0 1 -3 3
Thank You to Our Sponsors 01
President’s Letter 03
Headmaster’s Letter 05
GMC President’s Letter 07
Gala Chairs’ Letter 09 2022 Gala Committee 11 Gala Chairs 1981–2022 13
Special Thanks to Teachers and Staff 15 Congratulations to the Class of 2023 17
Thank You to Our Volunteers 19
Schedule of Evening 21 Raise the Paddle 23 Gala Games and Wine Pull Donors 25
& Bling Raffle 27
Rules of the Auction 29
Our Gratitude to the Faculty, Staff and Community of Gonzaga
Gonzaga Board of Trustees
Danny and Jacqueline Diaz
Bruno and Monica Fabi
The Slater Family ‘25
Mark and Kristen Allen
Don Badrak and Cathy Buffington
W Scott and Ticia Berg
Patrick and Christine Calpin
John Coffey and Tracy Ryan
John Corso Sr and Marian Sullivan
Robert and LeAnne DeFrancesco
Matt and Raissa Downs
John and Sarah Egge
Ted and Mary Eich
Golden Rule Moving, LLC
Brian and Alicia Henneberry
Todd and Kim Howard
Tom and Jill Kozeny
Ronald and Ayana Machen
Matt and Stephanie Geary
Mary Cull
Daniel and JoAnna Kim
John ‘93 and Isabelle McHugh
Trevisan Bearce Group of Wells Fargo Advisors
Brent and Maureen Hodges
Michael and Shana Keefe
Lost Whiskey Club
George and Jennifer Lowe
David and Katherine Lugar
Chris and Jennifer Lukawski
Bob and Hazel Lychak
Malcolm and Darcy Marshall
Brian and Mary Miller
Andrew and Maryellen Moline
Thomas and Jennifer Mooney
Sean and Kathleen Neary
Joe and Ashley Profaizer
Matt and Allison Shay
Byron and Jennifer Shoji
Chad and Ingre Stackhouse
The Author Incubator
The Italian Place
Dana and Shera Thompson
Robert and Erin Thomson
Bob and Elena Tompkins
Greg Welsch and Anne Termine
Brigen and Jennifer Winters
The Mackie Family
The Owczarski Family
Natalie Pilon
Franny Rock
Jennifer Burnside
Rosanna Cameron
Bill and Tracy Guarini
Tami Henneman
David and Nancy Leach
Mary Ralston
Jeanne Tarpey Wallace
Our deepest gratitude to the generous sponsors.
W e ' r e h o n o r e d t o s p o n s o r t h e G o n z a g a S c h o l a r s h i p F u n d a n d i t s l o n g s t a n d i n g s u p p o r t o f t h e g r e a t e r D M V c o m m u n i t y . f r o m t h e
‘ 2 5
19 EYE STREET, N.W WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001 (202) 336 7161 (202) 336 7164 FAX
City sidewalks, Busy sidewalks Dressed in holiday style
In the air there's A feeling of Christmas!
Dear Friends of Gonzaga,
This year’s Gala, It’s Christmastime in the City, once again promises to be the highlight of the Christmas season on Eye Street. The “feeling of Christmas” referenced in the lyrics above reminds us that we are part of a faith tradition full of miracles. From the improbability of our very existence to God’s manifestation among us in the person Jesus, miracles are at the foundation of who we are.
Each year at this time, we thank God for the miracle that is Gonzaga College High School. In the spirit of this year’s Gala celebration, let us live in this Christmas season in peace, in love and in care for one another. I have no doubt that the tireless work of tonight’s event organizers will be richly rewarded. Let us also take time to thank those who graciously donated items to tonight’s Gala that will undoubtedly be purchased for a sum exceeding their worth.
I thank all of you for the spirit of generosity that is a hallmark of this great commu nity. Your gifts, freely given, bring joy to our greatest asset, the young men of Gonzaga.
May God bless you and yours this Christmas Season!
A Very Merry Christmas,
Thomas K. Every II Headmaster
I f y o u a r e a s u b j e c t - m a t t e r e x p e r t , t h i s m a y b e s o m e t h i n g y o u h e a r o f t e n . H a v e y o u e v e r r e a l l y e x p l o r e d w h a t ' s i n v o l v e d i n b e c o m i n g a n a u t h o r ?
S h o u l d y o u w r i t e a b o o k ?
W h e n s h o u l d y o u w r i t e i t ?
W h a t s h o u l d i t b e a b o u t ?
H o w s h o u l d y o u p u b l i s h i t ?
W i l l i t m a k e m o n e y ?
T h i r t y y e a r p u b l i s h i n g e x e c u t i v e , W a l l S t r e e t J o u r n a l b e s t s e l l i n g a u t h o r , a n d G o n z a g a m o m , D r A n g e l a L a u r i a i s o f f e r i n g G A L A a t t e n d e e s a f r e e b o o k c o n s u l t a t i o n t o a n s w e r t h e s e q u e s t i o n s a n d m o r e
V i s i t d i f f e r e n c e p r e s s . c o m / G o n z a g a G a l a
2022 2023
Gonzaga Mothers Club Executive Board
President Kristen Allen
Vice President Gerry Gretschel
Vice President Shannon Kopplin
Secretary Jennifer Winters
Treasurer Sarah Scherer
Webmaster Shannon Merkle Communications Sapna Delacourt
Past President Hazel Lychak
Moderator Rev. Joseph E. Lingan, S.J. ‘75
On behalf of the Gonzaga Mothers Club, I am excited to welcome you to Gonzaga’s 42nd annual Christmas Gala, It’s Christmastime in the City. We are blessed to be together tonight to celebrate the Christmas season and the spirit, fellowship, and traditions that make Gonzaga a wonderful community. It is here, every day, that we are so fortunate to witness our young men become “Men for Others.”
A very special thank you to our incredible Gala Sponsors, and to all the families and friends who have given very generously to support this year’s Gala and fill our auction with amazing items. Please look at the beautiful online program filled with wonderful ads supporting the Gala. We hope you find items or experiences that will surprise and delight your loved ones this holiday season.
We are sincerely grateful to our talented 2022 Gala Chairs Alison Heafitz, Jennifer Mooney, and Jeanette Staton for their clear vision and vibrant leadership in making this a joyful and inspiring evening for the whole community. This evening is truly a gift, given over many months by so many Gonzaga Mothers Club volunteers. Thank you to our fabulous team of dedicated Gala Sub committee Chairs and dozens of volunteers for sharing your time and talents to bring It’s Christmastime in the City to Gonzaga. It has been a labor of love, and we deeply appreciate your hard work.
The spirit that sparkles throughout Gonzaga this evening and every day is a special one. So tonight, let’s celebrate and enjoy this incredible Gala in the company of our dear friends while showing our gratitude, love, and affection for our school.
With warmest wishes for a blessed and very Merry Christmas,
Kristen Allen
Gonzaga Mothers Club 2022 2023
December 3, 2022
Thank you for making “It’s Christmastime in the City” such a wonderful success. Your support of the 42nd annual Gonzaga Gala has truly made this a joyous season on Eye Street.
The Gonzaga Gala brings together the tremendous spirit of the Gonzaga Community. Tonight‘s Gala would not be possible without the sponsors, donors, committee chairs and volunteers who give so generously of their time, treasure and talent. A special thanks to Fr. Joseph Lingan, S.J., Dave Dugan and the amazing Gonzaga faculty and Staff, as well as the Mothers and Fathers Clubs. They work year-round to support the Gala – Gonzaga’s biggest fundraiser for our boys and our school community.
Tonight’s Gala is critical to the Gonzaga Mission-shaping our sons into “Men for Others.” Your generosity will open Gonzaga’s doors to students who might not otherwise receive a Jesuit education. Additionally, the Gala supports several of the best aspects of Gonzaga: helping to fund service projects, spiritual development for our students and faculty, and our rigorous and well-rounded curriculum.
Again thank you for your generous support of the Gala and enjoy “It’s Christmastime in the City.” We are so happy to share Christmas Joy with each of you on Eye Street. We wish you a very blessed Christmas and happy and healthy New Year.
Your 2022 Gonzaga Gala Chairs, Alison Heafitz, Jennifer Mooney & Jeanette Staton
Alison Heafitz
Jennifer Mooney
Jeanette Staton
Family & Business Ads
Kathleen Seiler Neary Michelle Prisco
Communications & Social Media Sapna Delacourt
GMC President Kristen Allen
Shannon Merkle
Invitation Mailing
Ann Woodson
Parties with a Purpose
Jill Rogers
Kristen Wood
Parish Ads
Jen Dugas
Elizabeth McGlynn Ashley Hardin
Gala Treasurer Sara Scherer
Jennifer Winters
Volunteer Coordinator
Shannon Kopplin Ashley Profaizer
Sponsorship Concierge Shana Keefe
Eagles Wings Mary Sheila Evans Trish Lingan
Amazon Wish List Coordinators
Carol Hom
Josie Militello
Live Auction & Almost Live Sapna Delacourt Wendy Lewis Jennifer Burnside Athletic Eagle Mary Fran Deluane Carrie Garland Kate Fritz Cyndi Oliver
Eagle Adventures
Claire Portolese Corey Siembieda
Purple Moon
Josie Militelo
Anne Craig Holly Bice
Eye Street Gallery
Jennifer Winters Merchandise
Allison Shay
Wine Cellar Jill Rodgers Tracey Pepperman
Tree McKinnon
Stephanie Geary Marie Bunag
Susan O’Neill
Seating Coordinator
Katie Kirchner
Sue Howard
Program Design
Jayna Stevenson
Andrea Herrera Clark Concepts
Meeting Hospitality Olivia Odorieux
Congratulations on a great season to the Varsity Soccer Team!
Wishing the entire Gonzaga community a very
The Coffey Family John and Tracy Ryan Bobby (’07) & Lizzy, Sean, Ryan and Kevin (’23)
1981 Claire Cooney Christmas Gala
1982 Thea Nardi Christmas Around the World
1983 Rosemarie Buckley & Nora Tiffey Gonzaga’s Country Christmas
1984 Thea Nardi Winter Wonderland
1985 Debbie File Victorian Christmas
1986 Elena Johnson & Thea Nardi Colonial Christmas
1987 Maureen Ferroli & Nora Tiffey Chesapeake Bay Christmas
1988 Nancy Griffin & Shelby Ruddy Christmas in the City
1989 Cathy Aldeman & Barbara Blank A Christmas Fiesta
1990 Joan Broadnick & Carol Kluttz Christmas in Toyland
1991 Ellen Murray & Petey O’Brien An American Christmas
1992 Shannon Sorzano & Denise Balzano On Angel’s Wings
1993 Riz Carey & Pat Cox Miracle on Eye Street
1994 Emily Mahoney Peace—Let it Begin With Me
1995 Pam Hall & Pam Lucey The Spirit of Giving—A Gonzaga Tradition
1996 Jan Test & Gerry Welch A Time to Rejoice
1997 Barbara Mullarkey & Mary Del Bianco A Mid-Winter’s Eve
1998 Sharon Raimo & Cathy Pfeiffer It’s a Wonderful Life
1999 Vivian O’Neill & Mary Mills Roman Holiday
2000 Karen Fornaro & Christine Murray Christmas in Provence
2001 Katie Brady & Suzanne Derby Deck the Halls
2002 Cathie Desmarais & Judy Stack
A Christmas Legacy—The Heart of Gonzaga Traditions
2003 Ann McMurray & Mary Ralston A Spirit Runs Through It
2004 Debbie Onufrychuk & Jeanne Wallace Angels on Eye—The Light of Gonzaga
2005 Ginna Chambers & Ann Newell A Star Shines on Eye Street
2006 Alice Curtin & Karen Stewart Many Gifts, One Spirit—The Silver Anniversary Gala
2007 Jane Balkam & Barbara Heffernan An Old Fashioned Christmas
2008 Julia Casey & Joan Knetemann The Music of Eye Street
2009 Jonna Stoycos & Terri Burke Christmas Gala
2010 Maureen McCarty Christmas Gala
2011 My-Hanh Burr & Nancy Leach Christmas on Eye Street—The 30th Anniversary Gala
2012 Katherine Long & Carrie O’Hara Celtic Christmas
2013 Marcella Townsend & Karen Hill Sleigh Bells on Eye Street
2014 Meghan McCaleb, Jill Mote, & MaryBeth Powers Purple Polar Express
2015 Tahneena Barron & Ana Rivas-Beck Miracle on Eye Street
2016 Kathy Kirvan, Andrea Mellado & Kimberly Notarianni Nutcracker Suite on Eye Street
2017 Kim Howland & Maggie Sinnott Mejia Winter Wonderland
2018 Lidia Barnes, Meghan O’Boyle & Maggie Sinnott Mejia Jingle & Mingle
2019 Sheila Maloney, Meghan O’Boyle & Kristen Wood Making Spirits Bright
2020 Katie Ronca & Laura Tramonte Gonzaga’s 40th Gala: The Ruby Celebration
2021 Jeanette Staton, Jennifer Winters & Colleen Schrier A Roaring Return
2022 Alison Heafitz, Jennifer Mooney & Jeanette Staton It’s Christmastime in the City
Our heartfelt appreciation to the amazing Faculty and Staff of Gonzaga. We are blessed to have you in our lives. Thank you for all you do to make our boys Men for Others.
They couldn’t do it without you.
Xavier Allen
John Allen
William Ammerman
Jack Bacarra
Trent Badrak
Jackson Baldrate
Timothy Barloon
Colin Baroudi
Andre Barrett
Thomas Batties II
Feisal Beidas
Austin Berg
Ryan Bilbo
Franco Bitar
Jalen Bogues
Trevor Bonavita
Aiden Bond
Ajani Bond
Jon Bouker III
Anthony Buckley John Buscher
Edward Butler
David Caballero Jack Cadin
Joseph Cajayon
Robert Canestrari III
Alexander Carpentier
William Carroll
Matthew Casler
Vincent Caspari
Evan Cerretani
Axel Chicas
Duke Chiow
Pierce Christenson
Ryan Christiano
Connor Clark
Colin Clark
Theodore Clifton IV
Kevin Coffey
Daniel Colucci
William Conaton
Emmett Cook
John Corso , Jr.
James Craig Wyatt Croog
Christopher Cullen
Austin Cunningham
Abram Cutler
Griffin Dabbs
David Damiano
Michael Davis
Luke Dean
Dominic DeBritz
Mark DeCain
John Deerin
Thomas Deitz
Gabriel Christian Delosreyes
William Deye John Donaldson Jack Donovan Gabriel Dorsey
Charles Emery
Dalton Enright
Samuel Joseph Ewald Marvin Forbes Javier Fox
Aidan Friedman
James Gaboriault-Whitcomb
Brady Gage
Bryce Gaines
John Gallagher
Samuel Galupo
Edwin Garcia
David Garland
Nicholas Garner
Robert Gaskins , Jr.
Nicholas Xavier Gaston
Stefan Gately Andrew Geary
Antonio Ghaleb
John Glasow
William Gletner
Quinn Graham
William Greene
Joseph Griffin IV
Jacob Gupton
Dutch Hahn
Andrew Hartman
Webb Hayes VI
Francis Hendrickson
Brian Henneberry
Cooper Henson
Markeith Hogan
Matthew Holt
Daniel Huisentruit
William Hurley
Matthew Ingoglia Andrew Irisari Patrick Jacobs Myles Johnson Alexander Johnston Peter Kalitka John Kernan Nicholas Kim Maximos Kiriakou Brian Koefoot Nicholas Langley Austin Lathrop Marcus LeClair Eric Lee Brendan Lee Edward LeGloahec John Leland Patrick Leonard Alexander Limarzi Lorenzo Limarzi Evan Link Timothy Lis Christian Lopez Nicholas Lowe Collin MacLennan
Matthew Maier Madden Marlais Leander Marques da Costa
Charles Marsh Nicholas Matta Alexander Mavris
Ryan May
Asa Mayo II
Colin McDermott Jalen McDonald
John McDonough Casey McGee
Thomas McKinnon Michael McKnight , Jr. Connor McPhail
James McVaney III Aidan Melley
Samuel Mickney
Juan Molinari
Paul Molinaro
John Moloney Declan Monahan Noah Moody Thomas Moore
Francisco Mora Kiernan Mulcahy
Brendan Mulcahy Reed Nester Matthew Ngatta Chase Norman John Noyes
Matthew O'Callaghan Ishaan O'Neal
Thomas O'Neill V
Nicolas Ortiz
Ryan Parlett Ramit Parshad Liam Passey Jaylen Penn Wesley Peot Henry Peterson Matthew Peterson Aidan Petretich Henry Pilon William Piron
Colin Prendergast Mateo Rampoldi Kevin Reese
Alexander Reisig
Graham Repke
Hector Reyes Matthew Rienzo
Joseph Ries
Myron Rogers
Colin Romness
Luca Rosa
Nicolas Rugo
Ryan Sabol Charles Sagely Mathieu Saliba
Jakobi Sana Charles Scherer Michael Scott
Richard Scott III
Walter Sechriest IV
William Shean
James Shoji Matthew Shumaker
Christopher Somefun
Mekhi Spriggs
Max Stackhouse
John Stogoski
Laughlin Sullivan Luke Sullivan Oliver Svenburg Duane Sylvestre Jackson Tankersley Zachari Taylor Jackson Taylor Brennan Taylor Charles Taylor Jack Teuschl William Thomson Curtis Tompkins II Christian Torborg John Trevisan Samuel Van Dyck August van Geertruyden Ethan Van Sice
Luke Volmer Willem Volz Samuel Volz
Timothy Wakefield
Tristan Wang William Weaver
William Weisgerber
Bryce West Canfield Whiddon Charles White
Peter Wild Philip Williams Owen Wolak
William Wolfe Kebron Zewda
Naod Zewede Lucas Zidlicky
a huge success. Thank you for contributing your time, energy, and efforts.
Every one of you are so appreciated!
May your world be filled with warmth and good cheer this Holy season; we wish you a joy-filled Christmas.
- The 2022 Gonzaga Gala Committee
thanks to the many volunteers who helped make It’s Christmastime in the City
6:00 p.m.
Doors Open! Cocktails, conversation and Silent Auction bidding 7:45 p.m.
Door Open to the Carmody Center “Grand Ballroom” 8:15 p.m.
Welcome Program and Dinner, followed by:
Heads or Tails, Live Auction and Raise the Paddle with our Mistress of Ceremonies Sherry Truhlar
Our Evening continues with Dessert and Dancing in the Gonzaga Commons at the After Party in the City
Checkout is available after the Live Auction ends in the Lower Commons 12:00 midnight
The End Please drive safely
During this season of Thanksgiving, there are countless reasons to be thankful for The Gift of Gonzaga
Tonight, we hope you will Raise Your Paddle in appreciation for what Gonzaga has given to your son and to your family
Raise Your Paddle in honor of your son’s favorite teacher or coach or in recognition of the impact the spirit of service has had on him
Raise Your Paddle as a shout-out to the team or club that has enriched your son’s time at Gonzaga
Raise Your Paddle to celebrate the bonds of brotherhood and friendship your son has formed on Eye Street
There are so many reasons we are thankful for Gonzaga
We hope you will consider a generous gift when you are invited to RAISE YOUR PADDLE!
All gifts raised during the Raise the Paddle portion of the Gala go to support the Gonzaga Annual Fund
Thank you for Raising Your Paddle for Gonzaga!
The Gonzaga Annual Fund is the critical source of support that allows Gonzaga to keep tuition relatively low for all families -- while supporting both faculty salaries and tuition assistance for those students who otherwise would not be able to attend Gonzaga The reality is that tuition alone falls far short of meeting the costs of running the school -- with actual per-student costs over $5,000 more than tuition When you support the annual fund, you help keep Gonzaga affordable and accessible for all families, while funding things like faculty salaries and financial aid that are essential to the Gonzaga experience
For $30 play Heads or Tails before the Live Auction begins Each guest may purchase one chance to play this fun game of chance At the flip of the coin, players pick “Heads” or “Tails”, touch your head or touch your tail! The last person standing gets the Coveted Neon G, which has auctioned off for as much as $4,000 in the past
For $30 pull a bottle of wine from the wine tree to reveal your prized bottle of Vino All bottles were donated by the wine connoisseurs in the Gonzaga Community and are at least $25 retail and many are much higher Feel free to buy more than one and Pull the Bottle several times Christmas is coming… you need some wine! Wine Not??
Each glass of champagne will sell for $100 which gives you a chance to win a beautiful Boone & Sons gold heart necklace with diamonds on one side and amethyst on the other. There will only be 50 glasses sold, so get yours early!!!
Drawing will be held during the Live Auction.
Please see the gala volunteer at the Bubble and Bling area to buy your champagne and have your bidder number added to the raffle.
Donated by: Boone and Sons Jewelers
2. By his/her purchase, the buyer waives any claim to liability against either Gonzaga or the donor of the property or services Neither Gonzaga nor the donor is responsible for any personal injuries or damages to property that may result from the use of the property or services sold
3. Unless otherwise specified, all auction items must be used by December 3, 2023 Dates and times are to be arranged at the mutual convenience of the buyer and donor
4. All resort and private vacation homes are offered to adults and minors accompanied by adults No pets allowed
5. Payment for auction items may be made with cash, check (payable to Gonzaga Mothers Club),
Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover PAYMENT IN FULL IS MANDATORY If credit card not on file, purchaser will be contacted
6. It will be the buyer’s responsibility to arrange for delivery, if required, unless otherwise specified
7. See the Tax information below and check with your own tax advisor as to the deductibility or non- deductibility of individual items
8. All items must be removed from Gonzaga on the evening of the Gala OR Sunday, December 4th between the hours of 10:00 a m and 2:00 p m in the Gonzaga Commons
9. A final receipt will be emailed to all supporters post-event
10. With the exception of the Inpirato trips, all bidders must have an in person or virtual ticket to the event Bids of those who do not have a ticket will be canceled
11. All silent auction items close at 8:00 p m
1. The highest bidder acknowledged by the auctioneer shall be the buyer In the event of any dispute, the auctioneer shall determine the successful bidder
2. The auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid that, in his or her opinion, is not commensurate with the value of the lot being offered
3. To bid on an item as a group, a spokesperson shall be designated to mobile bid on behalf of the group If the bid is won, each person will be billed separately for his or her portion of the bill Please speak to one of the OneCause representatives at the Help Desk to split payments
You will be provided with a receipt for your purchases via e-mail which you may wish to retain for tax purposes Your receipt includes a goodfaith estimate of the value of the item offered in the auction, based on information provided by the donor We are not professional appraisers and are
not responsible for the accuracy of such valuations It is advisable to consult with your own tax advisor for definitive advice regarding the deductibility of an individual item, permissible deductible amount of any item, and documentation or other substantiation that may be required for such deduction
On Thursday, December 1st, prior to the Gala, each registered guest will receive a personalized text message and email using the information entered when purchasing event tickets Just click the link to begin placing bids either on your phone or desktop! Bidding on SILENT auction items will begin Thursday, December 1st. Bidding on LIVE AUCTION items can only be done by guests who attend the auction. Virtual attendees are NOT able to bid on LIVE AUCTION items.
Join Father Lingan of the Eye Street Eagles to watch Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band live - 4 tickets (adults only) in a Loft Suite at Capital One Arena for the Bruce Springsteen concert on March 27, 2023, 7:30pm Four (4) tickets, food and beverages included for this amazing show!
Winning bidder please contact ebernard@mclaughlinryder com Tickets will be available electronically
One of the most luxurious oceanfront vacation rental resorts in Kauai, this Whaler’s Cove condo unit has 2 bedrooms, 2 5 baths and sleeps four Set on a point overlooking Koloa Landing, the resort features commanding 180 degree views of the coastline The sounds of the ocean fill the condo and the large spacious lanai offers a great lookout for hours of relaxing turtle,
Donated by: Shawn and Cassie McLaughlin 101
dolphin, and seasonal whale watching Well attended orchid gardens and manicured lawns along with a spectacular heated oceanfront pool and hot tub provide the ideal island vacation setting
Specific dates to be scheduled with owners and is based on availability Winner should contact Jennifer at jepemon@gmail com to schedule date
For more details please see https://www parrishkauai com/vrp/unit/ Whalers_Cove_137-135-15
Donated by: Jennifer and Miguel Monteverde
Join Gonzaga President, Father Joseph Lingan, and friends for a tailgate party on the balcony of the President’s Suite at 77H overlooking Buchanan Field You choose the sport, the game, and the guest list and the Alumni and Advancement Office will provide the rest Catered BBQ and refreshments for 40 guests will be included, so bring a hungry and thirsty crowd to cheer on the Eagles
Restrictions: Mutually agreeable date Not valid on Sundays Note that the balcony is already reserved for several key dates, such as reunion weekend Aside from those dates, the choice of match-up is yours To be coordinated with the President’s Office by contacting Kathy Nealon at knealon@ gonzaga org The event will be limited to adults only, as beer and wine will be served, unless the winning bidder chooses alternate refreshments
Donated by: Fr.Joseph Lingan, S.J. ‘75
Take a trip to paradise! Enjoy a Caribbean getaway to the Turks and Caicos Islands, known to have some of the most beautiful beaches in the world Spend a week in this amazing four-bedroom, four-bathroom villa located on the turquoise waters of the island of Providenciales and take advantage of true indoor/outdoor living Situated in the private neighborhood of Silly Creek Estates, this gated property features a pool, small private beach, outdoor hot tub, patio grill, fire pit and 1,300 square feet of covered patios, all with breathtaking views of the water Inside, guests will find all the luxuries you could imagine in the spacious, light filled, and modern interior -- fully equipped kitchen with wine refrigerator, SMART TVs, Bluetooth sound system, Wi-Fi, and more Those who wish to avoid the mid-day sun can enjoy a movie in the theater room, board games on the upstairs lanai, or a nap in a variety of inviting shaded areas Should you choose to venture beyond your private paradise, take the kayaks out to explore the mangroves of Silly Creek or visit the beaches of Sapodilla Bay and Taylor Bay conveniently located just 5 minutes from your villa End your day with a meal in the covered outdoor dining area or by taking in the twilight
Enjoy an unforgettable evening at the Lost Whiskey Club in Delaplane, VA dining on whole hog BBQ, sipping local whiskey and taking in the views of the rolling hills of the VA countryside Your party for 50 will include a heritage breed hog, pasture-raised by Christian Schmidt (Class of ‘91) at Glen Mary Farm, and slow smoked over hardwood coals The whiskey and the beautiful venue are provided by Lost Whiskey, co-founded by Nick Cioffi (parent, Class of ‘26) We’ll serve the pulled pork with your favorite sides and drinks
The event will take place on a mutually agreed upon date, within one year of the Gala
Contact Steve LeNard at stevelenard@yahoo com to schedule
Donated by: Nick and Liz Cioffi, Christian and Andrea Schmidt, Steve and Debbie LeNard, Lost Whiskey Club, and Glen Mary Farm
views from your comfortable upstairs lanai! From dawn to dusk, this villa has something for everyone to create an unforgettable Caribbean vacation
One week stay between May and September 2023 for up to 8 people subject to availability See website for more information www sunsetclosevilla com Winning bidder contact Cristal Baron at 202-999-6755 to make arrangements
Donated by: Cristal Baron and Carey McKenzie 104
Gonzaga Jersey signed by Gonzaga alumnus and Heisman trophy candidate Caleb Williams
Donated by: Caleb Williams
One lucky Gonzaga Student will have the best guaranteed parking space in the parking garage for the entire 2023-2024 school year Open to any student with a valid driver’s license
Please contact Kathy Nealon from Father Lingan’s office at knealon@ gonzaga org to make arrangements for your parking spot
Donated by: Fr. Joseph Lingan, S.J. ‘75
Spend a relaxing three-night weekend at Deep Neck Point, a private luxury waterfront retreat in St Michaels, Maryland This spectacular, beautifully furnished home will be a welcome respite for up to ten people Located on a private 50-acre peninsula that reaches out into a milewide stretch of Broad Creek, the 8,000 square foot home is surrounded by 270 degrees of water Enjoy nature hikes, hunting in season, fishing, or even dock your own boat at the dock The property features a large in-ground pool, a 150-foot dock, a new tennis court, a 200-foot zip line over a marsh, a game room, a ping pong table and a small playground The home is perfect for a family retreat, girls’ weekend, or couples getaway
For more photos go to: https://www vrbo com/942769ha?vgdc=HAUS&preferlocale=true
Winner to contact Tree McKinnon at tree_mckinnon@hotmail com to schedule
Donated by: Will and Theresa McKinnon
Ten couples will begin this exclusive event with a private Mass and tour by Fr Lingan, currently one of the most knowledgeable experts on the history of St Aloysius Church, followed by cocktails and passed hors d’oeuvres in the Headmasters’ Hall of Honors Guests will then be invited to enjoy a sumptuous three course meal with specially selected wines, all served to them in the Jesuit Dining Room
It is certain to be an evening full of fine food, perfectly paired wines and great company that you and your guests won’t soon forget!
Please contact Kathy Nealon at knealon@gonzaga org in the President’s Office to make arrangements for a mutually agreeable date
Donated by: Fr. Joseph Lingan, S.J. ‘75
Specialized, trauma informed, adoption competent family therapy. Now serving children, teens, and adoptive, kinship, and foster families throughout Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia via telehealth and in-person. Call to schedule an appointment. 866.217.8534 adoptionsupport.org @caseadopt
Specialized, trauma informed, adoption competent family therapy. Now serving children, teens, and adoptive, kinship, and foster families throughout Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia via telehealth and in-person. Call to schedule an appointment. 866.217.8534 adoptionsupport.org @caseadopt
Specialized, trauma informed, adoption competent family therapy. Now serving children, teens, and adoptive, kinship, and foster families throughout Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia via telehealth and in-person. Call to schedule an appointment.
Specialized, trauma informed, adoption competent family therapy. Now serving children, teens, and adoptive, kinship, and foster families throughout Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia via telehealth and in-person. Call to schedul intment. 866.217.8534 adoptionsupport.org @caseadopt
nurture. inspire. empower.
Specialized, trauma informed, adoption competent family therapy. Now serving children, teens, and adoptive, kinship, and foster families throughout Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia via telehealth and in-person. Call to schedule an appointment. 866.217.8534 adoptionsupport.org @caseadopt nurture. inspire. empower.
nurture. inspire. empower.
Specialized, trauma informed, adoption competent family therapy. Now serving children, teens, and adoptive, kinship, and foster families throughout Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia via telehealth and in-person. Call to schedule an appointment. 866.217.8534 adoptionsupport.org @caseadopt nurture. inspire. empower.
Private tour of St Aloysius church and clock tower by Gonzaga President, Father Joseph Lingan, S J ‘75
Have you ever wondered about the iconic clock tower that looms high above historic St Aloysius church? Father Joe Lingan SJ ‘75, currently one of the most knowledgeable experts on the history of St Aloysius church will guide a group of 6* guests on an exclusive tour of the church and clock tower You will learn fascinating facts about the church through history, its artwork, structure, and the rich symbolism found throughout this beautiful edifice, as well as an indepth look into the history of the famed clock tower
*We kindly ask that all 6 guests are able bodied and not afraid of heights
The gift of a lovely clock tower tray signed by Father Lingan will serve as a memento of this special event as well as a gift card toward lunch for 6 donated by The Dubliner
Donated by: Fr. Joseph Lingan, S.J. ‘75
Tired of the same old, same old SAGE lunch? Your son and four of his friends can enjoy a monthly lunch in the spring semester (January through May) with the Headmaster! Skip the cafeteria lines and come to the Headmaster’s office for a gourmet lunch consisting of appetizer, entree and dessert Meals will either be home cooked or catered In addition to the excellent meal, your son will be able to get out of his 7th block class early so that the meal won’t be rushed Lunches will be scheduled on mutually convenient “B” days and the winner will have a hand in menu planning Come pick Mr Every’s brain about Gonzaga history and legend, advocate for new initiatives,or just come to relax and enjoy the food with your friends!
Winner to coordinate monthly dates with Mr Tom Every, Headmaster of Gonzaga College High School
Donated by: Mr. Thomas Every, Headmaster
Make your 2023 Gonzaga graduate’s commencement weekend a memorable one! Take the stress out of graduation with three reserved parking spaces for you and your family for the Baccalaureate Mass on Saturday and the commencement ceremony on Sunday Celebrate with VIP treatment and a catered lunch for 25 before the Baccalaureate Mass in the Collins Rotunda on Saturday
This private suite -- Club Level between Home Plate & 3rd Base -- can accommodate 22 guests It’s yours for a mutually agreeable August 2023 game! Includes standard catering (soft drinks + snacks)
Private bathroom, AC, outdoor seating for 15+ (4) parking passes, and a $500 Amex Gift Card to be used towards additional catering or for the Nationals team store
Restrictions: Mutually agreeable August 2023 game can accommodate up to 22 people Beyond included standard catering package, additional food/beverage can be arranged via the Nats Park Catering
Winner should contact Allison Shay at allison shay@gmail com to coordinate
Donated by: National Retail Federation / The Shay Family
or breakfast before the commencement ceremony in the library on Sunday A group of Eagles’ Wings parent volunteers will extend traditional Gonzaga hospitality to welcome you and your guests, take care of every detail, provide non-alcoholic beverages, and sweeten the day with a sampling of desserts to round out the catered menu The graduate’s parents also will be welcomed to Eagles’ Wings with a special commemorative gift A roving volunteer photographer will provide candid photos from the event With this special package, you will receive three additional tickets (for a total of six) to the live video broadcast in Sheehy Theater Your son also will receive an armload of class graduation gifts from the Gonzaga bookstore Included is a $200 credit towards photos taken at the commencement and Baccalaureate by Gonzaga’s official photographer, Stone Photography Don’t miss this opportunity to make your son’s graduation one you and he won’t forget Hail Gonzaga!
Winner to contact Marie Duellman at mcreevers@gmail com to coordinate
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Gonzaga Gala and Gonzaga College High School’s ongoing mission to help form men with and for others, that is, graduates who are open to growth, intellectually competent, religious, loving, and committed to doing justice; a mission that aligns perfectly with our commitment to sincere, personalized care and growth for future generations.
St ephen H. St at on, CPA La n iga n Rya n Pa r t ner
Lanigan Ryan is a group of senior business consultants, CPAs, and associates that specialize in the growth and development of privately held businesses.
Gonzaga Mom, Dr Angela Lauria, has been helping experts write books since 1994 Her signature event is a private 3-day retreat where you go from IDEA to DONE and write a non-fiction book from the luxurious comfort of a bay-side home in North Beach, Maryland, just a 45-minute drive from Eye Street
A Publisher and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Angela will sit by your side and guide you each step of the way, making sure your manuscript is complete by sunset on the third day All your food and housing needs will be taken care of with this offer Just make your way East to the Chesapeake Bay with your laptop and The Author Incubator will take it from there As an added treat you are welcome to bring a guest (human or pet) to be with you as you write
In addition to 4 nights of accommodation, book coaching, developmental editing, and publishing strategy, the 3 Days to Done package includes a one-hour book consultation before and after your writing retreat which can be scheduled anytime in 2023
Whether you are writing an instructional guide, a memoir, a self-help book, a how-to book, or a business book; this process is guaranteed to take you from idea to done in just a few steps and it works for both traditionally and selfpublished books If you don’t have a publishing strategy
Your friends and family will marvel at your refreshed and rejuvenated look following an anti-aging consultation and
yet, no problem, we will take care of that as a part of this process
Imagine how inspiring it will be when your son sees that you finally wrote your book in 2023!
The winner should contact Angela directly at AngelaL@TheAuthorIncubator com or at 202-792-2000 to arrange their retreat dates and plan your book
Can be redeemed anytime in 2023
Donated by: Angela Lauria 205
personalized treatment from Dr Courtney Herbert at FDL Dermatology
Dr Herbert is a board certified dermatologist who has been recognized as one of the area’s top doctors by both Washingtonian Magazine and Best of Arlington for over a decade Her patient-centered practice allows longer appointments so she can take the time to get to know you and your family medical history Based on your needs, health, and lifestyle, Dr Herbert will use Botox to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and provide you with the choice of either a HydroFacial or Chemical Peel to further improve your skin’s appearance You will also receive a basket of hand-selected products including EltaMD sunscreen, Obaji eyelash serum, and Dr Herbert’s own line of skincare, including a gentle antioxidant cleanser, night cream, lipid replenishing soft cream, and firming neck cream
Winner will pick up basket of products at appointment Expiration is 12-23 Contact FDL Dermatology at Staff@fdlderm com to coordinate
Donated by: FDL Dermatology
We have been servicing Northern VA since 1987, we handle all makes and models of automobiles. Let us help you keep your investment running well while keeping your cost of ownership low. Mention Gonzaga when you call and receive a 10% discount.
As the #1 rated course in Virginia (Golf Digest), Kinloch Golf Club is well known for its superb conditioning, split fairways that offer an abundance of risk-reward opportunities, and for the renowned “Kinloch Hospitality ”
This package includes: includes on-site accommodations in one of Kinloch’s well-appointed cottages for one night and 36 holes (maybe more) for up to four (4) people with meals and drinks
Not included in this package: Caddie fee and gratuity This package will be scheduled between the winner and the host on a mutually agreed upon date
Winner should contact Michael Johnson at either (202) 415-6768 or mjohnson@nssga org
Gonzaga football signed by Gonzaga alumnus and Heisman trophy candidate Caleb Williams
Donated by: Caleb Williams 208
Gonzaga football program signed by Gonzaga alumnus and Heisman trophy candidate Caleb Williams
Donated by: Caleb Williams
Gonzaga football program signed by Gonzaga alumnus and Heisman trophy candidate Caleb Williams
Donated by: Caleb Williams
The Neon “G,” a Gala favorite, is a sought-after item that will cast a warm purple glow over a bar, bedroom, college dorm room, or office Surprise your favorite Eagle with this one-of-a-kind-piece of art!
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
Enjoy a weekend at the Kimpton Cardinal Hotel with a $500 gift card and dinner at the Spring House Restaurant Kitchen & Bar with a $150 gift card in Winston-Salem, NC, close to Wake Forest University The Cardinal Hotel, where a rich Southern legacy is tempered with a smidge of spunk We are located in downtown Winston-Salem’s historic R J Reynolds building, the architectural muse for the Empire State Building Step through our magnificent Art Deco entryway into a lavish social living room for a glass of sweet tea, or meet us on the patio for steamed oysters We’re steps away from fine art, craft beer and soul food scenes, close to Wake Forest University and Old Salem Museum & Gardens, and — as a Kimpton hotel — never too far from mischief The Spring House Restaurant Kitchen & Bar, a nationally recognized historic home, is located in the heart of downtown Winston-Salem, North Carolina At 100 years old The Spring House is bustling with life, and is proud to provide an award-winning restaurant experience nightly
The Neon “G,” a Gala favorite, is a sought-after item that will cast a warm purple glow over a bar, bedroom, college dorm room, or office Surprise your favorite Eagle with this one-of-a-kind-piece of art!
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
celebrating the art of fresh, local food and the seasons Spring House is the single culinary destination of its kind https://www thecardinalhotel com/ https://www springhousenc com/dining/dinner
7-day stay at our island retreat Three bedroom, three bath, pool, hot tub One block from crystal clear water and white sand beaches Availability must be mutually agreed on with rental schedule
Beach house will be reserved for 7 consecutive days on mutually agreed upon time between January 2023 and January 2024
Winner to contact Vera Chrstenson at verachristenson@yahoo com to coordinate
Donated by: Vera and Doug Christenson
A one bedroom, one bathroom condo in Camaiore, Italy for one week at a mutually agreed upon date Camaiore is a beautiful beach town in NW Tuscany, near the Mediterranean The condo accommodates one couple and there are additional lovely places in the town if they have others who wish join them The condo is in the middle of the town and has an elevator Joe and his wife have been vacationing in this beautiful condo for 30 years and want to share it with the Gonzaga community Pisa is the closest airport 30 minutes away, and Florence is an hour’s drive
Contact jggiller@yahoo com or by phone at (917)751-5054 to schedule your vacation https://www visittuscany com/en/destinations/camaiore/ Donated by: Jim Giller ‘62
Choose your perfect vacation from more than 30,000 options, including luxury homes, hotels, and resorts in 75+ iconic destinations around the world including Mexico, the Caribbean, Europe, and top U S destinations like the Hamptons, Vail, New York City, and Miami
Our luxury accommodations include Inspirato homes, resort residences, plus rooms and suites at five-star hotels and resorts including Montage, Auberge, Rosewood, and more And, because Inspirato is always adding new properties and destinations, the list is continuously improving and getting better over time Enjoy first-class, personalized serviceincluding pre-trip planning, daily housekeeping, and on-site concierge See our trips and learn more by visiting inspirato com/goodInspirato
Getaways | $4,000 per trip includes *All nightly rates, taxes, and fees *Getaways are fully transferable *6-month complimentary subscription to The Inspirato Club ($3,600 value ) Note that 50% of the proceeds are donated to Gonzaga
Vacation Better Choose your perfect vacation from more than 60,000 options, including luxury homes, hotels, and resorts in 75+ iconic destinations around the world including Mexico, the Caribbean, Europe, and top U S destinations like the Hamptons, Vail, New York City, and Pebble Beach Our luxury accommodations include Inspirato homes, resort residences, plus rooms and suites at five-star hotels and resorts including Montage, Auberge, Rosewood, and more
And, because Inspirato is always adding new properties and destinations, the list is continuously improving and getting better over time Enjoy first-class, personalized serviceincluding pre-trip planning, daily housekeeping, and on-site concierge See our trips and learn more by visiting inspirato com/goodInspirato
Vacations | $8,000 per trip includes *All nightly rates, taxes, and fees *Vacations are fully transferable *12-month complimentary subscription ) Note that 50% of the proceeds are
Bring Eye Street home! Christmas stocking featuring It’s Christmastime in the City logo
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! Christmas stocking featuring It’s Christmastime in the City logo
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings 302
Bring Eye Street home! Christmas stocking featuring It’s Christmastime in the City logo
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! Christmas stocking featuring It’s Christmastime in the City logo
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! Christmas stocking featuring Gonzaga Eagle
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! Christmas stocking featuring Gonzaga Eagle
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! 16” x 16” pillow
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! 16” x 16” pillow
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! 12” x 16” pillow
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings 309
Bring Eye Street home! 12” x 16” pillow
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! Set of 4 ceramic coasters featuring 4 different images
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! Set of 4 ceramic coasters featuring 4 different images
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! Set of 4 ceramic coasters featuring 4 different images
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! Set of 4 ceramic coasters featuring 4 different images
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings 314
Bring Eye Street home! Set of 4 ceramic coasters featuring 4 different images
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! Set of 4 ceramic coasters featuring 4 different images
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! 8”x10” printed on wood
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! 8”x10” printed on wood
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings 318 WOOD MOUNTED WALL ART 8X10GONZAGA SEAL $100
Bring Eye Street home! 8”x10” printed on wood
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! 8”x10” printed on wood
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! 12”x12” printed on wood
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! 10” x 14” printed on wood
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! 10” x 14” printed on wood
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings 323
Bring Eye Street home! 10” x 14” printed on wood
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings 324
Bring Eye Street home! 16” x 16” printed on wood
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings 325
Bring Eye Street home! 4 historic images -- Beat St Johns at Washington Monument, at the Capitol and at RFK Stadium, plus historic Quad 16” x 20” printed on wood
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings 326
Bring Eye Street home! 20” x 30” printed on wood
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Bring Eye Street home! 20” x 30” printed on wood
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings 328 CLOCK TOWER $50
Bring Eye Street home! 8” x 10” clock tower print (10” x 12” framed size)
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings 329
Bring Eye Street home! 10” x 14” printed on wood
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings 330
Bring Eye Street home! 15” x 20” professionally framed
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings 331 COLLINS ROTUNDA $75
Bring Eye Street home! 10” x 14” printed on wood
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Join us for the Gonzaga Class of 2023 Mom’s Night Out on Thursday, February 23, 2023 at the home of Alicia Henneberry in Potomac, Maryland Gather for a fun evening of conversation, cocktails and appetizers to celebrate our 2023 students!
Donated by: Stephanie Geary, Alecia Henneberry, Tree McKinnon
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Join us for the Gonzaga Class of 2024 Mom’s Night Out on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, from 7:30 p m to 9:30 p m at Washington Golf and Country Club in Arlington, Virginia Gather for a fun evening of conversation, cocktails and appetizers with your fellow Class of 2024 Moms!
Donated by: Siobhan Rausch Amorosi, Anne-Marie Burton, Annah Cave, Suzanne Cullina, Sapna Delacourt, Heather Heil, Misty Marshall, Kelly Overman, Jen Burke Pablo, Ashley Profazier, Catherine Swezey, Christine Thayer, Jennifer Lehmann Weng and Jennifer Winters
Join us for the Gonzaga Class of 2025 Mom’s Night Out on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, from 6:00 p m to 8:30 p m at Washington Golf and Country Club in Arlington, Virginia Gather for a fun evening of conversation, cocktails and appetizers with your fellow Class of 2025 Moms!
Donated by: Kelly Kumar, Kerry Meeker
Join us for the Gonzaga Class of 2026 Mom’s Night Out on Thursday, January 26, 2023, from 7:30 p m to 9:30 p m at Belle Haven Country Club in Alexandria, Virginia Gather for a fun evening of conversation, cocktails and appetizers with your fellow Class of 2026 Moms!
Donated by: Katie Barron, Liz Barentzen, Lauri Bearce, Abigail Blomstrom, Tara Carter, Sara Culvahouse Mills, Caren Garayta, Ashley Hardin, Katherine Luga, Nasika Lyubinsky, Laureen Matta, Ramola Musante, Nicole Phillbin, Susie Regan, Joanna RitceyDonohue, Jill Rogers, Deb Sarro, Adriana Sifakis, Emily Wild, and Laura Zeller 404
Tired of the same old mixed drink? Come to this Cocktails and Cupcakes party on Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 7:00 p m and learn how to mix something new! Guests will learn and taste several innovative cocktail recipes There will also be appetizers, cupcakes and various sweet treats to compliment your tasty new libations 30 Guests
Donated by: Jennifer Mooney
Who’s up for some bocce? Join us for an evening of booze and barbecue at the newly installed regulation home bocce court of Tom and Jenn and Mooney This super-fun and as-competitive-as-you-like yard game can be traced back to 5200 BC and has worked it’s way up to become the third most played sport in the world! Whether you’re an experienced player, or new to the game, you are sure to have blast at this party with a purpose! Event scheduled for Saturday, April 15, 2023 5:30 p m , limit 16 guests
Donated by: Jennifer Mooney
Join Gonzaga mom Veronica Ewald for an afternoon at Market and Cafe Gather together to share drinks, small bites and desserts at this Old Town, Alexandria venue while Veronica offers a lesson in floral design Each participant will learn to make a floral arrangement, a corsage and a boutonniere and will take home their new found skills as well as their beautiful floral creations This fun and memorable party will take place on Sunday, February 12th from 2:00 p m - 5:00 p m For 15 guests
Donated by: Veronica Ewald 407
Join us for an evening of wine, appetizers and crafting on Saturday, March 4, 2023 at 5:00 p m as we make darling spring-inspired creations! Expert craftswoman and Gonzaga mom, Blanca Munguia, will help you bring out your inner artisan at her cheerful Heartfelt Workshop in McLean Let your creativity flow while you enjoy an evening with old and new friends before you take home your new spring treasure For 15 guests
Donated by: Blanca Muniguia 408
Join junior and senior parents, Rich and Lisa White on Friday, May 5, 2023 at 6:30 p m , in their home for a delicious evening of Italian food and wine The evening will start with a tasting of both white and red Italian wines and continues with a multi-course Italian feast! Al fresco dinner will include: seasonal appetizers, pasta, entree and dessert Specially selected Italian wines from different regions in Italy will compliment the menu Buon Appetito! For 6 couples
Donated by: Lisa White
“Wine-not” release your dinner artist with lessons and guidance by your host, Susan O’Neill, professional artist and instructor for the Art League in Alexandria and the University of Maryland An evening of laughter, friends, libations, and hors d’oeuvres will have you saying wine not!! Each attendee will create their own original painting to take home Paint the image of your dreams or choose a themed tutorial in a working school of art 18 x 24” canvas, paint, brushes and more are provided For 15 guests
Donated by: Susan O’Neill and Lyn Reisig
Laissez les bons temps rouler from NOLA to Washington, DC and everywhere in-between! Join the Delaune, Dugas, Lukawski and Milito krewe for an evening of Mardi Gras food and fun In the tradition of the Carnaval de La Nouvelle-Orleans - before the Lenten season begins - eat, drink and be merry in serious New Orleans-style! Don your beads and come decked out in your purple, green and gold on Saturday, February 4, 2023 from 7:00 p m - 10:00 p m at the Delaune residence in Alexandria, VA For 50 guests
Donated by: DeLuane, Dugas, and Lukawski Families
If you can’t make it to Churchill Downs on May 6, come to Alexandria to watch the greatest two minutes in sports! For the 149th time, the two-year-olds will Run for the Roses Don your seersucker and fascinators for an afternoon of porchin’, magnolias, mint juleps and some good ole fashioned gaming We’ll be sure to feed your soul with some southern fare and plenty of hospitality Prizes await for best hat and whoever hits the trifecta! Join us on Saturday, May 6, 2023 at 4:30 p m (We’ll provide the research and the odds ) For 30 guests
Donated by: DeFrancesco and Jackman Families
Join past GMC Presidents at Hazel Lychak’s home in Vienna, Virginia on Sunday April 23, 2023 at 11:00 a m to celebrate Kristen Allen’s enthusiastic leadership and tireless devotion to Gonzaga as Mothers Club President over the past year
Donated by: Hazel Lychak
For this Gonzaga experience, Nepenthe Gallery presents a program that showcases the brilliant and upbeat original works of Brazilian artist and global phenom ROMERO BRITTO Romero combines elements of pop art, cubism and graffiti in his work His vibrant and bold palette conveys his message of hope, happiness and joy Romero is not only active in the arts, but also engages in dozens of philanthropic causes and works alongside organizations to raise needed funds and awareness Romero Britto is absolutely A MAN FOR OTHERS During the presentation, Nepenthe Gallery curators will unveil an original Britto work and those in attendance will be the first to see it in the D C Metro area! Guests can also browse throughout the entire gallery to discover a broad range of artworks by local, regional and international artists Exquisite wines and a vast charcuterie board complete this one-of-its-kind ART + WINE + CHEESE experience at Nepenthe Gallery!
Donated by: Jim and Carrie Garland 414
Shuffle Up and Deal!
Join other Gonzaga Dads (and maybe some moms) for the First No-Limit, Winner-Take-Half, Texas Hold’Em Poker Tournament Hosted by the Portolese Family (Joseph ‘26), there are exactly 30 chairs available for this fun tourney Reserve your seat early, they will go fast!
Price: $100, with the bid cost at the auction to reserve a chair set at $50 (which goes to the school), and the remaining $50 to be collected at the door on the night of the tournament (which goes to the winner) Don’t worry, if you bust out early, you can rebuy!
Donated by: Claire Portolese
- John Buscher and Anna Bowman
Aidan, We are very proud of you, all of your hard work and all that you have accomplished.
Good luck to you and the Class of 2023. Your future is bright.
Love, Mom, Dad, Alexandra and Nicholas
Gonzaga Water Polo moisture-wicking golf shirt from 2009 water polo season New with tags and never worn Shirt is white with purple side panels and purple trim on collar Left breast is embroidered with Gonzaga Water Polo in purple and water polo ball in yellow Size is men’s medium
Donated by: Anonymous 501
Caps! Caps! Caps! Two tickets to a regular season Capitals game (mutually agreed date) during the 2022-2023 season
Lower bowl seats, Section 119, Row Q, Seats 11 & 12 Tickets are digital, will require winner’s email, and winner will need a Ticketmaster account The tickets may not be resold
Winner should contact abbyblomstrom@yahoo com to coordinate
Donated by: Abby Blomstrom & Mark Manuzak
Take me out to the ballgame! 4 tickets to 2023 Washington Nationals Game Club level seats section 215 behind home plate Parking included Date and game to be agreed upon once schedule is finalized
Electronic tickets and parking will be transferred
Winner should contact Mattbond1000@gmail com to coordinate
Donated by: AMB consulting
Washington Nationals tickets! 4 seats in section 130 row G seats 15-18 Location is 2 rows behind Nats dugout on the aisle
Mutually agreeable date for 2023 season
Winner should contact bearce8@yahoo com to coordinate
Donated by: Stephen Bearce
Unleash the Fury! Washington Caps vs New York Rangers Saturday February 25th at 1:00 p m
Section 407, Row C, seats 4 & 5, aisle seats Seats are on end where the Caps shoot twice
Winner should contact moirafallon@hotmail com to coordinate
Donated by: Moira Fallon 505
Rock the Red! Two (2) tickets to the Washington Capitals vs the Minnesota Wild game on Tuesday, Jan 17th at 7:00 p m Seats are lower level, center ice, Section 100, Row R Seats 19 & 20
Winner should contact trepke65@gmail com too coordinate
Donated by: The Repkes 506
Tailgate in Style! Purple canopy tent 10’ x 10’ with two matching oversized folding chairs, 8’ folding table with Grill Time Portable Charcoal Grill in purple, purple portable cooler and matching 6-pack slim can cover coolers, as well as a custom purple and white cornhole set with G logo
Donated by: Gonzaga Touchdown Club 507
Gr8 Package! Have a chance to watch hockey history as Ovie chases Mr Hockey and the Great One Two great seats in Section 108, where the Caps shoot twice
Good for any mutually agreed upon game this season
Winner should contact georgehlowe@gmail com to coordinate
Donated by: George Lowe
Congratulations to Matt Ingoglia
and the class of 2023! We are so proud of you.
Trent Badrak ‘23
Sam Badrak ‘26
Nick Blanda ‘05
Abe Cutler ‘23
John Davis ‘10
Peter Davis ‘12 Jimmy Davis ‘13
Michael Davis ‘17
Kevin Gorman ‘13
Brian Gorman ‘17
Jonathan Guay ‘02
Paul Guay ‘14
Alex Limarzi ‘23
Marco Limarzi ‘25 Joseph Limarzi ‘92 Charles T. Magnetti ‘68 omas O. Magnetti ‘71
William Opdyke ‘84 Anthony J. Kikendall ‘05 Charles O. Lorenzo Magnetti ‘17
Ryan Morrison ‘14 Tyler Morrison ‘17
Nolan Mooney ‘22 Finn Mooney ‘24 Sean Murphy ‘11 Kevin Murphy ‘12 Andrew Wagner ‘21 Andy Wassmann ‘05
David Weeda ‘92
Chase Weeda ‘22 Justin Weeda ‘24
Game Set Match: everything you need to cheer the Gonzaga Tennis Team on to Victory! Two purple folding stadium chairs, Purple Igloo Cooler (12 pack capacity), Purple Igloo Waterbottle (2 quart capacity), 2 Tickets to Citi Open 2023 (Session 1-6)
Contact Lisa White for Citi Open tickets by June 30, 2023: lisamcwhite@gmail com
Donated by: Gonzaga Tennis Team
Gonzaga Hockey Tailgate Basket - Everything you need to host a tailgate and cheer on the Gonzaga hockey teams! Full-Size Gonzaga Hockey Flag, Gonzaga Hockey Sweatshirt (Size L) and Sweatpants (Size L), Gonzaga Hockey Long Sleeve Training T-Shirt (Size XL) and Short -Sleeved Training T-Shirt (Size L), Purple Igloo Cooler, Koozies, Stadium Cups, 12 Gonzaga Hockey Cowbells Enjoy two tickets to a Capitals games with seats behind the Caps bench at a mutually agreed upon date
Contact Allison Shay for hockey tickets: allison shay@gmail com
Donated by: Gonzaga Hockey Team
Love LAX? Gonzaga Lacrosse Coaches’ Basket includes a complimentary Purple Eagles Camp fee, white helmet with varsity wings, custom gloves, vintage game worn jersey and matching shorts, Game Experience passes (2 guests), and 2 items of Gonzaga Lacrosse gear
Donated by: Gonzaga Lacrosse Coach Jeff King
Get out on the water this spring with Gonzaga Crew! Observe up close the power, precision, and teamwork that rowing demands as you ride in the coach’s launch during a practice with Head Coach Tom Daley or Freshman/Novice Coach Dan Voigtsberger This is a special opportunity for two people to learn about the sport of rowing and Gonzaga’s renowned program and see the Southwest Waterfront and District skyline from the water Perfect for parents or relatives who want to experience the sights and sounds of practice from the ideal vantage This item also includes all you need to be a regatta spectator: a pair of binoculars, two Gonzaga hats, two camping chairs, two Gonzaga Crew Yeti tumblers, a Gonzaga blanket and picnic basket!
Gonzaga Rowing Booster Board will coordinate agreed-upon date of a spring 2023 weekday afternoon or Saturday morning practice with winning bidder and coach
Donated by: Gonzaga Crew Team
Eagles and birdies and bogeys, oh my! Gonzaga golf bag and authentic Gonzaga Golf team swag
Donated by: Gonzaga Golf Team
Washington Football! Two tickets to a home game for the Washington Commanders football team during the 202324 season
Winner to contact Carrie Garland for the mutually agreeable date and tickets
Winner to contact Carrie Garland for tickets at ceogarland@aol com
Donated by: Carrie and Jim Garland
Jesus the Good Sh epherd O w i ngs, MD Andrew Julian '12 A aron Julian '14
Mother Seton Pari sh G ermantown, MD
Z achary Merkle '21 K yle Merkle '25 Joey Bunag '25 Enzo Bunag '25
St. Mary’s Churc h L andover Hills, MD Aiden Williams ' 2 6
Our Lady Help of C hristians Waldorf, MD
J ohnathan Watson ' 25 Myron Rogers ' 23
Sacred Heart B owie, MD DeVenchi Arnold II '25
Saint Bernadett e Parish S i l ver Spring, MD Reed Nester '23 Sam Nester '26 Steve Langevin '89 Patrick Langevin '18 Brian Langevin '24
Saint John the Bapti st S i l ver Spring, MD Michael Davis '23
Saint Mary's Ca th olic Church A nnapolis, MD Jack Harrison ' 21 Burke Harrison ' 24 Gus Kalas '21 George Kalas '90
Saint Mary's Ca tholic Church R ockville, MD
Terry Kernan ' 08 Joey Kernan ' 10
U S Open on your bucket list? Two tennis raquets and two tickets to one session - day or night - of the first week of the 2023 U S Open in Flushing, NY at the Billie Jean King USTA Tennis Center -- the greatest sporting event on earth!
Winner to contact Carrie Garland for tickets at ceogarland@aol com
Donated by: Carrie and Jim Garland 515
Go see the real Beal! Two tickets to a home game of the Washington Wizards vs Golden State Warriors on January 16, 2023 at 3pm, section 106
Winner to contact Carrie Garland for tickets at ceogarland@aol com
Donated by: Carrie and Jim Garland 516
A day on the greens! You and another friend will be treated to a round of golf and lunch at Mount Vernon Country Club and will play with Gonzaga dads Jim Garland and Al Johnson
Contact ajimg@aol com to arrange the date
Donated by: Carrie and Jim Garland 517
Hokie, Hokie, Hi! You will have everything you need in this basket full of Hokie pride and goodies! Perfect for Virginia Tech grad, student, parent or grandparent in your life!
Donated by: Sarah and Tim Feighery
Bid like a Champion! You will have everything you need in this basket full of Notre Dame pride and Fighting Irish Goodies! Perfect for the Notre Dame grad, student, parent or grandparent in your life!
Donated by: Christine and Adam Volanth 519
Hoya Saxa! You will have everything you need in this basket full of Georgetown University pride and Hoya goodies! Perfect for the Georgetown University graduate, student, parent or grandparent in your life!
Donated by: Stacia and Sean Todd and Georgetown University’s School of Health
You pick the field, we’ll bring the tailgate! Show your Gonzaga pride with a purple Yeti cooler, (2) 20-oz Yeti tumblers, portable Bose speaker, 2 stadium chairs and more
Donated by: Gonzaga Lacrosse Team 521
Everything you need to tailgate in style! Includes a purple backpack cooler, small tailgate table, 2 purple stadium foam seats, Gonzaga sweatshirt-style Rugby blanket, Gonzaga rugby ponchos, Gonzaga stadium cups, Gonzaga napkins, Gonzaga bottle opener, One Gonzaga rugby pom pom hat, one Gonzaga rugby purple beanie hat
Donated by: Gonzaga Rugby Team
Brendan Alt '17
Joe Barloon '18
Tim Barloon '23 Jeff Connors '19 Will Day '26
Jacob Floam '16 Christian Gaffney '25
John P. Gardiner '88
Johnny P. Gardiner '24 Reed Gray '24
Brian Hannon '75
Shane Hannon '10
Devin Hannon '15
Tommy Healy '10
Patrick Healy '13
Tyler Jasek '25 Brandon Jasek '26
Christopher LaFrankie '22 Andrew LaFrankie '24
William LaFrankie '26
Michael Ledecky '12 Timothy C. Lynch '87
Christopher H. Lynch '87 Daniel P. Barry '06 Timothy R. Barry '12
William McBeath '16 John McGuinness '15 Colin McDermott '23
Luke McDermott '25
Timmy Monahan '15 Declan Monahan '23 William Mudlaff '17 Henry Mudlaff '19 Patrick Mulligan '19 Colin Mulligan '24
Brendan Munter '19 Michael Rusnak '19 Ryan Scott '26
Bernhard Steinki '24 Liam Thomson '23
It’s a slam dunk! Two tickets to a regular season Wizards game (mutually agreed date) during the 2022-2023 season Lower bowl seats, Section 103, Row Q, Seats 3 & 4
Tickets are digital, will require winner’s email, and winner will need a Ticketmaster account The tickets may not be resold
Winner to contact abbyblomstrom@yahoo com to coordinate
Donated by: Abby Blomstrom & Mark Manuzak
Oh DCU, we stand by you! Four tickets to a regular season DC United game (mutually agreed date) during the 2023 season Section 124, Row 16, Seats 21-24
Winner to contact abbyblomstrom@yahoo com to coordinate
Donated by: Abby Blomstrom & Mark Manuzak 524
Take to the water! Purple Stand-up Paddle Board - Venice G4 Cruiser/Yoga Paddle Board, Paddle and SUP Kayak Seat
Donated by: Gonzaga Swim and Dive Team 525
Take to the water! Purple Stand-up Paddle Board - Venice G4 Cruiser/Yoga Paddle Board, Paddle and SUP Kayak Seat
Donated by: Gonzaga Water Polo Team
Everything you need to celebrate the World Cup including a size 5 match ball, men’s size M World Cup t-shirt, men’s size M FIFA World Cup Argentina shorts, men’s size M Qatar World Cup Jersey, FIFA World cup stickets, and $25 Gift Card to the Queen Vic, a classic DC pub to watch the game
Donated by: Gonzaga Soccer Team
Gonzaga soccer fan basket! This basket includes women’s purple AMDG Eagles sunglasses, puple bull horn, purple cow bell, women’s size M “On Game Day We Wear Purple” sweatshirt, purple size 5 champion soccer ball, 2 foot purple and white felt garland, 2 Nike men’s L Gonzaga hoodie purple sweatsheets, 2 Gonzaga stadium blankets, 2 Nike Gonzaga soccer backpacks, $25 gift card to District Rico for before / post game meal, 2 Nike club fleece pants, 2 Nike women’s drifit element 1/2 zip
Donated by: Gonzaga Soccer Team 528
Gonzaga Baseball fan basket! This basket includes a stadium seat, blanket, baseball tie, trucker hat, sweatshirt plus a few other baseball items
Donated by: Gonzaga Baseball Team 529
You’re ready, set go with this basket, which includes authentic New Balance and Nike Gonzaga Track & Field Gear worn by the Eagles themselves: one “FLIGHT” NB Travel Suit - jacket and pants (black size Large), two “FLY” NB T-Shirts (purple size Medium and black size Large), one NB Quarter Zip (grey and black size Extra Small), one NIKE “AMDG” long sleeve T-Shirt with Bicentennial Logo (purple size Medium), one pair of NB training shorts (black size Small), one NB Travel Bag (black drawstring), one magnet, one set of program stickers, and two program wristbands FLIGHT to FLY ~ AMDG
Donated by: Gonzaga Track and Field Team
Everything you need to run baby run! A $50 Visa Card, $50 Chipotle Gift Card, Garmin Watch, Snacks, Recovery Roller, Running Tights, Gloves, Socks, Tape/Glide Bar, Gonzaga Gym Bag, Gonzaga Water Bottle, Laser message, Biofreeze, $100 Pacers Gift Card, Reflective Lights, PT Evaluationone on one evaluation by a Physical Therapist to assess strength and flexibility deficits and how to fix those problems and avoid injury
Donated by: Gonzaga Cross Country Team
Donated by: Gonzaga Cross Country Team
Signed Gonzaga Touchdown club magnet by Gonzaga alumnus and Heisman trophy candidate Caleb Williams
Signed Gonzaga 2018 football schedule by Gonzaga alumnus and Heisman trophy candidate Caleb Williams
Signed Gonzaga football mask by Gonzaga alumnus and Heisman trophy candidate Caleb Williams
Donated by: Caleb Williams
Signed Gonzaga photo by Gonzaga alumnus and Heisman trophy candidate Caleb Williams
Donated by: Caleb Williams
Floor seats to the Wizards game on December 12, 2022 vs the Brooklyn Nets Kevin Durant and Seth Currie up close! The seats are on the floor, second row, center court and come with a full buffet and alcohol
Donated by: John Corso and Marian Sullivan
Charlie Blackwood ‘16
Henry Blackwood ‘19 Thomas Caulfield ‘16 Ryan Caulfield ‘17 Mike Clancy ‘88 Joe Clancy ‘15 Ben Clancy ‘17 Peter Clancy ‘24 Brendan Coleman ‘13 Joey Demeria ‘08 Nicky Demeria ‘10 Clay Ellis ‘13 Jack Ellis ‘15 Freddy Fowler ‘24 Brian Henneberry ‘88
Brian Henneberry ‘23 Landon Hugo ‘25 Grant Johnson ‘14 Brian Johnson ‘16 Kevin Johnson ‘19 Blaise Joubert ‘21 Tommy Keane ‘16 Nicholas Kim ‘23 Bobby Lannan ‘26 Ryan McGlynn ‘11 Jack McGlynn ‘14 Ian McGlynn ‘22 Pierce McGlynn ‘24 Gordon McMillen ‘19 Carter Meadows ‘26
Christopher Meloni ‘15 Christian Moore ‘22 Matthew Mulligan ‘16 Dan Mulligan ‘18 Michael Pappas ‘07 Sam Schiattareggia ‘13 Matt Schiattareggia ‘13 Jack Slater ‘2 24 Colin Squier ‘09 Conor Squier ‘11 Locke Sullivan ‘23 Henry Sullivan ‘20 Miguel Zein ‘25
“Be ministers of Mercy above all.” – Pope Francis
Gonzaga Football embroidered stadium blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
Gonzaga Football embroidered stadium blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
Gonzaga Soccer embroidered stadium blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
Gonzaga Soccer embroidered stadium blanket
Gonzaga Cross Country embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 547
Gonzaga Fencing embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 548
Gonzaga Basketball embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 549
Gonzaga Ice Hockey embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 550
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 551
Gonzaga Swim & Dive embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
Daniel A Albornoz ‘07
Michael Blackstone ‘24
Johnny Broome ‘25
Tripp Harris ‘20
Jack Hoffman ‘20
Quinn Hoffman ‘21 Andrew Hoffman ‘25
Jack Irving ‘26
Matthew Lee ‘13
Carlos Marquez ‘07
Alejandro Marquez ‘11
Joseph Matelis ‘60
John Matelis ‘93
Luke Matelis ‘25
Carter McKaig ‘19
Billy McKinnon ‘17
Danny McKinnon ‘18
Tommy McKinnon ‘23
Jimmy McKinnon ‘26
James Miller ‘22 Andrew Ott ‘24
M. Thomas Pablo ‘85
Burke Pablo ‘21
Reilly Pablo ‘24
Callum Pablo ‘26
Cullen Tomsheck ‘14
Ryan Tomsheck ‘16
Will Veneri ‘25
Roman Villegas ‘25 Alexander Weng ‘24 Sebastian Weng ‘24 Matthew Wilbon ‘26
Gonzaga Crew embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
Gonzaga Track & Field embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 560
Gonzaga Rugby embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 561
Gonzaga Rugby embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
Gonzaga Tennis embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
Gonzaga Band embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
Joe Boston ‘11
Tom Brady ‘25
Trey Cruser ‘13
John Cruser ‘15 Nick Egan ‘18 Marcos Egan ‘22
Mateo Egan ‘26
Colin Frownfelter ‘26
Chris Garner ‘90
Luke Garner ‘21 Nick Garner ‘23
Patrick Johannessen ‘15
Christopher Johannessen ‘20 Michael Licamele ‘25 Tyler Long ‘26 Quinn Mahoney ‘19
Jimmy Mulholland ‘25
Tom Mulholland ‘86
Kyan Pires ‘24
Joseph Sun ‘26
Robert Tiffey ‘89 Matthew Tiffey ‘26 Bryce West ‘23
Joe Bieberich ‘08
John Bieberich ‘15
Matthew Holt ‘23
Andrew Iscaro ‘1 12
Jack Iscaro ‘1 15
Charlie McNamara ‘24
Matt Myers ‘12
Justin Myers ‘1 16
Partick M. Ryan ‘85
Conor P Ryan ‘15
Gonzaga Golf embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 565
Gonzaga Dramatic Association embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 566
Gonzaga Class of 2026 embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 567
Gonzaga Class of 2026 embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 568
Gonzaga Class of 2025 embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
Gonzaga Class of 2025 embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 570
Gonzaga Class of 2024 embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 571
Gonzaga Class of 2024 embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 572
Gonzaga Class of 2023 embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 573
Gonzaga Class of 2023 embroidered Stadium Blanket
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
Colby Fields ‘26
Anderson Harlor ‘25 Jonathan Hofmann ‘21
Aidan Rafferty ‘22
Ryan Rafferty ‘25
Tom Scherer ‘19 Will Scherer ‘21
Charlie Scherer ‘23
Henry Scherer ‘25
Jack Staton ‘22
TJ Albero ‘25
Joey Aldridge ‘19
Nick Aldridge ‘21
Jack Beall ‘21
Matias Camp ‘22
Richie Dwyer ‘03
Maxwell Edmonds ‘22
Zach Foulkes ‘25
Emilio Garcia Ruiz ‘79
Mak Krivka ‘21
Jak Krivka ‘25
Daniel May ‘1 15
Ryan Vigilante ‘19
Alex Carpentier '23
Vincent Caspari 23
Evan Delcher '26
Alexander Denton '26
Jack Feehery '24
James Theodore Ignatius Hrdy '22
Michael Keefe '92
Thomas Keefe '25
Andrew Kozeny '24
Teddy Kozeny '24
William Lukken '21
Copeland Marshall '24
Michael Marshall Jr '21
Nathan Peot '20
Wesley Peot '23
Joseph Portolese '26
James Prater '25
Gabriel Routh '25
Charlie Slusher '24
Enjoy 2 VIP TICKETS TO DCJAZZFEST AT THE WHARF on Sunday, September 3, 2023 including complimentary food and drink and backstage access to air conditioned VIP LOUNGE overlooking the scenic Potomac River
Expiration date: August 18, 2023 Email: sunnysumter@dcjazzfest org Subject: GONZAGA AUCTION: VIP PASS TO DCJAZZFEST
Donated by: DC Jazz Festival 601
A private cigar humidor for one year (December 3, 2022, through November 30, 2023, at Shelly’s Back Room, the American Tavern, located at 1331 F Street, NW Washington, DC The retail value of this award is $800 00
Please contact Bob Materazzi by December 31, 2022, at info@shellysbackroom com and instructions will be sent on redeeming this award
Admission is granted to private humidors with access cards which will be prepared for you once you have contacted us as well as your personalized humidor leaf
Donated by: Bob Materazzi 602
Enjoy a 2-night stay at our enchanting Shenandoah cabin, Evergreen, in Luray, Virginia 90 miles from DC Breathtaking panoramic views of the entire valley from the cabin and deck Sleeps 5, no pets Holidays are excluded
For photos galore, go to: https://abnb me/XdFCJI84S6 Winner should contact vhaselton@icloud com to coordinate
Donated by: Valerie Haselton
L’ Americano 2016 by Furio Mondo (IGT Toscano) is a Super Tuscan blend of Cabernet Sauvignon (65%) and Merlot (35%) This special bottling comes in 1-liter bottles, finding the two lost glasses from the standard 750 ml bottles
Furio Mondo is a beautiful boutique winery overlooking the historic Island of Elba in the Mediterranean Sea
The winemaker, Olivier Paul-Morindini is a revolutionary winemaker and leader in the natural wine movement
None of his wines contain any additives and are aged in Clay Anphora barrels, giving this wine freshness, low tannins, and natural fruit structure
Donated by: Lyeaus Imports 604
(2) VIP access tickets to DC Central Kitchen’s Capital Food Fight on Thursday April 9th 2023, from 6:00 p m9:00 p m To redeem, please email Julia Tibor at jtibor@ dccentralkitchen org
(1) copy of “The Food Fighters: DC Central Kitchen’s First Twenty-Five Years on the Front Lines of Hunger and Poverty,” by Alexander Moore
(1) DC Central Kitchen stainless steel water bottle
(1) DC Central Kitchen T-shirt
(5) Free Coffee certificates to the Marianne’s Cafe at MLK Library
A rolling invite to lunch and a tour of our brand new headquarters, The Michael R Klein Center for Jobs & Justice from Gonzaga’s class of 1982 and CEO of DC Central Kitchen, Mike Curtin
Donated by: DC Central Kitchen
George Balboa ‘21 Anderson Bishop ‘25 Colin Brady ‘22 Gavin Brady ‘21 Josh Brady ‘90
Gaetano Cicotello ‘25 Andrew Clark ‘25 Jimmy Corcoran ‘24 TJ Corcoran ‘26 Carrick Cullen ‘19 Christopher Cullen ‘23 Collin D Cullen ‘85 Collin Cullen ‘16 Jack Deerin ‘23 James Deerin ‘25 Sloan Deerin ‘89 John J. Dempsey ‘92
Jack DiMaio ‘26 Richie DiMaio ‘24 Max Dunn ‘25 Everett Eckart ‘22 James Gardiner ‘24 Matt Gardiner ‘81 Michael Gardiner ‘22 Quinn Gardiner ‘20 Mason Flax ‘21
Cody Hobson ‘20 Kai Hobson ‘20 Teddy Joaquin ‘16 Bryan Knowles ‘94 Patrick Knowles ‘25 Patrick Leonard ‘23 Jack Lively ‘24 John Lively ‘87
Collin MacLennan ‘23 John Mahler ‘24 Joseph Mahler ‘26 Luke McGrail ‘20 Johnny McGrail ‘16 Timmy McGrail ‘25 Ronan McKerrow ‘26
George “Pete” Murphy ‘07 Seamus A. Murphy ‘17 Daniel Roginski ‘19 Michael Roginski ‘21 Charlie Taylor ‘23 Ryan Taylor ‘22 Sam Van Dyck ‘23 Charlie White ‘23 Lee White ‘24
You deserve a date night out! $400 in Wolftrap Gift Cards
The gift cards can be used for shows at the Barns or Filene Center (no expiry)
Also includes a $75 Gift certificate for Caboose Brewing Company (can use for dine in or take out); 2 Bottles of limited edition wines from Silver Trident, Napa Valley; Extra large picnic blanket; Foldable picnic table and 4 Outdoor (unbreakable) wine glasses
Donated by: Tracy Ryan and John Coffey 606
Lincoln Park Associates’ principal Don Marlais, parent to Madden (‘23) and Jackson (‘24) is offering a comprehensive estate planning to the winning bidder
Estate planning is not something people really want to think about, but it makes things much easier for loved ones down the road While most people are familiar with wills, most people have moved away from using them to transfer their assets to descendants because of complications and cost A comprehensive estate plan typically involves the creation of the following documents: Revocable Living Trust, Last Will and Testament, Certificate of Trust, Master Assignment, Durable Power of Attorney for Finance and Business Affairs, and an Advance Medical Directive Don will explain the purpose of each of these documents, and they will review why the trust is the key document to avoiding probate, how wills are key to appointing a guardian and dealing with your personal property, and how a power of attorney and advance directive will ensure others can make decisions for you in the event you become incapacitated
Don has office space at The Yard (7th and Penn SE) or can meet with you at your home or office Mutually agreeable time, including evenings and weekends
Winning bidder should contact Don at don@lincolnparkassociates com or (202) 330-3965
Donated by: Lincoln Park Associates
This jacket was given to Paramount executives who started the Arsenio Hall show in 1996 Embroidered
Donated by: In memory of Dillon Shea Collins, Class of 2005
Renee C Gage Photography will provide a wonderful location session of your choice with your whole family In addition, you will receive a 8x10 linen print Photo session location within 30 mile radius of Gonzaga Renee C Gage is a Master Photographer who enjoys her portraiture and photojournalistic talents to tell the stories of her subjects with elegance and whimsy
She is a member of the American Society of Photographers and has received numerous professional accolades for her outstanding imagery Professional Photographers of America has recognized her work numerous times by including her work in the International Loan Collection Also bestowed upon her multiple times has been the prestigious Kodak Gallery Award Renee’s work has been published and displayed prominently around the country in such places as the U S Capitol and Disney’s Epcot Center as well as internationally
Renee began her photography career while living in Maine in 2001 and continues to build an extensive clientele around the world Wherever her travels take her, Renee preserves life’s rich beauty, image by image, capturing the little moments that mean the most The Gages are a proud Navy family and love and embrace the military community wherever they live Renee currently resides in Alexandria, Virginia with her loving and supportive husband, with their five happy boys and marvelous pup
For more information go to www reneecgage com or Insta & FB @ reneecgagephoto
Winner to contact Renee Gage at info@reneecgage com or 904-891-7883 to arrange your photo session
Donated by: Renee Gage 609
The Bonus Daughter offers a one hour consultation and four hour working session with any senior or senior couple living independently within forty miles of Alexandria VA Possible projects include preparing photo collections for digitization, downsizing closets, basements and garages, preparing family heirlooms for the future and hands on help with shopping, running errands, medical appointments or getting ready for the holidays Offer expires December 2, 2023
Winning bidder should contact thebonusdaughter@gmail com to coordinate
Donated by: The Bonus Daughter
Long weekend in Virginia’s horse country! Spend 3 nights in a special 2-bedroom 1810 home in Paris, Virginia
Something for everyone - riding, vineyards, Sky Meadows State Park, antiques, Appalachian Trail, and Shenandoah River all within 5 miles Or stay home and enjoy a cozy dinner across the street at the well know Ashby Inn
https://www airbnb com/rooms/610977034909005745?guests=1&adults =1&s=67&unique_share_id=ea7ee4b6-b5b1-4d3b-8630-df02efa95a77
Winner should contact setliff sue0@gmail com to coordinate
Donated by: The Setliff Family 611
Enjoy four large flower arrangements delivered to your home or to Gonzaga All flowers are grown locally Alexandria, VA Dates and flower type to be selected by winner Could include, as the primary flower, daffodils, specialty tulips, peonies, hydrangea, or dahlias MarchJune, except dahlias, which would be in October If you have a special vase or centerpiece that you would like me to arrange in, we can make that happen too!
Winner to contact taracarter41@gmail com to coordinate
Donated by: Tara Carter 612
Wine tasting for a group of 10 at the winery in Frederick County, Maryland
Please call or write to us a week prior to redeeming the vouchers to make a reservation Visit https://catoctinbreeze com/
Donated by: Catoctin Breeze Winery
Weekend on the lake - Spend a weekend (Friday night through to a Sunday departure - 2 nights) at a lakefront home at Lake of the Woods, a gated lake and golf community 70 miles from Washington, DC The home features 5 bedrooms and 3 full baths Direct access to the lake, use of paddleboards, kayaks, and lake floats Community amenities include golf and equestrian center Trail walking / hiking nearby at Wilderness Battlefield and other areas Much more! Dates of occupancy flexible
Winning bidder and donor will decide on a mutually agreeable date Winner should contact aprilevedunn@gmail com to coordinate
Donated by: Mike and April Dunn 614
Just in time for the cold! Bonfire 2 0, removable base plate and ash pan, lid to protect stove or convert fire pit into a stylish table, stand to put fire pit everywhere to protect heat sensitive surfaces and a carry case to bring your fire pit on the road!
Donated by: Families and Students from the Class of 2018 & 2022
One off-season week at our 4 bedroom, 3 bath beach cottage, one block off of the beach road with direct beach access House sleeps 8 with 3 queenbeds and one duo bunk Fully stocked kitchen, linens and towels provided Beach chairs, wagon, coolers and beach umbrella included
Link to listing on Airbnb: https://airbnbcom/h/parrot-head-heaven-obx Dates available are subject to change as the home is a rental unit and dates may become booked: March 10 - June 4, September 10 - January 1 Families only Contact Jeanette Staton 240-988-7814 to arrange
Donated by: Steve and Jeanette Staton
Nathanael Abrials ‘24
Jack Alzona ‘25
Jack Apostol '25
Aaron L. Aranza ‘17
Charlie Baisley '21
Jon Beckerle ‘07
Stephen Beckerle ‘14 Nicholas Bennett ‘15
Joseph Biegun ‘14
Sam Biegun ‘16
Giuseppe Boglione ‘26
Joseph Campione ‘24
John Caulfield ‘12
Grant Cedoz ‘26
Tobin Choquette ‘25 Tommy Clapton ‘26
William T. Copps ‘04 Christopher Delaune '25 Adam DiZinno ‘22
Josh DiZinno ‘22
John Dougherty ‘20 Mason Dougherty ‘24
Kellan Dugas ‘25
Jack Ewald ‘19 Sam Ewald ‘23
Teddy Ewald ‘25 Colin Fletcher ‘20 Kevin Fletcher ‘24 Carson Foley ‘22 Chase Foley ‘20 Brady S. Gage ‘23 Mac A Gage ‘25
Tommy Gatjanis ‘22 Jack Gatjanis ‘24 John Hadeed ‘03
Michael Hadeed III ‘06
Thomas Hadeed ‘16 Danny Holden ‘22 Drew Holden ‘17 Evan Hood ‘20
Brooks Howard ‘08
Daniel Keller ‘25 Aedan Kiesner ‘25
Cooper Lilly ‘26
Sam Lukawski ‘25
Alex Macey ‘21 Jon Macey ‘21 Matthew Maier ‘23 Carter Michael Marisa ‘24 Nicholas Law Marisa ‘26 Bobby McCarthy ‘25 Timothy B. McCarty ‘06 R. Patrick J. McCarty ‘12 John A. M. McCarty ‘12 Colin McGuinness ‘25 Jack McGuinness ‘22 Will Milito ‘25 Brian Miller ‘24
Paul Miller ‘22 Thomas O’Neill ‘23 Paul O'Hara ‘13 Zack Philbin ‘26
David Planning ‘11 Max Planning ‘13 Will Prisco ‘25
Alexander Gerard Reisig ‘23
Pierce Harrison Reisig ‘25
Grant Thomas Ruhlen ‘22
Stephen Paul Ruhlen ‘21 Jack Schwalb ‘25 Nicholas Schwalb '21 Mike Shincovich ‘16 Nick Siracuse ‘20 Tommy Siracuse ‘21
Augie Sommers ‘20 Sam Sommers ‘22 Chip Symington ‘22 Ben Teipe ‘18 Jack Teipe ‘22 Dylan Test ‘26 Ethan Tobey ‘19 Nathaniel Tobey ‘17 John Veillette ‘15 Alec Wood ‘25 Jack Wood ‘21 Luke Wood ‘22 PJ Zinsner ‘19 Teddy Zinsner ‘17
$200 Gift Certificate to any of the Jose Andres Restaurants nearby (Beefsteak, China Chilcano, Jaleo, Spanish Diner, Mercado Little Spain, Minibar, Oyamel, and Zaytinya) Theater tickets are good for a performance during the rest of 2022/23 season or 2023/24 Season Very flexible Please call, text or email Jenn Mooney for preferred performance and to check availability 301-332-3580 Jtmoondock@aol com
Donated by: Tom & Jenn Mooney 617
Created in Ireland by Waterford’s renowned master sculptor and designer Fred Curtis, this is an exquisitely sculpted and highly collectible crystal Eagle sculpture To make it even more unique, the wings of the eagle are engraved with “On Eagles Wings” and “Gonzaga Christmas Gala 2022 ” respectively, as a tribute to the memory of Aurelia Carey, the founder of the Eagles Wings Mother’s group, who for years donated an engraved Waterford Eagle to the Christmas Gala This work of art is an elegant accent for desk, table, mantel or shelf
Donated by: Patricia Lingan 618
Rene C Gage Photography will provide a wonderful location session of your choice for your special senior In addition, you will receive a $500 gift certificate to apply towards any prints, albums or images Photo session location within 30-mile radius of Gonzaga Rene C Gage is a Master Photographer who employs her portraiture and photojournalistic talents to tell the stories of her subjects with elegance and whimsy She is a member of The American Society of Photographers and has received numerous professional accolades for her outstanding imagery Professional Photographers of America has recognized her work numerous times by including her work in the International Loan Collection Also bestowed upon her multiple times has been the prestigious Kodak Gallery Award Rene’ss work has been published and displayed prominently around the country in such places as the U S Capitol and Disney’s Epcot Center as well as internationally Rene began her photography career while living in Maine in 2001 and continues to build an extensive clientele around the world Wherever her travels take her, Rene preserves life’s rich beauty, image by image, capturing the little moments that mean the most The Gages are a proud Navy family and love and embrace the military community wherever they live Rene currently resides in Alexandria, Virginia with her loving and supportive husband, with their five happy boys and marvelous pup
For more information go to www reneecgage com or Insta & FB @ reneecgagephoto Winner to contact Renee Gage at info@reneecgage com or 904-891-7883 to arrange your photo session
Donated by: Renee Gage 620
Imagine the design possibilities for your home! Start your dream project today with Katinas Bruckwick Architecture named a 100 Top Designer by Home & Design Portfolio Meet with an award-winning, published architect who has designed everything from front porches to million dollar, new homes!
Expires 12/03/2023 Contact rgriffin@KBArchitecture com to coordinate
Donated by: Katinas Bruckwick Architecture
The Families of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish Vienna, Virginia wish you a Joyful and Blessed Christmas and a Peaceful New Year !
Jack Bacarra ‘23
W. Scott Berg ‘93
Austin Berg ‘23 Harrison Brockwell ‘13 Patrick Brockwell ‘17 Michael Chehade ‘18 Michael Cindea ‘12 Daniel Cindea ‘18 Robert Coffey ‘07 Kevin Coffey ‘23
Joe Comizio ‘07 Mike Comizio ‘11 Nicholas Escoto ‘18 Andrew Estes ‘10 Owen Fisher ‘14
Tommy Fisher ‘20 Luke Francese ‘20 Peter Francese ‘26 Elias D. Garcia ‘18
Chris Gardiner ‘05 Vincent Gardiner ‘11 Hugh Gardiner ‘13 Louis Genovese ‘22 Anthony Genovese ‘24
Nicholas Hamisevicz III, ‘00 Victor Hamisevicz, ‘03
Gregory Hamisevicz ‘10
Andrew Harrs ‘11
Stephen Harrs ‘12 Brian Harrs ‘19
Colin Healy’16 Louis Healy ‘18
Grant Hughes ‘13
Conor Hull ‘13 Andrew Irisari ‘23 Alex Irisari ‘25 Juan Ignacio Jerez ’24 Will Keeler ‘24 Henry Keeler ‘26 Thomas Koenig ‘17 John Koenig ‘20 Aidan Linegang ‘26 Jack Loesch ‘19 Quin Loesch ‘21 Christian Lopez ‘23 Alex Lopez ‘26 Brett Lychak ‘17 Colin Lychak ‘20 Daniel Lychak ‘22 Joshua Maggiano ‘21 Fernando Mata Cordero ‘15 Ignacio Mata Cordero ‘17 Nicholas Matta ‘23 Gabriel Matta ‘26
Dan McCarthy ‘13
Tom McCarthy ‘91 Dave McCarthy ‘24
Connor McGrath ‘15 Matt McHenry ‘19
Tripp McLaughlin ‘02
Denis (DJ) McLaughlin ‘06 Leo McLaughlin ‘10 John McNamee ‘03 Michael McNamee ‘08 David McNamee ‘11 Billy Miossi ‘05 Jack Miossi ‘11 Oscar Moscoso ‘24 Felipe Moscoso ‘26 Hunter Oglesby ‘24 Gavin Oglesby ‘24
Michael Onufrychuk ‘04 Andrew Onufrychuk ‘06 Michael Orfini ‘01 Joey Orfini ‘07 James Orfini ‘14 JT Stranix ‘03 Chris Stranix ‘06 Pat Stranix ‘08
John Taylor ‘80 Jack Taylor ‘20 Johnny Tecala ‘22 Frank Vasquez ‘14 Tom Vasquez ‘17 Ned Vasquez ‘20
Giovanni Zapattini ‘25 Nicholas Zaso ‘17
Four hours of interior design with lead designer Lucretia Hommel owner of Lucretia Hommel Design, owner of Snobz, a luxury home brand Visit https://www lucretiahommel com/
Contact Lucretia at 443-422-5376 to arrange
Donated by: Snobz Interior Designs
Unique opportunity to purchase work by Italian artist Salvatore Magazzini! Jim Giller ‘62 and his wife own a large collection of Magazzini’s paintings and they are making these pieces available to benefit Gonzaga Measurements of the artwork: #1 - 38” x 27” unframed or 48” x 36” framed https://www magazzini it/salvatore-magazzini html
The paintings will be delivered post-auction by Mr Giller to Gonzaga
Donated by: Jim Giller ‘62
Saint Bernadette
Catholic Church Patrick Coyne '25
Saint Charles Borromeo Nicholas Bollman '22 Daniel Bollman '24
Aldersgate United Methodist Church Witt Hardin '26
Saint John Neumann Caden Madden '24
Cathedral of Saint Thomas More Danny Rogers '24 Harrison Rogers '26
Trinity Presbyterian Church Drew McKeen '25
Christ the King Anglican Jackson Lehman '26
My soul, give thanks to the Lord, all my being, bless his holy name. My soul, give thanks to the Lord and never forget all his blessings. — Psalm 103
St. Agnes Catholic Church in Arlington, Virginia gives thanks for her sons and Gonzaga College High School
McKay Allen ‘14 Luke Allen ‘16 Jack Allen ‘18 Mason Allen ‘21 Peter Allen ‘25 Rafe Burns ‘21 Hayden Walker Burnside ‘26 Henry Calpin ‘25 Max Cooney ‘26 Luke Cooney ‘26 John Corso Jr. ‘23 Michael Corso ‘26 Ben Cruley ‘25 Sam Cruley ‘26 James Cuthbertson ‘24 Aiden Delacourt ‘24 Owen Donohoe ‘25 Evan Donohoe ‘18
Mitchell Donohoe ‘15 Richard Donohoe ‘77 Leo Donohoe ‘73 Tom Donohoe ‘71 Ray Donohoe ‘39 S. Dolan Donohoe ‘12 Aiden Flippin ‘24 Kyle Forrester ‘08 Connor Forrester ‘11 Ryan Forrester ‘13 Joseph Greenhaus ‘25 Owen Everett ‘19 John Hirko ‘25 Henry Hodges ‘18 John Hodges ‘20 Owen Hodges’24 Will Hofer ‘16 Ben Hong ‘18
Peter Kalitka ‘23 Andrew Kalitka ‘25 Owen Kent ‘24 Anthony Kozuch ‘25 Jack Leland ‘23 Matt Podratsky ‘25 Danny Podratsky ‘19 Teddy Friesz ‘24 Wyatt Smith ‘25 Callahan Smith ‘26 Ben Rogers ‘19 William Shean ‘23 Jac Welsch ‘21 Stephen Ueland ‘12 Zander Zidlicky ‘18 Lucas Zidlicky ‘23
Unique opportunity to purchase work by Italian artist
Salvatore Magazzini! Jim Giller ‘62 and his wife own a large collection of Magazzini’s paintings and they are making these pieces available to benefit Gonzaga Measurements of the artwork: #2 - 30” x 22” unframed or 39” x 31 5” framed https://www magazzini it/salvatoremagazzini html
The paintings will be delivered post-auction by Mr Giller to Gonzaga
Donated by: Jim Giller ‘62
Unique opportunity to purchase work by Italian artist
Salvatore Magazzini! Jim Giller ‘62 and his wife own a large collection of Magazzini’s paintings and they are making these pieces available to benefit Gonzaga Measurements of the artwork: #3 - 27” x 20” unframed or 34” x 26” framed https://www magazzini it/salvatoremagazzini html
The paintings will be delivered post-auction by Mr Giller to Gonzaga
Donated by: Jim Giller ‘62 625
Unique opportunity to purchase work by Italian artist
Salvatore Magazzini! Jim Giller ‘62 and his wife own a large collection of Magazzini’s paintings and they are making these pieces available to benefit Gonzaga Measurements of the artwork: #4 - 19” x 16” unframed or 30” x 26” framed https://www magazzini it/salvatore-magazzini html
The paintings will be delivered post-auction by Mr Giller to Gonzaga
Donated by: Jim Giller ‘62
Delivery and installation of 1 Pink Dogwood Tree (Approximately 9 to 10 feet tall)
Installation must be made by February 20th of 2023
Applies to: Washington DC, Bethesda, Potomac MD, McLean, Arlington, Falls Church and Vienna VA
Tree comes with a 3 month warranty (Warranty doesn’t include lack of care related issues; Ex Not enough water or too much of it)
Donated by: Landscapes by Peel 627
$100 gift card to Capital Grille
Donated by: Capitol Grill 628
Enjoy four days and three nights at a three bedroom townhouse in Deerfield Village located in beautiful Canaan Valley, WV!! Ski in nearby Canaan Valley State Park or 5 minutes away at Timberline
Or sled, hike, go tubing, horseback riding, mountain biking and more at Blackwater Falls State Park or nearby Seneca Rocks Lots to do over summer as well with a community pool, tennis court, basketball court , catch and release fishing pond and two kids’ playgrounds at Deerfield Village in West Va Golf at Canaan Valley State park or canoe/ kayak at nearby Mirror Lake Restaurants in nearby Davis and Thomas
Stay upon mutual agreement between winner and owner MUST be coordinated with owners since place is used by owners or renters One renter must be 25 or over No smoking and no pets
Please contact karenowczarski@gmail com to coordinate
Donated by: The Owczarski Family
For thes e young me n, the Jesuit trad ition be gan i n 1873 whe n the S ociety of Jesus established St.James as a Missionary Church in Falls Church, Virginia
Andrew Borman '19
Roger (Trey) DeGeorges '09
Diego Diaz '26
Drew Dommel '14
Michael Dommel '18
Bryce Gilbertson ‘25 Joey Hamilton '14
Vincent Kanyan '13
Zachary Kanyan '17
Phillip Kiley ‘15 Henry Kiley ‘18 TJ Kouba ' 22
Billy Ledder '10 Ma Ledder '14
John McLaughlin IV '89 Timothy McLaughlin '93
Brian McLaughlin '97
Ma hew McQuillen '12
David McQuillen '12 John McQuillen '15
John Joseph "JJ" Mitchell '13
Ma hew Moschella ‘19
William Moschella ‘86
Colin Prendergast ‘23
Nicolas Rugo '23 Paul Singer '13 Michael Seay '16 Ma hew Seay '18 Brendan Seay '25 James Tobin '25 Paul Weaver ‘21 Will Weaver ‘23
wish you a joyful and blessed Christmas and a peaceful New Year
Nick Bambino ‘09
Andrew Bolka ‘08
Joseph Cajayon ‘23
Justin Cajayon ‘11
Matthew Cajayon ’17
Patrick Cajayon ‘19
James-Michael R Centeno ‘22
Jacob-Paolo R Centeno ‘24
Colin Cestero ‘26
Tom Diganci ‘08
Nick Diganci ‘10
Joe Diganci ‘22
Michael Diganci ‘24
Brandon M. Gatti ‘17
Jack Grace ‘26
Grayson Harkness ‘22
Andrew Hayden ‘11
Sean Hayden ‘11
Luke Howard ‘21
Paul Hutson ‘05
Chris Hutson ‘11
Kieran Hutson ‘14
Brian Paul ‘08
Charles Brenden Smith ‘17
Zach Spires ‘10
Nathan F. McGrath ‘04
Patrick Twomey ‘20
Jack Twomey ‘21
Harrison Twomey ‘24
Christian Twomey ‘26
Jackson Wilburn ‘24
Caden Woodson ‘26
Five Bottles of Rose Wine (Whispering Angel, The Beach, The Pale, La Crema, Cote de Roses), two purple Yeti wine glasses, 2 custom stemless wine glasses with holiday G, two slushi makers for Froze, three custom Gonzaga tea towels, and rose face care items
Donated by: Shannon Merkle, Laura Albero, Marie Bunag, Mitzi Harlor, Sarah Scherer
Everything you need to pamper your pooch! This basket includes a FI GPS tracker collar (size medium- can be exchanged for another size), dog bed for medium to large dog, dog blanket, Ceramic dog bowl, Hiking dog water bowl, Lucky dog brand leash, LED nighttime safety dog collar, dog hair brush, dog shampoo, dog treats, dog toys, Book of inspiring tories of loyal dogs, Flea and tick medication, dog First Aid Kit
Donated by: Shannon Kopplin 702 COCKTAILS
Donated by: Southerlyn Reisig, Peggy and Chris Marsh, Missy and Sloan Deerin, Anne and Jamie Craig 703
Champagne bucket, glasses, champagne, napkins, chocolates
Donated by: Alicia Henneberry 707
Everything you need for your holiday baking with a Grinch Theme - this basket comes with cookie mixes, picks, cupcake and cookie decor, Lenox Grinch cookie jar, Lenox hot chocolate Grinch mugs, Lenox candy or cookie Grinch dish
Donated by: Kimber Colton Mahler 708
Italian Delight Basket Delight your holiday guests with an assortment of Italian antipasto, delicious pasta and assorted sweets all sourced from Italy! Includes a bottle each of Prosecco, white wine, red wine and a blood orange flavored non-alcoholic spritzer Mangia y bevi por la tutti famiglia! Includes napkins and a pair of eco-friendly lemon motif Ecologie Danicaù Sponge Clothes for easy clean up!
Donated by: Florence Ott
Donated by: Sarah Hahn 710
All of our favorite items to use in the kitchen Great for replenishing an already-great kitchen, or a perfect starter kit for someone with a new place of their own
Includes: Baking pan, Steamer Basket, Tongs, Whisks, Silicon mat, Garlic press, Cookie sheet & spatula, Apron, Kitchen Cushioned Floor Mat, Magnet with metric conversions, Chef Knife, Dish towels, Oven mitt and a $100 gift card door dash
Donated by: Dunn, Flax, and Knowles Families 711
Settle in for a cozy evening with family Lantern filled with two Christmas prints, ornament, mulled wine mix, Christmas tree decoration
Donated by: Two the Moon 712
This Fire and Ice basket has everything you need to take advantage of the best thing about winter - Hockey! Grab three friends and head to the Loudoun Ice Center and learn to drive a real Zamboni: includes photo op sitting on the Zam as well! Be sure to bring the Fireball to keep you warm inside the rink, and plenty of G hats, gloves, and scarfs too all included After your memorable day with the Zam, print your photos and hang them next to the framed Zamboni Prints of the original Patent Application After a memorable day on the ice, warm up next to the firepit underneath the G sweatshirt blanket and enjoy the included smores kit while you talk about the best game you can name the good old Hockey game!
Donated by: Karen Oglesby
Everything you need to keep your teeth shining bright, 4 Sonicare Diamond Clean Smart Electric toothbrushes, Colors Pink, Black, White and Grey One for the whole family, One Cordless Sonicare Power Flosser, His and Hers Zoom Bleaching Certificates exp 12/31/23, Assorted Dental Whitening toothpastes and Antibacterial mouth rinses
Donated by: Karen Harriman DDS PC 714
Purple Yeti over the shoulder bag cooler, plus Gonzaga beach towel, Gonzaga party pack and chair umbrella This includes a portable JBL speaker and some High Noon beverages
Donated by: Trey and Ashley Hardin, Paul and Michelle Boling, Donny and Tricia Holley, Bobby and Dana Kelly, Will and Ashley Jerro 715
GMC Ignatian Prayer Group Gifts and Retreat Attendance at Claggett Center (February 2023)
Donated by: GMC Prayer Group 716
Everything you need for a campfire - 3 washable cashmere blankets from Kashmir, S’mores kit, Whiskey tobacco candle and four purple decorative pillow cases
Donated by: The Musante’s & Sarah Dhar
Take your book club on a trip to Bulgaria! Package includes six (or more, if needed) volumes of Cold Snap: Bulgaria Stories written by Gonzaga mom, Cindy Phoel, as well as two bottles of Bulgarian wine and Cindy at your book club Cold Snap is a collection of linked fictional stories set in a small mountain town much like the place where Cindy served in the Peace Corps The book celebrates the peaks and valleys of Bulgaria’s early post-Communist years, finding both the heart and humor in this tumultuous time
Donated by: Cynthia Phoel
Get ready for your next crab feast in style! Enjoy a RTIC 32 QT Ultra-Light Cooler in white and gray filled with Gonzaga cups, napkins, crab feast supplies and $250 gift card to Capital Crab in Washington, DC!
Donated by: The Marshall, Matan and McDermott Families
Gift bag of italian goodies includes vino, pasta, tomatoes, chocolates & more!
Donated by: The Italian Place
Purple Percolator, Variety of coffee, (4) Purple mugs, Georgetown Cupcake gift card $50
Starbucks gift card $25, Coffee & Jesus sign, Purple silicone cupcake molds, DIY Cupcake socks, Godiva chocolates & mini syrups, Dark chocolate espresso beans, Cappuccino chocolates, Christmas tea towel
Donated by: Elizabeth Iwanicki and Angie Iwanicki
Everything you need to grill to perfection! Includes a 45 gallon purple YETI tundra, assorted, grilling tools, cookbooks, and spice rubs
Donated by: Susan Regan 722
Everything you need to relax, spa robe, hair towel, bath care items, loofahs along with a $100 gift card to the spa of your choice Please contact Maureen to get the gift card
Donated by: Maureen DeBritz 723
Kick back with this basket filled with everything you need to enjoy bourbon! Elijah Craig Small Batch, Angel’s Envy, Buffalo Trace, Eagle Rare, Weller Special Reserve, Bib and Tucker small Batch, Virginia Diner Peanuts, PappyLand by Wright Thompson, Woodford Reserve Bitters Dram Set and Amethyst Whiskey Stones Set
Donated by: Anne and Jamie Craig 724
Relax and Enjoy this basket full of Italian Delights this includes 7 bottles of Italian wine - red, white, rose, and sparkling: Marchese di Borgoso Salice Salentino (red), Allessandria Barbera d’Alba (red), Tesoro della Regina Pinot Grigio (white), Laudato Pinot Grigio (Veneto) (white), Tesoro della Regina rose, Cantalaci Chianti Classico Baruffo (red), La Vostra prosecco (sparkling), Two purple “freeze” wine glasses; vacuum wine preserver kit; wine away stain remover; purple cocktail napkins; Italian olives; chocolate biscotti; crostini; Godiva chocolates
Donated by: Pamela Franklin
All Things Aloha!, Four bags/tote from Aloha collection which features tyvek, splash proof styles great for travel, beach, pool, exercise, go anywhere! Reversible tote, mid pouch, small pouch and mens Dopp kit, $50 gift card good for use at Leid Poke and Teas You at Tysons, Big Island Candies shortbread gift box, and, Honolua Surf mens large hoodie
Donated by: Veronica Ewald
Go big on this one-of-a-kind basket filled with all the essentials for a 1960s-themed cocktail party Featuring all you’ll need to make Manhattans (rye/vermouth/bitters), a 60s-inspired shaker, glasses, and coasters, and a few other surprises A Dave Brubeck masterpiece (on vinyl of course) will help set the mood for your special evening Don’t know how to make Manhattans? Rob DeFrancesco will show you!
Donated by: Robert and LeAnne DeFrancesco
Everything you need to host a great Christmas party! Anthropologie marble and wood cheese board, Nest Birchwood Pine Scented Candle, Williams Sonoma Winter Forest Hand Soap, Lotion and Caddy, Williams Sonoma Hot Chocolate, Family Gatherings TableTopics: Questions to Start Great Conversations, Ina Garten’s Go-To Dinners (2022), Joyride Sparkling Rose, Christmas cocktail and guest napkins, Trader Joe’s Chocolates and cookies
Donated by: Profaizer, Alexander, Heil, Campione, Heafitz Families-’24
Aidan Corvo '21 Jack Egge '25 Quillin Gaffey '15 Zachary Kumar '25
from the families of Saint Ann Catholic Church Arlington, Va.
Kenneth Marrs '15 James McVaney '23 Guy Shoji '22 Flynn Shoji '23
Jake Winters '19 Drew Winters '22 Nick Winters '24
Saint Ann Church wishes everyone a joyful Christmas season!
The Gonzaga Men for Others of the St. John the Beloved Catholic Church McLean, Virginia wish the Gonzaga Community a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Andres Borjas ‘18 Rodrigo Borjas ‘22 Kiernan Mulcahy ‘23 Kevin N Mulcahy ‘87 David Trent McMichael ‘24 Benjamin Profaizer ‘24 Graham Repke ‘23
Sterling silver, amethyst earrings for women 5 50 ct t w amethyst 3/8” wide, 1” hanging length Earwire backing is comfortable and easy to use
Purple amethyst Polished sterling silver
Donated by: Everett Eckart - Class of 2026 801
If you’re looking for the best pickleball rackets to start playing this fun sport, then you will love the Carda Sports Pickleball Paddle Set! Premium pickleball paddles for the perfect balance of power and control This set has everything you need to get started -- 2 graphite pickleball racquets, 2 indoor balls, 2 outdoor balls, and a durable carrying case with an adjustable shoulder strap and handle
Donated by: The Sechriest Family
New Coach black and blue backpack
Donated by: In memory of Dillon Shea Collins, Class of 2005 803
New and stylish purple Coach waist bag
Donated by: In memory of Dillon Shea Collins, Class of 2005 804
New purple Coach belt bag
Donated by: In memory of Dillon Shea Collins, Class of 2005
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 813
“G” CORNHOLE SET $230 G cornhole set
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 814
QUALITY CRAFTED with all parts made in 925 sterling silver and excellent quality amethyst, measuring 8mm, selected as the gemstone for the Gala CLASSIC appeal with a modern twist, these drop earrings are the perfect “everyday” accessory They measure approximately 0 9” high and will complement any look, day or night
Donated by: Tara McDade 815
Timeless earrings shaped in the Tory Burch classic logo Length: 0 5in / 1cm, Post closure, 16k gold plate
Donated by: The Noone Family 816
THE PERFECT BEDROOM ACCESSORY: Simple and soft, The Sofa Sack individual bean bag chair is the perfect addition to every nursery, playroom, childs bedroom, or basement Incredibly comfortable and highly functional, this sofa is a perfect compliment to any decor
Donated by: Anonymous
Grace made this custom hand turned pen especially for the 42nd Gonzaga Gala: It’s Christmastime in the City! of course in our favorite color purple!
Grace and her brother, Chase, share their craft of hand turned pens and other hand crafted products on Etsy: GH Interpretations, Kensington, Maryland (https://etsy me/3q58OG1) “I am a disabled artist, who loves to make things and just wants to share my art with the art community Grace”
Donated by: Carol Lisa Hom and Charles O. Lorenzo Magnetti (Class of 2017) in memory of Charles T. Magnetti (Class of 1968)
Have a Future Eagle? Celebrate their first Gonzaga dance with this one-of-a-kind, hand painted sign to commemorate the occasion The sign is fully customizable for the future classes of 2027, 2028 and 2029 and can be done yourself or by contacting the artist Your photos will be the talk of social media!
Donated by: Laureen Matta 819
Let guests know what you stand for before they event set foot in the door! This hand painted one of a kind welcome sign is sealed and weather proof for use indoors and out God is Purple!
Donated by: Laureen Matta 820
Your spring celebrations are sure to be the talk of the town when your guests are greeted with a custom, hand-painted sign of your choosing Work with the artist on every detail to elevate the decor at your next party Perfect for graduations, milestone birthdays, weddings and showers Must contact artist at least six weeks prior to event Expires December 1, 2023
Donated by: Laureen Matta
• Made in the USA
• Signature printed silk
• 100% imported printed silk
• Double wool blend liner
Men’s: length 58” | width 3 ½” 904
• Made in the USA
• Signature printed silk
• 100% imported printed silk
• Double wool blend liner
Men’s: length 58” | width 3 ½” 907
This is for the Scout Baguette bag in the black stripe print with a purple G embroidered
Two straps for carrying comfortably by hand or on the shoulder
Stable, burst-proof bottom allows bags to stand open in the grocery checkout lane and upright in your trunk
12 5”W x 14 5”H x 12”D
Main zippered compartment holds large toiletries, sunscreen, even your pencils and craft supplies
Zippered compartments on side for smaller tools and accessories
Water-resistant coated cotton makes cleaning easy, inside and out
Sits upright when full and with a slim profile for easy packing 10 75”W x 5 5”H x 4”D”
Pop Up cooler in black with handle and purple G logo
The Official 2022 White House Christmas Ornament represents the cherished White House tradition of displaying a gingerbread house each holiday in the State Dining Room Included with this beautifully gift-boxed keepsake is a gingerbread scented booklet and recipe card featuring a gingerbread recipe from First Lady Pat Nixon’s time at the White House Proceeds to benefit Gonzaga Eagles Wings
The Official 2021 White House Christmas Ornament Proceeds to benefit Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings
Tyler Baroudi '21
Colin Baroudi '2
Dylan Baroudi '26
Ryan Dowd '13
Trevor Dowd '16
Vincent Gude '24
Patrick Hesse '16
David Knapp '19
John Loyko '24 Colin Loyko '26
Eamon Passey '21 Liam Passey '23
Our talented Moms, Tree McKinnon, Steph Geary and Marie Bunag hand made all of these beautiful decorations and they are all for sale or auction Get ‘em before they are gone!
Please note: most of these items are fixed price with the exception of the Santa’s on the bars and the sleds on the bathroom doors, which are silent auction These items will not be available for pick up after the Gala All items can be picked up on Sunday, December 4, 2022 from 10am2pm or on other select dates to be determined the next week including one school drop off, one school pick up and the Gonzaga game the Saturday of the D C Classic
Short Lamp Post approx 15" tall from table centerpiece
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 1301
Tall Lamp Post approx 24" tall from table centerpiece
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 1302 WREATHS ON WINDOWS $50 36" Wreath Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 1303 PURPLE SANTA #1 $40 18" Purple Santa with Eagle Decoration Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 1304 PURPLE SANTA #2 $40 18" Purple Santa with Eagle Decoration Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
18" Purple Santa with Eagle Decoration Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 1306
PURPLE SANTA #4 $40 18" Purple Santa with Eagle Decoration Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 1307 PURPLE SANTA #5 $40
18" Purple Santa with Eagle Decoration Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 1308
18" Purple Santa with Eagle Decoration Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 1309
24" Sled with Decorations
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
12”-27” wreath (size varies)
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 1318
Hanging kissing balls
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club 1319
Hanging vase with candle and greenery
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
The tall lamp posts outside at the school entry
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
Hanging purple nutcracker ornament
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
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