Newsletter 4 October 2011

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Waikato Montessori Education Centre

267 Newell Road, R D 3, Hamilton. Ph 07-858 3563 fax 07-858 3561 <>





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Items to update Term Dates 2011 Term 3 Aug 1 to Oct 14 Term 4 Oct 25 to Dec 16

Parent Evening Dates 2011


14th (Wed)

This Friday, October 7, we invite everyone to join us for afternoon tea at 2.30pm. The children will have prepared a snack for you and will serve this for your enjoyment. The programme for those children attending next week will be their usual daily schedule and also include;  Each morning we will be preparing lunch together—no lunch boxes will be required. The daily food plan will be on the board at the sign in desk.  Tuesday afternoon outing to the Gardens—permission slip attached for relevant children  A range of outdoor classroom activities (weather permitting) Staff in attendance next week; Daily—Lisa Townsend, Anne Guthrie, Diane Bhana and also Monday—Shayne Frickey Tuesday—Lu Evelyn Thursday and Friday—Marina Mujiono All children will work from Mrs Frickey’s classroom during the day with lunch being served in Mrs Nikitin’s room. Please leave your child’s bag in their usual cloakbay. Any questions or queries please ask.

We would appreciate egg shells for an activity with the children. (used, empty ones please—we are going to crush them so if you could save egg shells from your baking and cooking that would be much appreciated.) There is a container at the sign in desk to collect them. Thank you

We collect all our food scraps each day in a Bokashi Bin. As the bins are filled the children bury the food waste in the garden. Toby and Cruz help to dig a trench and bury the decomposing waste.

Please name all clothing—we have a good supply of unclaimed clothing for you to check


Donations The classroom programme as delivered is reliant upon parental donations. We appreciate your ongoing donations which allow us to deliver a full Montessori programme. Donations for Term 3 would now be appreciated—weekly or monthly payment via direct credit is able to be setup online with most banks.

Katherine and Kayla have accepted candles from Jack and Oliver.

Donations may be made at school or by bank transfer to account;

Coco compresses the muesli slice mixture for baking.

Golden Beads Charitable Trust Eva is completing the Knobbed Cylinder activity blindfolded.

03-0318-0857768-000 Receipts for tax purposes are issued annually in April.

Rachael has connected a circuit to switch the fan on.

A walk to identify spring blossoms in the garden.

Kaela and Kayla weeding in the labyrinth.

William and Eva complete a puzzle.

Harper, Toby, John and Cruz identify and label the Geometric Solids

Holly andHolly Katherine Mrs Mujiono assists and label fraction circles. Katherine tothe play recorders.

Victoria pours the coloured vinegar to createshades a volcano Grading colour in the sandpit.

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