GO Latinos Magazine - November 2018 | Buccaneer Marching Band Will Represent Homestead Nationally

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Volumen 5 | Issue 50

GO! LATINOS Bilingual Magazine

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Buccaneer Marching Band representará a Homestead a nivel nacional




Buccaneer Marching Band Will Represent Homestead Nationally Follow us on:

16 Emprendedor del mes: Olga Eby 20 Centros de Cuidados Urgentes de Nicklaus Children 22 Adriana Segura, promesa de la actuación mexicana 24 El tiempo es dinero cuando se trata de cuidado de autos Entrepreneur of the month: Olga Eby

Nicklaus Children’s Walk-in Urgent Care Centers:


On the Cover: South Dade Senior High School Marching Band, Homestead Photo by: Ervin Palacios

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Adriana Segura, Future Mexican Acting

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Go! Latinos | November 2018 | 7



Un Día de Acción de Gracias

lleno de actividades para los niños Por Isabela Morales y Corina Bethencourt Fundadoras de Pixie Dreams Inc

ste año, haz del Día de Acción de Gracias un evento agradable y atractivo para los niños. Los niños pueden disfrutar de muchos aspectos de esta fiesta especial, desde ayudar a preparar la comida hasta poner la mesa o jugar juegos divertidos. Asegúrese de tener alternativas de comidas divertidas para ellos y comience una tradición familiar. Involúcralos en la planificación de la fiesta y verá lo emocionados que estarán por celebrar el Día de Acción de Gracias. Aquí te mostramos algunos consejos útiles en los que puedes involucrar a tus hijos.

Grandes ideas para los quisquillosos con las comidas el Día de Acción de Gracias Puré de Papas de helados colorido: haga el puré de papas tradicional hirviendo las papas regulares y las batatas, una vez que las papas se ablandan, pida a los niños que las ayuden a aplastarlas y añada mantequilla y sal. Finalmente use una cuchara de helado para servirlos como cucharadas de helado. Haga que los niños rocíen malvaviscos sobre ellos para agregar un poco de diversión. Nuggets de pavo: en lugar de usar los tradi8 | Noviembre 2018 | Go! Latinos

cionales nuggets de pollo, puede probar este año empanizar trozos de pechuga de pavo y haciendo "nuggets de pavo" para los más pequeños. Pastelito de pavo: decore sus pastelitos caseros con media uva para hacer la cara de un pavo, luego corte 4-5 rodajas de manzana y colóquelas detrás de la uva para hacer las plumas del pavo. Los pequeños se divertirán con esto.

Artesanía de Acción de Gracias y decoración de la mesa Estoy agradecido por ... Manteles individuales: trabaje con su pequeño para crear manteles caseros. Recorte los manteles individuales de papel para ellos y pídales que dibujen un pavo y lo decoren con diferentes materiales. Para los más pequeños, una forma creativa puede ser usar su huella de la mano o el pie como el cuerpo del pavo y luego agregar plumas alrededor. Una vez que hayan terminado, escriba "Estoy agradecido por ..." y haga que completen el espacio en blanco. Palitos Indios: use un rollo de papel higiénico reciclado y cubra un extremo con cinta

adhesiva, llene el rollo con piedras, luego cubra la otra punta con cinta adhesiva hasta que esté completamente sellado. Haga que los niños decoren con pintura y plumas. ¡Amarán el ruido que hace igual que hicieron los indios!

Crea tradiciones familiares: Compartiendo bendiciones: antes de comenzar la gran fiesta, cree una pequeña tradición, tratando que todos se sientan tranquilos con los palos indios. Una vez que los niños comienzan a sacudir sus palos indios, todos deben estar tranquilos. Luego, pida a cada persona que lea en voz alta las respuestas de sus manteles. Todos alrededor de la mesa deben compartir su respuesta. Una vez terminado, deje que uno de los niños dirija la oración. Darles a los niños este sentido de importancia en la mesa les hará sentirse parte de este momento especial. Comida libre de dispositivos: tenga una comida libre de dispositivos recolectando los celulares y colocándolos en una canasta lejos de la mesa. Esto permitirá que adultos y adolescentes participen activamente en toda la experiencia de acción de gracias.


A Gobble, Gobble

Thanksgiving just for Kids


By Corina Bethencourt and Isabela Morales Founders of Pixie Dreams Inc

ake this year’s Thanksgiving a kid-friendly event. Kids can enjoy many aspects of this special holiday from helping prepare the food to setting the table or playing fun games. Make sure to have fun-food alternatives for them and start a family tradition. Involve them in the party planning, and you will see how excited they’ll get about celebrating Thanksgiving. Here are some helpful tips to get your kids involved.

Great Ideas for Picky Eaters at the Thanksgiving Table Colorful Ice-cream Mashed Potatoes: Make traditional mashed potatoes by boiling regular potatoes and sweet potatoes; once the potatoes are softened, have kids help you smash them and add butter and salt. Finally use an ice-cream scoop to serve them as icecream scoops. Have kids sprinkle marshmallows over them to add a little fun. Turkey Nuggets: Instead of using traditional chicken nuggets, you can try this year breading turkey breast pieces and making “turkey nuggets” for little ones. Turkey Muffins: Decorate your homemade muffins with half a grape to make the face of a turkey; then cut 4-5 apple slices and place them behind the grape to make the turkey’s feathers. Little ones will get a kick out of this.

Thanksgiving Crafts and Table Setting I Am Thankful For… Placemats: Work with your little ones in creating homemade placemats. Cut out paper placemats for them and have them draw a turkey and decorate with different materials. For little ones, a creative way can be using their handprint or footprint as the body of the turkey and then add feathers all around. Once they are done, write “I am thankful for…” and have them fill in the blank. Indian Sticks: Use a recycled toilet-paper roll and cover one end with duct tape, fill the roll with rocks, and then cover the other end with duct tape until completely sealed. Have kids decorate with paint and feathers. They will love the noise it makes just as the Indians did!

Create Family Traditions Sharing Blessings: Before beginning the big feast, create a little tradition of trying to get everyone quiet by using the Indian sticks; once the children begin to shake their Indian sticks, everyone should be quiet. Then have every person read out his or her responses from the thankful placemats. Everyone around the table should share her or his response. Once finished, have one of the kids lead the prayer. Giving children this sense of importance at the dinner table will make them feel part of this special moment. Device-Free Meal: have a device-free meal by collecting cellular devices and placing them in a basket far away from the dinner table. This will allow for adults and teens to actively participate in the whole Thanksgiving experience.

Go! Latinos | November 2018 | 9


Buccaneer Marching Band

Will Represent Homestead Nationally By Andrés Ospina | Photo Bertha Lopez

South Dade Senior High School Marching Band, known as the Buccaneer Marching Band, is invited to participate in Washington, D.C., at a nationwide music competition next March.


outh Dade Senior High School has a rich tradition of strong band programs dating back to the school’s opening in 1953 and “has become one of the most rewarding activities the school has to offer. It is a place where students learn values and standards while depending on one another in their pursuit of excellence,” their Director Mr. Scott Davis told Go! Latinos Magazine. Recently the band received recognition from Universal Studios Orlando for their outstanding performance at their STARS Program and are invited to participate in Washington, D.C., in a music competition against bands from across the nation.

The Marching Band The Buccaneer Marching Band is comprised of 42 members, including musicians and color guards—all students between ninth and twelfth grades. It is made up of woodwind, brass, percussion and color guards, and generally performs outdoors at special events such as football games, community events and marching band competitions. “Our members carry out an intense preparation that begins two weeks before the school year when they take part in the band camp and that continues with regular practice up to three times a week for long hours in the afternoon during the school year,” added Mr. Davis. Visual and Performing Arts Program What’s unique about South Dade Se-

12 | Noviembre 2018 | Go! Latinos

nior High is the Visual and Performing Arts Program, a magnet program that attracts middle school students that are interested in music and arts, being the only school in South Miami-Dade that has a program of this kind. Additionally, the program offers the students the possibility of joining the percussion, the symphonic or the jazz band, among others. The Jazz ensemble is the second most visible band in the program after the marching band and often performs at various events around South Florida. They play different music varieties, from the Big Band Era to mainstream pop. For instance, at the end of the year concert, they will be performing “Locked out of Heaven” from Bruno Mars, their band director told us as a sneak peek.

On their way to Washington In order to get to Washington, The Buccaneer Marching Band is doing its best to raise funds. “Cost per student is about 700 dollars,” said Mr. Davis, while asking the community to support the fundraising activities they are currently doing. South Dade Senior High Marching Band is part of this beautiful city; they are part of the development and growth of Homestead, since all its members were born or raised here in our city. These talented young people need the support of our community to be able to fulfill their dreams and represent us in different venues and events around the country.


Go! Latinos | November 2018 | 13


Buccaneer Marching Band

representará a Homestead a nivel nacional


Ismael Rodriguez y Scott Davis

Por Andrés Ospina | Foto Ervin Palacios

outh Dade Senior High School tiene una rica tradición de fuertes programas de bandas, que se remontan a la apertura de la escuela en 1953 donde esta se ha convertido en una de las actividades más gratificantes que ofrece la escuela. "Es un lugar donde los estudiantes aprenden valores y estándares, mientras dependen unos de otros en su búsqueda de la excelencia", dijo a la revista Go! Latinos su director, el Sr. Scott Davis. Recientemente, la banda recibió un reconocimiento de Universal Studios Orlando por su excelente desempeño en su programa STARS y está invitada a participar en Washington D.C. en una competencia de música con bandas de todo el país. La Banda Musical La Banda de Bucaneer está compuesta por 42 miembros, incluidos músicos y Color Guards, todos estudiantes entre el noveno y duodécimo grado. Está compuesto por instrumentos de viento y de percusión, y generalmente se realiza al aire libre en eventos especiales como partidos de fútbol, eventos comunitarios y competiciones de bandas de música. "Nuestros miembros llevan a cabo una intensa preparación que comienza dos semanas antes del año escolar cuando participan

14 | Noviembre 2018 | Go! Latinos

en el" Band Camp "y que continúa con la práctica regular hasta tres veces por semana durante largas horas en la tarde durante el año escolar", añadió el Sr. Davis.

Programa de artes visuales y escénicas Lo que es exclusivo de South Dade Senior High es el Programa de Artes Visuales y Escénicas, un programa de atracción para estudiantes de secundaria que están interesados en Música y Artes, siendo la única escuela en South Miami-Dade que tiene un programa de este tipo. Además, el programa ofrece a los estudiantes la posibilidad de unirse a la sinfónica, la banda de percusión o la banda de jazz, entre otros. El conjunto de jazz es la segunda banda más visible en el programa después de la Marching Band y se presenta a menudo en varios eventos en el sur de la Florida. Tocan diferentes tipos de música, desde Big Band hasta la música Pop. Por ejemplo, en el concierto de fin de año se presentarán con 'Locked Out of Heaven' de Bruno Mars, nos contó como un adelanto su Director de Banda.

En camino a Washington Para llegar a Washington, la banda Buccaneer está haciendo todo lo posible para recaudar fondos. "El costo por estudiante es de unos 700 dólares", dijo el Sr. Davis, mientras pide a la comunidad que apoye las actividades de recaudación de fondos que están realizando actualmente. South Dade Senior High Marching Band es parte de esta hermosa ciudad, son parte del desarrollo y crecimiento de Homestead, ya que todos sus miembros nacieron o se criaron aquí en nuestra ciudad. Estos jóvenes talentosos necesitan el apoyo de nuestra comunidad para poder cumplir sus sueños y representarnos en diferentes lugares y eventos en todo el país.

Dr. Maximiliano Velasco Dr. Maximiliano Velasco is a Board Certified Anesthesiologist and Board Certified in Pain Management. He is dedicated to helping his patients find relief from chronic pain. At our clinic, we offer a multidisciplinary, multispecialty approach that allows each patient access to a variety of pain treatment options and approaches including conservative management such as physical therapy, home stretching exercise programs, and interventional procedures, including but not limited to intra-articular joint injections, trigger point, trigger point injections, epidural injections, facet blocks, radiofrequency ablation, spinal cord stimulators and intrathecal pump placement.Through many years of practice and experience, Dr. Velasco has acquired the knowledge and skill set necessary to effectively diagnose, treat and relief patients suffering from painful conditions from cancer related pain and non-cancer pathologies, ranging from central and peripheral neuropathy, myofascial pain, arthritis and spine related conditions such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis and arthritis of the spine.

Go! Latinos | November 2018 | 15


Olga empresaria exitosa de Homestead que sirve a la comunidad


Olga Eby

Born in Venezuela, Olga, a businesswoman and entrepreneur who moved to Homestead 20 years ago, told us about her life, her business and her legacy.

16 | Noviembre 2018 | Go! Latinos

Por Andrés Ospina

ra 1998 y en ese entonces Hugo Chávez era el candidato con mayor favorabilidad para ser el nuevo presidente de Venezuela. Olga Eby, al vaticinar el caos que se venía en su país con un gobierno socialista, tomó a sus hijos y emigró a los Estados Unidos, eligiendo a Homestead como su nuevo hogar. El instinto característico de Olga, con el que presintió lo que pasaría a Venezuela en los años venideros, es el mismo que le ha permitido ver oportunidades de negocio y crear empresas exitosas. Hoy Olga es dueña de 3 casas de cambio - Homestead Trading Post, Homestead Coin & Pawn y Village Pawn Shop –, así como una empresa de bienes raíces y alquileres -Ted Olga Investment- y ahora planea abrir el Banquet Hall más grande de Homestead. Ese espíritu de emprendimiento no solo se debe a que estudió la carrera de Economía en su natal Venezuela donde adquirió el conocimiento para administrar sus negocios y conocer el mercado, sino también por su personalidad recursiva y curiosa, tal vez ambiciosa, que le permite ver oportunidades y trabajar incansablemente hasta lograr el éxito. “De niña yo viví en medio de mucha pobreza y veía que otras personas podían salir adelante. Me di cuenta de que los que progresaban eran los que trabajaban, los que no se quedaban cómodos. El secreto era trabajar incansablemente. Eso me inspiró”, comenta Olga. Esa misma inspiración es la que le permitió salir adelante en un nuevo país y lograr lo que muchos denominan el sueño americano. Y es que Olga no solo se preocupa por sus negocios, también está pendiente de ayudar a la comunidad de Homestead. “Esta ciudad me ha dado la oportunidad de desarrollar mis nego-

cios y la forma de retribuirle es haciendo obras comunitarias, trabajando, dando mi tiempo libre para ayudar al progreso de mi ciudad”. Por tal razón, Olga es miembro de la Junta Directiva de la Cámara de Comercio de South Dade y también pertenece a las juntas directivas de Homestead YMCA, Homestead Main Street, y del Kiwanis Club de Homestead. “Así como consigo tiempo para hacer dinero también debo conseguir tiempo para darle a la comunidad” responde Olga al preguntarle porque hace parte de estas organizaciones. Su servicio a la comunidad no solo lo brinda asesorando a estas organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro que benefician a cientos de personas en el sur de la Florida, también lo hace brindando empleo a la comunidad. Hoy en sus negocios trabajan más de 20 personas. “Me encanta darle la oportunidad a la gente que trabaje conmigo, apoyarlos, darles el mensaje de que tienen que exigirse a si mismos, que den el máximo, porque lo que aprendes te lo llevas contigo a donde vayas”. En el corto plazo Olga planea trabajar en su nuevo proyecto, abrir el Banquet Hall o Salón de fiestas más grande de Homestead, trabajar dos años muy duros, ponerlo a funcionar y después de que arranque y brinde utilidades planea tomarse tiempo para ella. El tiempo que no le pudo dar a su esposo Ted Eby, quien murió hace dos años, lo va a brindar con servicio a la comunidad, expresa. También, planea escribir un libro con su memorias y vivencias, y así poder ayudar a otras personas a crecer e inspirarse. Mientras tanto continuará trabajando arduamente, orgullosa por nunca haberse rendido y por seguir cada día tratando de hacer algo mejor, de crecer como empresaria y como persona.

Eby. . . I

a Successful Homestead Entrepreneur Who Serves the Community


By Andrés Ospina Photos: Ervin Palacios

Born in Venezuela, Olga, a businesswoman and entrepreneur who moved to Homestead 20 years ago, told us about her life, her business and her legacy.

t was 1998, and, at that time, Hugo Chávez was the most likely candidate to become the new president of Venezuela. Olga Eby, predicting the chaos that was coming with a socialist government in her country, took her children and emigrated to the United States, choosing Homestead as her new home. Olga’s instinct, with which she foresaw what would happen to Venezuela, is the same that has allowed her to see business opportunities and create successful businesses. Today Olga owns three pawn shops—Homestead Trading Post, Homestead Coin & Pawn and Village Pawn Shop—as well as a real estate and rental company—Ted Olga Investment—and now plans to open the largest banquet hall in Homestead. This entrepreneurial spirit is not only due to her having a degree in economics from her native Venezuela, which enabled her to acquire the knowledge to manage her business and get to know the market, but also because of her outgoing and curious personality, perhaps ambitious as well, which has allowed her to catch opportunities and to work tirelessly to achieve success. “As a child, I lived in a lot of poverty, and I saw that other people could get ahead. I realized that those who made it were those who worked, those who did not stay comfortable. The secret was to work tirelessly. That inspired me,” says Olga. That same inspiration is what inspired her to get ahead in a new country and achieve what many call “the American dream.” And Olga not only cares about her business, but she is also looking to help the Homestead community. “This city has given me the opportunity to develop my business, and the way to give back is by doing community service, by working, by providing my free time to help my city progress.”

For that reason, Olga is a member of the Board of Directors of the South Dade Chamber of Commerce and sits on the boards of Homestead YMCA, Homestead Main Street, and the Kiwanis Club of Homestead. “Just as I have time to make money, I must also have time to give back to the community,” Olga answers when asked why she is part of these organizations. Her service to the community is not only meant to give advice to these non-profit organizations that benefit hundreds of people in South Florida but also to provide employment to the community. Today, more than 20 people work in her businesses. “I love to give the people opportunities, to support them, to leave them a message of hard work and

to always give their best, because what you learn you take with you wherever you go.” In the short term, Olga plans to work on her new project, which is opening the largest banquet hall in Homestead. She plans to work tirelessly for two years, get the business running and providing revenue, and, after that, she plans to take time for herself. The time she could not give to her husband Ted Eby, who died two years ago, she will give to working with the community. Also, she plans to write a book with her memories and experiences, and thus be able to help other people to grow and be inspired. In the meantime, she will continue to work hard, to be proud of never giving up, and to improve every day to keep growing as an entrepreneur and a person.

Go! Latinos | November 2018 | 17

18 | Noviembre 2018 | Go! Latinos


Los Centros de Cuidados Urgentes de Nicklaus Children’s:


Su Mejor Aliado para Atender las Enfermedades y Lesiones Leves Durante la Temporada de Gripe

hora es más fácil resolver los problemas que surgen cuando se presenta una enfermedad o lesión ligera. Los Centros de Cuidados Urgentes en el condado Miami-Dade están ubicados en Doral, Hialeah, Homestead, Miami Lakes, Midtown, Palmetto Bay, Pinecrest, West Bird y West Kendall. Al norte de Miami, tenemos centros en Miramar y Palm Beach Gardens. Una Cadena de Centros de Cuidados Urgentes Solo Para Niños. Porque Ellos se Merecen un Lugar Dedicado a Ellos. Los niños no son pequeños adultos. Por eso los Centros de Cuidados Urgentes de Nicklaus Children’s ofrecen atención personalizada en casos de lesiones y enfermedades leves a recién nacidos, niños, adolescentes y adultos jóvenes menores de 21 años de edad. Atendidos siete días a la semana, sin necesidad de progromar una cita, por expertos en cuidado pediátrico y dirigido por pediatras certificados. También hay un laboratorio y rayos X disponibles como parte del servicio cuando se necesite. ¿Cuándo Debe Llevar al Niño a un Centro de Cuidados Urgentes? Es importante tener en cuenta que la

mitad de las condiciones por las cuales se lleva a los niños a un salón de emergencias pueden ser atendidas en un Centro de Cuidados Urgentes. Los Centros de Nicklaus Children’s ofrecen exámenes de estreptococo Grupo A por medio de ADN, y exámenes del virus respiratorio “syncytial” (RSV) y más. También ofrecemos cuidado para esguinces y torceduras, incluyendo las férulas de fractura con referido medico para el yeso, según sea necesario. A continuación, una lista de las condiciones que pueden ser atendidas en un Centro de Cuidados Urgentes: • Alergias leves • Ataques de asma leves • Quemaduras leves • Golpes, cortadas, heridas y laceraciones (incluyendo puntos) • Catarro y tos • Mordidas leves de perros y/o animales • Dolor de oído o infección • Fiebre en niños mayores de dos meses • Gripe y dolor de garganta (Detección de Estreptococo por prueba de ADN disponible) • Dolor leve de estómago • Lesiones leves en la cabeza (sin perder

el conocimiento) • Mononucleosis (también conocido como “mono”) • Lesiones musculares • Náusea • Conjuntivitis • Erupciones • Torceduras y fracturas (férula) • Infecciones en la orina • Vómitos, diarrea y deshidratación ligera ¿Sabía Usted? Hay un Centro de Cuidados Urgentes con horarios extendidos ubicado en el área principal de Nicklaus Children’s Hospital en Schenley Park cerca de Coral Gables. Está abierto hasta la medianoche, más tarde que ningún otro centro, y está ubicado en la primera planta de la combinación garaje/edificio, conocido como el “garaje azul”, en la esquina suroeste de la avenida 62 y la calle 30. Se ofrece estacionamiento gratuito en el garaje. Para recibir información más detallada, incluyendo horarios para todas las localidades, por favor visite el sitio web nicklauschildrens.org/UrgentCare o a través de aplicación Fit4KidsCare con direcciones y horarios.

ACERCA DE NICKLAUS CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Fundado en 1950 por Variety Clubs International, Nicklaus Children’s Hospital es el único hospital en el sur de la Florida licenciado con la especialidad de ser un hospital exclusivamente para niños, con casi 800 médicos y más de 475 sub-especialistas pediátricos. Para detalles, visite nicklauschildrens.org

20 | Noviembre 2018 | Go! Latinos


Nicklaus Children’s Walk-in Urgent Care Centers:


Your Partner in Managing Minor Injury and Illness During Flu Season

are for the unexpected inconvenience of minor illness or injury just got easier for parents. Walk-in pediatric Urgent Care Centers in Miami-Dade County are located in Doral, Hialeah, Homestead, Miami Lakes, Midtown, Palmetto Bay, Pinecrest, West Bird, and West Kendall. Locations north of Miami include facilities in Miramar and Palm Beach Gardens. A Network of Urgent Care Centers for Children – Because They Deserve a Place Dedicated Just for Them Because children are not small adults, Nicklaus Children’s Urgent Care Centers offer personalized care of minor injuries and illnesses for infants, children, teens and young adults under 21 years old, provided by experts in pediatric care, led by board-certified pediatric physicians seven days a week. On-site lab and X-ray as part of urgent care services is an added convenience when needed. When to Bring Your Child to an Urgent Care Center It’s important to note that half of the conditions for which children are typically brought to an Emergency Room can be treated at an Urgent Care Center. Nicklaus Children’s urgent care locations offer Group A Strep by DNA testing, flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) testing and more. Nicklaus Children’s urgent care centers also offer care for prains

and strains, including splinting for fractures with care referral for casting as needed. The following is a list of some conditions which may be treated in an urgent care setting: • Minor allergies • Minor asthma attacks • Minor burns • Bruises, cuts, wounds and lacerations (including stitches) • Colds and coughs • Minor dog/animal bites • Earaches and ear infections • Fever in children older than 2 months

• Flu and sore throat (flu, strep and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) testing available) • Mild stomach pain • Minor head injuries (without loss of consciousness) • Mononucleosis (often called “mono”) • Muscle strain injuries • Nausea • Pink eye • Rash • Sprains and fractures (splinting) • Urinary tract infections (UTI) • Vomiting, diarrhea and mild dehydration Did you know? There is an urgent care center with extended hours located on the Nicklaus Children’s Hospital main campus in Schenley Park near Coral Gables. Open later than other Nicklaus urgent care centers, this location provides care until midnight, and is located on the ground floor of the combination garage and office building, also known as the Blue Garage, on the southwest corner of southwest 62nd Avenue and 30th Street. Free parking is available in the garage. For more detailed information, including hours of operation for all locations, please always visit nicklauschildrens.org/UrgentCare or download our Fit4KidsCare app with locations and directions, it’s free!

ABOUT NICKLAUS CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Founded in 1950 by Variety Clubs International, Nicklaus Children’s Hospital is South Florida’s only licensed specialty hospital exclusively for children, with nearly 800 attending physicians and more than 475 pediatric subspecialists. For details, visit nicklauschildrens.org

Go! Latinos | November 2018 | 21


Adriana C

promesa de la actuación mexicana

Por Andrés Ospina | Fotos: www.adrianasegura.com

Adriana Segura es una de las jóvenes actrices con mejor proyección en las artes escénicas mexicanas. Paso a paso construye su nombre en el mundo del teatro, el cine y la televisión. 22 | Noviembre 2018 | Go! Latinos

uando Adriana tenía 12 años, mientras estaba en la preparatoria en su natal ciudad de México, se interesó por el teatro, “de chiquita mis papás me metieron a un curso de verano y me encantó el teatro musical, después empecé a actuar en compañías de teatro con obras como ‘Las princesas más famosas de todos los cuentos’”, dice. Desde ese momento supo que quería actuar y que esa sería su profesión. Hoy, a sus 25 años, la actuación se ha vuelto parte de su diario vivir, no solo por su afición a ella sino también porque se ha formado profesionalmente. Adriana después de terminar su preparatoria se mudó a Los Ángeles y se certificó en la carrera de actuación en The American Musical and Dramatic Academy, AMDA, una de las instituciones más prestigiosas en el mundo de las artes escénicas, y que ha formado a grandes estrellas del teatro, el cine y la televisión. Al graduarse de AMDA participó en numerosos proyectos en Los Angeles. Hizo parte de cortometrajes estudiantiles y actuó en obras de teatro en Pasadena y Azusa, entre otros. Ya de vuelta en Ciudad de México, decidió estudiar la carrera de Comunicación Social, pero sin nunca perder el foco en su formación actoral. “Decidí estudiar Comunicación porque quiero realizar mis propios contenidos, escribir guiones y poder dirigir mis propias producciones”. En México ha participado en programas de televisión como Fuera de Cuadro, del Canal de Youtube Orbe Network, así como en cortometrajes. Especialmente destaca su participación en el distinguido Proyecto 48 Horas, un proyecto cinematográfico mundial, donde los equipos participantes realizan un cortometraje - escriben, graban y editan - en sólo 48 horas. Los ganadores de cada ciudad son invitados a proyectar su corto en Filmapalooza, compitiendo por

el título internacional de Mejor Película. Y como el teatro es su pasión, y es donde se siente más cómoda y feliz al actuar, ha incursionado con numerosas obras en el teatro tradicional, especialmente en el teatro corto. “El teatro corto es una buena alternativa al teatro tradicional, ya que se realiza en una casa teatro y en cada habitación se presenta una obra distinta que dura 15 minutos y que se repite cada media hora. Así las personas pueden disfrutar de distintas obras en corto tiempo y en el mismo lugar”. Dentro de sus proyectos a corto plazo se encuentra volver a participar en el Proyecto 48 Horas de este año y repetir temporada en la obra Cupo Limitado de Tomás Urtusastegui, historia de 8 personas atrapadas en el elevador de un viejo edificio donde todos conviven, la cual fue un éxito total. “Incluso el autor de la obra fue a vernos y le encantó la forma como la adaptamos,” comenta emocionada. A largo plazo le encantaría hacer películas, pero sin nunca dejar el teatro pues para ella el teatro es su vida. Quiere llegar a un punto donde pueda vivir de la actuación o de la creación de contenidos audiovisuales. Quisiera actuar en una producción en España o volver a Los Angeles y llegar a Hollywood, pero no llegar en busca de fama como muchos actores sino gracias al reconocimiento por su trabajo. “Quiero ser una actriz diversa y no quedarme dentro de un estereotipo o un papel”, afirma. Por el momento continúa su vida en México, repartiendo su tiempo entre sus clases de Comunicación Social y sus viajes a los pueblitos mágicos de su natal México, el gimnasio y sus días de caminatas por senderos naturales. Mientras tanto continúa arduamente con sus obras de teatro y sus producciones de televisión, y así paso a paso seguir construyendo un nombre en las artes escénicas.

Segura Future Mexican Acting

Adriana Segura is one of the young actresses with the most promising forecast in Mexican performing arts. Step by step, she is building herself a name in the theater, film and television industry.


hen Adriana was 12 years old in secondary school in Mexico City, she became interested in theater. “When I was a kid, my parents sent me to a summer course where I fell in love with musical theater; then I started acting in theater companies in plays like The Most Famous Princesses of All the Stories,” she said. From that moment, she knew that she wanted to act and that it would be her profession. Today, she is 25 years old, and acting has become part of her daily life, not only because she is passionate about it but also because she has trained professionally. After finishing high school, Adriana moved to Los Angeles and got a degree in acting at The American Musical and Dramatic Academy, AMDA, one of the most prestigious institutions in the world of performing arts, which has trained some of the greatest theater, cinema and television performers. Upon graduating from AMDA, she took part in many projects in Los Angeles, including several short films for academic purposes and acted in plays in Pasa-

dena and Azusa, among others. Back in Mexico City, she decided to go back to university and get a degree in social communication; however, she didn’t lose focus on her acting career. “I decided to study communication because I want to create my own content, write my scripts and be able to direct my own productions.” In Mexico, she was part of TV shows such as Fuera de Cuadro, featured on a YouTube channel called Orbe Network, as well as in different short films. Especially, her participation in the acclaimed 48-Hour Film Project, a world-class project where teams make a short film—write, shoot and edit—in just 48 hours. Filmmakers from each winning city are invited to screen their films at Filmapalooza, entering the competition for the international best film title. Theater is her passion and where she feels most comfortable and happy. Therefore, she has been involved in numerous plays in traditional theater and especially in short theater. “Short theater is a good alternative to traditional theater since it takes place in a theater house

where each room has a different play that lasts 15 minutes and repeats every half hour. Thus, people can enjoy different works in a short period and at the same place.” Her short-term projects include being again on this year’s 48Hour Film Project and to act for another season in the play Cupo Limitado by Tomás Urtusastegui, a story of eight people trapped in the elevator of an old building where everyone lives, which was a total success. “Even the author came to see us and loved the way we had adapted it,” she said excitedly. In the long run, she would love to make films but without ever leaving theater because theater is her life. She wants to reach a point where she can live from acting or from creating audiovisual content. “I would like to perform in a production in Spain or go back to Los Angeles and get to Hollywood”; however, she would like to get there not in search of fame like many actors do but thanks to her work’s recognition. “I want to be a diverse actress and not stay locked in on a stereotype or a certain role,” she says. For the moment, she continues her life in Mexico, sharing her time between her social communication classes and her trips to Pueblitos Mágicos in her native Mexico, the gym and her days hiking nature trails. Meanwhile, she continues to work hard with her theater plays and television productions and, step by step, build herself a name in the performing arts. Go! Latinos | November 2018 | 23


El tiempo es dinero cuando se trata de


mantenimiento de autos

Invertir un poco de tiempo y esfuerzo para mantener su auto en óptimas condiciones puede ahorrarle muchos problemas y dinero en el camino.

nvertir ahora un poco de tiempo y esfuerzo para mantener su auto en óptimas condiciones, puede ahorrarle muchos problemas y dinero en el camino. Ya sea cambiando el aceite, cambiando las escobillas del limpiaparabrisas o revisando los neumáticos, encontrar el tiempo para realizar un mantenimiento preventivo simple del vehículo es dinero en el banco. Según una investigación realizada por la firma de investigación de mercado automotriz IMR Inc., uno de cada tres consumidores que postergan el mantenimiento de rutina del vehículo lo hacen porque no pueden encontrar un horario conveniente. Además, los millennials y aquellos que poseen vehículos más antiguos tienen más probabilidades de retrasar el mantenimiento de rutina. Asesoramiento de expertos "Todo tiene un principio y un final, y nuestro automóvil no es la excepción", dice Carlos Ordoñez, propietario de Ultimate Auto Repair, quien tiene más de 20 años de experiencia en el servicio automotriz. “Es muy importante tomarse el tiempo en la vida tan ajetreada que llevamos y revisar nuestros autos. El tiempo para realizar el cuidado de rutina del automó-

24 | Noviembre 2018 | Go! Latinos

vil no solo garantiza un vehículo más seguro y confiable, sino que los dueños de automóviles pueden preservar el valor de intercambio y ahorrar dinero al enfrentar pequeños problemas antes de que se conviertan en reparaciones más complicadas y costosas”. Lo que debes hacer Los procedimientos de mantenimiento más comunes para mantener un automóvil operando de manera segura y confiable mientras se mantiene su valor a largo plazo incluyen, revisar el aceite, los filtros y los fluidos, las correas y mangueras, los frenos, los neumáticos y el aire acondicionado. Una ajuste anual y la alineación de las ruedas también son buenas ideas. Dónde obtener ayuda Para que a los propietarios de automóviles les resulte más fácil recordar incluir el cuidado del automóvil en sus ocupados horarios, el Consejo de Cuidado del automóvil ofrece un calendario de servicio personalizado gratuito y un servicio de recordatorio por correo electrónico. Este recurso en línea fácil de usar se puede personalizar para ayudar a que el cuidado automático sea más conveniente y económico.

Además, la popular "Guía de cuidado del automóvil" del consejo para conductores está disponible sin cargo alguno, en formato electrónico o en copia impresa, en inglés y español. La guía cubre los principales servicios, grupos de componentes dentro del vehículo, recomendaciones de intervalos de servicio y mucho más. El consejo es la fuente de información para la campaña de educación para el consumidor "Be Car Care Aware" que promueve los beneficios del cuidado, mantenimiento y reparación regulares de los vehículos para los consumidores. Aprende más Para conocer las últimas noticias sobre el cuidado de su auto, visite el council’s online media room en http://media.carcare.org. Para solicitar una copia gratuita de la popular "Guía de cuidado del automóvil", visite el sitio web de educación del consumidor en www.carcare.org. Si necesita la ayuda de un técnico automotriz con experiencia para revisar su automóvil, visite Ultimate Auto Repair en la 28715 SW 132 Ave, Bay # 124, Homestead Fl 33033. Si tiene preguntas, llame al 305-258-5855


Time Is Money When It Comes To


Car Maintenance Investing a little time and effort now in keeping your car in top shape can save you a lot of trouble and money down the road.

nvesting a little time and effort now in keeping your car in top shape can save you a lot of trouble and money down the road. Whether changing the oil, replacing the wiper blades or checking the tires, finding the time to perform simple preventative vehicle maintenance is money in the bank. According to research conducted by automotive market research firm IMR Inc., one out of three consumers who put off routine vehicle maintenance do so because they cannot find a convenient time. In addition, millennials and those who own older vehicles are more likely to delay routine maintenance. Expert Advice “Everything has a beginning and an end, and our car is not an exception,” says Carlos Ordoñez, owner of Ultimate Auto Repair, who has more than 20 years of experience in automotive service. “It is very important to take time in our busy lives to check our cars. Making time to perform routine auto care not only ensures a safer, more dependable vehicle, but car owners can preserve the trade-in value and save money by addressing small issues before they become more complicated, expensive repairs.” What You Should Do The most common maintenance procedures to keep a car operating safely and reliably while maintaining its long-term value involve checking the oil, filters and fluids, the belts and hoses, brakes, tires and air-conditioning. An annual

tune-up and wheel alignment are also good ideas. Where To Get Help To make it easier for car owners to remember to include auto care in their busy schedules, the Car Care Council offers a free custom service schedule and e-mail reminder service. This simple-to-use online resource can be personalized to help make auto care more convenient and economical. In addition, the council’s popular “Car Care Guide” for motorists is available at no charge, electronically or by printed copy, in English and Spanish. The guide covers major services, component groups within the vehicle, service interval recommendations and much more. The council is the source of information for the “Be Car Care Aware” consumer education campaign promoting the benefits of regular vehicle care, maintenance and repair to consumers. Learn More For the latest car care news, visit the council’s online media room at http://media.carcare.org. To order a free copy of the popular “Car Care Guide,” visit the consumer education website at www.carcare.org. If you need the help of an experienced automotive technician to check your car, visit Ultimate Auto Repair located at 28715 SW 132 Ave, Bay #124, Homestead Fl 33033. For questions, call 305-258-5855.

Go! Latinos | November 2018 | 25


A tasty take on turkey just in tim


26 | Noviembre 2018 | Go! Latinos

Una sabrosa receta justo a tiempo para el

me for

giving P

erhaps no day is more synonymous with a certain dish than Thanksgiving is with turkey. As tasty as turkey can be, this flavorful fowl doesn't find its way onto many families' dinner tables unless it's Thanksgiving day. Secret family turkey recipes may reign supreme in some households, but holiday hosts with no such resources can consider this unique recipe for "Holiday Turkey" from Andrew Schloss' "Cooking Slow" (Chronicle Books). By slow cooking the turkey, cooks can ensure it's evenly cooked Holiday Turkey Makes 15 servings • 1 fresh turkey, about 15 pounds, preferably free-range • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 1 quart apple cider • 2 teaspoons dried poultry seasoning Coarse sea salt and freshly ground black pepper Remove the giblets from the turkey and discard (or save for another use). Rinse the turkey inside and out and pat dry with paper towels. Rub it all over with salt and pepper. Refrigerate, uncovered, for at least 12 hours and up to 24 hours. During that time, the surface of the turkey will become visibly dry and the skin will tighten; this encourages a nice crisp skin on the finished bird. Remove the turkey from the refrigerator 1 hour before you plan to start roasting. Preheat the oven to 450 F. Put the turkey on a rack set in a large, flameproof roasting pan. Drizzle the oil over the top. Roast for 1 hour. Reduce the oven temperature to 175 F. Pour the cider into the roasting pan and sprinkle the poultry seasoning in the liquid. Continue roasting until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of a thigh (but not touching bone) registers to 170 F. Transfer the turkey to a carving board, tent loosely with aluminum foil, and let rest for about 15 minutes (see tip). Meanwhile, skim the fat from the surface of the liquid in the pan. Put the roasting pan over two burners and bring the pan drippings to a boil over high heat. Cook until the juices reduce and thicken slightly, enough to coat a spoon, about 10 minutes. Taste for seasoning. Carve the turkey and serve with cider pan juices. Resting tip: Slow-roasted meats need far less resting time (pretty much none) than those that are traditionally roasted. The reason for resting meat that has been roasted at a high temperature is to allow juices that have collected in the cooler center time to migrate back into the dryer (hotter) exterior sections after it comes out of the oven. Because slow-roasted meats are cooked evenly and a temperature that keeps most of the juices in place, a resting period is largely unnecessary. A brief resting time does allow the meat to become a little firmer as it cools, making it easier to carve.


Día de Acción de Gracias uizás ningún día sea más sinónimo de cierto platillo en el Día de Acción de Gracias que el Pavo. A pesar de lo sabroso que puede ser el pavo, esta sabrosa ave no se abre camino en las mesas de la cena de muchas familias a menos que sea el día de Acción de Gracias. Las recetas secretas de pavo para la familia pueden prevalecer en algunos hogares, pero las festividades que no cuentan con tales recursos pueden considerar esta receta única para el “Holiday Turkey” de "Cooking Slow" (Libros de Crónicas) de Andrew Schloss. Al cocinar lentamente el pavo, los cocineros pueden asegurarse de que esté bien cocinado Pavo para Accíon de Gracias Rinde 15 porciones • 1 pavo fresco, alrededor de 15 libras, preferiblemente de rango libre • 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva • 1 cuarto de sidra de manzana • 2 cucharaditas de condimento de aves secas Sal marina gruesa y pimienta negra recién molida Retire las menudencias del pavo y deséchelas (o guárdelas para otro uso). Enjuague el pavo por dentro y por fuera y seque con toallas de papel. Frote todo con sal y pimienta. Refrigere, sin tapar, durante al menos 12 horas y hasta 24 horas. Durante ese tiempo, la superficie del pavo se secará visiblemente y la piel se tensará; esto fomenta una bonita piel crujiente del pavo una vez terminado. Retire el pavo del refrigerador 1 hora antes de comenzar a hornearlo. Precaliente el horno a 450 F. Ponga el pavo en una bandeja grande para hornear grande. Rocíe el aceite por encima. Hornéelo durante 1 hora. Reduzca la temperatura del horno a 175 F. Vierta la sidra en el molde para asar y espolvoree el condimento para aves en el líquido. Continúe horneando hasta que un termómetro de lectura instantánea insertado en la parte más gruesa de un muslo (pero sin tocar el hueso) se registre a 170 F. Transfiera el pavo a una tabla de cortar, colóquelo sin apretar con papel de aluminio y déjelo reposar durante unos 15 minutos (consulte la sugerencia). Mientras tanto, quita la grasa de la superficie del líquido en la sartén. Coloque la bandeja para asar sobre los dos quemadores y deje hervir a fuego alto a la sartén. Cocine hasta que los jugos se reduzcan y se espesen ligeramente lo suficiente como para cubrir una cuchara, aproximadamente 10 minutos. Gusto por el condimento. Trinche el pavo y sirva con jugos de sidra. Go! Latinos | November 2018 | 27


Price $5 - $12 Nov 17 and Nov 18 | 10am-5pm. Miami - Dade Fair Expo 10901 Coral Way (SW 24th St) Miami, FL 33165 The Harvest Festival has been a fall tradition for 44 years! Browse through the creations from over 250 Artists & Crafters! The art & crafts are the highlight, but this family friendly event also boasts Free Bounce Houses, Delicious Food, Classic Car Show, Live Entertainment, Model Train Village, Free Petting Zoo, Pony Rides, Free Hula Hoop Contest, Cutest Baby Contest, Free Inside Toddler Play Area, Face Painting, Free Rock Painting, Visit With Santa, Free Door Prizes & More!


Price Fundraising Regatta and Peacock Parks Coconut Groove, Fl Saturday Nov 17 | 8:00am - 2:00pm Join Nicklaus Children’s Hospital Foundation for our first-ever Super Duper Fun Day! Unite with thousands of caring individuals from your community in Coconut Grove for a fun walk and festival. Come together to support the patients and families of Nicklaus Children’s Hospital on November 17, 2018. For more information, visit nicklauschildrens.org/superduper or contact Mariela Cornell at 786.624.2934


Price $37.50 - $52.50 (Price increases after November 8, 2018 at 11:59pm EST) Sat November 10 | 7:30am Key Largo

28 | Noviembre 2018 | Go! Latinos

107900 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, FL The Key Largo Bridge Run 10K/5K Run/Walk runs over the beautiful Jewfish Creek Bridge overlooking the Key Largo Bay. Challenge your best time in Key Largo's 9th Annual Key Largo Bridge Run. Run or walk our bridge on the 18 mile stretch, "The Gate Way To The Keys"! It's an awesome course, flat and fast with one big challenging bridge, Jewfish Creek Bridge, and gorgeous views of the Florida Bay and Barnes Sound.


Price $0 - $150 Saturday, Nov 10 and Sunday | 5:00pm Doral Central Park 3000 NW 87th Ave Doral, Florida We want to highlight the restaurants and the best chefs in the city of Doral. Events like this bring families together and the community to enjoy an incredible outdoor show that includes live music, good food, wines, refreshing beers and liquors, and a playground for children.


Price $0 - $49 November 30 – January 20 5:00pm - 11:00pm Miami - Dade County Fair and Exposition 10901 SW 24 St, Miami 33165 Join us for a spectacular evening of dazzling lights, colors, shapes, and themes. The Lantern Light festival is a celebration of Chinese culture featuring massive handmade lanterns, inspiring performances, and children’s activities.


Price $15 - $28 Nov 23 Jan 6, 2019 | 6pm - 11pm Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden 10901 Old Cutler Road, Miami, FL 33156

This holiday season, a world of enchantment comes to Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden with stunning illuminations, spectacular special effects, and unbelievable surprises for the whole family. Journey inside Miami's most gorgeous garden at night and enjoy talking trees, fairies flying before your eyes, an illuminated maze, and a clever scavenger hunt.


Price Free Sunday Nov 4 | 11:00 a 4:00pm Cauley Square 22400 Old Dixie Hwy, Miami, FL 33170 Join us for a fun and exciting Sunday at Cauley Square for a display of Miami's best jeeps and trucks, Vendors, Music, food trucks and much more.


Price $15 - $40 Thu Nov 22 | 7:00am Tropical Park 7900 SW 40th St, Miami, FL 33155 Warm up your appetite with the Baptist Health Turkey Trot Miami 5K/10K presented by Publix. Your family's first course will be served on Thanksgiving morning at Tropical Park. Formerly known as the Turkey Day Run Miami, Miami's favorite Turkey Trot brings family and friends together with a light hearted 5K/10K and Kids Trot. Runners, joggers and walkers are invited to start the Thanksgiving Day in a pre-feast healthy way.


Price Free Mon Nov 12 | 12pm Downtown Homestead Krome Ave Join VFW Post 4127 as we salute America’s Veterans, Active Duty Military and their Families. The 2018 Veterans Day Parade will take place Monday, November 12th at 12PM in Downtown Homestead. To enter the parade, 305-281-9472 or email louismelara@keyes.com.


Price $10 | Nov 11 - Nov 18 | 4pm Miami Book Fair 300 NE 2ND Ave, Miami Fl 33132 The Miami Book Fair International produced by the Center for Literature and Theatre at Miami Dade College is one of the nation's finest literary gatherings. It is 8 days of book parties, readings, street fairs and the highlight "Festival of Authors", which with over 350 participating renowned names in the literary world, who knows who you will run into this year? But it's more than reading and books, lots of activities are planned also for kids including arts-and-crafts and theater events.


FREE Family Admission Every Tuesday - 7pm Homestead Baptist Hospital 975 Baptist Way, Homestead, FL 33033 Willing to work out, have fun and meet likeminded people, don’t hesitate to join this free Run Club every Tuesday Night (7 pm) at the Baptist Hospital, across from the Speech & Therapy Building.


Museum Free First Saturday Gold Coast Railroad Museum 12450 SW 152nd St, Miami, FL 33177 Every First Saturday of the Month, EXCLUDING MARCH AND DECEMBER, Gold Coast Railroad Museum opens its doors to all guests for a free day of fun, games, and lots of trains! Come take a train ride at South Florida's Finest Railroad Museum! Home to over 40 historic railcars, including the "Ferdinand Magellan" Presidential Railcar, better known as U.S. Car No. 1. Visit www.gcrm.org Go! Latinos | November 2018 | 29





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30 | Noviembre 2018 | Go! Latinos

AT&T Business Customers: Please contact your AT&T sales representative for more information or call 866.9att.b2b (866.928.8222). AT&T NEXT OR AT&T NEXT EVERY YEAR: Credit approval required. For smartphones only. Tax on sales price due at sale. Requires 0% APR monthly installment agreement and eligible service. Divides sales price into monthly installments. AT&T Next: 30-month agreement with trade-in to upgrade when 80% of sales price is paid off. AT&T Next Every Year: 24-month agreement with trade-in to upgrade when 50% of sales price is paid off. $0 down: Requires well-qualified credit. Limit as low as 2 smartphones at $0 down. Down payment: May be required and depends on a variety of factors. Down payment if required will be either 30% of sales price or a dollar amount ranging from currently $0 to $600 (amount subject to change, and may be higher). You may choose to pay more upfront. Remainder of sales price is divided into 30 or 24 monthly installments. Service: Eligible postpaid voice and data service (minimum $45 per month after AutoPay and Paperless billing discount for new customers. Pay $55 per month until discount starts within 2 bills. Existing customers can add to eligible current plans which may be less) is required and extra. If service is canceled, remaining installment agreement balance is due. Examples: $749.99 sales price on AT&T Next (30-month) with $0 down is $25 per month, with $225 down (30%) is $17.50 per month, or with $600 down is $5 per month. On AT&T Next Every Year (24-month) with $0 down is $31.25 per month, with $225 down (30%) is $21.88 per month, or with $600 down is $6.25 per month. Activation or upgrade fee: Up to $45/line. Waiver of fee subject to change. Restocking Fee: Up to $45. Limits: Purchase limit applies. Eligibility,device, line and financing limits & other restr’s apply. Upgrade with eligible trade-in: Requires payment of percentage of sales price (50% or 80%), account in good standing, trade-in of financed device (or one of the same make and model) in good physical and fully functional condition through the AT&T Next or AT&T Next Every Year trade-in program (excludes AT&T trade-in program where you receive an instant credit or AT&T promotion card), and purchase of new eligible smartphone with qualified wireless service. After upgrade, unbilled installments are waived. See att.com/next and your Retail Installment Agreement for full details. GENERAL WIRELESS SERVICE: Subject to wireless customer agreement (att.com/wca). Services are not for resale. Deposit: May be required. Limits: Purchase and line limits apply. Prices vary by location. Credit approval, fees, monthly and other charges, usage, eligibility and other restrictions per line may apply. See att.com/additional charges for more details on other charges. Pricing and terms are subject to change and may be modified or terminated at any time without notice. Coverage and service are not available everywhere. You get an off -net (roaming) usage allowance for each service. If you exceed the allowance, your services may be restricted or terminated. Other restrictions apply and may result in service termination. For info on AT&T network management policies see att.com/broadbandinfo. RTP SF T 0218 5181 D-Sa © 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. Owners of all marks retain their rights.

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