Newsletter 26 October 2011

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Waikato Montessori Education Centre

267 Newell Road, R D 3, Hamilton. Ph 07-858 3563 fax 07-858 3561 <>





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Items to update Term Dates 2011 Term 4 Oct 25 to Dec 16

 Welcome to Term 4—a short 8 week Term, but it was worth moving the holidays to

accommodate the final of the RWC now wasn’t it?  Attached are school and class photos for your enjoyment.  We offer the opportunity for you to order 2012 calendars, diaries and note cards using

Parent Evening Dates 2011


16th (Wed)

How long does it take a plastic bag to break down or a glass bottle to decompose? What about a milk carton or a Styrofoam cup?

Paper- 2.5 months; Orange Peel- 6 months; Milk Carton- 5 years; Cigarette Butt- 10-12 years; Plastic bag- 10-20 years; Disposable diaper- 75 years; Tin can- 100 years; Beer can- 200-500 years; Styrofoam- never (immortal) The New York Times (Nemve E. Metropolitan Diary, October 1, 2001):

photos of your choice. A sample is on display at the sign in desk. You may take your child’s portfolio home and select 1 to 9 photos to be printed individually or as a collage. The school photo may also be used. Prices are listed on the order form.  Term 4 is the start of our Hat rule. As the sun is typically at its’ strongest Sept-April in NZ we provide an individually named hat for each child which they are required to wear when outside. These are laundered regularly and are kept at school. We are also able to apply sunscreen if you would like to provide an individually named container of your own selected product. We prefer to keep these in the kitchen rather than left in children’s bags—we then know which children require sunscreen and teachers can supervise the safe application of the product.  Open Day Saturday November 12th from 9am. This Open House is an opportunity

for you to bring along or refer friends, family or colleagues whom you feel may be interested in finding out more about what we offer. We do encourage you to promote this as we have a limited number of places available.  Plastic wrap in lunchboxes—please try to use alternatives that are child friendly

(children have great difficulty finding the edges) and more environmentally conscious. Reusable plastic bags are a good alternative as are lidded containers. We will be returning all food wrap home in lunchboxes so that you may reuse or make the disposal choice.

Please name all clothing—we have a good supply of unclaimed clothing for you to check


Donations The classroom programme as delivered is reliant upon parental donations. We appreciate your ongoing donations which allow us to deliver a full Montessori programme. Donations for Term 3 would now be appreciated—weekly or monthly payment via direct credit is able to be setup online with most banks.

Sophia and Anna joined us during their holiday break. Max leads the group under the arch of Muriwai and Sabrina’s arms.

Outing to the Hamilton Gardens.

Donations may be made at school or by bank transfer to account; Golden Beads Charitable Trust 03-0318-0857768-000 Receipts for tax purposes are issued annually in April.

Emily works with the triangles— Equilateral, Isoceles and Scalene.

Rose and Noelani identify the Geometric Solids.

John carries the ball over the hurdles. Kaela is preparing food for afternoon tea. Morgan walks the wiggly plank.

Stefan and Victoria construct sentences and identify the parts of speech.

Holly, Kayla and Katherine complete their Grammar work in the garden.

Scholastic book club—we have distributed the latest offers from Scholastic Book Club. We do not endorse all the books on offer nor guarantee the prices are the best available, we are merely passing this on for you to review. If you do wish to order any of these books please return your order and payment to us by 4 November 2011.

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