Go Latinos Magazine - September 2018 | How the American Crocodile coexists at a nuclear power plant

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Volumen 5 | Issue 48

GO! LATINOS Bilingual Magazine

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La nación celebra la Herencia Hispana

08 12 No te pierdas el Homestead Rock'n Food and Craft... el Cocodrilo Americano coexiste en una planta 16 deCómoenergía nuclear




The nation celebrates Hispanic Heritage

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Don’t miss the Homestead Rock'n Food and Craft Beer Fest

How the American Crocodile coexists at a nuclear power plant COMMUNITY PROGRAMS • HEALTH • EDUCATION • SPORTS • FINANCES • LOCAL EVENTS & MORE

On the Cover Alondra and Rosario Vidales wearing their traditional costumes (MEXICO). Photo: Ervin Palacios

20 Dolor de espalda, ¿qué hacer? Fusionando finanzas después casarse 26

Go! Latinos Magazine is published monthly. Articles do not necessarily reflect Go! Latinos Magazine policy. © 2016 Go! Latinos Magazine LLC, All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Go! Latinos Magazine LLC cannot accept responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in such information. If you submit unsolicited material to us, you automatically grant Go! Latinos Magazine LLC a license to publish your submission in whole or in part in all edition of magazine.

Back Pain, what to do?

Merging finances after tying the knot

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Go! Latinos | September 2018 | 7


Luna and Estrella Hernandez wearing their traditional costumes (guatemala).

Alondra vidales. (sinaloa, mexico)

La nación celebra la Herencia Hispana


os hispanos son aquellos que proceden o cuyos antepasados provienen de América del Sur, América Central, México, España y áreas del Caribe. A principios de otoño, se celebra la cultura y la historia hispana. Las fechas del Mes de la Herencia Hispana son significativas porque incluyen los aniversarios de la independencia de varios países de América Latina. El 15 de septiembre marca cuando Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras y Nicaragua lograron la independencia. La primera conmemoración oficial de la herencia hispana se celebró en 1968 como la Semana de la Herencia Hispana. Luego se amplió en 1988 bajo el entonces presidente Ronald Regan para abarcar un mes completo. Promulgada como ley el 17 de agosto de 1988, el Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana se ha celebrado desde entonces. El término "hispano" se refiere a las personas que pueden rastrear su linaje a las naciones de habla hispana. Hispanic también incluye a latinos, que provienen de países de América Latina.

8 | Septiembre 2018 | Go! Latinos

Casi todos los latinos también pueden clasificarse como hispanos, con la excepción de los brasileños porque hablan portugués. La gente de España sería considerada hispana, pero no latina. Otros países de América Latina que hablan francés, como Haití, tampoco pueden clasificarse como hispanos. Según el Hispanic Research Inc., el grupo demográfico hispano en los Estados Unidos incluye personas de más de 20 países. Con fines de marketing e investigación, así como también de clasificación, estas naciones y territorios se enumeran principalmente como hispanos. Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, República Dominicana, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Puerto Rico, España, Uruguay, Venezuela. Cuando llegamos a mediados de Septiembre, América y sus vecinos latinoamericanos rinden homenaje a la muy influyente y creciente población hispana. Es un tiempo de comida, festivales y algarabía.

Cada año, entre el 15 de Septiembre y el 15 de Octubre, las personas conmemoran y celebran las historias únicas, las contribuciones y las influencias culturales de los hispanos.


The nation celebrates

Hispanic Heritage Each year between September 15 to October 15 people observe and celebrate the unique histories, contributions and cultural inuences of Hispanics.


ispanic people are those who hail or whose ancestors hail from South America, Central America, Mexico, Spain, and areas of the Caribbean. Throughout early autumn, Hispanic culture and history is celebrated. The dates of Hispanic Heritage Month is significant because it includes the anniversaries of independence for various Latin American countries. September 15 marks when Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua achieved independence. The first official Hispanic heritage commemoration was observed in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week. It was expanded in 1988 under then-president Ronald Regan to encompass a full month. Enacted into law on August 17, 1988, National Hispanic Heritage Month has been celebrated ever since. The term "Hispanic" refers to people who can trace their lineage to Spanish-speaking nations. Hispanic also includes Latinos, who originate from Latin American countries. Nearly all Latinos also can be classified as Hispanic, with the exception of Brazilians because they speak Portuguese. People from Spain would be considered Hispanic, but not Latino. Other Latin American countries that are French-speaking, like Haiti, also cannot be classified as Hispanic. According to Hispanic Research Inc., the Hispanic demographic in the United States includes people from more than 20 countries. For marketing and research purposes, as well as classification, these nations and territories are primarily listed as Hispanic. Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay, Venezuela. When mid-September arrives, the Americas and their Latin American neighbors pay homage to the very influential and ever-growing Hispanic population. It is a time of food, festivals and fanfare.

rosario vidales. (mexico)

mathias lopez (nicaragua) and isabella crissien (Barranquilla, colombia). Photos Ervin Palacios.

Go! Latinos | September 2018 | 9

10 | Septiembre 2018 | Go! Latinos

Dr. Maximiliano Velasco Dr. Maximiliano Velasco is a Board Certified Anesthesiologist and Board Certified in Pain Management. He is dedicated to helping his patients find relief from chronic pain. At our clinic, we offer a multidisciplinary, multispecialty approach that allows each patient access to a variety of pain treatment options and approaches including conservative management such as physical therapy, home stretching exercise programs, and interventional procedures, including but not limited to intra-articular joint injections, trigger point, trigger point injections, epidural injections, facet blocks, radiofrequency ablation, spinal cord stimulators and intrathecal pump placement.Through many years of practice and experience, Dr. Velasco has acquired the knowledge and skill set necessary to effectively diagnose, treat and relief patients suffering from painful conditions from cancer related pain and non-cancer pathologies, ranging from central and peripheral neuropathy, myofascial pain, arthritis and spine related conditions such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis and arthritis of the spine.

Go! Latinos | September 2018 | 11

En Octubre, no te pierdas el

Homestead Rock'n Food and Craft Beer Fest

E Homestead Councilman Larry Roth and joanie ippolito, Founder - Patches PPEC.

“This Is For The Kids, Inc.”, presenta por séptimo año consecutivo el Homestead Rock'n Food and Craft Beer Fest. Tendrá lugar el 6 de octubre, de las 11 am a las 7 pm, en el Harris Field Pavilion de Homestead.

12 | Septiembre 2018 | Go! Latinos

Por Andrés Ospina

l festival Homestead Rock'n Food and Craft Beer, anteriormente conocido como Rock'n Rib Fest, comenzó en 2012 como el principal evento de recaudación de fondos de This Is For the Kids, Inc., con el fin de ayudar a recaudar dinero para las organizaciones benéficas locales que se centran en los niños. This Is For the Kids, Inc., organización sin fines de lucro 501 (c) 3, es una institución de beneficencia de recaudación de fondos que apoya otras beneficencias para niños en Homestead. La organización se creó en 2012 cuando seis personas se reunieron en un esfuerzo por destacar a Homestead y a algunas de sus organizaciones benéficas. "Somos un grupo de personas que se preocupan enormemente por nuestra comunidad y los niños que viven aquí. Cada año organizamos Homestead Rock'n Food and Craft Beer Fest y donamos todas las ganancias a otras organizaciones benéficas 501 (c) 3 que ayudan específicamente a los niños y sus familias ", dijo Larry Roth, concejal de Homestead y cofundador de la organización. Este año, This Is For The Kids, Inc., dará todas las ganancias netas a Friends of the Seminole Theatre, Love and Hope on a Mission, PATCHES PPEC y Noricia Talabert's Dream Foundation, al ser las organizaciones benéficas que se favorecerán con el evento.

"El año pasado entregamos más de $20,000 para organizaciones benéficas locales para niños en Homestead, y hasta la fecha hemos podido entregar algo más de $100,000", agregó el concejal Roth, mientras le da crédito a todos los patrocinadores que han colaborado en el evento a lo largo de los años proporcionando patrocinios: "realmente se preocupan por esta comunidad". El concejal Roth creció en Palmetto Bay y llegó por primera vez a Homestead en 1990. Tras haber vivido el huracán Andrew en 1992, el concejal Roth vio el espíritu comunitario de Homestead y se enamoró. Desde entonces, ha estado sirviendo a los residentes de Homestead como ciudadano y ahora como concejal. "El evento está diseñado para ser un evento de la comunidad donde tenemos la oportunidad de destacar lo mejor de Homestead y South Dade, mientras recaudamos fondos y creamos conciencia hacia las organizaciones benéficas locales para niños", concluyó el concejal Roth. El evento estará lleno de música en vivo, talento, demostraciones, muchos vendedores locales, zona de diversión para niños, más de 20 cervezas artesanales y muchas opciones de comida. La tarifa de entrada es de $10.00, así como una cerveza artesanal de muestra y pulseras disponibles. Entrada gratuita para niños de 10 años o menos.


In October, Don’t Miss the

Homestead Rock’n’ Food and Craft Beer Fest By Andrés Ospina | Photos Bonnie King-Moran

This Is For The Kids, Inc. is hosting for the seventh consecutive year the Homestead Rock’n’ Food and Craft Beer Fest. It will take place on October 6, from 11 am until 7 pm at Homestead’s Harris Field Pavilion.


he Homestead Rock’n’ Food and Craft Beer Festival, formerly known as the Rock’n’ Rib Fest, started in 2012 as the main fundraising event of This Is For the Kids, Inc. in order to help raise money for local charity organizations that focus on children. This Is for the Kids, Inc., a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, is a fundraising charity that supports other children’s charities in Homestead. The organization was created in 2012 when six individuals came together in an effort to spotlight Homestead and some of its hard-working children’s charities. “We are a group of individuals that care tremendously about our community and the children that live here. Each year, we hold the Homestead Rock’n’ Food and Craft Beer Fest and donate all proceeds to other 501(c)3 charities that specifically help children and their families,” said Larry Roth, Homestead councilman and the organization’s co-founder. This year, This Is for The Kids, Inc. will be giving all net proceeds to Friends of the Seminole Theatre, Love and Hope on a Mission, PATCHES PPEC and Noricia Talabert’s Dream Foundation as the charities

that will benefit from the event. “Last year, we gave away more than $20,000 for local children’s charities in Homestead, and to date we have been able to give away just over $100,000,” added Councilman Roth, while giving credit to all sponsors that have collaborated in the event throughout the years by providing sponsorships: “they truly care about this community.” Councilman Roth grew up in Palmetto Bay. He first came to Homestead in 1990. Going through Hurricane Andrew in 1992, Councilman Roth saw Homestead’s community spirit and fell in love. Since then, he has been serving Homestead’s residents as a private citizen and now as a councilman. “The event is designed to be a community event in which we get a chance to highlight the best Homestead and South Dade has to offer while raising funds and awareness for local children charities,” concluded Councilman Roth. The event is packed full of live music, talent, demonstrations, lots of vendors to shop, kids’ fun zone, over 20 craft beers and many food options. $10 entry fee and craft beer sample glass and wristbands available. Free entry for kids ages 10 and under.

Go! Latinos | September 2018 | 13

14 | Septiembre 2018 | Go! Latinos

Michael Lloret, Wildlife Biologist/Crocodile Specialist - Turkey Point Nuclear Plant.

Cómo el Cocodrilo Americano

coexiste en una planta de energía nuclear


Por Andrés Ospina

Varios cientos de Cocodrilos Americanos tienen su hogar en los canales de refrigeración de la planta de energía Turkey Point.

n 1978, cuando los trabajadores de la planta descubrieron sorprendentemente un nido de cocodrilos en una de las bermas de los canales de refrigeración, FPL decidió comenzar con el Programa de Monitoreo de Cocodrilos de Turkey Point. Desde entonces, FPL ha implementado un Plan de Manejo de Cocodrilos con el objetivo de proporcionar un hábitat adecuado para esta especie protegida. Los cocodrilos americanos son de color verde grisáceo o verde oliva con hocicos largos y delgados, que los distinguen de su primo, el caimán. Los cocodrilos pueden crecer hasta 15 pies de largo y pesar hasta 2,000 libras. Decididamente menos agresivos que los cocodrilos australianos y del Nilo, los cocodrilos estadounidenses son tímidos, solitarios y raramente vistos por la gente. El sur de Florida es el único lugar en los Es-

16 | Septiembre 2018 | Go! Latinos

tados Unidos donde se encuentran y, solo en Florida, hay más de 1,000 Cocodrilos Americanos, sin incluir crías. Sin embargo, los cocodrilos americanos también están presentes en el Caribe, el sur de México y a lo largo de la costa centroamericana hasta Venezuela. El esfuerzo de FPL a través de los años para preservar estos reptiles, junto con agencias de conservación federales y estatales, dio sus frutos cuando en 2007 el Servicio de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de los Estados Unidos (USFW) anunció que la catalogación del Cocodrilo Americano pasó de en Peligro de Extinción a Amenazado en Florida, bajo el Ley de Especies en Peligro de Extinción, y le dio crédito a Turkey Point por su gran contribución a estos esfuerzos. De hecho, solo hay tres santuarios para esta especie en el sur de la Florida: el Parque Nacional de los Everglades, el Refugio Nacio-

nal de Vida Silvestre Crocodile Lake en Key Largo y Turkey Point de FPL. "Lo que separa el programa de FPL de los otros dos es que FPL realmente crea un hábitat para los cocodrilos", dijo Michael Lloret, biólogo de vida silvestre en Turkey Point. "Los cocodrilos están prosperando en las aguas que son utilizadas para ayudar a aprovechar la energía nuclear", agregó. El programa de FPL ayuda a monitorear y proteger a los cocodrilos que han hecho de los canales de refrigeración su hogar. El equipo que cuida a los cocodrilos construye áreas de anidación para mantener a las crías alejadas de las plantas y los depredadores naturales. Mientras se encuentra en tareas de monitoreo y seguimiento, este equipo examina cada cocodrilo, midiendo su cabeza, longitud total, circunferencia de la cola y peso.

How the American Crocodile


Coexists at a Nuclear Power Plant By Andrés Ospina | Photos Ervin Palacios

Several hundred American crocodiles make their home in the cooling canals of the Turkey Point Power Plant.

n 1978, when plant workers surprisingly discovered a crocodile nest on one of the berms of the cooling canals, FPL decided to run the Turkey Point Crocodile Monitoring Program. Since then, FPL has implemented a crocodile management plan with the ultimate goal of providing suitable habitat for this protected species. American crocodiles are gray-green or olive-green with long, slender snouts, which distinguish them from their cousin, the alligator. The “crocs” can grow up to 15-feet long and weigh as much as 2,000 pounds. Decidedly less aggressive than the Nile and Australian crocodiles, American crocodiles are shy, reclusive and rarely seen by people. South Florida is the only place in the United States where they are found, and, just in Florida, there are more than 1,000 American crocodiles, not including hatchlings. However, American crocodiles are also present in the Caribbean, southern Mexico and along the Central American coast south to Venezuela. FPL’s effort throughout the years to preserve these reptiles, alongside federal and state conservation agencies, paid off when in 2007 the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFW) announced that the listing status of the American crocodile went from endangered to threatened in Florida under the Endangered Species Act, and credited Turkey Point for greatly contributing to these efforts. In fact, there are only three sanctuaries for this species in South Florida: Everglades National Park, Crocodile Lake National Wildlife Refuge on Key Largo and FPL’s Turkey Point. “What separates FPL’s program from the other two is that FPL actually creates crocodile habitat,” said Michael Lloret, wildlife biologist at Turkey Point. “Crocodiles are thriving in waters used to help harness nuclear power,” he added. FPL’s program helps monitor and protect the “crocs” that have made the cooling canals their home. The crocodile team builds nesting areas to keep the hatchlings away from the plant and natural predators. While on monitoring and tracking duties, the team examines each crocodile, measuring its head, overall length, tail girth and weight. Furthermore, biologists use two types of tracking methods: Avid microchips and scute clippings. Scute is the hard, thick skin of the crocodile. The microchips are used to track a reference ID to scan the captured animal, as well as to track any animal that falls prey to others. The scute clippings provide the animal’s ID number and location and are a quick way for experts to determine in which area the crocodiles were first tagged. Each newly captured reptile is microchipped, so if it is captured again, biologists can follow its growth and development. Once the information is recorded, the crocodile is released. “The best part of the program is to return them safely to their environment,” added Mr. Lloret.

Go! Latinos | September 2018 | 17

18 | Septiembre 2018 | Go! Latinos


Dolor de espalda, ¿qué hacer? Por Andrés Ospina

Más del 80% de la población sufrirá de dolor lumbar durante su vida.


a mayoría de los casos de dolor lumbar se pueden relacionar con una causa general, como tensión muscular, lesión o uso excesivo, o se puede atribuir a una afección específica de la columna vertebral, como una hernia discal o enfermedad degenerativa del disco. Según el Dr. Maximiliano Velasco, anestesiólogo y especialista en manejo del dolor, las condiciones más comunes con las que se encuentra están relacionadas con la edad. En los jóvenes, los casos más comunes se deben a hernias discales en las áreas cervical y lumbar. En personas mayores, es una combinación de artritis y hernia de disco. Dependiendo de la causa subyacente del dolor, los síntomas se pueden experimentar de varias maneras. El Dr. Velasco explica que, por ejemplo, el dolor que se encuentra en la parte baja de la espalda, 20 | Septiembre 2018 | Go! Latinos

se relaciona comúnmente con la inflamación del disco. Por otro lado, el dolor punzante y ardiente que se mueve desde la parte baja de la espalda hasta la parte posterior de los muslos, a veces en la parte inferior de las piernas o los pies, también llamada ciática, está relacionado con la irritación de nervio. Para tener un diagnóstico preciso, el paciente debe proporcionar una descripción detallada del historial médico y los síntomas específicos, seguido de un examen físico para descartar o confirmar un diagnóstico que coincida con los síntomas. En este punto, el médico generalmente tendrá una idea general de la fuente del dolor del paciente. Si es necesario, se pueden solicitar pruebas de diagnóstico como una Tomografía o una Resonancia Magnética para confirmar la afección o para obtener información adicional.

El Dr. Velasco dice que una vez que se ha encontrado un diagnóstico, el tratamiento no quirúrgico es siempre el primer curso de acción para el dolor de espalda. "El tratamiento conservador generalmente incluye una combinación de fisioterapia, reducción de peso y tratamiento farmacológico, que incluye medicamentos antiinflamatorios, si es necesario". Además, si el dolor continúa otra alternativa serían las inyecciones epidurales de esteroides, que consisten en inyectar medicamentos esteroides para el dolor en el área alrededor de la columna vertebral. "La cirugía solo se considera cuando los tratamientos no quirúrgicos no han proporcionado un alivio adecuado del dolor y en ciertos escenarios de emergencia, como debilidad progresiva de la pierna, pérdida del control de esfínteres y entumecimiento o déficit sensorial", agregó el Dr. Velasco. Los pacientes que experimenten cualquier combinación de estos síntomas deben buscar tratamiento médico inmediato, ya que la afección puede progresar repentinamente y requiere un tratamiento médico oportuno. La cirugía de la espalda puede ayudar a aliviar algunas causas del dolor de espalda, pero rara vez es necesario. La mayoría del dolor de espalda se resuelve solo en tres meses. Sin embargo, es aconsejable consultar a un médico calificado si su dolor es persistente e incapacitante. Recuerde que siempre hay otras alternativas de rehabilitación antes de decidir someterse a una cirugía de columna vertebral. Si desea obtener un diagnóstico preciso de un profesional calificado, comuníquese con el Dr. Maximiliano Velasco al (786) 504 0904. El Dr. Velasco ha ejercido la medicina por 25 años y es un experto en el manejo del dolor para afecciones crónicas, incluyendo afecciones de la espalda cervical y lumbar.



Back Pain - What to Do?

ost cases of lower back pain can be linked to a general cause—such as muscle strain, injury, or overuse—or can be attributed to a specific condition of the spine, like a herniated disc or degenerative disc disease. According to Dr. Maximiliano Velasco, anesthesiologist and pain management specialist, the most common conditions he deals with are related to age. In young people, the most common cases are due to disc herniations in both cervical and lumbar areas. In older people, it is a combination of arthritis and herniated disc. Depending on the underlying cause of the pain, symptoms can be experienced in a variety of ways. Dr. Velasco explains that, for instance, pain that is dull or achy, contained to the low back is commonly related to disc inflammation. On the other hand, stinging and burning pain that moves from the low back to the backs of the thighs, sometimes into the lower legs or feet, also called sciatica, is related to nerve irritation. In order to have an accurate diagnosis, the patient should provide a detailed description of the medical history and specific symptoms, following a physical examination to rule out or confirm a diagnosis that coincides with the symptoms. At this point, the doctor will usually have a general idea of the source of the patient’s pain. If necessary, diagnostic tests like CT or MRI scans may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis or to gain additional information. Dr. Velasco says that once a diagnosis has been

By Andrés Ospina

found, nonsurgical treatment is always the first course of action for back pain. “Conservative treatment usually includes a combination of physical therapy, weight reduction and pharmacological treatment, including anti-inflammatory medication, if necessary.” Additionally, if pain continues, epidural steroid injections might be another alternative, which consists of steroid pain medication injected into the area surrounding the spine. “Surgery is considered only when nonsurgical treatments have not provided adequate pain relief and in case of certain emergency scenarios, like progressive leg weakness, loss of bowel or bladder control and numbness or sensory deficit,” Dr. Velasco added. Patients who experience any combination of these symptoms should seek immediate medical treatment, as the condition can progress suddenly and requires prompt medical treatment. Back surgery can help relieve some causes of back pain, but it’s rarely necessary. Most back pain resolves on its own within three months. However, it is advisable to see a qualified physician if your pain is persistent and disabling. Remember that there are always other rehabilitation alternatives before deciding to have spine surgery. If you want to have an accurate diagnosis from a qualified professional, reach out to Dr. Maximiliano Velasco at (786) 504-0904. Dr. Velasco has been practicing medicine for 25 years and is an expert in pain management for chronic conditions, including upper and lower spine.

Dr. Maximiliano Velasco MD

Over 80% of the population will suffer from lower back pain during their lives.

Go! Latinos | September 2018 | 21

22 | Septiembre 2018 |Go! Latinos



24 | Septiembre 2018 | Go! Latinos

• This stroller weighs just over 10 pounds, and includes top-of-the-line features like a two-position recline, adjustable footrest, and reflective shoulder straps to ensure you are seen while traveling at night • One-handed compact, upright fold can be done while standing, which allows you to hold your child with one hand and fold the stroller with your other • Oversized canopy features a pop out SPF 50 sun visor that shields your little one from harsh rays, rain or snow • Two-position reclining seat and adjustable foot rest | 5-point safety harness | Reflective shoulder pads ensure you can be seen during nighttime walks • 5.5 inch front and back wheels with suspension for a smooth, comfortable ride | Swivel lock front wheels (unlock for easy maneuverability; lock for added stability on bumpy surfaces) • Swivel child bar makes it easy to get your child in and out | Spacious undercarriage storage bin provides plenty of room for toys, snacks or sippy cups



• From birth, keep your little one rear facing longer to 45 lbs traveling safely. As they grow to 120 lbs (12 years approx.) our long-range lifespan protects your child facing forwards. Peace of mind for you, we’ve thought of everything so you don’t have to. • The radian® rXT Just My Color is fabricated using super strong automotive high strength steel, engineered into a dual spine. This unique core manages and dissipates energy and provides an unyielding structure to protect your baby. We shield your precious child through Super side impact protection with aluminium reinforcement. • For safety that fits 3 across the radian® rXT Just My Color packs all our innovative safety features into a sleek and slim design that allows you to fit three across (in most mid-size vehicles). Now the whole family can travel, together. • Inspired by the best European fashions, our radian® rXT Just My Color has soft fabric covers and a memory foam seat base bottom. Lined with thick energy absorbing foam, comfort and safety go hand in hand. A tailored infant support cushion and a cup holder are included.

Cucumber Smoothie By Yovana Mendoza



Drink one each morning and see how much of a difference they make! ¡Toma uno cada mañana y ve la diferencia que hacen en ti! Losing weight isn’t just about the numbers on the scale. It’s also about how you feel! This smoothies I’m bringing you today will help you shed extra pounds, but just as importantly, help you feel lighter and full of energy. Ingredients: - 1 cucumber - 1 1/2 cups pineapple - 6-8 mint leaves - 1 tablespoon chia seeds - 1 cup coconut water Method: Peel the cucumber and cut it into blender-friendly chunks. If the pineapple isn’t already in chunks, cut it up too. Blend all of the ingredients together until smooth, and enjoy! Benefits: This hydrating smoothie is also rich in fiber and essential vitamins, and stimulates digestive enzymes to encourage fat burning! When you’re eating to lose weight, keep in mind these five categories: fiber, hydration, healthy fats, protein, and adaptogens. Consuming these will help you achieve those goals and reach your healthy weight! All of these smoothies are crafted with these five groups in mind. Drink one each morning and see how much of a difference they make! For more great weight-loss tips and recipes, check out my 21-day weight loss challenge! If you want to lose at least 10 pounds, it’s designed just for you. Love you! Yovana

Licuado de Pepino

Bajar de peso no solo se trata de números en la báscula. ¡También tiene que ver con cómo te sientes! Este licuado que te comparto hoy te ayudarán a eliminar peso extra, y te ayudarán a sentirte más ligero y lleno de energía. Ingredientes: - 1 pepino - 1 ½ tazas de piña - 6-8 hojas de menta - 1 cucharada de semillas de chía - 1 taza de agua de coco Método: Pela el pepino y córtalo en trozos pequeños. Corta la piña en pedazos pequeños también. Licua todos los ingredientes hasta obtener una mezcla uniforme, ¡y disfruta! Beneficios: ¡Este licuado hidratante también es rico en

fibra y vitaminas esenciales, y estimula las enzimas digestivas para fomentar la quema de grasa! Cuando estás comiendo para bajar de peso, ten en mente estas 5 categorías: fibra, hidratación, grasas saludables, proteína y adaptogénicos. ¡El consumo de estos te ayudará a lograr tus objetivos y a alcanzar tu peso ideal! Todos estos licuados están diseñados tomando en cuenta estas 5 categorías de alimentos. ¡Toma uno cada mañana y ve la diferencia que hacen en ti! Para obtener más consejos y recetas para perder peso, ¡adquiere mi reto de 21 días para bajar de peso! Si quieres perder al menos 2.5 kg, es perfecto para ti. Con amor, Yovana Go! Latinos | September 2018 | 25


Fusionando finanzas después casarse Hablar de finanzas antes de la boda y trabajar juntos para formar una estrategia financiera puede establecer un rumbo estable para la seguridad financiera de una pareja.


as parejas felices experimentan varios cambios después casarse. Uno de esos cambios se refiere a las finanzas de las parejas. De acuerdo con un análisis de datos por parte de la Encuesta Nacional de Familias y Hogares, los argumentos sobre el dinero son una preocupación frecuente entre las parejas casadas. Además, existe una mayor correlación entre el riesgo de divorcio y la prevalencia de desacuerdos financieros. Si bien las peleas sobre el dinero no necesariamente causan el divorcio, pueden crear desavenencias en las relaciones. Incluso las parejas que tienen mucho 26 | Septiembre 2018 | Go! Latinos

dinero pueden tener desacuerdos sobre sus finanzas. Los argumentos pueden provenir de parejas que no entienden cómo su compañero ve el dinero o las disparidades en los hábitos de gasto entre ellos. Las parejas que hacen esfuerzos iniciales para mantenerse en la misma página con respecto a las finanzas pueden tener aguas más tranquilas que aquellos que retrasan tales discusiones. • Establecer objetivos juntos. Las parejas deben definir sus objetivos financieros juntos. ¿Es un objetivo ahorrar para la jubilación anticipada? ¿Hay una casa en el futuro inmediato? ¿Viajar frecuente es un deseo? ¿Estamos planeando contribuir a

la educación de los niños en el futuro? Estas preguntas y más deben abordarse desde el principio. Al crear un plan financiero en conjunto, las parejas pueden ver más claramente su futuro financiero. • Combinar cuentas puede ser más fácil. Algunas parejas desean mantener su total independencia financiera. Pero la combinación de cuentas puede ayudar a las parejas a evitar discusiones sobre el secreto y las preocupaciones sobre el gasto de su pareja. La combinación de cuentas también brinda a las parejas una imagen más clara de sus hábitos de gasto y ahorro. • Evalúa las deudas como un equipo. De acuerdo con Credit.com, una persona puede estar trayendo más deuda al matrimonio que otra. Es importante que todas las cartas estén sobre la mesa y trabajen juntas para erradicar la deuda. Si una persona llegará al matrimonio con poco crédito, puede valer la pena mantener las cosas separadas hasta que el cónyuge trabaje en remediar sus finanzas. • Decida cómo dividir los gastos. Un compañero puede ganar más dinero que el otro, y uno puede pasar más tiempo manejando las necesidades del hogar o las responsabilidades futuras del cuidado de los niños. Las parejas deben acordar si una persona paga determinadas cuentas en forma exclusiva, si gasta un salario y ahorra la otra, o si combina las finanzas por completo y gasta por igual, según NerdWallet. Las parejas comprometidas que desarrollan un plan financiero post-boda pueden encontrar su transición a casarse mucho más fácil que aquellos que retrasan tales discusiones.



Merging finances after tying the knot

Speaking about finances in advance of the wedding and working together to form a financial strategy can set a steady course for a couple's financial security.

appy couples experience various changes after tying the knot. One of those changes concerns couples' finances. According to an analysis of data from the National Survey of Families and Households, arguments about money are a frequent concern with married couples. Furthermore, there is a higher correlation between the risk of divorce and the prevalence of financial disagreements. While fights about money do not necessarily cause divorce, they can create rifts in relationships. Even couples who have plenty of money may have disagreements about their finances. Arguments may stem from couples not understanding how their partner views money or the disparities in spending habits among partners. Couples who make early efforts to get on the same page concerning finances may have

smoother waters ahead than those who delay such discussions. • Establish goals together. Couples should define their financial goals together. Is it a goal to save for early retirement? Is a house in the immediate future? Is frequent travel a desire? Are we planning to contribute much to future children's educations? These questions and more need to be addressed early on. By creating a financial plan together, couples can more clearly map out their financial futures. • Combining accounts may be easier. Some couples want to maintain their full financial independence. But combining accounts can help couples avoid arguments about secrecy and concerns about partner spending. Combining accounts also affords couples a clearer picture of their spending and saving habits. • Assess debts as a team. One person may be bringing more debt to the ma-

rriage than another. It's important for all cards to be on the table and to work together to eradicate debt. If a person will be coming to the marriage with poor credit, it may be worth it to keep things separate until a spouse works on remedying his or her finances, according to Credit.com. • Decide how to split expenses. One partner may make more money than the other, and one may spend more time handling household needs or future childcare responsibilities. Couples need to agree whether one person pays for certain bills exclusively, whether they spend from one salary and save the other, or combine finances completely and spend equally, offers NerdWallet. Engaged couples who develop a postwedding financial plan may find their transition to being married much easier than those who delay such discussions. Go! Latinos | September 2018 | 27

tHe CHildReN's tRUst Family eXPo

FRee Family admission september 8 | 10:00 am - 5:00 pm miami-dade County Fair and expo Center 10901 sW 24th st, miami, Fl 33165 The Children's Trust Family Expo, is a daylong festival held at the Miami-Dade Fair & Expo Center. The event features activities and entertainment for the entire family in an effort to provide parents with direct contact to health and social services, as well as educational opportunities.

Fiesta Usa

FRee Family eVeNt saturday, september 15 4-9pm | losner Park 104 N Krome ave, Homestead, Fl 33030 Homestead Main Street, Inc. kicks off their FREE Downtown Event Series with FIESTA USA Saturday, September 9th 4PM-9PM in Losner Park (104 N. Krome Ave.). Don't miss the children’s costume parade, multicultural dance and performances, horse show, delicious food and more! For more Information www.homesteadmainst.org o call 305.323.6564

Gold Coast RailRoad mUseUm FRee FiRst satURday

Gold Coast RailRoad mUseUm 12450 sW 152nd st, miami, Fl 33177 every First saturday of the month, eXClUdiNG maRCH aNd deCemBeR, Gold Coast Railroad Museum opens its doors to

28 | Septiembre 2018 | Go! Latinos

all guests for a free day of fun, games, and lots of trains! Come take a train ride at South Florida's Finest Railroad Museum! Home to over 40 historic railcars, including the "Ferdinand Magellan" Presidential Railcar, better known as U.S. Car No. 1. Visit www.gcrm.org

BlUsHiNG BRide oPeN HoUse BRidal sHoW

individual Price $10.00 september 16 | 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Cauley square 22400 old dixie Hwy, miami, Fl 33170 Have you been dying to peek inside our gorgeous garden venue? You’re in luck! We are so excited to invite you to our Blushing Bride Open House on September 16, 2018, from 11:00am–4:00pm.

aNtiqUe aNd ClassiC CaR CRUise-iN sHoW Homestead RUN ClUB

FRee Family admission every tuesday - 7pm Homestead Baptist Hospital 975 Baptist Way, Homestead, Fl 33033 Willing to work out, have fun and meet likeminded people, don’t hesitate to join this free Run Club every Tuesday Night (7 pm) at the Baptist Hospital, across from the Speech & Therapy Building.

FRee admission september 23 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Cauley square 22400 old dixie Hwy, miami, Fl 33170 If you love the history and look of antique and classic cars, come experience these treasures with the whole family at the Cauley Square Antique & Classic Car Show. Browse a selection of antique, classic, exotic and European cars all shining in their individual time periods. Our car show is sure to amuse car-lovers of all ages. Enjoy music, food and more!

The 2018 ZERO Prostate Cancer Run/Walk South Florida features a 5K run/walk, Kids' Superhero Dash for Dad, and virtual Snooze for Dudes program.

UNdeR tHe sUN aRt & mUsiC FestiVal

FRee (ticket required) september 8 | 10:00 am - 5:00 pm tropical Park 7900 sW 40th st, miami, Fl 33155 he Under the Sun Art & Music Festival kicks off to the general public free of charge on Sunday, September 30, 2018 at Tropical Park. Local artists will display and showcase their art in a beautiful outdoor setting. Live music will be provided by local high school bands.

st. JUde WalK/RUN 5K to eNd CHildHood CaNCeR - miami

5K Walk: $10 5K Run: $20 ages 5 and under free september 22, 2018 | 7:30 am tamiami Park 11201 sW 24th st. miami, Fl Us 33165 Perfect for runners, walkers, families and corporate teams the St. Jude Walk/Run 5K to End Childhood Cancer provides a race experience like no other. In support of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, participants will enjoy a festive race receiving a commemorative shirt, finisher medal, and their own official race time on a certified 5k course throughout Tamiami Park. Register, form a team, and invite your friends and family to join.

aUtism sUPPoRt GRoUP aUtism aNd laW eNFoRCemeNt PaReNt tRaiNiNG

ages 5 and under free september 6 | 7:00 Pm West Kendall Baptist Hospital 9555 sW 162nd avenue, miami 33196 We are proud to announce a free training aimed to equip parents with crucial information needed to help Individuals with autism Spectum Disorder. Topics Covered: Meet and Greet - Hammocks Police Department, Contacts with Law Enforcement, How to Safely Disclose ASD to Law Enforcement, Safety Measures, Elopement and Wondering Issues Instructor Information: Autism and the Law Enforcement Responce is instructed by Bart Barta. Bart is the proud father of a teenager with autism. He also understands many of the challenges faced by individuals and families affected by autism spectrum disorder. Bart is a retired law enforcement commander with more than 31 years of experience. Free. Registration is required, Please follow "Register" link below or email at Programs@BaptistHealth.net or call 786596-3812

yoGa oN taP

2018 ZeRo PRostate CaNCeR RUN/WalK - soUtH FloRida

september 22, 2018 | 8:00 a.m. markham Park 16001 W. state Rd. 84, sunrise, Fl 33326

10:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. every sat schnebly Redland's Winery 30205 sW 217th ave. Homestead, Fl 33030 Every Saturday morning starting August 5th, come unwind with an hour session of Yoga followed by a refreshing Miami Brewing Co craft brew. Must be 21 or older to enjoy beer, but guests of all ages are invited for yoga. Registration is at 10:45am, class starts at 11:00am. Please bring your own mat or towel.

Go! Latinos | September 2018 | 29

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