2 minute read
God Spoke and It Was
God Spoke and It Was GOOD!
by Jonathon Wright
In the beginning, there was God, and He created Heaven and Earth. Notice that the Spirit of God is hovering over the waters of the deep. I can envision the Holy Spirit looking down at the water ready to move at the speed of light. Then it happens, God said let there be light. With laser precision, the light of God and the Holy Spirit penetrated the water that surrounded the earth. He called the light day and the darkness night. The Holy Spirit went through the entire world and split it in half. This imagery leads me to think about the equator and how one side of the earth is dark while the other side is light.
On the first day of Creation, one can already see God’s artistic flair. It is kind of strange that He did not call the darkness good, but still used it. He is separating the good from the bad but still using the good and the bad in our lives. Many designers today use dark and light colors to highlight their creations. I am truly amazed at how God can take something that looks bad and make something good out of it.
I love how God spoke and the Holy Spirit came down to Earth and created a beautiful world for mankind to live in today. Of course, no one can read the Bible and not give thanks for Creation. Nor can we not give thanks that God came down in the person of Jesus Christ and saved mankind. Before God spoke, the world was not visually appealing and had no inherent beauty. After God spoke, beautiful things started to emerge.
This is the first thought that helps us as we look into God’s prophetic plan for the world. He created the world to be a good place. I know there is a lot of hard times and it seems chaotic. But God has not changed. Let us all look to God with greater hope and commit to being the light of the world as Christ told us. Let us all, with the Lord's help, make the world a better place to live by getting back to loving God and people. Let us all move forward in faith and in a positive direction. I know that if this pandemic would not have happened, I would have never started to pursue the calling of becoming a Christian writer. May we continue to share His love with the world.
About The Author
Jonathon Wright currently lives in Cleveland, Tennessee, and has been a member of the Church of God for about twenty years. He is a graduate of Lee University and Beacon University where he earned a BA and MA in Biblical Studies. He loves studying the Bible and has done so for over thirty years, but only now has God given him a desire and the opportunity to be a writer. He is currently beginning the process of writing a book on Genesis entitled, God’s Good Prophetic Plan: From Beginning to End.