July 2020

Page 50

Gò0dNews for Everyone

The Axe Of The Apostles


by Jeff Frazier

nd in those days Peter stood up in the

recorded about Matthias were his selection and being

midst of the disciples, and said…Men

numbered with the Eleven.

and brethren, this scripture must needs

have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the

In Acts chapter 9, we read of the man whom God had chosen instead to be the next apostle: Saul of

mouth of David spake before concerning Judas,

Tarsus. Certainly, the one

which was guide to them that took Jesus. For he

who had papers to execute

was numbered with us, and had obtained part

Christians would never

of this ministry…For it is written in the book of

have been considered by

Psalms, ‘Let his habitation be desolate, and let no

Peter or the other men

man dwell therein: and his bishopric let another

as a viable candidate.

take’…And they gave forth their lots; and the lot

Had it been up to them, he

fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles” (Acts 1:15-26.)

likely would have been “given the axe” by the apostles and suffered the fate of Justus: just another

After Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus and

runner-up for the office. Nevertheless, he accepted

committed suicide, Peter and the other apostles

the call, and God exalted him to a place of historical

agreed to hold an election to replace him within

prominence within the early church. Most of our New

their group. However, the Lord had instructed

Testament was written by Saul, who later became

them to tarry in Jerusalem and wait for the

known as Paul.

Holy Spirit to come before doing anything

Sometimes the people we esteem the least and/

else: “And, being assembled together with

or dislike the most are those whom God may choose

them, commanded them that they should

to do great things in the Church. Instead, we would

not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the

rather “give them the axe.” We must never be dismissive

promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye

of others who fail to meet our own criteria. Often, we

have heard of me. For John truly baptized

not only miss God’s best for our lives, but we involve

with water; but ye shall be baptized with

others by selecting them for jobs for which they were

the Holy Ghost not many days hence”

never called to do. Matthias is definitely not a person the

(Acts 1:4-5). It is likely His disciples

average churchgoer probably remembers from Scripture.

assumed only their travel plans were

How much greater of an impact his life might have made

being delayed, so they decided to

had they waited for the guidance of the Holy Spirit! How

conduct other business while they

much greater could ours be if we choose to wait on God?

waited. The person whom they chose as a replacement for Judas Moreover, the only details

50 // July 2020

About The Author

is mentioned only here in Acts.

Jeff Frazier is a native resident of Cleveland who has been proclaiming the Gospel for 20 years, ordained in 2010. He and his family attend Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church, where Brother Jeff teaches the adult Sunday school class. He and his wife also minister once a month at Signature Healthcare (since 2007).

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July 2020 by GoodNews Christian Magazine - Issuu