Gò0dNews on Honor
Honor Thy Father And Mother
by Selina Davis
he Fifth Commandment, “Honor thy father and thy
loving and nurturing. I have never felt that sting of hurt
mother,” is probably one of my most-remembered
and abandonment from a parent. I wanted to speak God’s
Sunday school lessons from my childhood. As a
truth and make sure I came from a place of love, not letting
child, I remember thinking this was one of the easiest to
personal feelings get in the way. However, I kept getting
keep. When Moses brought the commandments down from
stuck on the word honor. The definition of honor requires us
Mt. Sinai, he brought the first covenant between a parent
to give high respect and esteem. I couldn’t help but wonder
and a child(ren): a parent’s commitment to love and nurture
if this relationship ever rose to this level. I am a mother
their child, a commitment to help keep their child safe. In
and a daughter and have looked through both lenses and wanted to give her a biblical model to follow. After researching Scripture, I came up with six foundational principles to share with her regarding her father: 1: Pray for him 2: Be a Christian model 3: See to his essential needs 4: Look for common ground—establish boundaries or a safe zone where you don’t reflect on past hurts 5: Refuse to speak ill of your father 6: Forgive him as God has forgiven us. God will help you with this. The reward of honoring your parents is told in Ephesians 6:3: “That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.” If we are willing to make efforts to honor our parents, we are honoring God. As I followed up with my friend months
return, a child would respect and honor their parent. After having a conversation with a friend regarding
later, I am reminded of God’s faithfulness. Over time, she has slowly established a relationship with her earthly father.
her dread over Father’s Day, I was quick to realize this
They have forgiven each other and left the past in the past,
commandment did not come so easily for others. She
just as God leaves our past behind us. By doing this, they
spoke of hurt, abandonment, and a severed relationship
are honoring God and His commandments. God has given
with her earthly father. During this conversation, she
us what we don’t deserve: His grace and mercy.
asked, “How am I to honor a man who was abusive to me consider myself blessed to have parents who were both
32 // July 2020
About The Author
at such an early age and later abandoned our family?” I Selina Davis is a Human Resource Manager and attends Samples Memorial Baptist Church. She and her husband Brian loves spending time with their 8 grandchildren and traveling.