The Holy Spirit: Making a Home - Bible Class Study Guide

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Study Guide

Holy Spirit The

# 3 | M A K I N G



Taught by Martyn Lloyd

Bible Class is the teaching ministry of Salisbury Christian Church 56 Henson Rd Salisbury QLD 4107 AUSTRALIA Page 1

We Will Make Our Home With Them

Scriptures John 14:15-24; 16:6-8, 13-15; Colossians 2:9; Acts 1:4-5; 2:1-17, 38; 1 Corinthians 12:13; John 3:1-10. Fellowship with God the Trinity 1. The Promise • Jesus promised that when He was gone, He would ask the Father to send the same Helper who had been with Him, the Holy Spirit, to dwell within us forever. • Helper is translated, "Comforter" in the KJV, which is close to the Greek, "Parakletos" when properly understood. "Com-" means to draw alongside and "-forte" means to do it with strength. The Holy Spirit is therefore portrayed as a Companion of strength. 1. Christ the Example • To see the Lord was to see the Father; to know the Lord was to know the Father (John 14:9). Jesus was scrupulous about confirming this throughout His ministry. Jesus was in perfect fellowship with the Heavenly Father - a perfect reflection of His glory in all that He was and all that He did (2 Corinthians 4:6; John 1:14). • To see the Lord was to see the Holy Spirit; to know the Lord was to know the Holy Spirit (John 14:17). Jesus was fully strengthened and indwelt by the Holy Spirit in an unquenched, unmeasured and unfettered way (see previous study). • The Father worked through Christ by the companionship and agency of the Holy Spirit. 2. His Example in Us • The Trinitarian fellowship witnessed in Jesus is a demonstration of the blessing that we are granted • "Our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ" (1 John 1:3). • Wherever there is spiritual growth in the scripture, it is moving towards an ultimate reality, which is the perfect example of Christ (cf 2 Corinthians 3:17; 2 Corinthians 4:6; Romans 8:27-29). Christ is the image, mould, firstfruits of what we are being moulded into. • The Father works in His adopted children, to reproduce Christ by the companionship and agency of the Holy Spirit. • This truth is demonstrated in the Lord’s simple statement, "...we will come to Him and we shall make our home with Him." • The recreating and transforming power therefore comes from within - the indwelling of God, which we have when fellowship with God is established by the Spirit. Pentecost 1. The Fulfilment of Christ’s Promise • Jesus pointed to a time when the specific fulfilment of His promise in John 14 & 16 would take place. • Chapter 2 gives the record of the fulfilment of the promise at Pentecost. • Pentecost is a once-for-all event, which occurred in response to the Lord’s request to the Father in ascension, which is not to be repeated. This is like the other redemptive works of Christ.

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The Holy Spirit

2. Participation in the Work of Christ • The coming of the Holy Spirit made the full, personal application of the whole work and person of Christ possible. • We participate in the work of Christ when we are brought to participate in the Holy Spirit. • We are "plumbed in" to the water supply, which has been poured out since Pentecost (1 Corinthians 12:13). • The scripture therefore speaks of our participation, not only in the Spirit sent at Pentecost, but also in Christ’s life, death, resurrection (Romans 6) and ascension (Colossians 3:1-3). 3. Unwinding the Judgement of God • God’s judgement at Babel was seen in the scattering of people’s through diverse languages. • At Pentecost, the Kingdom of God is united in One: in Christ. This is declared in some small way by the preaching of the gospel in all languages (note also the Biblical description of tongues). A Heavenly Birth 1. Regeneration • The Holy Spirit’s work towards the individual in redemption begins with the act of regeneration, or divine/new/spiritual birth. • The new birth is at the core of what it means to be brought to participate in the Holy Spirit. 2. From Above • The Greek indicates that this is a birth, "from above." • This emphasises the fact that this is something which has it’s origin and source in no earthly effort or resource. • The images of birth and the wind are used to establish the sovereign nature of the new birth - they are out of our control and they are not influenced by any resource in our reach. • This is why the primary resources for the Christian life continue to be found, "above" - prayer, the word of God, the Spirit Himself etc. 3. New Testament Application • The whole New Testament is filled with imagery concerning the source of all spiritual blessings and salvation itself, that establishes the fact that it is, "from above." • Eg Colossians 3:1-3; Ephesians 1:3, 2:5-6. • What is Heavenly, in Christ, has come to me and thus raised me up to be in Christ, seated in Heavenly places. I am spiritually in Heaven. • The Christian is therefore very much aware of a dual citizenship, even a dual existence.

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We Will Make Our Home With Them

Review Questions 1. The title, "Comforter" or "Helper" is to be properly understood as...? A. Someone to give us solace. B. A companion of strength. C. One who is near us. D. None of the above. 2. As the "Divine Home-maker", the Holy Spirit...? A. Brings the Father to dwell within us, as we carry out His will. B. Brings Christ to dwell within us, as we conform to His image. C. Regenerates us from within. D. All of the above. 3. At Pentecost...? A. Jesus asked the Father to send the Holy Spirit, as a once-for-all fulfilment of His promise. B. The Holy Spirit sent the Father and the Son to dwell within Christians. C. The first of many outpourings of the Holy Spirit occurred. D. The disciples were told to wait for the Holy Spirit. 4. The spiritual birth is described by Jesus as a birth from...? A. Above. B. Within you. C. A mother. D. None of the above. 5. Which of the works of Christ does the Holy Spirit bring me to participate in? A. His life. B. His ascension. C. His temptation. D. All of the above. 6. What does Babel have to do with Pentecost? A. There was chaos at Babel and there was chaos at Pentecost. B. The judgement of God at Babel was annulled for the purpose of the Kingdom of God. C. Babel has nothing to do with Pentecost. D. The disciples preached the gospel in all the languages created at Babel. 7. Jesus was scrupulous about...? A. Not mentioning the Holy Spirit. B. Granting the Holy Spirit to others during His ministry. C. Ascribing all of His works back to the Father. D. None of the above.

Answers | 1B | 2D | 3A | 4A | 5D | 6B | 7C

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