aliento. ¡Error! Cuando respiras, no utilizas tu garganta de la misma forma que cuando hablas. Cuando hablas, tiendes

a sacar los olores de la parte posterior de tu boca (donde se origina el mal aliento), y esto no sucede al respirar. Además, como solemos acostumbrarnos a nuestros propios olores, resulta difícil que una persona se dé cuenta si tiene mal aliento. Si estás preocupado por tu mal aliento, asegúrate de cuidar tus dientes y tu boca adecuadamente. Algunas gomas de mascar y mentas sin azúcar también pueden tapar olores de manera temporal. Si cepillas y usas hilo dental en tus dientes de manera adecuada y visitas a tu dentista para que realice limpiezas regulares, pero tu mal aliento persiste, es posible que tengas un problema médico como sinusitis o enfermedad de las encías.



Bad Breath can be overwhelming

ho has not been in the awkward position of talking to someone who has bad breath? It even comes to holding your breath or going back a few steps not to be trapped by the bad smell. Although you may not believe it, most people with this disease known as halitosis have no idea they suffer from it. And this is because, according to specialists, the smell of those people has been desensitized to the pestilential odor that comes out of their own mouths. Halitosis, which manifests itself in different degrees and has different origins, is known as the set of unpleasant odors that come out of the mouth and is a problem that affects 50% of people. In most cases, the bad smell comes from their own mouths, especially the bacterial

By Rosibel Mena | Translated by Roxana Vega

plaque on the tongue. It may also be the result of periodontal diseases, cavities and even smoking. A percentage is also due to respiratory tract and digestion problems. Dentist and Colgate spokeswoman Karent Sierra acknowledged that the teeth, throat and tongue are suitable for bacteria to grow on their own. Foods such as onions or garlic leave a trace of their presence especially when the person does not brush properly or floss often. “I recommend to my patients to maintain good oral hygiene, not only by brushing their teeth but also brushing the tongue, flossing and using mouthwash like Colgate Total Daily Repair, which helps kill the germs that cause bad breath and at the same time to repair the daily damage of the teeth, to maintain a fresh and healthy smile,” said Sierra. However, once a person realizes that she or

he has a problem, instead of hiding or trying not to open the mouth for others to notice, the specialist advises three steps that can help: gargling with oral antiseptics, chewing sugarless gum that increases salivation and helps to “clean” the mouth and avoiding long periods of fasting. You should visit your dentist twice a year and keep your mouth clean per the recommendations given by the expert. If you do not want to be in the top percentage of those who suffer from halitosis, and to go through the uncomfortable situation that when you talk to people, they make certain expressions in their faces or finish the conversation quickly, the dentist advises to drink a lot of water to avoid the increase of bacteria built up that causes bad breath, and to avoid eating red meat, and to rinse your mouth.

There are lots of myths about taking care of bad breath.

Here are three things you may have heard about bad breath that are not true: Myth #1: Mouthwash will make bad breath go away. Mouthwash only gets rid of bad breath temporarily. If you do use mouthwash, look for an antiseptic (kills the germs that cause bad breath) and plaque-reducing one with a seal from the American Dental Association (ADA). When you're deciding which dental products to toss into your shopping cart, it's always a good idea to look for those that are accepted by the ADA. Also, ask your dentist for recommendations. Myth #2: As long as you brush your teeth, you shouldn't have bad breath. The truth is that most people only brush their teeth for 30 to 45 seconds, which just

doesn't cut it. To sufficiently clean all the surfaces of your teeth, you should brush for at least 2 minutes at least twice a day. Remember to brush your tongue, too — bacteria love to hang out there. It's equally important to floss because brushing alone won't remove harmful plaque and food particles that become stuck between your teeth and gums. Myth #3: If you breathe into your hand, you'll know when you have bad breath. Wrong! When you breathe, you don't use your throat the same way you do when you talk. When you talk, you tend to bring out the odors from the back of your mouth (where bad breath origi-

nates), which simply breathing doesn't do. Also, because we tend to get used to our own smells, it's hard for a person to tell if he or she has bad breath. If you're concerned about bad breath, make sure you're taking care of your teeth and mouth properly. Some sugar-free gums and mints can temporarily mask odors, too. If you brush and floss properly and visit your dentist for regular cleanings, but your bad breath persists, you may have a medical problem like sinusitis or gum disease. Go! Latinos | January 2017 | 21


Vegetales de la Florida Asados a la Sartén INGREDIENTES:

• 1 berenjena de la Florida grande, cortada en cubos grandes (remover la piel si gusta) • 2 zucchini de la Florida, cortados en cubos grandes • 2 calabacines de la Florida grandes, cortados en cubos grandes • 2 pimientos de la Florida, sin semillas y cortados en cubos • 6 dientes de ajo fresco, picado • 12 champiñones de la Florida, enjuagados y cortados • 1 cebolla amarilla grande, cortada • ¼ de taza de perejil fresco, cortado a mano • 2 cucharaditas de orégano fresco o una cucharadita de orégano seco • Aceite de canola o de oliva • Sal marina al gusto • Pimienta fresca molida al gusto. INSTRUCCIONES: 1.- Precaliente una sartén de tamaño grande a temperatura media-alta. Añada una cucharada de aceite a la sartén. Agregue la mitad de la cebolla y cocine por dos minutos. Añada la mitad de los ajos y los pimientos a la mezcla de la cebolla en la sartén. 2.- Continúe la cocción de las verduras en la sartén y añada todos los zucchini y calabacines. Sazone ligeramente las verduras con sal y pimienta. Cocine los vegetales hasta que los calabacines estén tiernos y crujientes (alrededor de 2 minutos). 3.- Remueva los vegetales de la sartén hacia un recipiente grande. Coloque la sartén de nuevo sobre la estufa y use una espátula para remover los residuos. 4.- Una vez que la sartén este caliente de nuevo, añada una cucharada de aceite y la otra mitad de la cebolla picada. Deje que las cebollas se cocinen por dos minutos y luego agregue el ajo, los champiñones y la berenjena. Sazone ligeramente las verduras que se están cocinando con sal y pimienta. Deje que las verduras se cocinen hasta que la berenjena este tierna (alrededor de 2 minutos). 5.- Retire las verduras del sartén y colóquelos en el recipiente con las otras verduras y revuelva para mezclar. Añada las hierbas frescas a la mezcla de vegetales y revuelva. Sirva caliente.

Pan-Roasted Florida Vegetables INGREDIENTS:

• 1 large Florida eggplant, diced large (remove skin if desired) • 2 Florida zucchini, diced large • 2 large Florida squash, diced large • 2 Florida bell peppers, seeded and diced large • 6 cloves fresh garlic, minced • 12 Florida mushrooms, rinsed and quartered • 1 large yellow onion, diced • 1/4 cup fresh parsley, hand torn • 2 teaspoons fresh oregano (or 1 teaspoon dried oregano) • canola or olive oil for cooking • sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS: 1.- Preheat a large-sized sauté pan over medium-high heat. Add 1 tablespoon of oil to the hot pan. Add half of the onion to the pan and cook for 2 minutes. Add half of the garlic and all the bell peppers to the onion

mixture in the pan. 2.- Continue to cook the vegetables in the pan, and add all of the yellow squash and zucchini to the pan. Lightly season the cooking vegetables with salt and pepper. Let the vegetables cook until the squash is just crisptender (about 2 minutes). 3.- Remove the vegetables from the pan into a large serving bowl. Place the sauté pan back over the heat and use a spatula to remove any debris. 4.- Once the pan is hot again, add 1 tablespoon oil and the other half of the diced onion. Let the onions cook for 2 minutes and then add the garlic, mushrooms and eggplant. Lightly season the cooking vegetables with salt and pepper. Let the vegetables cook until the eggplant is just tender (about 2 minutes). 5.- Remove the vegetables from the pan and place them into the bowl with the other vegetables. Add the fresh herbs to the bowl of vegetables and stir to combine. Serve warm.

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Deering Estate at Cutler

Una reserva ambiental, arqueológica e histórica

bicado en el borde de la Bahía de Biscayne, el Deering Estate conserva 444 acres de tierra en el vecindario de Cutler en Palmeto Bay al sur de Miami. Desde caminatas a paseos en canoa y visitas guiadas por la naturaleza, esta reserva tiene diversas actividades para toda la familia. El Deering Estate fue el hogar de 1922 a 1927 de Charles Deering, el rico industrial que fue presidente de International Harvester. El parque ofrece visitas diarias a las casas históricas, la Casa de Piedra y la Casa de Richmond, así como tours naturalistas de las exuberantes áreas naturales donde los huesos de fósiles se han encontrado desde hace 50 mil años. La Cabaña Richmond fundada en 1900 era originalmente un hotel en la ciudad histórica de Cutler, que desapareció cuando el ferrocarril lo pasó cerca. Deering compró la cabaña de Richmond y la trasladó a su finca. El otro edificio que se construyó en 1922 fue la Casa de Piedra.

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Por Rosibel Mena | Fotos Joaquin Barbara MD

Su diseño fue inspirado por dos castillos en Sitges, España. The Cutler Burial Mound, accesible a través de un paseo marítimo, es uno de los pocos montículos prehistóricos sobrevivientes en el condado de Miami-Dade. El montículo es de unos 38 pies por 20 pies en la base, y unos cinco pies de alto. Se cree que contiene de 12 a 18 entierros de nativos americanos. De octubre a mayo, el Deering Estate ofrece giras nocturnas, conciertos, un festival de mariscos. Las visitas guiadas se ofrecen diariamente a las 10:30 a.m. y 3 p.m. (Los tours están incluidos con el precio de entrada.) La reserva, adquirida por el Estado de la Florida en 1985, que incluye la roca del pino y la hamaca tropical costera de la madera dura, mangles, pantanos de la sal y una isla costera de la duna, es administrado por el Departamento de Parques y Recreación del Condado de Miami Dade. Para obtener más información, visite: www.deeringestate.org o llame al 305-235-1668.



Deering Estate at Cutler

A Natural, Archeological, and Historical Preserve

ocated along the edge of Biscayne Bay, the 444 acre Deering Estate at Cutler Preserve is in Palmetto Bay in South Miami. At the estate are activities for the whole family such as guided tours, canoe rides and hikes through the preserve. From 1922 through 1927, the Deering Estate was the home of Charles Deering, the wealthy industrialist who was the chairman of the board of the International Harvester Company. The estate offers daily tours of historic houses Stone House and Richmond Cottage as well as guided tours of the lush natural areas where fossil bones dating back more than 50,000 years have been found.

By Rosibel Mena | Translated by Pablo Villatoro

The Richmond Cottage was built in 1900. Â It was originally a hotel in the historic town of Cutler, which closed when the railroad bypassed the town. Deering bought the Richmond Cottage and moved it to his estate. The other building, the Stone House, is a grand castle-like place Deering built as his home in 1922. Its design was inspired by two castles in Sitges, Spain. The Cutler Burial Mound, accessible via a boardwalk, is one of the few surviving prehistoric mounds in Miami-Dade County. The mound is about 38 feet by 20 feet at the base, and about five feet high. The mound is believed to contain from 12 to 18 burials of Native Americans.

From October to May, the Deering Estate offers a variety of guided hikes and activities, including night-time ghost tours, concerts, a seafood festival and open houses at the seasonal visiting-artist village. Guided tours are offered daily at 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. and are well worth attending. (tours are included with admission price). The estate, acquired by the State of Florida in 1985, includes pine rock land and coastal tropical hardwood hammock plus mangroves, salt marshes and a coastal dune island managed by the Miami-Dade County Parks and Recreation Department. For more information, please visit: www.deeringestate.org or call 305-2351668.

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Resoluciones de Año Nuevo...


“Este año, voy a bajar un poco de peso” Cuidado con los productos que prometen una reducción de peso milagrosa

i se ve haciendo esta consabida resolución de Año Nuevo, sepa esto: muchos suplementos y alimentos (incluyendo tés y cafés) dizque “milagrosos” para adelgazar no cumplen lo que prometen. Y peor aún, pueden tener graves daños, advierten los funcionarios de la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés). La agencia ha detectado cientos de productos que se venden como suplementos dietéticos, pero que en realidad contienen ingredientes activos (los componentes que hacen que una medicina sea eficaz contra una enfermedad específica) ocultos encontrados en medicamentos de prescripción médica, ingredientes peligrosos de medicamentos que han sido retirados del mercado, o compuestos que no han sido estudiados de manera adecuada en seres humanos. “Cuando el producto contiene una fármaco u otro ingrediente que no aparece en la lista de ingredientes, nos preocupamos de sobremanera por la seguridad de dicho producto”, señala el Dr. James P. Smith, M.D., subdirector interino de la Oficina de Evaluación de Medicamentos de la FDA.

Productos contaminados Por ejemplo, la FDA ha descubierto productos para adelgazar contaminados con sibutramina, un ingrediente de medicamentos de prescripción médica. Este ingrediente era parte de un fármaco aprobado por la FDA llamado Meridia, el cual fue retirado del mercado en octubre de 2010 porque causaba problemas del corazón y derrames cerebrales. “También descubrimos productos para adelgazar que se vendían como suplemen26 | Enero 2017 | Go! Latinos

tos que contienen menjunjes peligrosos o ingredientes ocultos, incluyendo ingredientes activos que se encuentran en medicamentos aprobados anticonvulsivos, para la presión y antidepresivos”, reveló Jason Humbert, director de regulación de la FDA. Más recientemente, la FDA ha descubierto varios productos que se venden como suplementos dietéticos y que contienen fluoxetina, el ingrediente activo del Prozac, un medicamento de venta con receta comercializado para el tratamiento de la depresión y otros padecimientos. Otro producto contenía triamtereno, un potente diurético (a veces conocido como “píldoras para eliminar el agua”) que puede tener efectos secundarios graves y sólo debe tomarse bajo la supervisión de un profesional de la salud. Muchos de estos productos contaminados son importados, vendidos en el Internet y sumamente publicitados en las redes sociales. Algunos también pueden encontrarse en los anaqueles de las tiendas. Y si está a punto de tomar lo que cree es un suplemento dietético “natural”, tal como el polen de abeja o el tamarindo malabar (garcinia cambogia), debe advertir que la FDA ha encontrado que algunos de estos productos también contienen ingredientes activos ocultos de fármacos de prescripción médica. “La única forma natural de perder peso es quemando más calorías de las que se ingieren”, afirma el Dr. Smith. Esto es, con una combinación de alimentación sana y actividad física. Además, si piensa embarcarse en cualquier tipo de programa de control de peso, primero debe consultarlo con su profesional de la salud, recomienda Smith.

Dr. James P. Smith

Deputy Division Director at FDA

Conozca las señales de advertencia Esté atento a las posibles señales de advertencia de los productos contaminados, tales como: • Promesas de una solución rápida, por ejemplo, “perder 10 libras en una semana”. • El uso de las palabras “garantizado” o “descubrimiento científico”. • Productos etiquetados o comercializados en un idioma extranjero. • Productos comercializados a través de correos electrónicos de distribución en masa. • Productos comercializados como alternativas herbolarias a un medicamento aprobado por la FDA o como si tuvieran efectos similares a los de medicamentos de prescripción médica. Fuente: FDA



New Year's Resolution...

“This year, I’m going to lose some weight” Beware of Products Promising Miracle Weight Loss

f you find yourself making this common New Year’s resolution, know this: many so-called “miracle” weight loss supplements and foods (including teas and coffees) don’t live up to their claims. Worse, they can cause serious harm, say FDA regulators. The agency has found hundreds of products that are marketed as dietary supplements but actually contain hidden active ingredients (components that make a medicine effective against a specific illness) contained in prescription drugs, unsafe ingredients that were in drugs that have been removed from the market, or compounds that have not been adequately studied in humans. “When the product contains a drug or other ingredient which is not listed as an ingredient we become especially concerned about the safety of the product,” says James P. Smith, M.D., an acting deputy director in FDA’s Office of Drug Evaluation. Tainted Products For example, FDA has found weight-loss products tainted with the prescription drug ingredient sibutramine. This ingredient was in an FDA-approved drug called Meridia, which was removed from the market in October 2010 because it caused heart problems and strokes. “We’ve also found weight-loss products marketed as supplements that contain dangerous concoctions of hidden ingredients including active ingredients contained in

approved seizure medications, blood pressure medications, and antidepressants,” says Jason Humbert, a senior regulatory manager at FDA. Most recently, FDA has found a number of products marketed as dietary supplements containing fluoxetine, the active ingredient found in Prozac, a prescription drug marketed for the treatment of depression and other conditions. Another product contained triamterene, a powerful diuretic (sometimes known as “water pills”) that can have serious side-effects and should only be used under the supervision of a health care professional. Many of these tainted products are imported, sold online, and heavily promoted on social media sites. Some can also be found on store shelves. And if you’re about to take what you think of as “natural” dietary supplements, such as bee pollen or Garcinia cambogia, you should be aware that FDA has found some of these products also contain hidden active ingredients contained in prescription drugs. “The only natural way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you take in,” says James P. Smith, M.D. That means a combination of healthful eating and physical activity. Moreover, if you are going to embark on any type of weight control campaign, you should talk to your health care professional about it first, Smith says.

Know the Warning Signs Look for potential warning signs of tainted products, such as: • Promises of a quick fix, for example, “lose 10 pounds in one week.” • Use of the words “guaranteed” or “scientific breakthrough.” • Products marketed in a foreign language. • Products marketed through mass e-mails. • Products marketed as herbal alternatives to an FDA-approved drug or as having effects similar to prescription drugs. Source: FDA

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FREE ride, FREE guided tour, and FREE admission to TWO NATIONAL PARKS! November 26th - April 30, 2017 Homestead invites its residents, neighbors, and visitors to explore Everglades and Biscayne National Parks, and Homestead Bayfront Park with a free guided trolley ride from Historic Downtown Homestead. The Homestead National Parks Trolley runs EVERY WEEKEND November 26, 2016 April 30, 2017. Visit www.cityofhomestead.com/gateway or call 305-224-4457 for detailed schedule information.

the option of creating abstract or representational works of art. 10% of proceeds from this class will go toward supporting ArtCenter's Community Outreach Programs. Where: ArtCenter/ South Florida, 924 Lincoln Road,Studio # 100, Miami Beach, FL 33139. More Info visit http://www.artcentersf.org


Family Series presented by Mercedes-Benz of Cutler Bay January 7, 2017 Saturday 10:00 AM Florida Grand Opera Family Day is a FREE fun-filled day where opera fans of all ages-new to the genre or seasoned opera aficionados-can come and explore the world of opera through hands-on activities, performances, interactive experiences, and the thrill of live theater. Place: South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center, Address 10950 SW 211 St, Miami, FL, Contact Phone, (786) 573-5316. Website http://www.smdcac.org/



January 5, 08:00 AM to 03:00 PM State-of-the-art mobile health unit offers free oral health screenings, assessments and exams, all supported by telehealth connectivity with care providers at Nicklaus Children’s main campus. Location: RCMA Everglades II, 38010 SW 195 Ave. Florida City, Fl 33034


by ArtCenter/South Florida Taught in English & Spanish/ Skill level-Intermediate January 5, 2017, 10:00 AM – February 9, 2017, 1:00 PM This class gives you the opportunity to further explore working with acrylics and gives you

Get Ready to Get Fit! Sunday, January 8th 2:30pm-5:30pm The Village of Palmetto Bay is kicking off the “Get Fit Palmetto Bay” program in 2017, in its second year is a year-long series of events and programs promoting wellness, nutrition, and

fitness for residents, employees, and business people who work in Palmetto Bay. Mayor Flinn personally invites everyone to participate in the Get Fit 2017 program with the goal of developing awareness of health-related issues affecting the workplace and the community in general, and adopting new habits for a healthier lifestyle. Where: Ludovici Park, 17642 Old Cutler Road


Fairchild Tropical Botanical Gardens Friday to Sunday January 20-22, 2017 9:30 am to 4:30 pm Calling all chocolate lovers! This weekend is all about chocolate at the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens. Featuring cooking demonstrations and samplings as well as lots of activities for kids, learn how chocolate is made and hundreds of ways to cook with chocolate. Included in Garden admission $25 for adults, $18 seniors +65, $12 children 6-17. Free for Fairchild Members. Visit www.fairchildgarden.org


Biscayne National Park Dante Fascell Visitor Center - FREE! January 8, 2017 - 1:00pm to 4:00 pm Family Fun Fest is a FREE program at Biscayne National Park brought to you thanks to the many volunteers and park sponsors. It is held on the second Sunday of the month during the "dry and cool" season, December through April with lots of fun and educational activities for kids and adults alike. More info: https://www.nps.gov/bisc/learn/kidsyouth/familyfunfest.htm


Thursdays thru Sundays Now through January 31, 2017 Madrid's historic Mercado de San Miguel comes back to Miami! Tapas, ham, paella, gazpacho, gambas, fish... and a tinto de verano to wash it all down... Selected Spanish chefs and vendors will set up kiosks and small carts at the wide open air area in Bayfront Park, recreating the atmosphere of this beloved food market. Admission is FREE, food prices range from $2 for small tapas to $8 for larger dishes. Where: Bayfront Park at 301 N. Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 33132. More Info: www.laferiamsm.com


A spectacular evening of dazzling lights, colors, shapes, and themes. November 30, 2016 - January 8, 2017 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm Each Chinese lantern is custom-built by Chinese artisans and typically takes four weeks and a team of seven to complete. The lanterns are handmade from hundreds of pieces of silky cloth. Some are over 30 feet high and others are up to 300 feet long. Miami - Dade County Fair Expo Center at 10921 SW 24 Street, Miami, FL 33165. Adults $25, Children (2-15) Seniors and Active Military $21, Season Pass $62, Parking $5. More Info: www.lanternlightfestival.com


Homestead Community to Celebrate Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with Annual Breakfast Celebration Friday, January 13, 2017 7AM Every year the Homestead and Florida City communities come together to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a free community breakfast. This year, the event will take place at 7AM on Friday, January 13th at the Phichol Williams Community Center (951 SW 4th ST, Homestead, FL 33030). For more information, contact Jeremy Mason at (305) 224-4454 or jmason@cityofhomestead.com.


FREE ride, FREE guided tour, and FREE admission to TWO NATIONAL PARKS! January 14, 12:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m Attention All Sailors and Pirates! Build your

own raft and bring it on down to Homestead Bayfront Park and participate in our Wacky Raft Race!! Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. Judging will be based on Creativity, seaworthiness and speed. $35. per raft entry. Where: Homestead Bayfront Park and Marina, 9698 SW 328th St.,Homestead, FL 33033. Visit http://www.laplaygrill.com or call 305-230-3034


at the Deering Estate January 14 & 15 The One-Minute Play Festival (#1MPF) is a grass-roots community-engaged theatre festival, founded by Producing Artistic Director, Dominic D’Andrea. #1MPF is social barometer practice, which investigates local zeitgeist and narratives through dialogue, consensus building, and a performance of minute-long moments generated by each community. Visit www.deeringestate.org/one-minute-play-festival


The signature of the Artrageous Troupe is interaction and engagement, so be prepared to be a part of the show! January 28th (Saturday) 8:30 pm Imagine an artist creating a masterpiece before your eyes in mere moments. With a palette that also mixes captivating vocals, intricate choreography and exciting audience interaction Artrageous takes you on a unique visual journey packed with wild inspiration, creativity and fun! The Artrageous troupe of artists, musicians, singers and dancers pay tribute to a variety of art forms, pop icons and musical genres culminating in a gallery of fabulous finished paintings. The result? A one of a kind crossover experience! Location: Seminole Theatre, 18 N Krome Ave, Homestead, FL. Visit http://seminoletheatre.org

STEW as well. Cutler Ridge Park 10100 SW 200 Street Cutler Bay, Florida 3315. More Info visit http://cutlerbay-fl.gov


January 20, 21 & 22 Friday 8:00pm Saturday 2:00pm Sunday 2:00pm 2017 will mark the 68th year of the annual Homestead Championship Rodeo, a tradition that grew out of a group of seventeen founding members who wanted to showcase this unique western sporting event. It is one of the oldest annual professional sporting events in South Florida and the only PRCA Rodeo in MiamiDade County. Doc DeMilly Rodeo Arena at Harris Field-US1 & Campbell Dr. Homestead.


Cutler Bay, Florida January 28 (Saturday) 8:00AM - 11:00AM Join us for our 11th Annual Town of Cutler Bay "Tour de Parks" Bike Ride. Location: Lakes by the Bay Park 8551 SW 216 Street, Cutler Bay, Florida. More Info visit http://cutlerbay-fl.gov


January 29 (Sunday), 10am - 6pm Kidz Fest is a show with a festival The Coral Gables Festival of the Arts. Kids Fest features all things for kids from interactive rides and activities, vendor booth, food to face painting, Fairy Princess and more. Kidz Fest is free to attend however there is a cost for certain activities. $10 for a single activity and $25 for an unlimited play all day pass. Where: Downtown Coral Gables. 255 Alhambra Circle, Coral Gables, FL Visit: http://www.coralgables.com



January 21 (Saturday) 2:00PM - 6:00PM This event just keeps getting better and better every year! Amazing people and delicious food and drink. A blast for the entire family You MUST taste and help judge the chili and other items, as well. And we will be serving up a little

Sunday January 29, 2017- 6:00 am A fantastic weekend of running events that culminate with the renowned Miami Marathon on the final day. 25,000 runners, a beautiful course, fantastic views, electric atmosphere! Runners and spectators alike will enjoy what has to be one of the most stunning courses, passing along some of Miami's favorite hotspots: Port of Miami, Art Deco District, the MacArthur Causeway. Start point is American Airlines Arena in downtown Miami. Registration Fee for Marathon $125, Half Marathon $105. Spectators FREE along the race course. More info. www.themiamimarathon.com

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Go! Latinos | January 2017 | 31

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