“Natural Awakenings” Magazine, July 2012 issue

Page 1








Trips to Peru and China

October & November 2012

Simple, Clear Mind Beautiful, Clear Life

The Power of Place Healthy Escapes

Unplugged Getaways Rebalance Our Lives


July 2012


www.GoNaturalAwakenings.com July 2012



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Natural Awakenings is your guide to nutrition, fitness, personal growth, sustainable and “green” living, organic food, Buy Local, the Slow Food and Slow Money movements, creative expression, wholistic health care, and products and services that support a healthy lifestyle for people of all ages. Publisher Carolyn Rose Blakeslee, Ocala Managing Editor Clark Dougherty Editors Sharon Bruckman S. Alison Chabonais Linda Sechrist Design + Production Stephen Gray-Blancett Carolyn Rose Blakeslee Jessi Miller, www.LittleBlackMask.com Contact Us 352-629-4000 Fax 352-351-5474 GoNaturalAwakenings@gmail.com P.O. Box 1140, Anthony, FL 32617 www.GoNaturalAwakenings.com Subscriptions Mailed subscriptions are available for $36/ year. Digital is free. Pick up the printed version at your local health food stores, area Publix and Sweetbay stores, and other locations—that’s free, too.

~ Features ~ 12

Inspiration: Live Your Dash


Yin & Tonic: Miss Scarlett, Belle Watling, and Me


Giving Yourself the Gift of Simplicity and Clarity


Conscious Eating

by Judith Fertig

by Linda Ellis

by Melody Murphy

by Nuris Lemire, MS, OTR/L, NC

7 Power Foods: Boost Energy, Lose Weight


Simple Summer Pleasures

by Claire O’Neil

Sweet, Easy, Perfect


The Truth about GMOs

by Melinda Hemmelgam

Plant Pathologist Don Huber Reveals the Risks


The Untold Truths of Heart Disease

by Michael J. Badanek, DC, BS, CNS, DACBN


How to Orchestrate Your Health

Natural Awakenings Gainesville/Ocala/The Villages is published every month in full color. 20,000 copies are distributed to health food stores, public libraries, Publix and Sweetbay stores, medical offices, restaurants and cafes, and other locations throughout North Central Florida.


The Power of Place


Healthy Escapes

Natural Awakenings cannot be responsible for the products or services herein. To determine whether a particular product or service is appropriate for you, consult your family physician or licensed wholistic practitioner.

by Judith Fertig


“Southern-Style” Szechuan Green Beans


At Home with Working at Home

by Kylie Devi

Copyright ©2012 Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved.


by Paula Koger, RN, MA, DOM by Linda Sechrist

Unplugged Getaways Rebalance Our Lives

by Clark Dougherty

Interview with Marie Glasheen, Co-Founder, Satvatove Institute

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~ Departments ~ NewsBriefs 6 HealthBriefs 8 10, 13 EcoBriefs CommunityResource Guide 32 CalendarofEvents 34 Coupons/Special Offers 39

Advertising & Submissions ADVERTISING n To advertise with us or request a media kit, please call 352-629-4000 or email GoNaturalAwakenings@gmail.com. n Design services are available, FREE (limited time offer). n Advertisers are included online FREE and receive other significant benefits including FREE “Calendar of Events” listings (normally $15 each). n For information on our new Coupons/Special Offers page: Visit www.Shop.NaturalAwakeningsNCFL.com. EDITORIAL AND CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS n For article submission guidelines, please visit www.GoNaturalAwakenings.com/services.htm. n Calendar: visit www.GoNaturalAwakenings.com /news.htm. n Email all items to GoNaturalAwakenings@gmail.com. MATERIALS DUE n Deadline for all materials is the 15th of the month (i.e. July 15th for the August issue).


Read us online! n Free, easy, instant access n The same magazine as the print version with enhancements n Ads and story links are hot-linked





he article on p.19 is about simple summer pleasures. All the Natural Awakenings publishers (did you know there are nearly 100 of us now?) around the country were invited to share their childhood summer memories with you. In typical A.D.D. fashion, I didn’t meet the deadline to be included in the article, so I’ll reminisce a little here. I was born in 1957, so I’ve enjoyed many summers. My growing-up years were spent in Warrenton, Virginia, from when I was six years old until I went to college. I’ve always been a night-owl. After my four younger siblings went to bed, I would watch “The Tonight Show” (Johnny Carson), then sometimes the late show, then stay up until 3 or 4 in the morning, drawing and painting on the screened porch, accompanied by the nocturnal sounds of the crickets, cicadas, and woods surrounding our house. I would get up at noon and proceed to read my book-ofthe-day from the library. Nancy Drew and other books were devoured in sets, as well as Dick Francis novels among others. Our family had lots of music—my mother and I both played piano, and she and I often played Baroque music together, with me on the alto recorder and she on the harpsichord that Dad had built for her. Often, Mom took us to the community pool for the afternoon, where I sold hand-woven pot-holders for a quarter to anyone who was kind enough to respond, and promptly bought frozen Zero bars and Orange Crush soda from the concession stand. The other kids and I competed in cannonball competitions and “Jump/Dive” challenges. After dinner and nightfall, we would go out and catch lightning bugs—unless, of course, real lightning was flashing on the horizon. We had slow and contented lightning bugs, and later in the ‘60s the “racers” started showing up as well. The big, noisy June beetles always delivered a jolt when they crashed and buzzed into the screen door for the first time each season. I often rode my horse. We’d snag the family dog, and the three of us went off to roam for a few hours. That horse saved my life at least twice, but that’s the subject of another Letter. I fondly remember the summer sounds, scents, and sights. We respectfully watched the awesome lighting during the daily (or nightly) storms. When I slept, the metal fan kept me cool. When it rained, the rain fell on the tin roof outside my windows—and yes, it both sounded and smelled glorious. In high school, I noticed that the trees’ leaves turned upside-down before a storm, and only the rain-bird sang during this temporarily quiet time. I don’t know what the rain-bird is, but it has the most beautiful song on earth. Happy summer. Please be simple and clear, enjoy your memories, build new ones, grow like the corn, and love unconditionally.

Carolyn July 2012



your heart.” Likewise, visitors to Peru’s many historic sites, such as Machu Picchu and the Inca ruins surrounding Lake Titicaca, speak of remarkable vistas and extraordinary memories.

Natural Awakenings Sponsoring Trips to Peru and China Awakening Journeys debuts travel adventures of self-discovery


raveling to new destinations and learning about different cultures ignites the imagination and engages the senses in exotic ways. And, besides bringing a fresh understanding of our place in the world and our connection with others, new experiences literally build new brain pathways, thus creating new connections with our own spirit. With the recent creation of Awakening Journeys, friends and readers of Natural Awakenings can enjoy several opportunities for selfdiscovery and adventure, beginning in fall 2012. Ten-day excursions to Peru and China will be the first destinations available. The tour of Peru is tentatively scheduled to include visits to Machu Picchu/Sacred Valley, “The Lost City of the Incas,” one of the world’s archaeological treasures; Nazca, the


site of the spectacular Nazca lines— gigantic drawings, lines, and figures engraved in the desert; Lake Titicaca, the largest lake in South America; Arequipa, the second-deepest canyon in the world; and other locations. The tour will start and end in Lima, Peru’s capital city. The China trip is tentatively scheduled to include visits to the Forbidden City, The Great Wall of China, the Beijing Opera, Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace, Reed Flute Cave, Shanghai Museum, the giant panda zoo, and a cruise on the Shanghai River. Travelers with Awakening Journeys will find themselves immersed in the varied cultures and traditions of each destination country. These one-of-akind trips are intended to inspire and enrich participants through purposeful travel, camaraderie and diverse activities. Sheryl Miller, a traveler from St. Petersburg, Florida, who recently toured China, says, “This is a fabulous journey— an unforgettable, oncein-a-lifetime experience. China will fill up your senses and expand

Local group rates are available, and local nonprofit organizations can participate and use the trip as a fundraiser. For groups and local fundraisers contact Carolyn for details at GoNaturalAwakenings@gmail.com, 352-629-4000. For more information and trip itineraries, or to register for an Awakening Journey, visit AwakeningJourneys.net (“net,” not “com”). See ad, inside front cover.

Silva UltraMind ESP Workshop

Tap into the subconscious mind


ilva Ultra Mind was the last course Jose Silva Sr. created. His great gift was teaching people to use more and more of their brain’s capacity. The Silva Method has helped millions of people access their native intuition and psychic ability by using their minds in an entirely new way at the alpha brainwave level. The Ultramind ESP System teaches a series of specific self-management techniques that help eliminate impediments to success. Participants learn to tap into intuitive functioning at any time to rapidly solve problems and answer questions, and discover new ways to achieve alpha and theta brainwave frequencies during waking consciousness. Russell Monsurate, a Silva Master of Ultramind ESP techniques from Vancouver, B.C. will lead this profound workshop. For more information or to register, email info@amrityoga.org, call 352-685-3001 or visit www.amrityoga. org.

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HealthBriefs Wondrous Watermelon


n a hot summer day, a cool, juicy slice of watermelon offers enticing refreshment. The treat offers surprising health benefits, too—it may help keep weight off and arteries clear, according to a recent study involving mice with high cholesterol by University of Kentucky researchers. One group sipped watermelon juice; the control group, water. After eight weeks, the mice that imbibed the juice had a lower body weight due to a decrease in fat mass; lean muscle mass was unaffected. These same mice also experienced reduced atherosclerotic lesions—associated with hardening of the arteries—and lower concentrations of cholesterol in their blood. “This pilot study has found … interesting health benefits in the mouse model of atherosclerosis,” says lead investigator Dr. Sibu Saha, a cardiothoracic surgeon. “Our ultimate goal is to identify bioactive compounds that would improve human health.”

To Stay Sharp, Keep Moving


erobic exercise not only gets the heart pumping, it is also good for brain health. According to a study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, aerobic workouts can reduce the risk of dementia and slow its progression if it starts, because they deliver oxygen to the brain and generate nutritional factors that improve brain functioning. Exercise also facilitates neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life.

Eat Fiber for Health and Longevity


ow consumers have another convincing reason to add more fiber to their diet. According to a National Cancer Institute study at the National Institutes of Health, which followed patients over a nine-year period, scientists associated the intake of fiber (about 30 grams per day) with a reduced risk of death from any cause, including cardiovascular, infectious and respiratory diseases. Source: Archives of Internal Medicine

Cancer Prevention in a Spice


his year, an estimated 52,610 people (38,380 men and 14,230 women) will develop cancer in the head and neck, leading to an estimated 11,500 deaths (or just under 22 percent), according to statistics adapted from the American Cancer Society’s publication, Cancer Facts & Figures 2012. New hope may lie in an ancient spice. A pilot study conducted at the University of California-Los Angeles Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center has shown that eating curcumin, the main component in the spice turmeric, works to suppress a cell-signaling pathway that spurs the growth of malignancies in the head and neck. Further, curcumin reduces proinflammatory cytokines (naturally occurring regulatory proteins) within saliva. Turmeric is widely used in South Asian and Middle Eastern cooking (curry, for example), and has long been valued for its anti-inflammatory properties. In India, women have used it for centuries as an anti-aging agent rubbed into the skin, as a poultice to promote wound healing and as a treatment for menstrual cramps.


The Lowdown on Low Iron


ow levels of iron in the blood not only cause fatigue, but also may be linked to more serious health risks, including dangerous blood clots. Iron deficiency is widespread, and thought to affect at least 1 billion people worldwide, mostly women. Alleviating such deficiencies is a preventive measure. Source: Imperial College, London

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Why Corn Syrup is Worse than Sugar


hy is it important to choose natural sugars instead of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)? Dr. Vanessa Bundy, a pediatric resident at the Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Health Sciences University, remarks, “Fructose is metabolized differently than other sugars and has some byproducts [that are] believed to be bad for us.” Children and adolescents who consume many foods containing pure fructose, such as sodas and energy drinks, kids’ cereals and sugary snacks, are at special risk. The researchers’ analysis of 559 adolescents, ages 14 to 18, correlated high-fructose diets with higher blood pressure, higher fasting glucose levels, insulin resistance and inflammatory factors that contribute to heart and vascular disease. Heavy consumers of the mega-sweetener also tended to have lower levels of cardiovascular protectors such as HDL (good) cholesterol and adiponectin, a protein hormone that regulates the body’s metabolism of lipids (fats and oils) and glucose (a simple sugar and universal source of energy). Bundy explains, “The overall amount of fructose that is in HFCS is not much different than the amount in table sugar, but it’s believed there’s something in the syrup processing that plays a role in [producing] the bad byproducts of metabolism.”

Rice Syrup Alert


onsider reading labels and avoiding or restricting foods sweetened with rice syrup, at least for now. A recent study by researchers at Dartmouth College, in New Hampshire, found levels of arsenic in foods containing rice syrup that exceeded U.S. standards for bottled water. The sampling of products included cereal bars, energy shots (drinks) and baby formulas sweetened with organic brown rice syrup. Arsenic is toxic and potentially carcinogenic, and the researchers are pushing for regulatory limits in food, like those that protect drinking water.

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For more information on rebounding and the ReboundAIR line of mini-trampolines, go to www.SanctifiCare.com. www.GoNaturalAwakenings.com

July 2012


EcoBriefs Perfect Pools

Practical Options for Chlorine-Free Swimming


wimming in an ocean, river or lake dramatically differs from manmade pools in obvious ways, but also in the typical, chlorine-laced environment of most pools, major emphasis is placed on killing germs quickly and cheaply; possible side effects to skin, hair and lungs from exposure to a toxic chemical are assumed. Nevertheless, safe and refreshing options are available. Saltwater pools use sodium chloride in a naturally occurring cycle to keep it clean. Chlorine is present as a byproduct, but much less so than in a conventionally chlorinated pool. An ionizer not only keeps water sanitized, it makes the water feel silky smooth to the touch, using copper and sometimes silver ions to maintain cleanliness. No salt and little or no chlorine are used. An oxidation system is a chemical-free way to keep pools disinfected using ultraviolet light or electricity; it requires a generator. Production of ultrasonic waves pulsed through the water are the key to sonic cleaning; such a device destroys algae at a cellular level. Creating a totally natural ecosystem pool employs plants to form a breathable bottom more akin to a lake. MotherEarthNews.com (which offers building instructions) notes, “It can be constructed for as little as $2,000 if you do it yourself, while conventional pools can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Natural swimming pools require no harmful chemicals, are fairly low-tech and once established, call for only a modicum of management. You won’t have to drain the pool each autumn. Except for topping it off now and then, you’ll fill the pool only once.” Source: Care2.com/greenliving

Bug Muscle Biomimicry Presents a Solution for Drought Australian Edward Linacre has designed a beetle-inspired device called Airdrop that is capable of extracting water from even the driest desert air. His invention recently won the prestigious global James Dyson award. “Biomimicry is a powerful weapon in an engineer’s armory,” comments Dyson. Linacre, a graduate of Swinburne University of Technology, in Melbourne, wanted to solve the drought problem afflicting parts of his country. The lack of rain has brought dry, damaged soil, dead crops, and mounting debt for farmers. Rather than using complex, energy-intensive methods such as desalination, Airdrop’s source of water, the air, can be used anywhere in the world. The device delivers water to the roots of crops in dry areas by pushing air through a network of underground pipes and cooling it to the degree at which moisture condenses; then the water is pumped to the roots. Linacre was inspired by the Namib beetle, which survives in areas that receive just half an inch of rain per year by consuming the dew it collects on the hydrophilic skin of its back. Find more info at Tinyurl.com/6ts34y5.


Tiny Baubles Plastic Pollution Flows from Washday to the Sea


study published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology warns that microscopic plastic debris from washing clothes made of synthetic materials such as polyester, acrylic, and nylon is accumulating in the marine environment and could be entering the food chain. Concentrations were greatest near coastal urban areas. Up to 1,900 tiny fibers per garment were released with each wash during the study. Earlier research has shown that plastic particles smaller than one millimeter comprise 80 percent of environmental plastic and are being eaten by animals and getting into the food chain. Mark Browne, Ph.D., an ecologist based at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a member of the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, advises, “Once the plastics had been eaten, they transferred from the animals’ stomachs to their circulation system and actually accumulated in their cells.” The team took samples from 18 beaches around the globe, including sites in Australia, Britain, India, Japan, Oman, the Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa and the United States. They found no sample that did not contain pieces of the microplastic. Source: BBC

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The Frugal Wine Snob

The blog about wines that taste like a million bucks, but cost less than $20.


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July 2012


See What Planting A Seed Can Accomplish

Start with your ad in Natural Awakenings magazine and watch your business grow. Natural Awakenings is published monthly in full color and distributed throughout north central Florida, enabling you to reach your target audience. Together we will create the ideal package for your marketing needs. Design is included.


LIVE YOUR DASH by Linda Ellis

Your Healthy Lifestyle Multimedia Resource in Print, Online and Mobile

FOR RESULTS Call 352-629-4000

“Like” our Natural Awakenings Facebook page for breaking news about health, the earth, and upcoming events. HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET feel good live simply laugh more

Live Simply



ave you ever walked through a cemetery or read an obituary and pondered that small, seemingly insignificant dash between the day someone was born and the date he or she departed? This oftenoverlooked little line ultimately represents every breath and step we take in life. Until an epiphany awakens us to the brevity of this dash with which we have been blessed, true appreciation of our life cannot begin. So think about this long and hard; are there things you’d like to change? For you never know how much time is left that can still be rearranged.

& Enjoy

Relax and Refresh


YOGA 3 Easy Poses

BREATHE INTO BEING The Ins & Outs of Better Health

Keywords: Natural Awakenings Gainesville, Ocala, The Villages Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.


When, as newborns, we take that first independent, deliberate breath, we sign an invisible contract with life that we will do everything we can to preserve, cherish and live it. By seizing and inhabiting our moments and living our dash, instead of simply existing, we are abiding by that first unspoken oath. Because success should not be measured in what you will buy, or own, but in the pride you feel

in the person you’re with … when you are all alone. When we spend our time focused on problems, we subconsciously disregard all that is not a problem. In mulling over yesterday and worrying about tomorrow, we fail to recognize the presence of today. When we postpone living until everything is running smoothly, we forfeit the minutes of our now. Instead of focusing on the next achievement or acquisition, we need to practice focusing on all the blessings around us—our loved ones and the sheer pleasure found in simply being. The poet in me writes: So live in your now; be conscious, sincere. Let your mind allow you to be in your here! For it matters not, how much we own, the cars… the house… the cash. What matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash. Linda Ellis’ global touchstone poem, The Dash, was followed by the Live Your Dash poem, and her new book, Live Your Dash. Join the conversation at Facebook.com/LindaEllisAuthor and Twitter.com/LiveYourDash.

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July 13-15, 2012

Amrit Method Reiki I & II

August 9-12, 2012

July 20-22, 2012

Yoga Therapy I: The Marriage of Yoga and Body Psychology with Kamini

July 27-28, 2012

August 16-19, 2012

Shinpiden Reiki Master Silva UltraMind ESP Workshop

August 4, 2012

Advanced Yoga Therapy

August 24-26, 2012 Welcome Weekend

Yogi Amrit Desai is a world renowned yoga master. He is the founder of Kripalu Yoga and the Amrit Method of Yoga and Yoga Nidra.

Energy Renewal

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Location: Amrit Yoga Institute Salt Springs, FL Registration and information: www.AmritYoga.org Phone: 352-685-3001



hile bee colonies die off around the world, pesticide chemical companies continue to protect their businesses by lobbying against bans on neonicotinoids, a group of nicotinebased toxins designed to paralyze insects by attacking their nervous systems. And that, critics claim, includes honeybees. Mounting authoritative research undermines the pesticide industry’s long-repeated arguments that bees are not being harmed, and increases pressure on U.S. and U.K. authorities to follow other countries in banning the suspect chemicals, blamed for the “colony collapse disorder” that has been decimating bee populations. The current double-whammy for honeybees is an Asian mite, the varroa, which feeds on honeybee young and adults and spreads viruses. To fight the pest, commercial beekeepers have turned to heavy feeding and medication to try to keep hives alive. Now, scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s honeybee lab, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who have studied for the last decade why some hives had low mite levels, have determined that the bees in those colonies were able to detect mites hiding in sealed cells and feeding on developing young. The researchers’ goal is to breed a queen that will pass on to her colony the traits of resistance to pests and disease, gentleness, productivity and winter hardiness, thus creating a superbee. The project is ongoing.

Bees/Superbees Update

Upcoming Programs at the Amrit Yoga Institute

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July 2012


in & Tonic by Melody Murphy

Miss Scarlett, Belle Watling, and Me


recently did something ridiculous: I bought, without trying it on, a dress that I knew perfectly well is too small for me. I’ve often said people lose their minds when they fall in love. I know I did. I saw that dress and fell head over heels into crazy for it. The dress is a rich cranberry red velvet. It is just my style and would have looked wonderful on me about seven years and an undisclosed number of pounds ago. When I saw it on the clearance rack at Macy’s, I gasped audibly. It was 75% off. It was $16. It was the wrong size. And yet: Sixteen dollars. For the perfect red velvet dress. There was only one, and it was tucked away at the end of the rack. Waiting for me. I knew, without trying it on, that it would suit me perfectly. I also knew perfectly well that it was too small. Nevertheless: I wanted that dress. I have a passion for all things red. While it is hard for me to claim a single favorite hue, I will allow that red is, as they say in Steel Magnolias, my “signature color.” My car, phone, kitchen appliances, and much of my home decor are red. I am a staunch advocate of red lipstick and red shoes (they just make you feel better), and I wear red frequently. I once ran into a friend in Publix; her little girl, who was then five, looked me up and down and asked, rather severely, “Why aren’t you


wearing red?” Laundry day, Gracie. I would go about daily clothed in red velvet if I could. It is possible that I was a whorehouse madam in a past life. Or, which is far more likely, I was strongly influenced by repeat viewings, beginning at age four, of Gone With the Wind. As a child I once told my Sundayschool teacher, a kind and goodnatured auburn-haired lady, that she reminded me of Belle Watling. I wondered why she laughed so heartily; I meant it sincerely as the greatest compliment. That was the day I found out that Belle Watling was not just a nice lady given to wearing red velvet dresses and a little more rouge than any other woman in Atlanta, which is the delusion I had labored under for years. Perhaps influenced by my lifelong fondness for Belle Watling, I have always wanted a red velvet dress. I remember vividly a gorgeous one I saw in Maas Brothers when I was 14. It was too expensive, it was too old for me, and I had not one reason in the world for even trying it on, but I had to. It actually looked wonderful, but of course I couldn’t buy it. Twenty-ahem years later, and I can still see that dress in my mind. It was beautiful. It was perfect. It was The Dress That Got Away. Coincidentally, that was also the winter my great-grandmother

bestowed upon me for Christmas my own hardback edition of Gone With the Wind. I guess she thought I was old enough to absorb more of Scarlett’s tawdry exploits in greater depth. She wrote on the flyleaf, “Always be a good little girl,” which I have always regarded as her admonition to me against the wily ways of Miss Scarlett. Speaking of wily ways, I make a fierce red velvet cake with the best cream cheese frosting you ever tasted, adapted from Fannie Flagg’s Whistle Stop Cafe cookbook. Word of advice: If you ever need a recipe, a lady from Alabama who wrote a book about fried green tomatoes is always a good place to start. Red velvet cake and fried green tomatoes, however, are not a good place to start if you are trying to whittle your way down into a toosmall red velvet dress. Not even if you reassure yourself that velvet is out of season right now and you’ve got until winter to struggle into it. Did I buy that dress? Reader, I did. I bought that dress and took it home and hung it up prominently as tangible motivation for what I want to do anyway. As a further sign that it was Meant To Be, when I went to purchase the dress it rang up at even further discount and I got it for $11. Eleven dollars. For a red velvet dress that sings my name. Somewhere in fiction’s heaven, Belle and Scarlett, united at last in a common cause, are smiling down on me. And as God is my witness, I will wear that dress. Which probably means that, unlike Scarlett, I will indeed be hungry again—and again. If the red velvet dress is to be attained, the red velvet cake is not to be. But that is a small price to pay for finally getting into a fabulous red velvet dress you’ve wanted your whole life. It will take some time, but after all: Tomorrow is another day. Melody Murphy can be reached at yinandtonic12@yahoo.com.

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July 2012


Giving Yourself the Gift of Simplicity and Clarity by Nuris Lemire, MS, OTR/L, NC


he gift of manifesting simplicity and clarity begins by decluttering the mind. This starts with letting go of any negative thoughts, and embracing a clear, flowing way of thinking. As Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “Change your thoughts, change your life.” Many tools are available to us to achieve a clear mind, including mindful meditation, Qigong, and breathing techniques. Find a technique that resonates with you and practice it— the investment of time will pay off with both expected and unexpected good rewards. Often, people have been so indoctrinated by the culture of more/bigger is better that they are not even aware of how cluttered their lives are because they so rarely experience anything else. Instead, they end up filling their lives with unnecessary trinkets and baubles they rarely use or even look at. By decluttering your stuff, you’ll re-start the flow of energy that has been stuck in your stuff. Once you introduce simplicity into your life, you will realize what you were missing, and you’ll never want to go back. The same intention for simplicity carries into the different areas of your life. Simplify the flow of information you take in. Declutter your Internet, turn down the white noise, and really ask yourself if everything you’re flooding your brain with are things


you’re genuinely concerned with knowing or interested in learning. If the answer is no, then you have a case of information overload. The good news is, by simplifying your intake of information and surfing in moderation, you can quickly cure yourself of it, while experiencing the

clarity that follows. Another area in which it’s essential to simplify your life is in finances. Begin by eliminating frivolous purchases that aren’t really essential. Take care of the important things first; pay all your bills and savings with the money you have coming in. Reflect on whether you’re spending your money on things just to distract you from what’s really important. This concept is the epitome of simplicity. This doesn’t mean taking a vow of poverty; perhaps it’s more accurate to call it a vow of quality, or a vow of mindfulness and meaning. Nutritionally, simplify what you eat. Simplicity doesn’t mean to eat only bland foods—quite the opposite, really. A healthy diet does consist of a

large variety of many different kinds of foods. Moderation is really the better term here. The rules are simple: don’t starve yourself and don’t gorge yourself. Eat natural, real, simple foods. The same applies for alcohol. If you eat too much, you’ll get sick; likewise, if you drink too much, you’ll get sick. Moderation, moderation, moderation! Everything in moderation except for moderation itself. When you do this, you’ll be able to break yourself of the common addiction people have to food while still enjoying all the wonderful flavors and health benefits derived from it. The path to clarity and simplicity is the path to what feels good. Clear, contented thoughts and emotions; a clean, pleasing living space with the free flow of air and energy; a healthy, nourished body with the free flow of energy; and healthy finances with the freely flowing power to serve you and others—this is the stuff The Good Life is really made of. Image: The Tree of Life, oils, Gustav Klimt, 1909. Recommended resource: www.americantaoist.com If you are ready to simplify, be free of unnecessary “stuff” around you, and would like some assistance with lifestyle changes, contact Lemire Clinic, 352-291-9459, www LemireClinic. com. We see the whole person: Mind, Body and Spirit.

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July 2012



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by Judith Fertig


o say that Brendan Brazier, a former professional triathlete from Vancouver, Canada, has energy to spare is an understatement. Brazier has turned his vegan Ironman success into a triptych of bestselling books: Thrive, Thrive Fitness and his new cookbook, Thrive Foods: 200 Plant-Based Recipes for Peak Health. He has created the Vega line of whole food products and become an activist for improving the health of people and the planet through food choices. “I discovered that with the perfect combination of the right foods, it was possible to achieve incredible levels of fitness that went far beyond what I could have achieved on a regular diet,” he explains. “The perfect combination for me is a whole food, Brendan Brazier

Earth-friendly plant-based diet. But even small changes—like adding these seven clean, quality super foods to a person’s daily diet—can help decrease body fat, diminish visible signs of aging, boost energy without caffeine or sugar, enhance mood and improve sleep quality.”

Brazier’s Seven Super Foods Maca. This root vegetable from South America increases energy by nutrition, not stimulation, advises Brazier, who recommends the gelatinized form for best results and often adds it to a drink after a workout. Hemp protein. Rich in omega-3 and omega-4 essential fatty acids, hemp protein powder makes a great base for a smoothie. Fresh ginger and ground, dried turmeric. These spices help the blood circulate more efficiently, and thus boost energy. Brazier adds them to drinks or smoothies. Chia. Small, white chia seeds help sustain energy and maintain a feeling of fullness. He enjoys them in a blueberry chia breakfast pudding. Fresh leafy greens. Brazier believes the consumption of chlorophyll-rich, leafy green vegetables, combined with moderate exercise, is the best way to create a biologically younger body. Chlorella. This freshwater green algae, taken as a dietary supplement, is best known as a powerful energy enhancer and brain booster. Green tea. Rich in chlorophyll and antioxidants, green tea causes a slow, steady release of energy over the course of several hours. “Each new year brings fresh resolve to launch healthier habits that lead to fitter bodies, better sleep, increased performance and happier lives,” says Brazier. “Diet is one of the things we have the power to change right now in order to begin to thrive.” Judith Fertig celebrates healthy cooking at AlfrescoFoodAnd Lifestyle.blogspot.com.

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Sweet, Easy, Perfect by Claire O’Neil

Summer ever beckons with the freedom of possibilities that long sunny days foster. It’s a perfect time to cultivate the art of treating ourselves to simple pleasures.


uthor Neil Pasricha observes, “I like to stop and remember sometimes that we’ll never be as young as we are right now. We only get 100 years or so to enjoy interior design, books, buffets, radio waves, clean sheets, good movies, bakery air, rain hair, bubble wrap and illegal naps.” The Toronto-based creator of the international bestseller, The Book of Awesome: Snow Days, Bakery Air, Finding Money in Your Pocket, and Other Simple, Brilliant Things, is on such a roll that he keeps adding to the list at 1000AwesomeThings.com. All it takes to travel this pleasurable path is a little attitude adjustment and awareness, agrees Victoria Moran, author of Creating a Charmed Life. She


suggests we continually ask, “What simple thing can I do today that will make it an amazing day?” What follows is not exactly a bucket list, but more like a summer “sand pail”, sparked by Natural Awakenings publishers and contributors around the country. Taking cues from summers past and present, they are happy to offer a springboard to enjoyment.

Acting Like a Kid Again

Just the thought of summer days to come brings back memories of free time, family vacations, and outdoor fun. Whether we go swimming, sip real lemonade on the porch, or catch and release fireflies with our kids or grandkids, we love renewing that “in

the moment” feeling for ourselves. “I love hanging out with 3-yearolds,” says Pasricha, “because they’re still seeing the world for the first time. Every moment is right now.” If you’re having trouble reaching your inner child, “Think of how you were when you were 10 years old,” suggests Joy Behar, comedian and cohost of The View. “What did you like to do then?” Sometimes revisiting a childhood pleasure or two can provide the missing link to fresh summer fun. Here are some likely candidates. Retro sweets. “Every time I heard the tinkling bell of the ice cream truck, I would run out on bare feet for a treat, stubbing my big toe more times than I want to remember,” recalls Las Vegas Natural Awakenings publisher Mary Ruetten of childhood summers in Southern California. Today, fresh fruit does the trick for her. A dip in the ol’ swimming hole. Reid Boyer, who publishes in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley, observes, “Anyone who has experienced high summer heat knows the relief of a good, cool swimming hole. I still remember when my 4-year-old son and I packed up the pickup truck, drove to the community beach at the local lake, and set up our picnic lunch, beach chairs and toys. We must have jumped off the end of that pier 100 times each, doing silly jumps and egging each other on to top the last pratfall. We laughed until our bellies hurt.” Bike riding and kite flying. “My all-time favorite summertime treat is bike riding,” says Tina Woods, New York City publisher. “Being free and blowing in the wind is sheer exuberance. Flying a kite feels like that too, and anytime I pass a kite off to someone else a huge smile breaks out across their face. It’s beautiful to see!” Horseback riding. Amy Hass, publisher in West Michigan, notes, “My fondest summer pastime as a girl was spending every daylight hour with my horse. I would get to the barn early in the morning when there was still dew on the ground and spend all day cleaning up the stalls and barn, grooming my horse and then taking her out on country trails or maybe

July 2012


along the train tracks, or else practicing in the ring for our next show. She loved cooling off by going for a swim in Lake Michigan.” Superheroics. Natural Awakenings contributor Bill Van Arsdale, of Naples, Florida, recalls a favorite summer adventure on Cape Cod. “We would tie long beach towels around our necks that reached our ankles, rear back and run as fast as we could through the scrub grass and moss to the edge, where the hard surface broke off into a plunging dune that met the Atlantic shore. For a brief moment, yelling ‘Superman,’ capes flapping, arms and legs flailing, we all became our hero, before landing in a delightful steep skid of clay, pebbles and coarse glacial sand.”

Indulging the Senses

The sights, sounds, smells, tastes and textures of summer are easy to discover and recreate. They can be as simple as making the most of… Tai chi at dawn. For Atlanta publisher Larissa Stewart, taking her Tai chi or yoga practice outside—by a lake or stream—is a great way to start her day. “In the early morning, there is often a cool mist rising from the earth that feels so delicate on your skin and refreshing to breathe. Everything is at peace around you accompanied by the quiet twitter of birds as they awaken with the morning sun.” Red wine at sunset. Jeff Browne,

who publishes in New Mexico, loves getting out on a Vespa and scootering around by himself into the sunset. “Other times, I like to sit with friends on the portal (a New Mexican porch) and have a relaxing and feel-good therapeutic discussion, maybe accompanied by a glass of wine.” Dining alfresco. “On summer evenings,” says Northern California publisher Jaime Mitchell, “my loved ones and I take every opportunity to indulge in outdoor meals, complete with citronella candles and cool, crisp salads featuring our state’s fresh summer fruits. Strawberries, peaches and nectarines become staples in my diet during warm months.” Classic clambake. As a youth, South Jersey publisher Don Moore spent summer vacations on Cape Cod, where “Days spent by the water’s edge annually culminated in a classic neighborhood New England clambake.” Constructing the rock-lined pit and stoking the fire took all day, remembers Moore. “Layers of potatoes, lobster, mussels, corn and clams were laid between rockweed. After we covered the pit with a wet tarp and buried it under sand, mouthwatering aromas would begin to escape into the breezy evening air.” He adds, “I always felt close to nature when sitting on the beach listening to the crashing waves, while filling my hungry belly from a plate brimming with the ocean’s bounty.” Stargazing … on land. Graphic

designer Steve Hagewood, of Bonita Springs, Florida, grew up in Nashville, Tennessee, where he began a lifelong fascination with the night sky. “Pop bought a pair of high-powered military binoculars at an army surplus sale after the big war; I had a smaller pair from Sears Roebuck & Co. We would wrangle in good spirits over who got which pair and how long each of us could hold onto them amid the stillness of the cool, night air filled with the sweet fragrances of honeysuckle and moonflowers,” he remembers. … and on water. Peggy Malecki, Natural Awakenings’ Chicago publisher, loves the starry view from a friend’s sailboat on Lake Michigan. On one notable trip in a race across the lake, “In the wee hours of the midnight watch, the entire Milky Way galaxy stretched directly over the top of the boat as we caught small zephyrs off Traverse Bay,” she says. “Watching the Perseid meteor shower, we counted shooting stars and watched for satellites crawling through the night sky.”

Personal Pursuits

“Having space and time to nurture our creativity may be one of people’s authentic hungers,” muses author Sarah Ban Breathnach, well-known for her Simple Abundance books. She suggests allotting an hour a day to dabble in a hobby, to paint, to plot or to throw pots. It can feel like taking a little vacation every day. “Some days are shaped by summer pleasures, others are redeemed by them,” concludes Breathnach in Simple Pleasures. Making time for such simple joys nurtures an ongoing summer vacation state of mind. Claire O’Neil is a freelance writer in Kansas City, MO.


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The Truth about GMOs

Plant Pathologist Don Huber Reveals the Risks by Melinda Hemmelgarn


t least 70 percent of processed foods in supermarkets contain genetically modified (GMO) ingredients, mainly from corn, soy, canola, sugar beets and cottonseed oil. Yet the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not require GMO food labeling, despite overwhelming consumer support for their “right to know.” Genetic engineering goes beyond traditional plant breeding because it allows scientists to cross species barriers and insert a gene from one organism into another, in a pairing that would not normally occur. Examples include inserting bacterial DNA into a plant to effect traits such as pest or herbicide resistance. Plant Pathologist and Purdue University Professor Emeritus Don Huber, Ph.D., speaks out internationally about the risky business of biotechnology.

We are told we need GMOs to “feed the world,” but will GMOs provide affordable food for the masses, as Monsanto ads tell us? There is nothing in the GMO process that has added any new yield potential to any crop. All of the yield increases achieved in the past 15 years have been through traditional breeding programs. When Professor Karen McAfee, an economist at Yale University, analyzed the GMO claim, she found that the only


entity that benefited was the biotechnology industry (Geoforum report). Nutritional quality has suffered, food safety has been compromised by the toxic entities involved in the genetic engineering process, and farmers’ production costs have increased significantly, while quality and harvested yield potential have decreased. What we see in practice are failed promises.

What is the risk and potential harm to people and the planet due to GMOs?

There are two serious risk factors involved in current genetically engineered plants. The first is an increase in plant, animal, and human diseases plus pests associated with GMO crops, reported by sources as diverse as the European Journal of Agronomy, Earth Open Source, and the University of Leipzig, in Germany. The second is abusive use of the chemical products that the herbicidetolerant GMOs have been developed to tolerate; supporting studies include research published in the European Journal of Agronomy and the Fluid Fertilizer Foundation’s Forum. For example, glyphosate in many weed killer formulations is used excessively both on Roundup-ready crops and as a single chemical for general weed control. This has resulted in super weeds, super pathogens, compromised natu-

ral biological controls, and devastated components of the soil biology responsible for nutrient availability and function. Recent research from institutions around the world, including the UK’s King’s College and Leipzig University, is now showing a link between GMO crops—and/or the products they produce or tolerate­—and increased incidence of mutations, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, allergies, birth defects, cancer, reproductive failure, and other health effects. It is a heavy price for society to pay for a massive experiment. Scientists also are seeing hazardous levels of some of the products used to grow GMO crops accumulating in the earth’s soil, water, and air. The biodegrading process of those substances often takes much longer than anticipated, and damage to nontarget crops, plants, and organisms is becoming a serious concern (Plant and Soil and Geoderma). Scientists also are finding that such “foreign” genes in the environment are quite promiscuous and can persist, perhaps indefinitely, in soil, intestinal, or plant environments with unknown health consequences (Reproductive Toxicology, Aquaculture Research, and Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry). Several countries have banned importing crops grown in any field where one of five corn hybrids were previously grown, for instance, because soil microbes have picked up the GMO genes from decomposing plant residues and can transmit the genes to future crops—resulting in the toxic product possibly being present in the later crop. No one knows how to remove the GMO foreign genes once they are introduced.

Looking to the future, should we be concerned by chemical companies’ lobbying for approval of the next leap in GMOs, to 2,4-D resistant crops?

Like glyphosate tolerance, 2,4-D resistance is based on flawed science and a failure to understand that agri-

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culture is the management of a delicately interrelated ecological system, comprised of the plant and its various environments (biological, chemical and physical), rather than the selection of “silver bullets.” Adding 2,4-D tolerance introduces another foreign and potentially toxic protein in the plant and an additional toxic chemical applied directly to our food and to animal feed. Food safety, nutritional quality, and potential yield will all be compromised in the process.

Do you see any benefits from this technology?

The GMO technology could be a powerful tool when we gain enough understanding to use it properly and effectively. However, we are a long way from gaining that essential understanding. The current rush to commercialize it, and widespread implementation of the associated hazardous and ineffective products currently on the market, may well be a major deterrent to future use of the technology when it is properly understood.

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What can people do to avoid GMOs and protect their health? Buy organic foods, preferably from known local growers, and stay alert to the issue to take needed grassroots actions. Future historians may well remark not about how many pounds of pesticide we did or didn’t apply, but how willing we were to sacrifice our children and jeopardize future generations for the massive flawed experiment of genetic engineering only to benefit the bottom line of a commercial enterprise. Petition the U.S. Food and Drug Administration today to require labeling of GMO foods at JustLabelIt. org. Melinda Hemmelgarn, aka the “Food Sleuth,” is a registered dietitian and award-winning writer and radio host at kopn.org, in Columbia, MO (FoodSleuth@gmail.com). Hear her interview with Don Huber at Tinyurl. com/foodsleuth. www.GoNaturalAwakenings.com

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July 2012


The Untold Truths of Heart Disease by Dr. Michael J. Badanek, DC, BS, CNS, DACBN, DCBCN, DM(P)


s I wrote last month, I find it shocking how badly American consumers are being misled on the essential causes of heart disease today. In fact, it looks as though we as a nation are actually losing ground instead of progressing in the fight against heart disease. One may wonder: where are all the billions of dollars going in the constant research in heart disease, when it is still classified by many in the field of medicine as the leading killer of Americans today? Let’s take a look at some documented ideas regarding heart disease that get little or no press, let alone significant attention from physicians practicing today. The link between homocysteine and heart disease The real truth is that cholesterol is not the deadly threat you’ve been led to believe it is. (For more information, read my article on p.26 of the June issue of this magazine.) Aside from the fact that cholesterol is necessary for everything from the production of sex hormones to bile synthesis, it does not clog your arteries unless it has something to attach to: a tear, a rough surface, a ridge, or a sharp turn. But when the homocysteine levels in your blood become too high, the perfect conditions are created for plaque buildup. Homocysteine


is an amino acid that promotes the growth of smooth muscle cells just below the inner wall of the artery. Multiplying rapidly, these cells create a deadly bulge that protrudes into the artery itself. It is onto this bulge that cholesterol, blood products, and calcium begin to accumulate. These built-up bulges become the blood traps that lead to problems such as impotence, poor memory, strokes, heart attacks, and death. And research indicates that you should be just as concerned—if not more so—with your homocysteine levels, as you are with your cholesterol levels. Homocysteine destroys arterial walls A team of Seattle researchers showed that injections of homocystiene rapidly caused early signs of arteriosclerosis in baboons. The researchers reported that in their test, the cells just beneath the animals’ artery walls (the intima) were mutating and reproducing at a wild rate, and this growth was destroying arterial walls. After just one week of high levels of homocysteine in the baboons’ blood, 23 percent of their artery walls were lost. The researchers found that the higher the level of homocysteine and the more severely injured the inner artery wall, the more severe the signs of arteriosclerosis. Homocysteine can kill, if you don’t know how to control it Your body forms homocysteine when you eat food containing an amino acid called methionine, which is present in all animal and vegetable protein. As part of the digestive process, methionine is broken down into homocysteine.

As long as certain helper nutrients (B6, B12, and folic acid) are present, homocystiene subsequently converts back into a harmless amino acid. However, when these helper nutrients aren’t present, homocysteine levels become dangerously high. Unfortunately, many Americans have one or more genetic defects in being able to absorb and properly use these helper nutrients to block the production of homocysteine and therefore are directly exposed to heart disease, cancer, and a whole host of other maladies. It is extremely important that you and your loved ones regularly get your homocysteine levels checked. This is essential to provide you with the knowledge to promote good cardiovascular health and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Michael Badanek has been serving the Central Florida region for more than 32 years in active clinical practice. Dr. Badanek is a licensed Chiropractic Physician with extensive continued training in alternative complementary medicine including nutrition, acupuncture, homeopathy, applied kinesiology, functional and traditional allopathic medicine, and electrodermal screening, with board certifications in homeopathy, naturopathic medicine, and clinical nutrition. His real love is treating patients with all types of conditions with alternative/functional medicine, especially people with an ailment which has not responded to traditional or alternative treatments. Visit www. alternativewholistic.com or call 352622-1151 for a courtesy consultation.

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July 2012


How to Orchestrate Your Health by Dr. Paula Koger, RN, MA, DOM


hat do I need to do for my body? How much is too much? What should I take? The body is like a symphony orchestra. Our job as health conductor is to balance and modulate the finetuned instrument we are. The body is composed of numerous energy pathways that are easily altered by too much, and weakened by too little. In an effort to walk through the vast number of options for helping patients choose what is best for them to maintain this delicate balance, I have recently studied functional bio-analysis to help me enhance my skills for testing and tuning patients’ instruments and helping them choose the right herbs, homeopathy, supplements, foods, and other treatments. We are bombarded with advertisements advocating the miracles of drugs and supplements. However, everyone is different; everyone requires their own unique element, dosage and frequency. The functional bio-analysis technique reinforced for me the value of testing the body. The technique helps to find the primary pathway of the body that is out of balance, and helps us select only one nutrient to heal the pathways, one at a time. Recently I had a new patient who brought in a bag full of supplements to be tested for compatibility and effectiveness. She was not sleeping well, had joint aches and pains, and GI distresses. She had “been everywhere and done everything.” During the first visit, we reduced her to one supplement, and the very first


night she slept well. The stomach pain was treated with homeopathy for helicobacter pylori infection and now all is well. When her body is well it may be able to process more supplementation, but for now it is too much and too overwhelming. As a nurse/professor, I saw many people damaged by “too much” and/or the wrong medication. There are tens of thousands of reported deaths each year from prescription medications. In 2008, the most recent year for which there are statistics, there were 20,044 overdose deaths alone from prescription drugs. It is better to stay well and not need them. To ensure safe use, I use many tools for testing. It is important to make sure that what you are doing is working and your money is not going down the drain. From the FBA Web site (www. fbahealth.com/fba-answers): “Functional bio-analysis (FBA) is a science-based complementary medicine technique, helping knowledgeable practitioners navigate the neurological and energetic pathways present in all people. … Using manual muscle testing, the qualified practitioner can evaluate each of the 15 primary energetic points. … A standard session analysis will lead the practitioner through the layers of need. Four or five layers are common for most people. Each layer relates to one of the 15 reflex points.” Dr. Steven Monk, FBA instructor, says,” All problems, conditions, illnesses and diseases result in, or are the result of, nutritional imbalances. Since FBA is designed to search for

the nutrients the body needs, most anyone, no matter what his or her current health state, can benefit. FBA does help cancer and other chronically ill patients tremendously as an adjunct while they are undergoing chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or prescription drug therapy.” I have found there are other reasons for these pathways to become blocked and the reasons need to be addressed too. With a functional illness, a person will have symptoms (sometimes debilitating ones), but his or her life is not in immediate danger. The illness is a signal by the body that something is wrong, out-of-balance. Headaches, insomnia, indigestion, joint pain, hormonal imbalances, and dozens of other “common” complaints are all signs of functional problems. These conditions and many others are warnings that health is in jeopardy. Medications and surgery in these cases do no good, are unnecessary, and often create a slew of harmful side effects that are worse than the original condition. The good news is that functional illness is in the realm of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and the specialty of functional bio-analysis can be very successful in correcting the imbalance so the melody of a fine tuned body can be enjoyed. Your body can be a magnificent symphony. Like most fine instruments, it needs to be tuned—it prevents breakdowns and minimizes repair cost. On July 10, Dr. Paula Koger will be offering a free workshop demonstration of this technique from 6-7 pm. One person will win a free analysis. She is also available to speak to your club or organization. RSVP by calling 941-539-4232 or visit www. wealthofhealthcenter.com.

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The Power of Place by Linda Sechrist


he qualities that make a place special to us are highly personal, and they often help us to define who we are. Whether the setting is a lake house, a mountain lodge, a seashore cottage or a backyard at twilight, our sensory connections to these special places shape us in deep and lasting ways. Childhood experiences of our hometowns and memorable spots where we ran free during summer vacations are often deeply embedded in our strongest memories. This relationship to place is one that we carry within ourselves for a lifetime. Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner noted that his own “little postage stamp of native soil” was an inexhaustible source of material.


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Fellow Mississippian and Pulitzer Prize winner Eudora Welty wrote, “Place absorbs our earliest notice and attention, it bestows on us our original awareness; and our critical powers spring up from the study of it and the growth of experience inside it. It is to this place that each of us goes to find the clearest, deepest identity of ourselves.” Psychologist Carl Jung lived nearly half his life in a home he built in the village of Bolligen, on Switzerland’s Lake Zurich. In his memoir, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Jung remarked, “At Bolligen, I am in the midst of my true life, I am most deeply myself. At times I feel as if I am spread out over the landscape and inside things, and am myself

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living in every tree, in the splashing of the waves, in the clouds and the animals that come and go, in the procession of the seasons. In Bolligen, silence surrounds me almost audibly, and I live in modest harmony with nature.” Iona Dreaming: The Healing Power of Place is Clare Cooper Marcus’ journal of her six months on the Scottish island of Iona. The author wrote, “I feel pure in this place. It is as if there was no separation between my living, breathing, perceiving body and my soul-nature. No posturing, no pretending. I am who I am—no more, no less. As my breathing slows and I relax, I experience the sound of the sea passing through me—not me hearing the sea, not me and the sea—just the sound. A breeze blows across my face; the sun shines on my cheeks and forehead. For a moment, they seem to penetrate my body. Then, they just are. My body ceases to exist. No Clare or ego or a specific person, but a manifestation of divine energy just like everything around me … our separateness just an illusion.” These kinds of intimate experiences occur most often when we are in a relaxed or meditative state, or spending full-bodied, multisensory, openhearted time in nature. Such moments inspire the experience described by American Poet Robinson Jeffers in which we “fall in love outward.” Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings magazines.

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July 2012


Healthy vacation escapes help us do just that. We regenerate, reconnect with ourselves and others and re-imagine our lives in a more satisfying context.

Personal Growth: The Mind

H E A LT H Y ESCAPES Unplugged Getaways Rebalance Our Lives by Judith Fertig


hen Jeanna Freeman vacationed at Earthshine Mountain Lodge, in Lake Toxaway, North Carolina, she wasn’t sure what to expect. Touted as a “techno-amenityfree property,” it specializes in off-thegrid getaways (EarthshineLodge.com), meaning no in-room TV and a chance to digitally detox. Guests are encouraged to ditch their cell phones and laptops in favor of a zip line adventure through the Smoky Mountains forest canopy and laid back log cabin informality. “Honestly, it was exhilarating being away from my cell phone,” admits Freeman, an interior designer from Collierville, Tennessee. “I hadn’t felt that good and ‘connected’ in a long time. I didn’t realize how much I needed that.” Her experience highlights the new buzzwords and phrases in vacation travel: unplug, reconnect, digital detox and healthy escape. What is it about unplugging that seems so refreshing and like an ideal vacation?


Nicholas Carr, author of The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, explains that, “Using the Internet pushes us to a skimming and scanning form of thinking.” He occasionally unplugs to recover his attention span, noting, “A lot of our deepest thoughts only emerge when we’re able to pay attention to one thing.” For memoirist Pico Iyer, author of The Man Within My Head, “The urgency of slowing down—to find the time and space to think—is nothing new.” What is new is figuring out workable definitions of stillness and movement when we spend a lot of our time physically still, but mentally in motion. A noted travel writer for 20 years, Iyer likes to stay at monasteries around the world. He concludes, “Wiser souls have always reminded us that the more attention we pay to the moment, the less time and energy we have to expend to place it in some larger context.” We can just simply be.

MJ Goff was on a magazine writing assignment the first time she visited the Omega Institute, in Rhinebeck, New York (eOmega.org). As a student of New Age theories and a potential yoga teacher, Goff says she welcomed the opportunity to learn more. Once she attended the women’s retreat she was researching, she was hooked. “Every year since, I find myself being drawn to Omega for its promotion of meditation and overall encouragement of ‘staying in the present,’” she says. “All the programs stem from one mission: to keep us on the right path.” Talks by internationally known speakers such as Joan Borysenko, Eckhart Tolle, Harville Hendrix and Daniel Amen are complemented by sessions in nurturing creativity, holistic health, and yoga practice. “People smile, but also keep to themselves,” explains Goff. “It’s a place for quieting your mind.” For shorter getaways, Hay House, headquartered in Carlsbad, California, sponsors weekend I Can Do It! seminars in various cities (HayHouse. com). Speakers such as Louise Hay, Gregg Braden, Wayne Dyer and Caroline Myss help attendees nudge closer to making milestone transformations, consciousness shifts and progress on their healing journeys. Sometimes, personal growth simply involves sufficient quiet time to walk, contemplate and reconnect with our muse. “The real meaning of the word ‘retreat’ in the spiritual sense,” says Brother David Steindl-Rast, a Benedictine monk, “is stepping back. When one steps back, one gets a better view of the world, others and our deepest self.” Iyer finds solace at New Camaldoli Heritage, a Benedictine community amidst the rugged terrain of Big Sur, California (Contemplation.com). More ... Continued on Page 30

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“Southern-Style” Szechuan Green Beans by Clark Dougherty


ot your Momma’s overcooked mushy green beans, this healthy dish is visually tantalizing, aromatically stimulating, and a taste sensation. Serve it as a scintillating side with any meat dish, or as the centerpiece of a meal accompanied by another fresh vegetable and quinoa, couscous, or brown rice. Your dining companions will ask for a second helping!

Ingredients and prep: 8 oz. Maple bacon, cut into small pieces (1 to 1½ inches) 2 lbs. Fresh green beans, (ends removed, snapped in half) 1 tbsp. Coconut oil 1 tbsp. Toasted sesame oil 1 tsp. Chili oil 2 tbsp. Soy or Teriyaki sauce 1 tsp. Fresh grated ginger 1 tbsp. Crushed red pepper flakes 2 tbsp. Unsalted butter Directions: In wok or large skillet, cook the bacon pieces over medium high heat, stirring frequently, until browned. Remove bacon from skillet, drain on paper towel. Discard bacon renderings from skillet. Fill the 4 qt. or soup pot with 8 cups water, bringing to a boil. Add prepped green beans, boiling for about a minute, but no longer than a minute and a half. Immediately remove beans to colander, drain, and quickly transfer beans to ice-water bowl. Shock beans

Hardware: Large wok or 12” or larger skillet 4 qt. or soup pot Large colander, and 4 qt. bowl filled with ice water.

for no more than two minutes, transfer back to colander to drain. Return wok or skillet to medium heat. Add coconut oil, sesame oil, chili oil and ginger, heating for a minute. Add drained bacon and green beans simultaneously. Stir and cover, cooking about two minutes. Uncover, add one tablespoon butter, stir and re-cover. After two more minutes, uncover, add remaining butter, stir and test beans. If not tender to taste, continue heating uncovered and stirring (add tablespoon of water if needed while continuing to cook) until desired doneness is achieved. Add in crushed red pepper flakes, toss. Remove to serving dish. Enjoy!



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July 2012


... Continued from Page 28 than 2,000 monasteries and other spiritual communities throughout North America offer off-the-beatenpath retreats at reasonable prices and generally welcome guests of all religions and spiritual practices. The one requirement is that guests not disturb others. At Ghost Ranch, in the high desert of Abiquiu, New Mexico, “The scenery alone is spiritual and healing,” relates Nancy Early, a New York film producer. Under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church, activities encourage individual and social transformation (NewMexicoGhostRanch.org). Early says the best part is, “There’s one pay phone, and cell phones don’t work here; no TV or radio. You walk away from everything that controls your life.”

Optimal Wellness: Mind/Body

Sometimes the healthy escape we seek can be found at a destination spa, which combines enough structure to slowly wean us from daily busyness with sufficient soothing, quiet spaces and physical nurturing. For Debbie Phillips—who spends part of the year in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, and the other part in Naples, Florida—one visit to a spa was all it took. As an executive and life coach, Phillips founded Women on Fire in 2003 to connect her “on fire” clients with each other via regional meetings and a free online newsletter, and discovered that the condition sometimes crosses the line into overwork. “My first visit to a spa more than 20 years ago was when I first learned about the life-changing benefits of taking better care of myself. In addition to the soothing amenities, the peace, calm and quiet usually found at a spa—space to think, nap, read a book or gaze into the sky—often results in ‘less’ becoming ‘more’ in your life,” Phillips says. “I have returned home feeling lighter and brighter and even more excited for what is next. The experience gave me just the boost I needed to keep going.”


Recently, Phillips discovered simple techniques to nurture herself all year long by attending a breathing and meditation class at the Lake Austin Spa, in Texas. “Now I start each day with long, deep breaths before I even get out of bed,” she says. “It is so simple, so calming and establishes my day with peace.” Virginia Nelson, a San Diego, California, attorney, likewise revels in her twice-yearly visits to Canyon Ranch, in Tucson, Arizona. “The pace in southern California is like running a marathon every day. My visits serve as respites that have allowed me to keep up with it this long. “I first went in 1991 and saw a place to go and cocoon,” recounts Nelson, “but I also discovered incredible fitness and education classes.” The spa is essentially a reset button for her. “It’s rest, rejuvenation and reinvention.” Canyon Ranch has several U.S. locations (CanyonRanch.com). Some facilities feature niche mind/body experiences, such as the psychic massage or chakra balancing at Mii Amo Spa, in Sedona, Arizona (EnchantmentResort.com). Others specialize in holistic wellness. Tucson’s Miraval Resort, in Arizona, offers an integrative wellness program guided by Dr. Andrew Weil (Tinyurl. com/6p2l237). Chill-out spa services like a hot stone massage are often balanced by breath walking, qigong or desert tightrope walking.

Active Adventure: The Body

Finding a clear stillpoint of one’s soul can also occur while moving and challenging our bodies. Exercise helps us break through not only physical boundaries, but emotional and spiritual barriers, as well. Barbara Bartocci, a long-distance cycler and author of Meditation in Motion, maintains that moving keeps both our brains and bodies healthier. “Research at The University of Arizona found that regular exercise appears to preserve key parts of the brain involved in attention and memory,” she notes. “It is well known that exercise helps to reduce anxiety, allay depression and generally improve mood, by prompting our bodies to release more endorphins.” Bartocci has experienced the power of these connections firsthand. “Active vacations are truly transformative,” she says emphatically. “When I bicycled across Iowa on RAGBRAI [The Des Moines Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa], we cycled 76 miles one day on hills with a constant 20-mile-per-hour headwind. It was a tough day, but I made it! My divorce was becoming final that summer, and completing that day gave me the encouraging inner message: ‘If I can cycle Iowa on the toughest day, I can re-cycle my life after divorce.’” She’s still moving along. Recently, she joined 500 other cyclists doing 60 miles a day for a week in Wisconsin.

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Bill Murphy, of Annapolis, Maryland, made his breakthrough at the Boulder Outdoor Survival School (boss-inc.com). “While I wanted an adventure and to put myself out there, I also wanted to know that I was in good hands,” he says about why he chose a guided trip. Murphy was already in good shape, having competed in a local Ironman event. Following an initial fitness assessment that involved testing his heart rate after running at high altitude, he was deemed fit to take part in an outdoor survival experience in Utah’s desert country. With a knife, wool jacket, cap, gloves, long underwear and suitable shoes—but no tent, sleeping bag or food—his group learned to live off the land with the assistance of three instructors in an initial phase of the program. “After two days we were given our backpack with the critical blanket, poncho and food rations. I have never been so happy to hear the words ‘1,500 calories’ in my life, and though I have eaten at some wonderful restaurants, the soups we made with those rations tasted better than anything I have eaten in my life,” he says. Murphy learned how to purify water, make a tent from his poncho, start a fire with minimal tools and bed down in the cold without a sleeping bag or blanket. A crucial part of the survival training was the need to go even further when the group thought their adventure had ended. “We didn’t know whether that would be in 10 miles or 30,” he recalls. His ability to physically push past the mentally established timeframe led Murphy to see that he could also move beyond his either/or boundaries: either family or business; either business or adventure. “I realized that I don’t have to choose one over the other. I feel a better sense of balance now.” Jeff Primack’s Qigong event (www.qirevolution.com/), held in Orlando each spring, is also a pivotal event for many people. Nearby or far away, for a few days or longer, a healthy escape can be truly restorative. Judith Fertig regularly contributes to Natural Awakenings. www.GoNaturalAwakenings.com

At Home with Working At Home

Interview with Marie Glasheen, Co-Founder, Satvatove Institute by Kylie Devi KD: I am really excited to speak with you, Marie. I am noticing that life coaching as a set of skills is becoming increasingly more valuable in so many ways. What inspired you to create a career as a transformative life coach? MG: From a very young age, I really wanted to help people in a practical way. My father was a psychologist, so I looked into that field. My experience was that the paradigm of “people need to be helped or fixed” was not empowering. I left that field, and travelled the world. I noticed that people were frequently coming to me for help, advice, or to talk. This was a very natural process, and in a sense, I became a coach in this way. But then I wanted to acquire skills that could really empower people to create transformation for themselves. KD: I hear this type of story a lot from the life coaches I know. They had a natural sense of empathy that attracted people to them, and then they learned to sharpen their skills in order to serve most effectively. What would you say is the most rewarding aspect of your work from a day-to-day perspective? MG: The most rewarding part for me is the work with my clients. It is deeply satisfying because as my clients grow,

I also find myself growing. And for me, each coaching session is a spiritual experience, where I get to see the resources each person has or learns, to resolve their own life situations. I get to witness how the universe is really creating and supporting each person’s spiritual growth and self-realization. That is very enlivening for me, to experience that. And then there is the practical aspect that I work from home, and several of my clients are over the phone. In between sessions, I am able to take care of my household, my daughter, and still be involved in this way. KD: So it sounds like you are getting the benefits of a home-based business type situation, with a deeply rewarding daily experience with your clients. Lately people are speaking about the “empathy based economy.” This means that we are able to actually make a living doing work that is in alignment with our life purpose, a purpose-driven career. How do you see life coaching fitting into this new paradigm? MG: I believe that is exactly what I am doing. I believe we each have a special contribution to the world, to our society, our community, our family. That activity is connected to our psycho-physical nature. Through coaching, people begin to understand what their nature is, and how to align it with activities. When they begin to discover this, they are naturally happier. As a coach, I help people connect with their personal power, and this creates more peace in the family, the community, and the world. KD: And it seems to me that doing the work of a coach is deeply connected to your nature. So you get to experience the “empathy based economy” from both perspectives. Thank you for speaking with me, Marie, I feel enlivened by what you have shared. MG: Thank you! For more information, visit www. Satvatove.com.

July 2012


CommunityResourceGuide Acupuncture Dr. Paula Koger, DOM, BS Nursing, MA Counseling 941-539-4232 / Dunnellon and Sarasota www.WealthOfHealthCenter.com Dr. Koger has a long history of success with people who are receptive to multiple ancient and high-tech healing techniques. 20 years’ experience including Professor and school health nurse; more than 17 years in Alternative healing practices with training from experts worldwide.

Colonics Gentle Waters Healing Center 352-374-0600, Gainesville info@gentlewatershealing.com The therapists at Gentle Waters Healing Center will assist each individual with detoxing using colon hydrotherapy, Far Infrared Sauna, and/or Aqua Chi Lymphatic Drainage. We also carry probiotics, digestive enzymes, and other products for overall health. Proud sponsors of Barley Life Nutritional Products. Call Dawn Brower for more information or visit www.gentlewatershealing.com. MA41024, MM15426.

Fitness Hip Moves Fitness Studio Rona Bennett, BS, CPT Holistic Health, Personal Fitness Coaching 708 N.W. 23rd Ave., Gainesville www.hipmoves.com / 352-692-0132 An intimate fitness studio focusing on creativity and holistic health. Classes and private lessons in Belly Dance, Yoga, Pilates, and Personal Training. Rental space available.

Holistic Medicine Hanoch Talmor, M.D. Gainesville Holistic Center 352-377-0015 www.betterw.com We support all health challenges and the unlimited healing potential of God’s miracle: your body. Chelation, Nutrition, Cleansing, Homeopathy, Natural Energy Healing, Detoxification, Wellness Education and more.


James E. Lemire, M.D., FAAFP Nuris Lemire, MS, OTR/L, NC The Lemire Clinic

11115 SW 93rd Ct. Rd., Suite 600 Ocala, FL 34481 / 352-291-9459 www.LemireClinic.com Dr. Lemire has been in practice for 32 years. He follows a Functional Medicine approach, utilizing up-todate techniques such as: Chelation, Detoxification, natural hormone replacement, nutrition, Prolo/Biopuncture, acupuncture, anti-aging, among others. Dr. Lemire along with his staff are dedicated to a joint partnership with their patients—a partnership that seeks to maximize the God-given life potential of each individual. We believe that true wellness for the whole person includes a healthy body (physical self), a healthy mind (emotions and intellect), and a spiritual peace. For this life-changing goal, Lemire Clinic commits their energy, their compassion and their skills.

Michael J. Badanek, BS,DC,CNS,DACBN,DCBCN 3391 E. Silver Springs Blvd., Suite #B Ocala, FL 34470 / 352-622-1151 www.alternativewholistichealth.com 30+ years in clinical practice with alternative wholistic complementary health services. Treating the body to support all health challenges with Wholistic Integrative Medicine. Treatments include Autoimmune disorders, Lyme disease, Autism, ADD/ ADHD, Musculoskeletal conditions, Heavy metal toxicity, Cardiovascular and endocrine conditions, Nutritional deficiencies/testing.

Holistic Psychotherapy Meditative PsychotherapyTM James R. Porter, Ph.D., LMHC Gainesville, Alachua 352-514-9810, www.WinningHarmony.com Consciousness, presence, awareness of your source. Dr. Porter provides a spiritual, omnicultural home for Western psychotherapeutic treatments.

Life Coaches Cynthia Christianson, M.A., CCC ThetaHealing™ Advanced Practitioner 352-374-7982 or 352-284-1107 www.thetahealingworks.net ThetaHealing™ coaching is using the Belief and Feeling Work to empower people with the ability to remove and replace negative emotions, feelings and thoughts with positive, beneficial ones. Change your negative beliefs and you will heal on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels thus really seeing this relief show up in your life.

Massage Tiara L. Catey, LMT Center for Balance 1705 N.W. 6th St., Gainesville 352-642-4545 / www.tiaracatey.com Relieve pain, manage stress and cultivate joyful relaxation and balance by including massage as an essential part of your self-care practices. Therapeutic massage, relaxation massage and lomilomi. Includes aromatherapy. Holistic approach. Some insurance accepted. Visa/MC. See www.tiaracatey.com for details. MA41831. Clark Dougherty Therapeutic Massage Clinic 850 N.E. 36th Terr., Ocala 352-694-7255 / www.ClarkDougherty.com Offering a variety of therapeutic massage techniques for pain relief, improved flexibility, and other wonderful benefits. PIP and WorkComp always accepted, also group/private insurance in some instances. All credit cards accepted. Gift certificates are available now for Mother’s Day and birthdays with 25% discount on a second session. MA27082, MM9718.

Piano Services Hendrix Piano Service 352-895-5412, Serving north central Florida Tuning, repairs, cleaning, fine custom maintenance of your acoustic piano. Pianist: accompaniment, weddings, other church services, concerts. Experience: churches, cabarets, Marion Chorale, Duelling Divas, much more. Fine used pianos available.

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Veterinary Care

Carol L. Short / Certified Advanced Rolfer™, Craniosacral Therapist, Gainesville and North Central FL / 352-318-0509 Rolfing® is a system of body restructuring through systematic manipulation of muscle and fascial tissues. It promotes the release and realignment of long standing patterns of tension and dysfunction, bringing the body to greater balance, mobility, vitality, and ease. A holistic approach to mobility, vitality and balance. MA16337/MM18921.

Medicine Wheel Veterinary Services Shauna Cantwell DVM, Ocala, FL www.shaunacantwell.com / 352-538-3021 Holistic veterinary medicine for small animals and horses. Arthritis, neurologic and hormonal dysfunction, skin, allergies, cancer, pain, immune and chronic disease. Certified Veterinary Acupuncture, certified cAVCA animal chiropractic, herbal therapy, tui na medical massage, functional neurology, postural rehabilitation, ozone therapy, homotoxicology, nutrition. Available for workshops.

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July 2012


CalendarofEvents Listings in the Calendar of Events are free for our advertisers. As a service to the community, the Calendar is also open to other event sponsors for $15/listing. Visit www. GoNaturalAwakenings.com/news.htm. June 30-July 1 Introductory WEB/Teleconference// Gotomeeting, Biosyntonie. Hanoch Talmor, M.D., Gainesville, 352-3770015, www.betterw.com. June 1-July 15 “The Marvelous Wonderettes” musical play. The Hippodrome, 25 SE 2nd Pl, Gainesville, 352-375-HIPP, www.TheHipp.org. Monday, July 2 Spiritual Awakening and Mental Health, includes a silent meditation. 6-7pm, $5, registration required. Facilitator: Dr. James Porter, LMHC. Loga Springs Academy Human Enrichment Center, 931 NE 16th Avenue, Gainesville, 352-514-9810, www.WinningHarmony.com.

Tuesday, July 3 Free Holistic Wellness Webiner/ Teleconference. Free, 8pm. Gainesville Holistic Center, 352-377-0015, www. betterw.com. Wednesday, July 4 n Bronson Family day. Activities, food, crafts, music. 10-10, free, Bronson Sportsplex. 352-486-2354. n Raspberry Ketones, African Mango, Saffron Extract, 7 keto, are metabolic booster to bust fat. Free consultation; call for appointment. Reesers Nutrition Center, 3243 E. Silver Springs Blvd, Ocala, 352-7320718, www.ReesersNutritionCenter. com. Saturday, July 7 Readings with Mary Alice Warren. 12-5pm, $25/short reading, $50/long. High Springs Emporium, 660 NW Santa Fe Blvd, High Springs, 386-4548657, www.highspringsemporium.net. Sunday, July 8 Relationships That Work workshop; better communication. 5-8pm, FREE with online registration at www. satvatove.com/register. Tuesday, July 10 Dr. Paula Koger will present a free workshop/demonstration of the functional bio-analysis technique (see article, p.26) and one person will win a free analysis. Free, 6-7pm. Call to enroll: 941-539-4232, www. wealthofhealthcenter.com.

Stansted-in-Florida 2012

4-Day Psychic-Medium Spiritual Development Course July 12-15, 2012 in St. Johns, FL Similar to courses taught at the Arthur Findlay College, Stansted, England Check our complete program on the website.


Wednesday, July 11 Metabolic balance all natural weight loss. Free consultation; call for appointment. Reesers Nutrition Center, 3243 E. Silver Springs Blvd, Ocala, 352-732-0718, www. ReesersNutritionCenter.com. July 12-15 Stansted-in-Florida 2012. Similar to courses taught at the Arthur Findlay College, Stansted, England.

International Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge, www.ifsk.org, 407-6739776. July 13-15 (Must attend all three days) Alternatives to Violence Training for Youth ages 11-17. Facilitator: Dr. James Porter, LMHC. $60, registration required. Fri. 9-3, Sat. 9-3, Sun. 9-12. Loga Springs Academy Human Enrichment Center, 931 NE 16th Avenue, Gainesville, 352-337-0686, www.logasprings.com. July 13-15 Amrit Method Reiki I & II . Traditional Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho attunement and curriculum. $325 includes certification. Amrit Yoga Institute, Salt Springs, info@amrityoga. org, 352-685-3001, www.AmritYoga. org. July 14-15 Wholesale to the Public Fine Mineral Show and Sale with Greg Turner of Sacred Earth Minerals. 125pm, free. High Springs Emporium, 660 NW Santa Fe Blvd, High Springs, 386-454-8657, www. highspringsemporium.net. Sunday, July 15 The Cross Correspondence Case, presented by Rev. Ben Cox, Teacher, Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. 11:301:30, $20 suggested love offering. Unity of Ocala, www.unityocala.org, 352-687-2113. Wednesday, July 18 Cleanse your body of toxic buildup, repair GI tract, support immune system, weight Loss. Free consultation; call for appointment. Reesers Nutrition Center, 3243 E. Silver Springs Blvd, Ocala, 352-732-0718, www. ReesersNutritionCenter.com. July 20-22 Shinpiden Reiki Master Level III, Traditional Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho attunement and curriculum. $450 certification. Amrit Yoga Institute, Salt Springs, info@amrityoga.org, 352-6853001, www.AmritYoga.org.

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Saturday, July 21 n Balance amidst the Chaos: Chakra Balancing with the Stones of High Ascension” Workshop with Sharron Britton. 2-4pm, $20. High Springs Emporium, 660 NW Santa Fe Blvd, High Springs, 386-454-8657, www. highspringsemporium.net. n Psychic / Medium Spiritual Development Class, $25, 2-4:30pm. Includes meditation, lesson, practice. Held at Unity of Gainesville, 8801 NW 39th Ave., Gainesville. International Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge, www.ifsk. org, 407-673-9776. n Summer Survival Festival and One-Year Anniversary Celebration. Adults $10-20 (sliding scale), children free. 4pm-midnight. Crafts, activities, music, prizes, food, seasonal ales. Citizens Co-Op, 435 S. Main St., Gainesville, 352-505-6575, www.CitizensCo-Op.com. Sunday, July 22 Sun-Kirtan Experience, 4:30pm, music; talk on yoga and meditation given by Swami B.V. Ashram; vegetarian dinner. $15 suggested donation but no one turned away. Unity of Gainesville, 8801 NW 39 Ave., Gainesville, 352373-1030, www.unityofgainesvillefl.org. Monday, July 23 Spiritualist Service of Messages and Healing, 7-8:30pm. Unity of Ocala, 101 Cedar Rd, Ocala, 352-687-2113, www. unityocala.org. Wednesday, July 25 Wellness consultation on Irritable Bowel Syndrome and urinalysis for enzyme therapy. Free consultation; call for appointment. Reesers Nutrition Center, 3243 E. Silver Springs Blvd, Ocala, 352-732-0718, www. ReesersNutritionCenter.com. July 26-29 Satvatove 3: a spiritually based transformative experience open to graduates of the Satvatove Advanced Course. North Florida. Information/to register: dharm. khalsa77@gmail.com, 352-222-6331, www.satvatove.com. July 27-28 Silva UltraMind ESP Workshop. Amrit Yoga Institute, Salt Springs, info@amrityoga.org, 352-685-3001, www. AmritYoga.org. Saturday, July 28 Readings for Pets and People with Melodye Gaskin, Ph.D. 1-5pm, $20/15-minute reading. Bring picture of pet. High Springs Emporium, 660 NW Santa Fe Blvd, High Springs, 386-454-8657, www.highspringsemporium.net.

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We sell water filters that are the best and most cost-effective for most households. And after you buy a water filter from us, you can earn money just by referring people to our website—enough to pay for your system!


Tuesday, July 31 Signs and Symptoms Analysis. Any time any of the organs and system of the body are out of balance, there are www.GoNaturalAwakenings.com

July 2012


signs and symptoms. Free consultation; call for appointment. Reesers Nutrition Center, 3243 E. Silver Springs Blvd, Ocala, 352-732-0718, www. ReesersNutritionCenter.com.

5, includes 4 Reiki attunements, class workbook, certificate. Held at The Martial Arts Center, Ocala, 352239-9272. Must pre-register, www. initiationhealing.com.

August 17-19 Transformative Communication and Self-Empowerment Seminar facilitated by Dr. David Wolf, author of Relationships That Work, and Marie Glasheen, professional transformative coach. Information/to register: dharm. khalsa77@gmail.com, 352-222-6331, www.satvatove.com/.

September 1-7 Satvatove Advanced Seminar Experience: 7 days of courageous introspection and self-empowerment, facilitated by Dr. David Wolf and Marie Glasheen. Information/to register: dharm.khalsa77@gmail. com, 352-222-6331, www.satvatove. com.

Saturday, August 25 Fall Garden Kickoff, 9-4. Workshops on gardening ($3/each), starter plants for purchase, country store. Free admission. Crones Cradle Conserve, 6411 NE 217 Pl, Citra, 352595-3377, www.cronescradleconserve. com.

Saturday, September 8 Organic Gardening workshop, 9-4. Crones Cradle Conserve, 6411 NE 217 Pl, Citra, 352-595-3377, www. cronescradleconserve.com.

August 25-26 Reiki Level I with Ojela Frank, LMT. $125, Saturday 10-5, Sunday 12-

September 10 Satvatove Institute School of Transformative Coaching is now accepting applications for the fall semester starting September 2012. Classes are approved by the

International Coach Federation (ICF). For the course syllabus visit www.satvatove.com/syllabus.pdf. Information: 386-418-8840, www. satvatove.com/life-coaching-courses/ life-coach-training/ Saturday, September 15 Relationships that Work 3-hour workshop. Free. Held at The Sacred Earth Center, Gainesville. To register: www.satvatove.com/ communication-exercises/ Saturday, September 22 Food preservation workshop, 9-4. Crones Cradle Conserve, 6411 NE 217 Pl, Citra, 352-595-3377, www. cronescradleconserve.com. October 27-28 Healing Yourself and Nature with Dowsing by Raymon Grace, 9-5 both days. Gainesville Holistic Center, 352377-0015, www.betterw.com.

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ONGOING EVENTS Sundays n A Course in Miracles, 9:30am. Master Mind healing circle, 10am. Meditation and spiritual lesson plus youth and children’s classes, 11am. Unity of Gainesville, 8801 NW 39 Ave., Gainesville, 352-373-1030, www.unityofgainesvillefl. org. n Celebrating Community and Inspiring Message/ Science of Mind and Spirit. Meditation 9:45am, Celebration/ Message 10:30am, Youth and Children’s Celebration 10:30am. Love offering. OakBrook Center for Spiritual Living, 1009 NE 28 Ave, Ocala, FL, www.oakbrookcsl.org n Farmers Market, 12-4. Mosswood Farm Store, 703 NE Cholokka Blvd, Micanopy, 352-466-5002, www. mosswoodfarmstore.com. Mondays Abraham Study Group, 6pm. A Course in Miracles, 7:30pm. Unity of Gainesville, 8801 NW 39 Ave., Gainesville, 352-373-1030, www.unityofgainesvillefl.org. Wednesdays Visioning, and Healing Service, 6-7pm. Love offering. OakBrook Center for Spiritual Living, 1009 NE 28 Ave, Ocala, FL, www.oakbrookcsl.org. Thursdays n Amrit Yoga w/Veda, 5:30-6:30, downtown Public Library, 401 E. University Ave, Gainesville, 4th floor, free, 352-692-3922, vedalewis@aol.com. n Qigong Healing Form Level I with Ojela Frank, LMT. $10, 9am. Held at The Martial Arts Center, Ocala, 352-2399272. Must pre-register, www.initiationhealing.com. Saturdays Farmstead Saturdays. Free, 9-3pm. Crones Cradle, 6411 NE 217 Pl, Citra. 352-595-3377, www.cronescradleconserve.com. Monday-Friday n Bellydancing, fitness, yoga classes, personal training as early as 5:30am, as late as 7:30pm. Hip Moves, 708 NW 23rd Ave, Gainesville, 352-692-0132, www.hipmoves.com. n Organic Food Pickups. Monday, Ocala; Tuesday, Eustis and Mt. Dora; Wednesday, Ocala and Gainesville; Friday, Oxford/The Villages. Homegrown Organics by Doreen, 352-598-4184, http://www.homegrownorganics. vpweb.com. Recipes: http://homegrowngainesville. wordpress.com/ n Yoga classes as early as 5:30am, as late as 8:30pm, beginners (including “Stiff Guys”) to experienced Hot Yoga. Big Ron’s Yoga College, Gainesville, 352-367-8434, www. bigronsyoga.com.


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