Newsletter 8 November 2011

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Waikato Montessori Education Centre

267 Newell Road, R D 3, Hamilton. Ph 07-858 3563 fax 07-858 3561 <>





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Items to update Term Dates 2011 Term 4 ends Dec 16

Already it is time to mark diaries for the end of the school year activities —this year we will host a small concert at school. We will do this instead of singing at the local church which we have done in the past. Our numbers are now too large for the small church to accommodate our children and all the family supporters. The date is

Friday 9th December— 11.15(ish) here at the Centre.

The children will present several musical items to be followed by a shared lunch. Please bring a plate of simple finger food to share on a communal table. All extended family members are very welcome. Please supervise younger siblings well when in the classroom and remember the activities on the shelf are not toys for amusement.

Parent Evening Wednesday 16th November 2011 (next week) 7pm Refreshments and portfolios available. 7.30pm presentation— 

We will present the activities and programme that is used to prepare children for Primary school.

We will then break into groups—  

parents supporting our 2012 Montessori Primary Class will meet together for further planning rotations and equipment explanations (your opportunity to explore the shelves and use the equipment). There are always activities new to the shelf so do take the time to work with these.

We encourage everyone to come along and meet other parents, become familiar with the inside of your child’s classroom, and to develop a full understanding of our Centre practice. We look forward to seeing you here— please indicate your attendance on the list at the front desk. We ask that costume jewellery not be worn or brought to school. This creates distractions in the class in a number of ways and we ask for your support to keep these items for home and personal outings. Examples of costume jewellery include stretchy plastic necklaces and bracelets, rings. These are often taken on and off, swapped with friends, taken in and out of the cloakbay and generally unnecessarily played with during the day. It can also cause competitions of grandeur between children . Eva is pouring back to the jug.

Harper has placed each Knobless Cylinder on the pattern card.

Gabriella has matched the patterns of the cups and saucers.

+ Donations The classroom programme as delivered is reliant upon parental donations. We appreciate your ongoing donations which allow us to deliver a full Montessori programme.

Please name all clothing—we have a good supply of unclaimed clothing for you to check

Donations for Term 4 would now be appreciated—weekly or monthly payment via direct credit is able to be setup online with most banks.

Stefan is preparing a scone to bake.

Donations may be made at school or by bank transfer to account; Golden Beads Charitable Trust 03-0318-0857768-000 Receipts for tax purposes are issued annually in April.

Amelia plays her ukulele .

Weighing to compare growth to the end of Term.

Diana is using a pipette to place droplets of liquid on the pad.

Avera has completed the Pink Tower blindfolded.

Meera and Noelani are identifying parts of speech in sentences. The noun is the black triangle, the verb is the red circle etc. This is Grammar work.

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