Welsh Week
Llandudno/Champery Twining
Key Benefits/Aims of the Twining Trade
Cultural Exchange
Sport Exchange
Local businesses explore new markets – Penderyn, Great Orme Gin
Share good practice –tourism businesses
Wider reach across North Wales with help from Welsh Office and Swiss Embassy – UK/Swiss trade deal
Showcase Food & Drink from the region
Learn and understand different cultures leading to long term friendships
Cultural Festivals –Victorian Extravaganza, Swiss National Day
Future plans for cultural exchanges for young people
Skiing – visits from youth regional ski team training on the dry slope
Mountain running –Dents du Midi Mountain Race held every September. Team of Llandudno based runners heading out there this Autumn
Future plans for Llandudno kids to experience mountain biking & hiking in the Alps – summer trip
Financial Inclusion
We will work with community groups in both Towns to identity individuals who may be financially less well-off and provide them with opportunities to participate in cultural, sporting and trade events through subsidised trips/tickets to events.
But we need support from businesses and individuals to do this.
u Alpine Coaches
Dunoon HotelGreat Orme Gin
Llandudno Town Council
Llandudno Ski Centre
Mostyn Estates
North Wales Tourism
Poyntons Butchers
Tir Prince Leisure
Zip World
Events so far 1st April 2022
15th Edition of the Welsh Alpine Championship ski week in Champéry. Supported by the British Embassy.
Visit of a business delegation from Llandudno and North Wales
Signing of a MOU in Champéry for the twinning
Events so far May 2022
Visit of a delegation from Champery and first official meeting in Llandudno
Events so far June 2022
Ski team Dents du Midi go practice in the Llandudno Snwosport Centre
15 Kids of the region aged 12 to 16 go for a week in Wales to practice skiing on the dry ski slope of Llandudno
Events so far August 1st 2022
Swiss National– signing of the Twining agreement attended by the Mayors of Llandudno & Champery
Events so far December 2022
Visit of the Christmas Parade in Llandudno by a delegation of Champéry
Events so far January 2023
16th Edition of the Welsh Alpine Championship ski week in Champéry. Supported by the British Embassy.
Participation of a Delegation of Llandudno and Mr. Richard Parks
Events so far March 2023
Trade Delegation meeting hosted by Champery in March 2023 attended by Welsh businesses connected to Llandudno
Unveiling of the twining plaque with the British Ambassador
Events so far July 2023
Ski team Dents du Midi go practice in the Llandudno Snwosport Centre
15 Kids of the region aged 12 to 16 go for a week in Wales to practice skiing on the dry ski slope of Llandudno
Promotional event of Region Dents du Midi on the Llandudno Pier with Swiss food & drink
Events so far September 2023
1-4 September 2023 – Champery Counsel Visit including trade meeting on 4th September hosted by the Twining Committee and led by the Welsh Office attended by the Secretary of State for Wales and the Swiss Ambassador for the UK.
Events so far September 2023
Trail des Dents du Midi
September 2023 saw the team of 15 intrepid mountain runner, from Conwy, embark on a challenge to take part in either the full distance event (57km) or the half distance (32km).The weather was kind on the day, and in fact the sun protection was needed, resulting in some high temperatures at times making progress tough for competitors.
Everyone who took part finished their respective distances, and along the way found a love for new part of the world, with intentions to tell others about it and to return to Champery
Events so far January 2024
17th Edition of the Welsh Alpine Championship ski week in Champéry.
Supported by the British Embassy
Future Events
A Swiss Week promotional event on the Pier in Llandudno
Welsh Bike park advertising on site of the European Downhill Championships – summer 2024
World Championships Raclette 2025 with event at the UK Embassy Bern
Campaign to promote school exchanges and youth internships
Long Term objectives
Work on developing trade on different products (Food & Beverage, Tourism cross-promotion, Aston Martin)
Develop school and cultural exchanges to involve kids and parents in the twinning process
Promote language learning with exchanges and youth internships - BioArk
Work on exchanging technologies for green and carbon neutral energy
Henri-Pierre GALLETTI Chairman of the BoardOne of the oldest tourist destinations in Switzerland!Authentic swiss village
1 region, 6 villages & resorts, 4 seasons
Land of adventure
24-26 October 2025 2nd edition